Novus Universitas Economic Growth Forum (Attn. NU members)
The Beatus
24-04-2008, 00:30
Official Communique
TO: all capitalist nations in Novus Universitas
CC: all companies in the above mentioned nations
We would like to invite you to send delegations to represent your nation/company, at the Novus Universitas Economic Growth Forum (NUEGF). The goal of the NUEGF will be to aide in the growth of the regions economic might. We will discuss many topics concerning our individual economies, and attempt to agree on a course for the regions economy as a whole. We have be generously provided with a permanent location for this forum, from Jimmy James Industries. The location will be an architectural gem, in a secluded section of the Beatusian desert, near a wonderful oasis, which will be strictly the property of the forum, for delegation use only. Housing, and services will be provided, at a low cost, by Jimmy James Industries. We have all the luxuries of home, including, but not limited to, a spa, sports club, golf course, three five star restaurants, upscale shopping, and theater, all specially built by Jimmy James Industries, exclusively for the use of your delegations. If you are interested in sending a delegation, please fill out the attached form, and return it to us, as soon as is humanly possible.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocracy of the Beatus
Application Form (Nation):
Full Nation Name:
Nation's Economic Views:
Delegation Leader:
Number in Delegation:
Number of Housing Units Required: (Government Units include three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, 1 full kitchen, 1 living room, and 1 foyer. Price per unit is $1,300 per month, all utilities included, included high speed internet, satellite television, power, water, telephone, central heat/air. At request any bedrooms may be converted to library/office, free of charge {Books not included}.)
Brief Economic Overview:
Application Form (Company):
Full Company Name:
Company's field(s):
Delegation Leader:
Number in Delegation:
Number of Housing Units Required: (Company Units include four bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 full kitchen, 1 living room, 1 parlor with wet bar. Price per unit is $2,100 per month, all utilities included, included high speed internet, satellite television, power, water, telephone, central heat/air. At request any bedrooms may be converted to library/office, free of charge {Books not included}.)
Brief Company Profile: (I.E. sales, expense, net profits/losses.)
Full Nation Name:The Objectivist Region of Gesford
Nation's Economic Views:Laissez-Fair Capitalism is the only moral form of wealth distribution. Minarchism is the only moral form of government.
Leader: Edward Welter
Delegation Leader: Edward Welter
Number in Delegation: 4
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one of the bedrooms converted into a library, and the other into an office.
Brief Economic Overview: The government does not interfere with its citizens and their enterprises. This, coupled with the fact that we back our currency in gold, has made us an foreign investment haven. Laissez-Fair Capitalism, Free trade, and Free Association.
Full Company Name:The United Preferred Equities of Venner Incorporated
Company's field(s):Too many to list. We act as an effective private substitute for Gesford's public infrastructure.
CEO/Owner: These are two different questions. The company is owned by the holders of equity, the people of Gesford who buy it. The CEO is Robert Fuller.
Delegation Leader: Robert Fuller
Number in Delegation: 6
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one bedroom converted into a library and one converted into an office.
Brief Company Profile(I.E. sales, expense, net profits/losses.):This information is only available to the shareholders.
Full Company Name:The Organized Securities of The Kane Corporation
Company's field(s):Too many to list. We act as an effective private substitute for Gesford's public infrastructure.
President/Owner: Again, two different questions. The holders of equity(the owners) are the citizens of Gesford who buy it. The Company President is Warren Murdoch.
Delegation Leader: Warren Murdoch
Number in Delegation: 6
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one of the bedrooms converted into a library and another converted into an office.
Brief Company Profile(I.E. sales, expense, net profits/losses.):This information is only available to the shareholders.
Full Nation Name: Commonwealth of Tolvan
Nation's Economic Views: Nationalistic Capitalism
Leader: Prime Minister Tyler Hutchins
Delegation Leader: Robert Groves
Number in Delegation: 5
Number of Housing Units Required: 3
Brief Economic Overview: Mostly a Laissez-Faire economy, though corporations are regulated to ensure they meet basic standard regarding worker's rights and the enviroment. Trade is mostly free with relatively few tariffs, tariffs are mainly used as a form of sanctions against rogue or unfriendly states or to protect vital indutries. The Commonwealth has no income tax, most income is derived from a national sales tax of 15% (certain items particularly food are exempt) and excise taxes on some products. Local and provincial revenues are primarily provided from additional (smaller sales and excise taxes and property taxes). Certain companies in industries deemed of importance to national interests are eligible for favorable treatment such as subsidies and tariffs on competing imports.
The House of Boothby
24-04-2008, 13:34
The Beatus
24-04-2008, 22:33
Full Nation Name: Commonwealth of Tolvan
Nation's Economic Views: Nationalistic Capitalism
Leader: Prime Minister Tyler Hutchins
Delegation Leader: Robert Groves
Number in Delegation: 5
Number of Housing Units Required: 3
Brief Economic Overview: Mostly a Laissez-Faire economy, though corporations are regulated to ensure they meet basic standard regarding worker's rights and the enviroment. Trade is mostly free with relatively few tariffs, tariffs are mainly used as a form of sanctions against rogue or unfriendly states or to protect vital indutries. The Commonwealth has no income tax, most income is derived from a national sales tax of 15% (certain items particularly food are exempt) and excise taxes on some products. Local and provincial revenues are primarily provided from additional (smaller sales and excise taxes and property taxes). Certain companies in industries deemed of importance to national interests are eligible for favorable treatment such as subsidies and tariffs on competing imports.
To Prime Minister Tyler Hutchins,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
Full Nation Name:The Objectivist Region of Gesford
Nation's Economic Views:Laissez-Fair Capitalism is the only moral form of wealth distribution. Minarchism is the only moral form of government.
Leader: Edward Welter
Delegation Leader: Edward Welter
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one of the bedrooms converted into a library, and the other into an office.
Brief Economic Overview: The government does not interfere with its citizens and their enterprises. This, coupled with the fact that we back our currency in gold, has made us an foreign investment haven. Laissez-Fair Capitalism, Free trade, and Free Association.
Full Company Name:The United Preferred Equities of Venner Incorporated
Company's field(s):Too many to list. We act as an effective private substitute for Gesford's public infrastructure.
CEO/Owner: These are two different questions. The company is owned by the holders of equity, the people of Gesford who buy it. The CEO is Robert Fuller.
Delegation Leader: Robert Fuller
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one bedroom converted into a library and one converted into an office.
Brief Company Profile(I.E. sales, expense, net profits/losses.):This information is only available to the shareholders.
Full Company Name:The Organized Securities of The Kane Corporation
Company's field(s):Too many to list. We act as an effective private substitute for Gesford's public infrastructure.
President/Owner: Again, two different questions. The holders of equity(the owners) are the citizens of Gesford who buy it. The Company President is Warren Murdoch.
Delegation Leader: Warren Murdoch
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 2, with one of the bedrooms converted into a library and another converted into an office.
Brief Company Profile(I.E. sales, expense, net profits/losses.):This information is only available to the shareholders.
To Edward Welter,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
To Robert Fuller,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
To Warren Murdoch,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
The House of Boothby
25-04-2008, 02:13
Application Form (Nation): HOB
Full Nation Name: The Constitutional Monarchy of the House of Boothby
Nation's Economic Views: Laissez-faire
Leader: Thomas Christopher Clark Boothby
Delegation Leader: Peter Boothby
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 3
Brief Economic Overview: The HOB has long had a libertarian philosophy of political rule. This has developed into a laissez-faire economic system. Many formerly government run services have been privatized, which coincides with the little regulation that exists.
Application Form (Company): HOB-OIL
Full Company Name: House of Boothby Oil
Company's field(s): Oil prospecting, drilling, supply. Natural Gas prospecting, drilling, supply.
CEO/Owner: CEO: Halpert / Owner: HOB-OIL Owners Association.
Delegation Leader: Nording
Number in Delegation: 1
Number of Housing Units Required: 1
Brief Company Profile: Stock (
Application Form (Company): HOBAAI
Full Company Name: House of Boothby Associated Alkaloid Industries
Company's field(s): Medical and drug development, distribution, and sales.
CEO/Owner: CEO: Baltasot / Owner: HOBAAI Owners Association.
Delegation Leader: Camphor
Number in Delegation: 1
Number of Housing Units Required: 1
Brief Company Profile: Stock (
The Beatus
25-04-2008, 03:08
Application Form (Nation): HOB
Full Nation Name: The Constitutional Monarchy of the House of Boothby
Nation's Economic Views: Laissez-faire
Leader: Thomas Christopher Clark Boothby
Delegation Leader: Peter Boothby
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 3
Brief Economic Overview: The HOB has long had a libertarian philosophy of political rule. This has developed into a laissez-faire economic system. Many formerly government run services have been privatized, which coincides with the little regulation that exists.
Application Form (Company): HOB-OIL
Full Company Name: House of Boothby Oil
Company's field(s): Oil prospecting, drilling, supply. Natural Gas prospecting, drilling, supply.
CEO/Owner: CEO: Halpert / Owner: HOB-OIL Owners Association.
Delegation Leader: Nording
Number in Delegation: 1
Number of Housing Units Required: 1
Brief Company Profile: Stock (
Application Form (Company): HOBAAI
Full Company Name: House of Boothby Associated Alkaloid Industries
Company's field(s): Medical and drug development, distribution, and sales.
CEO/Owner: CEO: Baltasot / Owner: HOBAAI Owners Association.
Delegation Leader: Camphor
Number in Delegation: 1
Number of Housing Units Required: 1
Brief Company Profile: Stock (
To Thomas Christopher Clark Boothby,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
To Halpert,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
To Baltasot,
We welcome your delegation to our forum. Enclosed are they're tickets, they may fly out when ever they are ready, though actual meetings will not commence until all have arrived.
Drudge Kuennings
Economic Adviser
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
25-04-2008, 04:01
Application Form (Nation):
Full Nation Name: Republic of Corbournne
Nation's Economic Views: Laissez-faire
Leader: Gaétan-Jean Sébastien Lefebvre Pépin
Delegation Leader: Jean-Tomas Lannes
Number in Delegation: 5
Number of Housing Units Required: 5 (all with one bedroom, one library, and one office)
Brief Economic Overview: Ever since the Revolution of 1740, the Republic of Corbournne has been a capitalist nation, allowing equal opportunity to all those in our country to make a living. Mail is the only major business in which the government has a monopoly. The only major regulations put on business in general are those pertaining to big business' pollution levels.
OOC: Nice tickers, Boothby.
The House of Boothby
25-04-2008, 04:35
[ooc: Yeah. You should grab some.]
The Indonesian states
25-04-2008, 04:41
[ooc: Yeah. You should grab some.]
OOC: Our stock distribution/valuation/dividend distribution is different, and I wouldn't want my corporations to experience a sharp stock price change based on Fed workings that wouldn't be possible under a representative money system, which I use (see: Gold Standard (
San Castello
25-04-2008, 05:43
Full Nation Name: The Grand Theocracy of San Castello
Nation's Economic Views: N/A
Leader: Guisppe Baldassare
Delegation Leader: Emmanuel Inzaghi II
Number in Delegation: 3
Number of Housing Units Required: 1 Government Unit (Government Units include three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, 1 full kitchen, 1 living room, and 1 foyer. Price per unit is $1,300 per month, all utilities included, included high speed internet, satellite television, power, water, telephone, central heat/air. At request any bedrooms may be converted to library/office, free of charge {Books not included}.)
Brief Economic Overview: San Castello, being a microstate, does not have much to offer besides the harvesting of grapes to create wine. Other than that, we mostly rely on tourism and banking.