NationStates Jolt Archive

Exetonia TRBI Cessation of Hostility talks

14-04-2008, 03:47
OOC: This is to be the only OOC in this thread. For OOC discussion of the peace talks please use the pre existing OOC Thread. No [eacekeeping activities are to be mentioned in this thread, neither is there to be made any mention of TRBI and her allies standing down.. that can go in the pre-existing War thread if you please.


The Exetonian Government of representatives following advice from the Strategic Command Office officialy declares that it wishes no further blood shed to occur between our once proud empire (before this fiasco) and the brave and honorable peoples of TRBI.

The Excellent tactical planning of the TRBI military has caused the military ability of Exetonia minor to be reduced, for the time being to absolutly nothing and the actions of her allies have fortified TRBI so much that a counter attack would be suicidal by our Empire.

Before we sit to talks we would like a nation to come forward and offer a place of neutrality where any talks could take place. Exetonia wishes to make it perfectly clear that we have no intentions of asking for any reparitions from the people of TRBi and that we have no qualms in paying a reasonable amount of reparitions to TRBI for the harm this massive military build up over nothing must have cost them.

We would like to request that TRBI officially denounce their spin of our words and accept that it was their blatent attempts at making the people and government of Exetonia ;look bad on the international community that drove us to this rash, ill thought out and stupid decision.

We, in return would publicly appologise to TRBI for forcing them to launch a pre-emptive strike on Exetonia Minor which may have, in the yes of the international community, made them look like imperialistic facists hell bent on world domination. The exetonian government would concede that in fact they are quite the opposite.

We would request that TRBI could try to come up with suitable sanctions within their propaganda department to prevent things like this happening again.

Exetonia is willing to sign any papers asking the Empire to stay away from TRBI waters and her colonial waters for an amount of time to be decided upon either by TRBI herself or the mediator. We in turn would ask but no expect that TRBI would honor the initial statement we released with regards to our own territory. If they do not wish to sign a paper like that then we will have no choice but to accept their decsion.

Anything TRBI would like to bring to the table would be openly discussed and if nessicary, forcibly implemented by the Mediator however, exetonia refuses to sign anything that might jeaprodise her nation such as a cap on military forces etc.
Flaming Souls
14-04-2008, 05:13
Official Soulian Statement of Intent

Soulian Diplomats are on hand in Exetonia Minor to provide mediation services for the peace talks. We welcome any others who wish to aid in the mediation, as long as it doesn't become a gaggle of people. We believe it would be best if there were no more than 2 other countries acting as mediation in addition to our own. Due to our diplomats manner of arrival, they will arrive in conjunction with the Exetonian negotiators.
14-04-2008, 19:53
Offical Kulikovian Response:

The Kulikovian government is more than willing to broker a peace agreement and mediate the talks. We offer our port city of New Archangel as a place to hold the negotiations.
15-04-2008, 04:19
Closed - See OOC thread for reasoning