NationStates Jolt Archive

Kein Mehrheit fur die Mitleid

New Ausha
12-02-2008, 02:05
Aupsbergen, New Ausha-

"Готовы ли вы? Будьте уверены, мы все готовы. Я не будут означать, ебать вокруг этого. Позвоните начальнику, обновлять его."

The man, unshaven and weiry ended the call. The old women around him looked with some contempt, knowing him to be a Rustovian. He gave them a venomious smile in response, and turned away. A thickly dressed man approached from his side panting, pointing to the town square, as the orchestra continued to play.

"Когда мы взрывать его? Является ли Николай призыв шефа?" He nearly spat, as he hunched over for breath.

The unshaven, man, his thick black hair obscuring his vision somewhat, was brushed aside by a deeply tanned hand, as he himself drew in deeply.

"Нет необходимости беспокоиться, Yorri, скоро придет время. Знаете ли Вы, что с начала код еще?"

Yorri smiled, exposing dark yellow teeth.


The leader, Rammonof, squinted his eyes against the weak sun. The orchested moved sweetly into the next torrent of high notes, which seemed to almost flutter on the late winter chilly breeze. The crowd of some 3000 waited patiently, as the orchestra was signaled to stop. A tall man, with white hair and thin rimmed glasses now took center stage. The weathered faces of the villagers were akin to his own. He smiled.

"Heute feiern wir unsere Dörfer 400. Jahrestag! Genossinnen und Genossen, Brüder, Schwester, und Stipendiaten Aushans, dieser ist in der Tat eine Krönung!"

A rush of clapping a yelping was although strange from a crowd of predominatly elderly folk, but it was greated with a warm smile from the speaker.

"Ich erinnere mich an ihn, als ob es nicht doch vor einem Monat! Aufwachsen als kleiner Junge, dem Erlernen der Handel des Bergbaus von meinem Vater!"

The clapping stopped, and warm smiled replaced the atmosphere. The unshaven man proceeded in front of the crowd, sweating, with Yorri close behind. He stood in front of the crowd, who greeted the Rustovian with mild contempt. He tried despretly to recall the German language classes he was forced to take upon immigration, trying to remmember the proper sentence structure.

"Aushan Hunde! Die Ära des oppresion endet für mein Volk! Wie Sie feiern die Räder drehen für die Revolution! Bereiten Sie sich für das Ende der Monarchie Aushan! Eine neue Ära kommt näher, und wir werden unsere Gebühren!"

The crowd remained idle, as he stood, pale faced and hard breathing. He then yelled with all he could muster,


And with that, several hundred pounds of C4 ingnited in a flash of hellish glory.
New Ausha
12-02-2008, 02:19
"Jetzt sagen Sie mir. Ich bin kein Mensch Rustovian Patienten. Sag mir, wer und warum. Sagen Sie mir, bevor ich break your fucking Beine! Sprechen Sie Hund!"

And with that, Yorri felt yet another strike to his face. From what he could tell, he was in a cellar, from the old days of the Facist Republic. They had long since been closed down, or so the goverment had claimed. Around him stood 15 local town watchmen, all full of disgust, some covered in spots of crimnson blood. In the distant faint sounds of sirens could be heared. The captain raised his hand and shouted,

"Die Dinge haben sich nur noch schlimmer! Sie sprechen! Sprechen Sie mich an! Spare selbst das Elend!"

With another strike, Yorris blood flowed freely from both nostrils, as the officers white uniforms become unshaply blurs in his vision. It was very cold, and his shirt was off of him. Footsteps could be heared. A man in a black uniform, with icy blond hair had arrived. He looked upon the man with grey eyes, only to strike at him with a leather gloved hand.

"Dies ist die strafrechtliche? Wurden ihre jeder andere?"

The captain nodded, and looked upon Yorri with disgust. Yorri could only smile through bloodied teeth.

"Вам мешает получить его вы Aushan? Его далеко до конца. Это было начало. Теперь он только будет завершена!"

The officer turned, replying with a perfectly tuned accent,

"Говорить сейчас, сэкономить страхом смертной казни."

The town watch officers looked upon Yorri in confusion. He smiled broadly, laughing until he began to cough blood violently, and passed out onto the damp floor.

"Bind ihn und nehmen ihn in seiner Zelle. Zeig mir alle anderen."

"Jawhol...." Nodded the captain, as Yorri was dragged off through a pool of his spent blood.
New Ausha
06-05-2008, 06:58
Далее ..... Да .... Я понимаю .... Планы были давно сделал, майор. Мы начнем в ближайшее время.

The phone clicked abruptly, as Katja slid the sleek device into her skirt pocket.

Капитан Я имею просьбу.....

She muttered though gritted teeth.

Katja, I have sent you to best school in New Ausha for english learning. I know we hold our language in sacredness, but for the sakes of gods, let me seeing if my money is paying off.

Katja breathed deep. The german was hard enough for her too master. She had been born and raised in Russian, and spoke it with such a degree of precision and fluency, that she was well regarded in the old country. She hated English, but Yurich had nonetheless put down 8 years worth of english lessons toward her, most of which she had spent flirting with the Aushan boys, and taking thier virginity between class periods. She crossed her bronzed legs, looking up with bright green eyes.

"Это не является необходимым, сообщение можно очень быстро. Все прошло хорошо в деревне. Они получили Нико, но что это такое. Он не будем говорить. Нам не нужно беспокоиться."

Yurich gritted his cigar behind his yellowed teeth, holding back his anger. He promised himself he would never strike his niece again, and the scar across her cheek was an all too ever present reminder too him, too stay his hand in moments of frustration.

"Alright I am understanding. If the companies are ready, I want Alpha through Delta to advance. And please, dear niece of mine, answer me in at least the Aushans tongue."

Katja sighed. He deserved this little consolation, she reasoned.

"Sofort Onkel, ich will, dass die Unternehmen wissen. Nichts dumm, während ich weg bin, in Ordnung?"

The words fluttered off her lips, as her uncle smiled, exposing his blackened smile.

"Very good. Seeing you soon."

She left the room and whipped out her phone. She had a multiple line chat with the company command heads. 150 a company, 5 companies. The power stations would have to be hit hard. From thier, she knew the millitias would have to work quick. The north would have too fall quicker than quick.

*Chancellors Quarters*'

"Herr Chancellor? Dringende Nachrichten aus einem kleinen Dorf im Norden. Mögliche Terroranschlag. Wir vermuten, kommunistischen Revolutionären. Hier ist der Bericht."

The assistant adjusted his thick black rimmed glasses. The man smiled, his pale blue eyes scanning the young mans face for any hint as to the magnitutde of the situation. He surmised dire to extreme. A quick thumming through the pages confirmed all fears.

"Counter-Revolution .... Angriffe ...... Workers Party ..... Immigrant Unruhen ....."

He breathed too himself. He flipped on his phone.

"Heidi? Ich muss den Kopf des ISA hier früher als bald, ok?"

"Jawhol, Herr Chancellor."

The line croaked. The old man leaned back. Today would be a long one.
New Ausha
08-05-2008, 05:13
And so it had begun.

In the North 14 power stations, 2 of which were operated and maintained by thier respective provincial goverments came under siege. Precise teams, organized meticulously into companies of 140-190 begun to open fire on the unsuspecting employees. The private sector plants were overcome in a matter of minutes. "Der Kurze Winter", the largest plant in the Province of Keineest, put up a valliant resistance. The goverment agents fought hard, though thier 9mm pistols barked and flashed in vein, as the assualt rifles and RPG's of the masked and heavily armored terrorists sent them into uter retreat.

"Sir! Möglichen terroristischen Angriff auf die Anlage! Was tun Sie beraten?"

The Overseer looked at the camera feed. The terrorists moved with such precision, such utter rehearsed coordination. It was beautifuly terrfying to wtiness. In less then a few moments later, the command center door opened. Cries in Russian and poorly accented german commanded the room, aas the staff hit the floor in fear, only too be penetrated by a merciless salvo of bullets.

"Получить взрывчатых веществ готова! Имеющими мужчин установить по периметру!"

The Corporal saluted.

In perfect unison, the 14 plants erupted in glorious displays of fire. 3 major cities in the north lost power. Governors Hidelilig and Guntenduur have delcared states of emergency. It is an attack against the States very infrastructure. It seems, the New Age, "Workers Party of New Ausha" has claimed responsibility for these attacks, though no demands have been issued. This is Heidi Engel, signing off for New Aushan Internal, English Edition.

As the sluggish Aushan Home Gurad was mobilized, tanks, heavy trucks, cars, whatever could carry the masses of Communists down the freshly constructed highways was rolling. The northern cities would fall quickly, this was known to the young revolutionaries, it burned in thier hearts.