North Calaveras
17-03-2008, 01:35
Kash army symbol:
Jaffa(infantry) Armed with a staff weopon(fires plasma at a slow rate, somewhat inaccurate, very powerful), ZAT pistol(basically a taser) knocks opponent unconsius by first shot, second shot kills(applied immediatly after first), and third shot vaporises.
Horus Gaurd(Jaffa Marines): same weoponary, hud: better trained and disciplined from harsh training.
Kull Warriors(Super Elite troops): armed with rapid fire plasma wrist weoponary(automatic fire, but weaker damage): Super resistant armor, can handle almost any energy weopon and explosive(EXTREMELY WEAK against disruptors, or against blunt force trauma)
Goa'uld Infiltrator: Kash's spys, used to infiltrate enemys, or served as assasins(Ashrak)
Death Glider(main fighter): armed with two plasma staff cannons, good firepower, okay armor.
Tel Tak(cargo/transport): Good at bringing troops and supplies, mostly used for recon/supply missions.(can cloak)
Alkesh(Mid range bomber/troop deployment): duel 360 degree staff cannons, energy bomb deployer, and enough room to land at least 200 men.(can cloak)
Hatak(Anubis Class): 6 large staff cannons cannons(damage equivlant to two 2.00 MT nuclear bombs), 25 staff cannons(anti-air), Some of these ships can cloak, 30 fighters may be held in each Hatak.
Kash's Flag ship: 15 staff cannons, 50 Anti-air staff weopons, strong shields, shielded corridors.
Jaffa(infantry) Armed with a staff weopon(fires plasma at a slow rate, somewhat inaccurate, very powerful), ZAT pistol(basically a taser) knocks opponent unconsius by first shot, second shot kills(applied immediatly after first), and third shot vaporises.
Horus Gaurd(Jaffa Marines): same weoponary, hud: better trained and disciplined from harsh training.
Kull Warriors(Super Elite troops): armed with rapid fire plasma wrist weoponary(automatic fire, but weaker damage): Super resistant armor, can handle almost any energy weopon and explosive(EXTREMELY WEAK against disruptors, or against blunt force trauma)
Goa'uld Infiltrator: Kash's spys, used to infiltrate enemys, or served as assasins(Ashrak)
Death Glider(main fighter): armed with two plasma staff cannons, good firepower, okay armor.
Tel Tak(cargo/transport): Good at bringing troops and supplies, mostly used for recon/supply missions.(can cloak)
Alkesh(Mid range bomber/troop deployment): duel 360 degree staff cannons, energy bomb deployer, and enough room to land at least 200 men.(can cloak)
Hatak(Anubis Class): 6 large staff cannons cannons(damage equivlant to two 2.00 MT nuclear bombs), 25 staff cannons(anti-air), Some of these ships can cloak, 30 fighters may be held in each Hatak.
Kash's Flag ship: 15 staff cannons, 50 Anti-air staff weopons, strong shields, shielded corridors.