NationStates Jolt Archive

A Public Apology (ATTN Those I have threatened, attacked, etc)

14-04-2008, 23:22
To The Current Governing Bodies of The Nations Threatened or Attacked By the Imperial Republic of Greston in the Past,

First thing is first, that no one man has made it come to this, we have all taken part in bringing the situtation to what it is now. The Imperial Parlimentarian Consul Kadesh did not force me to do this, I did this on my own accord. He ordered me to do so, among other things, but this I feel is right and is the only thing I fully agree with. Greston faces multiple nuclear and conventional wars with many nations, Nova Pictavia and Anagonia among others, and it makes me look back upon the fact I have made others feel the same as I do know now. Afriad that what they have worked for shall be destroyed by some much bigger than yourself. Thus I issue the following:

Desoite the fact this may be a public announcement and may be insincere in who it is addressded to I truelly feel this way and this is not me trying to pretend I care. If I didn't care I wouldn't be taking 500 billion USDs out of our Administration Funds and giving it to the most hated nation of Nova Pictavia. Although they are annoying, hypocritical, cynical, bastards they were true in saying we have done wrong (although they have done the same).

Nations such as Volzgrad, Taeshaen, The Tynish Dynasty, Central Cripistan, Orbath, Latvawgo, DoubleWideville and others have faced the forces of Greston shooting at their own. All of them have taken casualties from the Armed Forces of Greston and in this many innocent people have lost their husbands, their brothers, their uncles, their friends. This is not right and we were wrong in doing so. Many if not all of the above listed nations were justified in being fought but still, in these actions we have brought more, unnecesary pain into this Earth.

Among others we have hurt people in many ways that do consist of it being physical. We have threatened many, many, many nations un deserving of such harsh words and it has taken many effects upon the receiver. The threats made upon the now Democratic nation of Volzgrad caused a full blown civil war. Our threats made to the nation of Neo-Ixania caused a massive disruption in Europe and could've caused the deaths of millions.

Despite all of this we have done good. We have brougth peace to wars thought not to be diplomatically ceased. We avoided the conflict in Europe by talking down our commander, Maldorians. Lately our warmongering has stopped, the worst offence of late was a threat made after our own sovereignity was threatened. But still it is inexcusable. Thus I have taken the time out of my day, in a rushing time period to end a large possible conflict before I leave office, to issue this apology. The ones harmed by my actions in the past may and may not accept this apology, it understandable if you can't after your own people have been murdered by mine.

Thank you.

President and Brigader John Batther
Nova Pictavia
14-04-2008, 23:47
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
The Imperial Republic of New Pictavia
ENCRYPTION: Open Declaration: Free Broadcast
TO: President and Brigader John Batther, The Imperial Republic of Greston
SUBJECT: RE: A Public Apology

MESSAGE: With these words, I begin to recognize a fundamental change in Grestonian foreign policy, and welcome the concessions made towards achieving peace. However, I must stress that the conditions of the ultimatum already agreed upon by the President are not subject to revision and alteration at this stage, and that our last demands still stand. Since I have been informed that President Batther and his government will abdicate and make way for democratic elections, as well as substantial lands offered to establish a military New Pictavia in Mediterranica in order to monitor Greston, this only leaves one objective. This is, of course, of the disarmament of the Grestonian military which Batther has attempted to avoid by fulfilling a tribute of five-hundred billion Universal Standard Dollars to New Pictavia. At the moment, my government will take this offer under serious consideration.

Gaius Kadesh, IP (Imperial Parliamentarian),
Lord Consul of New Pictavia.
15-04-2008, 07:26
From: Scott Lewis, First Councillor, People's Republic of Karullia
To: Gaius Kadesh, John Batther
CC: Involved Parties

Dear All,

While the First Council disagrees with the harshness of the terms imposed on Greston, we are glad that the Grestonian and Pictish governments have come to an agreement without the use of force.

As a neutral party to the conflict, Karullia offers to form a part of the observation and peacekeeping force deployed on the annexed territories.

We send our respects to the leaders of both nations, and the diplomats involved in negotiating this treaty.


Scott Lewis
First Councillor
First Council of the People's Republic of Karullia
15-04-2008, 07:37



With consult to the government of the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia, the First Lords of the Commonwealth and the Privy Council, under command of King; we do offer the following statement.

The terms imposed upon Greston are cruel and unusual; they constitute a knowing violation of national sovereignty, and the conventions of sovereign surrender. A complete and unconditional surrender should not be imposed upon the civilian government, but rather the Army, Air Force and Navy.

The Commonwealth wishes to know if the former governing party will be allowed to participate in the democratic process, or whether this right to democratic participation has been revoked?

Lord* Alexandra DuVoutte
Baroness of Trent, and of Hathington
First Baroness of the Privy Council
Acting Lord Chamberlain

Lord* Sarah Hours
Lady of the Macisikani Court
Baroness of Northfeild
Minister for Foreign Affairs

*The English title "Lord" is used in place of the Rotovian title "L'Ord" (meaning "my master") which is considered gender neutral. Some Rotovian nobles may make use of the title "Lady" to distinguish gender for foreigners, but it is not a common practice.