Bedouin Raiders
20-03-2008, 21:46
To:All interested Governments
Concerning: Formation of International Defesne Legion
Bedouin Raiders is forming the International Defense Legion. The purpose of the Legion will be to go to the defense of participating nations. To join the Legion it is required that a nation provide a minimum of four battalions of at least 1000 men each. Upon arriving at the Legion's headquarters the battalions will be mixed so that battalions from different nations work together and thus build up untiy in the Legion. Each person will be in charge of one Brigade(4 battalions from different nations). The reserves will be divided equally after that. The Legion will help train member forces in wargames. The following types of battalions will be accepted without question:
Light Infantry Battalions
Mechanized Infantry Battalions
Paratrooper Battalions
Mountain Warfare Battalions
Combat Aviation Battalions
Transport Aviation Battalions
Light Armor Battalions
Special Forces Detachments(please specify branch of service and specialties)
Any other types will be inquired about before being accepted.
From: President S.A. Smith
OCC: The following post will be an ORBAT. The post after that will be troops that are deployed currently by the Legion in combat or peace keeping missions. And this Legion will support any member upon their request in any RP thread.
Concerning: Formation of International Defesne Legion
Bedouin Raiders is forming the International Defense Legion. The purpose of the Legion will be to go to the defense of participating nations. To join the Legion it is required that a nation provide a minimum of four battalions of at least 1000 men each. Upon arriving at the Legion's headquarters the battalions will be mixed so that battalions from different nations work together and thus build up untiy in the Legion. Each person will be in charge of one Brigade(4 battalions from different nations). The reserves will be divided equally after that. The Legion will help train member forces in wargames. The following types of battalions will be accepted without question:
Light Infantry Battalions
Mechanized Infantry Battalions
Paratrooper Battalions
Mountain Warfare Battalions
Combat Aviation Battalions
Transport Aviation Battalions
Light Armor Battalions
Special Forces Detachments(please specify branch of service and specialties)
Any other types will be inquired about before being accepted.
From: President S.A. Smith
OCC: The following post will be an ORBAT. The post after that will be troops that are deployed currently by the Legion in combat or peace keeping missions. And this Legion will support any member upon their request in any RP thread.