HOB Research Grant Fund
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 04:04
[ooc: MT and PMT only please]
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To the nations and companies of NationStates:
The HOB-RGF was established in 1941 at the close of the Kabavian Wars for the primary purpose of providing the World's leading scientists and researchers with the necessary funding to develop new technologies.
Any friendly nation or company may apply to the HOB-RGF. If accepted researchers will be given the opportunity to conduct research at one of the various HOB research institutes, a list of which can be found below. While conducting said research all funding and laboratory costs will be financed by the HOB-RGF. In addition to research funding, researchers will be given a fair living stipend and may apply of subsidized housing.
Current HOB research institutes covered by the HOB-RGF include:
National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Space Technology and Areospace Research Institute (S.T.A.R.)
National Biotechnology Institute (NBI)
Triton (Naval Research Laboratory)
Agicricultural Research Association (AGRA)
Royal Air Service (RAS)
Coastal and Maritime Service (CMS)
Royal Ground Forces (RGF)
If interested please submit the following form to:
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
HOB Research Grant Fund
Name of Nation/Company:
Title of Research Proposal:
Name of Lead Researcher:
Summary of Research (What, How, Why):
Funds Requested:
Number in Research Team:
Time Outline of Project:
Any and all results/products form research, engineering, and/or investigations conducted with HOB-RGF funds will be co-owned by the nation/company conducting said research and the HOB. The HOB reserves the right to use all HOB-RGF research as it sees fit. Nations/companies conducting HOB-RGF research will not be allowed to sell or disperse said research without prior HOB permission for a period of five years after funding ends.
23-04-2008, 04:12
1. Name of Nation/Company: Sunderland-Wellington Research Corporation
2. Title of Research Proposal: Project Cosmos (YRSF related one <.< >.>)
3. Name of Lead Researcher: Dr. Laake (he is not actually part of the team, but his name is on all the papers as the head of the team.)
4. Summary of Research (What, How, Why): Discussed at the 71st S.T.A.R. Board of Directors Meeting
5. Funds Requested: [Classified] (as in, I have no clue)
6. Number in Research Team: [Classified] (see above)
7. Time Outline of Project: Final Prototypes ~May 2008.
The Beatus
23-04-2008, 04:15
Two Bums on the street, the City of the Blessed
Bum 1: *Reading newspaper* Wow. Hey, you wanna here a joke?
Bum 2: Sure.
Bum 1: HOB research!
Bum 2: *laughing hysterically* Wow, that was a good one. Where'd you hear that?
Bum 1: *Holds up newspaper* Front page!
Bum 2: *Reads newspaper* Are they serious?
Bum 1: Sounds like it.
Bum 2: Well, there goes the international scientific community.
1. Name of Nation/Company: Venner Incorporated
2. Title of Research Proposal: Project Motive Force
3. Name of Lead Researcher: Dr. Quentin Daniels.
4. Summary of Research (What, How, Why): What: To conduct research into the feasibility of Static propulsion technology. How: By creating hypotheses, models, and finally prototypes, and then testing them, how else. Why: STATIC MOTORS. FREE POWER. Any other reasons necessary?
5. Funds Requested: [Unknown] Projections have not been completed.
6. Number in Research Team: 5
7. Time Outline of Project: Initial Prototypes December 2015.
1. Name of Nation/Company: The Kane Corporation
2. Title of Research Proposal: Project Blindside
3. Name of Lead Researcher: Dr. John Thalang.
4. Summary of Research (What, How, Why): What: To conduct research into the feasibility of artificial mirage technology. How: By projecting intense fields of heat around specific areas. Why: Such a device would be able to effectively hide an entire military base from observation.
5. Funds Requested: [Unknown] Projections have not been completed.
6. Number in Research Team: 5
7. Time Outline of Project: Initial Prototypes December 2011.
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 05:17
WholeFoods, Rue De Yuppi, Nova Zembella, HOB
Soccer Mom 1: Wow, did you see the report on the unemployment problem in Beatus.
Soccer Mom 2: Yeah, apparently there are so many bums there these days the government just allows them to sit out in the street and bitch about other countries because they are jealous.
Soccer Mom 1: Yeah, I also heard that The Beatus forgot to pay their national electricity bill and had a nation wide power outage.
Soccer Mom 2: Makes you glad to live in a nation that isn't run by morons.
23-04-2008, 05:20
WholeFoods, Rue De Yuppi, Nova Zembella, HOB
Soccer Mom 1: Wow, did you see the report on the unemployment problem in Beatus.
Soccer Mom 2: Yeah, apparently there are so many bums there these days the government just allows them to sit out in the street and bitch about other countries because they are jealous.
Soccer Mom 1: Yeah, I also heard that The Beatus forgot to pay their national electricity bill and had a nation wide power outage.
Soccer Mom 2: Makes you glad to live in a nation that isn't run by morons.
lmao, epic.
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 05:39
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To: Sunderland-Wellington Research Corporation
CC: Dr. Laake
Subject: Project Cosmos
We will contact you with our decision once we have received our report from the S.T.A.R. Board of Directors' meeting.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 05:46
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To: Venner Incorporated
Subject: Project Motive Force
CC: Dr. Quentin Daniels.
We have been in contact with the NIT and they have expressed interest in hosting your research group. We are prepared to host this project for an initial period of 18 months, at which time you may apply for further research funding, which will be contingent upon perceived progress and promise. Thank you and congratulations.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To: The Kane Corporation
Subject: Project Blindside
CC: Dr. John Thalang.
The RGF and CMS have expressed interest in jointly hosting your research team. Funding will be provided through 2011, with extensions contingent upon results. Thank you and congratulations.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
Silver Wolf Republic
23-04-2008, 06:25
Name of Nation/Company: The Cerberus Foundation
Title of Research Proposal: Sogni neri di collera
Name of Lead Researcher: Dr. Freddrick Saint Claid the 2nd
Summary of Research (What, How, Why): What we here in the Republic are trying to do is perfect the use of the fresh dead as frontline troops. Being as such that it would cut way down on lives lost in combat. Imagine it whole battle fields of zombie type creatures at war. This way we will not lose the billions we have put into cyber or gen-tech research.
Funds Requested: 7.5 billion
Number in Research Team: 18
Time Outline of Project: 10-15 years.
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 06:42
To: The Cerberus Foundation
Subject: Sogni neri di collera
CC: Dr. Freddrick Saint Claid the 2nd
Unfortunately we are not convinced of the conceivability of this project. We wish you the best of luck finding funding else where.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
23-04-2008, 19:18
Name of Nation/Company: The Northstar Corparation
Title of Research Proposal: Can Christians Fly
Name of Lead Researcher: Herman Franz Joseph Von Kartolf Eichmen
Summary of Research (What, How, Why):
What- Folowing reports of a flying nun in Belschaft we began extensive testing to see if this was true, and if so could they be harnesed for Military or Transportation purposes.
How- We wish to colect test specimens in your nation and through them of cliffs to see if they can fly. If they do, then we will then recapture them with giant nets to run further experiments in labs, and autopsy rooms.
Why- We have recently depleted our own suply of test specimins.
Funds Requested: $100,000 dolars for nets and wacking sticks.
Number in Research Team: 30
Time Outline of Project: A year, two tops. We are very eficent.
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To: Venner Incorporated
Subject: Project Motive Force
CC: Dr. Quentin Daniels.
We have been in contact with the NIT and they have expressed interest in hosting your research group. We are prepared to host this project for an initial period of 18 months, at which time you may apply for further research funding, which will be contingent upon perceived progress and promise. Thank you and congratulations.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
Official Communique From the H.O.B. Research Grant Fund
To: The Kane Corporation
Subject: Project Blindside
CC: Dr. John Thalang.
The RGF and CMS have expressed interest in jointly hosting your research team. Funding will be provided through 2011, with extensions contingent upon results. Thank you and congratulations.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarkson
Nova Zembella, HOB
TO: Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
From: Dr. Quentin Daniels
Subj: Project Motive Force
Thank you! We will commence preparations for setting up a lab in Boothby at once. First, I have a small point of order. We would like to extend the research to time-variance magnetic and electromagnetic technology as well. While this does not represent a relevant increase in costs (as we can re-use materials and equipment), it will demand an increased duration of access to the working space and equipment, on the order of an extra 12 months. Would this be permissible?
Dr. Quentin Daniels, Ph.D.
Electrostatic and Magnetic Research Department
Venner Incorporated R&D
Venner Incorporated Corporate HQ
The United Preferred Equities of Venner Incorporated
TO: Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
From: Dr. John Thalang
Subj: Project Blindside
I appreciate your military's interest in the project, and I am sure they will be satisfied with the results, given the promise for such technology our preliminary research has indicated. If it is permissible, I have one request to make. We would like to extend the research to all wavelengths, with the hope of not only being able to block out optical observation, but all spectrums of detection, and even conceal the heat used to cloak the initial image of the target. This does not represent a relevant increase in costs (as we can re-use materials and equipment, it just requires variating the relative power consumption of the equipment), it will demand an increased duration of access to the working space and equipment, on the order of an extra 12 months. Would this be permissible?
Dr. John Thalang, Ph.D.
Optics and Energy Manipulation Department
The Kane Corporation R&D
The Kane Corporation Corporate HQ
The Organized Securities of The Kane Corporation
Northern Rangeria
23-04-2008, 20:05
Name of Nation/Company: Principality of Northern Rangeria / Northern Rangerian Defence Corps (NRDC)
Title of Research Proposal: TMARA (Transportation by Molecular Assembly and Re-Assembly)
Name of Lead Researcher: Col. Darius Velkua, NRDC/KATK
Summary of Research (What, How, Why): To study the feasibility of molecular level assembly and re-assembly as a transportation method for organic and inorganic substances. In layman's terms, teleportation technology.
Funds Requested: U$10 billion
Number in Research Team: 25
Time Outline of Project: Three years
The NRDC wishes to express their willingness to work in co-operation with HOB-RGF research staff, but wishes to express that this project is of classified nature and requires adequate security measures.
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 22:14
To: Daniels, Quentin
Subj: Project Motive Force
Dr. Daniels, an extension to laboratory use will be contingent upon the relative success and results after the initial 18 month period. However, we are interested in having you conduct initial research in these fields.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
To: Thalang, John
Subj: Project Blindside
We would like you to work on the before stated research primarily. However, if you would like to conduct side projects during you initial time frame and can supply us with results we will extend your access.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
The House of Boothby
23-04-2008, 22:22
To: Velkua, Darius
We are interested in your project, but wonder at its feasibility. If you can supply us with any initial research or results, it may help us with our decision. In any case, we are prepared to offer you a 1.5 year trial period with a fourth of your requested funds. I hope this can accommodate you, and as I stated before any prior research you can supply us with could bolster the funds and access available to you.
With regards to your security concerns, let we allay your fears. The NIT is quite secure.
Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
TO: Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
FROM: Margaret Francon, Vice President of Research and Development, Venner Incorporated
SUBJ: Project Motive Force
We are pleased to hear that you have accepted Project Motive Force into the Research Grant Fund program. As a token of our gratitude and appreciation, and as a symbol of our ongoing commitment to Project Motive Force, we are willing to match any funding you allocate to the project, pending of course approval by Alexander Speer, Chief Financial Officer of Venner Incorporated. If there is any need of additional assistance, be it of a financial, material, or human nature, we will always consider any proposal brought to us. Thank you once again for supporting this project, we at Venner Incorporated are looking forward to a positive relationship with all of your research organizations in the future.
Margaret Francon
Vice President of Research and Development, Venner Incorporated
Venner Incorporated Corporate HQ
The United Preferred Equities of Venner Incorporated
TO: Maria Rouge
Building 122, HOB-RGF
Rue de Clarckson
Nova Zembella, HOB
FROM: Kevin Clarke, Vice President of Research and Development, The Kane Corporation
SUBJ: Project Blindside
Firstly, let me express my gratitude concerning your acceptance of our newest major research endeavor, Project Blindside, into your program. We are always on the lookout for partnerships in rewarding endeavors such as these, and we look forward towards the good relationship this will bring between The Kane Corporation and the House of Boothby. To truly show how much we appreciate your decision, we are willing to match any and all support you give to the project, including manpower, funds, and equipment. These expenditures will, of course, have to be cleared first with the Chief Financial Officer of The Kane Corporation, Aaron Greenspan. Thank you again, and we look forward to working with you and your military or research organizations in the future.
Kevin Clarke
Vice President of Research and Development, The Kane Corporation
The Kane Corporation Corporate HQ
The Organized Securities of The Kane Corporation
Northern Rangeria
28-04-2008, 22:51
To Ms Maria Rouge, on Project TMARA,
As part of the on-going R&D programs in KATK, Northern Rangeria's National Center for Space Exploration and Discovery, we have recently made some remarkable new discoveries in association with research data and personnel provided by our allies, the nations of Kostemetsia and Warhaven.
The possibility to 'copy' a single molecule on one end and assemble a replica of it in the other end has already been proven on a theoretical level. We have actually managed to physically transport a single molecule by dissembling into energy and then reassembling it. This molecule maintained coherence for 17.3 seconds before it became unraveled. However, this is still more than has thus far been able to do. We are hopeful that this method may be perfected in due time, and perhaps one day be brought to commercial and/or military use.
We are thankful for your offer of a trial period, but we must insist on high-level security on this matter beyond 'quite secure'. We are, after all, dealing with technology that could very well change our view of the world on a fundamental level.
Dr Veljami Kaukola, Director of KATK
The House of Boothby
29-04-2008, 02:32
To: Kaukola, Veljami
Subj: Security Measures
If you could please specify what security measures you would need/want in place we will evaluate our ability to supply the requisite detail.
-M. Rouge