NationStates Jolt Archive

Discontent amongst the military... [[closed]]

The Crimm
24-03-2008, 18:36
"Imperial Commandos. The elite troops that were taken and augmented to be nearly super-soldiers. The first crop was very small, as they were the guinea pigs for the whole project. They have fought in every major conflict the nation has been in since their creation. They have served more loyally than any Marines or Civils, willing to go where no one else can or will and fight to the last breath. There are now almost a thousand of them. We cannot just... abandon them like this!"

The senator was standing at the podium, pleading for the others to listen and sympathize with the Commandos. Some did. Most didn't.

Another stood and was recognized. "They are freaks, more so than the Civils... at least those beasts are a totally different species than us. These Commandos are mutilated humans. Twisted by science into something entirely unnatural. The only reason I am not pressing for putting them all out of their misery is because of their shining record. I merely want the project shut down and the survivors retired immediately."

The first spoke up, out of turn. "Dammit, they volunteered! They knew the risks. They knew what was coming and they did it anyway, to save the Empire. How can you sa-" The gavel from the upper podiums silenced him as Larea dinAthos glared at him.

The bald woman heading the Senate spoke in an almost musical tone, soft voice carrying well. "Senator, I am allowing debate... but not allowing interrupting another's argument. You will have your turn again." She looked to the second senator. "Continue."

Thus the debate went on for several hours. Neither side was willing to compromise and neither side knew what the hell they were talking about. And as the debate raged on, those interested in Crimmond watched on television. Those numbers were small, but they would soon see an extraordinary sight as the Senate doors swung open and two men and woman entered, wearing black military uniforms. Commando uniforms. The Senate dropped their voices to murmurs as they watched the three stride down the main aisle.

The oldest wore the markings of a Lieutenant Colonel, while the other man was a Captain and the woman a Gunnery Sergeant. All of them looked very mean and very dangerous, even unarmed. They looked like perfect marines as they walked in step with each other to the innermost circle, stopping just short of it.

Larea dinAthos eyed the newcomers. She knew the uniforms well, as did others. "Lieutenant Colonel, the military was not summoned to this session. What is your purpose here?"

The man motioned for himself to be recognized, by waving a hand at the central circle. After a nod from the Senate Leader, he entered it alone. "Senators, I am Lieutenant Colonel Ian Daunt. I am currently the executive officer of Colonel Otto Skorzeny III, the commanding officer of all Imperial Commando units of the Empire. I am also a member of the first class of Commandos. I have seen every battlefield we have fought on. I have attended every funeral for our dead that I could. I am the highest ranked Commando, as Colonel Skorzeny is not augmented... though sometimes I do wonder." He looked around slowly at the Senators. "I am here for one simple reason... to ask you why that, in a debate over whether or not the Commandos continue to exist, you did not invite one to speak. To give you first hand accounts of how incredibly painful the procedure is. How we watched half of those who went in come out dead or deformed almost beyond recognition. How we underwent horrors that would make your skin crawl should I describe them. How we felt cheated when they fixed the 'unforeseeable' flaws in the augmentation process and could do nothing for the twisted hulks that used to be proud, strong Marines..."

He paused and saw the anti-Commando senators smiling. "Or how, despite our bitterness towards the scientists, we have become the most loyal, hardest fighting and the most unselfish Marines in history, willing to lay our lives on the line anyplace and anytime. Or how even before we became Commandos, we were the best of the best. We were the top tier of warriors. We were the Marine Corps' elite... I was one of the best heavy weapon's experts this nation has ever seen. The Captain here was one of the fastest Marines in service and set three time records with full combat gear before being augmented. He broke all of them afterwards. The Gunnery Sergeant was undoubtedly the best sniper the Corps ever had and could knock a fly off a mule's ass at two miles. Now she can take two flies out with one bullet."

He paused and glared at the senators. "We spearheaded the attack on Vetallia. We were the ground forces that died during that assault. You had no qualms about using us then... and now in peacetime, since the rebellion is nearly crushed and APOC isn't doing much besides posturing, we aren't such a nice taste in your mouth. So you want to spit us out. You want to spit out the best Marines simply because we're stronger, faster and overall better than the average human to start with and then some egg-heads grafted metal to our bones and shot us full of drugs that made as strong as gorillas. We're still human beings, Senators. And if you want to treat humans that are just a little different from you like shit... Well, dammit... stop bickering and do it! Throw us out! I dare you! Throw loyal Marines, who would willingly take a bullet for any one of you, out like garbage! I won't say one more word about it. I won't have to..." He points at the cameras. "The people will say more than I ever can."

As he left the central circle, the silence that had taken hold was nearly deafening. Their boots echoing, Daunt left with the other two Commandos, without once looking back. That left even more of an impression that he really had said all he wished to say.

As the three were walking down the stairs of the Senate, two MPs approached them. "Lieutenant Colonel Daunt, we have orders to bring you before General Pace."

Daunt looked just a tad surprised. "Wasn't expecting such a quick response... General Pace must have been watching. Alright Sergeant, lead the way."
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Daunt


"...and after we secure the Navy, the whole military gets sewn up in a matter of days. We can do the whole operation in less than a week and a half, if we get support from the proper commanders." Sonya ended the overview of her plan to the four men in front of her. Three colonels and a general.

"What you speak of is treason, Sonya!" So declared Colonel Hilts, the oldest Colonel still on active duty. He should have been a multi-star general, but his outspokenness held him down.

Sonya looked over the three others at the private conference. She sighed. "Treason against whom? The Crimm Empire or the Brotherhood of Nod?"

General Kerensky leaned forward. "As it stands now, the two are one and the same. You know that. Fight one and you fight the other."

"No. Nod is an invading force. An insidious one that slipped in and took over so smoothly the people didn't know what to do. So they did nothing. We now wear uniforms with their insignia. Body armor of Nod design. Use technology Kane developed. We are abandoning ourselves to invaders, gentlemen. Our allies seem more than willing to sit back and deal with Nod as if they were Crimm. That disgusts me more than anything... Dreadfire and Dayne not even saying a word about it. They just accept Pace as if he was a Crimm. And we all know that Vorder is in line to be ruler next, barring him making some career ending blunder or ending up dead. Pace is bad, but Vorder is much worse. He will turn this Empire into a nation Kane would be proud to call his own." She let her words hang for a long moment.

The General sighed. "Colonel, just what do you plan to do... exactly? That overview just tell us how to take the military from Nod, not the nation."

Sonya smiled in a way that held no joy. "I plan to ignite a revolution. A revolution that will decimate the Brotherhood and install a Crimm into power."

Hilts sat back. "And who would that be, Sonya?"

Sonya arched an eyebrow at him and watched him realize that she intended to put herself on top. "The one best suited to tearing dark organizations apart from the inside." A feat she had performed twice in the past eight years.

Hilts was undeterred. "And how will you accomplish all this? We would need to manipulate the information he is receiving... We have no one on Pace's board of advisers and it would take years to get anyone there."

Sonya tapped a button on her small computer pad and the door opened a moment later, allowing an officer to enter. He walked around the table and took a seat. After a moment, they all recognized him. Chimola Amin. The Butcher. The Redeemer. The clone of Damien Dreadfire. The man that had secured Africa by going around and slaughtering any public figure who dared speak out against the Empire. Pace's favorite field commander.

Sonya smirked again. "Gentlemen, we already have."

Chimola chuckled gruffly.
Colonel Sonya Volsung
Chimola 'The Butcher' Amin
The Crimm
31-03-2008, 06:03
A knock at Sonya's door announced the entry of a man Sonya never expected to see alive. The fat black man was ugly and demented looking, especially when he smiled the way he was now.

Volsung stood slowly. "Fisk..."

The man nodded slowly and stepped into the office fully. Byron Fisk, one of Delta's right hand men. He had vanished without a trace and was thought dead. Now though... he seemed alive and well.

Well fed, more likely. Sonya thought. "What the hell do you want, Byron?"

"Simple... Epsilon. Or Sonya. Whichever you prefer. I want in on what you're planning. And don't give me any horse shit about being innocent. I've been watching you for a long time. And besides... you owe me. I've helped you more times than I care to admit."

She sighed and nodded. "Alright... we need political allies as well. Sit down."

It took only ten minutes to lay out the plan to the former Security Minister. Then he simply nodded and left. Sonya looked at the the empty doorway and sighed again. Shadows and plots were her enemy. And she was using them as a tool to her own means. My hypocrisies will be short lived. Once I take power, I can dispose of the shadows. The Brotherhood needs to die and I have to do anything to ensure this.


Several electronic messages would arrive in various nations of Gholgoth. In particular, the messages would arrive in the personal mail of the leader, with no way to trace it after the trail left their lands.

Leaders of Gholgoth,

I am a Crimm officer. Not be confused with an officer in the Crimm Marine Corps. I am a Crimm. I was born and raised in the nation you see ruled by the Brotherhood of Nod. This regime is not Crimm. This regime is an invading force and has rooted itself so firmly that it will take much time to remove. It would have been far easier had our allies acted, instead of accepting the Brotherhood as the new rulers.

I am especially angry with Damien Dreadfire and Dayne the Evenstar. You bastards met Pace in person and saw he was not a Crimm. Saw that he was a despot and cared nothing for the people of the Empire... and yet you told him to solidify his power and strive to become an equal with you. You disgust me. That is why we are NOT asking for assistance from Gholgoth in this matter. In a short few weeks, Gholgoth will see the will of the Crimm as we throw off the chains you allowed to be placed upon us.

Omar Pace and his regime will die, or Crimmond will die. There is no middle ground. Do not interfere, or I swear that your nation will pay the same price as Pace will.

-Officer formerly known as 'Epsilon'

Epsilon. A woman known for destroying two of the worst organizations in Crimm history in a matter of months. She had risen through the ranks of the Black Staff and the Inquisition it was replaced by. She helped destroy both to ensure that the Crimm people were protected. Despite being a cruel and heartless bitch she had to be to rise to the top of such organizations, she had a deeply rooted love of her nation that compelled her to destroy any threat to it, internal or otherwise. There was no record of where she had gone after dropping off the map, though. If she was in the military, it would explain how she was trained to do complete missions of such magnitude.
The Crimm
03-04-2008, 17:04
Daunt was led into the office which had served every ruler of Crimmond faithfully. The smell of old books and their preserving oils fought with the smells of burning wood and old leather. Omar Pace was seated at the oversized desk inherited by his predecessors, looking at an out of place computer monitor. "Quite a little stir you caused..."

Daunt stopped in front of the desk and saluted. "Lieutenant Colonel Ia-" He choked the following words down as Pace raised a hand to silence him.

"I know who you are, Daunt. I've known for a while... and relax. I'm not here to chew you out for overstepping your bounds like that. You went so far outside the chain of command that I don't have to say a damned thing about it. We all know you placed your career on the line, in addition to risking the entire Commando program with such a breach of protocol." Omar eyed the man. He wasn't a thinner tough man, like many of the Commandos. He was a fuller, heavier Commando. At first, Omar had assumed this was from being an officer and not fighting anymore. Then he had looked at the service record. "You've been in every battle the Commandos have been in except five. Three when you were injured and two were going on at the same time as a battle you were already in. You're a tactician, a warrior of the classic sort and a man that has a deep sense of honor and loyalty. I respect all of that and so I'm not going to court-martial you over this incident. Especially given the fact that the Senate voted overwhelmingly to continue funding and expansion of the Commando program."

Daunt couldn't help but smile. "I do my job the best I can and I stay loyal to my Marines, sir. I'd die for them if it would mean they lived one more day."

Omar nodded. "You showed the Senate that a Commando is still a human being. And still a Marine. Congratulations... Colonel." Omar slid two insignia across the desk at him and watched the shocked look on his face. "You are now in command of the entire Commando force."

"I... uh... Thank you General!" Ian grinned for a moment, but it slipped. "What about Colonel Skorzeny?"

"He's waiting outside. I'd like you to send him in, when you leave. Dismissed." Those words were all Daunt needed to hear as he quickly changed out his insignia before saluting and walking out.

As he stepped out, Skorzeny rose and was about to speak when he spotted the new insignia. "You know, Ian... just when I think I have these Brotherhood fellows all figured out, they do something decent and it skews everything." he extended a hand. "Congratulations, Colonel. I expect I'll be getting new insignia as well. That or I'll be retired." He shrugged as they shook. "Either way, it was a pleasure to serve with such fine Marines as yourself."

"Otto, if Pace retires you, he's an idiot. And, considering what he just did for me and the Commandos, I don't think he's an idiot."