Exetonia demands TRBI response (ATTN:TRBI)
10-04-2008, 05:15
From:The Socialist Empire of Exetonia Government of representatives
To: Whom it may concern at the The Ryou Black Islands
RE: Your plans to become an empire.
The Socialist Empire of Exetonia would like to make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that no Ryou Black Islands (herin refered to as TRBI) colony will be permitted to exist within 1,000 NKM of the Exetonia continent or her two major Island precincts. Should a TRBI colony be found to be within these limits, we reserve the right to mobilise task forces to 'deal' with the colony swiftly and sharply.
Furthermore, any commercial shipping will not be permitted within the empires territorial waters. Any TRBI commercial ship found to be within Exetonian waters will be escorted out by a naval escort. No commercial airline carrying the flag of TRBI shall be allowed within Exetonian airspace, failure to comply will result in an escort of fighters being deployed to guide the aircraft to outside of our airspace. Any commercial ship that commits an offence will be impounded and salvaged with the passengers put onboard one of our own vessels and dropped off at a suitable neutral nation. Any airliner commiting a second offence will be shot down without any warning.
Finally, any military craft crossing within 1000 NKM of Exetonian waters or airspace will result in an immediate declaration of war with your nation.
We do not take kindly to the idea of imperialistic nations of your size announcing openly that they are looking to expand when such an expansion could pose a threat to our own empire. We ourselves understand that in the bigger picture we are still small (when compared to the likes of the super powers like Questers and AutomagFreak) but we will defend our territories with force.
However, should these terms be met constantly, we believe that we can peacefullt co-exist. Should your empire have its own mandate that you require us to stick to, please feel free to announce it to us.
We are so convinced that the international world will not care about this paper that we are not sending it through the usual encrypted system.
Thank you for your time.
Flaming Souls
10-04-2008, 05:31
[OOC: Wondering if this is open or not, if it is, I would like to join.]
The Ryou Black Islands
10-04-2008, 05:31
From Empress Isabella.
To The Poor Confused people of Exetonia.
You are Paranoid. You Think we will take over your nation? the Ryou Empire is peaceful, but can attack when threated. You have been fooled by the lies of Fordock and Shazbotdom. They want you to be enslaved bt Paranoia so they and try and kill the Ryou and rule The world.
you shouldn't Be Paranoid.
10-04-2008, 05:50
[OOC: Wondering if this is open or not, if it is, I would like to join.]
[ooc: Quite open, come on in]
From: Exetonia
RE: your latest statement.
We made no mention of you wanting to take over our lands, thatr is something your spin doctors have added themselves. We merley laid out in no uncertain terms measures to protect our Empire and its interests.
To call this Empires people confused is a very bold statement considering we have never, nor have our people ever claimed that you would invade us.
It is you mentioning that we want to try and kill you, if that is what you see our friendly mandate and warning as then perhaps you are the paranoid, misguided and confused nation.
Please re-read our terms very very carefully.
Flaming Souls
10-04-2008, 06:00
[OOC: Well then, time for some fun ne?]
Official Soulian Communique
Delivered to Empress Isabella and the Extonian Government
We find that TRBI has put a gross and wholly uncalled for negative spin on the Extonian Governments wish to protect it sovereignty from foreign oppression. Due to this, along with the Soulian publics negative view of TRBI Policy to date, we wish to extend our hand to the Extonians. Our first act will be the establishment of a Soulian Embassy in Extonian lands, and gladly extend the offer to place an Extonian Embassy in our Embassy Region [ooc: link forthcoming] and from there will begin negotiations of possible treaties. Until such a time, we will remain neutral in the affair. Further questions and/or comments can be directed to Michael Clancy, Foreign Affairs Directorate.
President-Elect Jason Wilkinson
10-04-2008, 06:08
To:Michael Clancy, foreign officer directorate
RE:Your offer.
We find your offer both satisfacory and pleasing. We are willing to allow you to have an entire building dedicated to your ambasadorial and foreign affairs needs within our country in Exeter city on the Exetonian continent.
Furthermore, anything that you could provide for us that you feel would be suitable for an embassy would be adequate enough for our Empire.
We welcome the begining of relations beween our Governments as the first step in what will hopefully be a very long friendship.
Flaming Souls
10-04-2008, 06:27
OOC: Secret IC, also I seem to be mildly retarded and apologize for any misspellings of names etc.
Red Mountain International Airport
Eska Province, Soulia
Ambassador to Exetonia Frank Gilbert was preparing to board the state sponsored F-14 that would take him to Exetonia. Once there, he would begin negotiations towards possible treaties. His staff and security personnel would arrive the next day. He was estimated to arrive in Exeter City in approximately 6 hours.
11-04-2008, 02:42
OOC: TRBI I need an IC response to my response to your remark
The Government of representatives swung quickly into action to set out a welcome greeting to the ambassador who would be arriving shortly. This was a momentus occasion for the Empire. TRBI's frank return statement to the Exetonian greeting had gifted the Empire a chance at brokering treaties with another nation.
What the Government of representatives found so hard to swallow was the fact that their open letter to TRBI was no different than anything the Empire could expect to recieve from any other large nation/empire should the Exetonian Empire decide that it wanted to expand its borders.
It was decided that a red carpet reception followed by a champagne dinner in the great halls of government would be the only suitable way to greet the first foreign dignitary to come to Exetonia in many years.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-04-2008, 16:17
We will never be near your lands, you are so Paranoid that you are cutting off good trade, so be it.
By Vote and Bill of The Imperial Congress, The Ryou Black Islands isuses a Travel Ban and Embargo on the fallowing Nations.
The So called "Grand World Order."
Flaming Souls
These Nations are well known Pro Fordockian, posably Controled by that evil nation. All Ryou Ships and Planes are to stay away from these nations for threat of State Surported Terrorist Attacks.
That is Reply to the threat by Exetonia
Signed: Premeir Khan of The Ryou Imperial Congress.
11-04-2008, 16:29
FROM: Exetonia.
RE:Your last statement.
Your continued bad attitude towards our empire is either incredibly brave, incredibly stupid or a combination of the two. We will no longer stand for your spin doctering.
As for even suggesting that we would condone terrorists acts and even support them is disgusting. You leave us no choice..
Any hostile action you take against any nation, especially any ntion with which we are on good terms will result in an immediate declaration of war.
Your refusal to be reasonable in this situation will only serve to compound your current standings in the international community.
We are now in a state of cold war, do not try us TRBI lest you open up a box you cannot possible close again yourself.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-04-2008, 17:14
The Shai Times
Exetonians "Very Paranoid" says Military.
Shai, the Ryou Black Islands
Today, The Exetonian Government Threated the Ryou Empire with attack if they did any thing they didn't like.
"It goes to show you that the Exetonians are Very Paranoid." said Grand General Asuka, "They want us to bow to their ways, to kiss their Butts. they will not get it."
The Imperial Congress as also Voted that the Military will be in Power to handle any threat from Exetonia.
"These People are fearful of anyone that don't Bow to them, they forget that the Ryou are Part of The Stevidian Empire and are allied with The Powerful nation of Stevid and Kurona, If they want to bar them, they will be told they are Paranoid."
11-04-2008, 17:37
FROM: Exetonia
marked: URGENT
RE: Your continued spin doctering
TRBI, your continued spin doctering of our words leaves us no other choice. Yes, the size of Stevid worries us when we must press words as harsh as these upon you but, the NS of Kurova gives us no trouble at all as their economy is pathetic in comparison to our own.
Your continued spn on our words could be seen as some nations as a prelude to war. we will however be lenient and ot act at this time but, be aware our words from previous messages still stand strong.. Take action that we look down upon and our retribution will be swift and sweet.
Should Stevid retaliate against us should this action ever happen then we will take the consequences of our actons like men and defend our nation. We do not take kindly to petty threats frm smaller nations saying that larger nations will get involved in their fights.
Im sure if stevid were aware of your actions with regards to spin doctering that when you take an action that the entirity of the world looks down upon in disgust you will find yourself standing alone.
Flaming Souls
12-04-2008, 04:54
[OOC: Firstly IC post to come within a few hours..gotta finish Army of Two first...secondly wow. just wow.]