NationStates Jolt Archive

Soviet Spain Factbook (MT, Open for Comments)

Third Spanish States
24-04-2008, 08:05
A handful of Third Spanish States volunteers took their time to write a detailed informational document about the oppressive mass-murdering Stalinist state capitalist totalitarian pigs of Soviet Spain, regarding everything that comes out from its quasi-fascistic iron curtain. It was written in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. For international convenience only the English version will be exhibited. We hope it shall enlighten the international community on this obscure tyranny which has brought misery to Spain for three decades.
Soviet Spain Factbook


The dystopian Soviet Spain, officially called the "People's Republic of Spain", is the result of a "people's" revolution in mainland Spain during the second civil war, which also led to the formation of Third Spanish States by the anarchists and small businessmen who lacked the military power to overthrow the Communist Party. For its more than thirty decades of existence, its Stalinist government has mass murdered 60 millions of innocents through famine, forced labor in death camps, use of humans as test subjects and summary executions and have become effectively, and ironically, a new upper class over the former bourgeoisie. Economically, it's technically "developing", although in truth it's completely stagnated and on the verge of collapse as an increased part of its economy is sustained by State-controlled slave labor. Characterized as a desolate, sad landscape of ruined cities and decadent infrastructure filled with surveillance cameras, it is an Orwellian nightmare in its worst possible form. However, both the prosperous and free people of Third Spanish States and the oppressed people of Soviet Spain share a common ethnic and specially cultural identity which the government hasn't managed to erase. It's also the closest, currently only and most hated enemy of the Confederacy, yet it's neighbors are either sufficiently isolationist or with too many internal troubles to care about it.

Soviet Spain map


Soviet Spain encompass all the former territories of the former Spanish government, except for the Republic of Canary Islands which have become an independent micro-nation following the collapse of European economy during the Peak Oil crash.


The mainland Spain is characterized by a significant variation of climates. From continental climate in the inland areas which is characterized for the existence of periods of snow during winters and of moderate rainfall during summer to the balanced oceanic climate to the north coast and dry Mediterranean climate to the south.



Soviet Spain is officially a planned socialist economy, but in truth it is a State capitalist economy where the government is the master of everything, controlling not only the means of production, but attempting to also control the fate, actions and behavior of all human beings which are to them nothing besides "human resources", making of its inhabitants little more than slaves to the government. The heavily corrupt, bureaucratic nature of the way its economy is managed has reflected into its stagnation and into the common shortages of even the most basic needs for human survival, which are anything but seldom. Its primary economic activities are those of polluting low-technology industries which employ in most cases forced labor, and agriculture is barely enough to feed everyone.

General Economic Data

The "Communist" Party can be acclaimed for one thing: the economic decadence they brought to a nation which was before technically a developed country.

The tendency of Soviet Spain economy is a slow but steady implosion into eventually the most abject level of poverty. When previously, despite the crisis and civil war, the GDP per capita in Spain was of of $31,500, currently it has lowered to $8,500 and each year the gross domestic product is in relative terms regressing despite the forced population boom which serves to disguise this problem as well, for the GDP as an absolute value has currently decreased less than if the population was maintained stable, being at $637,500,000,000 as of now, which corresponds to a reduction to 48.66% of Spanish Gross Domestic Product in 2007, and that not counting the even more miserable GDP estimation based on purchasing power parity. There is no currency in Soviet Spain, as it was abolished by the totalitarian government.

There are basically four social classes: The Upper Party members, who are the equivalent of the upper class in capitalist economies, the Lower Party members, which are a bureaucratic middle class, the people who are basically below the line of poverty and the "unpersons", caught revolutionaries, freedom fighters, rebels among the occasional bystander at the wrong place and time, which would, given the opportunity, rather to decapitate their own heads than to continue living in their horrible conditions.

Agriculture, hunting and feedstock

Only the most basic foods like pure unrefined rice are given to the starving population. "All luxury" products like olive oil and meat are exclusivity of the Party. Unpersons usually are only given whatever nobody else wants: animal entrails and sometimes, as a brutal punishment for disobedience, even urine and feces for an entire week. Rumors of murdered victims being given as "food" to these individuals in a nightmarish real "Hell" also exist, although unconfirmed.


As the population was forced to have more children than what the available infrastructure could support, today Soviet Spain is featured by common shortages in residential areas, while the government buildings and hidden manors of Party members are, expectingly, perfectly powered. Many towns don't even have electricity anymore. The decrepit and stagnated power grid is 70% based on fossil fuels, which is considered a major strategic weakness following the peak oil crisis, currently at bay by the discovery of new reserves, but those will eventually deplete as well or not be able to attend to the global demands. The other 30% are supplied almost exclusively by nuclear power plants with questionable safety rulings.

Mining and Ores Exports/Imports

Most mineral resources of Spain have been explored deeply. Quarrel is still a common activity, which is not used to justify exports. Most of its need of ores, particularly coal, are supplied by other Stalinist nations it maintains trade with.

Natural Gas and Petroleum

With its dependence in fossil fuels, several soviet providers were found to sustain its crippled economy and avoid it from suffering an near-instantaneous collapse, which is ought to happen eventually.

Exports/Imports in General

Soviet Spain is infamously know for exporting "unpersons" as slaves and for connections with organized crime in the activity human trafficking. For "human resources" are indeed the only "commodity" it can provide with ease to the rest of the world.


The history of Soviet Spain is completely connected with the history of Third Spanish States. The same peak Oil major economic crisis, comparable in certain ways to the 1929 crisis which has served as one of the propellers for the spread of fascism in the last century, has brought turmoil into Europe, answered by the adoption of "emergency powers" by many of the existing "democratic" governments, which led to a severe state of civil war and chaos across the continent. Following an increasingly oppressive dictatorship in Spain and the blames on the collapse into neoliberalism and globalization, radical leftism has gained a new lifeblood across Europe, and yet again has engaged against an authoritarian and conservative right in Spain, into two separate factions: the anarchists and the Marxists. While under the aid of Cortéz some of the anarchists were planning the establishment of Third Spanish States, others have successfully managed to raid the Palacio de la Moncloa, official residence of the "president" Carlos Cavallo, while the Marxists have taken over the Congreso de los Diputados and the Senado de España, and the lives of the government puppets inside it. Unfortunately, the Marxists have took advantage of the effective murder of all major government authorities to establish their own government, the República Popular de España(People's Republic of Spain), with its official residence in the taken over Palacio de la Zarzuela, and have managed to take over the military and unharmed bureaucratic structure of the former government, expeditiously using it to persecute all those who opposed to their iron fist, among them, the anarchists who would later form the Confederacy of Third Spanish States, who have stood against them for four years, while having control of Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga and Seville, until finally having to retreat from their own home, Spain. Since then the government has turned Spain from a prosperous European nation to a living hell to all but those who are inside the Party, to the point that one of the ways of referring to it in Third Spanish States is by SpaSoc.
Third Spanish States
24-04-2008, 09:45

Commander-in-Chief: Chairman Rodriguez
Active personell: 3,375,000 (4.5% of population)
Reserves: 30,000,000
Recruitment: Compulsory 5-years service and conscription.

Total military funds(Estimated): $320 bi.


Much of the infrastructure of the former government have remained intact in despite of the civil war. Thus the People's Republic of Soviet Spain have inherited most of the previous Spanish military power, with a notable exception being naval forces, which have been the focus of the "scavenging" of the anarchists. However, such patrimony cannot be simply something to have, for all military equipment requires maintenance, and due to this fact, many tanks and aircrafts they took from the previous government have degraded to an state which makes of them no longer operational, despite how ironically they have deprived the people of many to use a dangerously crippling percentage of the economic activities focused on their bloated military characterized by quantity over quality, due to the believed threat of foreign capitalist powers and of Third Spanish States itself. Despite the prevalence of NATO equipment taken over from the Kingdom of Spain, the military forces of Soviet Spain are in many ways similar to the military forces of former Soviet Union satellite States of the 20th century, being features by the overprevalence of arguably obsolete and poorly maintained equipment, and by an entirely conscript Army, in contrast to the fully professional Army of Third Spanish States.


Number in active service: 2,500,000
Infantry and support: 2,000,000
AFV crew and support: 500,000
Reserves: 7,000,000

Ranks(In descending order)

As part of the way the new totalitarian government found to facilitate the "re-education" of the still active military forces and prevent their rebellion, all ranks were maintained, with no changes happening other than the addition of the Comisario, an equivalent rank to those of the Soviet Union Commissars.


Capitán general (commander-in-chief)
Comisario de Ejército (Army Commisssar
General de Ejército (Army General)
General de división (Division General)
General de brigada (Brigade General)
Coronel (Colonel)
Teniente coronel (Lieutenant-Colonel)
Comandante (Commander)
Capitán (Captain)
Teniente (Lieutenant)
Alférez (Ensign)


Suboficial mayor (Major)
Subteniente (Sub-Lieutenant)
Brigada (Brigade)
Sargento Primero (First Sergeant)
Sargento (Sergeant)
Cabo mayor (Major Corporal)
Cabo primero (First Corporal)
Cabo (Corporal)
Soldado de primera (First Soldier)
Soldado (Soldier)


Infantry arms


Star 30M 9mm Pistol (
Llama M-82 Pistol (


5.56mm NATO H&K G36E AR (
7.62mm NATO Accuracy AW SR (
12.7mm Barrett M95 SR (

Machine guns

5.56mm NATO CETME Ameli LMG (
5.56mm NATO H&K M4 LMG (
7.62mm NATO MG3 GPMG (
12.7mm Browning M2 HMG (


40mm SB-40 LAG M1 grenade launcher
Instalaza Alhambra-DO hand grenade

Crew-served weapons


100mm Instalaza C-100 Alcotán RPG
90mm Instalaza C-90 CR (M3) disposable RPG


60mm ECIA L65/60 light mortar
81mm ECIA L65/81 medium mortar
105mm ECIA L65/105 medium mortar
120mm ECIA L65/120 heavy mortar

Armored Fighting Vehicles


105mm AMX-30 MBT ( 40
L51 105mm M60A3TTS Patton MBT ( 115
L44 120mm Leopard 2A4 MBT ( 70
L55 120mm Leopard 2E(2A6) MBT: 360
L52 105mm B1 Centauro Tank Destroyer ( 68

APCs and IFVs

30mm Pizarro IFV ( 390
Pegaso BMR-600 APC ( 467
12.7mm M113A2 "Gavin" APC ( 957
25mm Pegaso VEC-M1 cavalry recon vehicle: 179


Alacran CZ25/10 CEV: 78
TOM Bv206S mountain tracked vehicle ( 52
GTK Boxer Multirole ATV ( 380
Santana Anibal 4x4 ATV: 230
Iveco Eurocargo Utility ATV: 500



155mm M109A5E SP Howitzer ( 123
203mm M110A2 SP Howitzer ( 67


105mm L-118A1 Light Field Howitzer ( 141
105mm OTO Melara Mod 56 Pack Howitzer ( 85


Aware of the overprevalence of stealth technology in modern times, one of the greatest investments of Soviet Spain was to create a very extensive radar coverage of their territory with a major degree of redundancy and multiple illuminators per area, including pairings of passive radars, to challenge the limits any existing stealth technology and increase the chances of detection even against some of the lowest radar cross sections. Although an aircraft fully focused on stealth might bypass their radar systems, at the moment its own radar, regardless of it using Low Probability of Intercept techniques or not, is activated, or at the moment its communications are opened, chances will be significant that they'll manage to at least detect it. However, stealth would still help to difficult target locking in the case of an attack against them.

35mm OERLIKON GDF-005 35/90 Anti-aircraft artillery piece: 167
Raytheon MIM-23 HAWK SAM System ( 50
Raytheon MIM-104 Patriot SP SAM ( 20
SKYGUARD/ASPIDE AA missile system: 80
Mistral Missile MCP system ( 47


381mm Vickers 1926 Coastal artillery piece: 25



Eurocopter Tigre ( 157
Mi-28 Havoc ( 39


NH 90 Tactical Transport ( 62
Eurocopter COUGAR HT-21 UC Transport ( 107
HT-17 Chinook Heavy Transport ( 25


Active personell: 150,000
Marines: 5,000

The Navy of Soviet Spain is arguably in certain ways an skeleton Navy. With many vessels stationed in the southwestern shore of Spain where the anarchists had control, they have ended with a very minor quantity of naval units, with no capability of power projection at all as the Principe de Asturias class carrier was also taken from them. Coupled with the emphasis given on improving air superiority capabilities, it has led the Navy to have gone downhill from the "Invincible Armada" to what it is today, a bunch of cruisers, destroyers and frigates with helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, in contrast to the larger naval forces of Third Spanish States and their naval aviation. They have no functioning submarines due to continual resources cuts to the Navy and it is basically a dead weight as of now, except for hand-overs from Soviet countries which give to it a chance of having some usefulness.

Ranks(In descending order)

As with the Army, other than the addition of the Comisario, the hierarchical structure, titles and symbols of the Navy have remained unchanged. Yet, despite this much of the former government Navy officers have stood with the anarchists and libertarians in Seville and Cádiz, defecting from the Communist Party's totalitarian government to embrace their closest enemies instead.


Capitán general (commander-in-chief)
Comisario de Armada (Navy Commissar)
Almirante General (General Admiral)
Almirante (Admiral)
Vice Almirante (Vice Admiral)
Contra Almirante (Counter Admiral)
Capitán de Navío (Ship Captain)
Capitán de Fragata (Frigate Captain)
Capitán de Corbeta (Corvette Captain)
Teniente de Navío (Ship Lieutenant)
Alférez de Navío(Ship Ensign)
Alférez de Fragata(Frigate Ensign)


Capital Ships


Kirov Class Battlecruiser ( 1


Kara Class Cruiser ( 16
Slava Class Cruiser ( 4

Screening Ships


F100 Álvaro de Bazán Class Frigate ( 6
Neutrashimy Class Frigate ( 5
Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate ( 2


P-75 Descubierta Class Patrol Frigate ( 5
P-70 Serviola Class Patrol Boat: 3

Support Ships

Mine Warfare

M-10 Descubierta Modified class Minesweeping Command Ship ( 1
Segura class minehunter: 5
Jucar (Bluebird) class coastal minesweeper: 2


Patino multi-product replenishment ship (
Marques de la Ensenada small fleet oiler
Contramaestre Casado logistics ship
Alerta EW support ship
Malaspina class hydrographic ship
Elcano sail training ship

Naval Aviation


Mi-28 Havoc Attack ( 19
SH-3 Sea King AEW ( 7
SH-3H Sea King ASW: 23
Hughes 500M light observation ( 15
SH-60 Sea Hawk Multimission ( 18

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Dragon Eye Recon UAV ( 35
ScanEagle UAV ( 15

Air Force
Air bases(Except for Canary Islands' Gando Air base)

Active personell: 720,000

Total of Aircrafts: 40,008
Fighters: 7,500
Close Air Support: 2,500
Strategic Bombers: 1,000
Transport/Support: 39,000

Total of UAVs: 18,000
UCAVs: 8,000
Recon: 1,000
Miniature: 10,000

ICBMs: 19

The People's Republic of Spain Air Force, the most funded branch of all Soviet Spain military forces, is characterized by a policy of quantity over quality, featuring many hand-me-downs from Soviet countries and what could be salvaged from the previous government as well. With a common prevalence of unexperienced pilots and more than half a century old aircrafts, it is believed by them that they can overwhelm the more modern technologies through sheer number of aircrafts. Their lack of accessibility to the JAS 39 Gripen initially would make their air force useless if a precision bombing of all usable runways was successful. However this limitation was solved by the purchase of an arguably insane quantity of the old Yakovlev Yak-38 VTOL fighters, which has made from such strategy alone, which would be particularly effective with the use of modern strategic bombers, not enough to cripple their air superiority grid. Despite its arguable obsolescence, because a technological superiority is irrelevant if its owner cannot take the maximum potential from it, the fact it also holds control over a small quantity of nuclear weapons, which are however more than enough to turn the Confederacy into glass if used, have served as the primary deterrent of a liberation attempt by Third Spanish States. Another fact it is featured for is the massive quantity of unmanned combat aerial vehicles it has, potentially putting in danger all low-altitude aircrafts around.

Ranks(In descending order)

The Air Force has became the most prestigious branch of the military following the establishment of the Communist Party absolute power over Spain. fittingly, many of the more young members of the Party tend to join it either voluntarily or more usually through peer pressure, which is almost entirely closed to the common citizen of the lower class of non Party members except for the lowly jobs. The influence on the Party also determines the type of aircraft accessible. Members of the Party upper ranks will have access to the few non-obsolete aircrafts available, and thus, the air force of Soviet Spain is much more of a political-influence based entity than a meritocratic regarding its ranks, of course, this fact alone has major influences on the average competence of its leaders. The ranks are the same of the Army, but with the specific Army, division and brigade general ranks replaced by a single General rank instead.



Air Superiority

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker ( 1,500
Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum ( 500
Northrop F-5 Tiger II ( 20
Dassault Mirage F1 ( 30


Mikoyan MiG-25 Foxbat ( 700
Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxhound ( 50


Yakovlev Yak-38 VTOL fighter ( 3,500
Eurofighter Typhoon ( 70
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet ( 80
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (


Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot ( 1,000

Close Air Support


Mil Mi-24 Hind Gunship ( 1,000
Mil Mi-28 Havoc Attack Helicopter ( 500

Tactical Bombers

Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer ( 950
Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback ( 50

Strategic Bombers

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire ( 650
Tupolev Tu-95 Bear ( 395
Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack ( 5


Beriev A-50 Mainstay AWACS ( 5
Boeing 737 AEW&C ( 3


Antonov An-2 Transport/Utility biplane ( 38,000
Airbus A310 VIP Transport ( 10
CASA C-212 Aviocar Tactical Transport ( 90
CASA C-295 Tactical Transport ( 60
CASA CN-235 Tactical Transport: 30
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker ( 10
Casa C-101 Aviojet Training Aircraft ( 800

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


Elbit Hermes 450 Assault UAV ( 6,000
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper hunter-killer UAV ( 2,000


RQ-4A Global Hawk ( 200
Tupolev Tu-141 Strizh ( 800


Yakovlev Pchela Recon Drone ( 3,000
RQ-11 Raven ( 7,000

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

UR-100N Stiletto ( 19
The Macabees
24-04-2008, 10:50
[OOC: A comment: you might be interested in the flag of the Second Republic ( as this faction's flag, since today the tri-color is normally considered a 'left-wing' emblem. And, Spain's URO VAMTACs are being replaced currently, as an emergency effort, by Iveco's Light Multirole Vehicle - Spain has ordered 120, and has plans of putting in a further order for another couple hundred or so. Spain, at some point [around 2010], will also be replacing her BMRs with an undefined 8x8 wheeled vehicle.]
Third Spanish States
24-04-2008, 19:55
Thanks for the advices Mac, I decided to suppose the chosen vehicle would be the German GTK Boxer. I'll be adding an updated flag later cuz I'm a lazy photoshopper.
Third Spanish States
25-04-2008, 08:47
(OOC: Now it's very clear why Third Spanish States haven't tried to invade them yet, maybe I'll add a post on government)