25-03-2008, 08:57
Published in Sithin, People's Republic of Spyr, The Choson Times is a weekly newspaper that turns out special editions mid-week, usually when the Korean Communist Party feels that it has something to declare. Officially dedicated to objectivity, the paper is generally considered to be at least pro-Northern and at worst a direct mouthpiece for the KCP abroad. The Choson Times also reports infrequently on stories from Lyong and elsewhere in the Shining Sphere that do not directly relate to the Korean peninsula, but only when good news is available, and possibly only to protect its reputation with the Strainist Party.
Director Hotan proclaims Strainism goal of Juche Way!
Ending a period of Kurosite uncertainty in a post-Maoist world, The Wisest Director has told his people to expect all the prosperity associated with Spyr's great cities.
All that stands in the way, says Director Hotan, is the very thing that held-back Tord before Strainist liberation of that backwards kingdom. Christianity shackles Hamhung and the south as it did Tord, draining resources to build grand churches and feed podgey priests who expect tribute.
"Victory will bring the riches of Sithin back to the cities of Korea." Says Secretary Kim in a speech published by The Choson Times this week.
Next issue:
-Unified People's Army at record strength, Directorature claims
-Secretary offers friendship to supporters of reuinification, snub to bystanders
Director Hotan proclaims Strainism goal of Juche Way!
Ending a period of Kurosite uncertainty in a post-Maoist world, The Wisest Director has told his people to expect all the prosperity associated with Spyr's great cities.
All that stands in the way, says Director Hotan, is the very thing that held-back Tord before Strainist liberation of that backwards kingdom. Christianity shackles Hamhung and the south as it did Tord, draining resources to build grand churches and feed podgey priests who expect tribute.
"Victory will bring the riches of Sithin back to the cities of Korea." Says Secretary Kim in a speech published by The Choson Times this week.
Next issue:
-Unified People's Army at record strength, Directorature claims
-Secretary offers friendship to supporters of reuinification, snub to bystanders