NationStates Jolt Archive

The Agenda

Raw Unadulterated Evil
16-04-2008, 12:19
OOC: ((Despite a introduction and some odd dimensional anomalies that I use to explain a large population[A commonly ignored detail I always found annoying], I intend to play my nation as a cutting edge modern tech nation, possibly as much as ten years ahead of current in some fields, but a bit lagging in other areas. I've actually Rped this nation before years ago and recently resurrected it, explaining my large population. I generally hold to a single NS Earth theory, but one of the nice things about living in the Bermuda Triangle is that multidimensionality is not outside the realm of possibility. In other words, I'll rp with anybody. ;) ))

Many locals of the tropical islands in the area and fishermen know about the 'Shifting Land'. Few speak of it, however and for good reason. A generation ago, a civilization of technical and technological wonders existed there. Some say the Shifting Land devoured them. Some say they destroyed themselves trying to control the Land. As it turns out, both theories are partially true.

A generation ago, an advanced culture based on the value of knowledge and education(and the dominance that could be achieved by controlling both) colonized the Shifting Land. To all appearances a mere island, the Shifting Land held a formidable secret; traveling by sea or air, the land is tiny yet upon landing on it's shore, one stood amazed as an entire continent stretch onward to the east as far as the eye could see.

This land was ruled by an elite class of scholars and geniuses that interbred to maintain a genetic 'intellectual advantage' and used the population as intellectual resources for their own research's end. As such, education of the masses was not only encouraged, but mandatory and perpetual. All major industrial and corporate complexes maintained educational campuses and schools as common as churches were in many parts of the world. The leader of this nation, a man known only as The Sultan was the most intelligent man in a subculture that bred itself for intellect.

Specializing in developing unusual technologies rarely researched elsewhere, they had developed a niche market in global trade until the day the entire nation and it's populace vanished without a trace. The SHifting Land became a barren rock in the sea, devoid of life or vegetation. That is until today, when the People of the Meritocracy of Raw Unadulterated Evil suddenly reappeared after nearly 30 years in limbo. Much remains as it had before the vanishing. Intellect and knowledge are still resources cultivated amidst the population and harvested by the elite. The Sultan is dead, his office absorbed by the ruling Elite. Rather than a single leader, the Elite, a subculture of the intellectually superior rule by council. Each maintains their own projects and uses the masses under their tutelage to the ends they desire, but all answer to a higher plan; The Agenda.

What is The Agenda exactly? Well, you'd have to be an Elite to discover that. Perhaps not even all of them understand the full implications of the plan they serve. But one thing is certain, the Elite will pursue The Agenda with ruthless efficiency.


Three weeks after the Resurrection, the Elite begin making diplomatic overtures to regional governments and offer their vast pool of potential scientific capability to those who are willing to provide data, both historical and scientific that will help catch the Meritocracy up on three decades of 'lost time'.
Gun Manufacturers
16-04-2008, 22:41
OOC: ((Despite a introduction and some odd dimensional anomalies that I use to explain a large population[A commonly ignored detail I always found annoying], I intend to play my nation as a cutting edge modern tech nation, possibly as much as ten years ahead of current in some fields, but a bit lagging in other areas. I've actually Rped this nation before years ago and recently resurrected it, explaining my large population. I generally hold to a single NS Earth theory, but one of the nice things about living in the Bermuda Triangle is that multidimensionality is not outside the realm of possibility. In other words, I'll rp with anybody. ;) ))

Many locals of the tropical islands in the area and fishermen know about the 'Shifting Land'. Few speak of it, however and for good reason. A generation ago, a civilization of technical and technological wonders existed there. Some say the Shifting Land devoured them. Some say they destroyed themselves trying to control the Land. As it turns out, both theories are partially true.

A generation ago, an advanced culture based on the value of knowledge and education(and the dominance that could be achieved by controlling both) colonized the Shifting Land. To all appearances a mere island, the Shifting Land held a formidable secret; traveling by sea or air, the land is tiny yet upon landing on it's shore, one stood amazed as an entire continent stretch onward to the east as far as the eye could see.

This land was ruled by an elite class of scholars and geniuses that interbred to maintain a genetic 'intellectual advantage' and used the population as intellectual resources for their own research's end. As such, education of the masses was not only encouraged, but mandatory and perpetual. All major industrial and corporate complexes maintained educational campuses and schools as common as churches were in many parts of the world. The leader of this nation, a man known only as The Sultan was the most intelligent man in a subculture that bred itself for intellect.

Specializing in developing unusual technologies rarely researched elsewhere, they had developed a niche market in global trade until the day the entire nation and it's populace vanished without a trace. The SHifting Land became a barren rock in the sea, devoid of life or vegetation. That is until today, when the People of the Meritocracy of Raw Unadulterated Evil suddenly reappeared after nearly 30 years in limbo. Much remains as it had before the vanishing. Intellect and knowledge are still resources cultivated amidst the population and harvested by the elite. The Sultan is dead, his office absorbed by the ruling Elite. Rather than a single leader, the Elite, a subculture of the intellectually superior rule by council. Each maintains their own projects and uses the masses under their tutelage to the ends they desire, but all answer to a higher plan; The Agenda.

What is The Agenda exactly? Well, you'd have to be an Elite to discover that. Perhaps not even all of them understand the full implications of the plan they serve. But one thing is certain, the Elite will pursue The Agenda with ruthless efficiency.


Three weeks after the Resurrection, the Elite begin making diplomatic overtures to regional governments and offer their vast pool of potential scientific capability to those who are willing to provide data, both historical and scientific that will help catch the Meritocracy up on three decades of 'lost time'.

The Allied States of Gun Manufacturers welcomes the Meritocracy of Raw Unadulterated Evil back to this dimension. We look forward to the possibility of working together with your nation on projects of mutual benefit.
Raw Unadulterated Evil
17-04-2008, 11:35
Relaxing at the commisary sipping a cup of chicken broth and engrossed on a series of engine design schematics, Aram, a member of the Elite didn't hear fellow Elite council member Hobart until he plopped down in the facing chair. Aram jumped, "Jeez, Hobart. Was that necessary?"
Fatigued, Hobart nodded, "Yes. Felt good. I've been looking at engineering texts for the last nineteen hours and my eyes hate me right now."
Aram grinned. Like himself, Hobart was a young councilman and hadn't quite sold his soul completely yet. "You and I are fortunate. We'll actually have product when we're done. I pity the political scientists. Have you seen their flow charts?"
Hobart groaned, "I almost forgot. I have to call Justin back. He wanted to discuss biological deterrents."
Aram seemed startled, "With you? You're a roboticist. Why would he consult you about bioagents?"
Hobart shrugged, "Justin is a dreamer. His mind is almost always fifty years ahead. But every once in a while, he actually dreams up something feasible within the decade. He might just be on to something here. He's requesting the Political wing to redouble their efforts involving nanotechnology acquisition."
Aram shrugged, "I work in macroscale. All I have to do is figure out how to make a tank fly." They chuckle.


The Diplomatic Corps of the Meritocracy is currently in the process of negotiating the sharing of cutting edge technology in the fields of metallurgy, nanotechnology, robotics, aeronautical design, ultrasound and medicine in exchange for the sharing of future breakthroughs.