NationStates Jolt Archive

FORMATION of the Union of Galactic Federations (ATTN: TFU/OPEN ALL/FT)

22-04-2008, 02:10

This is after the Alversian Thread, for OOC info for Alversia. And yes, I wrote hands hurt...and TFU approved it...and its open to new members at any time, should they see fit.

Clicky: The Union of Galactic Federations Off-site Board (


Coreworlds - Galactic President
The Fedral Union - Grand Marshall of the Joint Military
Anagonia - Grand Senator of the Governing Body
Tanara - Chief of Foreign Affairs
Kaldari - In Office
Wanderjar - Deputy Chief

Total Population: Too many to count >.< Over 50 Billion!
-The Galactic Federation of Anagonia
-The United Terran Federation of The Fedral Union
-The High Jedi Order of CoreWorlds
-The Second Commonwealth of Wanderjar
-The Dominion of Kaldari (Galactic Defense Initiative)
-The Phoenix Empire of Tanara
-The Imperial Democracy of Cazelia
-The Confederacy of Uiri
-The Garbage Men

The Unity

By unanimous Vote, the Three Core Members of the Union of Galactic Federations, hereby understood to have reviewed evidence of all Three Core Member currency values, do therefore vote the FEDERAL DOLLAR, as accepted by United Terran Federation to be its common currency, as the GALACTIC CURRENCY of the Union of Galactic Federations.

Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is the National Anthem of the Union of Galactic Federations.

Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the Flag of the United Terran Federation, updated to represent the values of a Union of Galactic Federations, is therefore the Flag of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Declaration of Constitution
Constitution for the Union of Galactic Federations

We, the Sentient Beings of the Union of Galactic Federations, do hereby declare that all sentient life is created equal, no matter creed, religion, belief, motto, or politic, with due respect to Sovereignty of both Individuals and Nations, and with knowledge that all sentient life has the basic rights of Freedom, Liberty, Independence, and the ultimate pursuit of Happiness for ones future and present life.

All Sentient Beings have the rights, endowed by their creators, to pursue a Peaceful Co-Existence with their common brethren, henceforth known as the Union of Galactic Federations, with the basic rights and freedoms given unto them at birth, with wisdom that these freedoms are prime to success of the Pursuit of Long Life and Happiness, and understanding that these Freedoms should not, and can not, conflict with the Common Interest of the People of the Union of Galactic Federations with hostile intent and/or aggressive motivations at the heart.

All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Speech, to say and to will their lives, to speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life, with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express.

All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Worship, to believe as they desire, to worship any deity or divine power they so choose, and to give unto such worship any way they so choose, with knowledge that all Beliefs are created Equal, and all Worship is Universal to the Common Good, and with wisdom that all Religion cannot and must not dictate the lives of Governments unless directed by the Will of the Common People.

All Sentient Beings have to the Right to Bear Arms, to protect their common beliefs, to protect their property, to ensure the survival of their existence and/or those they should cherish, with wisdom that such rights extend to the Laws set forth by the Constitution, without consenting to harmful intent against another individual, with consent to protect and defend, with knowledge that such Arms should not be used against the Common Will of the People.

All Sentient Beings have the Right to a Fair Trail, with judgment from their peers, and the right to be seen as innocent in the face of any crime, no matter creed, motto, justice, or knowledge or action of said crime, with the right to a lawyer or representative chosen by the accused, and the right to be found innocent until proven guilty, with the knowledge that all crimes are not visible, and the wisdom that those crimes visible still must be resolved in a Fair and Just manner.

All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Expression, to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law, with wisdom that such expression be made without harmful actions, with respect to cultures and lifestyles of said Sentient Beings, and with honor to the Sovereign Laws of the Constitution to allow all Sentient Beings the Freedom to Express and Commit their lives as they see fit, with respect to honoring the laws and prohibit said Freedom of Expression and Commitment from aggressive and harmful action against the Common People.

All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Marriage, with respect to the Common Cultures of the People, with knowledge that all Sentient Beings deserve the Basic Right to Choose and Commit their lives as they see fit, with wisdom that this Right to Freedom of Marriage extends to Interspecies relationships, with liberty to not prohibit the Will of the Common Peoples choice no matter sex, creed, motto, belief, religion, politic, or ideal, with obvious Freedom to Choose the Ultimate Path to the Freedom to Pursue the Right to Happiness and Long Life.

All Sentient Beings, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Right to Formation of Militia's, should the time of war or peace call for the Formation of said Militia, with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People, with Knowledge that such Militia's are Formed for the Common Defense of the People, with duty that such Militia's must be formed in times of oppression against the People, the Common Will of the People, and any threats against the Basic Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights of all Sentient Beings, hereby known as the People.

All Sentient Beings have the Right of Demonstration, to oppose any politic, to oppose any decision, to oppose any belief, to oppose any value, with wisdom that such Demonstration must be peaceful in manner, with knowledge that the Common Will of the People is valued, with loyalty to the decision of the Common Will of the People, with respect to the lives and values of those being Demonstrated against, with ultimate Freedom to Demonstrate in a Peaceful manner not intent on violence or creating violence unless such opposition and/or Demonstration is in context with SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE of this Constitution.

All Sentient Beings have the Right to Privacy, without restriction, without monitoring from any Governing or Civilian Body, without fear of Oppression or Fear of False Trail, with wisdom that the Right to Privacy is Paramount among Freedoms, with knowledge that such Privacy must therefore be considered unto a Court or Judiciary Body in cases of crimes or suspicions of crimes, with ultimate respect to the Constitution and the Basic Freedoms of All Sentient Beings, with Knowledge that such Right to Privacy must not be violated no matter Personal Creed, motto, belief, judgment, politic, or herein anything that the Common People hereby hold sacred and valued.

All Nations, choosing with wise council and passed by the Will of the Common People, in membership to this Union of Galactic Federations, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Rights to Sovereignty, to govern themselves as they see fit, to understand and obey the Will of their People, to choose to Lead their People with respect to the laws passed by their Nation, with understanding that all Nations have different cultures and ways, with wisdom that all nations should remain Sovereign, Independent, and Free without compromising Membership in said Union of Galactic Federations.

All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO DOMESTIC SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their People and domestic policies as they see fit, with wisdom to understand the concerns of their People, with knowledge to govern rightly according to the Will of the People, with loyalty and respect to the Sovereign Governments chosen by said People, and said Governing style of chosen Government, with understanding that these Rights to Domestic Sovereignty hereby extend to all member-nations of this Union of Galactic Federations.

All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO FOREIGN SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their foreign policies as they see fit, to govern their foreign relations without compromising alliances and/or relations, that this Constitution not be a stranglehold on any Foreign Engagement, that this Constitution express that every Member-Nation has the RIGHT to maintain any relation, whether good or bad, without compromising the Will of the People, with wisdom that said foreign relations are critical to trade and should not be abolished, with knowledge that said foreign relations are not restricted due to loyalty, that in understanding of these foreign relations no Member-Nation should be forced into abolishing any relation, unless said relation compromises the BASIC RIGHTS held true by This Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.

All Nations in Membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO SOVEREIGN MILITARY CONTROL, with compromising the basic defense of said Union of Galactic Federations, with knowledge that said military must defend the interest of said Member-Nations, with wisdom that said Military may engage in cooperative exercises under joint command, with loyalty that said military must defend the Common Good and Basic Freedoms and Common Will of the People, with understanding that said Military are not exempt from joint defense of this Union of Galactic Federations, unless said military are engaged in other theaters of war or conflict, with understanding that said military will attempt, no matter the obstacle, to defend the BASIC FREEDOMS held true by this Constitution.
With respect to SECTION III - ARTICLE TWO, with honor to the RIGHTS OF SOVEREIGNTY it holds, with knowledge that such rights are critical to the defense of Member-Nations, that a JOINT MILITARY be hereby established to ease tensions upon the current and existing military of said Member-Nations, formed with the intent of COMMON DEFENSE, established with the intent to PRESERVE the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY of this Constitution, with wisdom, knowledge, and intent upon protection and understanding to the Common Will of all Sentient Beings of this Union of Galactic Federations.

Hereby it is declared that a United Government be established to fairly and equally represent the Common Will of the People of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to rule with the Peoples Interest, with wisdom to convene on any matter, with knowledge to understand any situation, with purpose to ultimately fulfill the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held true by this Constitution.

Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC SENATE be established, with the intent to represent the Common Will of the People, with wisdom that each Senator be elected properly by vote, with knowledge that each senator has a term of FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, with understanding that each Senator REPRESENT four systems, or the amount of systems established in conjunction with the number of Star Systems in a given Member-Nation, that the GALACTIC SENATE shall debate the issues of Governing and Policy Making of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to examine and properly judge all decisions based upon the Common Will of the People.

Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES be established to fairly and justly represent the interests of member-planets, to convene in public with express interest to solve issues not of the Senate level, and to pass Resolutions and Issues to the Senate should they require such level of interest and popularity, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES govern by and for the Will of the People, that with knowledge they should inform the GALACTIC SENATE of issues and problems concerning the WILL of the PEOPLE, and that with understanding should they resolve said issues and problems with due course, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be voted into office for a consecutive term of TWO STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be informed and well knowing in the ways and cultures of the Planet they represent, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE use this knowledge in due effect with the Common Will of the People.

Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC COURT be established to govern the laws of this Constitution, fairly and equally, should said laws conflict with the Interest of any Member-Nation, of the Common Will of the People, of any individual, or of any body of individuals, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC COURT follow due process of trail, with fair representation to both accused and prosecution, and represent the Ultimate Will of the People by fairly judging according the laws established to be true by this Constitution, that with knowledge shall each JUDGE of the GALACTIC COURT be elected by the PEOPLE, voted upon by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and approved by the GALACTIC SENATE in a fair and swift manner, that each GALACTIC JUDGE be hereby allowed the term allowed by life-span, unless revoked by decision by the GALACTIC SENATE, and thereby approved by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, that ultimately this GALACTIC COURT shall judge fairly issues that cannot be solved by any lower ranking court of any Member-Nation or Planetary Body.

Hereby it is declared that an OFFICE of the GALACTIC PRESIDENT be established to properly rule and govern this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to follow all laws set forth by this Constitution, with will to judge fairly all issues both foreign and domestic, with authority to proclaim MARTIAL LAW in times of duress or war, with no authority to RULE SUPREMELY without consent of the People, with wisdom to be voted upon by a JOINT SESSION of MEMBER-STATES, with knowledge that such JOIN SESSION shall be convened in COUNCIL and thereby approved by the People, thereby seconded by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, therein placed into office by approval by the GALACTIC SENATE, with understanding that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall not be in office for more than EIGHT STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, and no less than FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS.
With respect to the authority that SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE provides, therein it is declared that a UNITED COUNCIL be established under the GALACTIC PRESIDENT to properly assist in deliberation of decisions, and be placed as advisers, and be therein the governing body should the GALACTIC PRESIDENT become unavailable. and therein govern according to SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE with fair and just decisions according to these truths set for by this Constitution.
With respect to the governing abilities provided by SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, therein it is added and confirmed that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall govern all issues pertaining to this Union of Galactic Federations, both foreign and domestic, that with wisdom shall the GALACTIC PRESIDENT convene the UNITED COUNCIL in times of WAR for decision, with knowledge that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall convene the UNITED COUNCIL for deliberation of decision pertaining to the continued existence of this Union of Galactic Federations, and that therein the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall act as leader and sign of authority with all purpose to preserve and protect these truths held by this Constitution and the Common Will of the People.

Therein it is established a GOVERNING POLICY for all branches of GOVERNMENT, therein classified as the GALACTIC SENATE, the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, that thereby they shall govern fairly and justly according to the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that thereby they shall not violate the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that therein any species of any race, creed, motto, politic, belief, religion, ect., can be elected into these positions, that therein with this GOVERNING POLICY this Union of Galactic Federations shall be termed "FEDERATION" for proper government context, that with wisdom shall all branches of government, including that of the GALACTIC COURT, be made to judge fairly, justly, equally, and with resolve to preserve the Common Will of the People, with no intention to compromise these laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, nor any intention to compromise the Will of the People nor the BASIC FREEDOMS they hold, nor compromise the BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held by any Member-Nation so long as it does not violate these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution.

Therein it is declared, that on this day, held true by the respective Member-Nations of the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA and the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION, that all Borders be abolished, that all Trade be equal, that All Sovereignty and Governing come together in a Unified Body, that all Member-Nations acknowledge and respect these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution, that therefore with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that all parties shall not willingly enable this Unified Governing Body to come under threat of destruction, that therefore this Union of Galactic Federations be established and made true with all intent and purpose to extend these liberties, these freedoms, and these laws held sacred to any Nation, any Galactic Power, any Planet seeking to join in on this Union of Galactic Federations should they seek membership, that this Union of Galactic Federations be respected, that this Constitution of this Union of Galactic Federations be acknowledge, and that therein peace shall reign between the two Founding Member-Nations of the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION and the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA.

Sovereign Drakomis Nokomis Reign
Raitei Daniel Alexander Masaki, Emperor of Coredia, Field Marshal of the Starfighter Corps and All Around Good Guy.
The King of Wanderjar, James XI

Drakomis Nokomis Reign, now Elected King over Anagonia, which still was led by the Federation Congress and therefore still considered a Federation, stood at the table beside President Mike Logan of the United Terran Federation. This was a day to make history, a day long in the making, a day that had been long anticipated by everyone in the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation. For so long had the Terrans and Anagonias shared a common border, a common government, and a common trade. It was only natural to conclude centuries of relations by finally solidifying a common Governing body without restricting the common sovereignty held sacred by both Galactic Nations.

The Press was all around, having a field day with the event. Pictures being taken, shocked faces at the fact that only weeks ago the Galactic Federation had been in isolation with the Terran Federation. That had been resolved in private conversations with President Logan by Drakomis. The surprising outcome had been the suggestion of never letting it happen again, by forming something new. So over the course of two weeks the two Congressional Bodies of the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation had joint sessions and deliberated the new Constitution. Afterwards, it was voted upon, and approved, by the People. Now it had to be signed into effect by the two Presidents, to make it true, to make it happen.

Drakomis gazed at Logan, smiling as best as he could with all the holo-camera flashes, pen in hand as he gazed at the actual paper holding the constitution. He reached one hand over, patted Mike on the shoulder, and the news-people went crazy with more photos. He wished he hadn't, but it was a gesture of goodwill. He looked back at the Paper.

"I suppose this is the starting of a new beginning, a new history." Drakomis chuckled, "And the planet to be selected for these new governing bodies will be a new world, a new future." He smiled broadly, as best as his reptilian snout could allow, "What do you think Mr. Logan? Should we make it so?"
22-04-2008, 03:37

Thanks to the Mods for correcting the typo in the header. Also, updated the Thread to reflect the currently voted issues listed above the Constitution. All member parties will post will ready.


If your interested, any FT nation may play as reporter. All are welcome to comment, negative or positive, or just rant or be neutral.
22-04-2008, 04:04

For Coreworlds and TFU to consider, in accordance with AMENDMENT I: SECTION III - ARTICLE TWO of the Union of Galactic Federations Constitution, I hereby request a meeting whenever possible to properly form the Ranks of the UGF Military Structure and how many units shall be devoted herein to said Joint UGF Military.

Also in consideration should be the planet discussed by TFU and me for the foundation of the Galactic Senate, Galactic House of Planetary Representatives, and the Office of the Presidency, and any other governmental offices such as the Galactic Court, not therein mentioned in the constitution. This planet, for IC info, is kept private until further discussed in open IC by all Member-Parties.

Other than that, I've got to go tonight. You guy's left msn and were too tired, as I am, to even consider anything else.

Good night, Blessings Be/God Bless, and...bleh.
The Fedral Union
22-04-2008, 14:51
Mike smiled, he nodded a bit as he rested his hands on the desk, holding an old style pen between two fingers , he gently pressed the tip upon the paper and put his signature down.

Afterwards he waited for his friend to do the same, giving a smile back to him, and over to the cameras, this was being broadcasted throughout the union and the galaxy.
22-04-2008, 17:16
Mike smiled, he nodded a bit as he rested his hands on the desk, holding an old style pen between two fingers , he gently pressed the tip upon the paper and put his signature down.

Afterwards he waited for his friend to do the same, giving a smile back to him, and over to the cameras, this was being broadcasted throughout the union and the galaxy.

Drakomis followed suite, smiling as he took one more look around. The Reporters were ecstatic about watching President Logan sign the Declaration, and now all eyes were on Drakomis. The room was silent, only a few flashes of holo-camera's, and only a few murmurs. Drakomis looked to Mike, "May this be the start of something glorious."

And, slowly, he signed his name below Mike Logans.

Sovereign Drakomis Nokomis Reign

Drakomis never had a fondness for writing his name any other way but plainly, so it was obvious the moment he placed the pen on the document that all could read. It was no insult to Logan, of course. Drakomis just never fancied anything else. He smiled broadly, and looked at Logan. "Don't we have another who needs to sign?"
Talon Deil
22-04-2008, 17:23
A representative of The Empire of Talon Deil bowed to the members of the Federations. He is transmitting the message of the King: "Our tiny nation would like to join the confederations."
22-04-2008, 17:32
In a poof of white, ozone-fied smoke, one Emperor Daniel Masaki, yours truly entered the scene, sporting a polka-dotted mushroom gnawing on his head.

"Sorry I'm late, my friends. The Clans and the Senate both had to ratify the thing. It was a real fight...and well, you can see the results." I smiled bemusedly as the mushroom growled at them before resuming its attempt to lobotomize me. "Where do I sign...ah...thanks."

Below the other two signatures, I put my own:

Raitei Daniel Alexander Masaki, Emperor of Coredia, Field Marshal of the Starfighter Corps and All Around Good Guy.

Finally annoyed by the mushroom, I shocked it off my head and it walked away.
22-04-2008, 17:46
A representative of The Empire of Talon Deil bowed to the members of the Federations. He is transmitting the message of the King: "Our tiny nation would like to join the confederations."

Drakomis, after watching Daniel sign and nodding in respect, looked at the representative from the Empire of Talon Deil. He tilted his head, "What would you bring to this new Super-Nation?"


If you have MSN, contact me at Hawk30168 (at) Bellsouth (dot) net

Replace (at) and (dot) with @ and . respectfully.
Talon Deil
22-04-2008, 19:32
We would try to help as much as we can.. The representative didn't tilt his head..


I don't have msn..
22-04-2008, 19:37
The King of Wanderjar, James XI, stood elegantly wearing his navy blue suit and white shirt. He smiled and nodded at the chairmen, and stepped towards the podium. He was an older man, but he no less commanded immense presence from the crowd.

"Thank you friends for allowing us to be here," He said, "On behalf of the First Commonwealth, I hereby sign this document into law within the Realm of Wanderjar. May we continue to be a guiding light into freedom and liberty for all."
22-04-2008, 19:48

Updated Signatures, Population Count, Government Position, and Memberships.

G2G People.
22-04-2008, 21:10
OOC: I saw this last night but didn't have time to post. I was going to join but errr.... the currency of my confederacy is the As and I would like it to stay that way. The national anthem seems ok. The flag...well I don't really like it.


The news of the federation had made it even to the likes of the X/mv'w'j\x; and the consuls had the Constitution translated as fast as they could. While the document was being translated though, news came pouring in of new developements. They had agreed on a common currency. This would not suit the Uir who were just beginning their interstellar contact with other sovereign states. Once everything had been translated the consuls thought it best to apply for membership but hope to opt out of the currency - preferably a fixed exchange rate in order to preserve the As.

The consuls thought the flag was ugly but that was only their individual opinions and the life which created it probably thought it was a magnificent work of art. The anthem recording was at too high a frequency for them to notice anyways so it wasn't like any Uir citizen could sing it in the first place. If they could've heard it though they most likely would have liked it, unfourtunately they couldn't.

A message was sent to the UGF:

TO: The Union of Galactic Federations
FROM: Consuls of the Confederacy of the Uir Systems

Greetings lifeform(s),

We have recieved your encoded constitution and have decoded it for our reading and we have found most of the constitution to be well written however we have some questions:

§ III º Â I - By, 'bear arms' do you mean own a weapon or own a pair of arms belonging to a beast?

§ I º Â I & § V º Â I - does § V confer the same rights as § I only in a larger scope?

§ VI º Â I - We do not understand what you mean by the word 'marriage'. It does not exist in our language nor do we know what you mean by 'sex' as we do not 'mate' as we have heard some other communications call a strange phonomenon.

OOC note: My alien species is absent of sexes.

§ VII º Â I - By 'militia' do you mean a civillian military under civillian or state control?

§ I º Â III & § II º Â III - What are the differences between the Senate and the GHPR? Also, what are Standard Terran Years?

Besides those questions, we would like to join the Union of Galactic Federations only we also wish to preserve our current currency, the As. Perhaps we could fix the exchange rate at 1:1 and/or have both currencies be legal tender in the UFG.

On a final note, we apologize for sending this message encoded. The last time we sent a message unencoded however we never got a reply.


W\f:w \l/h/m
P|q N/m:q:h/m
23-04-2008, 18:52
Response from the GALACTIC SENATE of the Union of Galactic Federations
Message from the Grand Senator

To the Confederacy of Uiri,

Thank you for your interest, and we here at the Union of Galactic Federations do understand your concern and common interest in a Democratic and Peaceful Alliance. We respect you interest, and understand your concerns about Common Currency. We also understand your concerns about the Constitution. Allow me to inform you that as Grand Senator, I am responsible for the Legal Value of understanding our laws and way of life. I must say that you have presented some good questions, and I will do my best to answer them.

All Sentient Beings have to the Right to Bear Arms, to protect their common beliefs, to protect their property, to ensure the survival of their existence and/or those they should cherish, with wisdom that such rights extend to the Laws set forth by the Constitution, without consenting to harmful intent against another individual, with consent to protect and defend, with knowledge that such Arms should not be used against the Common Will of the People.

Your first question is, indeed, a good one. Many races across the galaxy do not hold the same meaning to the word "Bear Arms" as we in this part do. It is also a common misunderstanding. From our viewpoint, "Bearing Arms" means to hold or have a Weapons, such as a Blaster Rifle, for ones personal defense. This is what SECTION III - ARTICLE ONE addresses to the Citizenship and Populace of the Union of Galactic Federations. It also gives the Citizens the right to own a weapon, for defense and recreational use. It does not, however, give them the right to kill with it, as stated in the following verse: "without consenting to harmful intent against another individual".

I hope this clears that up. Now to your second concern.

All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Speech, to say and to will their lives, to speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life, with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express.


All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Expression, to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law, with wisdom that such expression be made without harmful actions, with respect to cultures and lifestyles of said Sentient Beings, and with honor to the Sovereign Laws of the Constitution to allow all Sentient Beings the Freedom to Express and Commit their lives as they see fit, with respect to honoring the laws and prohibit said Freedom of Expression and Commitment from aggressive and harmful action against the Common People.

This is also a good question, concerning the rights of sentient beings everywhere, and those rights that should extend therein under this Constitution. Your question concerns if whether Section V does confer or reinforce the same rights as as Section I, I do so believe. I must inform you that SECTION I - ARTICLE ONE and SECTION V - ARTICLE ONE are both in relation to extensions of Freedoms to the individual, as such that each individual must have the express freedom to do as they will should such will not trespass the Right to Live.

Allow me to give a few examples:

In SECTION I - ARTICLE ONE it states: "All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Speech, to say and to will their lives, to speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life," In SECTION V - ARTICLE ONE it states: "All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Expression, to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law,"

These two lines of verses are meant to be extensions of freedoms to explain why said freedoms are in place, and to reinforce one another. It was believed that upon conception of the Constitution that SECTION I - ARTICLE ONE was put in place to explain and reinforce the FREEDOM OF SPEECH of all Sentient Life, to "speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life" without having fear that such voice was to be oppressed. This ideal is further reinforced in SECTION V - ARTICLE ONE for all Sentient beings to be allowed "to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law,". As you can see, both SECTIONS are in place to reinforce one another.

In such a case, they are both in place to reinforce the fact of peaceful intentions. As in SECTION I - ARTICLE ONE it states, "with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express." This ideal of a peaceful Right to Existance is further reinforced by SECTION V - ARTICLE ONE in two places. The First states, "with wisdom that such expression be made without harmful actions," and further on it states, "with respect to honoring the laws and prohibit said Freedom of Expression and Commitment from aggressive and harmful action against the Common People."

Looking closer we can see a common trend. Both Articles state clearly that all Sentient Beings have these rights, and must have them, are required to have them, but cannot use them for harmful intent. Meaning that, say you speak out in desire to kill someone or actually desire to go through with killing. Saying you want to kill someone is basically covered under SECTION I - ARTICLE ONE under the verse "and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life". However, while it does protect this free speech, it goes on to state "with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express." These two verses are have both a common and different meaning. While the individual has the right to express his personal feelings about a matter in any way he sees fit, he is not allowed to go through and kill said person or entity that he has such feelings about.

Long explanation short, the Constitution, and these two Sections, were put in place to add further explanations to the Freedoms and Rights of ALL SENTIENT LIFE. Therefore, they do reinforce and assist one another in matters of law and matters of freedom.

Now onto your concerns about "sexes" and "marriage".

All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Marriage, with respect to the Common Cultures of the People, with knowledge that all Sentient Beings deserve the Basic Right to Choose and Commit their lives as they see fit, with wisdom that this Right to Freedom of Marriage extends to Interspecies relationships, with liberty to not prohibit the Will of the Common Peoples choice no matter sex, creed, motto, belief, religion, politic, or ideal, with obvious Freedom to Choose the Ultimate Path to the Freedom to Pursue the Right to Happiness and Long Life.

To better understand this section one must look at it from the viewpoint of a being who has the ability to procreate in a biological fashion. We, the Sentient Beings of the Union of Galactic Federations, do believe that it is the right of each and every individual to marry or commit themselves to relationships no matter sex or species. For example, say I had a Human here and a Komodren there. Both would be sentient, of course, and able to consent or deny the right to commit themselves to any relationship. However, under the constitution that right is clearly protected, giving them the ability to marry despite the fact they are two different species.

It also protects the rights of said beings who enjoy the common sex, believe it or not. While not clearly known or stated, it is the Freedom of the Sentient Being to choose the right to happiness, so long as both parties are consenting, of course. This was done because all Sentient Beings have this right to life, and happiness, and to express themselves, so long as it didn't harm both consenting individuals or others in a physical nature.

I hope this explains that concern, and we offer unto you the fact that you are not required to have a "sex" or "gender" to be protected by this right. The Constitution is formed for difference, for diversity of cultures and species, and ultimately that no matter what you are, or what you believe, you have these rights given unto you by your Creator, Creators, or by evolutionary design, or ect.

Now onto your question about Militia's.

All Sentient Beings, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Right to Formation of Militia's, should the time of war or peace call for the Formation of said Militia, with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People, with Knowledge that such Militia's are Formed for the Common Defense of the People, with duty that such Militia's must be formed in times of oppression against the People, the Common Will of the People, and any threats against the Basic Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights of all Sentient Beings, hereby known as the People.


All Sentient Beings have the Right of Demonstration, to oppose any politic, to oppose any decision, to oppose any belief, to oppose any value, with wisdom that such Demonstration must be peaceful in manner, with knowledge that the Common Will of the People is valued, with loyalty to the decision of the Common Will of the People, with respect to the lives and values of those being Demonstrated against, with ultimate Freedom to Demonstrate in a Peaceful manner not intent on violence or creating violence unless such opposition and/or Demonstration is in context with SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE of this Constitution.

As you can see I have posted two SECTIONS of the Constitution to make a clear point. While SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE allows the formation of a Civilian Militia, under jurisdiction of the Constitution as stated in the verses that state "with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People, with Knowledge that such Militia's are Formed for the Common Defense of the People," SECTION VIII - ARTICLE ONE clearly prohibits the use of this militia in any form to destroy without cause a peaceful governing entity, as stated by "with ultimate Freedom to Demonstrate in a Peaceful manner not intent on violence or creating violence unless such opposition and/or Demonstration is in context with SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE of this Constitution."

To understand these bipolar verses one must have a clear mind on the Subject. At first glance it appears that the verse stated in SECTION VIII - ARTICLE ONE allows for an open rebellion for any cause whatsoever, and the entire SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE allowing the same. This is simply not true. SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE was formed to allow the People the RIGHT to form ARMED MILITIA'S when such a time as duress or anarchy takes place. It forbids it, as stated by "with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People".

It is a very interesting set of SECTIONS, and I must say that it files under extreme circumstances. However, it does clearly state for Civilian Militia's, should a Government by the COMMON WILL OF THE PEOPLE, in this case the UGF, become Imperialistic or OPPRESS THE COMMON WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

If you have any further questions on this verse, I will try to answer them. I hope I cleared everything up.

Now onto your question about the Senate and GHPR.

Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC SENATE be established, with the intent to represent the Common Will of the People, with wisdom that each Senator be elected properly by vote, with knowledge that each senator has a term of FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, with understanding that each Senator REPRESENT four systems, or the amount of systems established in conjunction with the number of Star Systems in a given Member-Nation, that the GALACTIC SENATE shall debate the issues of Governing and Policy Making of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to examine and properly judge all decisions based upon the Common Will of the People.


Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES be established to fairly and justly represent the interests of member-planets, to convene in public with express interest to solve issues not of the Senate level, and to pass Resolutions and Issues to the Senate should they require such level of interest and popularity, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES govern by and for the Will of the People, that with knowledge they should inform the GALACTIC SENATE of issues and problems concerning the WILL of the PEOPLE, and that with understanding should they resolve said issues and problems with due course, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be voted into office for a consecutive term of TWO STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be informed and well knowing in the ways and cultures of the Planet they represent, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE use this knowledge in due effect with the Common Will of the People.

I can answer this in less time then it took me to answer everything else.

The GALACTIC HOUSE OF PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES governs "to fairly and justly represent the interests of member-planets, to convene in public with express interest to solve issues not of the Senate level, and to pass Resolutions and Issues to the Senate should they require such level of interest and popularity". Clearly, these verses comply to the Purpose of the GHPR, to relieve tension of the Senate and allow a governing body that concentrates entirely on Member-Planets, and passes major issues from said Member Planets to the Galactic Senate.

The GALACTIC SENATE governs to "debate the issues of Governing and Policy Making of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to examine and properly judge all decisions based upon the Common Will of the People." This verse clearly defines that the Senate is to govern over issues pertaining to the ENTIRE UGF spectrum, not Member-Planets. This only happens when stated verse from GHPR comes into play. The Galactic Senate is in place to relieve further political stress by concentrating on the entire United Nation of the Union of Galactic Federations, instead of having to constantly bicker or concentrate on EVERY PLANET that should, and does, have legal rights to represent themselves.

As you can see, while each Planet is properly represented in a major governing body, so is each Member Nation in the Galactic Senate. Two ways to make sure Freedom and Democracy takes its course, without leaving everyone out.

Now, concerning your legal tender, I personally don't see a problem with that. Having it transfered over and exchanged is personally acceptable. We may even adopt your currency, if it suites us. I must state that while I approve of your membership, it must be voted upon by all members. You must understand we have been quite busy, so please give us time. Hopefully the Office of the Presidency will come along soon and solve all further issues.

Thank you for your interest, and we hope to represent you in the Senate!
Drakomis Nokomis Reign
Sovereign of Anagonia
Chief Senator of the Galactic Senate of the UGF
23-04-2008, 21:07
-big snip-

Official Response from The Confederacy of the Uir SystemsMessage from the Consuls

To the Union of Galactic Federations,

Noting that BEARING ARMS means to hold a weapon for self-defense, and for that purpose only. Both § I º Â I and § V º Â I are necessary to protect the freedoms to express and communicate thoughts and ideas. While marriage is a new concept to us it is important to the cultures of many other planets. Militias and peaceful demonstrations are for when all other proper channels of lobbying and governing have been rendered ineffective.

Also noting that the Galactic Senate debates issues in the scope of the whole Union of Galactic Federations with a ratio of one Galactic Senator for every four Governors and that the Galactic House of Planetary Representatives debate on issues regarding each representative's individual planet with a ratio of one representative for every Governor.

We hereby declare two things. The first of which is that the Confederacy of Uir Systems expresses the intent to join the Union of Galactic Federations. The second of which is that even if the Confederacy of Uir Systems is not accepted into the Union of Galactic Federations, the Confederacy of the Uir Systems recognizes that citizens of the Union of Galactic Federations deserve the rights laid out in their constitution. Hereby known by us, the Uir Symbiotic Lifeforms as Galacti'i, or in our native script, T\p\xg:': .

OOC EDIT: Yay for my 1,000th post.
The Fedral Union
24-04-2008, 01:39
24-04-2008, 03:16
Having looked over the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, and having my various questions answered to my satisfaction, I, Empress Dominique Evangaline Alexandra Ryder, with the whole hearted agreement of the Upper and Lower Houses, and the Judiciary of the Phoenix Empire finding no flaws within said Constitution do apply for membership within this Union.

When in the Course of Events, it becomes necessary for one nation to join in a union which connects with others, and to assume among the Powers of the Universe, the united, but unique and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of the Divine entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Sentiences requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the joining.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all sentiences are created equal, that they are endowed by the Divine with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Beings, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that beings are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Flat out without all the flowery words, My Empire and I are tired of seeing these paltry governments oppress their citizens just because they are not human. It has long been our stance to stand aside, and not ally ourselves with other nations, letting the Universe go it's merry way. No longer shall we stand and do nothing.
24-04-2008, 03:42
Official Communications Release from the Desk of Chief Ambassador Vanadict:
To all nations in the UGF: The Kitsune Empire greets you warmly and wishes to inform you that it is considering membership at this time. However, debate on the issue is still underway, and nothing is definite at this time.

The real heart of the matter lies with the Intergalactic Empire of Greal. This nation has broadcasted prevalent hate-speech of aliens, particularly furries, particularly Xiscapians, despite our assistance for them in combat and strategy against the collective known as the Alliance of Imiated Worlds. The Emperor fears we are on the brink of war, with the Intergalactic Empire having pushed a flood of heavily armed, frightened refugees from one of it's conquests across our boarder, resulting in the refugee's eighty ship strong attack on a jointly-held Xiscapian and Alversian colony. The attack was beaten back, and the aliens, known as the Zillars, vanished. One of our Ambassadors has boarded the flagship of a Greal fleet sent to "help" the Empire in war against the Zillars. However, even now we are searching for the Zillar refugees in hopes of making peace and offering them haven in the Empire.

Unfortunately, the Ambassador is in grave danger: Once the fleet finds the remaining Zillars, it may attempt to engage and destroy them, as well as murdering the Ambassador. Contingency plans are in place for such an event, however, and negotiations remain a hopeful option.
Nevertheless, relations between the Intergalactic Empire and the Kitsune Empire remain tense, and war could break out at any time. The Kitsune Empire, noting your honorable policy on the equality and rights all sentient beings, humbly and respectfully asks that the UGF does not get involved militarily in this conflict, as plans have been made by the Empire and it's allies to bring down the Intergalactic Empire should it declare war.

The Kitsune Empire, however, does not have any objections to any nations sending in observers of any kind, nor would it reject kind financial or materials donations.
Thank you for your time,
Chief Ambassador Vanadict
Xiscapian System, Xiscapia, Padga, Rio Casa, Palace
OOC: Basically I was told my Tanara that I should tell you lot to keep out of the war. As the encrypted part implies, though, Xiscapia is not closed to "observers" from the respective nations of the UGF or donations.
24-04-2008, 03:57
OOC: smacks Xis - No I agreed that you could be the head honcho for that war, I'm only sending one person. And that I'd let the UGF know that you had first dibs...

IC: Would sending hospital ships be allowed by the UGF, or is it that since they are not military they are allowable as an individual members choice?

The ones Tanara would be sending would be unarmed vessels that are not part of the military, though given the situation there might be a need for a military escort for the safety of the vessels, their patients and crew.
North Calaveras
24-04-2008, 03:59
OCC: Calaveras is interested, it seems like your going to have a war RIGHT now and are preparing, Calaveras would at the moment, no doubt, be involved listed nations: Alversian People's Republic: Kitsune Empire of Xscapia: Calaverian Observed Systems
24-04-2008, 04:16
Official Message from the Galactic Defense Initiative

"Greetings to the Union of Galactic Federations. I am Director Granger, leader of the Galactic Defense Initiative. We have been informed by the Imperial Republic of Coreworlds about this alliance and have been invited by our ally to join this alliance. I have personally read over the constitution and I must say it is a fine piece of law. A bit wordy and says simple concepts in so many words, but that is needed in law I suppose. It reminds me of the GDI constitution and the old American constitution. After a little debate, the GDI stands united.

If you will have us, the GDI will gladly join this union of brothers and sisters in defending liberty and justice. However, we must note, our obligation to the Galactic Federation of Free Alliance comes first, as the Imperial Republic can attest to, though I doubt there will be much conflict.

Also, having read the telegram from the Kitsune Empire, we'd like to offer any aid, be it military or otherwise. This is our own initiative and we do not wish to involve the UGF if the Kistune Empire should accept.

I await the decision of the Federation.

open attachment?



"Greetings Daniel. I know you have been under a lot of stress especially with Katrina, and I am dutifully sorry for not being able to help. But as you know, we had problems at home, and unless we went to war with the Colonies, we cannot help Katrina beyond supporting her. But we can help you and Coredia. I just want you to know that the GDI have finally united, in large part to your speech in London, and are reaffirming their support of you and Coredia. Should you need help, military or otherwise, contact me and I will do my best to help you.

God knows you need some light in this dark time.


-attachment ended

OOC:The last is for CW only. ^^
24-04-2008, 12:28
OOC: Ow, what? But that's what I did...
The Kitsune Empire supposes that unarmed medical ships would be allowable, but our plan for the destruction of the Intergalactic Empire is one that would probably not need hospital least, not for our side. The plans are secret at the moment, but if war does occur we will share them with you, as our current allies all play a certain role in this potential war.

The Kitsune Empire of Xiscapia thanks the honorable Director Granger, leader of the Galactic Defense Initiative, for his support. As aforesaid, we do not wish any kind of military action against the Greali, least such upset our own operation. However, you are welcome to send a small amount, the precise number being entirely up to you, of "military advisers" to assist us in our operations. Likewise, and also previously mentioned, the Empire is open to donations.
The Garbage Men
24-04-2008, 16:23
To the Galactic Senate of the Union of Galactic Federations aka UGF

With recent discussions within the Board Room, a decision has been made whether to ally ourselves with the UGF or not. Due to the private and confidential nature of Board meetings we cannot discuss any votes or any other information related to happenings within the Board.

However we have a decision, that decision is to request membership into the UGF, as the goals and charter of this organsation are in-line with the goals of our corporation.

As such we would like to official request membership into this august body, may we work together for the benefit of all.
24-04-2008, 18:52

Those not mentioned are pending review, those approved are listed. Created a BOARD for us, listed above everything in original post. Pop updated.

24-04-2008, 19:58

Please use the forums for membership requests and the like, if possible. If not just post it here. I'd like the Offsite forums to become operational with a lot of participation
01-05-2008, 17:42
Garbage Men, go ahead and get back on the forums and post again. Your a member now and I'm sorry it took so long. We've all been busy with new declarations, decisions, and real life.

Also, participate in the forums and help us make it active, because were all busy and need spam too. :P

More updates forthcoming.
04-05-2008, 03:53
The Union of Galactic Federations hereby adopts a new Declaration to clearly define the ways and process and freedoms of the Democratic Way of Life. All members present voted unanimously in favor, and therefore it has passed into law.

Declaration of Democratic Process
To clearly define the Democratic Process of the Union of Galactic Federations

In the interest of clearly defining and presenting the way of democratic due process, it is hereby presented to the Union of Galactic Federations an Article that shall clearly make certain that, with all fairness and justice, all Member-Nations shall be Sovereign and Free to make certain that lawful governorship takes the proper course, without interference from any governing body surrounding said Member-Nations.

Herein it shall be established that the Union of Galactic Federations shall not, under any circumstances, undertake to pass resolution to absolutely unify all Member-Nations with risk to National Sovereignty, with wisdom that such absolute unification is impossible under Constitutional Law, with honor that such absolute unification is worthy of note but forbidden by ARTICLE TWO - BASIC SOVEREIGNTY of the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.

It shall therefore be illegal, by both law and action, for the Office of the President to become a sovereign branch of the Union of Galactic Federations, lacking the supreme power to control the destiny of Member-Nations, lacking the supreme power to impede on National Rights, and therefore prevented from becoming a Tyranny to the Union of Galactic Federations, that therein the elected president shall lead with permission, enabled by Democratic Due Process according to the laws and rights set forth by the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, thereby heeding the Majority Vote of the Member-Nations of the Union of Galactic Federations, that thereby in decisions of Internal and External value, with knowledge that such decisions shall not Violate Democratic Due Process, the President shall fairly and justly make decisions, that thereby said decisions shall not violate the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, that therefore with permission the President be responsible to judge fairly and equally the overall Issues of Governing said Union of Galactic Federations, thereby allowing a VETO power in the GALACTIC SENATE, which shall thereby be overridden with a 75% MAJORITY of the GALACTIC SENATE, that henceforth the President shall Lead and Be Responsible for defending the Values and Rights and Freedoms held sacred and true by the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, and shall therefore follow SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, AMENDMENT I: SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, and AMENDMENT II: SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE of the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.

The Galactic Senate shall therefore be the legal governing body of the Union of Galactic Federations, which shall pass laws and regulations unless Vetoed by the Elected President of the Union of Galactic Federations, unless said VETO is rejected by 75% MAJORITY vote of the Senate, that with respect to the Galactic Senate there shall be appointed from the member-nations of the Union of Galactic Federations to represent their constituents, in all manner of governing, in which applies to the Union of Galactic Federations with respect to ARTICLE TWO - BASIC SOVEREIGNTY, chosen from the respective member nations, to properly vote upon issues, that shall therein follow the process of DEBATING, then with popular vote of approval to PROPOSING TO LAW, then with popular vote of approval to VOTING INTO LAW.

The Galactic House of Planetary Representatives shall therefore be the legal governing body of representing the interests of Member-Nations and their due course of legal governing, that shall therefore be the informative governing body of the Union of Galactic Federations, informing the Senate to legal matters of Member-Nations, therefore informing the President of said matters, therefore placing into popular democratic due process should said interests conflict, thereby being the Legal Advisory Body of the Union of Galactic Federations.

The GALACTIC COURT shall therefore be the legal judiciary body of the Union of Galactic Federations, taking into account the FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES and SOVEREIGNTY the Constitution Provides, MODERATING over all decisions and debates, ensuring that the Democratic Due Process is secured for future generations, PROTECTING the RIGHTS of Member-Nations to Govern Themselves, and therefore being responsible for PASSING JUDGMENT should any conflicts occur in any governing body of the Union of Galactic Federations, that said judgment take place with a PROPER COUNCIL of Judges from all Member-Nations present and available, that said Judgment be fair and just to the Constitution, that said judgment not impede the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS held sacred by the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.

That therefore this section provides proof that any amendments and additions to this Declaration shall and will be possible for the future generations of the Union of the Galactic Federations, that therefore should such a time arrive when these laws need moderation and amendments that therefore it is to be allowed with Democratic Due Process, so long as such Democratic Due Process is fair and just under the Constitution held sacred by the Union of Galactic Federations.

That therefore the Security Council shall be defined as the WAR COUNCIL, with respect to AMENDMENT II: SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, which states therein that said council shall be convened only in times of WAR, herein thereby classified as WAR Voted upon by MAJORITY VOTE of the GALACTIC SENATE, thereby approved by the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, and therefore with the purpose of being convened by the Member-Nations of the Union of Galactic Federations to discuss and debate key issues of war-time importance concerning the Security and continued existence of the Union of Galactic Federations, without compromising the Laws and Rights and Freedoms set forth by the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.

In the interest of clearly defining the powers of the Military, under the command of the Grand Marshal, it shall therefore be clearly stated that the Military Power of the Union of Galactic Federations shall not be used for ends that constitute violations of the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, that said military And shall be used for mutual defense of all member nations in defensive actions, unless said mutual defense constitutes offensive action by democratic due process, and therefore be the central military power to preserving the Integrity and Defense of the Union of Galactic Federations, that therefore such mutual defense shall constitute the Majority consensus of the senate, with express permission of the GALACTIC PRESIDENT of the Union of Galactic Federations, thereby constituting Offensive Actions.

The Prime Directive of the Military Power of the Union of Galactic Federations shall therefore be of preserving SENTIENT LIFE, according to the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, with no exemptions, and shall therefore be held accountable in the GALACTIC COURT of the Union of Galactic Federations should any illegal actions take place, that therefore these illegal actions shall thereby be defined as acts of Mass Genocide, acts of Illegal Invasions, acts of Impeding the Sovereignty of Member-Nations of the Union of Galactic Federations, acts of attempt to overrule the democratic due process of the Union of Galactic Federations, acts of attempting or starting Wars without the consent of the Union of Galactic Federations, that therefore these actions must be reviewed with Democratic Consent, that therefore if such an action takes place it must be seen as intended, and that therefore it such an action takes place and it is found not intentional it shall come under review of the GALACTIC COURT of the Union of Galactic Federations.

Therefore with understanding it is prudent to define a Defensive Action, which shall thereby be considered an act by an outside entity against the Sovereignty of a Member-Nation or the entirety of the Union of Galactic Federations, that shall therefore be considered an act against the LIBERTIES and RIGHTS and FREEDOMS held sacred by the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations, that shall therefore be considered an act against the SOVEREIGN RIGHT of Member-Nations to Govern Themselves, that shall be an approved action by the GALACTIC PRESIDENT should such a situation arise, that shall be considered and voted upon by the GALACTIC SENATE.

Therefore with understanding it is prudent to define an Offensive Action, which shall thereby be considered an act against an aggressor against the Union of Galactic Federations, which shall therefore be voted upon in the GALACTIC SENATE, approved with a MAJORITY of the Vote, and thereby approved by the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, and therefore must be considered an act against the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS and SOVEREIGNTY of a Member-Nation, Member-Nations, or the Union of Galactic Federations as a whole.

Peacekeeping, Operations, and any other Operation not dealing with times of war shall be permitted by MAJORITY VOTE of the GALACTIC SENATE, therefore approved by the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, so long as said operations do not violate any written law herein held sacred by the Union of Galactic Federations.

Therefore it is to be established a Joint Military Command, under a Grand Marshal, which under the Grand Marshal shall be the represented Military Officers of High Rank and Prestige, in which there shall be a United Council to deliberate Military Action, which shall therefore be instituted in times of War, which therefore the chain of command shall follow in times of peace that of Deliberation and Council of wise decisions based upon the situation at hand, and therefore in times of war be under the Command of the Grand Marshal, with choice to use judgment of the independent forces if the situation permits, with the ability of this Joint Military Command to have volunteer forces from that of the Member-Nations.

That therefore there needs to be in place a system of Command in times of war and peace, for the benefit of leadership chosen by the Member-Nation of the Union of Galactic Federations, that therein this chain of command be of sound decision and wise council, that thereby should one chain of the command fall another shall take the burden of the responsibility where thereby the next in line chosen shall assume that command until such a time as another can be democratically elected to take the place.

Thereby the chain of command shall follow the Galactic President, thereby next in line be the Grand Senator of the Galactic Senate, thereby next in line be the Grand Speaker of the House, thereby next in line be the Grand Judge of the Galactic Court, thereby next in line be the Grand Marshal of the Joint Military Command, thereby next in line be the Member-Nations of the Union of Galactic Federations.

Thereby the elected officials of the Union of Galactic Federation shall be the Galactic President by MAJORITY VOTE, the Grand Senator by MAJORITY VOTE, the Grand Speaker of the House by MAJORITY VOTE, the Grand Judge by MAJORITY VOTE, with omission to the Grand Marshal who shall be appointed by the Galactic President.
09-05-2008, 01:17
I am Prince Thoth Hau' Aum Horus, heir to the Obisidian Throne, and I am here representing my esteemed sire, the Emperor Anket- Ha' Ra Aum Horus, and a small group of like minded interstellar neighbors.

We call ourselves The Unity. Pretentious? Perhaps, but it serves it's purpose." The tall, ebony furred Canid twitched long elegant ears slightly, just the faintest of smiles curling his thin carnivore’s lips.

"We find your Bill of Sentient Rights of interest to us. The species Homo Sapiens Sapiens are a vast minority of our populaces. And among our nations they are treated as equals, no differently from other species. However it is very obvious that this is not the case elsewhere." His limpid gold eyes were serene and wise. The Anubi were long lived, their creation mythos saying they had been born of the spilt blood of their God and thusly they were as long lived as He. Prince Thoth himself had six thousand circlings about his natal star.

“Therefore we would like an alliance between The Unity and the Union of Galactic Federations.”

Prince Thoth (
09-05-2008, 04:08
On BEHALF of the Union of Galactic Federations

Dear Friends in Anarcanis,

We welcome this alliance, and thank you for your wise words of knowledge and serenity. We understand the turmoil indulging the galaxy as of late, and understand that you may be possibly confused and worried about the state of things. But let me assure you, your alliance with the UGF will be the most sound and stable, and we always abide by our constitution, and we always share our beliefs.

So take time to look us over, visit our senates and buildings therein (the Forums), look us over, and maybe one day you can test membership out. I say this as an invitation, for we welcome anyone, even alliances, to join us. I assure you that if you choose to, by our Constitutional mandate your alliance cannot dissolve, nor your relations with any alliance including the Unity. You just become Member-Nations, and your alliance itself of The Unity is still recognized.

But enough of the future, because I know not the intentions. Either way of things, we welcome you, and thank you most respectfully for considering us for this honor. We have voted democratically on it (via MSN because it was so sudden), and have given it thought and purpose. Indeed we accepted, perhaps we can draw up an official draft of a declaration soon.

Either way, thank you, and please do visit us sometime!
Drakomis Nokomis Reign
Sovereign of the Galactic Federation of Anagonia
Chief Senator in the Union of Galactic Federations
10-05-2008, 02:34
I am sure that our alliance will be mutually beneficial. Good to see you back on the boards you old dog you!
10-05-2008, 06:00
OOC: Jolt has been fubared tonight! I am unable to use IM programs given my work situation. However I've a greater chance to be online than the others. I was 'volunteered' to be spokes-jackal, but I will attempt to rise to the office.

IC: "Thank you for your prompt reply. I too believe that our alliance will be beneficial to all. And could grow into a more earnest association in time. The Unity is comprised currently of 10 nations, and some 20 plus billion citizens. Our members are widely spread and it will take time for them to come to agreements." The Prince gave a lupine grin "One could say that it is like 'herding cats'. And we Anubians can't claim to be a 'herding breed' by any stretch of the AKC's imagination."

Light glowed about him and Ars Majica functioning as an extension of his Will, took him back to the Anubian home world. He had a report to prepare and many recommendations to send forth to his fellows in The Unity.
11-05-2008, 01:09
11-05-2008, 02:12
OC: TG Anagonia
11-05-2008, 04:03
OC: TG Anagonia


You have my permission to punch me in the face. I'm sorry!
11-05-2008, 04:18
OOC: S'okay, just wondering why you weren't posting...
21-05-2008, 02:57
21-05-2008, 04:23
Hopefully for the last dang time
08-07-2008, 04:37

This is an official statement from the
Phoenix Empire of Tanara.

We respectfully, but adamantly withdraw from the Union of Galactic Federations.

We wish this alliance well, but as our reasons for having joined this alliance are continually being questioned and doubted, we feel that it is best we withdraw.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Dominique E. A. Ryder

The flag is lowered, folded with ceremony and destroyed by fire, cleansing and purifying, symbolizing the end of any and all connections between the Phoenix Empire of Tanaara and the Untion of Galactic Fenerations

When one member is made to feel persecuted, and this is allowed by the rest, it is time to leave.
08-07-2008, 05:11

It is to our great regret that the Semi-Nomadic Jedi Empire of Coreworlds hereby withdraws from this alliance as well, due to more pressing matters at hand.

~Emperor Daniel Alexander Masaki
08-07-2008, 23:50
Official Statement
Galactic Federation of Anagonia

Regretfully, the Galactic Federation of Anagonia withdrawls membership from the Union of Galactic Federations. Understandably, having co-founded the constitution with our respected neighbors to the galactic north of us, and having withdrawn from a signed contract of sorts, the Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations is hereby made null and void. Therefore, understandably, the Alliance as a whole is now made null and void.

Thank you.


Can a Mod close this thread please?