Zanski names Mhoudia as Colony
Today Zanski's president has finally unified the island of Gharrakland under the effective rule of one government for the first time in fourty years.
Neighbouring Mhoudia, with a 95% Arab/Half Arab population, which was occupied last friday, has been given the title of Semi-Autonomous Colony, with the provinces of Karazistan, Basenja, and Mhoud coming under direct Zansk military rule, while the provinces of Jayirie-Oriental and majority Christian province of Yahyabad being ruled by the political wings of Zanski-sponsered militias, the Secular Front in Mhoudia, and Saint John's Army (al mujahedin al Nasrani) respectively.
in the hills of Karazistan and Basenja, Zanski is still battling the islamist militia which formed the old government of Mhoudia, the Dar-ul Ummah, which has resorted to guerilla tactics and suprise attacks, especially on military convoys braving the Mhoud-Ville de Jayir highway.
Zanski has said it will gladly execute every single Dar Al Ummar soldier if it means peace in the region.
The actual numbers of the DUU are estimated at 10,000-13,000.
There will be a curfew from today until wednesday in the capital Mhoud, and soldiers will bring round rations so there is no need to go out. Anyone doing so will get a jail sentance of one year with a possible torture session beforehand to make sure there was no DUU-related activity.
17-03-2008, 19:44
[Official Communique of the People's Republics of Menvin and Gaza]
The government of Menvin-Gaza condemns the use of military force to colonize and subjugate minorities and feel deep sympathy for the oppressed Arab population. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced they are requesting a compromise in which Arab are assured their rights. The Ministry of Defense has talked about requesting a Menvin-Gazan "mediation" force to keep peace in the colony.
[President of the People's Republic of Menvin, Kein Leinbach]
[OOC: So basically, the communist government wants to send a peace keeping force to keep the Arab populaces rights and safe the Zensti government money, you can specify which provinces are in need of a peace keeping force if you comply.]
17-03-2008, 20:49
Zackaroth would like to bring Menvin and Gaza on why the nation Mhoudia is under the rule of Zanski. They commited a genocide against the Christian people. Many died by the Mhoudians goverments hand. Though we support the outing of that goverment, should Zanski reverse the roles and start killing Arabs, Zackaroth will step in to prevent any further civilian death.
Aimless von Strangaild, High Leader of Zackaroth
Tel Arman
17-03-2008, 21:15
We also endorse the actions of Zanski thus far, however you shall be monitered...
Zackaroth would like to bring Menvin and Gaza on why the nation Mhoudia is under the rule of Zanski. They commited a genocide against the Christian people. Many died by the Mhoudians goverments hand. Though we support the outing of that goverment, should Zanski reverse the roles and start killing Arabs, Zackaroth will step in to prevent any further civilian death.
Aimless von Strangaild, High Leader of Zackaroth
Zanski does noy condone genocide and insists that it will only kill those responsible for either the christian genocide, or the numerous rocket attacks into zanski inbetween now and the old christian genocide.
18-03-2008, 17:15
[Official Announcement]
The Emperor of the Imperial Republic of Afrika, Roland Gustav
The Government of Afrika condemns communism, however it must applaud you on your efforts to subjugate your enemies through whatever means necessary. However, we feel it important to point out Zanski's government's hypocrisy. An official quote of Lenin is "Imperialism, the highest form of capitalism", that you are engaging in imperialism contradicts Zanski's communist ideology.
[Official Announcement]
The Emperor of the Imperial Republic of Afrika, Roland Gustav
The Government of Afrika condemns communism, however it must applaud you on your efforts to subjugate your enemies through whatever means necessary. However, we feel it important to point out Zanski's government's hypocrisy. An official quote of Lenin is "Imperialism, the highest form of capitalism", that you are engaging in imperialism contradicts Zanski's communist ideology.
Zanski is Azanist, named after president Pablo Azani. The name of his political party is the People's Socialist Union, but they are very moderate. We have a very capitalist economy. It is the social policy that is socialist. The military is also mostly capitalist.
Zanski is preparing to hold a referendum in Yahyabad to see where their loyalties are; us, Mhoudia or themselves.
In other news, we are lifting the curfew.
The Dar Ul-Ummar, the Land of Community, is currently based in an disclosed village in a tribal area of Karazistan, however, as Zansk troops are nearing, we are making a plea to any hardline capitalist, anti-zansk or muslim nations to provide us with a location for a government in exile.
Recognition is not needed, and we will teach all muslim brothers in your nation the horrors of socialism and of the greatness of your own country.
From the unanimous council of the Dar Ul Ummar organisation for the Liberation of Zanski-occupied Mhoudia and Aleos occupied Zaynah