24-01-2008, 22:40
In the small communist nation on the tiny Black sea island of Bulkania The Bulkanian Communist party was desperatly trying to avert a disatser.
Bulkania was made up of 3 Ethnic groups. Russian, Ukrainian and Brenitzian. Brenitzian's made uo the majority of the population and most of the leadership was Brenitzian. since 1946 Bulkania has two presidents and both of them were of Brenitzian Ethnicity. The first leader Boris Groza did his best to supress ethnic hatred and nationalism amougst the groups and did his best to keep the nation of Bulkania united.
He was much loved by the people and his brand of communist was relaxed compared to those of other nations. one of the softest brands similar to Tito's brand. He died in 1982 and was succeeded by Victor Stanov another Brenitzian who was hand picked by Boris to succeed him.
Victor once again wanted to preserve the Bulkanian state.
The Problem was that Victor didnt trust the other two ethnic groups in Bulkania and feared a civil war similar to the break up of Yugoslavia.
Victor had a new law ingrained in the constitution in 1998 stating that any seccession from the Bulkanian state would mean an Illegal action and All steps will be taken to ensure to Unity of the Bulkanian nation.
Victor then began limiting the powers of the other two republics of Blekova in the north of the island which the Ukrainian ethnicity resided and the Republic of Merdessa where the Russian ethnicity resided to the southern portion of the island.
It began At 3 am in the early hours of the morning of the 23rd of January 2008. Bulkanian soldiers and tanks swamped through the city of Grozagrade and surrounded the Republic Parliament building. Soldiers swarmed and occupied important key buildings and the Republics president,
Yuri Kuznetskova was taken into custody and taken to the nations capital in the Republic of Brenitzia in Kanigrade where he was on trial for:
1: Inciting Civil war in the Nation of Bulkania
2: Sedition
3: Undermining national unity
(In the armoured transport heading to Kanigrade)
The Republic's president Yuri was in a rage screaming at the guards who kept Yuri controlled only by motioning to his seat to take a seat and pushing him onto the seat if Yuir got to hyped up. Yuri was a 55 yearold man with quite a large, white/grey hairdo swished back. He had big thick white eye brows amost forming a unibrow.
"How dare you treat me like this! I am one of the President's of Bulkania and President of the Republic of Merdessa!"
"Comrade Yuri please calm down all this will be addressed at your trial" said one of the soldiers
"No! No! dont you see this was a COUP! Victor just wants to Purge the party. He wants to eradicate the Russian and Ukrainian minorities on Bulkania cant you see! I was only trying to preserve the peace!"
"Preserve the peace!? you wanted to see the dissolution of Bulkania. everything you have done in Merdessa has been for your own ends"
"How dare you say that!" snapped Yuri
"I want an audience with President Stanov! He must explain to me why he has illegally used the Bulkanian military to remove me! he just wants to purge me!"
The transport with a large escort of other military vehicles reached Kanigrade by daybreak where they went to the House of Justice a massive court house where the most serious crimes and trials commence.
All through the day Yuri was held in custody.
"Why am i being detained against my WILL!" welled Yuri
"This is totally Illegal!"
Meanwhile the News was being released to the Bulkanian nation at the arrest of Yuri
.................................................................................................... .
Broadcast on National TV the BSNA (Bulkanian State News Agency)
One news anchor sat at a large wooden table in a blue studio room.
"Greetings comrade's. This breaking news has just been released. Yuri Kuznetskova former president of the Republic of Merdessa has been removed from his position by the central government in Kanigrade. He has been charged with: Inciting civil was in Bulkania, Undermining national unity and Sedition. His trial will commence today. Mikail Borchev has been appointed as temporary president of the Republic of Merdessa.
President Victor Stanov commented on the arrest of Yuri today"
The screen transitioned to a shot of President Stanov speaking into the camera
"Its unfortunate it had to end this way. We have been a united nation since our independance and we cant have anything that would jepordise national unity. And yes Mr Borchev was appointed by the whole Communist Party of Bulkania as a temporary president of that republic. We are still undergoing an investigation into the Merdessa Communist Party who also worked with Yuri for the destruction of our unified Bulkania"
.................................................................................................... ...
High ranking members of the Communist party's of both the Republic of Brenitzia and Blekova attended to view the Trial of Yuri though the officials of the Communist party of Merdessa were banned from the trial as they might hold sypathetic members that supported Yuri's seperatist policies. Everyone filed into the grand court room. The national emblem of the Workers Hammer, Miners Pick and the Farmers Sickle sat above the chief judges Podium.
Yuri was led into the court room and sat on a smaller podium low then the main judges where he was in full view of the court room
TRANSCRIPT OF THE TRIAL......................................................................
Judge "Chief Prosecuter, Mescov. Make your opening statements"
Prosector Mescov "Comrade's, representatives of the working people of Bulkania......." (Mescov was interupted by Yuri)
Yuri "This is totally outragous, how can one say "Representatives of the working people of Bulkania" when the Communist party representatives of Merdessa were not included in this trial! this is outragous!"
Judge "The Merdessa communist party is under investigation, you packed your supporters in the Merdessa Communist party. I'm afraid the party has been corrupted and we will get to the bottom of this with your trial. Mr Kuznetskova you must understand, You worked for the dissolution of Bulkania, your supporters within the party are proably still planning the Merdessa Succession"
Yuri yells back in astonishiment
"THAT IS A LIE! A LIE IN MY FACE! Never have i worked for the dissolution of Bulkania. It is a lie I wanted the Republic of Merdessa to Succeed from Bulkania! A lie in my FACE!"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova. Can you please explain to us why you initiated nationalist policies which if followed thorugh would of severly undermined Bulkania's unity. You initiated the following
That school children no longer had to learn Brenitzian or the Ukrainian Language's and the Taxing of citizens from the other republics living in Merdessa. These laws were incompatible with the late presidents Boris Groza's philosophies of Bulkanian national unity"
Yuri "No! These laws were for the protection of Merdessa and the Russian Ethnicity. All this state wants to achieve is the elimination of the other ethnic minorities and to be replaced with the Brenitzian nation only"
Prosecutor Mescov "You claim to be a "Bulkanian Patriot" yet your very words are an attack against our National unity"
Yuri "This is incedible! how can you all sit here and allow this blatant attack on the Russian Minority in Bulkania"
Prosecutor Mescov "Let us move on now to the Rally in Gresgrad, A Brenitzian Orthadox church was violently sacked, plundered and burnt to the ground by Merdessa Nationalists, Fanatics whom you supported. May the Observers in the court note that Gresgrad is within the Merdessa Boarders"
Yuri "This is just rediculous! I have nothing to do with the fanatics! naturally they just want independence i cant stop them! Talk to them but not to me!"
Prosecutor Mescov "But you did support them by holding the Rally in Gresgrad after the event in which you condemned the "Seeping over of Brenitzian culture into Merdessa's boarders!"
Yuri "You accuse US of nationalism! Look at President Stanov! a Brenitzian that from the beginning of his reign had little trust in the Russian and Ukrainian minoroties! none of us have a chance of ever leading Bulkania! He is a Brenitzian Nationalist that believes Bulkania can only be ruled by Brenitzian's!"
Prosecutor Mescov "President Stanov is working for the Preservation of the Bulkanian State! That is why you have been removed from your Position as President of the Republic of Merdessa"
Yuri "That is impossible and entirly illegal. Its not possible to deprive one of the Republic's presidents of thier functions!"
Prosecturo Mescov "IN ordinary situations you are right, It would be Illegal. But this is no Ordinary situation. You have committed crimes that were incompatable with our National Unity"
Yuri "That is Rubbish! I have committed no crimes and therefore it is illegal for you to deprive me of my functions!"
A woman from the Communist Party delegation of Blekova speaks up
"Ask Mr Kuznetskova about the nationalist fanatics of Merdessa. Have they committed any more crimes against national unity?"
Prosecutor Mescov "Yes Mr Kuznetskova, Answer"
Yuri "I dont know who the nationalists are. They fight against this Descriminate government! they fight against the descriminate government of President Stanov they only want equality of all Nationalisties inside Bulkania"
Prosecutor Mescov "So you know of the nationalists? you know what they fight for and what they are planning?"
Yuri "No! No! I never said anything like that! I was just stating they MUST be frustrated at this descriminate government"
Prosecutor Mescov "You accuse US of Descrimination when you introduced a law in which citizens that were from the other republics of Bulkania were taxed higher then Merdessa Citizens?"
Yuri "It is not true that i Taxed then higher! I am only trying to protect the interests of the Russian Minority! I want to save them from genocide and from elimination!"
"What Genocide does he talk about!?" Said once voice from the stand's where the communist party officials sat
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova, This is a strong allegation, Furnish Proof of any Genocide that this government has committed against the Russian minority? and if i recall it was Russian nationalists that torched a Brenitzian church to the ground"
Yuri "Every one here is only working against me! I will no longer answer any questiong in this court Until I get a fair trial and when Representatives of the Republic of Merdessa are present"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova you must understand. You have been removed of your titles and functions. You stand here today accused of Crimes against national unity, You face the death penalty. You no longer have the right to be treated as one of the Presidents of Bulkania and therefore cant make such a demand"
Yuri "Death Penalty! see it is nothing more then a purge by President Stanov!"
Judge "Mr Prosecutor ask Mr Kuznetskova if he would accept a defence appointed by the court to defend him and that he should accept this offer"
Yuri "I will not accept anything from this courtroom! Nothing less then complete innocense and a re-instatment of all my titles and functions"
Prosecutor Mescov "So you are aware you are no longer President of the Republic of Merdessa and have lost you position in the Merdessa and Bulkanian communist Party"
Yuri "You have taken those positions from me Illegally! The world will hear of this! The working people of Bulkania and of Merdessa will hear of this and what you are charging me with!"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova. You should accept the defence prepared for you"
Yuri "No I will not accept anything! The actions this past government has taken in the last day are all Illegal"
Prosecutor Mescov "Were you aware of the Grozagrade march last December?"
Yuri "That was another example of Brenitzia watering down Merdessa's own cultural heratage"
Prosecutor Mescov "That was nothing more then an organised demonstration of Brenitzians wearing thier national costume marching for the end of the Tax of Non Russian's living in Merdessa, You know how it ended? It ended with the brutal beating of the demonstrators and the death of one man by the Nationalists, Supporters of your policies"
Yuri "Where is the proof that its the Nationalists that support my Policies! Infact let me ask you a counter question. Why not put your last question like this: Why did the central government order a Brenitzian march to take place in a Russian area of the country"
Prosecutor Mescov "That is a redicuouls statement, Sanctioning demonstations is the business of the Republics own local Communist Party, the Central government cant interfere like that"
Yuri "Since the beginning of Presidents Stanov's rule he's been implanting Brenitzian sympathyzers into the Merdessa Communist party. Merdessa has no rights of its own"
Judge "Mr Prosecutor, Memberd of the court, can we please warp this up. The evedice is being uncovered and we already have enogh to Prove Mr Kuznetskova guilt. We call for nothing Less then Life Imprisonment or Exile with the Death Penalty as the last Resort. Would the Jury and Members of the court please leave the Court and Return here with your verdict. Once the Verdict has been read it will be final. Then after we will decide the Date of his Punishment should if be the death penalty. Then we will put him on the stand once more to extract the names of his Collaborators, Court Ajourned
Take Mr Kuznetskova back to his cell"
The Court Emptied where the Communist Parties and members of the court would Vote the future of Mr Kuznetskova.
Death By Fireing Squad
Life in prison
.................................................................................................... .....
(OOC: As members of the Bulkanian Communist Party or of Members of the court give your vote. You can even post your nations response to the Trial and the Removal of Mr Kuznetskova of President of the Republic of Merdessa and one of the Three Presidents of President of the Federated Socialist Republics of Bulkania)
Bulkania was made up of 3 Ethnic groups. Russian, Ukrainian and Brenitzian. Brenitzian's made uo the majority of the population and most of the leadership was Brenitzian. since 1946 Bulkania has two presidents and both of them were of Brenitzian Ethnicity. The first leader Boris Groza did his best to supress ethnic hatred and nationalism amougst the groups and did his best to keep the nation of Bulkania united.
He was much loved by the people and his brand of communist was relaxed compared to those of other nations. one of the softest brands similar to Tito's brand. He died in 1982 and was succeeded by Victor Stanov another Brenitzian who was hand picked by Boris to succeed him.
Victor once again wanted to preserve the Bulkanian state.
The Problem was that Victor didnt trust the other two ethnic groups in Bulkania and feared a civil war similar to the break up of Yugoslavia.
Victor had a new law ingrained in the constitution in 1998 stating that any seccession from the Bulkanian state would mean an Illegal action and All steps will be taken to ensure to Unity of the Bulkanian nation.
Victor then began limiting the powers of the other two republics of Blekova in the north of the island which the Ukrainian ethnicity resided and the Republic of Merdessa where the Russian ethnicity resided to the southern portion of the island.
It began At 3 am in the early hours of the morning of the 23rd of January 2008. Bulkanian soldiers and tanks swamped through the city of Grozagrade and surrounded the Republic Parliament building. Soldiers swarmed and occupied important key buildings and the Republics president,
Yuri Kuznetskova was taken into custody and taken to the nations capital in the Republic of Brenitzia in Kanigrade where he was on trial for:
1: Inciting Civil war in the Nation of Bulkania
2: Sedition
3: Undermining national unity
(In the armoured transport heading to Kanigrade)
The Republic's president Yuri was in a rage screaming at the guards who kept Yuri controlled only by motioning to his seat to take a seat and pushing him onto the seat if Yuir got to hyped up. Yuri was a 55 yearold man with quite a large, white/grey hairdo swished back. He had big thick white eye brows amost forming a unibrow.
"How dare you treat me like this! I am one of the President's of Bulkania and President of the Republic of Merdessa!"
"Comrade Yuri please calm down all this will be addressed at your trial" said one of the soldiers
"No! No! dont you see this was a COUP! Victor just wants to Purge the party. He wants to eradicate the Russian and Ukrainian minorities on Bulkania cant you see! I was only trying to preserve the peace!"
"Preserve the peace!? you wanted to see the dissolution of Bulkania. everything you have done in Merdessa has been for your own ends"
"How dare you say that!" snapped Yuri
"I want an audience with President Stanov! He must explain to me why he has illegally used the Bulkanian military to remove me! he just wants to purge me!"
The transport with a large escort of other military vehicles reached Kanigrade by daybreak where they went to the House of Justice a massive court house where the most serious crimes and trials commence.
All through the day Yuri was held in custody.
"Why am i being detained against my WILL!" welled Yuri
"This is totally Illegal!"
Meanwhile the News was being released to the Bulkanian nation at the arrest of Yuri
.................................................................................................... .
Broadcast on National TV the BSNA (Bulkanian State News Agency)
One news anchor sat at a large wooden table in a blue studio room.
"Greetings comrade's. This breaking news has just been released. Yuri Kuznetskova former president of the Republic of Merdessa has been removed from his position by the central government in Kanigrade. He has been charged with: Inciting civil was in Bulkania, Undermining national unity and Sedition. His trial will commence today. Mikail Borchev has been appointed as temporary president of the Republic of Merdessa.
President Victor Stanov commented on the arrest of Yuri today"
The screen transitioned to a shot of President Stanov speaking into the camera
"Its unfortunate it had to end this way. We have been a united nation since our independance and we cant have anything that would jepordise national unity. And yes Mr Borchev was appointed by the whole Communist Party of Bulkania as a temporary president of that republic. We are still undergoing an investigation into the Merdessa Communist Party who also worked with Yuri for the destruction of our unified Bulkania"
.................................................................................................... ...
High ranking members of the Communist party's of both the Republic of Brenitzia and Blekova attended to view the Trial of Yuri though the officials of the Communist party of Merdessa were banned from the trial as they might hold sypathetic members that supported Yuri's seperatist policies. Everyone filed into the grand court room. The national emblem of the Workers Hammer, Miners Pick and the Farmers Sickle sat above the chief judges Podium.
Yuri was led into the court room and sat on a smaller podium low then the main judges where he was in full view of the court room
TRANSCRIPT OF THE TRIAL......................................................................
Judge "Chief Prosecuter, Mescov. Make your opening statements"
Prosector Mescov "Comrade's, representatives of the working people of Bulkania......." (Mescov was interupted by Yuri)
Yuri "This is totally outragous, how can one say "Representatives of the working people of Bulkania" when the Communist party representatives of Merdessa were not included in this trial! this is outragous!"
Judge "The Merdessa communist party is under investigation, you packed your supporters in the Merdessa Communist party. I'm afraid the party has been corrupted and we will get to the bottom of this with your trial. Mr Kuznetskova you must understand, You worked for the dissolution of Bulkania, your supporters within the party are proably still planning the Merdessa Succession"
Yuri yells back in astonishiment
"THAT IS A LIE! A LIE IN MY FACE! Never have i worked for the dissolution of Bulkania. It is a lie I wanted the Republic of Merdessa to Succeed from Bulkania! A lie in my FACE!"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova. Can you please explain to us why you initiated nationalist policies which if followed thorugh would of severly undermined Bulkania's unity. You initiated the following
That school children no longer had to learn Brenitzian or the Ukrainian Language's and the Taxing of citizens from the other republics living in Merdessa. These laws were incompatible with the late presidents Boris Groza's philosophies of Bulkanian national unity"
Yuri "No! These laws were for the protection of Merdessa and the Russian Ethnicity. All this state wants to achieve is the elimination of the other ethnic minorities and to be replaced with the Brenitzian nation only"
Prosecutor Mescov "You claim to be a "Bulkanian Patriot" yet your very words are an attack against our National unity"
Yuri "This is incedible! how can you all sit here and allow this blatant attack on the Russian Minority in Bulkania"
Prosecutor Mescov "Let us move on now to the Rally in Gresgrad, A Brenitzian Orthadox church was violently sacked, plundered and burnt to the ground by Merdessa Nationalists, Fanatics whom you supported. May the Observers in the court note that Gresgrad is within the Merdessa Boarders"
Yuri "This is just rediculous! I have nothing to do with the fanatics! naturally they just want independence i cant stop them! Talk to them but not to me!"
Prosecutor Mescov "But you did support them by holding the Rally in Gresgrad after the event in which you condemned the "Seeping over of Brenitzian culture into Merdessa's boarders!"
Yuri "You accuse US of nationalism! Look at President Stanov! a Brenitzian that from the beginning of his reign had little trust in the Russian and Ukrainian minoroties! none of us have a chance of ever leading Bulkania! He is a Brenitzian Nationalist that believes Bulkania can only be ruled by Brenitzian's!"
Prosecutor Mescov "President Stanov is working for the Preservation of the Bulkanian State! That is why you have been removed from your Position as President of the Republic of Merdessa"
Yuri "That is impossible and entirly illegal. Its not possible to deprive one of the Republic's presidents of thier functions!"
Prosecturo Mescov "IN ordinary situations you are right, It would be Illegal. But this is no Ordinary situation. You have committed crimes that were incompatable with our National Unity"
Yuri "That is Rubbish! I have committed no crimes and therefore it is illegal for you to deprive me of my functions!"
A woman from the Communist Party delegation of Blekova speaks up
"Ask Mr Kuznetskova about the nationalist fanatics of Merdessa. Have they committed any more crimes against national unity?"
Prosecutor Mescov "Yes Mr Kuznetskova, Answer"
Yuri "I dont know who the nationalists are. They fight against this Descriminate government! they fight against the descriminate government of President Stanov they only want equality of all Nationalisties inside Bulkania"
Prosecutor Mescov "So you know of the nationalists? you know what they fight for and what they are planning?"
Yuri "No! No! I never said anything like that! I was just stating they MUST be frustrated at this descriminate government"
Prosecutor Mescov "You accuse US of Descrimination when you introduced a law in which citizens that were from the other republics of Bulkania were taxed higher then Merdessa Citizens?"
Yuri "It is not true that i Taxed then higher! I am only trying to protect the interests of the Russian Minority! I want to save them from genocide and from elimination!"
"What Genocide does he talk about!?" Said once voice from the stand's where the communist party officials sat
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova, This is a strong allegation, Furnish Proof of any Genocide that this government has committed against the Russian minority? and if i recall it was Russian nationalists that torched a Brenitzian church to the ground"
Yuri "Every one here is only working against me! I will no longer answer any questiong in this court Until I get a fair trial and when Representatives of the Republic of Merdessa are present"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova you must understand. You have been removed of your titles and functions. You stand here today accused of Crimes against national unity, You face the death penalty. You no longer have the right to be treated as one of the Presidents of Bulkania and therefore cant make such a demand"
Yuri "Death Penalty! see it is nothing more then a purge by President Stanov!"
Judge "Mr Prosecutor ask Mr Kuznetskova if he would accept a defence appointed by the court to defend him and that he should accept this offer"
Yuri "I will not accept anything from this courtroom! Nothing less then complete innocense and a re-instatment of all my titles and functions"
Prosecutor Mescov "So you are aware you are no longer President of the Republic of Merdessa and have lost you position in the Merdessa and Bulkanian communist Party"
Yuri "You have taken those positions from me Illegally! The world will hear of this! The working people of Bulkania and of Merdessa will hear of this and what you are charging me with!"
Prosecutor Mescov "Mr Kuznetskova. You should accept the defence prepared for you"
Yuri "No I will not accept anything! The actions this past government has taken in the last day are all Illegal"
Prosecutor Mescov "Were you aware of the Grozagrade march last December?"
Yuri "That was another example of Brenitzia watering down Merdessa's own cultural heratage"
Prosecutor Mescov "That was nothing more then an organised demonstration of Brenitzians wearing thier national costume marching for the end of the Tax of Non Russian's living in Merdessa, You know how it ended? It ended with the brutal beating of the demonstrators and the death of one man by the Nationalists, Supporters of your policies"
Yuri "Where is the proof that its the Nationalists that support my Policies! Infact let me ask you a counter question. Why not put your last question like this: Why did the central government order a Brenitzian march to take place in a Russian area of the country"
Prosecutor Mescov "That is a redicuouls statement, Sanctioning demonstations is the business of the Republics own local Communist Party, the Central government cant interfere like that"
Yuri "Since the beginning of Presidents Stanov's rule he's been implanting Brenitzian sympathyzers into the Merdessa Communist party. Merdessa has no rights of its own"
Judge "Mr Prosecutor, Memberd of the court, can we please warp this up. The evedice is being uncovered and we already have enogh to Prove Mr Kuznetskova guilt. We call for nothing Less then Life Imprisonment or Exile with the Death Penalty as the last Resort. Would the Jury and Members of the court please leave the Court and Return here with your verdict. Once the Verdict has been read it will be final. Then after we will decide the Date of his Punishment should if be the death penalty. Then we will put him on the stand once more to extract the names of his Collaborators, Court Ajourned
Take Mr Kuznetskova back to his cell"
The Court Emptied where the Communist Parties and members of the court would Vote the future of Mr Kuznetskova.
Death By Fireing Squad
Life in prison
.................................................................................................... .....
(OOC: As members of the Bulkanian Communist Party or of Members of the court give your vote. You can even post your nations response to the Trial and the Removal of Mr Kuznetskova of President of the Republic of Merdessa and one of the Three Presidents of President of the Federated Socialist Republics of Bulkania)