NationStates Jolt Archive

Greal Times (News Thread)

12-02-2008, 07:55
OOC: Feel free to post comments

Greal begins larges military exercise in a decade
F-22 Raptors heading to the Lexer Plains, during the Bluebird 2008 Exercise

SASHA, GREAL - The Newly founded Greal Republican Military began the largest military exercise in a decade. Bluebird 2008 Exercise involved 300,000 Greal soldiers, 10,000 Marines, 40,000 Militia, 2,000 tanks, and 1,000 aircraft. Civilians went to watch the military exercise, which was being held at Lexer Plains, the plains gave the tanks and soldiers easy maneuvering.
"It was amazing."commented one civilian who watched the exercise from a mountain.
During the exercise, a Greal soldier was injured by a stray missile, he is currently at a hospital in Sasha. Doctors say he will be alright and the military will pay for medical costs and also pay the soldier. The Republican military has started a investigation into the stray missile incident.
The military exercise will continue until today. Thousands of people are reported to be on hills watching BlueBird 2008, and a few market vendors have opened up to take advantage of the crowds.
The PeoplesFreedom
12-02-2008, 08:16
ooc: Tg.
Imperial isa
12-02-2008, 11:32
Emperor Carlos has to say on reading the news

"yur bullshit the TPF still there and like hell they going let this happen

after saying what he thinks of the news he went off looking for Valentina
14-02-2008, 04:27
Jobless rate reaches all time high
Look Inc troops being trained. Despite the efforts of Look Inc and several other companies, the jobless rate reached a all time high.

SASHA, GREAL - A Government report yesterday showed that 11.4% of the population was unemployed, despite efforts of Look Inc. GRANT Inc. and other companies including some foreign companies. Look Inc opened up a million jobs in the last few weeks, but that did not stem the jobless rate. Look Inc. and GRANT Inc. bought old factories near Sasha that produced weapons for the government, so Look Inc began producing some weapons for its private army. Look Inc. has obught several Greal; companies in the last few weeks.

On other news, Look Inc.’s private army has reached 800,000 men, up from 300,000 men. Most of the new recruits were former Greal troops that had resigned. GRANT Inc. had reported a swelling in its ranks also.
15-02-2008, 00:52
Stoklomolvi Secretariat of State
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi

Encryption Level 5, Maximum Encryption
To: Current Greal Leader
Subject: Donation

Stoklomolvi will grant Greal approximately $5,000,000,000,000 in emergency funds. We cannot see one of our comrades fall without resistance.

Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
Civilian Management
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
The Commissar of Stoklomolvi
The PeoplesFreedom
15-02-2008, 00:56
OOC: And where is that money coming from? You cant pull 5 trillion out of your ass man.
15-02-2008, 01:02
[OOC: I have the money. Go look in my budget if you want.]
The PeoplesFreedom
15-02-2008, 01:06
[OOC: I have the money. Go look in my budget if you want.]

OOC: You can't pull 5 trillion out of any budget. Do you see any government in RL doing that? No. Why? Because the money in the budgets actually do something.
15-02-2008, 01:09
[OOC: Dude, I have $7 trillion just sitting there. Why not use it?]
The PeoplesFreedom
15-02-2008, 01:10
[OOC: Dude, I have $7 trillion just sitting there. Why not use it?]

OOC: Under which budget? And no, waste does not count. That's why its waste
15-02-2008, 01:22
[OOC: I consider government waste to be money that cannot be accounted for; being used for secret purposes. You consider it waste, I consider it to be "investment". I have no elected officials; all officials are appointed, and are always monitored, usually by my leader himself. Consider me what you will.]
15-02-2008, 03:22
OOC: Stoklomolvi, you don't have to pay all that money all at once, just loan 1 trillion every day (NS 1 year), instead of paying 5 trillion in one day.
15-02-2008, 03:41
[OOC: Ah well. It's nearing the end of my day any way. Rhyme unintentional.]
15-02-2008, 03:44
Look Inc. and GRANT Inc. are attacked by TPF
Look Inc. troops in training, a few days before the PeoplesFreedoms army attacked Look Inc's private army.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, Look Inc and GRANT Inc.'s private armies were attacked by the People'sFreedoms military. Look Inc. and GRANT Inc.'s private armies are currently fighting a brutal war in Greal. The battles have again generated thousands of refugees fleeing the bombings. Government officials say that the TPF army is after the Gold vaults of Look Inc, though no one has any idea. Look Inc. is interested in peace talks but no response has come from TPF as of yesterday.

In other news, a Mokan fleet evacuating refugees from the fighting as been attacked by the TPF navy. As of today, the battle is still going on. This shows that the TPF military was very aggressive and was willing to wipe out any threat to their occupation of Greal.
The American Privateer
16-02-2008, 04:44
New Tortuga - Though the Republic had once viewed Greal as an enemy, the government today has decided that the best way to bring the government to the light of Liberty is to show them the power of The Way. As such, in an emergency vote, the Congress and Senate voted to allow Aero Farming and BioGen Fuels to send advisors to Greal to set up the basis for the advanced farming technology that currently covered Na Nex Sa.

On top of that, Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Jack Ray, was leading a small Task Force of J-STARS and Hyperions to go to Greal and observe the recent conflict going on there.
16-02-2008, 23:58
Greal is now a fellow Republic.

OOC: You might want to ask TPF for permission to send in those advisers, they might get killed by the occupation forces.
17-02-2008, 00:14
Peace negotiations begins, between Look Inc and TPF
Look Inc. troops move through the country during the peace negotiations between Look Inc. and TPF. The fighting had killed thousands already.

SASHA, GREAL - After brutal fighting fighting around the country between TPF and Look Inc./GRANT Inc., both sides have agreed to have peace negotiations. The fighting was getting nowhere for both sides and the Look Inc bases have already suffered badly. The death toll is currently around 10,000 total for both sides. The Vice CEOs of Look Inc and GRANT Inc are going to meet the TPF occupation forces in Fort Liberty. Another Greal company, Farmland Inc., which has around 1,000 private troops has not been attacked since most of those private troops are on duty around the world.

In other news, the Greal Congress has announced that direct Presidential elections will be held in a few days.
17-02-2008, 00:19
OOC: on an unrealated note, your news thread look nice, makes me want to bring back MNN
18-02-2008, 08:35
The Presidential Elections Began today
Police in Sasha yesterday afternoon, a million police officers will be used to guard the polls today.

SASHA, GREAL - The first Direct presidential elections were going to be held today in Greal. 1.1 billion people are eligible for voting in the elections. The Greal Congress announced that hand ballots were going to be used instead of favored "computer" voting. 3 candidates are currently running for president, Martin Watson, William Vucer, Grant Yurts. Martin Watson is a cousin of the former Greal president, Sarah Watson, he is expected to win.

Meanwhile, the fighting between TPF and their enemies around Greal will continue, especially after Leocardia declared open war with TPF. Many fear that Greal will be wiped out in fighting between the 2 great powers.
19-02-2008, 05:06
Martin Watson wins the Presidential Election
A Greal supporter of Martin Watson waves a Greal flag in support of Martin Watson.

SASHA, GREAL - In the Presidential Election yesterday, Martin Watson and his running mate, Gary Jackson won the presidential election. Martin Watson scored 59% of the vote, his opponent, William Vucer, only scored 34% of the vote. 700 million people braved violence and voted in the Presidential polls. Will Riddle, the current Greal President Will Riddle, welcomed the election of Martin Watson as a great moment in Greal Democracy. Martin Watson will assume presidency next week. Martin Watson has announced that he would, improve the military, the economy, and improve health care.
03-03-2008, 09:04
Plane crashes into Sasha International Airport
This photo was taken by a "airport camera". A Boeing 787 Dreamliner as it landed unexpectedly crashed into another plane nearby that was landing. The 2 planes crashed into Sasha International Airport

SASHA, GREAL - A Boeing 787 Dreamliner yesterday caused the worst air disaster in history of Greal. The Boeing 787, right after it landed, the plane unexpectedly crashed into a Boeing 747 nearby. The 2 planes then crashed into Sasha International Airport's terminal 20, which the terminal was used by Stoklomolvi Imperial Aerial Transportation. Terminal 19 and 21 also suffered some damage, but Terminal 20 suffered more damage then then other terminals. The airport has been closed for the week, but Terminal 19,20, and 21 will be closed for 2 months. The air disaster had killed, according to estimates, around a thousand people.
"I was....completely...surprised by the crash, for a moment, I thought a war had started." commented Ivan Gown, who was in Terminal 20 at the time, he got away with minor injuries.
"People were running everywhere, there was a loud explosion that...blew the building apart." said Justin Wills, an Airport security officer at Terminal 20, who at the time, was guarding Concourse B. Concourse B was completely destroyed by the planes, which blew up in the middle of the terminal.
The Airport management spokesmen said "they were deeply saddened" by the the airport disaster. However, people have raised questions of why didn't the airport management did not guide the Boeing 747 away from the 787 that was landing.
There has been no word from the Stoklomolvi Imperial Aerial Transportation.
05-03-2008, 09:44
Fire continues from the air disaster
A Greal "fireplane" fighting fires at Sasha International Airport yesterday. Monday's airport disaster had caused a fire.

SASHA, GREAL - After Monday's air disaster at sasha International Airport that killed over 1,000 people, a fire broke out in Terminal 19, killing cleanup crews and firemen. The fire was strengthen by the small fires on the remains of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The fire has spread into Terminal 20 and Terminal 18. Firefighting trucks were seen at the airport trying to put out the fires. Even "fireplanes" have been assigned to fight the fires. The airport management said that the fire will delay the airport's reopening by 30 days. Most of the air traffic has been diverted to Womer International Airport.
The PeoplesFreedom
05-03-2008, 20:09
Western Union Newspaper
Victory in Greal! Prussian troops returning home!
The light carrier Hermes leaves from a port in Womer, Greal.

Womer, Greal- After two weeks of negotiations with the Grealian government, TPF began to withdraw forces earlier this morning.

With presidential elections complete and the security situation stabilizing, TPF withdrew in exchange for one million square millions on land in the southern part of Greal. This will be one of the largest territorial acquisitions in Prussian history, and will add an estimated sixty million new citizens to the Empire. Prussian forces has given two weeks for Greal citizens to leave that land if they wish, it is estimated that around ten million will leave. The new border will be separated by a several hundred kilometer long DMZ, being more than two kilometers deep and separated by tens of millions of mines which will be planted by both Greal and Prussia.

The occupation lasted around 3 months, which saw the controversial napalm bombing of ten thousand protesters, which led to the dismissal of several high-ranking officers involved in the bombing. Video and photos of the burned victims caused outrage among the Christian Liberals and prominent conservative party members.

218 service members lost their lives in the offensive and following occupation. Grealian casualties are not entirely known, but it is estimated to be several hundred thousand citizens. Over the course of the next few weeks, over one hundred thousand troops are to be sent home along with one fleet, while one fleet and one hundred thousand soldiers will begin construction of the DMZ and military bases in Southern Greal.

Victory to Prussia!
06-03-2008, 09:43
Greal celebrates TPF's leave
The Tallest building in Womer, Greal, GRANT Inc. building, launches fireworks shortly after TPF announced the withdraw of their army.

SASHA, GREAL - The People'sFreedom yesterday announced the withdrawal of all their troops from Greal, in exchange, TPF managed to get 1 million square miles of land from Southern Greal, the largest territorial acquisition the TPFians have managed to get. During their rule of Greal,n they brutally slaughtered ten thousand protesters, and made the economy worse. People around the country celebrated the leave of the TPF army. Fireworks were seen being launched from the GRANT Inc. building. Immediately after the withdrawal, the Greal president, Martin Watson announced that he will Improve, the military, the economy, health, and public infrastructure.

The DMZ zone between the new TPF land in the south will be 2 miles long. Greal troops have already planned the DMZ, and have been seen constructing walls and bases.
06-03-2008, 23:55
The Zoingonian Times

Voters vote on wheither to vote

Jublife City
Voting took place today in the capital, as the older voting restrictions placed back in 1924 have expired. The government has allowed the voters from all over the country, to finally decide who is old enough to vote, and what restrictions should be added or taken off. The plan has been divided into several bills, each bill represents a "yes" or "no" question, such as "should there be a restriction to those who do not own property?". Since the past bill has expired, voting is open to everyone, litterally every age, every economic class, and every person. The turnout is expected to be almost 1 billion people in the Commonwealth voting.

After the recent civil war, with a near compleate collapse in government, the upper two houses merged together, and Bill B-17R was repelled with a unanimous decision, the bill that started the whole fiasco. With voting still open to everyone, and with the polls closing about 3 days from now, no one, not even the media, knows where the country is headed next.
07-03-2008, 10:35
24-03-2008, 08:33
Leocardian war continues
Greal troops in the Greal town of Hallow, Hallow was attacked during the 2nd battle of Sasha, but the Greal troops held on to the town.

SASHA, GREAL - The war continued between the Leocardian army, and the Greal army. Greston joined the war and managed to send troops to Sasha. Greal soldiers for the last month have been fighting the Leocardian forces and their allies to hold onto Greal. The sounds of explosions and gun shooting were common all day yesterday. Greal troops have held on to key cities and much of the countryside, while the Leocardian army continued using its "Loyalists" to do most of the fighting. Cruise missiles have been seen blasting Leocardian bases around Greal, while Greal troops bottle them up.

A military official has stated that the military will reach a all time high in number of personnel soon. Millions of Greal reserve troops have been called for duty while the Militia is still forming up, but it numbers in millions. Allied troops also number in millions. Military Analysts say the war will continue with the Leocardians being the loser since supplies will be hard to reach the Leocardian army in Greal now that the Greal army are surrounding their garrisons.
27-03-2008, 15:24


Sasha, Greal-

Earlier today, after an extensive bombing campaign was unleashed upon Leocardian positions by the Wanderjarian Luftwaffe, the Government of Leocardia has surrendered its force detachment to the Coalition within Greal. Chancellor Kircher of the Wanderjarian Empire has stated, "That they have wisely chosen to raise the white flag in surrenderance rather than face the might of the Prussian militaries." and that "This, the Six Hour War has been emerged as a complete and total victory for the Prussian Empire."

This war, sparked by Leocardian interests in replacing the Government of Greal, has lasted many weeks and has caused the deaths and displacement of millions of Greali as well as Cazelian people, forcing Wanderjarian Pioneer Corpsmen (Engineers) to remain behind and assist in the rebuilding process. Commander of the Pioneer Corps, Feldmarschal Hahn, has stated, "That we shall remain behind to ensure that prosperity and luster again returns to this region." The Wanderjarian Government's demand for reparation payments to the Government of Greal has yet to be answered by Leocardian Officials. Under coersion from the Kriegsmarine, Chancellor Kircher has announced that should "Our Generous offer be refused, our naval forces in the area will have no choice but to resume attacks as well as mobilise what military units we still have in the area."

Leocardian positions remain fortified by some four million Leocardian soldiers, however no activity is sturring within them as slowly they ready themselves to withdraw from this beleaguered nation. The Wanderjarian military units which have yet to withdraw are remaining behind to ensure security and protection from lawlessness in the coming months of rebuilding.
11-04-2008, 09:25
President dissolves the Congress
Greal tanks head back from the war with Leocardia yesterday. President Martin Watson has announced that the congress will be dissolved.

SASHA, GREAL - The president of Greal, Martin Watson yesterday announced that he had dissolved the congress, now he would control the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government, however, he will hold elections every 4 years as usual. Critics have called this "dictatorship election". Hundreds of police were posted at the Congress building and the Presidential office as protests began.

meanwhile, there are rumors that Sarah Watson, the former dictator of Greal, will become General of Greal's Armies. The Ministry of Defense has denied this.
17-04-2008, 10:28
Greal Air Force passes 100,000 Aircraft
A F-35 Lighting taking off from a airfield in late March. Yesterday, the Greal Air Force announced that their air force officially has 100,000 aircraft.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, the Greal Air Force announced that the Air Force has passed 100,000 Aircraft. The 100,000th aircraft, according to the Air Force, was a F-35 Lighting. Hundreds of high ranking generals and civilian guests attended the ceremony which the F-35 was officially taken into the Air Force. President Martin Watson was among one of the guests at the ceremony. The Air Force has also announced that their Air Force personnel numbers have reach an all-time high. President Watson yesterday said that the number of aircraft has increased over the last few years because of a military build up after the Leocardian war.
18-04-2008, 09:15
Hurricane Louisa drives Grunt into chaos
Hurricane Louisa 24 hours before it "landed" on the Greal island of Grunt.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, Hurricane Louisa yesterday afternoon caused the worst hurricane disaster in history of Grunt. The hurricane had destroyed the coastal town of Lanner and left a two dozen people dead. Hurricane Louisa had plunged the island of 776 million people into darkness as coastal electric power plants were hit hard by the storm surge. Hundreds of helicopters were seen all day evacuating people from coastal areas that were flooded. The Greal army has deployed 30,000 troops to help with the evacuating. According to the Greal Weather Agency (GWA), the hurricane will be around Grunt for the new 4 days. Currently, the death toll is 176 dead. Thousands of people have lost their homes

Grunt's capital city was empty yesterday. The streets were empty of people. Today, the storm will reach the city and surely flood the area since Grunt City lies next to a massive river and lake.
21-04-2008, 09:26
Ryou declares war on Roma V
A Greal naval task force off the coast of Greal yesterday. The Ryou Black Islands declared war on Roma V. Greal had declared its support of Roma V

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, The Ryou Black Islands had declared war on The Vatican, and on The Republic of Roma V. Greal, immediately after the declaration of war declared its support for Roma V, and will do whatever it can to prevent the Ryou army from reaching Roma V. President Martin Watson said that he backed Roma V, shortly before the Greal "Declaration of War". The Ryou Black Islands has been known around the world for being Imperialistic.

There have been rumors that the Greal army has sent troops to Roma V already, but the Greal military has not confirmed nor denied this.
22-04-2008, 06:45
Cease Fire in Roman war
A Greal destroyer off the coast of Sardinia yesterday. The Ryou Black islands declared cease fire after a Greston fleet destroyed half the Ryou fleet.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, during the battle of Gibraltar, the Greston fleet surprised the Ryou fleet by sending ten thousand missiles at them. Half of the Ryou fleet was destroyed in the battle. During the battle, the leader of The Ryou Black Islands, Empress Isabella, was meeting with the delegates of Roma V. They declared a ceasefire shortly after the Greston attack. The Greal fleet stayed where they were, protecting Sardinia from invasion. It is unclear whether the war will continue or end.
22-04-2008, 06:56
Furry Slaughter begins
Two Greal soldiers look on as a furry burns to death at a stake.

SASHA, GREAL - Thousands of furries died yesterday after an unfair decision in Romandeos to execute a sea captain for the killings of thousands of furries, which he says he did not do. Protesters turned out in force, burning Romandeos and Cazelian flags. As night fell, furries were kidnapped and burned at stakes around Sasha. Greal troops were ordered to protect Greal civilians from any attacks from furries or Cazelians.
23-04-2008, 08:15
Violence continues in Sasha
Greal riot police form a line in a street in Greal yesterday. More and more furries were killed in fighting.

SASHA, GREAL - Greal riot police and soldiers yesterday fought looters as violence continued in Sasha. People were taking advantage of the fighting by looting stores, but they ended up fighting the Greal police. Some of the fighting had killed up to 20 looters. 300 protesters were killed in fighting against the Cazelians, enraging the community. The Cazelians had bombed an area, killing all the protesters inside. Tens of thousands of furries died yesterday in fighting, and also the continued burning of them.

Mokan troops were reported fighting protesters in the embassy avenue, causing concerns that a massacre like last year may happen.
05-06-2008, 07:55
Car bomb kills Senators!
Remains of a car bomb that exploded outside this building, killing sixteen people, including six Senators.

SASHA, GREAL -Yesterday morning, a massive car bomb exploded in Sasha's outskirts, killing sixteen people, including six Senators of the newly reinstated Congress. The Senators, were at the building (Which was a coffee house) when the car bomb exploded. Police say that they are currently investigating the bomb explosion, and have no comment. The Greal Congress issued a statement yesterday afternoon saying that the Congress was saddened by the bomb explosion and hoped the police would find the criminals that did this.
06-06-2008, 10:28
John Williams Reelected as Mayor of Sasha!
Sasha city on Monday night from the air. John Williams, Mayor of Sasha, was reelected in a landslide yesterday.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday, John Williams, Mayor of Sasha, was reelected in a landslide. Williams had beaten his opponent, Jake Remmer by thirty million votes. Williams held a massive celebration rally in downtown Sasha, attracting hundreds of thousands. President Martin Watson sent his congratulations shortly after the results were announced.
"John Williams is once again Mayor of Sasha. A great feat for him." said President Watson.
There were some concerns about that there may be rigging, but Williams rebuffed this.
"We are a democratic nation, not a dictatorship." said Williams last night.
Williams has been mayor of Sasha for the last four years.
11-07-2008, 08:06
Route1 attacks Greal using its bombers and navy.
A Greal F-22 Raptor heads off to battle yesterday. Route1's air force has attacked Sasha and killed thousands of civilians.

SASHA, GREAL - Tens of thousands of civilians were killed after Routean bombers attacked Sasha yesterday. Among those who were dead were three thousand children, who died after Routean bombers blew apart the school (And a military building nearby). The Routean bombers however suffered heavy losses while fighting the Greal jet fighters, who have suffered little losses themselves since the bombers were focused on bombing Sasha. Fire fighters in Sasha fought fires around Sasha all day with civilian help. Cazelian fighters have been seen in teh air helping the Greal fighters hold the enemy at bay.

Meanwhile, there are reports that both the Routean fleets and the Greal fleets suffered badly in a massive naval battle yesterday. Unconfirmed reports say that the Routeans have asked for a surrender from the still intact Greal fleet.
01-08-2008, 01:17
LION declares war on the Hegemony, Greal stays
Ships of the Greal navy wait in Womer port yesterday. The League of Imperial Ocean-Faring Nations yesterday declared war on the Hegemony, an alliance which Greal is a member of.

SASHA, GREAL - Yesterday morning, the League of Imperial Ocean-Faring Nations declared war on the Hegemony and will specifically target Cazelia, Lord Sumguy and Greal, their reasons were that the Hegemony had been causing problems around the world. However, this is just a cover-up of a Imperialistic invasion of the Hegemony. Two Hegemony members, Alfegos and Neo-Ixania abandoned the Hegemony, causing protesters on the streets to stone the Alfegian embassy in Sasha. The Greal Defense Ministry has issued a call for reservists to come back to duty. Greal civilians around Sasha have been seen helping the Greal military construct massive defensive lines to defend the country against the Imperialistic LION nations.
19-08-2008, 10:37
Violence in Grunt kills hundreds
The remains of a Greal Army Humvee on the outskirts of Greal's largest colonial city. Former Grunt rebels launched riots and a few revolts around Grunt yesterday, killing hundreds.

SASHA, GREAL - Hundreds died yesterday in a protest against Greal rule of Grunt in Grunt City. Thousands of Gruntians looted stores, threw stones at Greal and Gruntian Police who arrived at the scene. However, the Gruntians began firing their automatic weapons, and several officers were killed. Soon afterward, Greal troops arrived to drive away the "rebels". The fighting raged all day in the city, hundreds of buildings were burned. A few car bombs went off, killing several dozen more in a Look Incorporated store. The Greal Governor has declared martial law and has called up Gruntian reserves to deal with the problem.
25-08-2008, 11:13
A Massive Oil Field Discovered in Eastern Greal
Oil Barrels being exported. Yesterday, oil experts were astounded to find a massive oil field in Eastern Greal.

SASHA, GREAL - Oil experts yesterday found a massive oil field in Eastern Greal. For years, oil experts had looked around Eastern Greal and have found no oil. This latest find, is estimated to hold 50 trillion barrels of oil. Though critics say this may be a overestimate, several oil companies are already excited over the find. Look Incorporated and GRANT Incorporated has already expressed interest in purchasing the 2,300,000 square miles of land and sea which the oil field sits under. Greal, already has found in the last decade, tens of trillions of barrels of oil in its land.
25-08-2008, 11:21
[OOC: That's even less believable then my own find of 7 trillion barrels over 3,455,045 sq km.]
25-08-2008, 22:45
OOC: Like critics say, its an over estimate, but I see your point.
17-09-2008, 10:57
Population of Greal passes 3 billion
Greal's three billionth person was born in Womer Outer Hospital yesterday morning.

SASHA, GREAL - Greal's three billionth person was born yesterday morning. The new born's name is Joesph Carter, son of Diana and Richard Carter. The government confirmed it yesterday morning and has awarded The Carter family 3 million dollars. Joseph Carter will receive free medical benefits and free education as part of the award also. A large crowd of people has turned out in Sasha and Womer to celebrate the three billionth person. Signs saying "three billion people" were found in every city as Greal celebrates. President Martin Watson is due to make a speech concerning the population tonight.
26-09-2008, 12:03
Greal 1-1 Adaptes Astrates
The Greal National Soccer Team Stadium.

SASHA, GREAL - In a Díenstad Cup match yesterday, Greal played top ranked Adaptes Astrates, ending the game in a tie. Adaptes Astrates was a tough team and scored in the first half of the game. For the second half, they seemed unable to score another goal, and Howard Anderson managed to get past the defenders and score once for Greal. The rest of the game continued with a tie, and ended with 1-1. The Díenstad Cup so far has brought Greal one win, one tie, one loss. Ross Trent said he was very pleased with his teams performance, and says that there is a good chance that Greal may snatch the Díenstad Cup. Next opponent Greal will face is Illyan.
27-09-2008, 23:29
Southern Greal is returned to Greal
One of the many fences in the DMZ zone separating Southern Greal from Greal. The Peoples Freedom announced that Southern Greal would be given back to Greal.

SASHA, GREAL - In an official announcement yesterday, The Peoples Freedom will return Southern Greal to Greal. The announcement started off massive celebrations seen in Sasha, celebrating the return of Southern Greal. President Martin Watson said that he was over joyed by the return and would be attending the formal ceremony at the TPFian embassy, where officially, Southern Greal will be handed back to Greal. The Ministry of Commerce announced that high taxes will not come to Southern Greal for a very long time, prompting concerns that Prussian corporations will continue to dominate Southern Greal, despite the arrivals of new Greal corporations. Though the Ministry has said this was to encourage Prussian corporations to stay, at least, for awhile.
27-10-2008, 09:57
Martin Watson leads in polls
A political rally supporting Martin Watson yesterday in Liberty Sqaure. Police estimated a million people had showed up.

SASHA, GREAL - According to a opinion poll conducted by Greal Times, Martin Watson had a lead of nine percent over his rival, Will Riddle. This represents a rise of three points over the last poll. Will Riddle has proven to be a formidable opponent though. Polls show Will leading in Womer by a strong lead. Will currently calls for an end to the "Watson dynasty" and beginning of real democracy, while Martin calls for a strong military, and tax cuts. Greal has seen twenty years of Watson rule, most of this during the Dictatorship era. The dictatorship was toppled by The PeoplesFreedom and the Republic of Greal was reborn. Martin called for his supporters to remember what he was contributed: A strong economy, a strong military, excellent health care. Presidential elections are scheduled to be held next week.
05-02-2009, 14:00
Greal Becomes a Protectorate or Anagonia
Greali Police are out in force to protect the Senate Building after protests. Despite protests, polls show an overwhelming number of Greali support the agreement with Anagonia.

SASHA, GREAL - Greal representatives for the first time ever, were in the Grand Senate of Anagonia, following the controversial agreement, which has brought puzzlement to the general public of Greal. However, polls shows that the eighty one percent of the Greali public support the protectorate agreement, while seventeen percent oppose it. Greal, together with Fictions, Santheres, and Greston to become members of the new Anagonian Confederation. The agreement, which also gives Greal the right to leave the Confederation if it feels inclined to, was negotiated for a month between diplomats of each country. Hundreds of people showed up in front of the Senate building, protesting the "sell-out" to Anagonia, Greali police were able to prevent them from entering the building and no injuries have been reported.
23-04-2009, 05:00
Greali deploys naval fleet to Parilisa
A naval convoy last month off the coast of Grunt. The government announced yesterday that a large naval task force will be deployed to Parilisa to aid ODECON forces there following skirmishes with The Wolf Hound and Nachmere.

SASHA, GREAL - A government spokesman confirmed reports that the Greali navy had deployed a fleet to Parilisa after recent skirmishes with The Wolf Hound and Nachmere. The spokesman declined to give details to the size of the deployment, but sources say it is the largest naval task force deployed by Greal, since the Roma V war. The spokesman also confirmed reports of ballistic missile strike on the city of Exengrad in Parilisa. The Senate had overwhelming supported a resolution calling for aid to be sent to Parilisa two days ago. Currently, there are unconfirmed reports of a possible negotiations between ODECON and with The Wolf Hound and Nachmere.