Muncheria Declares Independence (ATTN Haven, others)
No endorse
16-03-2008, 00:14
In the course of events upon the world stage, there comes a time in which a region under foreign control must ask whether its overseer is advocating on its behalf. The Muncheria Special Administrative District has done such, and has concluded that the powers currently in power have failed in their mandate to the Muncherian people and land.
Our grievances are many, and have remained unanswered within the Parliament and in the true house of power: the Prime Minister’s compound. The workers of Muncheria have continually been denied their basic rights, among them the right to demand better conditions for work. The people of Muncheria have been denied essential rights held dear in many other nations, including freedoms of speech and petition, the freedom to be armed against assailants, the freedom from fear of continual attack from the Unorganized Territories, the freedom from a flawed position in foreign policy that has greatly multiplied the number of enemies Muncheria now faces, and many others. Muncheria has been summarily denied on every account, and upon attempts to remedy the situation via legislation, has been assaulted from remote New Heisen with allegations of lack of jurisdiction. The people of Muncheria have been treated as few are in this world, and the time has come to take action.
Therefore, the government of the Muncheria Special Administrative District, its lands, and the area it controls declares independence from the control of the New Heisen Government and Arch-Leader Atal Amner. The Provinces and Boroughs of the District shall wage all necessary actions against those who seek to perpetuate the bonds of servitude within the state of Muncheria.
-Emanuele Doria, Presidente De Muncheria
-Marco Lanza, Primo Ministro De Muncheria
-Elena Ruzzini, Ministra Dello Stato
-Achille Conti, Ministro Degli Affari Esteri, Muncheria
-Francesco Previti, Ministro De Giustizia
-Antonio Castelli, Ministro De Guerra
-35 other signatories
"THEY DID WHAT?!?" Atal Amner shot out of his seat, nearly overturning the massive desk before him. "Independence?!" He spat into a glass before slamming it down. "INEXCUSABLE!" As he raged, his secretary slid back towards the door, hoping to make good an escape. "MISS VICKERS! Send out a declaration, all Muncherians and all persons within the District of Muncheria are declared to be in open rebellion. All military forces in the area as well. And inform the Commanders to meet me in two hours, we will kill them all!"
No Endorse Territory Secedes
Muncheria declares independence, Prime Minister Amner declares war.
New Heisen, No Endorse In the wee hours of the morning here, various leaders in the Muncheria Special Administrative District signed a resolution declaring independence from the nation of No Endorse. While not going into exact specifics, the resolution mentions numerous overarching grievances, which have been summarily denied by New Heisen Officials.
The response to the secession has been relatively direct, with Amner's official statement setting the tone. The colony has been declared in open revolt, and there are currently several naval fleets being readied for an invasion of the area. Interestingly enough, the military forces within Muncheria have also been declared in revolt.
There have been numerous wire reports of some No Endorse troops fleeing to Hjeltland to avoid the declaration of revolt, however the vast majority seem to be remaining. No officials could be reached for comment on this turn of events.
-Carranda Wire Service is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Carranda News Corporation. Any reproduction of this article without expressed permission is a violation of international copyright.
OOC: Sort of semi-closed, we're working on something with peeps, so TG us before jumping in to make sure you're not throwing a wrench in something. Diplomatic noise is more than welcome, however, and is in fact begged for.
16-03-2008, 00:31
Official Statement of the Federal Republican Duchydom of Franberry to Glorious Military Junta of No Endorse
The Federal Republican Duchydom of Franberry hereby declares its solidarity with the Glorious Military Junta of No Endorse and their noble pursuit to restore the reach of law, order, and democracy to all parts of their nation. We pledge our support in economical, political and military force to the nation of No Endorse and its glorious Arch-Leader Atal Amner. No Endorse must set an example by crushing the rebellious and terrorist elements within its own nation. The Federal Republican Duchydom of Franberry gives its best wishes to No Endorse, and may it quickly restore freedom and order to Muncheria.
¡Orden y Progreso!
Dios guarde a Vuestra Honorabilidad,
His Most Democratic Excellence,
President of the Federal Republican Duchydom of Franberry,
Geoli Joolitan
The Freehold, being founded on the very principles embodied by such a declaration, finds Muncherian independence wholly agreeable and commendable. As such we find the response made by New Heisen to be reprehensible in the extreme. Therefor The National Commission hereby revokes all trade with New Heisen such as it may be and petitions all right thinking nations to do the same.
The World Soviet Party
16-03-2008, 01:06
To: The World
From: Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party
The Socialist States of The World Soviet Party hereby recognize Muncheria as a Sovereign Nation and will do everything in it's power to help it remain as such.
As of today, an investment plan has been started to develop and help the people of Muncheria get over their former occupation and allow them to become self-sustaining. Furthermore, should the people of Muncheria request so, The World Soviet Party will be willing to send military aid in the form of supplies, weapons and advisors.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
16-03-2008, 01:44
Sorry for the Out Of Character, but please check your telegrams.
The Silver Sky
16-03-2008, 01:53
Presidential Palace, Silver City, The Silver Sky
Early Morning
Early morning, the most peaceful time of day, even in a bustling city this time of day brings peace and quiet as birds chirp and workers get ready for their day on the job. The peace even covers the Presidential Palace located in the northern sector of the city. The cooling morning breeze rolled through the window and thin curtains of the Presidential Suite.
The breeze floated through the room and thin curtains covering the four poster bed, chilling the very feminine figure who lay sprawled in the sheets and her nightgown.
"Mmm..." she moaned drowsily as she rolled over wrapped the sheets around herself to keep warm. A minute later she took a peek at the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand before her.
"Ugh... I hate mornings.." she though as she lazily drew herself out of bed, closing the windows on her way to her dresser to get dressed for the day.
Madame President shut the door to her room behind her, nodding to the Secret Service agents that stood guard outside her door.
It was time for her morning phone call to her husband. She began the long walk across the building to her study in the South Wing. As she passed by one of the other corridors an aide saw her and yelled for her.
"Mrs. Amner!!" He yelled as he began to walk down the hall towards her. Kara didn't respond and kept her pace.
"Mrs. Amner!!" He yelled again, this time much close, Kara snapped out of her drowsy mind and took notice of the aide. "Sorry Kenny, still getting used to being an 'Amner'."
"No problem Mrs. Amner, but we have a situation on hand," he said as he handed her the morning paper. "looks like the Muncherians have revolted against No Endorse and your husband, damn communist."
Kara paused for a moment. "Excuse me I have to make a call to my husband, and do you have a pen and a note pad?"
"Yes ma'am!" He said as he pulled the requested items from his pocket. Kara gladly grabbed them and started to jot some orders down before handing the pad back to him.
"Kenny, deliver these orders to Joint Chiefs, they should be meeting in the West Wing in 10 minutes, go to Meeting Room A-1 and give this to them when they arrive. Do not lose this. Do you understand?"
Kenny stood at attention and gave a very hearty "Yes Madame President!" before scurrying off. Little did he know he had what could be the note that would end the war soon and save al ot of suffering in his hand. Within the morning Executive Order 2012 would be at hand, the 5th and 6th fleets, transporting the 17th Field Army would leave their ports and the 34th-36th Air Force Divisions would be launching their strategic bombers. The Silver Sky would be at war.
Kara watched the little man scurry off and then turned to finish her trip to the study.
The study was a lavish affair, fitting for someone who was basically a queen of two countries, many pictures and medals adorned the walls and solid wood bookshelves held hundreds of books and complemented the china cabinet in the corner of the room, a single massive window, made of bullet proof glass of course, let light flow into the room.
On her solid wood desk just in front of the window there were several red phones. One labeled No Endorse. Upon entering the room Kara made a beeline for the desk, only stopping to catch calm herself before picking up the phone.
Ring...Ring...Ring... The ring from the phone tired Kara, her husband never answered right away.
Upon hear the familiar hello from the other end, she began to speak.
"Hello my love, having problems keeping the Muncherians in line I see. Do I always have to clean up your messes?" She said in a tone that easily conveyed her amusement at the whole situation.
~Official Imperial Democracy Communique'~
To: The World
From: The Honorable President James Albert Daniel Hogart
The Imperial Democracy acknowledges Muncheria as a sovereign state, and will do all it can to make sure the the citizens of the nation are sheltered from harm; Henceforth, 20,000,000 USDs will be wired to the State of Muncheria, as well as a shipment of HK416 Assault Rifles.
Have a nice day.
James Albert Daniel Hogart
OOC: TWSP told me to.
16-03-2008, 02:28
Border Station No.5
Along the Freetown-Sørvágur Railroad
Hjeltland-Muncherian Border
At Border Station No.5, on a day like any other day, there was a debate raging as to whether being assigned as a border guard was the most boring duty in the Chevrokian armed forces. Printing out documents all day to be sent from office to office to be signed by various generals and admirals was awfully repetitive and dull, though one would get to interact with people; provided those people weren't already viciously anti-social and awkward like many people who are actually competent at such work. Working in a lighthouse on one of the few Navy bases that had their own could be exceptionally boring, especially because there was usually only one person in the lighthouse at any given time. And while the border guards at least got to get outside with some fresh air, it's was quite certainly a boring job.
And certainly, the sight of trains rolling at high speed along the Freetown-Sørvágur Railroad wasn't exactly interesting, as it happened all the time. However, since the Muncherian declaration of independence, the trains stopped coming, and their sudden reappearance gathered the interest of the exceptionally bored personnel on the border.
What was more interesting was the type of trains themselves, and their cargo. The startled border guards watched as huge No Endorse military trains rumbled across the border, filled with so many personnel that a significant number were desperately clinging to the roofs and siderails of the carriages, even the locomotives. If it were an attack, they'd already have opened fire, so the guards eventually came to the conclusion (after some argument amongst themselves) that it probably wasn't an invasion, also having remembered news reports of some the No Endorse military forces stationed in Muncheria had fled from the revolting Muncherians.
Office of President Olav Jagland
Presidential Complex
Duntovostok, Chevrokia
The President grumbled upon discovering his bottle of whiskey was devoid of the alcoholic fluid. Tipping the bottle upside down did not alleviate the situation as he had hoped, and thus, he decided he must have one of his subordiantes go and acquire him a replacement. During this intermission between bottles, he decided it was best to submit a message to his colleage Atal Amner regarding the situation in Muncheria as well as the No Endorse forces which had found sanctuary in the Hjeltland District.
For what seemed like only a few minutes to Olav Jagland, which was actually several hours, and he had still not recieved a replacement whisky bottle, he was furiously thinking up and drafting his message. Finally satisfied with his work, he quite nearly went to submit it by what would seem to be the logical method in modern times, a highly secure diplomatic internet channel. He thought to himself though, "This is Atal Amner we're talking about here, it would simply not do."
And so he printed out his document, quickly rose from his desk and firmly yanked the door open, yelling "Ms. Gustafson, get me a fax machine!"
There were some people who clung to the old ways, clutching to the accords set forth by the Jolt Ordnances of 20XX, preventing their retirement. And in the office of the most prominent of those people, a fax machine would soon spring to life.
Saluations, Mr. Amner!
I feel I must speak with you on a rather important matter regarding the Muncherian situation. I have been informed that a number of No Endorse forces stationed in Muncheria have crossed the border into the Hjeltland District by train, apparently in a rather desperate situation, with many literally hanging off the train carriages. We have provided space for them for the time being at nearby military bases, particularly in and around the city of Sørvágur, even in some large commercial buildings such as stadiums. Overall, they are holding together pretty well, and our people in Hjeltland will make sure they are well-fed and have a place to stay. Getting to the point, I must ask what will happen with these forces of No Endorse who have sought sanctuary in Hjeltland?
Olav Jagland
President of the Chevrokian Republic and Her Overseas Territories
The Blub Colony
16-03-2008, 02:36
The MIGHTY Blub Colony sends its congratulations and support.
Official Imperial Communiqué
The Sovereign Empire of Alacea
To: Muncheria
From: Office of the Lord Consul
indentThe people and government of the Sovereign Empire of Alacea hereby recognize Muncheria as an independent nationstate. We sympathize with you in your ploy to throw off the shackles of tyranny, of being ruled by an apathetic abusive power in a far-off capital. To avoid the escalation of conflict, however, we declare a state of neutrality in the war, with trade still remaining free.
Long live the spirit of popular sovereignty!
Gordon Barkove
Lord Consul of the Alacean Empire
16-03-2008, 03:15
Haven't you noticed that there have been many uprisings lately.It seems like no one likes who is governing them anymore.It concerns me somewhat to see the world go into political unrest,though.I wonder who will seceed next.
16-03-2008, 03:56
Official Leocardian Response
Leocardia hereby grants Muncheria it's recognition of independence by sending $15.7 billion dollars to fund it's new military to protect itself from foreign threats. We welcome, and also suggest, you, if any danger, turn to Leocardia for military aid. Welcome to the global world, and congratulations!
Holy Marsh
16-03-2008, 13:22
Official Church Statement:
"The Great Theocracy of the Holy Marsh recognizes the independence of the state of Muncheria with reservation. We believe that the people of this new nation must consider whether or not this is the wisest time to declare their independence, and if they believe that they can win the war that will come. We fear that the Young State of Muncheria will be killed before it can take it's first full breath.
May He show mercy on your souls."
16-03-2008, 13:37
The Orwellian Meritocracy states its full support of the secession of Muncheria. As such, 255 Billion USD will be transferred to the newly formed government of Muncheria, to help in its defense and to grow its shaky infrastructure. If at all possible, I wish to meet with the new leader of Muncheria as soon as possible to discuss important matters of state.
Respectfully yours,
Hephaestus Blackforge
16-03-2008, 13:44
Official Statement of the Free Republic of Kahanistan
The Government of Kahanistan extends full diplomatic recognition to the State of Muncheria.
While we bear no ill will or hostility toward the Government of No Endorse, the fact remains that the people of Muncheria are unhappy with No Endorse rule, and that government has done little or nothing to rectify that situation. By popular sovereignty, we must recognise Muncheria as an independent nation, and offer an exchange of ambassadors.
Nadia Sklenova,
President of Kahanistan
Official Announcement of the United States of Allanea
We for one welcome the independence of Muncheria. However, we feel it will likely be short-lived, and would not like to commit to a course of action on the issue pending further development. We will as such avoid any action beyond announcing theoretical support of the independence of new state entities, pending more information on the nature of the state that the Muncherians seek to establish. If it turns out to be socialist, fascist, or otherwise oppressive, we will retract our statement of support.
16-03-2008, 21:58
[Copper City, Muncheria, Former Administrative District of No Endorse]
[Residency of James Redorma, Director of Operations in Muncheria, Saris Heavy Industries]
A resounding KRUMP shook the walls of the house as James Redorma woke up with a jolt. He scanned the dark room quickly, checking on his wife to make sure she was healthy, then leapt out of bed as another KRUMP shook the building, much stronger than last time.
“Wake up, dear, I think something horrible is happening!” He awakened his wife with a nudge as yet another KRUMPH occurred, this time shaking apart the walls. The all-too-familiar ra-ta-ta-ta-ta of automatic weapons fire could be heard in the distance, steadily moving closer to the home as the minutes passed.
“What's going on, honey?” Linda stirred slowly awake as another loud bass noise – artillery? mortars? - awakened her on a strong note.
“It's begun.” Linda stared wide-eyed at James as he nodded slowly, solemnly. The children in the other room started shrieking as Linda rushed over to their room to retrieve them and their emergency kits. She tripped over a large pile of red bean paste dumpling-shaped stuffed toys as she dashed into the room, then whisked them out of bed. “Jacob, Jessica, it's time to go. Get what you need and meet Mommy and Daddy near the doors to the basement, okay?”
“Mommy, I'm scared...” Jessica, only 4 years old, grabbed on to her mother's arm and a stuffed toy in the shape of a bocchan dango skewer, and buried her nose in her hair, holding on to both items closely. “What about Ricky, and Jonny, and Alyssa, and Patty, and--”
“You'll see them all soon enough, okay? There's not going to be any school for a while, though.” Another, louder bass tone, shaking even more dust from the ceiling.
“Awesome!” Jacob smiled and grabbed his backpack, dumping its shredded contents (school papers) on the floor, and replaced them with his action figures and video games. “Can I take this?” he asked, as he held up his favorite baseball.
“Of course, dear, just move quickly!” Linda wheeled around and yelled across the hallway. “James! Do you have everything yet!?”
“Yeah, just go ahead to the shelter right now!” He retrieved a large bag full of electronics equipment and ran down the stairs as gunfire began shattering the windows and scattering even more debris everywhere. “Get in the stairwell!” The gunfire stopped for a moment as James, Linda, and the children ran down the stairs, wrenching open the under-stairway closet and its doorway to a bunker. The upstairs bedrooms suddenly exploded as a grenade from the outside was thrown through the windows, as James sealed the bunker shut and slowly made his way down the ladder. The children and Linda were already huddled in a corner, surrounded by provisions, as James set up a notebook computer and set up a program that his company wrote for him in case of emergency. A message repeated on a random interval between 1 and 60 seconds, reading:
Another loud boom, louder than the first few, shook the bunker, rattling and nearly knocking some of the cans off the ledges, if not for the safety netting. The children screamed and held on to their mother as James fell and lay flat on the ground, closing his eyes, shutting it all out.
[New Saris, Tarina Administrative Zone, Northern Aralonia]
A message appeared on the the screen of the Aralonian sovereign's computer, displaying a shortlist of the day's political events. At the top, in alarming, friendly, calm red letters, was a document noted along the lines of MUNCHERIAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, presented in underlined, alarming, friendly, calm red letters. He blinked and winced as he read over the document in the dark of his office, taking notes down on a pad next to him at intervals. Pulling up an atlas of the region, he winced again and wrote another large word on the paper, circling it.
He sighed again and sent a direct voice message to several of his military advisors and adjutants, demanding a meeting within the next 30 minutes to discuss the large word, circled in red marker, on a notepad, namely, OPTIONS.
He sighed, yet again, and began drafting a public message, to be sent via Morse telegram to the New Heisen government in No Endorse and to be posted on the Internet for everyone else to see.
It is with wary eyes that Aralonia watches the evolution of Muncheria from a colony of the country of No Endorse to an independent state. While we cannot say whether or not we support this evolution, considering we do not know the measures Muncheria has taken for freedom, we will not support the growth of a socialist, fascist, or Communistic state within the reach of Aralonia's grasp, for the sanctity of the region. Nevertheless, we will first pledge aid to our ally of No Endorse in their endeavours to hopefully pacify this conflict and restore the region to the previous status quo.
Whatever works! If it doesn't, we will make it happen!
16-03-2008, 23:33
TO: All Concerned
FROM: His Majesty By the Grace of the Gods Emperor Conrad II
RE: Independence of Muncheria
The declaration of independence by the No Endorsian territory of Muncheria is clearly a sign of communist revolutionary actions within Haven. The declaration cannot be legally recognized, as the territory is No Endorsian without a doubt. We hope that our ally, Mr. Amner, will crush this pitiful rebellion with haste. The fact that this declaration is indeed a farce is further fueled, in my opinion, by the declaration of support by the Communist State of Allanea, well known for its communist policies and support for revolutionaries.
As such, the Empire of Zukariaa hereby condemns the declaration of independence issued by the Muncherian rebels.
By the Grace of the Gods His Imperial Majesty Emperor Conrad II
Emperor of Zukariaa
Emperor of Shansekia
Emperor of Arterusia
King of Aiur
Duke of Taradoxica
Baron of Kahserbirg
Head of the House of Hüron
Head Monk of the Zukariaan Temple
42nd Sovereign Ruler of Zukariaa
Licensed Barbour
[Copper City, Muncheria, Former Administrative District of No Endorse]
"Celo laŭ, celo laŭ!" 1
The sharp clatter of an automatic firearm resounded through the wide square, ending triumphantly with a recognizable shriek of pain, audible even throughout the chaos and din of a city in full revolution. The Muncherian collapsed to the ground in heap of dead weight, his rifle clanging to the floor a short distance away. Lieutenant Anton Aleksandrov of the Erelizi Naval Infantry Corps smoothly and cleanly ejected the spent box magazine from his rifle, swapping it for a fresh one from his belt. He couldn't help but hide a smirk, it was good to be back in the fight.
His pointman, an Chalinbourger noncommissioned officer, knelled down in the cobblestone pavement of Copper City's Foreign District, prompting the rest of the squad to do likewise. His blue eyes stared through the reflex sight of his rifle, his whole body leaning out from behind an armored vehicle disabled courtesy of a Skyian recoilless rifle team. The gaping hole that marked the left side of its hull peered like an eye into Hell itself, an simile altogether appropriate for the burning and embattled cityscape of Copper City.
"Loko rigardas klaran, sir." 2
Anton nodded and acknowledged his subordinate's observations. He unhitched a pocket of his tactical vest, pulling out a small portable ruggedized liquid crystal display. On its five inch wide display surface was a GPS down link marked with arbitrary symbols of a military nature. He consulted the small screen for a moment before replacing it into its pouch. He made a hand signal to his pointman, who nodded back. Half of the squad emerged from behind the ruined vehicle, making headway towards a particularly undamaged residental structure. Virtually all of the buildings in the district had sustained varying levels of damage, some suffering merely cosmetic scars, while others seemingly bulldozed by the heavier implements of battle that man had in his possession. This building, however, had little more than a smashed window and a few bullet holes to account for.
The first fire team, lead by the Chalinbourger sergeant, kept watch over the other side of the street with three Isengradi carbines and an M211 automatic rifle, covering the advance of the second, led by Anton, as they made their way into the aforementioned apartment building. The door had already been blown clean off its hinges by a breaching shotgun, a revelation that was more than enough cause for Anton and the rest of the four man team to raise their weapons in anticipation. As their planners had expected, power throughout the city had been cut off or disabled, and, unsurprisingly, the apartment was sheathed in inky blackness. This situation was quickly remedied by the artificial redistribution of light into the darkened area. What was once black now revealed itself as varying shades of sickly green light, and, steadily but surely, the four men made their way into the apartment.
The domicile was an utter pigsty, even for one located in a war zone. Somebody had thrown a fragmentation grenade through the second story window, turning what was likely once a bedroom into a mess of down particles and wood shavings. After a few minutes of careful searching, the team headed back downstairs. Intelligence briefing from Copper City planners had alerted them to a high prevalence of bomb shelters in Endorsian structures, no doubt due to their nation's love affair with atomic fission. After yet another ten minutes of tedious searching through the debris littering the interior of the structure, they located the doorway leading to what Anton could assume was the bunker. Looking downward, Anton knelled down, picking up a dusty and beaten-looking baseball. A tinge of anguish pierced his battle hardened psyche, and his rear guard, toting a tactical twelve gauge scattergun, uttered the same thought that raced through his team leader's mind.
Dragging children into their schemes. Bastards.
The hallway narrowed, forcing the team to move at a slower paced while bending their knees to avoid the lowered ceiling of the passageway. Their night vision was now all but useless in an environment with absolutel no light to squeeze out and disperse, and they then assumed the risk of the use of visible light illumination. Natural yellow light temporarily overloaded the goggles' light distribution systems, forcing Anton and the rest of the team to remove the goggles or face flash blindness. Looking downward, he spotted it. A smooth metallic hatch with no markings whatsoever. His pointman reached into a small black pouch on his vest, clutching a small device in his gloved hand. He pressed it to the surface of the hatch, hitching a small earphone into a jack on the side of the device. He nodded to Anton.
Pausing for a moment to steady his footing in the cramped quarters of the passage, Anton raised his fist to the edge of hatch, hoping his ad-hoc attempt to communicate with those protected by it would succeed. Throwing caution to the wind, he brought his hand down on the hatch.
(Velkyan battle language, displayed as Esperanto)
1: (Target down, target down.)
2: (Area looks clear, sir.)
The Silver Sky
17-03-2008, 01:43
[Copper City, Muncheria, Former Administrative District of No Endorse]
2nd Lieutenant Sanyo Carter crept up the stairs like a shadow, his rifle held tightly as he surveyed the dark hallway through his IR goggles. Light flowed through the cracks from the door at the opposite end, that was his goal. However, like all great and glorious goals, there was an obstacle. A guard stood half way down the hall way walking towards him, his mark one eyeball unable to penetrate the inky darkness of the stairwell.
Hey, never said it had to be a difficult obstacle. Carter shouldered his rifle and took aim with his IR laser scope, positioning the dot right between the man's eyes.
A low plink, not unlike dropping a penny in a piggy bank swept through the hall way, follow by the dull thud of a body falling down. Carter silent prayed to god for silencers and subsonic rifle loads as he motioned to his fire team that the coast was clear.
As they neared the door they lifted up their IR goggles to keep from being blinded by the light. The door was open just a crack, he could hear two Muncherians conversing loudly on the other side, oblivious to their friends death in the hall.
"Eagle 1 to Eagle 2 come in..." Whispered Carter into his mic.
"Eagle 2 roger, we're at our objective point, what do you need?"
"We're at the doorway, I need to know how many men are beyond my door, you can see the window right?"
"Hold on.... there are two men, both facing out the windows, their rifles are shouldered and they're to the left of the door."
"Roger that, over and out."
Carter again thanked god for having such a skilled NCO as his second in command. Shouldering his rifle once more, he slowly eased the door open and took aim again lining up his scope with a Muncherian skull. Plink! Plink! No more Muncherians. Now time to clean up the room and move the bodies. The Velkyans better hurry, he couldn't wait all day, wouldn't be long until another patrol came through the area.
[A Minute Or Two Later]
"Lt., the Velkyans are ready, they're at the entrance to the square." Came the whisper from the lookout as Carter and his fireteam rested against the wall of the room.
"About damn time" whispered Carter with a smirked as he shouldered his weapon. "Eagle 1 to Eagle 2, you're a go to swoop in for the kill."
"Roger that, commencing dive." A split second later Carter's smirk broke into a smile as the the shriek and detonation of an AT4 rocket hitting it's target, a Muncherian infantry fighting vehicle, reverberated through the square. Rifle shouldered he turn to fire out the window with his squad mates into the firefight that was just kicking off.
I love this job.
[A Minutes Later]
Carter pulled back into the room and pulled out the empty magazine from his rifle while the Velkyans mopped up and moved out.
No casualties again, we're doing well for being totally surrounding in enemy territory against impossible odds.
"Eagle 1 to Eagle 2, move to the next building and cover the Velkyans, we'll wait for Lt. Aleksandrov's orders there."
"Roger that Eagle 1, moving out."
Carter took one look at the dead Muncherians that had been propped up against the window with a chair. Their shoulders still displayed the symbol of the No Endorsian Army.
No Endorsian's revolting for communism, this is about the time the world should end.
With that though Carter and his men retreated back into the inky darkness of the shadows.
[Ten Thousand Meters Over Copper Bay]
Static filled Rockwell's headset for a moment, subsiding and crackling abruptly into the electronically filtered voice of his wingman.
"Uh, lead, we've got bogies pinging active, emitter bearing two-one five, over."
Surely enough, Rockwell's quick glance at his multi-function display showed an active RADAR being turned on southwest of his position, and he quickly confirmed his comrade's discovery over the radio.
"Roger that, wing, processing emitter data," he took a moment to view the results of his own electronic surveillance measures data readout, "we're definitely looking at an Endorsian RADAR picket, likely a naval early warning aircraft." He switched frequencies for a moment to that of his own orbiting command station, an EW.8 based off the HMS Rochester, a Royal Athulian Navy fleet carrier operating with her strike group out in international waters a few hundreds of kilometers out in the open ocean. "Garuda, this is Eight Ball, we've got a potentially hostile emitter orbiting about three hundred kilometers southeast of Parker's Bend, requesting engagement orders."
For a moment, his operator consulted with his own superiors before returning to the fighter pilot's aid. Encrypted data-linking between the control craft and her patrolling "minions" ensured that what one aircraft saw was seen by all, greatly aiding in collective battle planning on the part of the fleet's commanders.
"Eight Ball, Garuda, we have no confirmed loyalist forces operating in the area, you have permission to engage, maintain current EMCON status and fire at will. Blackadder Flight will launch and assist, out." The radio degraded from static to silence, and Rockwell yet again hopped frequencies, this time back to his wingman's channel.
"Wing, confirm orders, we're cleared to engage. Climb to launch altitude."
The smile that arced across the face of Eight Ball Two could be seen even through the darkness that surrounded both aircraft in the formation as they gently pitched upwards, dispersing the already thin cloud coverage of the Muncherian coast with all the grace and dexterity of a thirty ten aluminum alloy fuel guzzling angel. It was necessary to gain altitude on their prey, so that they may enlist the aid of Sir Issac Newton in the coming engagement.
Moments later, the two interceptors began to level out, steadying out at an altitude of eleven kilometers above sea level. Rockwell in turn armed a single AIM-82 long range air intercept missile, affectionately called the "AWACS killer" by the aircrews who held her in their charge. His wingman did the same, as to ensure an even expenditure of ammunition across the flight element and maximum kill probability concerning the target. With the onboard payload management computer, he then switched the missile's RADAR seeker to emitter seeking mode, similar in function and role to a defense suppression aircraft's antiradiation missiles. Data flowed from F/A-21B's rather sensitive and large AESA RADAR set (and its accompanying ESM suite) through standard fiber optical transfer units into the flight computers of the two missiles, organizing and planning out an erratic flight path designed to elude enemy RADAR systems and prevent a positive bearing to the firing aircraft.
Rockwell received a audio-visual alert through his helmet mounted display when an optimum firing solution had been reached. Pausing for a moment to savor the adrenaline of live fire combat, he brought his thumb down on the weapons release button. In the space of a second, the internal bays of the two fighters slammed open, powerful hydraulic arms pushing the two missiles out into the cold night air, momentum and light carrying them for a few seconds along the same axis as their mother aircraft before their ZE123 air breathing rocket motors kicked in. They instantly accelerated, breaching the sound barrier shortly afterwards.
With a loud crack from the aforementioned, Rockwell tracked the missiles visually for as long as possible, the bright exhaust plumes and wispy smoke trials visible from miles away in the clear night skies. The trails snaked in opposite directions and bearings, beginning their target acquisition maneuvers as the two interceptors pulled away. With a little luck and good old Velkyan engineering, there would be a very wet and cold Muncherian AWACS crew by the end of the night.
The thought was comforting and amusing to Rockwell, who looked back towards the launch point, just as the missiles pulled out of view. He allowed himself a sigh, and a tiny sliver of mental cynicism.
So it begins.