22-04-2008, 02:10
This is after the Alversian Thread, for OOC info for Alversia. And yes, I wrote hands hurt...and TFU approved it...and its open to new members at any time, should they see fit.
Clicky: The Union of Galactic Federations Off-site Board (
Coreworlds - Galactic President
The Fedral Union - Grand Marshall of the Joint Military
Anagonia - Grand Senator of the Governing Body
Tanara - Chief of Foreign Affairs
Kaldari - In Office
Wanderjar - Deputy Chief
Total Population: Too many to count >.< Over 50 Billion!
-The Galactic Federation of Anagonia
-The United Terran Federation of The Fedral Union
-The High Jedi Order of CoreWorlds
-The Second Commonwealth of Wanderjar
-The Dominion of Kaldari (Galactic Defense Initiative)
-The Phoenix Empire of Tanara
-The Imperial Democracy of Cazelia
-The Confederacy of Uiri
-The Garbage Men
The Unity
By unanimous Vote, the Three Core Members of the Union of Galactic Federations, hereby understood to have reviewed evidence of all Three Core Member currency values, do therefore vote the FEDERAL DOLLAR, as accepted by United Terran Federation to be its common currency, as the GALACTIC CURRENCY of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is the National Anthem of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the Flag of the United Terran Federation, updated to represent the values of a Union of Galactic Federations, is therefore the Flag of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Declaration of Constitution
Constitution for the Union of Galactic Federations
We, the Sentient Beings of the Union of Galactic Federations, do hereby declare that all sentient life is created equal, no matter creed, religion, belief, motto, or politic, with due respect to Sovereignty of both Individuals and Nations, and with knowledge that all sentient life has the basic rights of Freedom, Liberty, Independence, and the ultimate pursuit of Happiness for ones future and present life.
All Sentient Beings have the rights, endowed by their creators, to pursue a Peaceful Co-Existence with their common brethren, henceforth known as the Union of Galactic Federations, with the basic rights and freedoms given unto them at birth, with wisdom that these freedoms are prime to success of the Pursuit of Long Life and Happiness, and understanding that these Freedoms should not, and can not, conflict with the Common Interest of the People of the Union of Galactic Federations with hostile intent and/or aggressive motivations at the heart.
All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Speech, to say and to will their lives, to speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life, with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express.
All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Worship, to believe as they desire, to worship any deity or divine power they so choose, and to give unto such worship any way they so choose, with knowledge that all Beliefs are created Equal, and all Worship is Universal to the Common Good, and with wisdom that all Religion cannot and must not dictate the lives of Governments unless directed by the Will of the Common People.
All Sentient Beings have to the Right to Bear Arms, to protect their common beliefs, to protect their property, to ensure the survival of their existence and/or those they should cherish, with wisdom that such rights extend to the Laws set forth by the Constitution, without consenting to harmful intent against another individual, with consent to protect and defend, with knowledge that such Arms should not be used against the Common Will of the People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to a Fair Trail, with judgment from their peers, and the right to be seen as innocent in the face of any crime, no matter creed, motto, justice, or knowledge or action of said crime, with the right to a lawyer or representative chosen by the accused, and the right to be found innocent until proven guilty, with the knowledge that all crimes are not visible, and the wisdom that those crimes visible still must be resolved in a Fair and Just manner.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Expression, to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law, with wisdom that such expression be made without harmful actions, with respect to cultures and lifestyles of said Sentient Beings, and with honor to the Sovereign Laws of the Constitution to allow all Sentient Beings the Freedom to Express and Commit their lives as they see fit, with respect to honoring the laws and prohibit said Freedom of Expression and Commitment from aggressive and harmful action against the Common People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Marriage, with respect to the Common Cultures of the People, with knowledge that all Sentient Beings deserve the Basic Right to Choose and Commit their lives as they see fit, with wisdom that this Right to Freedom of Marriage extends to Interspecies relationships, with liberty to not prohibit the Will of the Common Peoples choice no matter sex, creed, motto, belief, religion, politic, or ideal, with obvious Freedom to Choose the Ultimate Path to the Freedom to Pursue the Right to Happiness and Long Life.
All Sentient Beings, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Right to Formation of Militia's, should the time of war or peace call for the Formation of said Militia, with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People, with Knowledge that such Militia's are Formed for the Common Defense of the People, with duty that such Militia's must be formed in times of oppression against the People, the Common Will of the People, and any threats against the Basic Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights of all Sentient Beings, hereby known as the People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right of Demonstration, to oppose any politic, to oppose any decision, to oppose any belief, to oppose any value, with wisdom that such Demonstration must be peaceful in manner, with knowledge that the Common Will of the People is valued, with loyalty to the decision of the Common Will of the People, with respect to the lives and values of those being Demonstrated against, with ultimate Freedom to Demonstrate in a Peaceful manner not intent on violence or creating violence unless such opposition and/or Demonstration is in context with SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE of this Constitution.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Privacy, without restriction, without monitoring from any Governing or Civilian Body, without fear of Oppression or Fear of False Trail, with wisdom that the Right to Privacy is Paramount among Freedoms, with knowledge that such Privacy must therefore be considered unto a Court or Judiciary Body in cases of crimes or suspicions of crimes, with ultimate respect to the Constitution and the Basic Freedoms of All Sentient Beings, with Knowledge that such Right to Privacy must not be violated no matter Personal Creed, motto, belief, judgment, politic, or herein anything that the Common People hereby hold sacred and valued.
All Nations, choosing with wise council and passed by the Will of the Common People, in membership to this Union of Galactic Federations, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Rights to Sovereignty, to govern themselves as they see fit, to understand and obey the Will of their People, to choose to Lead their People with respect to the laws passed by their Nation, with understanding that all Nations have different cultures and ways, with wisdom that all nations should remain Sovereign, Independent, and Free without compromising Membership in said Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO DOMESTIC SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their People and domestic policies as they see fit, with wisdom to understand the concerns of their People, with knowledge to govern rightly according to the Will of the People, with loyalty and respect to the Sovereign Governments chosen by said People, and said Governing style of chosen Government, with understanding that these Rights to Domestic Sovereignty hereby extend to all member-nations of this Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO FOREIGN SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their foreign policies as they see fit, to govern their foreign relations without compromising alliances and/or relations, that this Constitution not be a stranglehold on any Foreign Engagement, that this Constitution express that every Member-Nation has the RIGHT to maintain any relation, whether good or bad, without compromising the Will of the People, with wisdom that said foreign relations are critical to trade and should not be abolished, with knowledge that said foreign relations are not restricted due to loyalty, that in understanding of these foreign relations no Member-Nation should be forced into abolishing any relation, unless said relation compromises the BASIC RIGHTS held true by This Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in Membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO SOVEREIGN MILITARY CONTROL, with compromising the basic defense of said Union of Galactic Federations, with knowledge that said military must defend the interest of said Member-Nations, with wisdom that said Military may engage in cooperative exercises under joint command, with loyalty that said military must defend the Common Good and Basic Freedoms and Common Will of the People, with understanding that said Military are not exempt from joint defense of this Union of Galactic Federations, unless said military are engaged in other theaters of war or conflict, with understanding that said military will attempt, no matter the obstacle, to defend the BASIC FREEDOMS held true by this Constitution.
With respect to SECTION III - ARTICLE TWO, with honor to the RIGHTS OF SOVEREIGNTY it holds, with knowledge that such rights are critical to the defense of Member-Nations, that a JOINT MILITARY be hereby established to ease tensions upon the current and existing military of said Member-Nations, formed with the intent of COMMON DEFENSE, established with the intent to PRESERVE the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY of this Constitution, with wisdom, knowledge, and intent upon protection and understanding to the Common Will of all Sentient Beings of this Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is declared that a United Government be established to fairly and equally represent the Common Will of the People of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to rule with the Peoples Interest, with wisdom to convene on any matter, with knowledge to understand any situation, with purpose to ultimately fulfill the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held true by this Constitution.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC SENATE be established, with the intent to represent the Common Will of the People, with wisdom that each Senator be elected properly by vote, with knowledge that each senator has a term of FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, with understanding that each Senator REPRESENT four systems, or the amount of systems established in conjunction with the number of Star Systems in a given Member-Nation, that the GALACTIC SENATE shall debate the issues of Governing and Policy Making of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to examine and properly judge all decisions based upon the Common Will of the People.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES be established to fairly and justly represent the interests of member-planets, to convene in public with express interest to solve issues not of the Senate level, and to pass Resolutions and Issues to the Senate should they require such level of interest and popularity, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES govern by and for the Will of the People, that with knowledge they should inform the GALACTIC SENATE of issues and problems concerning the WILL of the PEOPLE, and that with understanding should they resolve said issues and problems with due course, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be voted into office for a consecutive term of TWO STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be informed and well knowing in the ways and cultures of the Planet they represent, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE use this knowledge in due effect with the Common Will of the People.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC COURT be established to govern the laws of this Constitution, fairly and equally, should said laws conflict with the Interest of any Member-Nation, of the Common Will of the People, of any individual, or of any body of individuals, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC COURT follow due process of trail, with fair representation to both accused and prosecution, and represent the Ultimate Will of the People by fairly judging according the laws established to be true by this Constitution, that with knowledge shall each JUDGE of the GALACTIC COURT be elected by the PEOPLE, voted upon by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and approved by the GALACTIC SENATE in a fair and swift manner, that each GALACTIC JUDGE be hereby allowed the term allowed by life-span, unless revoked by decision by the GALACTIC SENATE, and thereby approved by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, that ultimately this GALACTIC COURT shall judge fairly issues that cannot be solved by any lower ranking court of any Member-Nation or Planetary Body.
Hereby it is declared that an OFFICE of the GALACTIC PRESIDENT be established to properly rule and govern this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to follow all laws set forth by this Constitution, with will to judge fairly all issues both foreign and domestic, with authority to proclaim MARTIAL LAW in times of duress or war, with no authority to RULE SUPREMELY without consent of the People, with wisdom to be voted upon by a JOINT SESSION of MEMBER-STATES, with knowledge that such JOIN SESSION shall be convened in COUNCIL and thereby approved by the People, thereby seconded by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, therein placed into office by approval by the GALACTIC SENATE, with understanding that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall not be in office for more than EIGHT STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, and no less than FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS.
With respect to the authority that SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE provides, therein it is declared that a UNITED COUNCIL be established under the GALACTIC PRESIDENT to properly assist in deliberation of decisions, and be placed as advisers, and be therein the governing body should the GALACTIC PRESIDENT become unavailable. and therein govern according to SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE with fair and just decisions according to these truths set for by this Constitution.
With respect to the governing abilities provided by SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, therein it is added and confirmed that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall govern all issues pertaining to this Union of Galactic Federations, both foreign and domestic, that with wisdom shall the GALACTIC PRESIDENT convene the UNITED COUNCIL in times of WAR for decision, with knowledge that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall convene the UNITED COUNCIL for deliberation of decision pertaining to the continued existence of this Union of Galactic Federations, and that therein the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall act as leader and sign of authority with all purpose to preserve and protect these truths held by this Constitution and the Common Will of the People.
Therein it is established a GOVERNING POLICY for all branches of GOVERNMENT, therein classified as the GALACTIC SENATE, the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, that thereby they shall govern fairly and justly according to the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that thereby they shall not violate the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that therein any species of any race, creed, motto, politic, belief, religion, ect., can be elected into these positions, that therein with this GOVERNING POLICY this Union of Galactic Federations shall be termed "FEDERATION" for proper government context, that with wisdom shall all branches of government, including that of the GALACTIC COURT, be made to judge fairly, justly, equally, and with resolve to preserve the Common Will of the People, with no intention to compromise these laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, nor any intention to compromise the Will of the People nor the BASIC FREEDOMS they hold, nor compromise the BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held by any Member-Nation so long as it does not violate these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution.
Therein it is declared, that on this day, held true by the respective Member-Nations of the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA and the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION, that all Borders be abolished, that all Trade be equal, that All Sovereignty and Governing come together in a Unified Body, that all Member-Nations acknowledge and respect these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution, that therefore with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that all parties shall not willingly enable this Unified Governing Body to come under threat of destruction, that therefore this Union of Galactic Federations be established and made true with all intent and purpose to extend these liberties, these freedoms, and these laws held sacred to any Nation, any Galactic Power, any Planet seeking to join in on this Union of Galactic Federations should they seek membership, that this Union of Galactic Federations be respected, that this Constitution of this Union of Galactic Federations be acknowledge, and that therein peace shall reign between the two Founding Member-Nations of the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION and the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA.
Sovereign Drakomis Nokomis Reign
Raitei Daniel Alexander Masaki, Emperor of Coredia, Field Marshal of the Starfighter Corps and All Around Good Guy.
The King of Wanderjar, James XI
Drakomis Nokomis Reign, now Elected King over Anagonia, which still was led by the Federation Congress and therefore still considered a Federation, stood at the table beside President Mike Logan of the United Terran Federation. This was a day to make history, a day long in the making, a day that had been long anticipated by everyone in the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation. For so long had the Terrans and Anagonias shared a common border, a common government, and a common trade. It was only natural to conclude centuries of relations by finally solidifying a common Governing body without restricting the common sovereignty held sacred by both Galactic Nations.
The Press was all around, having a field day with the event. Pictures being taken, shocked faces at the fact that only weeks ago the Galactic Federation had been in isolation with the Terran Federation. That had been resolved in private conversations with President Logan by Drakomis. The surprising outcome had been the suggestion of never letting it happen again, by forming something new. So over the course of two weeks the two Congressional Bodies of the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation had joint sessions and deliberated the new Constitution. Afterwards, it was voted upon, and approved, by the People. Now it had to be signed into effect by the two Presidents, to make it true, to make it happen.
Drakomis gazed at Logan, smiling as best as he could with all the holo-camera flashes, pen in hand as he gazed at the actual paper holding the constitution. He reached one hand over, patted Mike on the shoulder, and the news-people went crazy with more photos. He wished he hadn't, but it was a gesture of goodwill. He looked back at the Paper.
"I suppose this is the starting of a new beginning, a new history." Drakomis chuckled, "And the planet to be selected for these new governing bodies will be a new world, a new future." He smiled broadly, as best as his reptilian snout could allow, "What do you think Mr. Logan? Should we make it so?"
This is after the Alversian Thread, for OOC info for Alversia. And yes, I wrote hands hurt...and TFU approved it...and its open to new members at any time, should they see fit.
Clicky: The Union of Galactic Federations Off-site Board (
Coreworlds - Galactic President
The Fedral Union - Grand Marshall of the Joint Military
Anagonia - Grand Senator of the Governing Body
Tanara - Chief of Foreign Affairs
Kaldari - In Office
Wanderjar - Deputy Chief
Total Population: Too many to count >.< Over 50 Billion!
-The Galactic Federation of Anagonia
-The United Terran Federation of The Fedral Union
-The High Jedi Order of CoreWorlds
-The Second Commonwealth of Wanderjar
-The Dominion of Kaldari (Galactic Defense Initiative)
-The Phoenix Empire of Tanara
-The Imperial Democracy of Cazelia
-The Confederacy of Uiri
-The Garbage Men
The Unity
By unanimous Vote, the Three Core Members of the Union of Galactic Federations, hereby understood to have reviewed evidence of all Three Core Member currency values, do therefore vote the FEDERAL DOLLAR, as accepted by United Terran Federation to be its common currency, as the GALACTIC CURRENCY of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is the National Anthem of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is unanimously voted by all member-nations that the Flag of the United Terran Federation, updated to represent the values of a Union of Galactic Federations, is therefore the Flag of the Union of Galactic Federations.
Declaration of Constitution
Constitution for the Union of Galactic Federations
We, the Sentient Beings of the Union of Galactic Federations, do hereby declare that all sentient life is created equal, no matter creed, religion, belief, motto, or politic, with due respect to Sovereignty of both Individuals and Nations, and with knowledge that all sentient life has the basic rights of Freedom, Liberty, Independence, and the ultimate pursuit of Happiness for ones future and present life.
All Sentient Beings have the rights, endowed by their creators, to pursue a Peaceful Co-Existence with their common brethren, henceforth known as the Union of Galactic Federations, with the basic rights and freedoms given unto them at birth, with wisdom that these freedoms are prime to success of the Pursuit of Long Life and Happiness, and understanding that these Freedoms should not, and can not, conflict with the Common Interest of the People of the Union of Galactic Federations with hostile intent and/or aggressive motivations at the heart.
All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Speech, to say and to will their lives, to speak out against oppression, and to give life to new ideas and enterprise that is both beneficial and harmful to the existence of all Sentient Life, with wisdom that such benefits and such harms cannot trespass the Right to Live, and exist, and believe, and express.
All Sentient Beings have the right to Freedom of Worship, to believe as they desire, to worship any deity or divine power they so choose, and to give unto such worship any way they so choose, with knowledge that all Beliefs are created Equal, and all Worship is Universal to the Common Good, and with wisdom that all Religion cannot and must not dictate the lives of Governments unless directed by the Will of the Common People.
All Sentient Beings have to the Right to Bear Arms, to protect their common beliefs, to protect their property, to ensure the survival of their existence and/or those they should cherish, with wisdom that such rights extend to the Laws set forth by the Constitution, without consenting to harmful intent against another individual, with consent to protect and defend, with knowledge that such Arms should not be used against the Common Will of the People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to a Fair Trail, with judgment from their peers, and the right to be seen as innocent in the face of any crime, no matter creed, motto, justice, or knowledge or action of said crime, with the right to a lawyer or representative chosen by the accused, and the right to be found innocent until proven guilty, with the knowledge that all crimes are not visible, and the wisdom that those crimes visible still must be resolved in a Fair and Just manner.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Expression, to express their desires, to commit their lives and worth to said desire, to express in any means, with all protection under law, with wisdom that such expression be made without harmful actions, with respect to cultures and lifestyles of said Sentient Beings, and with honor to the Sovereign Laws of the Constitution to allow all Sentient Beings the Freedom to Express and Commit their lives as they see fit, with respect to honoring the laws and prohibit said Freedom of Expression and Commitment from aggressive and harmful action against the Common People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Freedom of Marriage, with respect to the Common Cultures of the People, with knowledge that all Sentient Beings deserve the Basic Right to Choose and Commit their lives as they see fit, with wisdom that this Right to Freedom of Marriage extends to Interspecies relationships, with liberty to not prohibit the Will of the Common Peoples choice no matter sex, creed, motto, belief, religion, politic, or ideal, with obvious Freedom to Choose the Ultimate Path to the Freedom to Pursue the Right to Happiness and Long Life.
All Sentient Beings, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Right to Formation of Militia's, should the time of war or peace call for the Formation of said Militia, with wisdom that such Militia's should not be formed to oppose the Common Will of the People, with Knowledge that such Militia's are Formed for the Common Defense of the People, with duty that such Militia's must be formed in times of oppression against the People, the Common Will of the People, and any threats against the Basic Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights of all Sentient Beings, hereby known as the People.
All Sentient Beings have the Right of Demonstration, to oppose any politic, to oppose any decision, to oppose any belief, to oppose any value, with wisdom that such Demonstration must be peaceful in manner, with knowledge that the Common Will of the People is valued, with loyalty to the decision of the Common Will of the People, with respect to the lives and values of those being Demonstrated against, with ultimate Freedom to Demonstrate in a Peaceful manner not intent on violence or creating violence unless such opposition and/or Demonstration is in context with SECTION VII - ARTICLE ONE of this Constitution.
All Sentient Beings have the Right to Privacy, without restriction, without monitoring from any Governing or Civilian Body, without fear of Oppression or Fear of False Trail, with wisdom that the Right to Privacy is Paramount among Freedoms, with knowledge that such Privacy must therefore be considered unto a Court or Judiciary Body in cases of crimes or suspicions of crimes, with ultimate respect to the Constitution and the Basic Freedoms of All Sentient Beings, with Knowledge that such Right to Privacy must not be violated no matter Personal Creed, motto, belief, judgment, politic, or herein anything that the Common People hereby hold sacred and valued.
All Nations, choosing with wise council and passed by the Will of the Common People, in membership to this Union of Galactic Federations, under the jurisdiction of this Constitution, do hereby have the Rights to Sovereignty, to govern themselves as they see fit, to understand and obey the Will of their People, to choose to Lead their People with respect to the laws passed by their Nation, with understanding that all Nations have different cultures and ways, with wisdom that all nations should remain Sovereign, Independent, and Free without compromising Membership in said Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO DOMESTIC SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their People and domestic policies as they see fit, with wisdom to understand the concerns of their People, with knowledge to govern rightly according to the Will of the People, with loyalty and respect to the Sovereign Governments chosen by said People, and said Governing style of chosen Government, with understanding that these Rights to Domestic Sovereignty hereby extend to all member-nations of this Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO FOREIGN SOVEREIGNTY, to govern their foreign policies as they see fit, to govern their foreign relations without compromising alliances and/or relations, that this Constitution not be a stranglehold on any Foreign Engagement, that this Constitution express that every Member-Nation has the RIGHT to maintain any relation, whether good or bad, without compromising the Will of the People, with wisdom that said foreign relations are critical to trade and should not be abolished, with knowledge that said foreign relations are not restricted due to loyalty, that in understanding of these foreign relations no Member-Nation should be forced into abolishing any relation, unless said relation compromises the BASIC RIGHTS held true by This Constitution of the Union of Galactic Federations.
All Nations in Membership with this Union of Galactic Federations do hereby have the RIGHT TO SOVEREIGN MILITARY CONTROL, with compromising the basic defense of said Union of Galactic Federations, with knowledge that said military must defend the interest of said Member-Nations, with wisdom that said Military may engage in cooperative exercises under joint command, with loyalty that said military must defend the Common Good and Basic Freedoms and Common Will of the People, with understanding that said Military are not exempt from joint defense of this Union of Galactic Federations, unless said military are engaged in other theaters of war or conflict, with understanding that said military will attempt, no matter the obstacle, to defend the BASIC FREEDOMS held true by this Constitution.
With respect to SECTION III - ARTICLE TWO, with honor to the RIGHTS OF SOVEREIGNTY it holds, with knowledge that such rights are critical to the defense of Member-Nations, that a JOINT MILITARY be hereby established to ease tensions upon the current and existing military of said Member-Nations, formed with the intent of COMMON DEFENSE, established with the intent to PRESERVE the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY of this Constitution, with wisdom, knowledge, and intent upon protection and understanding to the Common Will of all Sentient Beings of this Union of Galactic Federations.
Hereby it is declared that a United Government be established to fairly and equally represent the Common Will of the People of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to rule with the Peoples Interest, with wisdom to convene on any matter, with knowledge to understand any situation, with purpose to ultimately fulfill the BASIC FREEDOMS and BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held true by this Constitution.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC SENATE be established, with the intent to represent the Common Will of the People, with wisdom that each Senator be elected properly by vote, with knowledge that each senator has a term of FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, with understanding that each Senator REPRESENT four systems, or the amount of systems established in conjunction with the number of Star Systems in a given Member-Nation, that the GALACTIC SENATE shall debate the issues of Governing and Policy Making of this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to examine and properly judge all decisions based upon the Common Will of the People.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES be established to fairly and justly represent the interests of member-planets, to convene in public with express interest to solve issues not of the Senate level, and to pass Resolutions and Issues to the Senate should they require such level of interest and popularity, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES govern by and for the Will of the People, that with knowledge they should inform the GALACTIC SENATE of issues and problems concerning the WILL of the PEOPLE, and that with understanding should they resolve said issues and problems with due course, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be voted into office for a consecutive term of TWO STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE be informed and well knowing in the ways and cultures of the Planet they represent, that each PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVE use this knowledge in due effect with the Common Will of the People.
Hereby it is declared that a GALACTIC COURT be established to govern the laws of this Constitution, fairly and equally, should said laws conflict with the Interest of any Member-Nation, of the Common Will of the People, of any individual, or of any body of individuals, that with wisdom should this GALACTIC COURT follow due process of trail, with fair representation to both accused and prosecution, and represent the Ultimate Will of the People by fairly judging according the laws established to be true by this Constitution, that with knowledge shall each JUDGE of the GALACTIC COURT be elected by the PEOPLE, voted upon by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and approved by the GALACTIC SENATE in a fair and swift manner, that each GALACTIC JUDGE be hereby allowed the term allowed by life-span, unless revoked by decision by the GALACTIC SENATE, and thereby approved by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, that ultimately this GALACTIC COURT shall judge fairly issues that cannot be solved by any lower ranking court of any Member-Nation or Planetary Body.
Hereby it is declared that an OFFICE of the GALACTIC PRESIDENT be established to properly rule and govern this Union of Galactic Federations, with intent to follow all laws set forth by this Constitution, with will to judge fairly all issues both foreign and domestic, with authority to proclaim MARTIAL LAW in times of duress or war, with no authority to RULE SUPREMELY without consent of the People, with wisdom to be voted upon by a JOINT SESSION of MEMBER-STATES, with knowledge that such JOIN SESSION shall be convened in COUNCIL and thereby approved by the People, thereby seconded by the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, therein placed into office by approval by the GALACTIC SENATE, with understanding that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall not be in office for more than EIGHT STANDARD TERRAN YEARS, and no less than FOUR STANDARD TERRAN YEARS.
With respect to the authority that SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE provides, therein it is declared that a UNITED COUNCIL be established under the GALACTIC PRESIDENT to properly assist in deliberation of decisions, and be placed as advisers, and be therein the governing body should the GALACTIC PRESIDENT become unavailable. and therein govern according to SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE with fair and just decisions according to these truths set for by this Constitution.
With respect to the governing abilities provided by SECTION IV - ARTICLE THREE, therein it is added and confirmed that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall govern all issues pertaining to this Union of Galactic Federations, both foreign and domestic, that with wisdom shall the GALACTIC PRESIDENT convene the UNITED COUNCIL in times of WAR for decision, with knowledge that the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall convene the UNITED COUNCIL for deliberation of decision pertaining to the continued existence of this Union of Galactic Federations, and that therein the GALACTIC PRESIDENT shall act as leader and sign of authority with all purpose to preserve and protect these truths held by this Constitution and the Common Will of the People.
Therein it is established a GOVERNING POLICY for all branches of GOVERNMENT, therein classified as the GALACTIC SENATE, the GALACTIC HOUSE of PLANETARY REPRESENTATIVES, and the GALACTIC PRESIDENT, that thereby they shall govern fairly and justly according to the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that thereby they shall not violate the laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, that therein any species of any race, creed, motto, politic, belief, religion, ect., can be elected into these positions, that therein with this GOVERNING POLICY this Union of Galactic Federations shall be termed "FEDERATION" for proper government context, that with wisdom shall all branches of government, including that of the GALACTIC COURT, be made to judge fairly, justly, equally, and with resolve to preserve the Common Will of the People, with no intention to compromise these laws and truths set forth by this Constitution, nor any intention to compromise the Will of the People nor the BASIC FREEDOMS they hold, nor compromise the BASIC SOVEREIGNTY held by any Member-Nation so long as it does not violate these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution.
Therein it is declared, that on this day, held true by the respective Member-Nations of the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA and the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION, that all Borders be abolished, that all Trade be equal, that All Sovereignty and Governing come together in a Unified Body, that all Member-Nations acknowledge and respect these truths and laws set forth by this Constitution, that therefore with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that all parties shall not willingly enable this Unified Governing Body to come under threat of destruction, that therefore this Union of Galactic Federations be established and made true with all intent and purpose to extend these liberties, these freedoms, and these laws held sacred to any Nation, any Galactic Power, any Planet seeking to join in on this Union of Galactic Federations should they seek membership, that this Union of Galactic Federations be respected, that this Constitution of this Union of Galactic Federations be acknowledge, and that therein peace shall reign between the two Founding Member-Nations of the UNITED TERRAN FEDERATION and the GALACTIC FEDERATION of ANAGONIA.
Sovereign Drakomis Nokomis Reign
Raitei Daniel Alexander Masaki, Emperor of Coredia, Field Marshal of the Starfighter Corps and All Around Good Guy.
The King of Wanderjar, James XI
Drakomis Nokomis Reign, now Elected King over Anagonia, which still was led by the Federation Congress and therefore still considered a Federation, stood at the table beside President Mike Logan of the United Terran Federation. This was a day to make history, a day long in the making, a day that had been long anticipated by everyone in the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation. For so long had the Terrans and Anagonias shared a common border, a common government, and a common trade. It was only natural to conclude centuries of relations by finally solidifying a common Governing body without restricting the common sovereignty held sacred by both Galactic Nations.
The Press was all around, having a field day with the event. Pictures being taken, shocked faces at the fact that only weeks ago the Galactic Federation had been in isolation with the Terran Federation. That had been resolved in private conversations with President Logan by Drakomis. The surprising outcome had been the suggestion of never letting it happen again, by forming something new. So over the course of two weeks the two Congressional Bodies of the Terran Federation and Galactic Federation had joint sessions and deliberated the new Constitution. Afterwards, it was voted upon, and approved, by the People. Now it had to be signed into effect by the two Presidents, to make it true, to make it happen.
Drakomis gazed at Logan, smiling as best as he could with all the holo-camera flashes, pen in hand as he gazed at the actual paper holding the constitution. He reached one hand over, patted Mike on the shoulder, and the news-people went crazy with more photos. He wished he hadn't, but it was a gesture of goodwill. He looked back at the Paper.
"I suppose this is the starting of a new beginning, a new history." Drakomis chuckled, "And the planet to be selected for these new governing bodies will be a new world, a new future." He smiled broadly, as best as his reptilian snout could allow, "What do you think Mr. Logan? Should we make it so?"