NationStates Jolt Archive

Annexation of Heim

Breeders and Women
09-03-2008, 20:52
Breeders and Women State News:

Following the end of our offensive in Heim, Vas Torens has appointed himself Overlord of the Region and is currently consolidating power using his band of troops called the Jackals.

Breeders and Women State News:

New reports are coming in that Princess Tiya Lacrim of our nation may be romantically linked to Vas Torens. More on that later.

Breeders and Women Intelligence Memo to Tof Lacrim, Hereditary Administrator of Breeders and Women:

Jaha Tof, we have an important idea for you to consider. Heim has always been an unstable region that has threatened our nation countless times, the most recent being when guerrillas there abducted your pregnant daughter. Now we have a possible solution. If your niece were to marry this Vas Torens- provided his plans come to fruition, of course- we could unite the two areas. Think on it.
Breeders and Women
10-03-2008, 22:19
(inside the conference room of Vas Torens)

Tanex: Where the hell is Vas?
A No-Ranker: Apparently he is at one of the breeding grounds near our border- in Adul'Fem {the Heimen name for Breeders and Women}.
Tanex: Leave us. (after, to Gul) This is getting ridiculous. Vas Torens should be concentrating on uniting and rebuilding Heim, not on his love life.
Gul: Tanex, my squadron already effectively controls all but the fringes of Heim, and we have conscripted every able-bodied male and the handful of females past puberty who are not pregnant, breastfeeding, or caring for small children to rebuild. And besides, the girl is attractive- very much so.
Tanex: Gul, I respect you, but as Vizier I feel it my duty to run the place as I must, and we need Vas back here. And have you seen the way they let their women act? The way their females dress? His attraction to that... that succubus is nothing short of immoral, and contrary to Heimen culture?
Gul: And Tanex, i respect your duties, but I know soldiers, which is why I'll say what I'm about to say. People don't like to fight family, and any form of soft alliance like this one between us and Adul'Fem could protect us from them, raise national morale, and foster a greater flow of wealth and information. It would pacify their royal family- and protect ours, which, you know, will inevitably arise.
Tanex: Commander Gul, i'm sure that you're very wise, but what you should concentrate on right now is concentarying those rival Overlords. You understand?
Gul: Yes, sir, right away.
(They both leave.)

(at Harmony Breeding Grounds, Breeders and Women)

Lissaura Lacrim (to a mare): Easy, girl.
Tiya Lacrim (to a stallion): Look, we know you're enjoying yourself, but stop being so wild. It's not like your girlfriend is kicking.
Lissaura (to Tiya): You know, you never mentioned why you were so late today.
Tiya (giggling): Oh, you know, I was hanging out...with Vas... in an abandoned lean-to where no one could see us.
(they both laugh)
Lissaura:That hot, huh?
Tiya: Yeah... and sweet. And charismatic. I really like him.
Lissaura: Yeah. My life's been at a bit of a standstill. Ever since I got Vir out of me, the little cutie has been constantly sucking away. Also, Dov's been serving his military term, and Pho is too busy right now to spend an hour alone with me. Between that and Vir's feeding- I have no time to "play", and no one to play with!
(They both laugh hysterically. Then the stallion finishes his job and gets back on four legs.)
Tiya: Impressive!
Lissaura: Best I've seen in a while. (she smiles) But we need to make sure your girlfriend's pregnant, my friend, so we're making you get back up there.
(Lissaura and Tiya do some things and the horse complies.)
Tiya (dropping her bikini bottom, her only garment, in one swift movement): I have to go. A few friends and I are going skinny-dipping in that pond a mile to the right. Want to come?
Lissaura: No, I'll just finish this up, and then I need to get home to Vir. Have fun!
Breeders and Women
22-03-2008, 15:27
Vas Torens (riding in an armored truck): Well, Tanex, it seems like things are going well. Overlord Vax is nearly extinct, my power is nearly consolidated, basic reairs have been done, and my love life is better than ever.
Tanex: Yes, yes... About that gir- aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
(The truck goes flying as it is buffeted rom fire on all sides by mounted machine guns. Its augmented defenses start to crumple. All passengers fall to the ground. Blood starts to leak from the driver's area.)
vas: Men! Return fire! (He draws a handgun and joins them as they pour out of the truck. He falls unconscious, hit on the head by something. Gradually, however, his men win out, and 15 attacker are taken prisoner.)
Jackal to Tanex: Lord, what should we do with them? We take very few POWs, and we have no place to keep them in the truck.
Tanex: Actually, you have never taken a POW, because you never fight soldiers- only terrorists. They deserve to be treated as such. Execute them.
(He holds out a rope.)
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 16:28
Press Release 3/22 10:24 A.M. CST
Concerning: Situation in Heims

The Governemnt of Bedouin Raiders finds the violence in Heim to be destabelizing to the area. To put an end to this violence, Bedouin Troops will soon be moving into Heim to keep the peace. They have recieved the following orders:
1. All troops are there to keep the peace. Therefore they will take no offensive action unless so ordered from High Command
2. If fired upon all Bedouin Troops are to return fire no matter who is firing at them.
3. Anyone who orders an attack on Bedouin Troops is to be hunted down and either captured or killed.

More information will follow soon.
Breeders and Women
24-03-2008, 23:27
Official Letter of the Domain of Heim

To: The Government of Bedouin Raiders
From: Vas Torens, Overlord of the Domain of Heim, recognized by the neighboring power of Adul'Fem


My people and I are... displeased to hear that you feel a need to send your troops in. We see no reason for such action. Our legitimate government is already running the place.

Our government has been recognized by Adul"Fem. This means something because Adul'Fem is our only immediate neighbor- we are surrounded by its land. They have already quarantined the area. Only representatives of my government and their government are allowed to cross the border, and my people are required to stay in our nations.

We are very close to stamping out all remnants of he rebellion, as is our right as a sovereign nation. We require no help and no peacekeeping.

We regret to inform you that access to our Domain of Heim will not be allowed. Please contact us with any further questions.

Signatories to this Official Resolution:

Grand Vizier Tanex Tox
Tof Lacrim, Hereditary Administrator of Adul'Fem, etc., etc.
Commander Gul, Head of the Armed Forces of Heim
General Erethro, Head of the Armed Forces of Adul'Fem
Breeders and Women
26-03-2008, 23:53
OOC: The next bit takes place in a secure, impenetrable (except with days of effort or nuclear weapons) room. I feel like narrating, but don't use this information if you post.

(All occupants of the room are looking at a large map of the region.)

Gul: So we control here, here, and here. (He points to a map.) However, we appear to have run into a bit of a problem.

Tanex: Captain Cron, Baron Licht, and Earl Arrach have united their armies and absorbed those of most of the remaining ones. We are now facing one united, coordinated enemy in these places. (He places several little flags with various emblems and colors on the map.)

Vas: These men have strong personalities and different goals. Couldn't we turn them against each other?

Tanex: we have already made some arrangements as to that, Overlord, if you don't mind.

Gul: Nox?

(Lord Nox, head of the Covert Agency of the government of Heim, steps out from the shadows.)

Nox: We have made some arrangements to rid ourselves of Licht and Arrach. This should fragment their fledgling bureaucracy and turn their troops against Cron. (he looks sheepish.) I know i should have briefed you on this earlier, sir, our plan needs to be activated in 1 minute and 42 seconds. may we give the orders?

Vas: Of course.

(Tanex, Gul, and Nox, simultaneously into separate cell phones): Go.

(A large screen flickers on. Three separate scenes are shown. In one, Licht and Arrach are swimming in Cron's private indoor pool. A servant goes to the door and closes it, saying that he'll come back with their wives. However, they fail to notice him lock it, and their conversation about seafood is abruptly cut short as the water suddenly boils, nearing a thousand degrees in five seconds. They crumple and sink. Licht grabs a towel and tries to hold on. His weight breaks the towel rack where the camera is implanted. The last seconds of feedback show the bodies at the bottom of the pool.

In the second screen, a parade ground is shown. About a hundred of the unified army's men are drilling there. A much larger group of Vas' men dressed in Cron's uniform come in and start firing at the troops. those of Licht and Arrach fire at the commnder of Cron's men and then at his soldiers. their commanders are kept alive long enough to send back the news of treachery before they are shot too. The fight is over quickly: those in Cron uniforms are the only ones left standing, and the real Cron soldiers are quickly gunned down by Vas' men. The camera was implanted in the barrel of the rifle of one of the attackers, who was later shot down. The rifle then is instructed remotely by the field commander to self-destruct, which it does by exploding.

The third screen shows an intelligence room shared by some of Arrach's and Licht's people, where a security camera had been secretly replaced with a spy camera and a loop had been fed back to the guards. All of a sudden they start to receive the news. They turn and fire some handguns at the small guard group supplied by Cron. A five-second firefight ensues, which is won by the techies. the camera is hit and gradually fades to black.

Nox shuts off the screen.)

Vas: I'm... I'm impressed. (he sounds a bit overwhelmed.) Order... order planes to cease their bombardment of the facilities for now. We don't want them to stay together to survive. Offer amnesty to any deserters. Let them splinter their armies. And keep me in touch.

(they all leave.)

OOC: You can use whatever following information you want.

Breeders and Women News flash: Nothing of interest.
Breeders and Women
28-03-2008, 22:21
(on a terrace; Vas and Tanex are alone)
Vas (drinking a martini): How's it going?
Tanex (he jabs Vas with a hypodermic needle, knocking him out. He then hands Vas to a pair of henchmen, who put it in a truck and dive off. He then goes downstairs to the conference room and shoots Gul and Nox, then tosses their bodies into a large chute for trash leading into an incinerator): Pretty damn good.

Urgent Memo from Breeders and Women Intelligence to General Erethro and Hereditary Administrator Tof Lacrim: Lord Nox, Commander Gul, and overlord Vas Torens of Heim have just been reported assassinated. Grand Vizier Tanex is now in total control of the Breeders-and-Women-recognized Heimen government.
Breeders and Women
30-03-2008, 18:09
Breeders and Women Intelligence Analysis:

The lack of the bodies can mean only one thing- conspiracy.

(House of Swords)

Tof Lacrim: The overlord we chose has been mysteriously assassinated, and his grand Vizier was somehow the only major official to escape, event hough intelligence says he was in the area. What do we do?