Operation Bloody-Fox (Open)
To all Of Those who wish to help stop the terrorist attacks in the Republic Of Razorl, we have launch a joint operation to stop the terrorists from following the Recently Deceased Prime Minister's Son, Nikolai Fields. As We already Know The Terrorists Are Heading To The East Coast to Follow a C-130 That is Escorting The Prime Minister's Son. The Terrorists Are Launching an Attack on A Allied Nation. The Plan Is To Send Two Units Of Spec. Ops. To Infiltrate The Terrorists Main Headquarters and plant two Bombs within The Main Server room. Then We Will Send In Helicopters to Land Soldiers in their airfield. Then we will take Charles Shilar Into Custody.
Please Respond,
Secretary Of Defense
Will provide tactical/logistical support if required.
Harold Franks,
Director of External Security,
We Request You please do so, we've already launched the operation.
10-04-2008, 18:32
We can also provide fire power if necessary.
President of Markiana
10-04-2008, 19:03
Belshaft can provide Satalite Imagery and Communications. However we are commited elsewhere inside Razorl allready. We will have vengence for the heinious attack apon our capital, and our people!
Is there going to be actual standard-level RPing at any point?
(OOC: Yeah, Right now)
The Battle to Get out of Lisanim was Tough for Sgt. Harold Beckerich and his Squad, and now with no regroup point, no reinforcements, and no order he was now told to head to a valley in the turtagos mountains to take out the Rebel HQ? The Government has gone to hell since The prime minister's death and Nikolai's Daring Escape. "Men, You heard the radio so suit up and head for the Turtagos mountains. Besides we got a few reinforcements from the few squads of soldiers from Belschaft." Spoke The Sgt, Now all they had to do was get there...
To The Secretary Of Defense of The Republic of Razorl,
Operation Bloody-Fox? What the bloody hell did you do to the poor thing! So to stop a terrorist attack you hurt a damned fox until it bleeds? What kind of sick, backwards nation is Razorl?
President and Brigader John Batther
(OOC:Umm it's Just the Name of the Operation, Why the hell would A Republic Kill a Fox! Returd...)
Sgt. Harold Beckerich Was Waiting at The Mountains For Reinforcements From the 3rd Division To arrive. "Where the Hell are They" Spoke Cpl. Yullman.
Thats when they heard the sound of guns loading.