Yakana Opens Airspace - YKIA/YKSA
The World Around The Holy Republic
The Holy Republic of Yakana, a long time venture into aviation has decided to greatly expand is two main airports to accommodate international travel and foster relations with other countries through the means of culture.
The two main airports of Ka-Saki, the capital of the Holy Republic have outlined their plans for accommodating international travel. The two airports, Kai-Saki International Airport and Kai-Saki Aeropark have official finished construction according to the outlined plan by the government of Yakana. The below is the costs and available locations within the two airports.
The Holy Republic welcomes flag carries and independent airlines from all nations, though we’d like to express our regret to not be able to accommodate non traditional planes. We also ask that you list the destinations you’ll be servicing out of Yakana.
50 Gates Each
Terminal A – Yakana Traffic Only
Terminal B – Europa/VIP/Yakana Traffic Only
Terminal C – International
Gate 1: Dixie Limited Airlines - Heartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (ATL), The Confederacy of Jarwja
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Terminal D - International
Gate 1:
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Terminal E – International
Gate 1:
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Cargo – 20 Slots
Cargo: 1
Cargo: 2
Cargo: 3
Cargo: 4
Cargo: 5
Terminal One has 30 Gates Two through four has 20 each.
Terminal 1 – International
Gate 1:
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Terminal 2 – Yakana/Europa/VIP Traffic Only
Terminal 3 – International
Gate 1:
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Terminal 4 – International
Gate 1:
Gate 2:
Gate 3:
Gate 4:
Gate 5:
Gates: 110,000/y
Cargo Terminal: 85,000/y
Maintenance: 250/d
Lading fees: 45.00
Fuel: 7.00
Parking/Tie-down: 3.00/h
Hanger: 200,000/y
Passenger Fee (Per Person): 5.00
(OOC: Prices are outlined in Yakana Rue via our market. But in reality, exchange rates don’t matter. The airports are based on REAL airports in the world, and are realistic to those standards in size and capacity. See if you can take a guess at which airports they are. The larger one is very easy. Some terminals are restricted for Yakana/Europa/VIP, VIP is designated to anyone Yakana has ambassadorial relations with. Any comments on how this is done, feel free to express them.
I’ll add on five gates each time that go through, if you want to purchess and unlisted number simply specificy. Please make sure you say which terminal you want. KIA is by letter, KSA is by number. Also, you can post which locations (within your country) your servicing with those gates.
Multiple airlines from your country can be apply. Yakana offers hub agreements for large customers, mostly for those based within Europa.
I'll be editing this more later on making it looks more "pretty".)
Be Careful, Some countries have citizens who might be infected with the GREY DEATH. I Would advise Decontamination Services to those who appear Sick, and even then deportation is Recommended.
On behalf of the Alfegos Airship Transportation Consortium and the Alfegan Flight Group, we wish to eqnurie as to the suitability of your airport for the following:
- Capability to track, land and fuel supersonic aircraft, powered by Hydrogen gas. This is on behalf of Jetstream Airlines, who wish to fly high-speed services to your nation.
- Capability to cater for airship flights. We have a scale devised so that you can rate your facilities here for mainly cargo flights (transporting mass amounts of goods) and also the occasional airship cruise liner/private air yaucht carrying passengers.
If you are unable to provide hydrogen, mooring facilities and airship loading zones, then we will be happy to construct them for you, for use by other liners.
The scale:
Class E
- Abilty for airships up to 150m in length to land, but not to moor.
- Little or no Hydrogen/Helium refuelling services on hand, or specialist airship maintenance.
- Shared use with other airport users.
- No storage hangers.
(Note: Would only receive low-level airyaucht traffic.)
Class D
- Ability for airships up to 300m in length to land, and for smaller airships to moor.
- Limited ability to refuel airships, but no dedicated maintenance.
- Shared use with other airport users.
- No storage hangers.
(Note: Would only take on low levels of airship traffic, mostly smaller cruise liners)
Class C
- Ability for airships up to 600m in length to land, and for medium-sized airships to moor.
- Moderate ability for airship refuelling, and some dedicated airship maintenance services.
- Semi-shared use with other airport users.
- Storage hangers for small airships.
(Note: Would take on most cruise-liner traffic and some aero-freighters)
Class B
- Ability for airships up to 800m in length to land and to moor.
- Large-scale ability for airship refuelling, and for airship maintenance.
- Separate area for airships to land and moor.
- Storage hangers for small airships.
(Note: Would be able to take on nearly all airship traffic from Alfegos, since most aero-freighters fall into this class. Would be designated a national hub.)
Class A
- Ability for airships up to 1000m in length to land.
- Massive on-site fuel storage for airships.
- Maintenance hangers for airships.
- Seperate landing/mooring area for airships.
- Storage hangers for medium-sized airships.
(Note: Would be able to take the largest of airships, and would act as a designated international hub)
The Holy Republic of Yakana - Board of Airspace
Up till now, The Holy Republic of Yakana has never through about accommodating "Airships", but we feel that trade with Alfegos in the terms of culture would indeed benefit us.
So to accommodate this, we've decided to expand the hangers in the west zone of YKIA (South via the picture). Runway 31L/13R will be the functional runway for this type of traffic, focusing on a south approach on 13R. This runway is one of thee three smallers ones coming in at 2,835M, plenty long land class A.
We would like to take up the offer of having Alfegos come in and build the mooring facilities to specifications needed. Furthermore, Yakana does not use Hydrogen on public airlines, we'll be more then happy to keep such on-site from our military contracts. Also, control tower WEST will be fitted with the appropriate facilities (as will 31L/13R) to land and take off your Airships.
We thank you for your kindness. As such, we wish to purchase land to accomodate the following proposed developments:
- Hydrogen gas storage centre (holding up to 280 000 cubic metres of hydrogen in 4 main underground tanks and up to 75 000 cubic metres of gas compressed in standard airship cylinders. The entire facility will be built as per the Airship Fuelling Regulation, which dictates that the fuel is to be stored at least 30 metres below the ground, to minimise the danger to those above in case of an explosion or fire. The surface structure will only consist of the loading shaft for gas down into the storage reservoir and up out, the computer controls for gas flow and the fire-fighting emergancy water reservoir, and will be approximately 10m x 5m x 2m.
- Helium storage centre. Another underground structure, which can be used duel purpose with hydrogen, alos designed to save space and to reduce risk of damage in case of a cylinder breech as per regulations. There will be a total of 4 million cubic metres of helium stored here in 4 seperate tanks. In addition, it will also be used as a store for propane gas and helium cylinders, a total space of 90 000 cubic metres of gas. The surface structure will be similar.
- Mooring zone. This area will require a large flat zone away from aircraft landing areas and the like, and will consist of multiple fixed mooring pylons each up to 150m high, for the tethering of the airships. This area will also act as a refuelling, unloading and servicing zone, with underground pipes used to supply gases to each airship. Unloading will be carried out over the two cargo unloading zones, where crates will be stacked and removed by a dedicated rail link to the storage depot. Approximate dimensions for this area are approximately 1000m x 400m for minimal Class A facilities.
This area will also be equipped for carrying out routine and emergancy maintenance.
- Storage zone. Here is where the cargo is stored in warehouses, along with emergancy vehicles, airship ancillary vehicles and emergancy stores for maintenance. The main warehouse zone, where the dedicated rail service terminates, will be appoximately 150m x 50m x 20m, backing onto a main road where suplies are to be sent out as soon as possible. The emergancy vehicle hanger and train hanger will be approximately 80m x 40m x 10m.
We apologise for the relatively large area requried for such developments, but when working on the scale of airships, size is always an issue. We estimate the cost of the entire project to be $800 million, which will be paid for by the airship companies. If given the go-ahead, we should be able to provide fully-functional facilities within 1-2 months with minimal delays to your services.
The Confederacy of Jarwja would like to request that Gate C1 will be allotted for Dixie Limited Airlines. We would like to improve relations with our European counterparts. If we are allowed this, Yakana will be allowed to open in Terminal D4 in Heartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL). The main planes will be Boeing 737's and 747's.
Official Document – MCU-AS
The Holy Republic of Yakana
Military Construction Unit
Air and Sea
After review the documents submitted by Yakana Ka-Saki International Airport on behalf of the Peoples Nation of Alfegos, Alfegos Airship Transportation Consortium and the Alfegan Flight Group, The Military Construction Unit, In charge of all operations regarding official facilities for Air and Ocean, has approved the documents submitted.
A general zone of 0.55 Nautical Miles south of the center point of Runway 31L/13R has been designed for construction. This point is located away from direct air traffic flight paths, but within range of taxi location from the active runway used by the airships. This potions is also roughly 650 Meters from Fire Station Number Four which will be dedicated to the containing such situations in the event of an unlikely emergency. It can be reformed as seen fit to accommodate such.
Furthermore, YKIA would like to inquire how the above parties would like to transport passengers from the docking stations to the terminal, since we are assuming that it will be difficult for these to taxi across the airport.
The Holy Republic of Yakana
The Holy Republic of Yakana - Board of Airspace
The Holy Republic of Yakana - Board of Airspace has approved the use of Gate C1 by Dixie Limited Airlines with service to ATL. We thank you for choosing to expend your view into The Holy Republic.
(OOC: I hope you realise these airships are what we would think of them as in the conventional sense - think big zeppelins. These would not really even need a runway to land, just a massive field with a wee bit of a run-up to allow it to slow down.)
We thank you for permission to begin construction, and as such wil begin construction immediately. Expect the arrival of the construction materials and staff within 16 hours. These will be transported in 2x Clipper class airships (each 800m x 250m), which will be positioned to cause minimal interference with flights.
As for the delivery of passengers to the terminal, we will carry that out via shuttle buses.