NationStates Jolt Archive

It Fell From the Sky (ESR Only)

29-04-2008, 04:54
OOC: All of the following deals with the events and developments following the Kotovo Incident in December 5, 1993.


Biopreparat Facility C181
Northern Ural Mountains, Russian Federation
6 December, 1993

The Soviet Union spawned many organizations and agencies that struck fear and innovation into the hearts of the people in the Union and those abroad. Groups like the KGB conducted espionage across the world while others such as Rus combated mujahadeen in Afghanistan. One such organization is rarely spoken of, but had the technology and the material at its disposal to kill off the entire population of earth hundreds of times over. The Biopreparat, an organization that conducted the culturing and weaponizing of biological agents very well could have been the most powerful group in the Union. Unbeknownst to much of the government and military, the Biopreparat was also extremely skilled at genetic engineering and biomechanics. Since the days of Stalin, the Biopreparat had been conducting many experiments, from splicing smallpox with HIV to attempts at making simian super soldiers, they had done basically everything. But now, most of the world believed this famed organization to be dead. This was further from the truth than anyone could possibly imagine.

The Biopreparat had gone underground in 1992 and continued work on some of its more dangerous biological weapons. All was in order until an unexpected event happened that would change the organization forever. On December 5, 1993, the Kotovo Incident, as it came to be known, occured. The coverup was massive, with excuses ranging from a meteor strike to a military plane crash, there were so many rumors floating around that no one could figure out what happened even if they wanted to. No one except for the extreme top levels of the Kremlin and the Biopreparat.

The first samples came in at 0345 on December 6, 1993. The first to be examined were two "Drekavac" pulled from "Venus" Ground Zero. The specimens were too charred to be dealt with and were immediately sent to the DNA mapping center for better use. The next specimen in showed more promizing results. The "Veles" as it had been classified by the GRU, was a perfect example of what the Biopreparat needed to work with. The specimen was advanced biologically, and showed a great potential for an idea that was nearly 60 years in the making. The "Veles" was sent off to the same sector as the two "Drekavac," hopefully to yield better results. A new age had come upon the Biopreparat, an age where their work could become one of the most important advancements ever achieved in human history. Only time could tell if their dream was to become true.
05-05-2008, 01:18

Biopreparat Facility C181
Northern Ural Mountains, Russian Federation
23 June, 1997

Lieutenant General Nikolai Asimov walked down the blindingly white hallways of Facility C181 looking at a clipboard he had with him. He was one of the Commanding Generals of the RFGF called down to observe a project being created in the cold Ural site. As he passed Biopreparat workers in their white labcoats moving between their various projects, he examined the contents. The board noted a secret project by the GRU known as Project: Strider. His security clearence that he recieved for this assignment was three levels below the highest clearance in the entire Russian government. This of course made him wonder what could be so important that he was granted permission to know what was going on here.

He approached a door guarded by two heavily armed and armored Naval Infantrymen, totting their AKS-74's menacingly. He slid a key card into a slot and waited. The door's red lights blinked green three times, then with a hiss of pnuematic pressure, the door slid open. Nikolai walked down a hall towards another large blast door, flipping through his cards for the correct one. He glanced up at the cieling and noticed a rotating Infrared camera moving in a 50 degree arc in the hall. Attached to the camera was a PKM modified for remote firing. He had seen these in previous visits to the numerous GRU facilities throughout Russia, sentry guns used to keep out intruders from special areas. The odd thing about this one was that it faced towards the entrance to the top secret labs instead of away from them.

Sliding his card again, and the second blast door opened. He emerged in a large shaft with a platform suspended from themiddle by a cable system. Walking across a catwalk to get to the middle, he looked down into the blackness and wondered what the hell was so important that it would have to be built in this place. Stepping aboard the elevator, he flipped a switch that sent the small carriage down into the blackness. The trip took five minutes, travelling a total of 400 feet under the platform before stopping. As he stepped off of the carriage onto a metal platform extended out to the elevator, he noticed two men waiting to greet him. Walking over, he saluted them.

"Lieutenant General N. T. Asimov, we've been waiting for you," said the first man.

"Yes, we have," said the second. "Will you follow us, please?"

GRU spooks... thought Nikolai as he followed them through a door into a room lit by red lights in the floor.

"So why was I told to come here, Mr. ...?" asked Nikolai.

"Nazarbayev," said the first man, obviously of kazakh origin. "We took you here because the GRU has been working on something important in our goal of complete and total Russian military superiority."

"Yes," said the second man. "It could become all the difference in our ground forces' advantages."

"Well, what is it?" asked Nikolai

"This," said Nazarbayev as he stood in a a dark room lit with more of the red lights from the hallways. Before them in five vats were five large brain-looking organic masses. "If utilized correctly, these can be manipulated into the ultimate fighting machine."