NationStates Jolt Archive

Conserative morality factbook

Conserative Morality
13-04-2008, 23:53
OOC: I'll be adding to this slowly, so don't harp on me for just including one section. I think slowly but creativly.

Conserative morality is a large island a 400 miles off the east coast of America. It is made mostly of forests and rolling valleys, and has little in the way of metals on the island, with the exception of the Platinum coast which is the south-western coast of CM and is practicly flooded with platinum. It has no native mammels, and only a small number of native birds in the area.
Conserative Morality
14-04-2008, 01:08
Modern Military:

CM's military nowadays is reliant on experimental weapons, always trying to get ahead rather then trying to overwhelm with numbers. There is only a standing army when a war is suspected to happen (Ex. The US in 1939) All other times, a well-trained and well-equiped volunteer militia serves. They are required to train for 30 days a year, usually during the winter. They are paid for these training days, as well as their employers. They are organized in 4 man(and woman) squads. Each man is ranked higher then the other, throughout the whole army in a Genghis Khan sort of way. Example:
Squad 1's seargent can be commanded by squad 2's lowest ranked man. Squad 2's seargent can be commanded by squad 3's lowest ranked man, and so on, and so forth.

The CM navy works on a similar tone, with part-time sailors. However, they must have a job on a ship to join the CM navy. Each sailor reports to each other the same way each soldier in the army reports to another. Ships in the CM navy are only a grand total of 75.

1. 25 Heavy Destroyers (Never been field tested)

Reccomended crew: 150

Equipped with 5 150 mm Railguns (Not coilgun)
Length: 394 Inches
Rate of fire: six rounds per minute, overheating solved through Liquid Nitrogen.
Muzzle Velocity: 8,200 FPS.
Range:250 Natical Miles
Notes:These guns have never been used in action thus far as they are a VERY recent addition to the CM navys arsenal.

30 5-inch .54 caliber gun
Length: 270 inches
Rate of fire: 18 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity:2650 FPS
Range: 12 Natical miles
Notes: None.

50 Patrol boats
Recomended crew: Six.

20 NCMG(Miniguns)
Caliber: .30
Length: 29.5 inches
Rate of fire: 3000 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 2800 FPS
Range: 1100 yards

20 mm AAG (Anti-aircraft)
Length: 78 inches
Rate of fire: 700 RPM
Muzzle velocity:2680 FPS
Range: 2000 yards.
Conserative Morality
16-04-2008, 12:09
The articles
The articles are the foundation and limitation for the CM government.

Under construction

The office-holders of the national government shall be listed and described.
The president has the power to declare bills being passed unconstitutional. He has the power to introduce bills, to make peace treatys, and he must uphold the nations image. He/she is elected by the whole nation, in a 6-month term.

The senators have the power to impeach the president (70-30 vote), vote on bills, and declare war. Every bill needs a 60-40 majority. They are elected nationally in 1 year terms.

The senate concilors have the power to vote on bills as well as introduce bills. They are elected by the senate from the senate for 2 year terms.

Conserative Morality
17-04-2008, 22:06

Racial estimates:
65% European
20% North African
10% Japanese
5% Other

Religious estimates:
60% Christian Protestant
20% Roman-Greek Paganism
15% Roman Catholic
5% Atheistic
Conserative Morality
19-04-2008, 05:23
Exports/ Imports:
Computers and software: 45%
Precious metals: 30%
Small arms: 10%
Other 10%
Electronics: 5%

Food: 60%
Wood products: 20%
Uranium: 15%
Other: 5%
Conserative Morality
19-04-2008, 06:57

In the year Circa 130 AD, a group of exiles from the Roman Empire (exile was a common punishment in Rome) decided to escape the primitive conditions and low status they had outside of the Roman Empire by escaping from all of Europe and the known world. Sailing to the west, stormy seas and the severe lack of food drove the exiles almost to cannibalism. However, they soon crashed on an island during a particularly fierce thunderstorm. Salvaging what little they could, including 3 dogs who had snuck aboard, they had very little to go by. The colony of exiles slowly spread across the island, with many fierce arguments among them about race, religion, law, everything! Several short civil wars started because of the many differences. However, in the end, the exiles decided on a more direct form of government: A republic, like the Roman Empire before Caesar. Through early policies of tolerance and unity, the colony thrived for the next few hundred years.

However, in the year 1034 AD. a ship of Christian Vikings found their way to the island. They were greeted cordially, and the Vikings left with little more then suplies and trinkets from their trip. The Catholic Church heard of the Moralites and decided to send missionaries to them in the hopes of converting them. The Moralites received the missionaries, but when they requested that all moralites convert to Roman Catholicism, they were met with laughter. The Catholic Church sent several missionaries before finally threatening the Moralites with force. The Chruch followed through on it's promise to kill or convert the heretics and non-believers, and started a crusade aganst the Moralites. Now, the Moralites had not suffered the technological halt that Europe had faced, and were very advanced for their time. The crusade came with over 12,000 men, the Moralites numbered just over 21,000. The war progressed slowly, with the crusaders landing in the barely habited north of CM. The poor tactics of the crusaders combined with their technological disadvantage, and the overall poor equipment of their men, were forced back onto their ships by a force of only 2000 equipped with repeating crossbows and half-mail armor. The war lasted 8 months before the crusaders finally retreated. Moralite casualties were 1853, over 90%, whereas the crusaders had over 10,000 killed or captured, 3000 of which were knights. None of Europe has ever mentioned the incident since, and to this day they all deny all knowledge of that crusade.

CM was not discovered again until the British Empire was still growing in 1750 AD. The British were amazed by the Moralites advanced technology (Now almost 1900 equivalent) and a wave of immigrants flooded CM. When the British Empire decided to invade , many of the immigrants decided to help their empire. The war was short and bloody, with casualties in the ten-thousands on the British side, whereas the Moralites lost only somewhere between 400-500. The British, like the Catholic Church centuries ago, conveniently forgot the whole incident, with the exception of the theft of the factory system. The betrayal by the British Immigrants has created a xenophobia that exists in CM even today. For the next 3 centuries CM has observed an isolationist policy and is only now coming out of it's isolationism for slightly more open contact with other nations.
Conserative Morality
23-04-2008, 21:04
Power Sources:

80% Nuclear
10% Natural Gas
5% Wind
5% Hydro
Conserative Morality
06-05-2008, 21:28
Languages spoken:

As a primary language:
English: 50%
Latin: 45%
Other: 5%

As a second language:
English: 45%
Latin: 45%
Japanese: 5%
Summary: 90% of moralites speak a different language, and almost all speak English or Latin.
Conserative Morality
18-05-2008, 21:57
Complete history, 130 AD to 500 AD.

In 130 AD, fifty exiles crashed onto the island soon to be called Conserative morality. During this time, food was scarce, and the exiles considered going back to Europe. However, when someone pointed out that their boat was beyond all repair, they quickly started to salvage wood from the boat. They travelled inland for fear of the oceans powerful storms, and eventually settled in a simple valley near the center of the island. The Moralites were a diverse bunch to say the least. The "Exiles war" as it came to be known, settled at least one issue: They weren't going to have an Emporor or any other supreme ruler. The Exiles' war took only five lives, but for the low numbering Exiles, this was a horrifying experience. The Exiles soon decided on a name: Conserative Morality, named for slight changes in conventional Roman Morality (No V in English), and yet signifing that morals still existed within the country. Despite figuring out the name, the Moralites had no idea what they were going to do for a government. For the first fifty years, they decided to do without one, and all was well.

In 180 AD, a small war started between the slightly outnumbered Christians and the worshippers of the old Roman-Greek gods. The war was afterwards known as the "War of opinon" Because in reality, little physical fighting was done, despite ten deaths of the now 120 moralites. Most of the war took place in opinon of the people rather then those who fought actual battles. Eventually, a government was formed by sensible Moralites from both religions, and the Articles were written (Showed in part above, although they mention kings figurative sense). This stopped most tension between the two major religions.

In 200 AD, an improvment on the crossbow was created. It was a marvel of mechanics, allowing a crossbow to fire 4 shots a minute, with the same power and distance. This was quickly adapted in CM, and became an almost signature weapon for moralites. A man, or woman, was expected to have a crossbow as a sign of adulthood. Many moralites to this day still retain a similar crossbow, and to this day the CM government uses it with their honor guard.

In 424 AD, the Moralites had spread all the way to both coasts and were enjoying relative prosperity. This is when the golden age of CM literature started as accepted by most historians and book critics with the release of the now famous "Guard of the third tower".
Conserative Morality
18-05-2008, 22:13
Complete history 500 AD to 1000 AD:

In 550 AD another civil war started. The war is usually known as the Great Moralite war. The war started over the government. The government had begun to conquer land over in North America, which was seen as impirialistic and immoral by many citizens, while others viewed it as the natural order of things. Eventually, the tension between the two sides broke out in a large crossbow fight in the middle of Pug City. Both sides claimed to be the actual governemnt, and both carried crossbows engraved with the moralite seal in Moralium (A mixture of platinum, steel, and tin).The war raged on for seven years and three months. At last, the anti-impirial moralites won a decisive battle, and the conquering of lands in North America stopped.

In the Year 712 AD, The moralites had sent out ships toward Europe in hope of reestablishing relations with the Roman Empire. Many of the ships found themselves offcourse, and landed in Africa. Thinking Europe to be different then their ancestors description, they accepted Africa as Europe for some time, and began a long trading partnership with the Mali kingdom.

In 900 AD, the Moralites had their first female president. She was well-recieved by most moralites, despite being an incredible moderate.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:02
Complete history AD 1000 to AD 1500

In the year AD 1034, a lost ship of Christian Vikings stumbled upon Conserative morality. The moralites were more then happy to give them supplies, and even a few weapons before they went back to Europe. When they returned, the Catholic church was informed of the incident, and without delay, sent missionaries to CM. Shocked to find the advanced (For it's time) technology and equally shocked to find the old Roman-Greek religion still alive, the Catholic Church condemned most of their technology as Witchcraft and demanded that all moralites convert to Roman Catholicism. Their demands were met with laughter. Nevertheless, the Catholic church carried out a crusade, known to most in CM as "The Forgotten Crusade" against the Moralites. Now, the moralites failed to stop the huge amount of European ships from reaching CM, but once they tried to land, they were driven back. Time and time again they were driven back, and time and time again they charged out. Soon, the European troops were dying from disease FAR more then combat, especially since they were all stuffed into small boats with no sanitation. Eventually they retreated back Europe, and have never mentioned the incident since.

In 1344 AD, what is widely considered the Silver age of Moralite literature began.

In the year 1450 AD, a vaccine for several major diseases were found. This lead to a large population boom.