Amazing Discovery in the Ruins Of the Old Capital (Open)
The War was Over and they considered the Ruins of the old capital holy ground, but during reconstruction a Survivor of the war named Peter Kiahs found a Relic Of the Gods given To Ancient Razorlians. The Government Has Asked if Other Nations wish to Come and Look for More Artifacts for Study.
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 17:33
But they just got home! Ah, well.
Revolutionary Esparada sends the reconstruction and now archaeological force back to Razorl.
After An Hour of Digging they found a Underground Temple With an Odd Floating Orb Device after Further Study It was Found to Be a Sort of Portal Mechanisim but Centuries Of Disuse has rendered it Inactive.
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 17:48
President gives them medals and a free pirate copy of Alien Versus Predator.
Dear Razorl,
If we may, can we send a archaeological team to your nation, not to steal any of your artifacts but to document them and make an article about your culture? The team of archaeologists will be equipped with several digging vehicles and will consist of 100 Avalicans. We will send all our finds to you.
From Dan Arksy, Curator of the Museum of Foreign History
We are Happy to Allow your Team of Archaeologists to The Ruins But not The Temple For it is Sacred to us. Also we Have Sended You a Article On a Small Smidge of our Culture, The Rest is for you to figure out.
12-04-2008, 18:51
We would like to study the floating inert orb.
You Saddly Cannot For It is in The Lost Temple Of The Gods and no one That isnt of Razorlian Blood can go in.
12-04-2008, 19:15
Belshaft also expresses intrest in studying the orb. Before you reject our offer may we remind you that due to us aiding you, more than 6 million of our citizens are either dead or infected with the GREY DEATH, and we have been forced to burn down our acricultural heartland to prevent further spreading of the virus.
Okay, Because of Everything You Have Done For us and Since we Owe You we will allow you to enter the temple but studying the orb is very very very very tough for us to consider but we will allow you but if you touch the orb for more than a minute we will remove you from the temple.
Dear Razorl Government,
Can we have some pictures of the exterior and interior of the tomb and orb? It is not necessary but we are only asking for it as we want as much information possible. We will not feature it in the article since it holds large religious importance to your people. We do not seek to exploit your religion.
Dan Arksy, Curator of the Museum of Foreign History
12-04-2008, 19:27
Belshaft accepts your terms - we probally will not touch it for some time, we intend to spend some time scanning it first, untill we know what it is.
To: Dan Arksy
From: Prime Minister Nikolai Fields
I am Young and Do Not know all about the Razorlian Religion for i am only 12 but i will do as my father's advisors asked me to do and i will provide Pictures of The Exterior and Interior, On Note It is a Very Huge Structure on a Scale Previously Thought Impossible. And to All Asking about what the orb is. in our ancient Scrolls it says in the Temple of The Gods there is an Orb that in the end of days will create a Portal To usimaya or a Sort Heaven to the Judaic Religions.
In the Temple The Orb Started To Spin Rapidly and Glowing a Bright Blue....
12-04-2008, 20:13
This was of some intrest to the Belshaft Scientists, who noted this down. They then began researching just what had caused this to happen. Meanwhile, in the corner, one of the scientists began to cough. He was feeling a bit ill, but nothing too bad. Perhaps he just needed some fresh air. On the way out he bumped into sevral respected scientists from Razorl, who he staoped to greet, and a couple of other people.
Nikolai Went To the Temple and Noticed The Scientist Coughing. He had Researched The GREY DEATH so he knew the guy had it. "He's Got The Grey Death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nikolai Ran
The Orb Started To Spin Fast Until a Blue Portal Appeared, it turned into a line and engulfed the Scientist and then it stopped and dissapeared, but the orb remained.
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 20:22
Esparadan soldiers fire rapidly at the orb, thinking this would help, as is Esparadan culture.
Three Guards Open Fired on the Espardians. "THAT IS OUR CULTURE YOUR FIRING AT YOU BASTARDS!!!!" Spoke one of the marines who preceded to beat the dead body of one of them with his fists
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 20:26
Esparadan Lieutenant Tariz (the other Lt. Tariz's brother) runs up and takes the guards away. "Sorry about that. We're jumpy with machine guns. And your culture just killed a foreign scientist."
Tariz radios a helicopter to take the dead men away.
OOC: I spy a war coming. Or maybe not.
The archaeological team heard the gunfire and left as fast as possible in their digging vehicles taking whatever documents and pictures they took and leaving the artifacts in a box addressed to the Razorl Government.
To: The Espardian Government and Other Countries at the time of Firing on the orb
From: Prime Minister Nikolai Fields
Half Of my country is Going to hell with what you just did Esparda. But as i was told what happened to the scientist was what is called Ascension Of Numias which means the Orb turned the scientist into a god. We are investigating and we were left with a book on how to bring him back.
12-04-2008, 20:31
A bullet came out of nowhere and pierced the arm of a Belshaft Scientist. He imeadiatly colapsed. Rushing over to see if he needed help, the Razorl Marines where alarmed when he coughed sickly looking, thick blood all over them. The Marine, little realising the importance of this, went about his buisness, cleaning himself up. Later he went home to his wife, and his children. The GREY DEATH had arrived.
(OOC: Oh Com'on why do i have to have the Grey Death, Curse You! Belschaft Curse You!)
Nikolai Fields visited the Family that night. They were happy to see him and welcomed him in their home. Thats when things made a turn for the worst. He pulled out a desert eagle and killed the family. the house has been put under quarantine and Nikolai Fields has Been showing signs of Immunity to The Virus
12-04-2008, 20:50
To- Nikoli Fields
From- Belshaft Internal Health Authority
Were really really sorry. We have no idea how the virus managed to infect the scientists, though we bellieve it may have been through contact with other scientists working on a antibiotic drug to combat it. We again apologise for the incident fully - this is why we have largely closed our borders. We have dispatched our best purger teams to deal with any spread, and am pleased to anounch that about two thirds of the strains appear to be killing themselves. Unfortuantly it appears that the worst are still active. We can only recomend you burn the entire city block to the ground, as only extreme heat seems to kill the damn thing.
From: Prime Minister Nikolai Fields
To: Belschaft Government
We Have Scanned The Virus, and it is only within the house. Also There was one Man from Razorl who went to your country and purposely infected himself with the most dangerous strain of the virus. He has cured himself with a new vaccine we have invented also i have an immunity to all strains of the virus which sounds unbelievable but we have tested it.
Also as a Last Resort a Nuclear Bomb could destroy the virus for good. Because it would cause extreme heat at the highest possible made by man.
Also We Are Closing Our Borders to Everyone Except Belschaft.
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 21:24
Even though I've helped you so much?
We'll Of Course Continue Trade but it will be heavily monitered due to the grey death virus
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 21:52
Esparadan scientists have begun resaerching a cure for this mysterious unearthly virus.
We are Stopping Study Of The Ruins Until The Grey Death is Removed from all countries inflicted.