Crossing Over (Closed to Stargate Meets Star Trek)
The American Privateer
21-02-2008, 02:30
The Daedalus Class starship, USS Apollo, sat slightly off to the side of the massive gate. One of the Ori Supergates, they had managed to finally convert it over to be able to send and transmit.
Colonel Ellis sat on the bridge, and watched as a Tel'tak sat on the ring. He shifted nervously, as Colonel Samantha Carter worked in the central computer room. She and Dr. Bill Lee had finally figured out how to reverse a Super Gate, and where ready for a trial run. If it worked, a M.A.L.P., specially modified for Space Travel, would be sent through, and the connection would remain open for as long as possible.
"We are ready to begin in five..."
As Samantha called out over the intercomm, the source of Colonel Ellis's nervousness walked in. Both General Landry and Richard Woolsey of the IOA where present for this test.
The Gate opened, and the M.A.L.P. went through, and found itself almost face to face with a very large, and very fast looking ship. As it moved closer, the letters NCC-1... could be seen on the full, as well as a USS prefix. The next letter appeared to be an E, and Carter swung the M.A.L.P. around to investigate.
Free United States
21-02-2008, 17:24
USS Colin Powell NCC-193745-B
Patrolling the Federation/Romulan Neutral Zone, the Akira-class Colin Powell was taking a break from the recent action it had seen against the Dominion. Their official mission was to make sure the Romulans didn't seize advantage of Starfleet's predicament and made incursions across the NZ.
Lieutenant Marcus Gantz wasn't interested in that at the moment, however. As Commanding Officer of the Akira's embarked SOCOM Team VI, he had other matters on his mind. He was scanning the alien landscape before him, on the hunt for a Jem Hadar patrol. His pulse rifle was leveled, a pair of glasses giving him enhanced vision in the dark and foggy atmosphere. To his left, his second, Ensign Gloria Sanchez, signaled him. She had spotted it too, tracks in the dusty ground, the wind already erasing them. Marcus turned to the rest of the team, signaling them for the attack. As they rounded an outcropping of rocks, his combadge chirped. Cursing under his breath, he paused the simulation and answered.
"Gantz here."
"Lieutenant, please report to the bridge," Lt. Commander Christopher Judge, the Powell's Tactical Officer, requested.
"Aye sir."
He exited the turbolift several minutes later still decked out in his tactical gear, the pulse rifle slung over one shoulder. A couple years ago, such a sight would have caused nervous glances, but things had changed. His reasoning for keeping the gear on had been the sudden shift to Yellow Alert as he'd made his way to the turbolift. He walked over to the tactical station.
"Sir, you requested me?"
"No, I did," said Captain Nikolev. "A probe of some sort has come through an uncharted wormhole. We're planning on tractoring it into Cargo Bay 1."
"So, you'd like my team to do the initial inspection?"
"I'm sorry for having your team do this," the Captain began.
"Don't worry sir, that's what SOCOM is here for."
ooc: i'll let you decide what the SGC makes of the investigation. also, i know who chris judge is. its a joke. on another note, Team VI is a direct correlation to SEAL team 6. and sorry its not the Enterprise, but i think its better w/ original chars. i don't like rping canon chars.
(OOC: here's my intro...)
Klag was bored. No other explanation was needed. No enemy ships had been sighted in his patrol sector. How he longed for a battle...
"Captain, we have some strange readings coming from the neutral zone," reported an crewman.
"Unknown. Possibly a subspace rift, or something."
"Bah! Let the Federation investigate it! They enjoy those kind of science missions. Log the reading, and ignore it."
"Yes, sir."
Klag leaned back in his chair. Why couldn't it be a rogue Jem'hadar ship?, he thought. Oh, well. back to bordom...
The American Privateer
21-02-2008, 17:44
USS Colin Powell NCC-193745-B
Patrolling the Federation/Romulan Neutral Zone, the Akira-class Colin Powell was taking a break from the recent action it had seen against the Dominion. Their official mission was to make sure the Romulans didn't seize advantage of Starfleet's predicament and made incursions across the NZ.
Lieutenant Marcus Gantz wasn't interested in that at the moment, however. As Commanding Officer of the Akira's embarked SOCOM Team VI, he had other matters on his mind. He was scanning the alien landscape before him, on the hunt for a Jem Hadar patrol. His pulse rifle was leveled, a pair of glasses giving him enhanced vision in the dark and foggy atmosphere. To his left, his second, Ensign Gloria Sanchez, signaled him. She had spotted it too, tracks in the dusty ground, the wind already erasing them. Marcus turned to the rest of the team, signaling them for the attack. As they rounded an outcropping of rocks, his combadge chirped. Cursing under his breath, he paused the simulation and answered.
"Gantz here."
"Lieutenant, please report to the bridge," Lt. Commander Christopher Judge, the Powell's Tactical Officer, requested.
"Aye sir."
He exited the turbolift several minutes later still decked out in his tactical gear, the pulse rifle slung over one shoulder. A couple years ago, such a sight would have caused nervous glances, but things had changed. His reasoning for keeping the gear on had been the sudden shift to Yellow Alert as he'd made his way to the turbolift. He walked over to the tactical station.
"Sir, you requested me?"
"No, I did," said Captain Nikolev. "A probe of some sort has come through an uncharted wormhole. We're planning on tractoring it into Cargo Bay 1."
"So, you'd like my team to do the initial inspection?"
"I'm sorry for having your team do this," the Captain began.
"Don't worry sir, that's what SOCOM is here for."
ooc: i'll let you decide what the SGC makes of the investigation. also, i know who chris judge is. its a joke. on another note, Team VI is a direct correlation to SEAL team 6. and sorry its not the Enterprise, but i think its better w/ original chars. i don't like rping canon chars.
OOC: OOOH an Akira. Interesting to see how you play this out...
Wolsey began to panic almost immediately. "A new threat? What galaxy is that in, andy why is their ship using English?"
Carter responded, "Sir, I think we might have done something to the fabric of the Space-Time Continuum."
Landry sighed and rolled his eyes, "Again? Carter, how much do you plan on learning about this universe by tearing holes into another?"
Carter smirked "Hopefully this will be the last time, Sir."
Landry turned to Colonel Ellis, "Open up a comm line if possible, I want to contact that ship. If we are lucky, its like the Tollanans, only friendlier."
The comm officer, a young Lieutenant Collens, opens up a frequency, and Landry began to speak.
"This is Major General Hank Landry of the United States Air Force, do you copy over?"
Free United States
21-02-2008, 20:01
As Gantz was heading for the turbolift, the Operations Officer, Ensign Lynch, spoke up.
"Captain, we're recieving a transmission from the anomaly."
"On screen," Captain Nikolev replied.
"Sir, it's audio only," answered Lynch.
"On speakers."
"This is Major General Hank Landry of the United States Air Force, do you copy over?"
The entire bridge crew shared questioning glances. Every face had the expression, 'Had he just said...?'
"US Air Force?" Judge said slowly. "They haven't existed for over 300 years."
"We could be violating the temporal Prime Directive," Commander Michael Fireze, the First Officer, informed the Captain.
"If that is a probe," Nikolev surmised, "They already know us. Open a channel."
"This is Captain Dmitri Nikolev of the Federation starship Colin Powell. Transmission recieved."
From the sidelines, Gatnz looked on warily. This looked like it was going to be complicated.
The American Privateer
22-02-2008, 05:52
As Gantz was heading for the turbolift, the Operations Officer, Ensign Lynch, spoke up.
"Captain, we're recieving a transmission from the anomaly."
"On screen," Captain Nikolev replied.
"Sir, it's audio only," answered Lynch.
"On speakers."
"This is Major General Hank Landry of the United States Air Force, do you copy over?"
The entire bridge crew shared questioning glances. Every face had the expression, 'Had he just said...?'
"US Air Force?" Judge said slowly. "They haven't existed for over 300 years."
"We could be violating the temporal Prime Directive," Commander Michael Fireze, the First Officer, informed the Captain.
"If that is a probe," Nikolev surmised, "They already know us. Open a channel."
"This is Captain Dmitri Nikolev of the Federation starship Colin Powell. Transmission recieved."
From the sidelines, Gatnz looked on warily. This looked like it was going to be complicated.
"Colin Powell? As in the U.S. Secretary of State? There is no way the International Oversight Agency would allow that."
Landry spoke, "I must inquire as to your current location. We are located in orbit over P3Y-229 aboard the USS Apollo."
North Calaveras
22-02-2008, 06:27
"Colin Powell? As in the U.S. Secretary of State? There is no way the International Oversight Agency would allow that."
Landry spoke, "I must inquire as to your current location. We are located in orbit over P3Y-229 aboard the USS Apollo."
OCC: will jump in when time is right.
Free United States
22-02-2008, 07:33
"USS Apollo?" Commander Judge wondered. "It was destroyed months a battle against the Dominion." His remark drew a collective gasp on the bridge. Were they talking to a ghost ship? Of course, considering some of the temporal events that had occurred, especially those of the Enterprise, it was a not a foregone conclusion.
"We are currently patrolling the Neutral Zone, but your location is unfamiliar; P3Y-229 is not a designated planetary body," Nikolev replied. "And there was never a General embarked upon the USS Apollo, which is documented as having been destroyed several months ago. Identify yourselves immediately." He gave Ops the signal to cut transmitting, and turned to Judge. "Red Alert."
The American Privateer
22-02-2008, 18:00
"USS Apollo?" Commander Judge wondered. "It was destroyed months a battle against the Dominion." His remark drew a collective gasp on the bridge. Were they talking to a ghost ship? Of course, considering some of the temporal events that had occurred, especially those of the Enterprise, it was a not a foregone conclusion.
"We are currently patrolling the Neutral Zone, but your location is unfamiliar; P3Y-229 is not a designated planetary body," Nikolev replied. "And there was never a General embarked upon the USS Apollo, which is documented as having been destroyed several months ago. Identify yourselves immediately." He gave Ops the signal to cut transmitting, and turned to Judge. "Red Alert."
Mitchell walked in, "The Neutral Zone? Like in Star Trek? Do they seriously mean the Romulan Neutral Zone?"
Carter, "It is a possibility." Mitchell rolled his eyes, preparing for the Techno Babble that was to come. "According to the Multiverse Theory a Universe similar to that in Star Trek, if not matching it completely is completely possible."
Landry raised his eyebrows, "And how do we try to convince them of that?"
Carter, "No idea sir."
Landry turned back to the windows, and sighed, "We have to risk it. Captain, my Science Officer tells me that there could be a problem. According to her, it is possible, though unlikely, that our Stargate accidently deployed a probe into an Alternate Universe. It is currently 2009 in our location, and we are aboard the Daedalus Class Battlecruiser Apollo of the United States Air Force under Stargate Command of the Department of Homeworld Security. In our universe, it was a ship named the Prometheus that we lost several months ago. It was one of four Hyper-space capable vessels in the US Air Force Arsenal. If I may, we would like to meet you. IS that possible?"
Free United States
22-02-2008, 20:24
"Senior staff: Conference room," the Captain ordered. As the bridge officers filed off, he turned to Gantz, "You too."
"Hoo-yah," the Lieutenant replied.
Conference Room
Along the wall, three model ships-the ones to bear the name Colin Powell, were on display. Captain Nikolev studied the original Powell, an Abassador-class, before turning to the assembled officers.
"An alternate dimension pretty much negates the temporal directive," said Chief Engineer Commander Marta Ramius.
"So this event is pretty much unprecedented," Commander Judge added.
"What about Kirk's shenanigans and the events of the successive Enterprise crews?" First Officer Fireze quipped.
"And they were never punished for their actions," Gantz said. They all turned to look at the Operative, standing against the wall next to the Powell-A. "We could at least send an Away Team or something."
"We'll contact this General Landry," Nikolev formulated slowly. "And discuss a meeting. We'll bring along a Security Team just in case-"
"Sir, with all due respect, my SEALs can provide security," Gantz interrupted.
"All right," the Capain amended. "First, let's contact the Apollo."
As the officers were dismissed, Gantz turned to follow after when the Captain's hand landed on his shoulder, holding him back. "If it turns out we need to..."
"Don't worry. That's what I'm here for."
Back on the bridge, the Captain relayed his plan for an Away Team to be dispatched to meet with them. He mentioned the presence of the SEALs as a sign of good faith, letting them know that he wasn't trying to hide anything...well, almost.
ooc: ok, so basically the SEALs are showing a darker side of the Fed. forces. also, it stands for Space, Sea, Air and Land. I just didn't put in the second 'S.'
The American Privateer
22-02-2008, 22:23
Carter spoke up, "Sir, if the Gate has connected to a wormhole, a natural one, we might be able to use it two ways, instead of just one. That, and the new Asgard teleporters allow us to beam through wormholes."
Landry nodded at that, and left the room, along with Mitchell and Carter. All three of them changed into their dress Unifroms, and waited in the Galley for the visitors from the Colin Powell to arrive.
OOC: Just have them Beam Over when they are ready. They will be beamed directly into the Conference room, and we can get started.
Free United States
23-02-2008, 09:31
Gearing up, Gantz checked the strap to his Phaser hip holster, making sure it was secure before gathering his team around him.
"All right, this is simply a Security detail," he explained. "Goines and Romero of Alpha Team will go with me. The rest of you will be on fifteen minute standby."
With the plan understood, the Operatives broke ranks, falling in to their specific tasks. They met up with Captain Nikolev and Commander Judge, the designated representatives for the ship, in Transporter Room 1. Gantz insisted on having his team surrounding the two officers, but the Captain overruled him, explaining that this was supposed to be a diplomatic mission. That may be, Gantz thought, but they still didn’t know the nature of the people they were communicating with. He cradled his compression rifle and waited for the Captain to give the order. His hands involuntarily tightened on the handgrips as Nikolev ordered, “Energize,” and they dematerialized from the Powell.
They rematerialized into a conference room that was reminiscent of the one aboard the Powell. There were several people standing in dress uniforms before them, but Gantz eyed the two guards standing to the side, ancient submachine guns cradled in much the same way Gantz held his own weapon. Now, he thought, we’ll get to the bottom of this.
The American Privateer
23-02-2008, 17:58
Gearing up, Gantz checked the strap to his Phaser hip holster, making sure it was secure before gathering his team around him.
"All right, this is simply a Security detail," he explained. "Goines and Romero of Alpha Team will go with me. The rest of you will be on fifteen minute standby."
With the plan understood, the Operatives broke ranks, falling in to their specific tasks. They met up with Captain Nikolev and Commander Judge, the designated representatives for the ship, in Transporter Room 1. Gantz insisted on having his team surrounding the two officers, but the Captain overruled him, explaining that this was supposed to be a diplomatic mission. That may be, Gantz thought, but they still didn’t know the nature of the people they were communicating with. He cradled his compression rifle and waited for the Captain to give the order. His hands involuntarily tightened on the handgrips as Nikolev ordered, “Energize,” and they dematerialized from the Powell.
They rematerialized into a conference room that was reminiscent of the one aboard the Powell. There were several people standing in dress uniforms before them, but Gantz eyed the two guards standing to the side, ancient submachine guns cradled in much the same way Gantz held his own weapon. Now, he thought, we’ll get to the bottom of this.
Landry Stepped forward ans extended his hand. "General Hank Landry, US Air Force, and welcome aboard the USS Apollo. This is Colonel Mitchel and Colonel Carter, the leaders of SG-1. It is a n honor to meet you."
Free United States
23-02-2008, 21:35
"It's a pleasure, General," the Captain replied, shaking his hand, "Captain Dmitri Nikolev. This is my Tactical Officer, Lt. Commander Christopher Judge. The rough-looking man over my shoulder is Lieutenant Marcus Gantz, leader of our Special Operations unit."
"We're curious as to how this 'event,' occured," Commander Judge explained.
Gantz glanced sideways at the two named as leaders of SG-1 (whatever that was), and wondered if that was some sort of SOCOM team. If it was, Gantz seriously doubted their credentials. Nonetheless, he shouldered his rifle, nodding to his subordinates to do the same.
Amazonian Beasts
23-02-2008, 22:12
Across the neutral zone, recon station SR-459A was picking up unusual readings on the Federation sides of things. The Romulan Star Empire had traditionally patrolled their side of the border ferociously - and now was even more so of a time. The Dominion war was on, and after the debacle of the Tal Shiar (now rebuilding) at the Battle of the Omarion Nebula - leading to both their and the Obsidian Order's virtual destructions - the Senate had thankfully signed a non-aggression pact with the Dominion and their Jem'Hadar warriors. The Romulans needed none of that, but now with Jem'Hadar vessels given free clearance to pass across Romulan space - part of the agreement was that both sides could use each other's space freely - the Federation had seemed antsy with the Star Empire. Apparently this didn't spread to other non-aggression factions, even though they were all inferior to the power of the Romulans - the Bajorans, Tholians, and Miradorn had all signed such pacts as well.
The station's data, however, quickly transmitted to the nearby Valdore-class Warbird, the IRW Matal. The Valdores were new warships of the line, just coming in to favor to replace the older D'Deridex-class of warbirds as the mainstays of the fleet to supplement the Talon frigates and Shrike destroyers. The real prize was under construction around Romulus in the shipyards - the prototype starship, dubbed the Scimitar. It wouldn't be ready for some time, but when it woud be something to see.
Right now, however, the primary objective was figuring out what the Federation was doing that was causing increased readings. Slipping under a cloaking field, the Matal raced off back towards the nearest populated system to go report findings.
The American Privateer
24-02-2008, 01:47
"It's a pleasure, General," the Captain replied, shaking his hand, "Captain Dmitri Nikolev. This is my Tactical Officer, Lt. Commander Christopher Judge. The rough-looking man over my shoulder is Lieutenant Marcus Gantz, leader of our Special Operations unit."
"We're curious as to how this 'event,' occured," Commander Judge explained.
Gantz glanced sideways at the two named as leaders of SG-1 (whatever that was), and wondered if that was some sort of SOCOM team. If it was, Gantz seriously doubted their credentials. Nonetheless, he shouldered his rifle, nodding to his subordinates to do the same.
Mitchell tensed, "I though the Federation didn't have SOCOM, at least, they didn't on Star Trek."
Landry spoke then, "Mitchell... I apologize for my sub-ordinate, we have a Television Show, a Science Fiction one, about a group similar to you. As for the event, I believe Colonel Carter would be more than willing to answer, what with her being our resident Science Expert."
North Calaveras
24-02-2008, 01:54
OCC: Can i change my choice to the Ori?
Free United States
24-02-2008, 08:05
ooc: shouldered as in having it slung over the shoulder w/ the rifle strap. meant as a sign of neutrality, if not non-violence. sorry if that came out wrong...i'll assume guns aren't pointed @ us.
"You seem to have us at a disadvantage, sir," Gantz addressed Mitchell. Though not a member of the Federation, he treated Mitchell as the Superior officer he was. "We don't know anything about you." Just then, his internal combadge piped up. He switched it so only he could hear it.
"Sir, this is Sulla," his Second in Command reported. "I may have found some information regarding our...contacts." Gantz smiled, he could almost see the Vulcan female raising her eyebrow at that last word.
"Go ahead," he whispered into his audio pick-up. Gantz listened intently as she began to summarize a 20th century television show in that eternally calm voice of hers.
The American Privateer
24-02-2008, 08:23
ooc: shouldered as in having it slung over the shoulder w/ the rifle strap. meant as a sign of neutrality, if not non-violence. sorry if that came out wrong...i'll assume guns aren't pointed @ us.
"You seem to have us at a disadvantage, sir," Gantz addressed Mitchell. Though not a member of the Federation, he treated Mitchell as the Superior officer he was. "We don't know anything about you." Just then, his internal combadge piped up. He switched it so only he could hear it.
"Sir, this is Sulla," his Second in Command reported. "I may have found some information regarding our...contacts." Gantz smiled, he could almost see the Vulcan female raising her eyebrow at that last word.
"Go ahead," he whispered into his audio pick-up. Gantz listened intently as she began to summarize a 20th century television show in that eternally calm voice of hers.
OOC: Ill fix that, totally misunderstood it...
"Sorry about that, I watch a little too much TV, thanks to Teal'c."
Carter smirked at the comment, and gestured to the table, "If we could be seated? Standing around talking doesn't seem like a fun way to spend our time."
Landry nodded, and the three of them led the way over to one of the tables. The door opened just then, as Daniel Jackson chased Vala Mal Doran into the room. "Vala, you really shouldn't be in there. First contact is..."
Landry sent him a significant look. "Sorry, Sir, I tried everything I could think of..."
Free United States
24-02-2008, 10:03
Gantz's hand instinctively went to his hip holster, but he paused as the intruders showed no signs of hostility. He gave them a once-over. The word 'dweeb' did not accurately describe his first reaction to *Daniel Jackson. His companion, on the other hand...
*Gantz isn't psychic. i simply used the name for decriptive purposes.
The American Privateer
25-02-2008, 00:35
Gantz's hand instinctively went to his hip holster, but he paused as the intruders showed no signs of hostility. He gave them a once-over. The word 'dweeb' did not accurately describe his first reaction to *Daniel Jackson. His companion, on the other hand...
*Gantz isn't psychic. i simply used the name for decriptive purposes.
Daniel stepped forward and extended his hand. "Dr. Daniel Jackson, Archaeologist and member of SG-1. And this is Vala Mal Doran, Thief, Con Artist, and the newest member of SG-1."
Free United States
25-02-2008, 05:02
Captain Nikolev re-introduced his team and accepted the offer to be seated at the conference table. Gantz took a seat across from Vala, propping the compression rifle against the table but leaving his Phaser II in a conveniently accessible position. He was keeping an eye on the woman labeled a thief and con-artist. Marcus thought he could discern a mischeivous smirk spread on the corner of her mouth, and it made him more wary. He hoped the information Colonel Carter gave them would be worth it. She reminded him of Sulla, Gantz surmised as an afterthought.
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 05:15
Captain Nikolev re-introduced his team and accepted the offer to be seated at the conference table. Gantz took a seat across from Vala, propping the compression rifle against the table but leaving his Phaser II in a conveniently accessible position. He was keeping an eye on the woman labeled a thief and con-artist. Marcus thought he could discern a mischeivous smirk spread on the corner of her mouth, and it made him more wary. He hoped the information Colonel Carter gave them would be worth it. She reminded him of Sulla, Gantz surmised as an afterthought.
OCC: im going to assume im still the Goa'uld, so ill stay with them. What race are you?
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 05:29
Romulan Space
A Alkesh not realizing that the two unvierses had met, stumbled into a fleet of Romulan vessels.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 05:42
OCC: im going to assume im still the Goa'uld, so ill stay with them. What race are you?
ooc: the united federation of planets
USS Colin Powell, NCC-193745-B
"Commander Fireze," Ensign O'vran-the acting Tactical Officer-said, "I'm picking up a possible battle on the Romulan side of the Neutral Zone."
"A battle?" Fireze queried, walking over to observe her intruments. "Didn't those cowards sign a treaty with the Dominion?"
"Sir, from what I can tell, the ship isn't Dominion," Ensign LYnch said from his Ops station.
"Prepare a Prority message to Sixth Fleet Command. And inform them of our 'other' encounter as well," Fireze ordered.
ooc: i've been saying compression rifle, but apparently (according to this site) my chars. are carrying type IIIc phaser rifles. here's the pic of it. notice the spec ops-looking optical sights.
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 05:51
Another Alkesh had fallen into federation lines as it had noticed a vessle, it made contact and hailed " Hail vessle, I am Chelnak of the god Hermes, announce yourself."
Free United States
25-02-2008, 05:53
ooc: if ur fighting the romulans, they're on the other side of the NZ. i'm on the Fed. side.
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 05:55
ooc: if ur fighting the romulans, they're on the other side of the NZ. i'm on the Fed. side.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 06:11
Another Alkesh had fallen into federation lines as it had noticed a vessle, it made contact and hailed " Hail vessle, I am Chelnak of the god Hermes, announce yourself."
ooc: so, two alkesh's then, right?
On the bridge, the Commander looked dumbfounded. From one thing to another, he thought.
"This is Commander Fireze of the Federation *warship Colin Powell. Notice that you have entered Federation space in an unknown vessel. Hold your position or you will be deemed hostile."
* i've decided the Powell will announce itself as a warship, considering its an Akira-class and this is set during the Dominion War. it's also an homage to the episode "Yesterday's Enterprise."
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 06:22
OCC: no, i edited it.
Chelnak's eye raised at this announcment as he appeared before the Federation vessles screen. " What is this Federation?"
Free United States
25-02-2008, 07:03
What is...? thought Fireze. Okay, this was getting annoying.
"The Federation is an alliance of over 150 planets within the Alpha Quadrant of this galaxy. You are within our space, next to our borders with another galactic power, the Romulan Star Empire."
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 07:08
What is...? thought Fireze. Okay, this was getting annoying.
"The Federation is an alliance of over 150 planets within the Alpha Quadrant of this galaxy. You are within our space, next to our borders with another galactic power, the Romulan Star Empire."
Chelnak handed his staff weapon to his comrade " You will wait for my master's arrival."
Free United States
25-02-2008, 07:31
Chelnak handed his staff weapon to his comrade " You will wait for my master's arrival."
"And when he comes, we'll tell him the same thing," the Commander answered. He cut transmission and turned to O'vran. "Transport them to the brig and tractor that vessel. No one threatens us in our backyard."
"Aye sir," the Bolian answered.
"Sir," Lynch said from Ops. "Fleet Command has responded. They're trying to organize a task force to the sector, but so far the only ship close is the *Randall Shugart. She'll be here in a few hours."
"All right. Inform the Captain of what's going on. I don't know what they're doing over there, but he should know what's happening over here."
*USS Randall Shugart NCC-91103-C is a Steamrunner-class light cruiser.
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 07:35
"And when he comes, we'll tell him the same thing," the Commander answered. He cut transmission and turned to O'vran. "Transport them to the brig and tractor that vessel. No one threatens us in our backyard."
"Aye sir," the Bolian answered.
"Sir," Lynch said from Ops. "Fleet Command has responded. They're trying to organize a task force to the sector, but so far the only ship close is the *Randall Shugart. She'll be here in a few hours."
"All right. Inform the Captain of what's going on. I don't know what they're doing over there, but he should know what's happening over here."
*USS Randall Shugart NCC-91103-C is a Steamrunner-class light cruiser.
The bridge shook as the tractor beam took hold " Fool, you dare defy the realm of Hermes?" the Alkesh began firing its dual staff cannons, the yellow shots headed towards the vessle to make contact, no doubt there attempts would be futile, but hopefully signal this vessle wasnt easy prey.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 07:45
"Shields are holding," O'vran offered.
"Disable their weapons and engines," Fireze replied.
"Aye, sir."
The Powell's Phasers opened fire in several bursts, hitting non-critical areas of the ship.
ooc: my specs come from this site: accordng to it, the phasers can auto-modulate to an enemy's shield frequency. as the alkesh has never fought anything like this, i would assume the ship would be at least disabled from firing....wait, is alkesh the pyramid ship?
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 07:49
"Shields are holding," O'vran offered.
"Disable their weapons and engines," Fireze replied.
"Aye, sir."
The Powell's Phasers opened fire in several bursts, hitting non-critical areas of the ship.
ooc: my specs come from this site: accordng to it, the phasers can auto-modulate to an enemy's shield frequency. as the alkesh has never fought anything like this, i would assume the ship would be at least disabled from firing....wait, is alkesh the pyramid ship?
The Alkesh rocked as it was struck, it had sufferd heavy damage from the vessle, it conituned firing.
OCC; no, its more like the light-frigate, bomber.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 07:58
ooc: right. it's been a while since sg-1.
The Powell shuddered from another blast. Fireze ordered evasive maneuvers, and the helmsman complied. Two more bursts from the dorsal array hit their mark, even as the Powell rolled to starboard, firing its ventral arrays in three more bursts. As it passed, two more shots from its aft arrays hit the Alkesh, and a quantum torpedo was launched for good measure.
ooc: the Akira-class is a heavy cruiser. i don't think the alkesh could withstand the attack.
North Calaveras
25-02-2008, 08:08
ooc: right. it's been a while since sg-1.
The Powell shuddered from another blast. Fireze ordered evasive maneuvers, and the helmsman complied. Two more bursts from the dorsal array hit their mark, even as the Powell rolled to starboard, firing its ventral arrays in three more bursts. As it passed, two more shots from its aft arrays hit the Alkesh, and a quantum torpedo was launched for good measure.
ooc: the Akira-class is a heavy cruiser. i don't think the alkesh could withstand the attack.
The Alkesh exploded as if it was a fireworks display. Already a small contact force of Hermes was on its way to investigate.
OCC:sorry gtg.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 08:13
"Dammit, I said disable them!" Fireze barked.
"I'm sorry sir, but their systems seemed to be integrated. We couldn't disable the weapons without doing considerable damage to the ship."
Fireze was about to say something as he was interrupted by the chief of Transporter Room 1.
"Sir, I managed to teleport one of them to safety before she blew," he reported.
"Get them to SickBay," Fireze ordered.
ooc: gtg to. school in the morning
The American Privateer
25-02-2008, 09:19
Captain Nikolev re-introduced his team and accepted the offer to be seated at the conference table. Gantz took a seat across from Vala, propping the compression rifle against the table but leaving his Phaser II in a conveniently accessible position. He was keeping an eye on the woman labeled a thief and con-artist. Marcus thought he could discern a mischeivous smirk spread on the corner of her mouth, and it made him more wary. He hoped the information Colonel Carter gave them would be worth it. She reminded him of Sulla, Gantz surmised as an afterthought.
OOC: Soory for the long time between posts, didn't expect NC to be so belligerent.
Vala immediately began to flirt with Gantz through body language, much to the annoyance, sub-conciously, of Daniel Jackson.
Carter spoke then, "According to the Multi-Verse Theory, there are an infinite number of universes existing in the universe. Some of them, like the Stargate Army Universe that we encountered, or the 'Mirror Universe?'" she shot a glance at Mitchell, who nodded, "Featuring the Terran Empire that your own people have encountered, in our TV show at least, are very similar to the one in which you or I live. Others exist in different points in time or in entirely different worlds, with some point of divergence. As for how we managed to break the veil between worlds, we have done it numerous ways here, though I am not sure how it happened this time. I got a system error message, not the first one I have ignored, as we activated the Supergate, which you can see through the window. I believe that it might have intersected an unstable wormhole in your universe, thus causing the situation. Again, how it broke through is a mystery."
Mitchell, "Is it possible that others will be affected by this?"
Carter, "Im not sure. But it wouldn't surprise me if a couple Goa'uld starships appeared in your universe. Most likely near your ship's location."
Mitchell, "Near the (Synched with ______) Romulan Neutral Zone!"
OOC: Insert a character to pick it up there. perfectly synched stuff happens in RL, so some of that happening here would be amusing.
Free United States
25-02-2008, 15:40
Gantz shot an annoyed glance at Mitchell. He felt he'd been beaten to the punch. Though, addmitedly, most of that annoyance came from the signals the woman Vala was sending him.
"As I was saying," Gantz said, butting in before Mitchell could. "If they appear near the Neutral Zone, it could create a problem. Not only with the Romulans, but with the other major powers as well. And with the threat of the Dominion, our forces are spread thin as it is."
"He's right," Commander Judge interjected. "This could create a change in the balance of power within the region. Especially if these *'Goold' decide to side with an enemy power."
"Captain," chimed Nikolev's combadge. He cleared his throat and answered, "Fireze, this had better be important."
"Sir, we have encountered and destroyed an unknown vessel. It fired on us as we tried to have it stand to. There is one survivor in SickBay."
"Commander," Gantz said, cuing his own combadge, "Send the ship's information to my tactical tricorder."
He flipped open the tricorder, a smaller and sleeker version than that used by the regular Starfleet. It was also blacked out, and its display screen was set for minimal visibility. As the information was fed into the device, Gantz activated another unique feature, the holographic display. Floating in a three-dimensional space, the Alkesh the Powell had destroyed rotated as a still image.
"I'm not an expert in Multi-verses," Gantz iterated, "But I think this is one of them Goolds."
*that's intentional
The American Privateer
25-02-2008, 17:56
Gantz shot an annoyed glance at Mitchell. He felt he'd been beaten to the punch. Though, addmitedly, most of that annoyance came from the signals the woman Vala was sending him.
"As I was saying," Gantz said, butting in before Mitchell could. "If they appear near the Neutral Zone, it could create a problem. Not only with the Romulans, but with the other major powers as well. And with the threat of the Dominion, our forces are spread thin as it is."
"He's right," Commander Judge interjected. "This could create a change in the balance of power within the region. Especially if these *'Goold' decide to side with an enemy power."
"Captain," chimed Nikolev's combadge. He cleared his throat and answered, "Fireze, this had better be important."
"Sir, we have encountered and destroyed an unknown vessel. It fired on us as we tried to have it stand to. There is one survivor in SickBay."
"Commander," Gantz said, cuing his own combadge, "Send the ship's information to my tactical tricorder."
He flipped open the tricorder, a smaller and sleeker version than that used by the regular Starfleet. It was also blacked out, and its display screen was set for minimal visibility. As the information was fed into the device, Gantz activated another unique feature, the holographic display. Floating in a three-dimensional space, the Alkesh the Powell had destroyed rotated as a still image.
"I'm not an expert in Multi-verses," Gantz iterated, "But I think this is one of them Goolds."
*that's intentional
Mitchell shot a look of apology at Gantz, clearly apologizing for beating him to the punchline.
Daniel looked up then, "Survivor? Ask them if he has a tatoo on his forehead and a symbiote in his stomach. If he does, then he is a Jaffa, the Slave race of the Goa'uld."
Carter spoke up, "Does the ship look like a pyramid of some kind?"
Free United States
25-02-2008, 18:26
Mitchell shot a look of apology at Gantz, clearly apologizing for beating him to the punchline.
Daniel looked up then, "Survivor? Ask them if he has a tatoo on his forehead and a symbiote in his stomach. If he does, then he is a Jaffa, the Slave race of the Goa'uld."
Carter spoke up, "Does the ship look like a pyramid of some kind?"
ooc: he's holding the tricorder so everyone @ the table can see. and from what i remember, alkesh is the smaller vessel, the pyramid one starts w/ an 'h' i think.
"Did you get that?" Nikolev asked his First Officer, referring to Jackson's inquiry.
"Well, he does have a tattoo, and there is some sort of parasite in his stomach cavity. The doctor is really concerned with that..." Fireze explained.
The American Privateer
25-02-2008, 22:12
ooc: he's holding the tricorder so everyone @ the table can see. and from what i remember, alkesh is the smaller vessel, the pyramid one starts w/ an 'h' i think.
"Did you get that?" Nikolev asked his First Officer, referring to Jackson's inquiry.
"Well, he does have a tattoo, and there is some sort of parasite in his stomach cavity. The doctor is really concerned with that..." Fireze explained.
Mitchell "Well that's an Al'kesh. Be glad it wasn't a Hat'tak, those vessels are trouble."
Landry called out to the guards to contact Teal'c, and dismissed the rest of SG-1 to get into their mission uniforms. "If you don't mind, we would like to accompany you to interrogate this Jaffa. We have experience with this sort of thing."
Free United States
26-02-2008, 00:12
Mitchell "Well that's an Al'kesh. Be glad it wasn't a Hat'tak, those vessels are trouble."
Landry called out to the guards to contact Teal'c, and dismissed the rest of SG-1 to get into their mission uniforms. "If you don't mind, we would like to accompany you to interrogate this Jaffa. We have experience with this sort of thing."
ooc: we may wanna hold off the actual interoggation until nc gets back.
"That's fine," Nikolev replied. "We'll beam over as soon as you're subordinates return."
[time skip]
"If you're all ready," the Captain said, "We'll go ahead and return to the ship." With that, he activated his combadge and contacted the Powell. "Powell, this is Captain Nikolev; ten to beam up."
ooc: is that the right number. who exactly is coming?
The mismatched parties dematerialized from the conference room, and seconds later were standing within Transporter Room 1. There to meet them was Sulla, along with her immediate subordinate, Chief Watson.
"It's all right," Gantz assured them, "I had them meet us here. They were the security detail in SickBay. This is Ensign Sulla and Master Chief Amaro Watson."
The two nodded in response and led the party down the corridor. Goines and Romero left the party in their care, leaving for the SEAL Team's Ready Room. As they were led to two different Turbolifts Captain Nikolev explained the Akira-class and it's mission parameters. It was necssary to use two Turbolifts as SickBay was eleven decks up, located on Deck 4. As they regrouped and approached the hatch to SickBay, two more guards, this time regular Security Officers.
ooc: i think this is geting confusing. lemme know if i need to explain anything. and i'll let u handle sg-1 reactions to the ship.
The American Privateer
26-02-2008, 00:42
ooc: we may wanna hold off the actual interoggation until nc gets back.
"That's fine," Nikolev replied. "We'll beam over as soon as you're subordinates return."
[time skip]
"If you're all ready," the Captain said, "We'll go ahead and return to the ship." With that, he activated his combadge and contacted the Powell. "Powell, this is Captain Nikolev; ten to beam up."
ooc: is that the right number. who exactly is coming?
The mismatched parties dematerialized from the conference room, and seconds later were standing within Transporter Room 1. There to meet them was Sulla, along with her immediate subordinate, Chief Watson.
"It's all right," Gantz assured them, "I had them meet us here. They were the security detail in SickBay. This is Ensign Sulla and Master Chief Amaro Watson."
The two nodded in response and led the party down the corridor. Goines and Romero left the party in their care, leaving for the SEAL Team's Ready Room. As they were led to two different Turbolifts Captain Nikolev explained the Akira-class and it's mission parameters. It was necssary to use two Turbolifts as SickBay was eleven decks up, located on Deck 4. As they regrouped and approached the hatch to SickBay, two more guards, this time regular Security Officers.
ooc: i think this is geting confusing. lemme know if i need to explain anything. and i'll let u handle sg-1 reactions to the ship.
OOC: Teal'c, Vala, Carter, Mitchell, Jackson
Teal'c and Mitchell both had there P90's, Teal'c bearing his twin P90's on his jacket, while the others where unarmed.
Teal'c answered the quizzical glance, "I have seen your show, and boardings occur frequently."
Mitchell shuddered, "I do not like that transporter. Ours is much more pleasant." He turned to Carter and asked, "Can we use ours next time?"
Carter rolled her eyes, "Sir, its up to them, I don't think the Asgard beaming technology will penetrate their shields."
Daniel held out his hand to the security detail, "Its a pleasure to meet you. I am Doctor Daniel Jackson, this is Vala Mal Doran, Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Colonel Samantha Carter, and Teal'c."
Mitchell was in awe as they where led through the ship, "Okay, one of these things will fit through the Supergate, can we buy one? This is quite the ship."
North Calaveras
26-02-2008, 01:10
The jaffa known as Chelnak sat in the brig aboard the Akira, he bashed against the shield, his black skin began to sweat as he was mad. His black tattoo on his indicated him as a soldier of the minor goa'uld Hermes. " Release me fools, and I will meet you battle." The jaffa seemed almost Klingon in nature.
Free United States
26-02-2008, 02:48
"Just so you know," Sulla said stoicly to Teal'c, "You're weapons were deactivated automatically by the transporter system."
Upon reaching the bay, the Captain turned to Daniel Jackson.
"Um, they're not very talkative," Captain Nikolev said as the detail stepped aside. Gantz nodded to them and the three Spec Ops members took up guard positions as they were relieved. The forcefield shimmered again as the Jaffa struck it, and Gantz brought the rifle to bear.
"Yeah, that's the reason you're still behind that field," Gantz replied to the prisoner's threat.
The American Privateer
26-02-2008, 03:27
"Just so you know," Sulla said stoicly to Teal'c, "You're weapons were deactivated automatically by the transporter system."
Upon reaching the bay, the Captain turned to Daniel Jackson.
"Um, they're not very talkative," Captain Nikolev said as the detail stepped aside. Gantz nodded to them and the three Spec Ops members took up guard positions as they were relieved. The forcefield shimmered again as the Jaffa struck it, and Gantz brought the rifle to bear.
"Yeah, that's the reason you're still behind that field," Gantz replied to the prisoner's threat.
Teal'c looked unsurprised, "Just like the Tollanans."
Teal'c stepped forward, showing himself to the Jaffa. "Do you insist on maintaining your slavery? And even then, to Hermes?"
"Easy Teal'c, don't get him too riled up." Mitchell warned, as he too stepped into view.
Amazonian Beasts
26-02-2008, 04:43
Romulan Space
A Alkesh not realizing that the two unvierses had met, stumbled into a fleet of Romulan vessels.
The Valdore-class warbird IRW Kanel Var, two D'Deridex warbirds, and several Shrike and Talon vessels - destroyers and raiders, roughly - had been monitering a questionable load of activity revolving around several Jem'Hadar battlecruisers in Romulan space - after all, the two powers certainly weren't friends, despite the tenative non-aggression pact - but having an unknown ship crash the party out of apparently nowhere was beyond comprehension.
Subadmiral Talas V'dir, commanding the Kanel Var, acted immediately, in standard Romulan fashion - cloaking the D'Deridex warbirds and having the remaining warships - seven including the Valdore-class - raise shields and weapons. The Valdore was easily a match for the newer Federation Sovereign-class and Klingon Negh'Var-class warships, and slightly stronger than the old D'Deridex warbirds - it was a powerful ship. The Shrikes and Talons - roughly comparable to Akira-class Federation ships and B'rel-class Klingon ships, respectively - weren't to the same caliber, but they were nontheless warships, capable of tough fighting.
V'dir didn't like this at all. The Romulan Star Empire was one of the most xenophobic civilizations around, in addition to being one of the most powerful - by stepping up production in allowing the Dominion to pass through their borders, the Star Empire could match the Klingon Empire ship-for-ship and still be alright, and while the Federation potentially had more vessels, their total power output wasn't up to snuff to the powerful, hulking Star Empire ships. The power of the disruptor compared to the phaser was a clear example, just as much the plasma torpedo to the photon torpedo.
Still, this new contact was completely unknown, if not surrounded as well. V'dir didn't want to bring something bad upon them with Jem'Hadar criss-crossing the Empire, however - better to try and assuage the situation right off the bat. Or, better yet, to turn a new race against the Dominion while keeping the Romulans out of it. Or even better, knock the Breen off the map, or attack the Federation - both nice possibilities. Accessing communications on the Kanel Var, V'dir activated visual and auditory communications with the unknown contact.
"This is Subadmiral Talas V'dir of the Romulan warbird IRW Kanel Var," he reported, somewhat icicly. "Your ship is in Romulan Imperial space, clearly designated. State your identity and intentions - we aren't looking for a fight."
Free United States
26-02-2008, 05:03
"Ok, stupid question," Gantz interjected. "Who's Hermes, who's this guy and what the Hell is going on?"
North Calaveras
26-02-2008, 07:24
OCC: while hermes was never mentioned in Stargate, it is possible that he was a goauld, along with many others.
Chelnak stood up " How dare you defy your god Hermes SHOLVA!!!" he spit as he yelled " I will kill you with my bare hands for this."
Romulan Empire:Contact space
The image of the Jaffa appeared on the Romulan vessles, this Jaffa was known as Bakard " People known as the Romulans, we are the servants of the one god Anubis."
"Where have they gone now?" Klag watched the tactical screen. His ship, the I.K.S. Gorkon, had been following an unknown contact towards Romulan space, but lost the signal.
"It has vanished," reported the bek at the sensor station. "One moment it was there, and the next-"
"Silence!" ordered Klag. "I want no excuses! Find that ship!" His crew scrambled around the sensor stations, trying to locate their prey. Klag sat back in his chair, thinking about a coming battle. Finally, an end to the bordom...
(OOC: Any good point for the Klingons to jump in?)
The American Privateer
26-02-2008, 16:16
"Ok, stupid question," Gantz interjected. "Who's Hermes, who's this guy and what the Hell is going on?"
"Hermes is a human, in whom a Goa'uld parasite, similar to the one being carried by Chelnak here has taken over. They curl up inside the brain of a sentient being, and take over their personality. So far the only Gods we can find that they haven't pretended to be are the Asgard and the Hebrew/Christian God." Dr. Jackson put in.
"though Sokar pretended to be Satan. Had a nice approximation of hell going on on his planet, before we blew it up and killed him." Carter added
OCC: while hermes was never mentioned in Stargate, it is possible that he was a goauld, along with many others.
Chelnak stood up " How dare you defy your god Hermes SHOLVA!!!" he spit as he yelled " I will kill you with my bare hands for this."
"You will try and you will fail." Teal'c said, "Just like all those who came before you in that threat. Now, tell me, what where you up to before you slipped into this universe."
"My people where taken from Earth millenia ago, and forced to become the Goa'uld's slaves and incubators. They forced us to worship them as gods, until we killed Apophis, my former master, most followed. We have killed many of them ever since."
Free United States
26-02-2008, 16:34
ooc: delkor, if i meet up w/ the romulans and their ships, i'll need backup, and seeing as how the Fed. and Klingon Empire are allies, i see no reason for you to not come to our...aid
"Ok, got it," Gantz said, "Next time, a simple, "he's the bad guy," would suffice."
ooc: i got he was a system lord, but from the standpoint of my chars. they'd have no clue what was going on.
North Calaveras
27-02-2008, 03:05
Chelnak smiled and shook his head " Your god was weak fool, together the gods will wipe out all those who oppose us, the gods have joined in against your evil, do what you wish, you will not convert me sholva.
OCC: Well I see Klingon empire and free jaffa nation joining forces.
The American Privateer
27-02-2008, 06:43
ooc: delkor, if i meet up w/ the romulans and their ships, i'll need backup, and seeing as how the Fed. and Klingon Empire are allies, i see no reason for you to not come to our...aid
"Ok, got it," Gantz said, "Next time, a simple, "he's the bad guy," would suffice."
ooc: i got he was a system lord, but from the standpoint of my chars. they'd have no clue what was going on.
Mitchell, "Trust me, it makes more sense this way"
Chelnak smiled and shook his head " Your god was weak fool, together the gods will wipe out all those who oppose us, the gods have joined in against your evil, do what you wish, you will not convert me sholva.
OCC: Well I see Klingon empire and free jaffa nation joining forces.
Teal'c spoke up then in amusement, "Hermes wasn't even a System Lord, and Apophis was. As was Sokar, Heru-ur, Ba'al, Cronus, Ra, Hathor, the list goes on and on. All of them slain by our hand. All because they are not Gods, but parasites. Now, what was the plan of Hermes. He must have been near the Supergate, or else you wouldn't have come through where you did." Teal'c's smile grew wider every time he was called a sholva.
Daniel's face fell slightly, "Amanuet..."
OOC: No argument there, the Klingons and Free Jaffa are very similar
North Calaveras
27-02-2008, 07:29
Mitchell, "Trust me, it makes more sense this way"
Teal'c spoke up then in amusement, "Hermes wasn't even a System Lord, and Apophis was. As was Sokar, Heru-ur, Ba'al, Cronus, Ra, Hathor, the list goes on and on. All of them slain by our hand. All because they are not Gods, but parasites. Now, what was the plan of Hermes. He must have been near the Supergate, or else you wouldn't have come through where you did." Teal'c's smile grew wider every time he was called a sholva.
Daniel's face fell slightly, "Amanuet..."
OOC: No argument there, the Klingons and Free Jaffa are very similar
OCC: many system lords were killed by the replicators so Hermes was one of some other goa'ulds who abosorded the dead lords armys, the main systems lords at the moment that have gotten power are. Anubis, Hermes, Aries, Osiris, Baal, Kali, Amunet, Zeus, Hades, (represented by Red tinted jaffa), and Athena. and Dakara is under jaffa control btw.
Chelnaks tattoo sweated, his gods symbol, a foot with wings in a sandal. " Tealc, you are coward, meet me in battle and I will show you who is right and who is wrong, your so called Free Jaffa nation is nothing, it will fall in a day."
The American Privateer
27-02-2008, 14:18
OCC: many system lords were killed by the replicators so Hermes was one of some other goa'ulds who abosorded the dead lords armys, the main systems lords at the moment that have gotten power are. Anubis, Hermes, Aries, Osiris, Baal, Kali, Amunet, Zeus, Hades, (represented by Red tinted jaffa), and Athena. and Dakara is under jaffa control btw.
Chelnaks tattoo sweated, his gods symbol, a foot with wings in a sandal. " Tealc, you are coward, meet me in battle and I will show you who is right and who is wrong, your so called Free Jaffa nation is nothing, it will fall in a day."
Teal'c responded to that with his characteristic smirk, "I killed Imhotep with my bare hands. Though Hermes may have gained power due to the replicators, he is still not as strong as Imohtep was. Now, what was Hermes doing with an Al'kesh so close to the Supergate?"
OOC: Amanuet died before the replicators attacked. She was in the body of Share, remember? As for Ba'al, I think he was a clone by this point. So replace Amanuet with Yu, and don't forget Camulus or Amaterasu, both of whom where still powerful and hadn't made the trip to SG-1 yet in your timeline.
Free United States
27-02-2008, 16:26
"I say we de-wrm the guy and throw it out the nearest airlock," Gantz stated loudly, stopping the two Jaffa from their shouting match. The prisoner seemed to turn pale at the Operative's suggestion.
"Lieutenant, you're out of line," Captain Nikolev said. "Starfleet's mission-"
"General Order 24, Captain," Gantz interjected. "If a commanding officer deems that an individual or group of individuals pose a threat to Starfleet personnel or Federation civilians, he may take any action deemed necessary (including the use of force) to secure the safety of those threatened," he quoted. "I think this qualifies."
"You forget General Order 2," the Captain answered, "Which bars us from using unnecessary force."
"If it gets him to talk, it wasn't unnecessary," Gantz answered.
"Well, how 'bout it?" Lt. Commander Judge asked, turning to the prisoner. "Should we allow you to continue this shouting match, or leave you in the hands of our Special Forces?"
All eyes turned on the one called Chelnak, waiting for his response. As he was about to speak, Commander Fireze contacted the Captain.
"What is it?" Nikolev asked, turning away from the scene before he could hear the answer.
"Captain, the Shugart has arrived," Fireze reported. "They reported Romulan activity close to the NZ on their way here."
"Bring us alongside them, and extend our scan range," the Captain ordered. "Keep us on Red Alert for the time being."
ooc: i'll wait for NC to give chelnak's answer to our bluff. my SOF may be gruffer than the regular fleet, but they're still starfleet.
ps: has anyone tried star trek: legacy?
PPS: the shugart's registry is actualy NCC-93103-C. can u tell i'm using dates?
ps: has anyone tried star trek: legacy?
OOC: ok game, but i missed the old Federation Dreadnaught. Where was that in the game? otherwise, it was ok...
The American Privateer
27-02-2008, 16:46
"I say we de-wrm the guy and throw it out the nearest airlock," Gantz stated loudly, stopping the two Jaffa from their shouting match. The prisoner seemed to turn pale at the Operative's suggestion.
"Lieutenant, you're out of line," Captain Nikolev said. "Starfleet's mission-"
"General Order 24, Captain," Gantz interjected. "If a commanding officer deems that an individual or group of individuals pose a threat to Starfleet personnel or Federation civilians, he may take any action deemed necessary (including the use of force) to secure the safety of those threatened," he quoted. "I think this qualifies."
"You forget General Order 2," the Captain answered, "Which bars us from using unnecessary force."
"If it gets him to talk, it wasn't unnecessary," Gantz answered.
"Well, how 'bout it?" Lt. Commander Judge asked, turning to the prisoner. "Should we allow you to continue this shouting match, or leave you in the hands of our Special Forces?"
All eyes turned on the one called Chelnak, waiting for his response. As he was about to speak, Commander Fireze contacted the Captain.
"What is it?" Nikolev asked, turning away from the scene before he could hear the answer.
"Captain, the Shugart has arrived," Fireze reported. "They reported Romulan activity close to the NZ on their way here."
"Bring us alongside them, and extend our scan range," the Captain ordered. "Keep us on Red Alert for the time being."
ooc: i'll wait for NC to give chelnak's answer to our bluff. my SOF may be gruffer than the regular fleet, but they're still starfleet.
ps: has anyone tried star trek: legacy?
PPS: the shugart's registry is actualy NCC-93103-C. can u tell i'm using dates?
Teal'c stopped then, "I don't have enough Tretonin on board the APollo to keep Chelnak alive. I can give your doctor a sample if you would like to use it."
Free United States
27-02-2008, 16:57
"Actually," Gantz said to Teal'c, "I had just planned on letting him die, but maybe I can use that stuff every now and then...just enough so he doesn't." He had to keep the act up, hoping the Jaffa was gullible enough to think Gantz would actually go through with it.
ooc: federation dreadnought? like, a sovereign-class?
North Calaveras
28-02-2008, 01:37
alright, amunet is gone, replaced by Yu, Camules, Amaterasu
Chelnak had a slight frown " You may begin torturing me, I will tell you nothing." He started to calm down, as he was in an almost state of kelnorem(forgot how to spell it)
System Lords Meeting
The System lords, now as a united faction, had been discussing on there battle arrangements. Lord Yu stood up " I suggest a policy in which if an enemy attacks Goa'uld territory, the full force of the system lords should be brought against them, for if one of us falls, surely the enemy will want more." There were nods and deep pitched whispers of aggreement, and that was that for the issue. Anubis put his hand up, his cloak touching the floor, covering his black-liquid like face " That is settled and agreed, as for my contribution, you will bee supplyed with Kull warriors and ascended technology, such as upgraded hatak's and weaponary." Osiris turned her head " We have had interesting reports of new nations appearing on our sensors, and we have no idea where they have come from, my scientists are saying an alternate universe." Nerus then came in and explained, he was a minor goa'uld scientist, who was close with Baal. Aries was now the center of attention as he and Athena both agreed on a battle strategy " First of all, we must stop fighting our enemys the same way we fought eachother, falling back should be an option. As was seen with the replicators, they came close to wiping us out, because we kept trying to keep even the smallest planets" They all looked down slightly, they remeber the mechanical horror which had been the replicators. Athena continued Aries explanation " We must also worry about inside threats, like the rebel Jaffa, intellegence has it that they have infiltrators amongst us, we have no information of the Tolk'ra at the moment. I would advise you all to highten alert within your realms, and report everything." More nods came, Aries and Athena had somewhat become the Goa'uld generals. As a united force, the Goa'uld might actually get something done with the barbarians at the gates.
The American Privateer
28-02-2008, 01:54
"Actually," Gantz said to Teal'c, "I had just planned on letting him die, but maybe I can use that stuff every now and then...just enough so he doesn't." He had to keep the act up, hoping the Jaffa was gullible enough to think Gantz would actually go through with it.
ooc: federation dreadnought? like, a sovereign-class?
Teal'c reached down and grabbed his belt pouch with his First Aid Kit in it. He opened it up and pulled out a vial of Tretonin. "Be careful not to use this on your own population, as it will remove their immune system entirely. Due to the genetic modification done unto our people, we require the Goa'uld symbiote in our pouch to allow us to survive. Tretonin replaces that."
alright, amunet is gone, replaced by Yu, Camules, Amaterasu
Chelnak had a slight frown " You may begin torturing me, I will tell you nothing." He started to calm down, as he was in an almost state of kelnorem(forgot how to spell it)
Mitchell spoke up as he watched the Jaffa slipping into Kel'Norem. "Teal'c do you ever miss not needing to sleep?"
"All the time Colonel Mitchell. However, I do not miss being a slave."
Free United States
28-02-2008, 05:55
"Captain," Gantz said, taking Nikolev aside. "I'm just as hesitant about using coersion as you are, but I believe it will be necessary to let him think we are capable of it."
"What do you suggest, Lieutenant?"
"We'll bluff as long as possible," Gantz replied. "The Doctor will monitor his progress. If he approaches a dangerous state, we'll halt the procedure. Of course, we'll only get one shot at this."
"At the slightest hint-"
"I'll stop it myself," Marcus finished.
A half hour later, Gantz returned to the brig with a medical team. Readying their weapons, they lowered the forcefield and approached the meditating Jaffa. Several monitoring systems were set up, and a piece of technology was adhered to the Jaffa's temples. Stepping back out of the cell, the forcefield was raised again. Gantz ignored the requests by the members of SG-1. He pressed a button on a PADD and Chelnak snapped awake.
"See this on your head?" Gantz taunted, "It's called a neural inhibitor. It can be used to a limited extent to control the transmission of information through the neural pathways. You're human enough that we can keep you awake with this almost indefinitely. Whatver you're doing, it won't help you if you can't reach it." He stepped away from the forcefield. "Now, I can turn this off any time I want. But first, you're gonna give us information. There's an old Earth saying, "Bread for bread; blood for blood." I don't want to kill you, but I won't lose any sleep over it either." Gantz turned to all the others assembled, "C'mon, let him think it over a while."
The Security detail led the group out of the brig, and Gantz suggested the members of SG-1 be given staterooms. It seemed like this was going to take a while.
ooc: like i said, he's not really this brutal; it's all a bluff. (albeit a dangerous one)
North Calaveras
28-02-2008, 07:12
Chelnak stood awake for hours, until his fatigue was kicking in " I will say nothing sholva, you will all day in Hades fire, as Hermes will send you there for this act of evil..." his eyes had crows feet under them, and his headed kept nodding.
Free United States
28-02-2008, 16:41
Chelnak stood awake for hours, until his fatigue was kicking in " I will say nothing sholva, you will all day in Hades fire, as Hermes will send you there for this act of evil..." his eyes had crows feet under them, and his headed kept nodding.
ooc: can i assume he might say something in his delusion? if not, i will re-edit my post.
"A...united faction," Chelnak muttered in his daze. Gantz, who had taken over the watch, leaned in closer.
"What's a united faction?" he asked.
"System...lords," Chelnak continued, not as an answer, but part of his growing delirium. " generals."
"Lieutenant," the supervising medical officer warned, "He's almost at the limit, we have to pull him out."
"Fine. Do it," Gantz muttered in frustration.
SOF Team VI Ready Room
On permament standby, the members of Team VI spent most of their off hours in the Ready Room, waiting for their call to action. Sitting at a table playing cards, Sulla, along with Chief Watson, Crewmen Malora Hart and Rick Luna mulled over the recent 'activity' as Sulla liked to describe it. Their chatter was interrupted as Gantz walked in.
"Good afternoon, sir," Sulla greeted him, not looking up from the game.
"Sir, care to join us?" Hart asked. "We're powerless against Sulla's pokerface."
"Vulcans are like that," Gantz said as he ordered a coffee from the replicator and took a seat. He placed his mug close to Sulla's cup of tea.
"Is something wrong, sir?" Sulla-of course-asked.
"We had to stop the procedure. He started to talk towards the end...but he was going too far over the edge."
"Sir, may I suggest," Sulla began, placing her cards on the table, much to the chagrin of those present as they all folded. "May I suggest a mind-meld."
"If you think you can, we'll try it," Gantz answered. "Though I've never had much faith in it."
"Faith is not necessary," she answered, taking a sip of her tea.
ooc: i almost forgot, i gotta vulcan!
North Calaveras
29-02-2008, 03:26
OCC: Dont do it often, but sure it was ok.
Chelnak fell into kelnorem, trying to regain his strength. His words were few but powerful that he spoke to his captors.
Near Alkesh destruction.
A Hatak exited orbit, the Hatak bore Hermes as he came to investigate after the report was given that an Alkesh had been destroyed from an unknown force.
The American Privateer
29-02-2008, 08:15
ooc: can i assume he might say something in his delusion? if not, i will re-edit my post.
"A...united faction," Chelnak muttered in his daze. Gantz, who had taken over the watch, leaned in closer.
"What's a united faction?" he asked.
"System...lords," Chelnak continued, not as an answer, but part of his growing delirium. " generals."
"Lieutenant," the supervising medical officer warned, "He's almost at the limit, we have to pull him out."
"Fine. Do it," Gantz muttered in frustration.
SOF Team VI Ready Room
On permament standby, the members of Team VI spent most of their off hours in the Ready Room, waiting for their call to action. Sitting at a table playing cards, Sulla, along with Chief Watson, Crewmen Malora Hart and Rick Luna mulled over the recent 'activity' as Sulla liked to describe it. Their chatter was interrupted as Gantz walked in.
"Good afternoon, sir," Sulla greeted him, not looking up from the game.
"Sir, care to join us?" Hart asked. "We're powerless against Sulla's pokerface."
"Vulcans are like that," Gantz said as he ordered a coffee from the replicator and took a seat. He placed his mug close to Sulla's cup of tea.
"Is something wrong, sir?" Sulla-of course-asked.
"We had to stop the procedure. He started to talk towards the end...but he was going too far over the edge."
"Sir, may I suggest," Sulla began, placing her cards on the table, much to the chagrin of those present as they all folded. "May I suggest a mind-meld."
"If you think you can, we'll try it," Gantz answered. "Though I've never had much faith in it."
"Faith is not necessary," she answered, taking a sip of her tea.
ooc: i almost forgot, i gotta vulcan!
OOC: lol
Teal'c made his way to the brig, hoping to watch the investigation. Whatever they where going, might prove useful for the SGC in the future.
As they removed the devices, Teal'c knew that Chelnak was near the point where Kelnorem became neccessary. He decided to stay and watch after Gantz left, hoping to see something new.
OCC: Dont do it often, but sure it was ok.
Chelnak fell into kelnorem, trying to regain his strength. His words were few but powerful that he spoke to his captors.
Near Alkesh destruction.
A Hatak exited orbit, the Hatak bore Hermes as he came to investigate after the report was given that an Alkesh had been destroyed from an unknown force.
Mitchell and Carter where hanging out in the Mess Hall when the Ha'Tak dropped out of hyperspace. They took one look at it, and shouted out for directions to the bridge. As soon as they got it, they ran for the bridge, bumping people out of the way as necessary.
The two of them ran past Daniel's door as they went, pounding it. Daniel looked out, his hair and clothes rumpled, and joined them.
Free United States
29-02-2008, 15:17
OOC: lol
Teal'c made his way to the brig, hoping to watch the investigation. Whatever they where going, might prove useful for the SGC in the future.
As they removed the devices, Teal'c knew that Chelnak was near the point where Kelnorem became neccessary. He decided to stay and watch after Gantz left, hoping to see something new.
Mitchell and Carter where hanging out in the Mess Hall when the Ha'Tak dropped out of hyperspace. They took one look at it, and shouted out for directions to the bridge. As soon as they got it, they ran for the bridge, bumping people out of the way as necessary.
The two of them ran past Daniel's door as they went, pounding it. Daniel looked out, his hair and clothes rumpled, and joined them.
Teal'c walked in just as Sulla was preparing herself. Aside from the guard and Gantz standing to her side, they were alone in the cell block.
"Please," Sulla said as he approached them, "I need to concentrate." With that, she placed her hand on Chelnaks face and recited, "Your thoughts to my thoughts; my mind to your mind."
The crew of the bridge, now in command of Commander Judge, looked up as the members of SG-1 barged in. Judge had been speaking with the Captain, and as they were about to ask the situation, he stopped them.
"The Captain wants you in the *TIC. I'm on my way, so follow me."
Twice as large as the bridge, the Tactical Information Center was set up to handle all flight operations of the ship. While it was usually under the command of the First Officer, Captain Nikolev took a hands-on approach to the combat operations of the Powell. In the center, a large holohraphic display showed the Powell's current location, its support ship the Shugart, and surrounding space, the Ha'tak vessel cordoned off by a red outline. Already, pilots of the 5th Spacefighter Wing were preparing for launch. Within the space of a few minutes, all forty Kaneda-class fighters were prepared on the flight deck.
"You're late," Nikolev told Commander Judge and SG-1. He turned to the Ops station, "Open a channel. This is the Federation warship USS Colin Powell. You have entered our territory. Stand down weapons and respond on this frequency."
Judge took his station on one of the center consoles. "No response. The ship is still approaching."
"Any suggestions?" Nikole asked SG-1 before cueing the comm system again. "USS Colin Powell to any nearby allied ships; we are requesting your assistance."
ooc: delkor, that's your queue
*according to this site: , the akira has a fighter compliment. i think this wa shown in ds9...
The American Privateer
29-02-2008, 16:22
Teal'c walked in just as Sulla was preparing herself. Aside from the guard and Gantz standing to her side, they were alone in the cell block.
"Please," Sulla said as he approached them, "I need to concentrate." With that, she placed her hand on Chelnaks face and recited, "Your thoughts to my thoughts; my mind to your mind."
The crew of the bridge, now in command of Commander Judge, looked up as the members of SG-1 barged in. Judge had been speaking with the Captain, and as they were about to ask the situation, he stopped them.
"The Captain wants you in the *TIC. I'm on my way, so follow me."
Twice as large as the bridge, the Tactical Information Center was set up to handle all flight operations of the ship. While it was usually under the command of the First Officer, Captain Nikolev took a hands-on approach to the combat operations of the Powell. In the center, a large holohraphic display showed the Powell's current location, its support ship the Shugart, and surrounding space, the Ha'tak vessel cordoned off by a red outline. Already, pilots of the 5th Spacefighter Wing were preparing for launch. Within the space of a few minutes, all forty Kaneda-class fighters were prepared on the flight deck.
"You're late," Nikolev told Commander Judge and SG-1. He turned to the Ops station, "Open a channel. This is the Federation warship USS Colin Powell. You have entered our territory. Stand down weapons and respond on this frequency."
Judge took his station on one of the center consoles. "No response. The ship is still approaching."
"Any suggestions?" Nikole asked SG-1 before cueing the comm system again. "USS Colin Powell to any nearby allied ships; we are requesting your assistance."
ooc: delkor, that's your queue
*according to this site: , the akira has a fighter compliment. i think this wa shown in ds9...
OOC: No argument there.
"Those things have strong shields, but based on the energy output of your weapons, I wouldn't be worried. Be ware of their Death Gliders. I don't know how strong the weapons on your fighters are, but the Death Gliders can be nasty buggers. I would suggest avoiding that window in the center of the ship's front and using the Shugart to circle around behind. More than likely, that ship is carrying Hermes. And we want to capture him alive." Mitchell spoke up.
Daniel joined in then, "If your lucky, Hermes will still be in his sarcophagus and thus will survive if the ship blows up."
"Captain! Message from a Federation ship!"
Klag turned is his chair, "What message? What is it?"
"They are asking for help!" At this, the entire bridge crew began to laugh.
Klag stood up. "Help? What a surprise. Leskit!"
"Course already plotted," said Leskit, the pilot.
"Good. Get us their. And send a reply back to that ship. Inform them that REAL warriors are coming to the battle!"
"Federation vessel, this is the I.K.S. Gorkon. We are responding to your call for help, and will be there shortly."
ooc: federation dreadnought? like, a sovereign-class?
No, from the original series. In Legacy, the Kirk-era battleship is a weird twin-hull ship. I was hoping for the Federation-class ( dreadnaught from the Starfleet Technical Manual, but oh well...
Free United States
29-02-2008, 17:33
"Captain! Message from a Federation ship!"
Klag turned is his chair, "What message? What is it?"
"They are asking for help!" At this, the entire bridge crew began to laugh.
Klag stood up. "Help? What a surprise. Leskit!"
"Course already plotted," said Leskit, the pilot.
"Good. Get us their. And send a reply back to that ship. Inform them that REAL warriors are coming to the battle!"
No, from the original series. In Legacy, the Kirk-era battleship is a weird twin-hull ship. I was hoping for the Federation-class ( dreadnaught from the Starfleet Technical Manual, but oh well...
ooc: oddly reminiscent of the galaxy-x class from "all good things..."
"Tell the Gorkon that the goal is to disable the vessel, and if possible, to keep it from retreating," Nikolev ordered. "Get me the Shugart."
In a moment, the face of the Shugart's captain, Captain George Pembroke-Smythe was placed on the display screen.
"Got these blokes outnumbered, don't we?" he asked Nikolev.
"That we do, Gordo," he answered his friend. "Attack pattern Sierra. Try and outflank 'em as we draw their fire. Our shields are better than yours."
"The Shuge will show you why she's the best of the fleet," Pembroke-Smythe retorted before cutting off the transmission.
"Sir, we have multiple contacts emerging from the ship."
"Must be those death gliders of theirs," Judge replied.
"Launch fighters. Get those damned things out of my sky," Nikolev barked. "Set course *040-045. Fire at will. Let's try and disable the blasted thing this time around, though."
The Powell opened up, its dorsal array phasers lashing out as a spread of four quantum torpedoes found their marks on the Goa'uld ha'tak vessel. From the Powell's starboard, the Shugart fired its weapons, three direct hits from its phaser banks and two photon torpedoes.
*for those who don't know course layouts, this would bring the Powell 'below' and to the 'right' of the ha'tak, while the shugart is going high and to the 'left.' i put these directions in hash marks because there is no direction in 3d space.
ooc: am i putting the apostrophes in the right places?
ooc: oddly reminiscent of the galaxy-x class from "all good things..."
OOC: Where do you think that Galaxy-X came from? Do a Wikipedia search for 'constitution class' and scroll down until you see 'Federation-class'. Click on that.
"Aproaching the system," reported Leskit.
"All weapons ready!" said Taq, the 1st officer.
"Drop from warp!" ordered Klag. "Give me a target!" The Gorkon ( dropped out of warp at the edge of the battle. Taq watched the sensor readouts. "Two Starfleet vessels engaging an unknown ship. Multiple small craft also engaged."
"Sir! I have the target!" cried the weapons officer.
"Send them to Grethor!" The Gorkon's weapons opened up, nearly a dozen disruptor beams shot out towards the alien vessel...
Free United States
29-02-2008, 18:15
OOC: Where do you think that Galaxy-X came from? Do a Wikipedia search for 'constitution class' and scroll down until you see 'Federation-class'. Click on that.
"Aproaching the system," reported Leskit.
"All weapons ready!" said Taq, the 1st officer.
"Drop from warp!" ordered Klag. "Give me a target!" The Gorkon ( dropped out of warp at the edge of the battle. Taq watched the sensor readouts. "Two Starfleet vessels engaging an unknown ship. Multiple small craft also engaged."
"Sir! I have the target!" cried the weapons officer.
"Send them to Grethor!" The Gorkon's weapons opened up, nearly a dozen disruptor beams shot out towards the alien vessel...
ooc: the 'future' enterprise-d was referred as a galaxy-x class in a game. here's a photo:
"Welcome to the party," Nikolev messaged the Gorkon. "Qu'pla!"
Auburn Hill
29-02-2008, 18:21
ooc: the 'future' enterprise-d was referred as a galaxy-x class in a game.
OOC: I know, as I like that ship MUCH better then the regular Galazy-class. But the Federation-class was created back in the 70's, and was one of the great never-seen ships of Star Trek...
Free United States
29-02-2008, 18:27
OOC: I know, as I like that ship MUCH better then the regular Galazy-class. But the Federation-class was created back in the 70's, and was one of the great never-seen ships of Star Trek...
ooc: are u delkor?
Amazonian Beasts
29-02-2008, 22:25
Romulan Empire:Contact space
The image of the Jaffa appeared on the Romulan vessles, this Jaffa was known as Bakard " People known as the Romulans, we are the servants of the one god Anubis."
OOC: Shoot, I really am behind the ball here...
V'dir had no idea how these interstellar people had known their civilization name, much less who these people were or how they'd broken through Romulan border space. Psychologically, however, V'dir was able to break down a few things quickly. Religion was clearly their most important article - no reason to include it before anything else otherwise. If so (which was likely), than the Romulans had to be especially careful. Religious fanatics could make great allies depending on the time, but such relationships were drastically fragile. One false step could result in complete breakdowns. The fact that the Star Empire was secular in nature further complicted things.
"It is the Romulan Star Empire's to initiate first contact," V'dir said like a statesman. Every word was picked. "How did you come into venturing Romulan space?"
It was a no-lose question that was simply looking for information - nothing to get them riled up about.
Free United States
01-03-2008, 06:31
USS Colin Powell NCC-193745-B
"Sir, shields are still holding," Lt. Commander Judge reported. His report was punctuated by a shudder from a weapon's impact.
"Bring us about for another pass, target their shield generators," Nikolev ordered.
Another pair of death gliders lined up to attack the Powell, but they were countered by a Kaneda fighter. Its six phaser banks fired in succession, and the pair exploded in a silent blossom of flame.
ooc: really just waiting for other posts...
The American Privateer
01-03-2008, 06:34
The Apollo read weapons fire from the other side of the gate, and passed through.
Arriving in the midst of the battle, Colonel Ellis drove the ship forward. He ordered his weapons to fire on the Ha'Tak, focusing on the shield systems and the hyperdrive engines.
Asgard plasma weapons lanced out from the Apollo, their energy outputs carefully modulated to damage the enemy ship and not destroy it.
As it approached, it deployed a full wing of F-302's, each of which moved to dogfight the enemy death gliders.
"This is Colonel Ellis, Figured you could use some help over here."
North Calaveras
01-03-2008, 22:22
OCC: kinda cheap, cause the hatak is a powerful ship, but i will let you have those hits on it.
The bridge shook " My lord, our shields are down to 50%, I am requesting assitance from nearby vessles, three Ha'tak have asnwerd the call my lord." Hermes smiled as his eyes glowed " Fire..." Large yellow blasts of energy from the staff cannons flew out to meet the Federation vessle that was carrying Chelnak. Two more squandrons of Death Gliders flew out to meet there federation counter-parts, firing staff cannons
Free United States
02-03-2008, 05:24
Brig, USS Colin Powell
"I can't get much," Sulla admited after breaking contact. "But I think I learned the layout of that ship attacking us."
"That'll be good. Once their shields are weakened, we can plan an assault plan," Gantz answered. He triggered his comm "Captain, this is Gantz.
"I'm a bit busy at the moment," Nikolev answered, bracing from another blast. "Go ahead."
"Sulla found out the layout of the ship. We're formulating an assault plan now."
"Good," Nikolev answered. "Who'll you bring?"
"SG-1 should go along with us, but I'd like to leave Bravo behind."
ooc: i'll say more. this is just part of a larger post coming later.
Free United States
03-03-2008, 16:10
ooc: where is everybody?
"From our intel and the information you've provided us," Gantz began, "We'll infiltrate the Ha'tak vessel here," he continued, indicating a point on the holographic ships display.
He braced as the ship shuddered from another blow. Even though the battle was ongoing, Gantz was confident the 'CP' would emerge victorious. So in the meantime, they were briefing the assault of the Goa'uld vessel. Within the Ready Room, quarters has become cramped as both elements of Team VI were crowded in along with their allied SG-1 Team.
"From our Insertion Point, our teams will split into two. The first will move along this corridor with the goal of capturing the control center and Hermes. The Second unit will move down this corridor," he pointed, "And cut off any escape routes; transporters and ships. Any questions?"
"Who'll be on the teams?" Sulla asked. Even though she wasn't going, as head of Bravo, she would be on standby if needed.
"Team I will consist of myself, Romero, Colonel Mitchell and Dr. Jackson. Goines will lead Team II which will consist of the remainder of both teams. Any objections? If not, engines up in two hours."
North Calaveras
04-03-2008, 01:10
OCC: idk
The bridge shook again, this time the impact hit the ship directly, causeing hull damage. " My lord, our shields are down, I would suspect that they will board us, I have orderd the Jaffa and your personal guard(hermes personal guards look like horus guards.)" Hermes smiled " Very well, I trust you as my first prime that you will do what it takes." " Yes my lord.." he left the bridge to rally his troops, while Hermes kept firing at the vessle.
ooc: are u delkor?
OOC: oops, logged in with my other nation. And yes.
Regular squirrels
04-03-2008, 16:21
henson Rukal chased the six of one of the alien vessals, fired, watched as the poor guy exploded and continued to search for targets.
The ship shuddered from the weapons from the enemy fighters. Klag continued to ignore them, concentrating on the bigger threat. "Fire torpedoes! Target the engines!"
"Their shilds have collapsed!"
Klag Jumped from his chair, "All cannons! FIRE!" The Gorkon opened up with all of its disruptors, attempting to take advantage of the enemy's new weakness...
Free United States
04-03-2008, 16:54
ooc: squirrels, who're you?
"Gorkon, cease fire, cease fire," the Ops officer reported. "Friendlies in your line of fire."
The members of Team VI led SG-1 into the flight deck, now clear since it was devoid of fighters. Sitting at rest were two modified Type-XI shuttles. Instead of the gleaming tritanium of other Starfleet spacecraft, these had a distinctive blackened paint scheme, with subdued markings of the Starfleet delta symbol and the words, "30th SOAR," scrolled along its side. The teams split into their combined fireteams, and there they met with the pilots and copilots of the specialized shuttles. They wore the same black jumpsuit as the Spec Ops, and wore phasers in the same hip holster.
"All right, they'll get us over there, teleport us aboard and wait for our return," Gantz explained. "Mitchell, since you're familiar with these guys, you'll take point. Dr. Jackson, you'll stay behind me, and Romero will watch your six. We ready? All right, let's go."
Regular squirrels
04-03-2008, 19:04
ooc: I am a lowly henson who wished to attempt some role-play. Am I not allowed to join?
The American Privateer
04-03-2008, 19:48
ooc: where is everybody?
"From our intel and the information you've provided us," Gantz began, "We'll infiltrate the Ha'tak vessel here," he continued, indicating a point on the holographic ships display.
He braced as the ship shuddered from another blow. Even though the battle was ongoing, Gantz was confident the 'CP' would emerge victorious. So in the meantime, they were briefing the assault of the Goa'uld vessel. Within the Ready Room, quarters has become cramped as both elements of Team VI were crowded in along with their allied SG-1 Team.
"From our Insertion Point, our teams will split into two. The first will move along this corridor with the goal of capturing the control center and Hermes. The Second unit will move down this corridor," he pointed, "And cut off any escape routes; transporters and ships. Any questions?"
"Who'll be on the teams?" Sulla asked. Even though she wasn't going, as head of Bravo, she would be on standby if needed.
"Team I will consist of myself, Romero, Colonel Mitchell and Dr. Jackson. Goines will lead Team II which will consist of the remainder of both teams. Any objections? If not, engines up in two hours."
Daniel stepped forward, "These vessels aren't like what you are expecting. First of all, they do not have beaming technology. The beaming technology that we possess is based off of Asgard, and not Goa'uld. They are restricted to Ring Transporters that require a second set of Ring Transporters for ship to ship transport. These Ring Transporters send out a visible Matter Stream that can be intercepted. We possess a small number of Tel'chak cargo vessels that can be used to intercept that matter stream."
Teal'c picked up there, "Also, they do not have internal sensors, which means that they have patrols that move them regularly, looking for stowaways and, well, us. Otherwise, most of their forces are based around those Ring Transport Platforms. Their weapons are energy based, similar to your own, though based off of large amounts of energy in a less accurate form. We have developed a plating for our armored vests that will protect us from their Staff Weapons. The other one we have to look out for is the Zat'nikatel. These fire a cohesive beam of energy. One shot will stun, two will kill, three will disintegrate. The last one is the Hand Device. These are worn by the Goa'uld only, and allows them to project an energy field around themselves. tranquilizer darts fired by CO2 and gas weapons will pass through those fields. We have plenty of these systems that you can use in the fight."
Mitchell spoke up next, "We also have a second SG team on Apollo. SG-11, a United States Marine Corps Fireteam, that can be used to supplement an assault. If we want to take over the ship, then we should send the second team to the central core to try and take it over. Carter has re-wired a few Ha'taks in her time, and seems to have a knack for it. Combined with Mala Val Doran, a former Goa'uld Host and Teal'c, the former First Prime of the Goa'uld Apophis, we should be able to do it fairly quickly."
Free United States
04-03-2008, 19:51
ooc: as you can tell, my sg-1 knowledge is rusty. also, if u think two teams won't be enough, there is a second squad of Team VI. i've sorta rp-ed us assaulting the ha'tak, though.
Free United States
04-03-2008, 19:52
ooc: I am a lowly henson who wished to attempt some role-play. Am I not allowed to join?
ooc: well, its not my rp. you'll have to ask. all of us used the sign-up forum to join.
The American Privateer
04-03-2008, 19:57
ooc: squirrels, who're you?
"Gorkon, cease fire, cease fire," the Ops officer reported. "Friendlies in your line of fire."
The members of Team VI led SG-1 into the flight deck, now clear since it was devoid of fighters. Sitting at rest were two modified Type-XI shuttles. Instead of the gleaming tritanium of other Starfleet spacecraft, these had a distinctive blackened paint scheme, with subdued markings of the Starfleet delta symbol and the words, "30th SOAR," scrolled along its side. The teams split into their combined fireteams, and there they met with the pilots and copilots of the specialized shuttles. They wore the same black jumpsuit as the Spec Ops, and wore phasers in the same hip holster.
"All right, they'll get us over there, teleport us aboard and wait for our return," Gantz explained. "Mitchell, since you're familiar with these guys, you'll take point. Dr. Jackson, you'll stay behind me, and Romero will watch your six. We ready? All right, let's go."
Jackson hefted the Phaser rifle, looking annoyed at Gantz for telling him to stay back. He switched the phaser over to stun, and shouldered it, pulling out his Zat gun. Mitchell checked his P-90 and led the way, focused on trying to hear the sound of Jaffa boots on the decking.
In the other team, Teal'c took point, his twin P-90's pointed forward. As he made his way down, Carter took up position behind him, with Vala taking up position in the middle of the Federation team. She and Daniel shared a significant look before they separated.
The American Privateer
04-03-2008, 20:18
ooc: as you can tell, my sg-1 knowledge is rusty. also, if u think two teams won't be enough, there is a second squad of Team VI. i've sorta rp-ed us assaulting the ha'tak, though.
OOC: I just want to call in a second SG teams because SG-12 is fully named, and has experience working with SG-1. Not to mention that they are all named but otherwise blank slates.
Free United States
04-03-2008, 23:24
OOC: I just want to call in a second SG teams because SG-12 is fully named, and has experience working with SG-1. Not to mention that they are all named but otherwise blank slates.
ooc: ok, but Bravo will stay behind as backup still
They stayed in single file, with Gantz covering the opposite side Mitchell was covering. The same was with Romero doing the same behind Jackson. It looked strange to Gantz for Jackson to be hefting the rifle, but under the circumstances, there was no other option. He was a bit disconcerted that he'd switched the weapon over to stun. Marcus dashed away the thought and focused on the mission at hand. He only hoped the second fireteam was doing well.
The American Privateer
05-03-2008, 00:23
With the now familiar clanging woosh and blue aura, SG-12 beamed over to a position near the command bridge. They all pulled out Zat guns and lined up for a breach.
Major Hadden took point on the left side of the door, with Lt. Conway behind him, and Stevens across the way. Lieutenant McKenzie ran up to the door and set it to open. As soon as it opened, Major Hadden led the way in, followed by McKenzie, Stevens and Conway. They filled the first room they entered, not the bridge, with blue lightning and the sound of a zat.
"Captain! The humans request we stop shooting!"
"WHAT?!" Klag stomped over to the comm station. "Let me here that!" he said.
"Gorkon, cease fire, cease fire. Friendlies in your line of fire."
"They must intend on boarding the ship," he said after a moment. "Very well. Taq!"
"Yes sir?"
"Cease firing on the enemy ship! Begin to target the smaller attackers. And open a channel to the Federation vessel..."
"This is Klag, captain of the Gorkon. I will hold fire or now. But if the enemy begins to fire again, I will destroy it. Let us hope you are successful. Qua'pla!"
Free United States
05-03-2008, 17:07
USS Colin Powell
"Captain, incoming transmission from the Gorkon," the Comm Officer announced. The TIC viewed the message with bemused grins. You just had to love the Klingons.
"Captain Klag," Nikolev answered in a hail, "Our assault teams are already aboard, and the latest report is that they're about to capture the command center. This is indeed a success."
North Calaveras
06-03-2008, 01:06
The clanking of jaffa feet began to close in on the team, the patrol was six Jaffa, with one leading in the middle at the front, orders were shouted. Herme's First prime looked liked the others, except for a type of cape and gold emblem on his forehead, he held his staff weapon with one hand at his side, he was quite accurate with it.
The American Privateer
06-03-2008, 19:26
The clanking of jaffa feet began to close in on the team, the patrol was six Jaffa, with one leading in the middle at the front, orders were shouted. Herme's First prime looked liked the others, except for a type of cape and gold emblem on his forehead, he held his staff weapon with one hand at his side, he was quite accurate with it.
As they rounded a corner, Teal'c fired off a burst with his double-fisted P-90's. Carter, who had taken up a position of ambush and let the Jaffa pass, opened up on them from behind. Vala had her Zat out, and fired bursts of blue electricity into the crowded Jaffa before her.
Free United States
06-03-2008, 23:31
Not to be outshined, Ensign Romero and Crewman Goines fired into the crowd as well. They fired short, controlled bursts, wincing at the amount of noise coming from the archaic *chemical-based weapons. They crossed to the other side, catching the patrol in a crossfire.
*There is a chemical reaction that fires a bullet; hence a chemical weapon.
North Calaveras
07-03-2008, 03:57
The three Hatak's that had responded to the call of boarding had now opend up hyperspace, and they hailed the attackers " Halt your assault immediatly."
Hermes Hatak
The patrol was mowed down, but not without the loud noise giving them away. Yells were heard as the jaffa garrison was on there way, Hermes first prime was one of the first to look around a corner at the sg and federation teams.
The American Privateer
07-03-2008, 07:12
The three Hatak's that had responded to the call of boarding had now opend up hyperspace, and they hailed the attackers " Halt your assault immediatly."
Hermes Hatak
The patrol was mowed down, but not without the loud noise giving them away. Yells were heard as the jaffa garrison was on there way, Hermes first prime was one of the first to look around a corner at the sg and federation teams.
Vala saw him first, and fired her Zat gun at him, hoping to stun him then and there. At her shout, Carter and Teal'c took up positions to lay supporting fire on the incoming patrol.
Meanwhile, SG-12 had found the bridge. They opened the door, and rushed in, Zat's blazing.
Outside, the USS Apollo swung round to face these new Ha'taks. Their weapons and shields where fully charged.
"Focus on their weapons first should they fire on us. Then go for Shields and then Hyperdrives. Give them the chance to run away if they want to."
North Calaveras
07-03-2008, 07:20
Hermes first prime moved his head quickly missing the shot, he replyed by a staff blast towards them. The jaffa were closing in, as over sixty would converge on there position in two minutes.
Free United States
07-03-2008, 07:58
ooc: i mistakenly said romero was w/ teal'c, carter, et al. only goines is there, the other guy i haven't named...
The Powell swung around, turning its attention from the first vessel and darting between the three arrivals, phaser banks lashing out as it made its first pass. A spread of quantum torpedoes connected with the lead ship, and the second was hit by a volley from the Shugart.
Hermes' Ha'tak
"Sir, situation is extremely hostile," Goines informed Gantz. The operator armed a spatial charge towards the approaching Jaffa. The blast would at least take care of the first wave.
"I hear you. We're working our way to your position," Marcus answered, switching the comm to th Powell. "Send in Bravo. Teleport them as close to Goines as possible."
"Understood," Lt Cdr. Judge answered. He gave the order, and the last SOAR shuttle left the flight bay, loaded up with Sulla and her team. If they really needed support, there was a whole compliment of *Federation Marines who could be brought in.
*i found a patch for the Fed. Marine Corps online, so that's what i'm basing it off of.
Klag leaned forward in his chair, grinning. "Excellent! More enemies for the battle!"
"Shall we target them?" asked Taq.
"Yes. All disruptors! FIRE! Leskit, give me more room to manuver!"
"Yes sir!" The Gorkon moved clear of the 'captured' ship and began to engage the newcomers with full force...
North Calaveras
10-03-2008, 03:00
The small goa'uld fleet shudderd as the torpedoes hit, one hatak that had taken multple torpedoes and phasers was highly damaged, and was firing very slowly. The other two of hermes fleet connected onto the "driveby"ship firing at it from both sides, slaming plasma into it, disruptor fire finished off the injured Hatak.
Hermes hatak
The spatial charged detnated as the jaffa ran down the hallway, it took out fifteen of them, the situation exploded as staff blasts and zat fire filled the corridors, as jaffa yelled. Hermes first prime tossed a goa'uld flash grenade down the hall towards the SG team
Free United States
10-03-2008, 05:21
"Incoming!" Goines warned as the team took cover from the blast.
From the opposite hallway, Gantz and his team, Colonel Mitchell and Daniel among them, tried to draw the Jaffa's fire. Over his headset, Sulla informed him of her team's infiltration, and her rendezvous would be soon.
North Calaveras
10-03-2008, 06:16
They did, as the Jaffa focused there staff weaposn in there direction, Hermes first prime(Shanak) drew his zat pistol and fired three shots. " Surrender fools!" he yelled.
Free United States
10-03-2008, 06:31
"Surrender?!" Marcus asked incredulously. "Hell, we just got here!" With that, he activated his pattern buffer and retrieved a small cylindrical device. "Frag out!" Gantz yelled, tossing a photon grenade into the fray. The blast blew out the hallway lighting and left the group covered in dust. Through his enhanced optic scanners, he tried to discern where the remaining Jaffa were.
ooc: the pattern buffer. in ST:VGR/EF, instead of satchels et al, the team uses pattern buffers on belt clips to store weapons, ammo etc.
North Calaveras
10-03-2008, 06:31
OCC: Well this is kinda hard, i expect to kill some of you in this fight and if your all main charecters its kinda crappy on who i can kill.
Jaffa stumbled to get up after the blast, more were coming as the ship was well aware of the boarding partys. But the sound returned as Zat and staff blasts were sent down the hallway. Shanak peered his staff weapon around the corner and fired.
North Calaveras
10-03-2008, 07:03
The staff weapons fire ceased as the Jaffa stoped there advancement. Two horus guards could be seen walking down the corridor with Hermes. Hermes wore a toga as he approached them, he beckonded with his deep-pitched goa'uld voice " Hail, no doubt you are Sg-1, and this Federation ive heard about " he laughed as his eyes glowed, his personal shield up in case of incoming fire.
Free United States
10-03-2008, 07:07
Romero took the blast full in the chest, falling back with a cry. Requesting covering fire from Daniel and Mitchell, Gantz grabbed him by the scuff of his uniform and hauled him into cover. His hands checked for a pulse; it was thready and failing. He needed evac.
"Send in the Marines!" Gantz hissed over the comm before stashing his rifle into the pattern buffer. He replaced it by a more menacing weapon, a *tetryon distruptor. Poking around the corner, he fired, the green bursts lighting the hallway.
*a Star Trek version of a gatling gun.
ooc: i'd rather my spec ops guys not die, i only have eight to begin with. the Marines make good fodder. i leave romero's fate up to you.
The American Privateer
10-03-2008, 17:07
The small goa'uld fleet shudderd as the torpedoes hit, one hatak that had taken multple torpedoes and phasers was highly damaged, and was firing very slowly. The other two of hermes fleet connected onto the "driveby"ship firing at it from both sides, slaming plasma into it, disruptor fire finished off the injured Hatak.
Hermes hatak
The spatial charged detnated as the jaffa ran down the hallway, it took out fifteen of them, the situation exploded as staff blasts and zat fire filled the corridors, as jaffa yelled. Hermes first prime tossed a goa'uld flash grenade down the hall towards the SG team
Vala Saw it coming, and shouted out warning. Teal'c, and Sam were able to turn away, though Vala was still moving to shield her eyes when it went off. Sam turned and tossed a flashbang of her own back at the Jaffa, while Teal'c Rushed to Vala's side, his P90 firing as he went.
Meanwhile, SG-12 had found the bridge. They tossed in a Flashbang, waited for it to go off, and stormed in, filling the room with Blue Lightning as they entered.
North Calaveras
18-03-2008, 01:44
The flashbang was unaffected as the jaffa had taken cover except for Hermes and his guards, still awaiting an answer from the opposition, wondering why they had assaulted his vessle and killed many of his Jaffa.
Free United States
21-03-2008, 04:19
ooc: ineffective
"Lay down your arms and give it up!" Gantz shouted from around the corner. "Our teams have successfully captured your command centers and reinforcements are already preparign to beam over. There's no chance for escape."
North Calaveras
21-03-2008, 04:21
OCC: i thought this thread was gonna die lol
Hermes smiled and walked forwar " I believe your mistaken, the nearby hataks were preparing to evacuate the hatak.
Free United States
21-03-2008, 04:48
The Powell and the Shugart continued to press the attack, assisted by the Apollo and the assisting Klingon vessel. Another spread of torpedoes tore from the Powell, one hitting each Hatak vessel.
"I think not," Gantz answered as he monitored the ongoing space battle. "It looks like your ships are cornered too."