NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Rebellion/Land Grab Interest Thread

08-04-2008, 06:02
I've recently revived a nation which I played as roughly a year ago. Back then, I RP'd somewhat noobishly, but had the opportunity to RP with major players such as Kraven and Psychotic Psychosis to name a few. After RPing two major wars and several smaller conflicts, I decided to take a break and come back as a puppet, starting off fresh. Now I've decided to revive this old nation and do something with it. Rather than simply giving it away, I've decided to start a rebellion RP which will allow players to either support a faction or grab land. My intent is for the nation to be divided among groups, and not held by one faction or government. So, I'm looking for active RPers. If you can, please edit the map below to indicate the area you wish to take under your control. Areas in white will be much easier to capture, but will still feature some resistance so please, RP more than just a landing and then sweep across the area.

Red - General Andrew Blake's Revolutionary Army (BRA)
A group of mostly soldiers who support a former General bent on gaining control of the entire nation and installing himself as a Dictator. This group is one of the more powerful, being militaristic. They have used their strength to capture several areas, taking all resources, such as food and distributing it rather unevenly among themselves and the populace. This group isn't keen direct interaction or foriegn forces, but welcomes supplies and weapons. (This group can still be supported, it just requires more persuasion.)

Orange - No Official Name
Small groups of resistance which wish to take over the nation until the former leader returns.
Number of Fighters - 1,000 Soldiers - 50,000 Civilian Soldiers
Number of Fighters - 250,000 to 350,000 Soldiers

Blue - General Howe's Democracy Army (DA)
A group of civilians and soldiers centered around a former military General, General Howe, who wishes to take control of the nation until proper elections can be held. Although this group is less militaristic, they hold the largest portion of land. This group is well organized, and willing to accept any kind of help.
Number of Fighters - 800,000 Soldiers - 1 Million Civilian Soldiers (Hastily formed defensive militia.)

Easter Green - Worker's Army (WA)
A group of farmers in the north east and fishermen in the south who believe they were mistreated by the former government. They are somewhat unsure of what to do, remaining somewhat isolated and defensive. They have seen the worst of conditions, many dying from hunger. This group is reluctant to accept military help but welcomes foodstuffs and other supplies.
Number of Fighters - 3,000 Soldiers - 250,000 Civilian Soldiers (Under equipped Citizens which have banded together to protect their borders)

Purple - Royalty Now Party (RNP)
A small group of people in one area who believe the former monarch, King Wilfred should be reinstated as head of state. This group is willing to accept some help, especially from members of Royalty. This group is small but imperialistic, looking for opportunitys to expand their borders.
Number of Fighters - 1,000 Soldiers - 100,000 Civilian Soldiers ((Under equipped Citizens which have banded together to protect their borders)

Lime Green Ring and Darker Outer Ring - This area is a former city and surrounding area which was hit and destroyed by a massive nuclear attack. The area within the inner ring is barren and inhospitable while the outer ring contains a ''ghost area'' in which no person lives.

Yellow Circles - These areas were hit by an unknown chemical weapons which attacked and destroyed vegetation and ensured that nothing could grow there afterwards. The chemical used does not affect humans, but seems to continue to spread.

So if someone is interested in supporting a faction or factions, let me know. If someone is just after a colony or resources, indicate your claim on the map and I'll ok it. Try not to take huge areas.\

Worker's Army, Royalty Now Party

Democracy Army

Blake's Revolutionary Army
08-04-2008, 06:04
I'd be interested in supporting the Worker's Army and the Royalty Now Party, as well as capturing an area as a colony. I'll post the edited map in a few.
08-04-2008, 07:04
I am interested in supporting General Howe's Democracy Army, and taking a piece of land for a colony

The piece of land I want is left to the General Howe's Democracy Army's area, and I don't want too much.
08-04-2008, 08:27
I fixed the map, changing Orbath's color and added you Greal.
08-04-2008, 08:34
OOC: Thanks. Now I'm between the Democratic party and the Worker's Party :D

When does this start?
08-04-2008, 08:40
Well I'm hoping for the entire land mass to be claimed, so as soon as a few people get involved. I plan on having some of the factions actually expand their borders and fight with each other also, but I'm hoping at the end of all this to have the entire land mass divided into various sections, be it colonies or sovereign states. So I don't need the entire land mass claimed right away.

I'm not sure whether that was a subtle hint to wanting to claim two factions or not, but since your backing the DA, which is the largest faction, I'd prefer that you kept to one faction. Besides, Orbath has already claimed the Worker's faction.
08-04-2008, 08:51
What I meant is that the WA has to go through me, or around me to attack the DA. :D, I'll be playing a lot of troops there.
08-04-2008, 14:13
Mokan forces will support the Worker's army, and we got the guns to spare....and by spare I mean the Mejican Desert is covered in warehouse filled to the brim with outdated tanks, guns, rockets, AA, AT, and other toys.

Depending on how the war goes we may just absorb the workers nation....
08-04-2008, 18:55
I would like to support General Andrew Blake's forces, eventually eliminating him or helping him warm up to Belkan ideology.
08-04-2008, 18:59
I'll jump in on the Royalty Now Party's side, if that's okay.
08-04-2008, 19:18
Several people have pledged suport for the Worker's Army and the Royalty Now Party which are already taken.
08-04-2008, 19:34
One of the "No official name"-groups then?
08-04-2008, 20:06
you can back me up, seeing as we are allies and all
08-04-2008, 20:10
Helping poor workers and fishermen? I am a evil, oppressing dictatorship! If I do something nice I might ruin my image. :D
08-04-2008, 20:15
dont think of it as helping poor fishermen, think of it as supporting the underdog to help keep the waring factions balance....hence more killing....
08-04-2008, 20:18
Better. Well, I might actually do both, supporting you covertly while manipulating another group into doing something stupid...
09-04-2008, 02:45
The No Official Name group is an option.
09-04-2008, 04:51

Also, some problems landgrabbers or factions might face;

-Stolen Nuclear Weapons: (Frenzia at one point was a proper nation and has active nuclear missile silos and nuclear bombs throughout the nation.

-Warring Factions: Factions may fight themselves or against those attempting to aid others or even those grabbing land. They may also expand their borders, capturing areas you may not have actually claimed yet.

-Newly Formed Factions: To make the RP interesting, I may at some point split factions or create new ones, which may or may not be supportable.

Oh, and because some may ask, The military employs RL MT, mostly American weaponry. Most of it is up to date. Therefore, mostly military factions will employ these weapons. Other factions will employ Soviet or other cheap weaponry, purchased on the black market when the nation went into decline.
09-04-2008, 06:51
so when does it begin?
09-04-2008, 06:52
Are we against each other this time? :D
09-04-2008, 07:13
I'll get an IC thread up ASAP.
09-04-2008, 07:14
I'll get an IC thread up ASAP.

Ok, so officially we already claimed those areas?
09-04-2008, 07:43
You claim them, as in, they are the areas you want. You may or may not end up with the same amount of land you chose, it could be more, it could be less, depending on what the factions do.

For example, say the person supporting the No Official Name Faction (which has a small pocket within your claim) flies a hundred thousand troops and lots of weapons in and urges them to expand. They expand, taking some of the land you claim. Now you may or may not fight them off, retaking the land.

Anyway, IC Thread.