The Lords of War
20-02-2008, 05:01
Hitchhiker Encyclopedia of The Greater Universe and the Suburban Galaxies
Race Number V-71209 Type: KFT
Aggressive Species, Do not Approach, Poke, or make Jokes of. Avoid at all costs if you are: Orc, Packled, have at some point been referred to as Ner something. If a Var hasn’t met you before, you’ll be eaten. If they say ‘Ner’ so will all your friends, relatives, and that person you had a crush on back in middle school.
Large, warm-blooded, winged creature usually mistaken to be a member of the Dragonic Univallias or the Terra Dromaeosaurid The Var have seven appendages: Legs, arms, wing arms and tail. The Var only have three fingers and a thumb on their lower ‘arms’ which they can use for tool manipulation. All appendages have sharp, semi-retractable talons. The wing arms do not have any 'thumb' for gripping.
WingsThe Var wings appear to be made of dense feathers consisting of oblong stiff plates of a light dense material similar to cartolage. The Var mid body strength around the wings is underdeveloped such that The Var are capable of flight for short distances (100 km maximum).
HeadThe Var head is marked by a long snout with prominant mouth. The Var do appear to have small pointed ears and horns. The ears direct sounds into two seperate audio-canals for diffrent 'bandwiths' of sound while the horns act as additional 'high' frequency receivers.The Var mouth is primarily filled with long, sharp teeth for the tearing and ripping of flesh, although some molars are provided for vegitation at the back of the mouth.
Coloration The Var typically has a body consisting of insulating scales that vary from dark green to black. Young Var are beleived to also be white and red, although no actual conformation of this fact is known. The Var body color is contrasted with the color of a Vars quills, a long row of coarse hair, running from the top of the head, along the spine to the lower third of the tail. Var quills and 'feathers' are made out of the same material and the color matches. Var eye color varies from red, yellow, green, black and purple.
Height approximately three to four meters
Wing span approximately 3.2 meters or 1.2 ratio to height.
Eye sight Excellent from 300nm to 900 nm note Var do not like bright light above 650 nm.
Diet: Anything a Var wants to eat it will eat…unless it doesn’t want to eat it.
SexesTwo, Male, Female
ReproductionLive births carried by female, male suckles young from birth to three months
Life Span 220 Terran Years
Personality:Xenophobic, Suspicious, and Secretive
Intelligence: High (Although the great philosopher Race the Menthis described the Var as barbaric. One must recall that they tended to eat Menthis philosophers while rewriting their poems. Attempts by later races to test Var intelligence produced similar results. Although the FKC has tested Var intelligence as part of the Klatchian Marshall’s program, the data is considered classified.)
Natural Habitat: Unknown, but likely water due to webbing on legs.
Civilization Type: High, former collapsed multi-system Empire with 10-18 subject races and 30 ‘Ner’ races (think cows that talk and you have their view of Ner races)
Typical Dress: Long hooded robes of various color depending on rank, usually silk toga dress underneath, or battle plate during warfare
Technology High, the Var specialize in bubble dimension FTL and gravametric based technology. They are well known for having simple A.I. driven drones and attack craft.
Known EnemiesOrcs (Human's would have cows as enemies if cows carried guns...'cows with guns') New Calidonia
Known AliesNew Shiron, Federated Klatchian Coast, United Duchies, Vrak,
Race Number V-71209 Type: KFT
Aggressive Species, Do not Approach, Poke, or make Jokes of. Avoid at all costs if you are: Orc, Packled, have at some point been referred to as Ner something. If a Var hasn’t met you before, you’ll be eaten. If they say ‘Ner’ so will all your friends, relatives, and that person you had a crush on back in middle school.
Large, warm-blooded, winged creature usually mistaken to be a member of the Dragonic Univallias or the Terra Dromaeosaurid The Var have seven appendages: Legs, arms, wing arms and tail. The Var only have three fingers and a thumb on their lower ‘arms’ which they can use for tool manipulation. All appendages have sharp, semi-retractable talons. The wing arms do not have any 'thumb' for gripping.
WingsThe Var wings appear to be made of dense feathers consisting of oblong stiff plates of a light dense material similar to cartolage. The Var mid body strength around the wings is underdeveloped such that The Var are capable of flight for short distances (100 km maximum).
HeadThe Var head is marked by a long snout with prominant mouth. The Var do appear to have small pointed ears and horns. The ears direct sounds into two seperate audio-canals for diffrent 'bandwiths' of sound while the horns act as additional 'high' frequency receivers.The Var mouth is primarily filled with long, sharp teeth for the tearing and ripping of flesh, although some molars are provided for vegitation at the back of the mouth.
Coloration The Var typically has a body consisting of insulating scales that vary from dark green to black. Young Var are beleived to also be white and red, although no actual conformation of this fact is known. The Var body color is contrasted with the color of a Vars quills, a long row of coarse hair, running from the top of the head, along the spine to the lower third of the tail. Var quills and 'feathers' are made out of the same material and the color matches. Var eye color varies from red, yellow, green, black and purple.
Height approximately three to four meters
Wing span approximately 3.2 meters or 1.2 ratio to height.
Eye sight Excellent from 300nm to 900 nm note Var do not like bright light above 650 nm.
Diet: Anything a Var wants to eat it will eat…unless it doesn’t want to eat it.
SexesTwo, Male, Female
ReproductionLive births carried by female, male suckles young from birth to three months
Life Span 220 Terran Years
Personality:Xenophobic, Suspicious, and Secretive
Intelligence: High (Although the great philosopher Race the Menthis described the Var as barbaric. One must recall that they tended to eat Menthis philosophers while rewriting their poems. Attempts by later races to test Var intelligence produced similar results. Although the FKC has tested Var intelligence as part of the Klatchian Marshall’s program, the data is considered classified.)
Natural Habitat: Unknown, but likely water due to webbing on legs.
Civilization Type: High, former collapsed multi-system Empire with 10-18 subject races and 30 ‘Ner’ races (think cows that talk and you have their view of Ner races)
Typical Dress: Long hooded robes of various color depending on rank, usually silk toga dress underneath, or battle plate during warfare
Technology High, the Var specialize in bubble dimension FTL and gravametric based technology. They are well known for having simple A.I. driven drones and attack craft.
Known EnemiesOrcs (Human's would have cows as enemies if cows carried guns...'cows with guns') New Calidonia
Known AliesNew Shiron, Federated Klatchian Coast, United Duchies, Vrak,