NationStates Jolt Archive

Brutland and Norden Business Bureau (Open|MT)

Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 03:50
OOC: This will be a mixed IC/OOC thread wherein I will post stuff about business and commerce in Brutland and Norden. Post here if you want to take on our latest offers. You can also post here if you wish to trade with Brutland and Norden. Basically, post here if you want to do business with us.

Several offshoot RPs may arise, but in general, I do not want to flood I.I. with threads for every product Brutland and Norden has... you can find them all here. If all goes well for certain transactions, we can create a separate thread. ;)


Welcome to the Brutland and Norden Business Bureau. We are the body tasked with coordinating with people about doing business in the Kingdom. We're here to help you do business, showcase our products, and answer your inquiries. So drop by and see what Brutland and Norden has to offer!

Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Liana Riprostoggione
Minister for Trade and Commerce
MP, Brutia Settra
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 03:50
(reserved) ;)
15-04-2008, 04:07
The office of the Prime minister

This is an official letter from the prime minister’s office of the Kingdom of Imbrinium.
We would like to open up trade talks between our two great nations. I have personally looked over your countries fact book and found it to be very informative. The PM would like to start trade talks as soon as possible. Please contact this office for a meeting and willingness for trade with our nation. Thank you for your time.

The office of the Prime minister of the kingdom of Imbrinium,

Sir Konstantino Stephanos
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 05:03
The office of the Prime minister

This is an official letter from the prime minister’s office of the Kingdom of Imbrinium.
We would like to open up trade talks between our two great nations. I have personally looked over your countries fact book and found it to be very informative. The PM would like to start trade talks as soon as possible. Please contact this office for a meeting and willingness for trade with our nation. Thank you for your time.

The office of the Prime minister of the kingdom of Imbrinium,

Sir Konstantino Stephanos

The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden welcomes and thanks your interest in doing trade with our nation. The Business Bureau will try to set up a meeting as soon as possible.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
OOC: Imbrinium, please check your TGs. ;)
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 10:21

Harvests this year top last year’s record
April 15, 2008
by Angelina Santariga

GRANAROLO, Norden – Brutland and Norden’s agriculture sector forecasts another bumper harvest this year, topping even last year’s record harvest. The Brutland and Norden Farmers Confederation predicts that this year’s surplus would be one and one-fourth the size of last year’s surplus...
see full article at (

Brutland and Norden is looking for buyers of its excess produce! Here is a partial list (available on the list are cheeses, fruits, grains, wine, and milk. Vegetables to follow.). Prices are in USD; cost does not include shipping. 1 Nord-Brutlandese livro (£) = $1.48.

Mozarella: 375 metric tonnes [$1029/metric tonne]
Parmesan: 650 metric tonnes [$1210/metric tonne]
Camembert: out of stock [$1522/metric tonne]
Edam: 1400 metric tonnes [$677/metric tonne]
Cheddar: 2900 metric tonnes [$887/metric tonne]
Other Cheeses produced only in Brutland and Norden:
purple Brute: 2035 metric tonnes [$1765/metric tonne] <-- our national food is now for export!
red Tortona: 35 metric tonnes [$2200/metric tonne]
calcium-rich Trebba: 400 metric tonnes [$2100/metric tonne]
Boy's Fart*: out of stock [$3000/metric tonne]
*The Boy's Fart cheese, a type of cheese exclusively made in Subrigaria, is known for its extremely pungent smell. But connoisseurs all over love its exquisite taste and slightly mushy texture.

Red, Grade 1: 654,500 metric tonnes [$160/metric tonne]
Red, Grade 2: 885,000 metric tonnes [$130/metric tonne] <-- great for applesauce!
Green, Grade 1: 412,000 metric tonnes [$170/metric tonne]
Bananas: 1,290,500 metric tonnes [$121/metric tonne]
Grapes: 1,934,030 metric tonnes [$302/metric tonnes]
Lemons: 3,490 metric tonnes [$211/metric tonnes]
Class 1: 77,500 metric tonnes [$244/metric tonne]
Class 2: 69,500 metric tonnes [$203/metric tonne]
Oranges: 149,000 metric tonnes [$100/metric tonne]
Strawberries: 36,000 metric tonnes [$444/metric tonne]
Wild Berries*: 120 metric tonnes [$370/metric tonne]
*These wild berries are picked from the forests of Brutland. Assuredly non-toxic and safe for human consumption.

Grade 1: 12,514,300 metric tonnes [$121/metric tonne]
Grade 2: 13,500,700 metric tonnes [$98/metric tonne]
Organic: 454,000 metric tonnes [$279/metric tonne]
Grade 1: 11,544,800 metric tonnes [$187/metric tonne]
Organic: 625,000 metric tonnes [$309/metric tonne]
Grade 2: 12,521,000 metric tonnes [$50/metric tonne]
Grade 1: 1,999,100 metric tonnes [$88/metric tonne]
Organic: 102,100 metric tonnes [$202/metric tonne]

Vegetables (figures not available right now, but you can request for a specific vegetable, and we can see whether we have some to spare. But we do have lots of broccoli.)

Aigo: 348,000 kL ($506/kL)
Calcea: 409,700 kL ($1192/kL)
Castell'arthicana: 78,297 ($1290/kL)
Cordatello: 184,249 ($920/kL)
Mornese: 229,109 ($679/kL)
Valfloriana: 45,899 kL ($1670/kL)
Cantarana: 58,199 kL ($1201/kL)
Cortandone: 217,999 ($889/kL)
Lionella: 188,997 ($901/kL)
Fruit Wines:
Cumbria (apple): 158,999 kL ($999/kL)
Sebrola (banana): 52,999 kL ($1010/kL)
Vallucca (watermelon): 2,399 kL ($450/kL)
licuoro vaca*: 3,099 kL ($1,222/kL)
* Brutland and Norden's national drink, it is made from fermented Brute cow urine (pee). Guaranteed safe for human consumption.
# kiloliters (kL) = 1,000 liters

Whole Milk
Brute cow: 1,590,000 liters [$1.21/liter]
Cow: 2,570,000 liters [$0.67/liter]
Deer/Reindeer: out of stock [$0.45/liter]
Goat: 680,000 liters [$0.50/liter]
Ox: 181,000 liters [$1.00/liter]
Sheep: 153,000 liters [$0.32/liter]
Hormone-free Cow's milk: 14,100 liters [$3.92/liter]
De Vliggenplaat
15-04-2008, 21:45
Message from the Plaatische Consortium of Wineries
Our recent sub-par harvest of grapes has resulted in a limited 2008 vintage. In order to remain competitive with Suidphalian wineries, we will require seventy metric tons of Brutland grapes, which will become a specialty "Import" of the 2008 Vintage. The $21,140 (est. £14,280) in question has been earmarked for immediate transfer to your accounts once this order is confirmed.

- Uhl Hohlmann,
Schloss Karlstein Winery


Message from Overseas Specialities Grocer

Kind sirs,

The recent "Brutland & Norden" selection in our national chain has become immensely popular. A total of two kilolitres of both Castell'arthicana and Lionella, in addition to fifteen metric tons each of Red Tortona and Purple Brute cheeses. Sudden quality control issues with our Gaullican suppliers have left us in the lurch, as His Majesty's Plaatische Government deemed Gaullican cheese to be of unacceptable quality. Therefore, to maintain our "Regional" selection we are willing to pay full price + 5% for rapid delivery of twenty five metric tons of Camembert and Mozarella cheeses.

Your payment awaits confirmation of this purchase order.

- Wilhelm van Groenek,
Procurement Manager, Overseas Specialties Grocer
15-04-2008, 22:25
Belshaft has recently suffered a minor famine due to the loss of our acricultural hearlands to plauge, and our response to the plague. Therefore to help deal with the shortage we wish to purchase the entirity of your Wheat, Rice and apple crops, at price. This will go a long way to dealing with our food shortage.

Furthmore, the Northstar corparation, the largest employer in our nation, is the worlds foremost mining company. If you find any unexploited mineral deposits please contact them.
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 23:45
Message from Overseas Specialities Grocer

Kind sirs,

The recent "Brutland & Norden" selection in our national chain has become immensely popular. A total of two kilolitres of both Castell'arthicana and Lionella, in addition to fifteen metric tons each of Red Tortona and Purple Brute cheeses. Sudden quality control issues with our Gaullican suppliers have left us in the lurch, as His Majesty's Plaatische Government deemed Gaullican cheese to be of unacceptable quality. Therefore, to maintain our "Regional" selection we are willing to pay full price + 5% for rapid delivery of twenty five metric tons of Camembert and Mozarella cheeses.

Your payment awaits confirmation of this purchase order.

- Wilhelm van Groenek,
Procurement Manager, Overseas Specialties Grocer

We are glad that our products are being liked! Of course, Brutland and Norden would be very happy to fill your supply gaps.

The 25 metric tons each of mozzarella and camembert cheeses will be flown out as soon as possible. The farmers of Quonzicchio will fill the order, and as such, the cheese will depart from Campognano Airport within eight hours. You can expect it to arrive within 18 to 24 hours*.

The purple and red cheeses, along with the wines, will be shipped out from the port of Trasco within a day. Expect delivery within four days*.

Total cost of the mozzarella and camembert is $66,963.75. The red and purple cheese, $59,475; and the wines, $4,382. Total, $130,820.75.

As for the grapes, I have forwarded your requests to our farmers. Attached is their reply.

Thank you for doing trade with us!
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Message from the Plaatische Consortium of Wineries
Our recent sub-par harvest of grapes has resulted in a limited 2008 vintage. In order to remain competitive with Suidphalian wineries, we will require seventy metric tons of Brutland grapes, which will become a specialty "Import" of the 2008 Vintage. The $21,140 (est. £14,280) in question has been earmarked for immediate transfer to your accounts once this order is confirmed.

- Uhl Hohlmann,
Schloss Karlstein Winery
To: Mr. Uhl Hohlmann,
Schloss Karlstein Winery

Good day!

The farmers of the Calcea valley will fill your order. We will send 70 metric tons of our first class grapes. As we are winemakers ourselves, and we use the same grapes for our wine, we expect that these grapes will be perfect in producing wine.

The grapes will be shipped out via the port of Trasco. Expect delivery within 4 days*.

Thank you very much.
Giannino Vignola
Trade Representative, Calcea Valley Grape Producers and Winemakers Association

*NS time, that is.
Brutland and Norden
16-04-2008, 00:10
Belshaft has recently suffered a minor famine due to the loss of our acricultural hearlands to plauge, and our response to the plague. Therefore to help deal with the shortage we wish to purchase the entirity of your Wheat, Rice and apple crops, at price. This will go a long way to dealing with our food shortage.

Furthmore, the Northstar corparation, the largest employer in our nation, is the worlds foremost mining company. If you find any unexploited mineral deposits please contact them.
(OOC: Um, of course, I'd like all of my produce stocks be entirely disposed of (bought), but I think you're having not just a minor famine. Did my calculation, your order amounts to $2.02 billion, only a little smaller than your GDP ( Surely you won't take out your entire GDP on grains and apples alone (unless you make apple-fiber enriched bread, which is yummy, mmmmm. :D) Also, millions of metric tons of wheat and rice is more than enough to feed 80 million people... unless you want to resell the excess. ;) Will post again upon your next reply. :))
16-04-2008, 00:31
I really couldn't be arsed to the maths to work it out, as i'd rather watch tv and drink wisky. If you can be bothered to work it out, then go ahead. I can't, and i doubt many other people really care that much. If you do the maths, then i'll by what you reckon i need. To help, our national production was about 40% of expected, enogh to feed about 38 million people.
Brutland and Norden
16-04-2008, 02:32
I really couldn't be arsed to the maths to work it out, as i'd rather watch tv and drink wisky. If you can be bothered to work it out, then go ahead. I can't, and i doubt many other people really care that much. If you do the maths, then i'll by what you reckon i need. To help, our national production was about 40% of expected, enogh to feed about 38 million people.

Me dell'oacuglece giorrolecche son tu io, e me oáusece la colpero potena on tu. Me do dell'enirece la suone di nostra reposte e tu bonenesse politeca in nunche sul tu sece piú ontru giorrolecche e delecche son tu. Noi giorrolettu seria sum saludece, sul tu do della saludece, que do della stranece tuse. Non percce me nizza e amiga, me edileche a reple e doche recerce per tu as tu dondece. Tu do della sognece recerce intensa per passe, dei me treco es con il s'moltenessa tabbe. Tu oatrece tu sognece 60,000 mT di melu, 1,232,000 mT di trigo, e 1,900,000 mT di rizo. Me do della saludece chi ano tu pollece il, dei me treco es con tu dasece tu nomeri, percce il s'despossiba. Non sul tu avanzece son nostra vize ana di delece son populo, tu eadasseche solo tuse calateco via 483,836,000 che quale tu seccrecce.

Gradece tu.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
We are sorry to hear of the famine in your country, and we will try as much as we can to fill the orders. We tried to negotiate prices with our farmers, but it seemed that our prices are actually bargain prices for our produce already. Nevertheless, we would want to help in your situation somehow, and as such, and will not charge the shipping costs to your nation. The 60,000 metric tons of apples, 1,232,000 metric tons of wheat, and 1,900,000 mT of rice will be shipped in four batches to your nation. The total cost of the produce is $483,836,000. The first batch will be leaving soon from one of our ports as soon as we receive half of the payment. As I said earlier, the shipping cost will be shouldered by us. We are glad to help the people of your country.

Thank you.
The Beatus
16-04-2008, 02:46
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

I wish to inquire as the possibility of selling our products in Brutland and Norden, and the such.

Jimmy James,
CEO, Owner,
Jimmy James Industries
Brutland and Norden
16-04-2008, 03:15
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

I wish to inquire as the possibility of selling our products in Brutland and Norden, and the such.

Jimmy James,
CEO, Owner,
Jimmy James Industries
To: Mr. Jimmy James
CEO, Owner, Jimmy James Industries

The Bureau is quite unfamiliar with your products, but we would be willing to help. Please send us a brochure about your products, so we will know what to do. Thank you.

Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
(OOC: What are your products? ;))
16-04-2008, 03:52
Dear Brutland and Norden Business Bureau,

We are interested in doing a trade with you. We need 1,000 bottles of each of your fine wines, about 100 metric ton of each of your selection of cheese, and about 2,000 liters of ox, goat, sheep, and deer milk. The wine is being purchased due to a new branch in our company that will dominate all the alcohol markets in Avalic hopefully that and it'll be in limited supply allowing us to use higher prices. The cheese and milk will be used due to the fact that there is a craze for foreign food in our nation. A total of 13,077,440 dollars that we will wire to you when the deal is accepted. When you open your vegetable section, please tell us as our farmers are not producing enough potatoes, carrots, tomatoes (which is not classified as a fruit in our nation), and peas. If you are interested we are selling several exotic fish and fish eggs, poultry, and beef.

-Andrew Jozon, CEO of The Pyramid Market
The Beatus
16-04-2008, 04:24
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

Jimmy James Industries, and it's many subsidiaries, offer a variety of goods, and services, from aeroplanes to motorcars, hotels to restaurants, consumer electronics to television productions. Enclosed are a few brochures from our most profitable subsidiaries.

Jimmy James,
CEO, Owner,
Jimmy James Industries


WNYX Television Productions

WNYX, under the brilliant management of Programing director, Dave Nelson, has brought viewers worldwide such great shows as the hit 1/2 hour comedies, "Under My Roof," and "Training Time," or the great talk shows, "I'm Bill McNeal," and "This is the Real Bill McNeal." You can't forget the top rated drama series, "Blessed Law," and "Preacher Undercover," or its fan favorite reality series, "Living in a Monastery," or "Hijacking: Stealing an Airplane."

Jimmy James Foods

Jimmy James Foods is proud to have served the international community, cheep food fast, for nearly 10 years. With 1 quadrillion sandwiches served, it doesn't take genius to see that Jimmy James Foods is a reputable company, that would never put it's customers lives in danger to save money.

Garrelli Electronic Repairs

Garrelli Electronic Repairs is one of the cheapest electronic repair companies you will ever find. Under the leadership of Joe Garrelli, and his "duct tape will fix anything," mentality, the company has made huge profits, while still providing it's services well under the prices of other comparable companies. 99% of everything the company uses is made by the company, including the duct tape, which is made from Joe's own design, saving the company millions, allowing them to pass the savings on to the customer, with only a slight risk of malfunction or death.
Brutland and Norden
16-04-2008, 04:25
Dear Brutland and Norden Business Bureau,

We are interested in doing a trade with you. We need 1,000 bottles of each of your fine wines, about 100 metric ton of each of your selection of cheese, and about 2,000 liters of ox, goat, sheep, and deer milk. The wine is being purchased due to a new branch in our company that will dominate all the alcohol markets in Avalic hopefully that and it'll be in limited supply allowing us to use higher prices. The cheese and milk will be used due to the fact that there is a craze for foreign food in our nation. A total of 13,077,440 dollars that we will wire to you when the deal is accepted. When you open your vegetable section, please tell us as our farmers are not producing enough potatoes, carrots, tomatoes (which is not classified as a fruit in our nation), and peas. If you are interested we are selling several exotic fish and fish eggs, poultry, and beef.

-Andrew Jozon, CEO of The Pyramid Market
To: Mr. Andrew Jozon
CEO, The Pyramid Market


Our producers are prepared to ship 100 metric tons of each of the cheese varieties we sell, but however, our surplus of Camembert and Boy's fart cheese won't reach the 100 metric tons. We will, however, ship the entirety of the surplus. We warn you of Boy's fart cheese: it will be transported in special smellproof packaging as it is extremely stinky. One tip when eating the cheese, is to put in lime or lemon juice on the cheese to neutralize the smell.

The winemakers will also ship out 1,000 kL (kiloLiters)* of each of our wines, and 2,000 liters each of our milk. Our surplus of deer milk will not reach 2,000 liters, but we will ship the entire deer milk surplus anyway.

Total cost is $14,169,045; we will start shipping as soon as we get half the payment. It will be depard aborad container ships from the port of Brutland City, estimated time of arrival to your nation is four days.

Also, we will inform you as soon as we have data for our vegetables. As for exotic fish, I believe that there is a market for that in Brutland and Norden, as catching (but not buying or owning) most exotic fishes is not allowed in most areas of Brutland and Norden.

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
OOC: *I assumed the 1000 bottles meant 1,000 kiloliters; correct me if otherwise. ;)
16-04-2008, 04:38
OOC: Yes it does, but I did not realize it till now.

Dear Brutland and Norden Business Bureau,

We are now wiring the money to your accounts, we shall take your advice about the cheese and we might buy lemons from you due to the fact our own lemons are for sale only. The money should be in your company's account by tomorrow. We will be looking into that market once we have finished trading in this market first.

Andrew Jozon- CEO of The Pyramid Market
Brutland and Norden
16-04-2008, 04:50
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

Jimmy James Industries, and it's many subsidiaries, offer a variety of goods, and services, from aeroplanes to motorcars, hotels to restaurants, consumer electronics to television productions. Enclosed are a few brochures from our most profitable subsidiaries.

Jimmy James,
CEO, Owner, Jimmy James Industries
To: Mr. Jimmy James
CEO, Owner, Jimmy James Industries

Thank you for submitting the information. I had posted the information in our section on foreign businesses, perhaps some interested Nord-Brutlandese companies will contact you. I believe one had already expressed interest.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

WNYX Television Productions

WNYX, under the brilliant management of Programing director, Dave Nelson, has brought viewers worldwide such great shows as the hit 1/2 hour comedies, "Under My Roof," and "Training Time," or the great talk shows, "I'm Bill McNeal," and "This is the Real Bill McNeal." You can't forget the top rated drama series, "Blessed Law," and "Preacher Undercover," or its fan favorite reality series, "Living in a Monastery," or "Hijacking: Stealing an Airplane."
Good day!

We had seen your posting in the Brutland and Norden Business Bureau Foreign Businesses Section, and would like to inquire on the price of including your channel in our cable channels. We have been looking for foreign channels in order to expand our selection, and we would like to include your shows.

We hope to hear from you soon.
Paola di Storgholmo
Vice-President for Foreign Programming, NordenCable Company
Blouman Empire
16-04-2008, 05:45
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

I am Baron Kane Eaton, trade attache to the Blouman Empire embassy to Brutland and Norden. We have received various requests from Bloumany companies to begin commencement of importing goods from Brutland and Norden. The two principle companies are Fine Foods a company which sells imported exotic foods and beverages and the other is Farmhouse bakeries who will be principally interested in buying. We wish to help these companies in achieving their aims and as such request a meeting to begin negotiations.


Baron Kane Eaton
Trade Atache Blouman Empire Embassy.
Van Luxemburg
16-04-2008, 07:04

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

We hope you may have heard of us. VLT Automotive is one of the largest automotive companies worldwide, and produces it's vehicles in many nations, while also exporting them to many other nations. The reason why we are sending you this letter, is that we wish that Brutland and Norden is added to our list.

Therefore, we wish to establish an importer of our products, so that they may be sold through locally-owned dealerships. We have studied the market in Brutland and Norden for a bit, and we already know that our sales will certainly not be the same as in Van Luxemburg, but the Nord-Brutlandese market is stable and large enough for us to enter.

Second, we have a proposal for Brutland and Norden. The establishment of a (small) VLT factory can solve unemployment in a grant or region, as it employs nearly 5,000 persons, and can produce around 400,000 automobiles annually. Of course, we prefer to have this factory built on a plot close to a motorway, waterway or rail line which we can use to transport our products in large amounts. Of course, the factory will meet all legal requirement. VLT pays 10% over the average salary, and always constructs factories in the most environmentally-friendly ways.

We hope that this offer is acceptable.

Kristin Becker
Board of Directors
VLT Automotive Group N.V.


To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

I contact you with the request to buy 1,000 litres (bottles) of each wine Brutland and Norden. This to re-fill the wines in the cellars under the Grand-Ducal Palace, which houses an impressive collection of rare and wines for consumption during dinners, balls, official state visits and the like.

The Grand-Ducal Office will send a personal ship to pick up the goods we have requested, so we can personally oversee they are shipped with the utmost of care. The amount of this order comes to $12,929, but we will gladly pay $15,000 to complement the wineries and farmers of Brutland and Norden with their excellent wines.

However, we have come with a special request. You see, it is unacceptable for us to drink wines of which thousands of bottles exist during special occasions or with high-ranked foreign dignitaries. This is why we usually select the best wines from Van Luxemburg and abroad to serve during these events. We wish to inquire if Brutland and Norden can offer us a few of these wines.


Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services
The Grand-Ducal Office,
The Beatus
17-04-2008, 01:42
Good day!

We had seen your posting in the Brutland and Norden Business Bureau Foreign Businesses Section, and would like to inquire on the price of including your channel in our cable channels. We have been looking for foreign channels in order to expand our selection, and we would like to include your shows.

We hope to hear from you soon.
Paola di Storgholmo
Vice-President for Foreign Programming, NordenCable Company

To Mr. Paola di Storgholmo,

We have more than just one station to offer. There is WNYX Superstation, WNYX Newsworld, and WNYX Classics. WNYX Superstation offers all of our currently running hit TV shows, WNYX Classics runs all our classic television programs from yesteryear, and WNYX Newsworld, provides our top quality news coverage, coupled with excellent anchors and premium opinions. We can offer you the entire WNYX Cable Package for $100 USD per subscriber.

Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions
Brutland and Norden
18-04-2008, 03:38
To Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

I am Baron Kane Eaton, trade attache to the Blouman Empire embassy to Brutland and Norden. We have received various requests from Bloumany companies to begin commencement of importing goods from Brutland and Norden. The two principle companies are Fine Foods a company which sells imported exotic foods and beverages and the other is Farmhouse bakeries who will be principally interested in buying. We wish to help these companies in achieving their aims and as such request a meeting to begin negotiations.


Baron Kane Eaton
Trade Atache Blouman Empire Embassy.
Good day!

The Brutland and Norden Business Bureau would be very happy to help find the producers for you. We would arrange the meeting and discuss the specifics. Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

OOC: Do you need a separate thread, or would you prefer to do it here? Also, I would like to know what would be the agenda... importation contracts, free flow of goods? ;)
Brutland and Norden
18-04-2008, 06:31

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

We hope you may have heard of us. VLT Automotive is one of the largest automotive companies worldwide, and produces it's vehicles in many nations, while also exporting them to many other nations. The reason why we are sending you this letter, is that we wish that Brutland and Norden is added to our list.

Therefore, we wish to establish an importer of our products, so that they may be sold through locally-owned dealerships. We have studied the market in Brutland and Norden for a bit, and we already know that our sales will certainly not be the same as in Van Luxemburg, but the Nord-Brutlandese market is stable and large enough for us to enter.

Second, we have a proposal for Brutland and Norden. The establishment of a (small) VLT factory can solve unemployment in a grant or region, as it employs nearly 5,000 persons, and can produce around 400,000 automobiles annually. Of course, we prefer to have this factory built on a plot close to a motorway, waterway or rail line which we can use to transport our products in large amounts. Of course, the factory will meet all legal requirement. VLT pays 10% over the average salary, and always constructs factories in the most environmentally-friendly ways.

We hope that this offer is acceptable.

Kristin Becker
Board of Directors
VLT Automotive Group N.V.
To: Kristin Becker
Board of Directors, VLT Automotive Group N.V.


We are elated that a highly esteemed company as VLT would desire to do business in Brutland and Norden. We welcome you to the Nord-Brutlandese car market, and our car enthusiasts would certainly await your fresh car models.

Brutland and Norden, unfortunately, has no large-scale importer of foreign cars. Since VLT will establish a factory in Brutland and Norden, we suggest that you establish a subsidiary here in order to coordinate all of VLT's activities here: production, importation, and exportation of cars. Brutland and Norden is proud that it is easy to start a business in the kingdom, but our staff will still gladly assist you in filing the necessary paperwork in order to start your company.

We are also glad to hear that you would build a car factory here in Brutland and Norden. The Business Bureau had posted a bulletin and we got three locations in which you can choose:
1. Colonella di Bruttii, grant of Plano Verta, province of Brutland
The city of Colonella di Bruttii is located on the western coast of Brutland. The medieval port city has a large area, a population of 1,120,000 and an educated workforce, thanks to the presence of a local university. Brutland's C1 highway runs within city limits, as is the C1 rail line [C1 runs along the coast of Brutland]. Colonella di Bruttii (known locally as Colonella) is also relatively insulated from power outages (in the rare times it happens), thanks to the presence of a local hydroelectric plant along the Zocoa River. Additionally, the workforce is skilled, and relatively non-unionized. The province of Brutland has laws that effectively discourage labor unions, and thus, labor relations in Brutland had been more peaceful than in Norden.

2. San Vittore, grant of Santelleria, Union Territories
The town of San Vittore has a population of 671,000, located on the northern coast of the island of Santelleria, facing the nearby island of Fiorgamino. Santelleria is Brutland and Norden's technology center, where many tech firms are based. San Vittore is a short drive away from the port city of Pelargone, the port that handles one-fourth of Brutland and Norden's shipping. San Vittore is also accessible through the many airports located on the island of Santelleria. Also, it is located near Kingsville, the capital in the center of the country.

3. Larghativa, grant of Borcenna, province of Norden
The city of Larghativa has a population of 598,000 located along the Borcenna river in Dennland. [NB: Norden is traditionally divided into two: Normark, the northern part of Norden; and Dennland, the southern part.] It is also relatively near the capital. It is connected to Norden Route 80 [Pavulo-Brendola Highway], a major thoroughfare in this area of Norden. The Borcenna River is also navigable at Larghativa, and it has excellent docks and a municipal airport. Moreover, raw materials may be easy to find, due to its proximity to the ore mines of Platina, Doro, Borcenna, Jorca, and Morlise. In fact, one of the major steel mills of Norden is located upstream at Lorica, and there are many companies working with steel in the area.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

I contact you with the request to buy 1,000 litres (bottles) of each wine Brutland and Norden. This to re-fill the wines in the cellars under the Grand-Ducal Palace, which houses an impressive collection of rare and wines for consumption during dinners, balls, official state visits and the like.

The Grand-Ducal Office will send a personal ship to pick up the goods we have requested, so we can personally oversee they are shipped with the utmost of care. The amount of this order comes to $12,929, but we will gladly pay $15,000 to complement the wineries and farmers of Brutland and Norden with their excellent wines.

However, we have come with a special request. You see, it is unacceptable for us to drink wines of which thousands of bottles exist during special occasions or with high-ranked foreign dignitaries. This is why we usually select the best wines from Van Luxemburg and abroad to serve during these events. We wish to inquire if Brutland and Norden can offer us a few of these wines.


Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services
The Grand-Ducal Office,
To: Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services

We would like to thank you for your patronage of our wines. Your order is being assembled and will be shipped within 2-3 days.

Our Bureau had also done research on rare wines. On the list is a 1810 Tropea red wine, of which only one of the six known species remaining is for sale. This is the last vintage produced from the hardy Pannondrian mountain grape from the vineyards of the village of Tropea d'Adda, grant of Valtebriggio, province of Brutland. The old village and the vineyards were destroyed when a great avalanche swept down the Adda valley in 1811. Only six bottles were retrieved when the old village was excavated in 2006.

Also on the list is a 1976 Traconalto Brutland berry wine, the oldest available vintage of this rare wine made from wild Brutland berries. Traconalto Brutland berry wine is produced at a rate of only 10,000 bottles per year. There is also the 1908 Sant'Arcangèlo Secolo (Century) Wine, produced by the monks at the Abbadio di San Canico [St. Kenny ( Monastery], Palombara di Baeta, grant of Baetina, province of Brutland. The monks produce only 2,500 bottles per year, age the wines for 100 years, and sell only 1,000 of the wines commercially [The Monarch of Brutland and Norden buys 250, the Primate of Brutland and Norden is offered 250, and the monks consume the remaining.] in order to support the monastery. Due to its rarity, the Monastery restricts buyers to only three bottles.

More common, but still rare, ones include the Pannondrian blue wine, known for its natural blue color; the rare La Svente Fegatoque (The Liver's Bane) 175 proof ( wine - the wine with the highest alcohol content (guaranteed to induce cirrhosis early); the Ferradena lizard wine, which is a strong coconut wine with an egg and/or hatchling of the Normarker green lizard (Lacerta norremaquica) soaked in it; and the Misterica flower wine, a unique wine made from flowers. Each bottle has a different but delicious taste due to the different combination of flowers used in its production. Here is the list: (prices are per bottle)
1810 Tropea red [1 remaining] - ₤1,553,000 ($2,298,440)
Montenero white (vintage 1337) [2 remaining] - ₤1,553,000 ($2,298,440)
Traconalto Brutland berry wine (vintage 1976) [4 remaining] - ₤97,500 ($144,300)
1908 Sant'Arcangèlo Secolo (Century) Wine [251 remaining]- ₤7,500 ($11,100)
Pannondrian Blue wine (vintage 1990) [44 remaining] - ₤4,920 ($7,281.60)
La Svente Fegatoque (The Liver's Bane) 175 proof wine - ₤2,786 ($4,123.28)
Ferradena lizard wine [104 remaining] - ₤1,445 ($2,138.60)
Traconalto Brutland berry wine (latest vintage) [2,045 remaining] - ₤877.50 ($1,298.70)
Misterica flower wine (vintage 1995) - ₤507.25 ($750.75)
Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
18-04-2008, 06:58
To Mr. Paola di Storgholmo,

We have more than just one station to offer. There is WNYX Superstation, WNYX Newsworld, and WNYX Classics. WNYX Superstation offers all of our currently running hit TV shows, WNYX Classics runs all our classic television programs from yesteryear, and WNYX Newsworld, provides our top quality news coverage, coupled with excellent anchors and premium opinions. We can offer you the entire WNYX Cable Package for $100 USD per subscriber.

Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions
To: Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions

The channels you are offering would be a perfect fir for NordenCable's programming. However, we would like to know whether the $100 USD per subscriber would be per month or per year. Either way, we would like to negotiate a lower price. Thank you.
Ms. Paola di Storgholmo
Vice-President for Foreign Programming, NordenCable Company
Van Luxemburg
18-04-2008, 09:20

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

VLT Automotive Group always establishes subsidiaries in the nations they operate in: VLT Automotive Brutland & Norden will handle all activities VLT currently engages in in your nation. This will include the factory, the importer, customer services, spare parts distribution, building and maintaining a dealership network, etc. This will all be done from one central place: the VLT factory that will be constructed in Colonella di Bruttii. Reasons for this are the skilled workforce, the reliability of the electricty network, as well as the transportability of our goods.

The Colonella plant will be about 500 hectares large, and produce around 200,000 vehicles every year. We will require around 2,000 employees to man the factory. Then, we will also establish the importer in an office building on the factory grounds, which means we also need around 500 employees that work for VLT Automotive Brutland and Norden as part of the importer.

Next to this, we will also be offering positions for Nord-Brutlandese citizens to open a VLT dealership, since we prefer that these dealerships are privately owned. This will open up more employment possibilities for the Nord-Brutlandese populations.


Kristin Becker
Board of Directors
VLT Automotive Group N.V.


To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

We are very grateful for the details you gave us on some vintage Nord-Brutlandese wines. Having looked through the data, and having invited Sir Alessandro Panicucci, a local authority in terms of wines, we have come to the following list of orders:

1 1810 Tropea red - $2,298,440 a piece
1 Montenero white (vintage 1337) - $2,298,440 a piece
1 Traconalto Brutland berry wine (vintage 1976) - $144,300 a piece
3 1908 Sant'Arcangèlo Secolo (Century) Wine - $11,100 a piece
5 Pannondrian Blue wine - $7,281.60 a piece
5 Ferradena lizard wine - $2,138.60 a piece
5 Traconalto Brutland berry wine (latest vintage) - $1,298.70 a piece
5 Misterica flower wine (vintage 1995) - $750.75 a piece

We have decided to not order the La Svente Fegatoque wine, as Van Luxemburg currently has a -very contested- ban on alcoholic beverages which contain more than 60% of alcohol.

If we have calculated correctly, this will cost us $4,831,828.25. The amount of $5,000,000 has been transmitted to your account.

Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services
The Grand-Ducal Office,
18-04-2008, 13:20

Official Company Communication
FROM: Koch Pharmaceuticals International Relations Department
TO: Director Ventresca-Crognale, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Madam,

Koch Pharmaceuticals is now preparing to embark on a major initiative to expand our business internationally, and we are pleased to say your fine nation seems an excellent place to begin. Allow us to introduce our corporation; Koch Pharmaceuticals Incorporated is one of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the Federal Republic of Hamilay, holding 49% of market share. We have proudly announced a $560bn USD profit for the past financial year. With over three hundred billion Hamilayan dollars per year spent on research and development, KPI is a national leader in the field, achieving great success with anticancer and antiretroviral drugs in particular.

Naturally, we wish to sell our products in Brutland and Norden. We would also like to establish facilities to for the convenience of us and the Brutland and Norden market. These would consist of the following:

- One facility (~450,000 sq m) for research and development, at an approximate cost of $5.8 billion USD and employing 600 local personnel.
- Two factories (~285,000 sq m each) for pharmaceutical production, at an approximate cost of $2.3 billion USD and employing 1,050 local personnel each.

The total cost to us of this venture would total approximately $150 billion dollars.

Due to the nature of our business, we presume we would also require information on local laws relating to pharmaceutical research, testing, quality control etc. Please provide if this may be a matter of concern.

Finally, we wish to purchase 1,000 bottles of Valfloriana red for corporate use for $1670.

Best regards.

Dr. Martin Harrison
Department of International Relations
Koch Pharmaceuticals
Brutland and Norden
18-04-2008, 13:34

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

VLT Automotive Group always establishes subsidiaries in the nations they operate in: VLT Automotive Brutland & Norden will handle all activities VLT currently engages in in your nation. This will include the factory, the importer, customer services, spare parts distribution, building and maintaining a dealership network, etc. This will all be done from one central place: the VLT factory that will be constructed in Colonella di Bruttii. Reasons for this are the skilled workforce, the reliability of the electricty network, as well as the transportability of our goods.

The Colonella plant will be about 500 hectares large, and produce around 200,000 vehicles every year. We will require around 2,000 employees to man the factory. Then, we will also establish the importer in an office building on the factory grounds, which means we also need around 500 employees that work for VLT Automotive Brutland and Norden as part of the importer.

Next to this, we will also be offering positions for Nord-Brutlandese citizens to open a VLT dealership, since we prefer that these dealerships are privately owned. This will open up more employment possibilities for the Nord-Brutlandese populations.


Kristin Becker
Board of Directors
VLT Automotive Group N.V.
To: Kristin Becker
Board of Directors
VLT Automotive Group N.V.

Again, we thank you for choosing to business with us. The Brutland and Norden Business Bureau will post about business opportunities with VLT such as dealerships, advertising, and employment opportunities. I am sure local employment offices can help you find the workers that you need, especially in Colonella. Also, I would like to send a message for you from the mayor of Colonella.
To: VLT Automotive Group N.V.

The city of Colonella di Bruttii warmly welcomes you to Brutland and Norden. The plot of land has been reserved in the western part of the city, along the Zocoa River, close to the hydroelectric plant. I have also contacted contractors which can build your factory. The Colonella di Bruttii Labor and Employment Office can help you hire workers for your factory.

We would like to thank you for choosing to do business with our city. Feel free to contact the City Hall should you have any concerns.
Dario Gigantone
Lord Mayor, Colonella di Bruttii

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ma'am,

We are very grateful for the details you gave us on some vintage Nord-Brutlandese wines. Having looked through the data, and having invited Sir Alessandro Panicucci, a local authority in terms of wines, we have come to the following list of orders:

1 1810 Tropea red - $2,298,440 a piece
1 Montenero white (vintage 1337) - $2,298,440 a piece
1 Traconalto Brutland berry wine (vintage 1976) - $144,300 a piece
3 1908 Sant'Arcangèlo Secolo (Century) Wine - $11,100 a piece
5 Pannondrian Blue wine - $7,281.60 a piece
5 Ferradena lizard wine - $2,138.60 a piece
5 Traconalto Brutland berry wine (latest vintage) - $1,298.70 a piece
5 Misterica flower wine (vintage 1995) - $750.75 a piece

We have decided to not order the La Svente Fegatoque wine, as Van Luxemburg currently has a -very contested- ban on alcoholic beverages which contain more than 60% of alcohol.

If we have calculated correctly, this will cost us $4,831,828.25. The amount of $5,000,000 has been transmitted to your account.

Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services
The Grand-Ducal Office,
To: Julia Richter,
Director of the Grand-Ducal Catering Services

The Bureau staff will be assembling the order. However, it would take us up to half a week to assemble the set of wines, as the flower wines have to be shipped from Norden and a staffer to reach the isolated Saint Kenny Monastery. When your precious order is assembled, it will be shipped via air from the Rubiconna Airbase, Condissone, grant of Capitanata, province of Brutland aboard a Nord-Brutlandese Air Force VA-12 jet. We would like to request clearance for the jet to land in your country.

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
The Beatus
18-04-2008, 23:11
To: Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions

The channels you are offering would be a perfect fir for NordenCable's programming. However, we would like to know whether the $100 USD per subscriber would be per month or per year. Either way, we would like to negotiate a lower price. Thank you.
Ms. Paola di Storgholmo
Vice-President for Foreign Programming, NordenCable Company

To Paola di Storgholmo,

That was $100 USD per subscriber per year. If you can guarantee over 100,000,000 subscribers we could cut the price down to $10 USD per year, our bulk subscriber discount, we would also like to inquire about opening a news office in your nation, and was wondering if you could tell us who we would need to contact about the permits and such for that.

Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions
19-04-2008, 00:31
To: Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
From: The Neo Federation of Megalithon

After much speculations and analysis with your great nation's products, we would like to commence trade talks and agreements between our nations. We have produced good quality products from farms and other processing centers. I'm sure the Bureau will like our products. We hope to have trade talks with your nation soon.

Thank You,
Neil O'Conner
President of Megalithon
Brutland and Norden
25-04-2008, 06:22
OOC: Ooops, kinda missed this post...
To: Dr. Martin Harrison
Department of International Relations
Koch Pharmaceuticals


The Bureau would like to apologize for the delay for compiling the information. We are pleased that our country has been deemed to be a good place to expand your business.

Market and Competition
The Nord-Brutlandese Market is generally an open market. According to the Nord-Brutlandese Pharmaceutical Industry Association 2007 report, pharmaceuticals were a ₤290 billion ($429 billion) industry in Brutland and Norden, shared between three major manufacturers and several smaller ones:
MedVerita (27%)
Alva Farmasciutetto (23%)
Pasquale Laboratori (20%)
Bertinotti Co. (9%)
TonziLoggie (7%)
Others (13%)
Pothecario Reala Nordèbrutelliense (1%) - known in English as the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Apothecary, the PRNb is a public company (ziende reala; crown corporation ( which is concerned exclusively in the research, development, and production of orphan drugs (
If you need more information, you can contact:
Associazione Nordèbrutelliense di Grabbu Farmasciuta
Nord-Brutlandese Pharmaceutical Industry Association
1869 Corso Santa Cristina, Gianicolina, Vilòstresa, Esolo di l'Unnone EU019
(+1509)(+01) 349-68-024

As said earlier, the Nord-Brutlandese market is an open market. There are no tariffs, or quotas levied on imports of drugs into the country. Also, most drugs are not taxed, as the government deem medicines to be an essential commodity.

However, some forms of taxes may affect your business. Brutland and Norden has a lower rate of corporate taxes than many other nations.

Legislation on the Pharmaceutical Sector
A drug needs approval from the Bureau for Food and Drugs (Nord-Brutlandese: Biure per Limentu e Drogu, BLD), under the Ministry of Health, before it can be sold in Brutland and Norden. The BLD is the government agency tasked to regulate the research, development, testing, sale, and safety of drugs in the Nord-Brutlandese market.
Research & Development
The universities of Brutland and Norden also conduct pharmaceutical research, mainly for the PRNb. However, some pharmaceutical companies had partnered with universities for research.
Unlike in some other countries, Brutland and Norden does not ban animal testing. Drug testing undergoes several stages, and drugs are tested rigorously to ensure that they are safe and effective.
Quality Control
The BLD is also responsible for monitoring the quality of drugs. It can also conduct bioequivalence studies.

The BLD can be reached via:
Biure per Limentu e Drogu
Bureau for Food and Drugs
Giusallo Petrelli, Recinto di Finisterre di Loggie
4820 Strade Thessalia, Universitade, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU014
(+1509)(+01) 257-34-910

Brutland and Norden has a substantially different patent system for medicines. The main patents governing medicines in this country are process patents, in which the manufacturing process in producing the drug is being patented; as opposed to chemical patents, in which the chemical itself is patented. Process patents can last for 30 years. The government also issues chemical patents, which can last from three to seven years. Upon application and acceptance of the patent, a chemical and a process patent is granted. The duration of the chemical patent depends on the amount/proportion the government spent in helping develop the drug. Thus, if your company independently developed a drug, you can be granted a chemical patent good for seven years and a process patent effective for thirty years.

Patents are effectively enforced in Brutland and Norden. We advise you to get in touch with the governing body for patents in Brutland and Norden:
Ufficio Reala per Pattenti di Norden e Marchòbrutellia
Brutland and Norden Royal Patents Office
500 Bolvardo Costa, Rifrardone, Brugnatella BR035
(+1509)(+07) 762-59-900

We posted a bulletin on our Bureau about your interest in building an R&D and two manufacturing facilities, and we have received six applications:
1. Castagnole, Esolo di l'Unnone, Union Territories
Castagnole is a town of about 858,000 located southwest of Brutland and Norden's capital, Kingsville [Vilòstresa]. It is classified as a suburb of Kingsville, but it has become a center of its own for health and health-related businesses. The Royal Institutes of Health (Stiutti Reala per Loggie) is headquartered in the town, and the College of Medicine of the University of Brutland and Norden - Kingsville is also in Castagnole. Pasquale Labratori, a major Nord-Brutlandese pharmaceutical company, also has its headquarters there.

2. Pennsburgh, Timberland, Brutland
The city of Pennsburgh is located in the English-speaking grant ( of Timberland (Nord-Brutlandese: Marchòcchiese). Located on the northern coast of the Timberland peninsula in southeastern Brutland, Pennsburgh has a population of about 1,435,902. It is also the host of the University of Timberland - Pennsburgh. Additionally, the workforce is skilled and highly educated, and relatively non-unionized. The province of Brutland has laws that effectively discourage labor unions, and thus, labor relations in Brutland had been more peaceful than in Norden.

3. Basingstoke, Timberland, Brutland
The town of Basingstoke has a population of 710,000 located on the southern coast of Timberland Peninsula. There are several factories in the town, and is connected to Brutland Route C5 and Timberland rail line. Basingstoke also has a small part facility and a municipal airport (Wessex Municipal Airport, Basingstoke). Like in Pennsburgh, the workforce is largely English-speaking and skilled, with peaceful labor relations.

4. Revigliasca, Tonzivibbia, Union Territories
With a population of 503,000, the town of Revigliasca is located in the grant of Tonzivibbia, an island south of Union Island, where the capital is. Tonzivibbia is linked via ferries and an undersea tunnel connecting Tonzivibbia to Union Island. Moreover, The King Kyle I International Airport is located in the nearby city of Dorzano.

5. Ballagorio, Fonzo, Norden
The city of Ballagorio is located in the industrialized lower Denna valley. It has a population of 854,000. Its neighboring cities include Carreri, Trossoleto, Staletti, and Mendicino, all of which are home to chemical processing plants and related industries. Ballagorio is connected to Norden Route 60 (Nordville-Fonzo Highay), a major thoroughfare, and a north-south rail line passes through Denna valley. The Denna River is also navigable in Ballagorio, such that it has a docks for small ships and barges.

6. Nordville, Norden
Nordville is the capital of the province of Norden. With a population of 30.2 million, the city has many industries and huge industrial districts. It also has several universities and colleges within city limits, and working class areas. Nordville is a focal point of Norden's transportation routes. It also has its own international airport and a big port which can handle large amounts of cargo.

As for the wines, we had assembled it and it will be flown from Morbello Municipal Airport. Expect delivery within one day.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
25-04-2008, 09:16
To Paola di Storgholmo,

That was $100 USD per subscriber per year. If you can guarantee over 100,000,000 subscribers we could cut the price down to $10 USD per year, our bulk subscriber discount, we would also like to inquire about opening a news office in your nation, and was wondering if you could tell us who we would need to contact about the permits and such for that.

Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions
To: Mr. Dave Nelson
Programing Director
WNYX Television Productions

NordenCable Company has 54,758,920 subscribers, and so we are afraid that we cannot avail of of the bulk consumer discount. Also, NordenCable cannot afford the $100 USD per year per subscriber unless we raise rates, but our company will not do that. Therefore, we would like to ask if the price can be lowered to the range of $80-$90, so the channels can be added without us losing customers.

As for your question, we will direct you back to the business bureau.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Ms. Paola di Storgholmo
Vice-President for Foreign Programming, NordenCable Company

We would certainly welcome the establishment of a news bureau in our nation. There are several notable events occurring in our nation which you can cover, especially this year's general elections (

We are proud of the freedom the press enjoys here in Brutland and Norden. The only permits you need that we can think of are the usual things needed for building/renting buildings and the registration at the Ministry of Communication. For more information, you can contact the Communications Minister at:
Hon. Giusto Costrelabbia, MP
Finisterretto per Sdaglie
(Minister for Communication)
160 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario, Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU002
(+1509)(+01) 040-53-810

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
25-04-2008, 10:25
To: Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
From: The Neo Federation of Megalithon

After much speculations and analysis with your great nation's products, we would like to commence trade talks and agreements between our nations. We have produced good quality products from farms and other processing centers. I'm sure the Bureau will like our products. We hope to have trade talks with your nation soon.

Thank You,
Neil O'Conner
President of Megalithon
To: the Hon. Neil O'Conner
President of Megalithon


We will arrange a meeting with you and out trade minister. We will put out the details soon.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

OOC: Where would you want the meeting? In this thread or in a separate thread? ;)
25-04-2008, 22:51
Yalon Conogolemat

Greetings Nordenese,

We are a conglomerate if you cannot tell from our name, based in the Glorious Nation just over 300,000 square kilometres of Uiri. Our corporation offers a variety of services from television to manufactured goods to agricultural products imported into our homeland and exported to you.

-YC Nordenese Delegated Representative
Blouman Empire
27-04-2008, 15:13
Good day!

The Brutland and Norden Business Bureau would be very happy to help find the producers for you. We would arrange the meeting and discuss the specifics. Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

OOC: Do you need a separate thread, or would you prefer to do it here? Also, I would like to know what would be the agenda... importation contracts, free flow of goods? ;)

OOC: Sorry about the late reply, I only remembered about this earlier today, and I have been away for the long weekend. I would like on the agenda to include such things as importation contracts as well as an impediments to trade such as export quotas etcetera. While the meeting would initially be on the two original companies I mentioned, I would like to extend it to some sort of trade agreement that encompasses all trade between us. I do not mind if it is on this thread or another, but this current time for about a week maybe a bit shorter I am extremely busy with one thing and a million others, I will send you a TG to inform you when I am ready and you can reply when you are ready, I hope this doesnt put you out to much
Brutland and Norden
11-05-2008, 21:20
Yalon Conogolemat

Greetings Nordenese,

We are a conglomerate if you cannot tell from our name, based in the Glorious Nation just over 300,000 square kilometres of Uiri. Our corporation offers a variety of services from television to manufactured goods to agricultural products imported into our homeland and exported to you.

-YC Nordenese Delegated Representative

The Brutland and Norden Business Bureau is very happy that your company had decided to do business in our nation. However, the Business Bureau would like to request for more specific details about your offers and your needs in order to help you better.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
11-05-2008, 21:22
OOC: Sorry about the late reply, I only remembered about this earlier today, and I have been away for the long weekend. I would like on the agenda to include such things as importation contracts as well as an impediments to trade such as export quotas etcetera. While the meeting would initially be on the two original companies I mentioned, I would like to extend it to some sort of trade agreement that encompasses all trade between us. I do not mind if it is on this thread or another, but this current time for about a week maybe a bit shorter I am extremely busy with one thing and a million others, I will send you a TG to inform you when I am ready and you can reply when you are ready, I hope this doesnt put you out to much
OOC. Sure we can draft a treaty. Just TG me when you're ready. (But my bountiful time is running out; my classes start in June. ;))
19-05-2008, 16:16
May 19, 2008

60 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario
Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Brutland and Norden

Attention: The Hon. Giusto Costrelabbia, Minister for Communication, United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden

Dear Mr. Costrelabbia,

Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana (RTV), the Republic of Ruccola’s public broadcaster, is actively searching for a base to cover the vast South Pacific region. After covering a story on Nord-Brutlandese expatriates in Ruccola and their participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections, it has come to our attention that Brutland and Norden would serve as a perfect base of operations in the South Pacific. We wish to file the requisite permits to open a news bureau and a regional head office in Vilòstresa.

Moreover, our company plans to hire one hundred Nord-Brutlandese journalists and researchers upon arrival, in addition to the twenty-five Ruccolian staff who will relocate from our headquarters in Arugula.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

Our company, RSC (Ruccola Semiconductor Corporation), is the largest supplier of semiconductors to the Ruccolian and regional markets, with 63% and 55% market share respectively. We are actively scouting for new manufacturing locations and new markets, and have concluded that Brutland and Norden is the best place to begin, after hearing about its highly sophisticated information technology sector. We wish to establish a semiconductor fabrication complex in your nation. This project entails a total investment of £7.53 billion* (approximately $4 billion universal dollars), and involves the construction of the following:

Three semiconductor fabrication facilities, with a total area of 280,000 square metres and a cost of £6.77 billion* ($3.6 billion)
A research and development laboratory, with a total area of 20,000 square metres and a cost of £760 million* ($400 million)
We plan to employ 3,300 local staff at our fabrication plant and 200 local researchers at our R&D laboratory once construction is complete, and production is projected to reach 90,000 silicon wafers per month at full capacity.

Yours sincerely,

Marco Risorgimento
Head of Corporate Communications
RSC – Ruccola Semiconductor Corporation


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

We are highly interested in opening a resort hotel in Brutland and Norden, due to the stunning natural beauty our company president witnessed on a recent personal trip to your country. As you may know, Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts is a world-famous Ruccolian luxury hotel chain, and is seeking to expand its international coverage to more of the world’s most beautiful locations. Our company wishes to construct a £235 million* ($125 million) hotel with 250 rooms, 500 locally-hired staff and all the necessary facilities to guarantee it a five-star ranking in your nation. We would highly appreciate it if you provide us with a list of recommended locations for our hotel. Thank you for your time and kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Ava Wong
Head of Corporate Communications
Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

After reading about the importance of shipping to your economy and the large size of the Nord-Brutlandese merchant marine, our company, Minguo Heavy Industries, would like to construct a new shipyard in Brutland and Norden. We have twenty-one years of expertise in shipbuilding, and wish to serve the Nord-Brutlandese market as well as markets beyond. Our shipyard will specialise in container vessels, refrigerated ships, crude oil tankers, liquefied natural gas carriers, car carriers and passenger ferries, and will produce ships for export as well as for the local market. Construction is expected to cost £5.65 billion* ($3 billion), 5,000 locals will be hired, and shipbuilding capacity is projected to reach 4.5 million deadweight tonnes in five years’ time. We look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries


*Exchange rates on May 19, 2008, according to NSTracker
Brutland and Norden
20-05-2008, 00:00

To: Mr. Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana


We are more than happy to host your regional news bureau. Actually, the only permit you need from the ministry is the certificate of registration certifying that RTV is indeed a broadcast media outlet. The application can be filed at our Section of Permits, though I assure you that it would be approved; the ministry rarely denies reasonable applications.

The other permits you might need are those pertaining to building (if you choose to build a headquarters) and business permits. For more information on that, you can inquire at:
Sn. Vito Martella
Deprete Civita di Commerzie
City Department of Commerce
Municipio di Vilòstresa
600 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU003
(+1509)(+01) 186-00-000 loc. 05
We will also post a bulletin so that you can easily hire local journalists. Also, we have informed the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Ambassador to Ruccola, Uldarico Iannuccelli, about issuing working visas and residency papers to your staff who will stay in the country.

Also, you don't need to worry about censorship. Brutland and Norden is proud in having a very free press, and only rarely do we have to handle cases.

You might also be interested in broadcasting in our country. We have some foreign news channels broadcasting here, we'd be delighted to have a new one here.

Thank you very much and don't hesitate to contact us should you need help.
Giusto Costrelabbia
Finisterretto per Sdaglie
Minister for Communication
MP, Esolo di Piscierettu - Librugnie - Stampione

To: Mr. Marco Risorgimento
Head of Corporate Communications
RSC – Ruccola Semiconductor Corporation

We are pleased that Brutland and Norden has been selected as a great place in which to expand your high-tech business. We posted a bulletin and we have received five application wherein you could build your factory.

1. San Vittore, grant of Santelleria, Union Territories
The town of San Vittore has a population of 671,000, located on the northern coast of the island of Santelleria, facing the nearby island of Fiorgamino. Santelleria is Brutland and Norden's technology center, where many tech firms are based. San Vittore is a short drive away from the port city of Pelargone, the port that handles one-fourth of Brutland and Norden's shipping. San Vittore is also accessible through the many airports located on the island of Santelleria. Also, it is located near Kingsville, the capital in the center of the country.

2. Santa Rossa di Santelleria, grant of Santelleria, Union Territories
Also located on the high-tech island of Santelleria, the village of Santa Rossa di Santelleria is a few minutes drive south of the grant capital of Pelargone. Located beside the beach, the town has a population of 14,000, and its residents are highly educated, with most of the adults having a college degree. Once considered a bedroom community of the larger neighboring towns, Santa Rossa di Santelleria aims to become a high-tech center in itself.

3. Pennsburgh, Timberland, Brutland
The city of Pennsburgh is located in the English-speaking grant of Timberland (Nord-Brutlandese: Marchòcchiese). Located on the northern coast of the Timberland peninsula in southeastern Brutland, Pennsburgh has a population of about 1,435,902. It is also the host of the University of Timberland - Pennsburgh. Additionally, the workforce is skilled and highly educated, and relatively non-unionized. The province of Brutland has laws that effectively discourage labor unions, and thus, labor relations in Brutland had been more peaceful than in Norden.

4. Laterina, grant of Cantabrica, province of Brutland
The town of Laterina has a population of 103,000 located along the B-02|B-03 highway. Several high-tech companies have their factories there, such as the phone maker Cortel.

5. Larghativa, grant of Borcenna, province of Norden
The city of Larghativa has a population of 598,000 located along the Borcenna river in Dennland. [NB: Norden is traditionally divided into two: Normark, the northern part of Norden; and Dennland, the southern part.] It is also relatively near the capital. It is connected to Norden Route 80 [Pavulo-Brendola Highway], a major thoroughfare in this area of Norden. The Borcenna River is also navigable at Larghativa, and it has excellent docks and a municipal airport. Moreover, raw materials may be easy to find, due to its proximity to the ore mines of Platina, Doro, Borcenna, Jorca, and Morlise. Deposits of gallium, germanium, and other materials for making semiconductors.

As for hiring employees and the necessary permits, I'm sure the individual local governments would be more than willing to help you out.

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Ms. Ava Wong
Head of Corporate Communications
Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts

We had passed word to the deputy foreign minister for tourism and she's glad that the president of Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts enjoyed our country. With her advice, we gsuggest the following locations:

1. Fontanariva, grant of Marchesta, province of Norden
The beaches of Marchesta are well-known for their white sands, sunny weather, and great surf. There are many resorts around these area, and they prove popular with ordinary Nord-Brutlandese and showbiz stars and wealthy people. Even the King of Brutland and Norden regularly visits the area.

The town of Fontanariva (pop. 98,000) also hosted last year's Miss South Pacific beauty pageant. It is one of the more popular destinations in Marchesta for the well-to-do, and the King of Brutland and Norden has a villa at the outskirts of town. As of this writing, there are beachfront land available in Fontanariva.

The town is accessible via the Falcade Domestic Airport, a twenty-minute drive from town, or by boat via the port of San Colombano d'Esta, 9 kilometers south of town.

2. Monteleone, grant of Voccanica, province of Brutland
Welcome to the land of ice and fire. This region of Brutland is known for its hot springs and healing waters, with nearby skiing areas. The town of Monteleone (pop. 47,000) is located on the foothills of the similarly named Monte Leone (elevation: 3,617 m). There are natural hot springs located in town, and you can tap into the soothing waters underground. There is also a skiing area outside town, and whitewater rafting at the nearby Caloracqua River is a popular pastime for locals. On rare times, the Pannondrian mountain tiger can be sighted up in the snowy mountains.

We had been informed that there are mountainside properties available in Monteleone, and that permission can be granted to tap the hot waters in the area.

As for the ratings, it is the Bureau of Tourism of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Brutland and Norden Hotels and Resorts Association, that issues the ratings for hotels. They can also give advice on how to achieve that coveted five-star ranking. You can contact:
Biuro di Turisme
Finisterretto d'Alfari Ellena
1 Piazzo di Sant'Garzana, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU0012
(+1509)(+01) 100-40-323 loc. 10; http://bt.fdae.gob.nem/
Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Ms. Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries


We are delighted that you deemed our country to be a great place to do business. It is fitting that your company has come during a time that Brutland and Norden is expanding our trade abroad - hence the increased demand for ships. Brutland and Norden is also a nation of islands, thus ensuring that there will always be some demand for ships.

We posted a bulletin and we got these responses so far:

1. Vendrogno, grant of Terrallo, province of Norden
Vendrogno is a town of 202,000 people located on the Gulf of Lione, on the southern coast of Norden. It is located along Norden Route 6 - one of the main thoroughfares of the province. Also located near the town is the main shipyard of the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Navy, in Toglenova, grant of Nativiscare. The resources are also located relatively near, with steel refineries in Borcenna, Doro, and Platina. The workforce is also skilled, given the centuries-old tradition of shipbuilding in the area.

2. Tandro d'Untrassiamo, grant of Plano Verta, province of Brutland
Tandro d'Untrassiamo (locally known as TdU) is a city of 1.1 million people located beside a small bay. It is accessible via Brutland Route B1 and is the eastern terminus of Brutland Route B35. Additionally, the workforce is skilled and relatively non-unionized. The province of Brutland has laws that effectively discourage labor unions, and thus, labor relations in Brutland had been more peaceful than in Norden.

3. Cursola, grant of Fiorgamino, Union Territories
Cursola is a town of 500,000 on the island of Fiorgamino, located to the northeast of Kingsville. The town has a long undeveloped coastline, fit for building the shipyard. It is also relatively near the sources of raw materials, with southern Norden being across the Tambione Strait from the island of Fiorgamino.

As for the permits, the local governments are more than happy to help you out, though for a large industry such as your shipyard, we believe that the environmental compliance certificate must be procured from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. They can be reached at:
Finisterre d’Ivono e Rescoru Míagna
Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources
7642 Viado Santo Thorizio, San Canico, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU020
(+1509)(+01) 334-22-070
Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

OOC: links are only ICly, they are not meant to work ;).
20-05-2008, 01:15
The Commonwealth wants in.

Specifically, the following companies want to start doing business in your nation:
-Buy & Sell Manufacturing
-TranscenDental Orthodontics, Psyche-Delic Psychiatrics, and other LSD Healthcare subsidies
-Anglobal Airlines
-Universal Goods and Services (Agriculture)
-First Imperial Bank
-MariTime Fishing
-Vantanian Broadcasting Society
-Tomorrow's News Today
-Christ, Inc. (Missionary/Church)
-White Citadel (Fast Food)
-Crown Jewels (Jewellery)
20-05-2008, 10:32 20, 2008

60 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario
Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: The Hon. Giusto Costrelabbia, Minister for Communication, United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden

Dear Mr. Costrelabbia,

Thank you for your assistance. We wish to apply for a certificate of registration with your ministry, and would be more than happy to supply you with all the relevant documents. Moreover, we wish to take up your offer of extending our multilingual* broadcasting to the United Kingdom.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana

* RTV broadcasts in four languages: Cantonese, English, Italian and Mandarin. Should your ministry require translators, we would be glad to carry out translation work in-house.

_________________________________________________________________________________________ 20, 2008

600 Viale Modica
Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: Sir Vito Martella, City Department of Commerce, Municipality of Vilòstresa

Dear Sir Martella,

Our company, Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana (RTV), is in the process of establishing a regional news bureau and head office in Brutland and Norden. Upon hearing of our intention to locate in Vilòstresa, the Minister for Communication referred us to your office for further enquiries. We wish to apply for a business permit to operate in your jurisdiction, as well as seek information on available office space in the city centre. RTV plans to lease about 2,050 square metres of commercial floor area for its needs, and would not mind a multi-storey arrangement if vacancy rates are low. Thank you for your time and kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

Thank you for your guidance. After extensive deliberation, we have decided on Santa Rossa di Santelleria (Union Territories) as the location of our semiconductor foundry and research complex, due to its strategic location and ample space for development.

Yours sincerely,

Marco Risorgimento
Head of Corporate Communications
RSC – Ruccola Semiconductor Corporation


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

Thank you for your assistance. Our company has chosen the town of Monteleone in Brutland as the site of our first hotel in the United Kingdom, which will be named Fiore d’Oro Mountain Resort & Spa, Monteleone. In addition, we wish to obtain approval to draw on the hot springs in the area. We look forward to doing more business with you, and hope that this venture leads to the opening of additional company hotels throughout Brutland and Norden.

Yours sincerely,

Ava Wong
Head of Corporate Communications
Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts


Attention: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

Thank you for your guidance. After reviewing the applications you sent us, we have concluded that Vendrogno (Norden) is the most suitable location for our shipyard, thanks to the capabilities of the local population and its proximity to suppliers.

Yours sincerely,

Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries

_________________________________________________________________________________________ 20, 2008

7642 Viado Santo Thorizio
San Canico, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company, Minguo Heavy Industries, wishes to construct a major shipyard in Vendrogno, the grant of Terrallo, in the province of Norden. We were referred to your ministry by Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director of the Brutland and Norden Business Bureau, and would like to file an application for an environmental compliance certificate. Our firm has a deep commitment to environmental practices, as is enshrined in our mission statement and code of conduct, and wishes to perform a joint environmental impact assessment of the project with your ministry to ensure that it meets the highest environmental standards. Our goal is to construct and operate the shipyard without adversely affecting the local ecosystem, with minimal land reclamation and dredging of the sea bed. We look forward to your response, and thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries
Brutland and Norden
24-05-2008, 07:34
The Commonwealth wants in.

Specifically, the following companies want to start doing business in your nation:
-Buy & Sell Manufacturing
-TranscenDental Orthodontics, Psyche-Delic Psychiatrics, and other LSD Healthcare subsidies
-Anglobal Airlines
-Universal Goods and Services (Agriculture)
-First Imperial Bank
-MariTime Fishing
-Vantanian Broadcasting Society
-Tomorrow's News Today
-Christ, Inc. (Missionary/Church)
-White Citadel (Fast Food)
-Crown Jewels (Jewellery)

The Business Bureau would like to get more information, details, and specifics about the businesses and what would they do in Brutland and Norden. This is to help you better and identify your needs.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
24-05-2008, 13:36
To: Mr. Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana


We would welcome RTV here in Brutland and Norden. RTV is assigned to broadcast at the frequency of 550 MHz UHF, channel 24. However, as laws in the province of Brutland requires that at least 80% of the broadcasts be in Nord-Brutlandese. The Ministry of Communications' Servizie Nordèbrutelliense per Doppie (SNbD, Nord-Brutlandese Dubbing Service), is willing to offer its services to satisfy this requirement.

I'm happy to inform you that your application will be approved. Just kindly fill out this form and submit it back to us: di Sdaglie
la Rinnosso Unnona di Norden e Marchòbrutellia
160 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario, Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU002


Nome di Companne: __________________________________________________
(Company Name)
Indrize Pusta: _____________________________________________________
(Mailing Address)
Nomere Telefona: ___________________________________________________
(Telephone Number)
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________________________

Tipe di Possa: [] Pubblica [] Privata [] Ontra: __________
(Type of Ownership)
Possetto: __________________________________________________________
Indrize di Possetto: _______________________________________________
(Owner's Address)
Nomere Telefona di Possetto: _______________________________________
(Owner's Telephone Number)

Farceletto Ceffia: _________________________________________________
(Chief Manager - the most superior person in the company namagement)


Strani Grava: [] Radio []Televiso []Cabolo [] Telefono []Internet []Ontra:____________
(Industry Involvements)

Nomere di Ploíessu: ________________________________________________
(Number of Employees)


Piance riempece son la cifri recentenemissa.
(Please fill up with the latest figures.)
Azini: £____________________________________________________________
Punzali: £__________________________________________________________
Debiti: £___________________________________________________________

Rendite: £__________________________________________________________
Quinite Agira: £____________________________________________________
(Operating Income)
Quinite Neta: £_____________________________________________________
(Net Income)


Registre Applece per: [] Radio []Televiso []Cabolo [] Telefono []Internet []Ontra:____________
(Applying Registration for)


Me attestece con l'ifformazioni supa es verita e giusta.
(I certify that the above information is true and correct.)

Signosso an Nome Descurvisa
(Signature over Printed Name)


OOC: I skipped some info. I included what would be most relevant. We don't want this to stretch to so many pages, do we? ;)

Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you on air.
Giusto Costrelabbia
Finisterretto per Sdaglie
(Minister for Communication)
MP, Esolo di Piscierettu - Librugnie - Stampione

Civito di Vilòstresa
Deprete Civita di Commerzie
Municipio di Vilòstresa
600 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU003

To: Mr. Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana

Good day!

We would be more than happy to issue RTV with a business permit. We would be acquiring most of the requisite documents from the Ministry of Communication, and so you do not need to submit it to us.

We scouted the city's downtown and business districts (Cito Tanda and Cumunoíe, respectively) for available space. We found the following:

1. Giusallo Monterolli
598 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa EU003
Monterolli Building, center, located just across the big marble structure with a blue dome [Kingsville (Vilòstresa) City Hall]. To the south (left) is the Ministry of Commerce; at the lower left (with a fountain in front) is the Ministry of the Treasury.
2,100 sq.m. of available space in five floors
Located in front of the Kingsville City Hall, this space in the Monterolli building had just opened up. Given that space is scarce in the Nord-Brutlandese capital, this is the most perfect opportunity to get prime space. The area is served by the Rinno Kail di Malenetto and Municipio stations of the Kingsville Metro.

2. Giusallo San Colombano
655 Corso Stubblefield, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa EU003
The San Colombano Building is the tall white skyscraper with glass windows. At the upper left of the picture is King Kyle the Fair Square (Piazzo di Rinno Kail di Malenetto), the red brick building at the right is the Nord-Brutlandese House of Lords (the upper house of the legislature). Both the San Colombano Building and the House of Lords face the Riverside Park (Parco Fiumòquianda).
2,050 sq.m. of available space in two floors
The San Colombano Building offers a view of the Kingsville Business District and the Buona River. The area is served by the Rinno Kail di Malenetto and the La Strito stations of the Kingsville Metro. There is also a bus station nearby, at the corner of Corso Stubblefield and Viale Borcenna.

3. Tordo Maròquianda
176 Corso San Trinitario e Strado Baleno, Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU002
The Seaside Tower is the tall skyscraper at the center left. There is a public beach nearby, and a famous restaurant at the next block.
more available spaces in thirty-six floors (approx. 1,500 sq. m per floor)
The newly-built Seaside Tower offers a majestic view of the beach and the sea, and even the neighboring island of Santelleria. Located in the historic Old City, the area is served by the Barrenechea Station of the Kingsville Metro.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Sn. Vito Martella
Ceffio, Deprete Civita di Commerzie
Municipio di Vilòstresa
600 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU003
(+1509)(+01) 186-00-000 loc. 05


To: Mr. Marco Risorgimento
Head of Corporate Communications
RSC – Ruccola Semiconductor Corporation

We would also like to thank you for choosing to do business here in our country. The lord mayor of Santa Rossa di Santelleria has sent a message for you:
Dear Mr. Marco Risorgimento,

We are delighted with the good news that our quaint little town had been chosen as the location of your new facilities. Our industrious citizens can't wait to work for your company; as such, we are ready to help you in anyway we can. Our town and your company would be the perfect partners in growth and progress. Thank you very much.
Gina Ferradina
Lord Mayor, Santa Rossa di Santelleria
Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau


To: Ms. Ava Wong
Head of Corporate Communications
Fiore d’Oro Hotels & Resorts


We are pleased that you have decided to do business with us. If you need more help in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us.

As for the permits, the department of the environment of the grant of Voccanica and the municipal council of Monteleone had granted you the permission to drill a well to tap the underground water, and to harness the waters of the to natural hot springs on site. The local geologist and the local hydrologist would be there to assist you.

Thank you very much and we hope to hear from you again.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau


To: Ms. Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries

Thank you for choosing to do business with us. We hope that all will go well for your business.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau


Finisterre d'Ivono e Rescoru Míagna
la Rinnosso Unnona di Norden e Marchòbrutellia
7642 Viado Santo Thorizio, San Canico, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU020

To: Ms. Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries


We had received your message and we are glad that the companies investing in Brutland and Norden also has a commitment to protect the environment.

We would be doing a joint environmental impact assessment with you as part of the process of issuing an environmental compliance certificate. Minimal dredging and land reclamation would certainly minimize the impact on the local ecosystem.

For the issuance of the environmental clearance, we would first need the general proposed plan, possible environmental impacts, and ways on remedying, alleviating and/or mitigating the impact on the ecosystem. We can expect to finish this within at least one month.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
27-05-2008, 03:19 20, 2008

60 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario
Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: The Hon. Giusto Costrelabbia, Minister for Communication, United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden

Dear Mr. Costrelabbia,

Once again, thank you for your kind assistance. RTV would be more than glad to employ the services of the SNpD in translating its programming. Enclosed is our registration form for broadcasting in the United Kingdom.

Finisterre di Sdaglie
la Rinnosso Unnona di Norden e Marchòbrutellia
160 Strado Rinna e Corso San Trinitario, Cito Tanda, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU002


Nome di Companne: _______Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana (RTV)___________
(Company Name)
Indrize Pusta: RTV Centre, 1 Broadcast Drive, Arugula, National Capital Region, Ruccola
(Mailing Address)
Nomere Telefona: ________________(+18)(+01) 2339-6348________________
(Telephone Number)
E-mail: _______________corporate.communications@rtv.rc_______________
Website: _________________________www.rtv.rc_________________________

Tipe di Possa: [√] Pubblica [] Privata [] Ontra: __________
(Type of Ownership)
Possetto: Ministry of Communications, Republic of Ruccola (majority shareholder)
Indrize di Possetto: 250 Verdurania Avenue, Arugula, National Capital Region, Ruccola
(Owner's Address)
Nomere Telefona di Possetto: __________(+18)(+01) 2961-6751__________
(Owner's Telephone Number)

Farceletto Ceffia: ________Director-General Carlo di Sapienza________
(Chief Manager - the most superior person in the company namagement)


Strani Grava: [√] Radio [√]Televiso [√]Cabolo [] Telefono []Internet []Ontra:____________
(Industry Involvements)

Nomere di Ploíessu: _____________________28,500______________________
(Number of Employees)


Piance riempece son la cifri recentenemissa.
(Please fill up with the latest figures.)
Azini: £3,318,659,000 __________(₳942,826,000)_______________________
Punzali: £1,541,378,000 ________(₳437,903,000)_______________________
Debiti: £770,689,000___________ (₳218,952,000)_______________________

Rendite: £16,456,523,000 ______ (₳4,675,275,000)_____________________
Quinite Agira: £1,103,859,000 __(₳313,605,000)_______________________
(Operating Income)
Quinite Neta: £639,135,000 _____(₳181,577,000)_______________________
(Net Income)


Registre Applece per: [√] Radio [√]Televiso [√]Cabolo [] Telefono []Internet []Ontra:____________
(Applying Registration for)


Me attestece con l'ifformazioni supa es verita e giusta.
(I certify that the above information is true and correct.)
Signosso an Nome Descurvisa
(Signature over Printed Name)

_______May 26, 2008________

We look forward to commencing our operations and extending our programming to your fair country.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana

_________________________________________________________________________________________ 20, 2008

600 Viale Modica
Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: Sir Vito Martella, City Department of Commerce, Municipality of Vilòstresa

Dear Sir Martella,

Thank you for your kind assistance. It is most highly appreciated. After careful deliberation, our company has decided that the Monterolli Building would best serve our needs, thanks to its strategic location in the centre of Vilòstresa. We believe that the relatively high rental costs associated with the location are justified by the benefits RTV will reap from entering the Nord-Brutlandese market and extending its coverage to the South Pacific.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana

_________________________________________________________________________________________ 20, 2008

7642 Viado Santo Thorizio
San Canico, Vilòstresa
Terru di l'Unnone
Norden e Marchòbrutellia

Attention: The Hon. Simon l’Englàtino, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources

Dear Mr. l’Englàtino,

Enclosed is a general plan ( of the proposed shipyard. Our company has identified four possible environmental impacts associated with the shipyard, and outlines these below, along with measures to eliminate these problems.

Habitat Destruction
The construction of a major industrial facility is likely to affect the local fauna in adverse ways, most notably through the destruction of their habitats. We aim to avoid this by locating the shipyard in an area of low ecological sensitivity, taking into account both land- and sea-based animal life. If we do discover that habitat destruction is inevitable, we will purchase adjacent plots of land with a total area greater than that which will be lost, recreate the habitat in question, and allow the local species sufficient time to adjust to and populate the new habitats before we begin construction. Moreover, to reduce the impact on sea life and minimise reclamation, we have decided to create a 16.5 metre-deep artificial basin on land, as you can see on the map provided.

Air Pollution
Typically, the heavy use of chemicals in shipyards leads to the emission of toxic chemicals into the air, exposing local residents and animals to serious health risks. At Minguo Heavy Industries, all materials and chemicals utilised in the shipbuilding process have undergone stringent testing, ensuring that our inputs are non-toxic, safe to humans and animals, and largely derived from natural sources.

Water Pollution
The industrial paints, coatings and other chemicals employed in the shipbuilding industry are a major source of water pollution, due to their high concentrations of heavy metals, dioxin and other toxic substances. These can also contaminate the sea bed, severely affecting the local marine wildlife and necessitating the costly treatment of the soil in future. Once again, our different approach to shipbuilding, and our commitment to safe, environmental practices eliminates the impact of our operations on the local ecosystem. The chemicals we use are designed to become biodegradable once they lose contact with the steel of a ship’s hull.

Noise Pollution
The issue of noise will be mitigated by the fact that the shipyard will be located some distance away from Vendrogno, the nearest city, and that it will only be in operation during typical working hours. Moreover, we only use state-of-the-art equipment that have a reputation for being the quietest in their respective classes, leaving local human and animal populations relatively undisturbed.

We hope you find this information satisfactory, and look forward to receiving your response. Thank you for your time and kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries
27-05-2008, 08:18
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bureau of Trade and Commerce
Republic of Ruccola

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

It has come to our attention that the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden has rapidly become Ruccola's largest trading partner outside our region, thanks to the efforts of your organisation in promoting bilateral trade and investment. In light of the growing economic ties between our two nations, we wish to propose a bilateral trade summit where the possibility of a free trade agreement will be discussed.

In the event of trade talks between the Republic and the United Kingdom, I will be representing my bureau as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolina Chan, who is currently attending a state wedding in the Free Republic of Lamoni. We hope to hear from you soon, and look forward to meeting you in person.

Yours sincerely,
Sebastiano Castiglione
Secretary of Trade
Republic of Ruccola
Brutland and Norden
27-05-2008, 20:36
To: Mr. Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana


We would like to inform you about our receipt of the registration form your company had submitted. With that, RTV is now officially registered in Brutland and Norden and broadcasts can commence soon.

Thank you very much.
Giusto Costrelabbia
Finisterretto per Sdaglie
(Minister for Communication)
MP, Esolo di Piscierettu - Librugnie - Stampione
Civito di Vilòstresa
Deprete Civita di Commerzie
Municipio di Vilòstresa
600 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU003

To: Mr. Timothy Lau
Head of Corporate Communications
RTV - Radiotelevisione Ruccoliana

Good day!

On behalf of the City of Kingsville, we would like to thank you for choosing to do business with us. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you!
Sn. Vito Martella
Ceffio, Deprete Civita di Commerzie
Municipio di Vilòstresa
600 Viale Modica, Cumunoíe, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU003
(+1509)(+01) 186-00-000 loc. 05
To: Ms. Antonia Callea
Head of Corporate Communications
Minguo Heavy Industries

We are impressed by your company's dedication to preserve the environment. The Ministry had convened a technical working group poring over the specifics of the project. For now we are receiving a satisfactory response from them. I'm inclined to give a green light on the project.

Recommendations from the technical working group include:

The working group recommended the stretch of beach 1 km east of Vendrogno and 2 kms near the Nativiscare-Terrallo grant boundary. Exact coordinates are the beach south of the line drawn along 24° 18' 5.9616"S (the gutter of the eastbound lane of Norden Route 6) between 146° 11' 1.8528"E and 146° 13' 6.2688"E. Technically, the plot is shared by the jurisdictions of the town of Vendrogno and the hamlet of Sant'Arrigo di Terrallo.

There are no rivers emptying in the area, and the ecosystem is less richer than others nearby. It would be easier to remediate the area, and your pland had been approved.

Pollution Monitoring
The working group applauds and approves of your choice of chemicals. Still, the Ministry will conduct tests around the area and on the seabed to detect any dangerous concentration of harmful chemicals and/or possible excess nutrient loading due to the biodegradable chemicals.

As for noise pollution, the recommended plot is outside of Vendrogno town proper and a few kilometers south of Sant'Arrigo di Terrallo. The recommendation is given to minimize the impact of noise on the human population.

The Environmental Complicance Certificate will be coming within a few weeks. Thank you for caring for our environment.
OOC: Just assume it has been approved and had arrived... go build the shipyard! ;)
Brutland and Norden
27-05-2008, 20:46
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bureau of Trade and Commerce
Republic of Ruccola

To: Nina Ventresca-Crognale, Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

Dear Ms. Ventresca-Crognale,

It has come to our attention that the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden has rapidly become Ruccola's largest trading partner outside our region, thanks to the efforts of your organisation in promoting bilateral trade and investment. In light of the growing economic ties between our two nations, we wish to propose a bilateral trade summit where the possibility of a free trade agreement will be discussed.

In the event of trade talks between the Republic and the United Kingdom, I will be representing my bureau as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolina Chan, who is currently attending a state wedding in the Free Republic of Lamoni. We hope to hear from you soon, and look forward to meeting you in person.

Yours sincerely,
Sebastiano Castiglione
Secretary of Trade
Republic of Ruccola

To: the Hon. Sebastiano Castiglione
Secretary of Trade
Republic of Ruccola


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden would gladly agree to a trade summit with one of our major trading partners. Our country already has one free trade agreement (, and it is His Majesty's Government's desire to enter into more agreements with other nations and trading partners.

I, Commerce Secretary Liana Riprostoggione, and Foreign Minister Bricco di Sint'Brullizio would most likely come to the summit. The Bureau will be cooperating with your office in order to arrange for the meeting.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

OOC: So, there would the talks take place? In this thread, or in another separate thread? Also, where would it be held ICly? We have lots of cheese. ;)
27-05-2008, 23:37
OOC: Let's do the talks in a separate thread. We could also hold the summit in Kingsville, if you wish. :)

And I love cheese, so why not? If you truly are what you eat, then that makes me very cheesy! :D

Okay, I know that was bad, but I just couldn't resist!
Brutland and Norden
28-05-2008, 08:35
OOC: Will set up the thread later. Gotta go for now.

(And yes, we love cheese. Mozzarella sticks ftw!)
28-05-2008, 09:44
OOC: This is a truly epic thread. I wish I had thought of this before creating a crapload of Allanean trade threads.


Official Message from Yabloko Apple Company, Incorporated

We wish to sign a deal to import 10,000 tons of Grade 1 Red Apples for sale in Liberty-City every year. We will collect them by cargo ship once per year and market them to Allaneans back home.

The Yabloko Apple Company will be happy to pay you 1.6 million dollars per year for the apples.

Message from Para-Para Incorporated

We would like to inquire on the possibility of importing live cows from Brutland and Norden.
28-05-2008, 10:22

Who are we?
Alfegos Aeronautics is a large corperation, dealing in many seperate branches of refining, manufacturing and services. Most notably however, we are a Defence Company dealing most famously in the field of airships. We also deal in aircraft, armoured vehicles, munitions and armaments as well as military and aircraft consultation.

Why Use Alfegos Aeronautics?
Alfegos Aeronautics has a track record of never letting clients down from the sale of its high quality of aircraft up to consultations for large governments to integrate airships into their infrastructure.
In addition, Alfegos Aeronautics never overcharges its customers, providing starter discounts to all first-time nations.

What can Alfegos Aeronautics offer?
Alfegos Aeronautics doesn't just sell its products and rent out consultation teams: it can provide much more to a nation.
If you wish to, the corperation can set up manufacturing and sales facilities in your nation. Even a small aircraft assembly line employs a few hundred people, with such marvels as an airshipyard providing jobs for almost 8000 people.

We hope you wish to take up business with Alfegos Aeronautics,

Tha'sol Yhur'da
Head of Sales
Brutland and Norden
28-05-2008, 18:59
Official Message from Yabloko Apple Company, Incorporated

We wish to sign a deal to import 10,000 tons of Grade 1 Red Apples for sale in Liberty-City every year. We will collect them by cargo ship once per year and market them to Allaneans back home.

The Yabloko Apple Company will be happy to pay you 1.6 million dollars per year for the apples.
To: the Yabloko Apple Company

We found a few suppliers willing to provide a steady, constant supply of apples. The Companne MeloMalo (AppleBoy Co.), operating out of the Danubio valley of Brutland, can supply you with 10,000 metric tons of apples every year. However, they are inquiring about the possibility of having a renewable contract, good for a certain time period. This is to ensure that their produce will be bought, you will have a constant supply, and you won't be affected by any price increase.

Meanwhile, this year's shipment of apples is being shipped by rail to the port of La Spergamo, where it will be exprted to you in refrigerated ships. Expect delivery within two to four days.

Thank you very much.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Message from Para-Para Incorporated

We would like to inquire on the possibility of importing live cows from Brutland and Norden.
To: Para-Para Incorporated

In Brutland and Norden we have the usual domesticated cow (Bos taurus), and our very own national animal, the Brute cow (Bos bruta). Brute cows are more hardy and disease-resistant, but they produce less milk and has leaner flesh than an ordinary cow.

There are many farms that can supply with you with your needs. Just inform the Bureau what will you import and how many head and we'll seek a supplier for you.

Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Brutland and Norden
28-05-2008, 19:18
To: Tha'sol Yhur'da
Head of Sales
Alfegos Aeronautics

The Bureau will be posting a bulletin about your company. As such, it would be recommended that your company send us information about your latest products and/or best-selling products. Also, we would need more information about employment opportunities and other specifics should you wish to establish operations in the country.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
Blackhelm Confederacy
29-05-2008, 07:21
To: Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

We here at the Griffincrest Oil company are always looking for places to expand and sell our goods. Griffincrest sells oil for some of the cheapest prices in the world, 35$ a barrel, and always have the best interests of our customers at heart. And wait! We don't only sell oil, we have other things too! We here at Griffincrest have several large platinum mines and oil fields, and we are willing to sell these as well, all for a good price.

Tell us what you think,

Jack Phoenixclaw
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 09:03
To: Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

We here at the Griffincrest Oil company are always looking for places to expand and sell our goods. Griffincrest sells oil for some of the cheapest prices in the world, 35$ a barrel, and always have the best interests of our customers at heart. And wait! We don't only sell oil, we have other things too! We here at Griffincrest have several large platinum mines and oil fields, and we are willing to sell these as well, all for a good price.

Tell us what you think,

Jack Phoenixclaw

To: Mr. Jack Phoenixclaw
Griffincrest Oil Company

The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden is almost self-sufficient in oil, but with reserves being depleted, some companies are looking for alternative sources of oil. We have posted a bulletin and replies will be coming soon.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Mr. Jack Phoenixclaw
Griffincrest Oil Company

Petroleo Nordèbrutelliense (Nord-Brutlandese Petroleum) is one of the main energy companies in Brutland and Norden. We are looking for alternative sources of oil aside from domestic sources and found out that your company is selling oil at cheap prices. As such, we would like to enter into a supply contract with your company: you would be supplying us with oil for a certain amount of time at an agreed price.

Also, we would like to express our interest in acquiring oil fields, and we would like to request more information about it.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Arrigo di Bonemerse
Vice-President for Corporate Communications
Petroleo Nordèbrutelliense
Blackhelm Confederacy
29-05-2008, 09:22
To: Arrigo di Bonemerse

We are interested in this oil contract, and we would like to know how long you would like to engage in a contract with us for, and how many barrels of oil will be needed by your company. Also, pertaining to the oil fields, Griffincrest gains new fields regularly. For a small sum, some of these fields can be purchased.


Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Directors
Griffincrest Oil Incorporated
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 09:53
To: Arrigo di Bonemerse

We are interested in this oil contract, and we would like to know how long you would like to engage in a contract with us for, and how many barrels of oil will be needed by your company. Also, pertaining to the oil fields, Griffincrest gains new fields regularly. For a small sum, some of these fields can be purchased.


Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Directors
Griffincrest Oil Incorporated

To: Mr. Jack Phoenixclaw
Chairman, Board of Directors
Griffincrest Oil Incorporated

PNB would like to enter into a supply contract of 10,260,000 barrels/month at your standard price of $35/barrel ($359,100,000/month) for five years. We would also inquire the possibility of lowering the price per barrel.

Also, we are interested in buying two of your oil fields. We would like to know the fields available, their location, the proven reserves in the field, and the cost of buying them.

Thank you.
Arrigo di Bonemerse
Vice-President for Corporate Communications
Petroleo Nordèbrutelliense
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 09:55
OOC: Let's do the talks in a separate thread. We could also hold the summit in Kingsville, if you wish. :)
OOC: Our thread is up ( Gotta go for now.
29-05-2008, 10:23
OOC: BTW, I am imitating your thread now. (
Atlantis Eternal
29-05-2008, 12:28

29th May, MMVIII
The Second City of Atlantis

Dear Sirs,

I write to enquire as to what resources Brutland and Norden would have made available for trade with the company. More importantly, however, I wish to understand what (if any) tariffs are in place to protect your nation against foreign exports.

Yours sincerely,
Acacius Athanas Tryphon,
Govenor of the East Caribbean Trading Co.
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 16:35
OOC: BTW, I am imitating your thread now. (
OOC: I feel flattened... er, I mean flattered. So, the Cute Bunny Burger was yours... I remember that thread. ;)
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 16:55

29th May, MMVIII
The Second City of Atlantis

Dear Sirs,

I write to enquire as to what resources Brutland and Norden would have made available for trade with the company. More importantly, however, I wish to understand what (if any) tariffs are in place to protect your nation against foreign exports.

Yours sincerely,
Acacius Athanas Tryphon,
Govenor of the East Caribbean Trading Co.
To: Mr. Acacius Athanas Tryphon
Governor of the East Caribbean Trading Co.


We would like to thank you for your interest in trading with us. Right now we are in the middle of a huge agricultural surplus ( The Bureau is still gathering information about other industries involved in raw materials, such as mining, though some information about Brutland and Norden's production can be found here ( Production of some common metals and fossil fuels is barely enough to meet domestic demand, but I believe we have a surplus of rarer metals such as scandium, molybdenum, and bismuth.

We also manufacture computers and mobile phones, the latter being one of the biggest businesses in Brutland and Norden.

As for tariffs, Brutland and Norden do have small import taxes on a few products (wine, cheese, liquor, tobacco) but generally the country is open to free trade. We are still in the process of opening up the country and liberalizing the market.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau
29-05-2008, 17:37
Alfegos Aeronautics sells many vehicles, with large sales of such vehicles as the Driftwood Class Amphibious IFV. However, we are more famous for airship sales, with such nations as Neo-Ixania, Antigr and Colstream purchasing the popular I-class AeroPatrolcraft for both policing and military purposes.
Soon to be released to international markets are Stratellites, stationed in the Stratosphere at about 80km altitude. Here, the platforms are used to provide fixed signal transmission, providing a large area with high-quality internet, TV and radio, for a fraction of the cost of a satellite in Geostationary Orbit.

Such developments that may be accepted in your nation include the following:
- Small Facility
A few offices, warehouses, showrooms and maybe a small factory are all you would find in a small-scale development. Employing up to 500 local staff, the facility would be a representation of the company in that region, selling and possibly manufacturing such things as light aircraft and civilian arms.
- Medium Facility
More offices and warehouses in such a facility, but also with larger industrial aspects: instead of just that small factory, up to 5 factories doing such things as assembling heavy aircraft, making small military arms and manufacturing parts for assembly at other complexes. Employing up to 3000 local people, this sort of development is most common in the larger towns of a nation.
- National Facility
A large complex housing a national representitive office, extensive administration and sales facilities, multiple warehouses and large amounts of industrial development. In such facilities, a small airshipyard may be found amongst the 12-or-so factories, with large scale manufacturing and assembly occuring in the development. Often found in large cities, such a development would employ up to 40 000 people.
- International Hub Facility
A massive complex taking up a large area, with private unloading facilities and private aerodrome. Always with at least one large airshipyard, these facilities serve products to an entire region of nations and represent sales to numerous nations. Such a facility would have its own refineries, research laboratories and testing areas (underground) for military weapons, as well as any requested factory the host nation may wish for. Such a site would employ upwards of 180 000 local people, with some sites as in Milkavich employing up to 1.2 million people.

Revenues produced from a tax of 5% on each facilities profits would be(per quarter):
Small - $5000 - $10000
Medium - $80 000 - $520 000
National - $5million - $30 million
International - >$100 million

Any further details will happily be provided upon request.
Atlantis Eternal
29-05-2008, 19:05
[OOC: As of yet, I have no idea what the requirements of the population would be, and what imports we already receive from who. So best to leave the figures of how much foodstuffs are being purchased and imported to Atlantis rather vague, for now.

29th May, MMVIII
The Second City of Atlantis

Dear Nina Ventresca-Crognale,

Excellent. Because of The Atlantian Kingdom's maritime nature as a Thalassocracy, there is a considerable lack of Terra firma under royal control. Thus, Atlantis lacks much vital agricultural territory and cannot meet the strains of feeding a growing population. Because of this situation, Her Majesty's government would willingly subsidize the company in the importation of various foodstuffs to sustain the realm, ensuring a substantial profit for the E.C.T.Co. As such, the company will pay for supplies of cows and goats milks, various grains, to a lesser extent fruits and vegetables and selected luxury items (i.e wines, cheeses).

We would also be interested in obtaining a supply of Scandium, and wish to submit an offer of 500,000 Universal Standard Dollars for one-thousand kilograms. Regrettably, we are primarily searching for raw materials and resources with which the Company may maximize capitol from at this time, and any trades made directly to Atlantis involving further products or services should be proposed to the Ministry of Commerce or Office of the Chancellor, as the E.C.T.Co. is a privately owned company.

From the documents provided, it does not appear there is any mention of seafood surplus in Brutland and Norden. Fish have long been a staple of the Lantian peoples, and due to our largely seafaring nature and colossal fleets the Kingdom catches under a million metric tonnes of North Atlantic seafood per annum. With the demand for foodstuffs relaxed due to importation from Brutland and Norden, surplus is expected, and would be available for shipping by the company upon the first delivery of said imports.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Acacius Athanas Tryphon,
Governor of the East Caribbean Trading Co.
Brutland and Norden
31-05-2008, 11:31
To: Alfegos Aeronautics


We had posted a bulletin about your products. Hopefully some may become interested. As for building factories, it will be entirely your call, but we advise you to build one when the demand is high enough and/or you will use Brutland and Norden as your base for operations for the huge South Pacific region.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau

To: Alfegos Aeronautics

Good day! We in the Companne di Tellasdaglie Nordèbrutelliense (CTsNb; Nord-Brutlandese Telecommunications Company) have heard of your new Stratellites. CTsNb, being Brutland and Norden's largest telecommunications provider, already has several satellites and is looking to launch more.

We are interested in your Stratellites and would like to inquire more about its cost and specifics. If you like, you can set up your first test Stratellite in Brutland and Norden.

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Giannina Catrella-Damianelli
Vice-President for Corporate Communications
Companne di Tellasdaglie Nordèbrutelliense

Corzàre Reala Nordèbrutelliense
Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force
Servio Airbase, Recco, grant of Stampione, Union Territories


The Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force is interested in your I-class AeroPatrolcraft. We would like to hear more about it, specifically its features, fighting prowess, and cost. Also, would the company be willing to sell us a "test aircraft" at a discounted price, so that our men can try it and evaluate it for fitness to join our fleet?

Thank you very much.

Argnt. Colombano Scarcella
Chief, Supply and Materiel Command
Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force
Brutland and Norden
31-05-2008, 12:58
[OOC: As of yet, I have no idea what the requirements of the population would be, and what imports we already receive from who. So best to leave the figures of how much foodstuffs are being purchased and imported to Atlantis rather vague, for now.
OOC: Your country is about the size of Hungary, and so I would base the requirements for it; however, your country population changes daily, so it's hard to peg stats for it. For your reference, this is a list of RL countries by population ( from which you can select a country to base your consumption on. ;)

To: Sir Acacius Athanas Tryphon
Governor of the East Caribbean Trading Co.

Brutland and Norden would be very happy to supply your country with your needs. Your ships would be welcome to visit our ports in order to buy the foodstuffs that you need. The Bureau has a partial list of where certain produce are traded best. The ports where can they be shipped out of the country are in parentheses (if different from the trading place):

Wheat: Nord-Brutlandese Wheat Exchange, Bellino, grant of Santelleria, Union Territories
Rice, Barley, Corn: Nord-Brutlandese Grain Market, Luccheri, grant of Sceicce, province of Norden (port of Forlicesena, province of Norden)
Vegetables: Central Vegetable Exchange, Sant'Albano al Mare, Union Island, Union Territories
Wheat: Nord-Brutlandese Wheat Exchange, Bellino, grant of Santelleria, Union Territories
Cattle, Milk, Cheese: Confederation of Dairy Farmers and Producers, Trazio, grant of Trazio, province of Brutland (port of Boscio di Trazio, grant of Trazio, province of Brutland)
Watermelons, Bananas, Mangoes: Tropical Fruit Market, Colfetta, province of Norden
Apples, Berries, Grapes, Lemons: Brutland Fruit Exchange, Taurisano, grant of Merana, province of Brutland (Augusta, grant of Merana, province of Brutland)
Wine: Brutland and Norden Wine Exchange, Borriana, Union Island, Union Territories

As for scandium, its current trading price is $109,383/kg of 99.9% pure scandium metal and $702.25/kg of 99.0% scandium sesquioxide.

For the fish, Brutland and Norden is composed of two main islands and several smaller ones located in the South Pacific, though I believe that the domestic fish catch is barely enough to meet our needs. Like in other products, you can trade in your catch in one of the ports in the country, as there are no restrictions/tariffs/quotas for fish imports in Brutland and Norden.

Thank you.
Nina Ventresca-Crognale
Director, Brutland and Norden Business Bureau