NationStates Jolt Archive

Terra Pleana Regional Sign-up thread [Open IC/OCC MT]

03-02-2008, 19:44
If one were to cut the fabric of the universe, what would we see? Well I did it and this is what I found...

Terra Pleana

Just like earth in so many ways.... but as i the unknown traveler found out not at all like home....

This is the sign up thread for the region Terra Pleana

All Are Welcome.
The World As We Know It....

The small print stolen from EA:The regional founder (Myself) reserves the right of admitting and exiling whoever they see fit to and from the region, and have the final word on all regional IC and OOC issues except over the Mods of course.This thread is perfectly in-line concerning the laws on alternate history threads. In short- you have nothing to worry about except me!

As for the map, it is subject to change at any time
03-02-2008, 19:53

I'd be happy to send my puppet, Thenrya, to TP. [Coolest acronym ever].

Can't wait till the map's up!
03-02-2008, 19:57
Ooooh could I have a new puppet of mine join the region?
03-02-2008, 20:02
Yes please, as long as you are active as your puppet. but i would love it more if your REAL nation joined!

How i think im going to have this work is you pick a portion place for your nation to be situated (perfect for moving a whole nation without changing history or maps) and i will write a small spiel about how our little narrator gets to know that nation exists
03-02-2008, 20:07
you can have anywhere in the world BTW) i just put that map up cause im kind of lazy this ....afternoon
03-02-2008, 20:07
Nice map!

Could I have the section that overlays Normany and the Isle of Wight?
03-02-2008, 20:07
hmm interesting
03-02-2008, 20:09
(once again i would rather have a full nation in here, not a this is not a puppet farm for EA)

Yes you may but only if your puppet is active
03-02-2008, 20:09
Heh, thanks for the offer, but this nation's already in a region.

Anyway, I'd like to have Norway, for Siriusa Minor, if that's possible.
03-02-2008, 20:14
you can have anywhere in the world BTW) i just put that map up cause im kind of lazy this ....afternoon

in that case:

Argentina and Chile, please.
Siriusa Minor
03-02-2008, 20:15
Here I am as my new puppet, Siriusa Minor.
03-02-2008, 20:20
(you can have anywhere in the world BTW) i just put that map up cause im kind of lazy this ....afternoon

Oh :headbang:...

In that case, could I claim:

Tell me if it's too large. I'm not sure how many people you want in on this.
03-02-2008, 20:23
Yea it is large but it gives us a larger playing field and people can be more creative this way.

does this mean that Kirav itself will be joining?
03-02-2008, 20:43
I wish I could, but I'm locked into Nova for right now, which is why I have puppets in every homeland region. The puppet I'm sending is Iscavia, a fairly large nation(530 million people).
03-02-2008, 20:53
(Map update)- i will put names up in a bit
03-02-2008, 21:13
Quite well-done map. Reminiscent of Earth II, actually.
03-02-2008, 21:16
yeah well, Terra Pleana has no place to go but up.....
03-02-2008, 22:08
Aye, True.
05-02-2008, 03:44
in that case:

Argentina and Chile, please.

^ O.o Did my post get over looked??
05-02-2008, 03:47
^ O.o Did my post get over looked??

No. Wait for Surailia to get on, and he'll add you.
05-02-2008, 03:49
Ok. *waits patiently*
05-02-2008, 03:55
It could be a while. It's waht happens when you've got people on from different time zones.
St Fabian
05-02-2008, 04:03
St. Fabian would like the area in pink on the map, and if it could be pink on the real map would be nice.
06-02-2008, 00:42
luckey for you i live in your time zone

Map Update
06-02-2008, 01:01
Ok. *waits patiently*

I wasn't literally waiting, it was a methphor type thing that just meant I was no longer being impatient.
06-02-2008, 02:46
lol i got that but i like being a hero.... :)
09-02-2008, 03:14
Yea, lol.

*cough* bump in disguise *cough*
09-02-2008, 03:20
Maybe Surailia's got exams or something. Damn "No Child Left Behind".
09-02-2008, 03:26
Maybe Surailia's got exams or something. Damn "No Child Left Behind".

:p Yep. Bush pretty much suxzors. I am in high school though, and do not have exams. You never know though.
09-02-2008, 04:17
:p Yep. Bush pretty much suxzors. I am in high school though, and do not have exams. You never know though.

They get crazy about it where I live. There's nary a page in any textbook that's not got "Standard 5.1" or "Cross-Curricular Standard" or "HSPA Testing Standard" written on it. That's what you get when the school can't pay to have it's basic utilities fixed.(The air conditioning turns on full force in the winter, and the heat goes on in the summer. It's been like that for 7 years, I hear, and they've not fixed it yet.)
09-02-2008, 05:10
They get crazy about it where I live. There's nary a page in any textbook that's not got "Standard 5.1" or "Cross-Curricular Standard" or "HSPA Testing Standard" written on it. That's what you get when the school can't pay to have it's basic utilities fixed.(The air conditioning turns on full force in the winter, and the heat goes on in the summer. It's been like that for 7 years, I hear, and they've not fixed it yet.)

*Calls for revolution and reform*

*is arrested on treason*

*cites constitution @ trial*

*Is executed anyway b/c of 'Patroit act'*
09-02-2008, 17:41
*Calls for revolution and reform*

*is arrested on treason*

*cites constitution @ trial*

*Is executed anyway b/c of 'Patroit act'*

ROTFL'd at that. If I had room in my sig, I'd quote you.
09-02-2008, 18:46
lol, i'm in the middle of RL shitt so yeah, what do yall need
09-02-2008, 18:55
Syba wanted to be on the map, which you did so we want...nothing.

All right then, when does all this start?
13-03-2008, 03:25
Just a courtesy heads up, as of the results of the ongoing Tranderson Codes ( RP, I am now in de-facto control of St. Fabian's territory for the purposes of that map. Please direct any questions or comments on the matter to my direction. Thanks.
13-03-2008, 03:38
My puppet, Montbleu, who I promise to be quite active with, would like to claim what's left of France as well as Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Morocco, Mauritania, both the Democratic Republic and the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Tanzania, and Namibia.
13-03-2008, 03:57
I would like to claim the rest of "Canada" if possible,cuz I'm movin my homeland here and she has a population of 490+ million!I'd like to have "Iceland and Greenland " too if that's not too much.If it's too much tell me what territory you'll restrict my claim to.I'd like for my color to be yellow(My national color).
13-03-2008, 05:46
Excuse me for stepping in here, but Bretton, you are NOT in defacto control of Saint Fabien. St Fabien and Wagdog are in control. You are just a number wanking bully looking to rape a smaller, newer nation.
13-03-2008, 06:56
de fac·to (dĭ fāk'tō, dā)

1. Actual: de facto segregation.
2. Exercising power or serving a function without being legally or officially established: a de facto government; a de facto nuclear storage facility.
(emphasis added)

Your rhetoric is rather amusing considering you and the others who forced St. Fabian's government out of power promptly withdrew from the RP when a few parties switched camps. Then again, I suppose any kind of victory achieved through underhanded means is considered "wanking" nowadays. Le sigh.

In any case, neither Wagdog nor St. Fabian are demonstrably in a position to exercise any control over the territory, so your assertion is invalid regardless of intention or factual accuracy. Perhaps you could levy your complaints and observations in a more appropriate venue?
13-03-2008, 07:09
You know Bretton I'm not going to further hijack this thread - but you and others know the truth of what happened.

St. Fabian does not belong to you.

My suggestion to the thread starter and other nations here is to just ignore Bretton. He has no control over any nation save his own.
13-03-2008, 07:14
Your arrogance really knows no bounds, you know?

The hilarity of the situation here arises from exactly how much camaraderie you've shown with the other aggressor nations, especially those two guys from 2003. For how much you decry my fully valid actions, they'd be considered moderate by '03 standards - when you won a total war back then, you asked for the loser's password and were genuinely in control of their nation.

Quitting an RP you start does not exempt you for the consequences thereof. If that were the case, couldn't anyone wage a war of aggression against anyone else with absolutely no fear of repercussions? Surely you don't think that is a desirable precedent to set.
13-03-2008, 07:30
Excuse me for stepping in here, but Bretton, you are NOT in defacto control of Saint Fabien. St Fabien and Wagdog are in control. You are just a number wanking bully looking to rape a smaller, newer nation.

It is generally acceptable to claim the lands/resources of someone who quits thte game or is banned or whatever.

And frankly, it's offensive to me that you insult Bretton in this manner. We should never devolve to the level of ad hominem insults.
14-03-2008, 03:53