Ryou Imperialistic Defense Alliance
20-04-2008, 21:22
Submitted by the Prezahdint of the United Tribes of Apoclypsia, from the Holy City of Washingten, D.C
Greetings, my brothers and sisters!
In Light of the continued jingoistic and bully like behavior of the bloodthirsty, imperialistic thugs, known as Ryou, Apoclypsia is announce that we will be having open meetings with thoise who woulkd like to form a defensive pact to protect ourselves, our people and our societies from the vicious and cowardly thug known as Ryou.
Ryou recently threatened the peaceful and humble people of Apoclypsia. The Empress has acted a bloodthirsty shark, attacking and savaging other societies. I say it is time that Ryo know that we will no longer let the Empresses's imperialistic, oppressive and jingoistic policy to continue!
Why should you join? I refer you to the policy of Ryou and ask you: do you wish to be the mad Empressess next victim? What if she, in her diseased and decaying brain decides you are "Mad" or threaten her? I assure you that she is a meglamaniac freak, and probably suffers from some degenerative neurological disorder.
To the victims of Ryou insanity I offer my condolences and the oppurtunity for you to unite your strength with Apoclypsia to put an end to the insane Empress and her unending madness for blood and conquest.
The meeting will be held in the Sacral College in the Sacred City of Seeatel, Washingten. The meeting will be held to discuss and top negotiate means and methods of defending ourselves in the future from the lunatic that runs Ryou and the evil monsters that occupy that land of evil.
We also will invite Ryou dissedents to the meeting. All Ryous will be stripsearched. All visiting diplomats are reminded that weapons of metal are not allowed, nor are firarms in the Sacred Land of Apocltpsia.
Security has bene graciouslt offered by the Supreme Queen of the Mother Nest . She has graciously commanded 300,000 Warrior Insectoids to occupy Seeatle during this time.
While metal weapons are banned as are firearms, you may bring itemns to trade with the Insectoids or Apoclypsians such as gold, gems and silver. Exchange rates are very favorable here and we will greatfully exchange paper money fopr our currency of goldd, silver and gems.
The Lone Alliance
20-04-2008, 22:10
Considering that Ryou has done nothing more than empty threats and bounties that would be impossible for them to give. We advise you to shut the hell up.
-Lone Alliance Ministry of Dealing with Stupid\Evil nations.
20-04-2008, 22:12
Considering that Ryou has done nothing more than empty threats and bounties that would be impossible for them to give. We advise you to shut the hell up.
-Lone Alliance Ministry of Dealing with Stupid\Evil nations.
How sad...another mind equally as diseased as The Whores. Maybhe you can receive treatment to save your brain yet. It may not be too late for you.
Awe, how cute. It spelled Disease wrong.
Dude, if you are looking for protection just join OSAFU. I will protect you from those big bad TRBI & Allies.
If you are looking to declare war on Ryou, I suggest you do it outright. Unless you are looking for protection.
If you are looking for a region too try Rodinia. It's small so not much going on yet - except a civil war.
The Resi Corporation
20-04-2008, 22:38
Insane we'll give you, but genocidal? Ryou's enemies are the genocidal ones.
Aside from that, we've vowed more or less neutrality in this whole conflict. We're quite mercenary, though, so if either side can make it sufficiently worth our while we might work something out.
~CEO Jai Resi
The Ryou Black Islands
20-04-2008, 22:42
OOC: Last Time I read, The 'W' word was banned........and I am not talking about 'war'
20-04-2008, 22:50
OOC: Last Time I read, The 'W' word was banned........and I am not talking about 'war'
Im sorry? You brought this on yourself. No, I intend to reach out to the victims of your predations, sio as to make it you can never pick a fight and attack me for NO REASON.
No, I am not going to attack you. But I am going to work towards getting your victims to stand up to you, a ruthless bully.
This isn;t a W but it expressesss my emotions well, Ryou: :upyours:
Amazonian Beasts
20-04-2008, 22:57
Im sorry? You brought this on yourself. No, I intend to reach out to the victims of your predations, sio as to make it you can never pick a fight and attack me for NO REASON.
No, I am not going to attack you. But I am going to work towards getting your victims to stand up to you, a ruthless bully.
This isn;t a W but it expressesss my emotions well, Ryou: :upyours:
OOC: Reccomendation, Apoclypsia: try to do it in a friendlier way. This just makes you look like a predator, especially with all the clueless countries that have been going against him recently.
20-04-2008, 23:03
OOC: Reccomendation, Apoclypsia: try to do it in a friendlier way. This just makes you look like a predator, especially with all the clueless countries that have been going against him recently.
I'll make this easy and friendly.
Many of you have been attacked by Ryou. I ask you, why is it that Ryou can attack anyone he wants and viciously destroy peraceful people?
What gurantee do you have he won;t attack YOU?
The Alliance is dedicated to mutual defense. Any signature to the Alliance if attacked by Ryou or his allies will be aided in defense by signatures to the Pact.
The hope is I can get enough nations to join so that Ryou knows were serious. If Ryou knows we can match or best him in military strength, he'll think twice before going on these crazy crusades of his.
It is in your own best interest. Remember, Ryou needs no reason to attack you; you can do nothing and he STILL might attack you. We must stand up to Ryou and let them know we won't let ourselves be victimized by him.
20-04-2008, 23:09
OOC: Last Time I read, The 'W' word was banned........and I am not talking about 'war'
OOC: Not in an IC context it isn't.
The Resi Corporation
20-04-2008, 23:09
It's been a long time sense we've seen another nation use an animated picture in an official communique. I think the last time we saw that, the nation was named "Radioactiveglassland" shortly after.
I wonder if there's a connection.
~ CEO Jai Resi
20-04-2008, 23:24
OOC: Not in an IC context it isn't.
Let me lay out my reasons and why you should join:
We all know that Ryou is a powerful nation. No one would have a problem with this if Ryou acted in a responsible manner. In deed, no one would blame Ryou for defending it's people from attack, if that is all it did.
However, the evidence says otherwise. My nation was going to be attacked, and for no reason at all. By fiat, I received notice we were under attack.
All responsible leaders of a people must secure the freedom and safety of their people for their posterity. We have tried to do this by living a pa peacefull life and excluding metal weapons and firearms. Our people live simple lives and enjoy it that way.
Imagine how we felt when the leader of ryou, a technologically powerful nation, decided to attack out poor, simple nation. Luckily they were dissuaded..but for how long?
This may happend to YOU. I urge you if your a small nation or a nation that just dosen't want Ryou to turn its wolf like eyes on for conquest to join the alliance.
What is the alliance about? It's very, very simple. The Alliance is a commitment amoung Pact members to give military and disaster aide in the case of an attack by Ryou or Ryou's allies. Imagine Ryou encircling you with its ships, planes, troops and guards..Imagine your cities in flames and your people hungry. Now imagine that , as a signature of the treaty, the other nations coming to your aide. Imagine food being delivewred, ammunition procurred and aide to refugees.
It could be the difference between survival and victory or destruction and defeat whenRyou or his allies attack you. I urge you to join Apoclypsia in a historic move to denounce jingoistic military adventurism and to stand together against Ryou and his allies.
Please note, signatures are aided if there ATTACKED. We have no intention to fight Ryou or it's allies, only to make them back off us and notto tryo to destroy our nations and slaughter our people.
China-East Asia
20-04-2008, 23:59
Our great Chairman of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia is interested in joining the Ryou Imperialistic Defense Pact with The Nomadic Peoples of Apoclypsia. The Dictatorship of China-East Asia was one of the first nations who spoke in the defense of Apoclypsia when the Imperialist and Facist Ryous declarced war. Our great Chairman says that finally something is done to stop the Imperialistic Ryous. May all nations of the world join this pact against the Imperialists and Facist Scums of the world! ! ! !
-The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia
OOC: Ryou a powerful nation? I almost died laughing when I read that. He is nothing more than a sea lamprey on a shark. He acts all tough on small countries but as soon as nations that are bigger than him come to their aid, he calls in Stevid, a rather large nation. Then, in any war he wages, with or without stevid, as soon as things don't go his way he ignores the entire thing, claiming that everyone else is Godmoding/wanking/flaming/mod oppression and repeats the same cycle over and over.
21-04-2008, 00:45
OOC: Ryou a powerful nation? I almost died laughing when I read that. He is nothing more than a sea lamprey on a shark. He acts all tough on small countries but as soon as nations that are bigger than him come to their aid, he calls in Stevid, a rather large nation. Then, in any war he wages, with or without stevid, as soon as things don't go his way he ignores the entire thing, claiming that everyone else is Godmoding/wanking/flaming/mod oppression and repeats the same cycle over and over.
I intend to...sanction him, shall we say for his behaviour.
The Lone Alliance
21-04-2008, 19:21
How sad...another mind equally as diseased as The Whores. Maybhe you can receive treatment to save your brain yet. It may not be too late for you.
Response: Go F*ck yourself and if you attempt to do anything towards us we will make you regret us 100 fold.
-Ministry of Dealing with Stupid\Evil nations.
OOC: Ryou a powerful nation? I almost died laughing when I read that. He is nothing more than a sea lamprey on a shark. He acts all tough on small countries but as soon as nations that are bigger than him come to their aid, he calls in Stevid, a rather large nation. Then, in any war he wages, with or without stevid, as soon as things don't go his way he ignores the entire thing, claiming that everyone else is Godmoding/wanking/flaming/mod oppression and repeats the same cycle over and over.
OOC: Yawn.... well put I guess. This alliance has good grounds but lacks the will and the drive to be even remotely sensible in its goals and I've got far more important things to do than to relook my entire foreign policy and negoiate with this alliance which will blatently go to war with Ryou. This alliance is nearby ignored by me.
I haven't 'ignored' someone in nearly four years on NationStates, congratulations on creating an alliance that only stirs up past OOC bickering. It does more harm than good, I can't wait until the Mods close this thread because it is a recipe for disaster.
[ Something like this already exists.
It's called "APOC". ;D ]
24-04-2008, 18:54
We happily join hands with the brothers and sisters from East China.
Ryou will be stopped.
Everyone in this alliance and/or viewing alliance now has to see this thread:
The Expulsion of the Black Islands (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13638176#post13638176)
It's a very long post and it's all in IC (OOCly i've nothing against Ryou and he is a person friend of mine- i'll support him OOCly whenever I can). Butit's long because i've got a lot to say. Happy reading but it will have a big affect on Ryou... a BIG affect.
Soulforge Cathedral
24-04-2008, 20:34
Very interesting, that. Opens up all manner of possibilities...