Imperial News Feed (MT|Read-only)
Nova Pictavia
23-01-2008, 17:42
OOC: Please do not post in this thread any more despite what I said before. Instead, direct all questions to myself via TG. Thanks!
The High Council's chamber,
located at the top of Parliament Tower.
FORTRIU- Taking effect from 12:00 AM Britannian Time, The High Council of New Pictavia enacted emergency rule as per the Articles of Liberation. Although all diplomatic and electorate powers of Parliament have been temporarily suspended, the halls still retain their full right of diplomatic dialogue with the High Council.
Consul Kadesh earlier released a statement deeming the effects of prolonged parliamentary discussion negative upon maintaining the current stability of the national economy. The Council has since gave gave its full backing of the Consul's actions, heralding them as necessary to ensure the defence of the realm. With widespread economic fluctuation ravaging the nation in the past few weeks, the Pictish Atla itself has risen and dropped dramatically several times this week alone, creating an unstable, suspect and conservative atmosphere for international trade. The source of said fluctuation is expected to be found from recent similarities in the economies of other Atlantican nations, reasoning that the diplomatic unpredictability of the region is to blame.
Nevertheless, extended debate by parliament is no longer of use to Pictavia with economic policy and adaptation taking far too long to enact, thus The High Council is expected to act in the interests of parliaments in establishing countermeasures far more swiftly. Competition between the democratically elected leaders of the clans and worker syndicates of New Pictavia who represent their peoples in parliament has been labelled counter-productive. The syndicates would be required act aggressively without allegiance to their particular organization in order to alleviate the crisis and better the nation as a whole. With the recent integration of the Pictish and Kiravian Empires into The Silver Imperium, the response time to the increasingly unstable market's movements is needed to be greatly improved to avoid any danger of a full economic crisis. Parliament is expected to regain its full diplomatic right at the end of this week.
Imperial News Feed:
January 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
30-01-2008, 03:14
The moon-lit streets of Pictavia may
yet be made safer.
FORTRIU- The High Council has just announced that in a bid to stymie Pictavia's spiralling crime statistics, Citizen Protection will immediately begin to enforce a new nation-wide curfew. All citizens under the age of eighteen, and all foreign nationals are to remain indoors between the hours of 22:00 and 6:00 with increased CP patrols and checkpoints to be expected. All citizens out-with residential property after 10PM are expected to have their ID on their person at all times, with failure to do so being regarded as breach of curfew. A previously unseen deployment of Citizen Protection Units is expected to be seen during the first few nights of the curfew in order to guarantee it's enforcement, while all private security syndicates are being instructed to mimic CP checkpoints in their duty. Essentially, this ensures that any metropolitan security force, be it at a bar or restaurant, will be required to register the ID of each citizen before their entrance.
The movement itself was passed by parliament, although with emergency powers against economic recession still in act by the High Council the result of parliamentary vote holds no significance. Increasing calls for the return of all parliamentary powers has put pressure on the High Council of late, however the Consul shows no sign of releasing his grasp on the directing of the national economy. Fear has already arising that the curfew will indeed lead to the return of the mandatory ID and citizen database scheme which was deemed optional at the beginning of the year. Other minority fringe groups raised concern that it would be the beginning of mass surveillance by the state, re-activating the Citizen's Alert System whose loudspeakers have not seen use since the Cnian invasion.
Essentially, citizens are to expect heightening of national security over the next few weeks before full political rights are reinstated.
Imperial News Feed:
January 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
07-02-2008, 02:06
Parliament Spire, on the Firth of Fortriu.
FORTRIU- Two weeks after economic recession led the Consul to freeze parliament, New Pictavia is set to see a return to democratic eco-syndicalism. Taking effect on the 7th of February, Parliament will resume session and maintain its former authority.
Nearly a week of promising economic stabilization not only within New Pictavia, but in much of Europa Atlantica itself is undoubtedly the cause for the Consul's decision. In late January, the High Council ensured the nation that the temporary suspension of parliament would only take effect for a fortnight in order to aid the survival of the Pictish economy. While fluxuations in the regional market saw Pictavia achieve promising commercial power twinned with the possibility of depression only a few days later threatening recession, many critics who originally deemed the move as a "direct violation of their civil and political rights" have since re-pledged their trust and support in the Consul's government. Political freedom lobbyists groups who previously 'warned' the Consul of large-scale civil disobedience if his former decision to freeze parliament was not reversed have also halted all planning of demonstrations across New Pictavia.
Although the worst of the economic fluctuations which terrorized the nation at the start of the year appears to be over, many analysts yet warn that stabilization is not fully achieved, although there is a general consensus that recession is unlikely. With the Pictish Atla worth just seven cents more than the Universal Standard Dollar, Parliament wishes to see a continuation of market growth across all domestic industries in order to further protect the economy from any future destabilization. With a current unemployment rate of 4.98%, new parliamentary targets hope to reach ~4% with increased commercial growth alongside generous tax-cuts.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
07-02-2008, 03:04
Seaborne SLBM of the Imperial Fleet.
FORTRIU- Parliament today announced that a two-year plan of substantial nuclear disarmament will begin this week. The current "Total Warfare" program which has been in existence since the early 1950's has amassed some seven-thousand nuclear warheads, with a number of different delivery methods. By 2010 the government hopes to have lowered this number to 3000 whereby this volume will me maintained until a significant threat to security arises. Only two thirds of these warheads are predicted to be capable of deployment, with one-thousand remaining in storage for possible future deployment. The structure of delivery methods is to remain similar, with the majority of warheads as SLBM or ICBMs, and a significantly lesser proportion deployed from the Air Force's B-2 Spirit heavy bombers.
Earlier, a statement from Parliament outlining the plan revealed several key reasons for the action. New Pictavia is to hold the bare minimum volume of warheads required to totally "disable" the target's infrastructure and launch capability. With the opinion that in the event of mass deployment of nuclear warheads an extinction level alert will be raised within Pictavia, surplus nuclear armaments are not needed. Instead they represent an unecessary drain on the national military budget which will instead be utilized in domestic and orbital ballistic defence measures. Consequently, the current "Elite" orbital defence satellites will be expected to double in quantity alongside a dramatic rise in terrestrial installations. Many have already hailed this decision as a key step forward to securing the defence of the realm against foreign aggression, and by setting a pro-environmental example to the international community. The surplus warheads and missiles from partial disarmament are expected to be sold to the long-standing politically stable and ultimately peaceful allies of New Pictavia.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
07-02-2008, 17:02
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
08-02-2008, 19:06
An unarmed Chinook transports tourists
to a nearby evacuation fleet.
CONTINETNAL- Yesterday Parliament declared that all non-essential personnel were to be evacuated from the extremist Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi immediately. All Imperial non-military transport vessels within the area are being utilized to carry citizens across the border into friendly states from which they will rendezvous with the evacuation fleet bound for New Pictavia. It is not known for how long diplomatic staff will remain at their posts.
The decision originates in Commissar Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich's declaration to execute all Binarian citizens who were not out with Stoklomolvi by a twelve-hour deadline. Although the ultimatum has since been withdrawn due to international pressure, Stoklomolvi has since stated that it reserves the right to do as it will with its own citizens and any non-allied foreign nationals. Stoklomolvi, which has been listed as "Essential Travel Only" by the Ministry of Foreign Affaris' Travel Advisory Council for some time, has proved a dangerous and unpredictable atmosphere for both foreign nationals and Stoklomolvi citizens alike. Although commercial ventures are still permitted in order to upkeep international trade, a maximum of twelve hours per visit is being firmly advised to all Picts.
All Imperial citizens are being advised to avoid unnecessary travel to any other NOP states until the situation stabilizes.
The High Council has approved the immediate raising of the Imperial Defence Condition from "Peace" [IDC:5] to "Elevated" [IDC:4]. The Citizen Protection Level is to remain at "Heightened Security" [CPL:4] with both to be adjusted according to situational developments. Should Stoklomolvi pursue a line of further aggression however, both levels are to be raised in accordance with mobilization and possible nuclear threat.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
08-02-2008, 22:01
The Universal Standard Dollar
struggles against the Pictish Atla.
ÈIDEANN- A mere two days after the re-empowerment of Parliament, the economy soars. Economic growth has seen the Pictish Atla, whose continued existence is disputed, rise to a value of almost 1.2 Universal Standard Dollars. In comparison to capitalist and totalitarian states this may not appear as such a feat, however for the pioneering politico-economical structure of New Pictavia coupled with the continued drive to maintain the environment of the Holy Land, this is an accomplishment indeed. Parliament recently outlined new plans to rejuvenate the economy through dramatic reductions in the nations unemployment rate of around 4.81%, and the latest figures have estimated the current unemployed population at 3.51%, nearly a full 0.5% beyond recent government targets of ~4% for 2008.
With a gross domestic product per capita of nearly 23,000 USD, New Pictavia inevitably falls behind compared to the economic superpower that is No Taxes, with a GDP per capita of some 47,000 USD. However, Pictavia still manages to maintain a trade surplus of some 76 Billion USD compared to the spiralling Taxian deficit of 993 Billion USD. Despite numerous economic powers within Europa Atlantica and the Pictish sphere of influence, nations who struggle to compete with said powers are frozen in barely substantial markets with the lowest GDP of Fjordenberg peaking at 6,700 USD.
The primary concern of many members of Parliament is the effort to maintain the environment and ensure that the economy is not permitted to develop at its expense. Last year, three and a half trillion USD were injected into environmental spending in an effort to boost renewable forms of energy, and encourage major syndicates to install algae scrubbers in smoke stacks and use environmentally sustainable materials. Although costly, these are precautions which have to be taken in order too honour our oath to the Lords of Terra.
The only remaining target of the government's previous plan to halt economic recession at the start of the year, is to lower the drastically high income tax of New Pictavia. At this moment, said tax rests at 81%, with implications widely felt on private enterprise although deemed necessary in order to maintain high defence and environmental spending. This reporter however, is looking forward to promised tax-cuts.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
10-02-2008, 23:59
Imperial Terran Warriors
are ready for battle.
FORTRIU- At midday yesterday, all remaining Imperial-wide citizens were expelled from Yanitaria and Stoklomolvi at the decision of the mentioned states. The two New Oslo Pact members have ultimately closed the borders between Imperial territories and themselves, preventing further commercial international venture between the parties concerned. Of particular note, however, is the NOP's decision to expel ALL Imperial and Pictish citizens, effectively ending personal diplomatic contact. Many members of parliament have already commented that this reflects the NOP's commitment to escalating the current dispute to the brink of war. Several days prior, New Pictavia issued a firm travel warning to all those who wished to visit Stoklomolvi, and recalled all tourists and unessential ventures from communist soil. This move came as a direct result of the previous Stoklomolvi ultimatum to Binaria, where the controversial state threatened to execute all remaining Binarian citizens within its own borders. Although the threat has since been recalled, Stoklomolvi issued a statement reserving its right to treat any soul within its borders any way the state should wish. As such, considering the fragile relations between Pictavia and the NOP, Parliament reached it's decision based on the threatened safety of Pictish tourists. However, personnel with economic interests and diplomatic staff were still permitted to travel to and from the Communist Dominion in the comprehension that such action would maintain diplomatic relations and normalized trade. Both Stoklomolvi and Yanitaria have now halted this opportunity for peace, thus emphasising their desire for war.
In response, the High Council under the guidance of Consul Kadesh have deemed it necessary to raise the Imperial Defence Condition to "Stand-by" [IDC:3] whereupon the regular armed forces are mobilized and prepared for immediate conflict. The decision strives to ensure the defence of the realm, and according to Parliament is intended for non-aggressive defensive deployment only at this moment in time. As of yet, no battlegroups have been dispatched to the area of aggression as a sign of continued Pictish will for a diplomatic solution, should the NOP resume regular diplomatic discourse. The Citizen Protection Level has remained at "Heightened Security" [CPL:4] despite growing concern over an NOP nuclear "first-strike". At this moment, parliament is currently investigating this issue and will act accordingly to their findings.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
11-02-2008, 01:47
Akimonadi citizens in protest against
the brutal regimes of the NOP.
KENT, AKIMONAD- Yesterday, the Akimonadi battlecruiser Leicester was destroyed in the Akimonadi port of Ytterbograd, sparking another two days of anti-NOP protests. Although no formal statement has been issued by any member of Dr. hodz' administration, The Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi was frighteningly quick to deny any involvement. In fact, the Stoklomolvi Commissar issued a statement of denial before any formal inquiry was conducted into the origins of the explosion which crippled the warship. The Leicester sunk following a dramatic blast that claimed the lives of her entire crew save for one seaman, in the middle of the night.
Prior to the incident, days of anti-NOP protests have developed concerning Yanitaria and Stoklomolvi's aggressive and authoritative politics, and at the level of corruption from NOP governments. Initial speculation suggests that the act of terrorism originates from Stoklomolvi or Yanitaria, who are infamous for their recent international aggression. Independent analysts have revealed that the closure of Imperial-NOP borders coincided with the destruction of the warship, undoubtedly a prelude to an attack by the NOP.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
12-02-2008, 13:23
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
16-02-2008, 18:25
Protests finally reach the normally tranquil shores of New Pictavia.
FORTRIU, NEW PICTAVIA- Today, protest over the brutal regimes of the leadership of the NOP finally reached New Pictavia after nearly a week of rioting in Akimonad. In may cities across Caledonia and Hibernia, such as Fortriu, Èideann and Dalriada, crowds gathered in the centres to call on Consul Kadesh to destroy the threat to the Silver Imperium. Protesters crowded outside official government buildings, chanting pro-Imperial slogans and demanding the immediate destruction of all NOP states in Europa Atlantica. Amongst the crowds, Stoklomolvi and Yanitarian flags were lit and spat on, to be replaced with the sacred banner ( of New Pictavia. Many have been quick to dub the NOP as an axis of evil within Europa Atlantica, which is controlled through threat of invasion by the corrupt states of Stoklomolvi and Yanitaria. Any Yanitarian or Stoklomolvi citizens or sympathisers still residing within the nation are currently being hunted down and arrested ( by Citizen Protection and moved into Overwatch holding camps where they will be subjugated to mandatory penal labour.
In the aftermath of the declaration of war and anti-NOP civil unrest, Parliament has issued the immediate recall of all Imperial citizens residing in NOP states, and instigated a total embargo against said enemies. While the IDC level is set to remain at its current stage until mass deployments of troops are engaged, the Citizen Protection level is set to be raised to "Potential Threat" [CPL:3] with the ongoing threat of NOP nuclear bombardment. The Centre for the Defence of the Realm has since assured all citizens that in the case of the NOP deploying nuclear weaponry against New Pictavia, the Imperial Defence Network would intercept the missiles in orbit via the satellite defence line or from the various Starfire stations dotted across Caledonia and Hibernia. Some 3.5 million personnel of the Imperial Armed Forces are being prepared for immediate overseas action, although their ultimate destinations remain a highly-guarded secret. The original targets of the war; Stoklomolvi and Yanitaria are expected to be expanded to include The House of Boothby and Kabavian, while the military movements of The Beatus are being closely monitored. Although no official aims of the looming war have been made public, it is likely that one of two of the following actions will be taken: Troops may be deployed in NOP states in a blitzkrieg tactic designed to eliminate their capacity to wage war, destroying military installations and capturing their nuclear capability before withdrawing. The second, longer scenario is that of the NOP states being conquered and occupied one by one, with the expected execution of their leaders following.
Although Imperial involvement in the conflict is currently limited to New Pictavia, Parliament has since stated that should the theatre of war be uncontrollably expanded with an increase of anti-Pictish combatants, Pictavia would not hesitate to call forth the might of the Imperium in her defence.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
28-02-2008, 23:21
Protests on Pictish territory continue,
but not as before.
FORTRIU, NEW PICTAVIA- Today, anti-war demonstrations have broken out across Caledonia and Hibernia. Interestingly however, they are not aimed at the Pictish government. Rather, they are directed towards the international community. What is the cause for these protests? Simply put, the founding and signing of the Charter of the Atlantican Union of Sovereign Nations, with people taking to the streets in a show of peaceful intent towards the NOP. Said organization has become quick to denounce the long anticipated treaty, oft citing it as anti-NOP warmongering. We have been assured, however, that this is not the case as High Councillor and Vice Consul Eógan Sol recently commented on the issue;
"The creation and expansion of the New Oslo Pact amongst a primarily peaceful and equal region has undoubtedly disturbed Europa Atlantica's equilibrium, and raised concern throughout the Atlantican west. The AU offers us a peaceful alternative to the NOP, where states such as New Pictavia may be allowed to grow and prosper with the relations many of the NOP states share between themselves. I, like my brethren within the AU, would like to call for an immediate end of hostilities from NOP states. The AU has once again returned Europa Atlantica to her former equilibrium."
Although NOP sympathisers were transported to adequate facilities where all their basic needs have been met, reports within the media of The Beatus suggest that Imperial sympathisers were executed by crowds with no intervention from the state. It is unknown whether similar situations have developed across all NOP states, however such actions have sparked a call for isolation from the NOP in favour of peaceful coexistence with AU states. Parliament officials have since demonstrated their pride at New Pictavia's part within the AU, as Pictavia seek to develop and trade amongst her fellow AU states free from the former NOP situation;
"We ask that at this moment in time, the Sovereign Nations of the Atlantican Union be allowed to develop and trade amongst themselves utilizing the economic benefits of the alliance, without the fear of further escalation of NOP tensions. We are honoured to be allied with so many states within the AU, and respectfully ask that the NOP leave us be to augment accordingly. We have no further desire for war."
The AU has provided New Pictavia with, in effect, "back-up" within the region that was not previously attainable, and thus the previous threat presented by the unified NOP against the scattered western states is minimal. It is obvious by today's public demonstrations and Government responses that a peaceful future within the AU is to be expected in light of a unified defence against aggression.
Imperial News Feed:
February 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)
Nova Pictavia
26-03-2008, 00:26
The Imperial Senate in the Imperial City of Èideann,
which overrules Parliament on governance of the Empire.
TORVQUE, NEW PICTAVIA- On this day two weeks ago, the legitimate government of the Kingdom of Torvque, an Imperial Sovereign Protectorate of New Pictavia, collapsed without warning as the monarchy and head of state abdicated. Following the immediate breakdown of local government, the Imperial Senate immediately assumed emergency control of the nation while attempting to resurrect the nation's sovereignty. Today, it has been made clear that said efforts have ceased and instead the Kingdom of Torvque is to be fully absorbed as a territory of New Pictavia.
In the undertaking of such an event the resolution was required to be approved by both Parliament and the Imperial Senate before it's establishment and consequent announcement. For many months now, Torvque has remained isolated on the edge of the Atlantican Union, bordering several potentially-threatening NOP states. With the domestic administration becoming increasingly reclusive, indecisive and absent over the past year, many citizens welcomed the ever-increasing degree of Imperial aid and rule over the kingdom. Resting on the border of civilisation, the majority of the Torvquen public openly condones the authority of the Empire which has remained a stable and reliable entity to this day, something that the average Torvquen holds dear in comparison to the now defunct regime. Parliamentarians have heeded the transfer of power as "gradual, and carefully planned" although many critics have claimed the movement to be counter-productive to the freedoms offered by devolution. However, when called upon the Empire has proved it can act beyond the uses of steel and fire, expanding it's influence peacefully and for the good of all citizens through diplomatic means.
Imperial News Feed:
March 2008 © Imperial News Network Team (MMVIII)