NationStates Jolt Archive

Manifesto of the Revolution and its Principles

28-03-2008, 13:01
{OOC: This is mainly for OOC interest, to give people a look at "J.L.ism," the ideology of Generalissimo J.L. OOC feedback and questions are welcome.}

Manifesto of the Revolution and its Principles
by Generalissimo J.L.

What is a leader?
The backbone of every great nation is a great leader. What constitutes a great leader? Oratory? Charisma? Integrity? Granted, these are all important attributes, though only the latter is obligatory. What constitutes a great leader is the gift of vision. A leader without vision cannot ever attain greatness, no matter how fervidly he aspires to achieve it. A truly great leader utilizes his vision to observe and learn from the past and to scope out the future, to chart the most appropriate path for his nation and his people.

The most fundamental law of governance
The most fundamental law of governance is this: A leader's authority emanates, not from his people, but from God Himself. Therefore, in fulfilling his mandate, he is not obligated to allow public opinion to dictate his policy. However, this is not to say that the peoples' voice should be ignored, for it should not. The people are the nation and the nation is the people. As the father of the nation, the leader is also the father of his people. A good father exercises both strictness and tenderness, ruling with a firm hand but a gentle heart. He must never abuse his power or misrule his children. His children, in turn, are obligated to love, obey, and trust in, their father.

On democracy
Democracy, the bastard offspring of ochlocracy, anarchy, and unrestrained passions, has been nothing but a curse to our forebears, ourselves, and our progeny. Many people maintain, as a result of other naivety or dishonesty, that democracy is the ideal system. No. Democracy, which literally means "rule by the people," is a recipe for disaster. Conferring the duties of governance to the masses is tantamount to handing out rifles and machine guns to spry five-year-olds. It can only lead to bloodshed. Democracy has, time and again, proven to be utterly destructive. Many a proud nation has succumbed to this farce masquerading as "freedom."

Alternatives to democracy
There are, of course, alternatives to democracy, some good, others bad, many worse. Among the most vile are National Socialism and Communism, though there are other putrid variants, among them fascism and socialism. None of them are consonant with the aspirations of a people truly yearning for revolution.

And revolution, it must be said, is the ideal alternative, which every nation and people that values liberty and survival must strive for.

Too often, faux "revolutions" degenerate into mindless orgies of wanton brutality and senseless nihilism. Others are hijacked by partisan hacks, would-be demagogues, and other miscreants. Others are wrongly inspired by alien ideologies - which makes them all the more oxymoronical. A true revolution should be national, not international. It must draw from the ideals, traditions, values, and history of the nation, not of foreign lands. Communism, for example, is not indigenous to Magdha. Therefore, a "Communist revolution" would be the peak of absurdity.

The true purpose of a revolution is to tear the old order asunder and plant the seeds for a new society that will arise like a phoenix from the bloodied ashes. A revolution's purpose is to bring greatness and glory to its people. A genuine revolution is pragmatic, non-ideological, and devoted solely to the nation and the people. One cannot serve the people if one is blinded by ideology.

The true revolutionary equally repudiates all foreign ways of thinking, regardless of what they call themselves. The Maghdan Revolution, for example, pledges allegiance to no alien ideology. We pledge ourselves to our own indigenous Magdhan ideology of J.L.ism.

What is J.L.ism?
J.L.ism is a truly revolutionary force which binds the nation together and provides guidance propitious for the political and spiritual development of the people. It is the most revolutionary idea in history, mainly because it does not emulate foreign systems or draw inspiration from the examples of others, but seeks only to implement a Maghdan solution to Maghdan problems. It is a truly national movement, transcending race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or age - it is truly broad-based and socially egalitarian, recognizing all Magdhans as units of a whole, each as an essential component of our Revolution. It repudiates both rugged indivialism at the expense of unity and communalism at the expense of individual identity. It repudiates the left-wing, right-wing, and centrist trains of thought. J.L.ism can, in sum, be defined as: Revolution of Maghdans, by Magdhans, for the fatherland and the Father. Magdhans serve themselves by serving others; they serve others by serving the nation; they serve the nation by serving the nation's Father.

No revolution is possible without a great leader, a mandate that God has assigned to me. J.L.ism, while authentically revolutionary and the most moral system in the world, is truly unique to Magdha. Others nations aspiring toward revolutionary greatness would do well to search for their own unique solutions. Only when the winds of revolution sweep through every corridor, across every continent and every ocean, to every man, woman, and child, will the world be free.

That, my friends, is what revolution is all about.