NationStates Jolt Archive

Trade Ceases with Ryou (OPEN, ATTN Ryou)

25-04-2008, 17:22

Onto the balcony of the Blue House, the house which not only was the office of the Executive Branch of Calizorinstan, but also the head of the Executive Branch or the President; walked the President, and he stopped short of the railing.

President John Arnold tested the microphone and began to speak "My dear brothers and sisters of Calizorinstan, I have some news of which I wish to speak to you. At 12:34 today, the Senate met and voted on the Embargo of Ryou Black Islands Bill, and the results were 324 votes yes, and 1 no. Now, from henceforth, will all trade cease with Ryou."

He continued "We do not recognize their state religion, The Ryou Catholic Church as a valid religion, rather, it is a cult. It is a massive butchering of the Christianity Faith, it departs significantly from the original Christian Church, thus it is classified as a non-religion, and a cult. And as under Article 54, all cults shall henceforth be disbanded. We do not mind them here, but they must know that they are not a valid religion, and as such, are not hereby recognized as one."

"They may still do their worshipping here, but don't be surprised if some of our far off police units on the fringe, decide to break up their service, if they are doing anything illegal. However, all Ryou ships in San Diego Harbor, and our other harbors will be asked to turn around, and their cargo will be loaded back on. This is going into effect as we speak. It does not lose us all that much money, as we still trade with several other nations. We will not be hurt much by this, as our economy is still very strong."

"If I cause controversy by this speech, I do not apologize for what I have said, but rather I am sad if I have offended you. But this is my position, no matter how controversial it may be to the international community. But I have no doubt whatsoever that I will be, in time, applauded for this move on behalf of the people."

He stood down, and the people in the audience cheered loudly, and when he locked the door and sat down in his chair, he sighed. They hadn't had much contact with the nation of Ryou Black Islands, but it seemed as though they might do something. He doubted very much if they'd react much. But he knew that they knew his position on the matter of bounty hunting and crucifixion. He wondered what Lord Sumguy was going to say about this.