Revolution in Ilvesia! (Intro Thread)
Hello there, everybody. Before we get to the IC bits in this post, I'd like to say a few things. Firstly, this is not my first NS nation, so I do have some experience in NS RPing and so forth, though not as much as some people. Secondly, I would appreciate no outright invasions here, if you do not mind. If you want to deploy troops to Ilvesia in any force kindly consult me before you do that. I want to keep things well in hand here.
Right, that's all I had to say. On to the IC segment. I hope you enjoy it!
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to the Daily News from Ilvesia City, which has just been liberated from the tyrannical rule of the corrupt Lattimore family and people in support of them. I am Benjamin Hewitt. Early this morning, King Richmond Lattimore had the very bad luck to be captured by Republican forces in a raid on the house where he had apparently been hiding these last seven months. He was given to Military Police, who immediately transported him, and the family living in the house, to King’s Court, where a long-standing death sentence for the King was carried out. The fate of the family is as yet known only to the Provisional Government Authority, but it is expected they will catch at least moderately severe punishment for supporting the deposed monarch.
King Richmond’s wife, the Japanese-born immigrant Queen Hiroko, was not found in the house. His three children were also nowhere to be found, and initial questioning of people in the local area, including the arrested family, has reportedly not been that helpful, but at least one of the hated Lattimore tyrants has now faced justice.
In other, related news, General Kieran Nolan, head of the Ilvesian PLA and the PGA said in a speech at Noon that despite common belief, he does not mean to seize the Crown, but instead he intends to liquidate it entirely, and establish a democracy in its place, with total legislative, judicial, and executive authority handed to the Ilvesian people. When a person in the audience of selected reporters asked how long this would take General Nolan stated it could only be completed when the entire Lattimore family faced the sword. Until then a large manhunt will be maintained nationwide to locate them.
Finally, the PGA has announced intentions to open up trade and diplomatic relations with nations around the world. It is expected that Ilvesia will be able to make a quite profitable international existence selling beef, uranium and other trade goods. Diplomatic messages of any kind should be directed to the office of Mr. Kevin P. Fuhrman, who is presently handling all external diplomatic affairs for the PGA.
20-01-2008, 08:01
Official Diplomatic Communique
From: Sarpadiian Consular Office
To: The office of Mr. Kevin P. Fuhrman, Ilvesia
It is a terrible thing when the rightful government of a sovereign nation is torn apart, and even worse, when in it's place, a military dictator rises.
The Sarpadiian Empire does not acknowledge this new revolutionary government, and travel and trade therein is hearby cut-off. The Empire will have no dealings with tyrants and murderers.
For: Sarpadiian Consular Office
From: Mr. Kevin P. Fuhrman
RE: Accusations
Concerned Parties,
It pains me to see you leaping so quickly to unfounded conclusions. Firstly, a government is not entitled to rule, in Ilvesia or elsewhere.
Regarding the second and most insulting assumption you have made, General Nolan is an honorable man, a man of integrity and justice, whose only crime was that he did not make his move against the Lattimore monarchs more quickly. He stood by quietly for years as a nation he was sworn to protect was abused time and again by the Lattimore line. He felt it might pass at first, that with a new king, all would be well, but King Richmond continued his father’s horrid policies, and so, General Nolan took action as he knew he must, taking his nation back from the servants of tyranny.
It is my hope that with time, you will come to see reason.
Mr. Kevin P. Fuhrman
Black Imperium
20-01-2008, 09:16
The Black Imperium congratulates the peoples Ilvesia on overthrowing their oppressive government of old and gaining true independence. One where the voice of the common man equals the voice of the higher authority.
As a fellow nation who's origins can be traced back to revolution before rebirth in a more democratic form we understand the hardships of completely erasing the mistakes of the old ways and replacing them with the new ones. We offer our wisdom and guidance to General Kieran Nolan in establishing a new government and rebuilding economically and in other ways.
Lord Der'Khaine
Ruler of Darthalia
Lord Inquisitor of the Black Imperium
Official Documentation
The People's Republic of Tokyoni
It is with the greatest of symapthies that the People's Republic of Tokyoni hears of such dreadful tidings abroad. Such anarchism, such acts of unthinkable terrorism and treason should not be allowed to commence on any civilized nation on earth. The People's Republic of Tokyoni refuses in any way to recognize such a proposed terrorist government.
Further, being that the Queen, the legitimate authority in their land is of Japanese ancestry, we offer her asylum in our territory should she so desire. We fully condemn any further terrorist actions, and should a military campaign exist to restore the rightful government, we would contribute monetarily to aid such.
Katsuhiku Suzuki
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Deep in the Ilvesian Countryside
“How can I even think about leaving the country when there are so many people who still keep loyal to my family and need support?”
Her Royal Majesty Queen Hiroko, the Dowager Queen of Ilvesia, had a famous temper, a hot one which was easily triggered, and those in the room could tell it was throttling up as her pacing back and forth quickened, long, shiny black locks swishing with each turn.
“You must leave, Your Majesty.” General Loren Dixon was the single person in the room not sitting, apart from the Queen. It was the opinion of most in the Royalist Forces that he had earned the right to stand and sit in the Royal Presence as he chose, given that, lacking his support, and that of the five thousand loyal troops he had commanded when the rebels had first struck, King Richmond and the Royal Family would not have escape the soldiers led by General Nolan in the assault on the capital in the first place. He was also the single highest-ranking Loyalist known to still be alive and not in Rebel custody. Many Loyalists in the countryside were answerable to him to some degree.
“You are no use to the people hiding in a cave,” he went on. “If you go to the PRT then it is likely you can provide at least some effective leadership to the loyal people. From there it is also possible you can gain outside supports, and rebuild rightful authority.”
“It will seem as though I am running away!” the Queen all but wailed, grabbing her locks in both hands in a most un monarch-like fashion and shaking her head in frustration.
“Your Majesty, you would not be running away!” said General Dixon. “This would be an intelligent and logical course of action that would let you more effectively help the nation in the long term. It is what our dear, lost King would have done, were he alive.”
Hiroko froze at that, lowered her hands, and slowly turned to look at Dixon. For a minute, it looked like she might set to ripping him a creatively placed new orifice, but then she sat in her chair at the old wooden table and sighed loudly. General Dixon sat down as well.
“You are correct as always, Loren,” she declared, taking the liberty of using his Christian name. “Please make the necessary arrangements.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” General Dixon rose, bowed, and left the small subterranean room a lot happier than he had been when entering it.
For: Minister of Foreign Affairs Katsuhiku Suzuki of the People's Republic of Tokyoni
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Asylum
It is with deep regret but also much gratitude that I accept the offered sanctuary which the People’s Republic has so graciously extended. I ask that you allow me to bring my family in to the People’s Republic with me, as well as a small bodyguard unit.
Regarding a campaign to restore my family’s rights, nothing has been organized quite yet in light of the relatively recent nature of the uprising, but there is yet a fairly healthy Loyalist movement, primarily out in the countryside.
HRM Queen Dowager Hiroko I of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
Official Encrypted Documentation
The People's Republic of Tokyoni
To: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
I too deeply regret hearing tell of the unthinkable tragedy which has befallen your family. I only wish there were more I could do to aid you in what must be an hour of great need to you. Of course we will allow your family to accompany you, and any bodyguards you deem necessary for your protection.
Do you have a safe, reliable means of transportation outside of the country, or should the People's Republic make such arrangements? Also, how soon will you be able to leave your current position and arrive within our lands?
The deepest of sympathy to you in such dark days,
Katsuhiku Suzuki
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
20-01-2008, 10:30
OOC: The Sarpadiian Empire is also interested in helping the Queen-soon-to-be-in-exile back to her throne, and is awaiting the announcement of a 'Government in Exile' or something similar, to pledge support - financially and militarily.
OOC: The Sarpadiian Empire is also interested in helping the Queen-soon-to-be-in-exile back to her throne, and is awaiting the announcement of a 'Government in Exile' or something similar, to pledge support - financially and militarily.
Understood. She will soon be establishing one in Tokyoni, if at all possible.
My next IC post will also include some information about what things are like in Ilvesia right now.
For: Minister of Foreign Affairs Katsuhiku Suzuki of the People's Republic of Tokyoni
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Asylum
I deeply appreciate the sympathy you have shown my family. As to reliable transport, and leaving the country, the journey overland will be risky. Rebel forces constantly prowl and look for me and those loyal to me. Once we have reached the shore, a cargo ship operated in secret by my loyal supporters will then spirit us away to Tokyoni.
I will always recall this support when my throne is restored.
HRM Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore
20-01-2008, 10:43
OOC: Ilvesia: The Holy Imperium would most likely want to help the Dowager Queen Hiroko get back on her throne. I was wondering instead of sending several legions to suppress Ilvesia can my nation send in a group of special forces with the orders to assassinate General Kieran Nolan?
OOC: Ilvesia: The Holy Imperium would most likely want to help the Dowager Queen Hiroko get back on her throne. I was wondering instead of sending several legions to suppress Ilvesia can my nation send in a group of special forces with the orders to assassinate General Kieran Nolan?
It would be possible for a Special Forces unit to infiltrate, especially if they insert by sea, as the Protectorate Navy is pathetically small, and the Rebels have problems trusting the loyalty of its officers, who have already made it a known fact they are not as...zealous about the revolt as the Army forces.
However, the Rebels control many of the cities through direct martial law, meaning passes, curfews, etc..., and to top it all off, General Nolan is one hillariously paranoid guy, constantly surrounded by troops.
Official Encrypted Documentation
The People's Republic of Tokyoni
To: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
I am glad to hear that transportation has already been prepared for your transport to our land. We would be willing to send our members of our Elite Red Guard for your protection against rebel raids during the course of your overland transport, to further ensure your safety.
Katsuhiku Suzuki
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Bah! My blasted Internet connection is getting dodgy again. It does this once in a while.'s really time for me to be hitting the sack anyway.
I appreciate you all taking part in this so far, and please check back fairly soon if you would, as I mean to continue it once I've slept a bit. I should also make an OOC thread, I think.
20-01-2008, 11:05
OOC: Perfect, my special forces teams could easily infiltrate through the sea. The trick will be to get them to blend in with the population, until they can get within strike range of General Nolan. I have a few questions is your nation open to foreign travelers, or is it locked down with heavy border activity? and what languages do your people speak?
"Where do we stand?"
Sir Reginald Laird tapped his fingers upon the desk, listening to the concerns of his personal principal private secretary and the remainder of the senior staff. Laird had never heard of Ilvesia twenty minutes earlier when his principal private secretary, Kevin Dale, had brought him the transcripts of a KBC segment on the execution of the deposed monarch and the provisional government's offer to expand its trade relations with foreign powers.
Certainly, the United Kingdom had several mining companies interested in purchasing rights to mine for uranium and other strategic minerals. Imports of agricultural goods would, by necessity, be subjected to stricter regulations but would probably satisfy a small proportion of the enormous Oceanian market. Consequently, Laird had summoned the senior staff to his office because, as a constitutional monarchy, the United Kingdom could not explicitly support a country that had just executed its own monarch.
"Well if we announce our support for this General Nobody fellow, His Majesty will throw a tantrum." The even-toned response of Elisabeth Hill, the communications director, drew a sharp glance from Laird. While the monarch was young, and known to be an immature playboy, the Prime Minister's principal private secretary and chief of staff nominally maintained a policy of respecting the king in his office.
"All I am saying, Reg," Hill continued, "is that the Prime Minister cannot come out and support a man who has committed regicide for two main reasons. One, we have pledged loyalty to the Crown and two we belong to the Conservative Party, historically linked to the preservation of the Crown. We cannot, therefore, run around on the stage holding down the heads of other kings and queens."
"Yeah, but they want a democracy, Liz," Dale interjected again. "It is not as if this Nolan chap wants to establish a dictatorship."
"At least so far as we know," Hill interrupted, rolling her eyes.
"If we do help him, sending troops or what have you, if he turns out to be a dictator, we pull the plug and lop his head off."
"But you cannot just run around the world lopping the heads off dictators, Kevin," Laird moaned.
"Yes we can, we are an empire, Reg, this… Ilvesia is a nobody."
"Look at the nobodies in New London, New Albion, Sarnia…"
"Okay, okay," Dale waved off Laird's retort. Indeed, several of the United Kingdom's imperial possessions had taken to armed resistance to imperial rule in recent months. While not serious, the pinpricks were increasingly gaining notice in the press and therefore making the lives of the Prime Minister's staff increasingly difficult.
"What about a compromise of some sort?" Laird asked after a momentary pause. "This Nolan fellow is going to need assistance, but what if we make it conditional–"
"Upon a reconciliation plan…" Dale continued, before trailing off. "What if we offer our own system of government as a model to Ilvesia. A democratic government nominally headed by a monarch to keep links to the Ilvesian's historical past."
"Not to mention the real check on power of the government." Hill added. "King George at least heads the armed forces and must approve any acts of parliament so without him the Prime Minister cannot act. Loyalty is sworn to the Crown, but the Crown cannot act without Parliament."
"But will they buy into it?" Dale asked, his prior enthusiasm morphing into genuine concern.
"Depends on how much they want our assistance," Hill added.
Laird clapped his hands, rather suddenly, and signaled the end of the discussion. "All right, all of you, back to work, I am meeting with the Prime Minister in a few minutes and I am going to take this to him."
Secure Communication
To: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
The situation that has befallen the Ilvesian people and their state has recently come to the attention of His Majesty's Government and this communique is an attempt to offer the Provisional Goverment Authority a mediated settlement that will, hopefully, bring about a conciliatory end to the crisis.
Oceanian businesses would be well placed to invest heavily in Ilvesia, especially in the areas of mining and manufacturing, and in so doing would certainly aid the economic recovery of the Ilvesian people. Additionally, the United Kingdom could extend loans to further assist Ilvesia in its path towards reconciliation.
All of this, however, comes at a cost that will likely please no side–as all such compromise agreements are bound to do. His Majesty's Government would like the Provisional Government Authority to suspend all activities pursuant to the capture and execution of the Lattimore family. In exchange, the United Kingdom proposes that the monarchy relinquish much of its control over Ilvesian affairs, retaining only that which is necessary to check the power of a fully democratic government. While the United Kingdom is a democracy itself, His Majesty's Government fully recognises the value in the role of the monarch as a check upon the otherwise unrestrained power of the will of the people, who could otherwise rule as tyrants over the minority.
Should the Provisional Government Authority wish to continue with this proposal, His Majesty's Government is prepared to dispatch legal and constitutional advisors to help the Provisional Government Authority draft a new constitution that will reconcile the concerns of all parties.
I look forward to your response.
Gavin Astley,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
To: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
From: President Vladimir Petrovitch (The Second)
Good day to you, brother revolutionary. While I condemn the use of needless violence, I praise you for removing a threat to the well-being of the people, and for spearing the boil of the upper class ruthlessly. I would like to inquire as to your new government's standing on the following topics:
-Civil Rights
-Political Rights
-The Environment
Should you agree with our own standing on these matters satisfactorily, the Democratic Socialist Island States of Dashkov will deploy a convoy of diplomats and advisers to assist you. We are not a militant nation, and so cannot promise any help in that way, I'm afraid, but we will try and help as best we can.
Peace, Love and Freedom
20-01-2008, 18:25
To: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
From: The Imperial Palace
Secure Communique
The Holy Imperium of Angenteria does not recognize the new government established by General Nolan and pledges it's support for the rightful Queen of Ilvesia. If there is anything that can be done to help, please let us know.
Looking forward to a response,
Tiberius Reginus
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
20-01-2008, 23:51
OOC: I hope the Blockade was okay, I figured it would allow me to get in several Special Forces teams inside the country if we controlled the coastal area…
His August Majesty Antonio Von Antheron VIII, listened to the reports from his advisers about the fall of yet another monarchy to the growing wave of rebellious peasants. The Grand Holy Emperor sat upon the golden throne and thought about his options and decided that an example had to be made.
The rise of “democratic” and “communist” nations was becoming more commonplace and the time of tradition and monarchy were almost numbered as the world seemed to change in favor of these new types of governments that turned out to be peasants sprouting idiotic ideals that ended in more bloodshed and anarchy throughout the world.
The Grand Holy Emperor finally decided on a course of action, He had one of his courtiers write out the Imperial Proclamation and send it to the false government of Ilvesia. The message was clear that the Holy Imperium was going to take a stand against the tide of dissidence and rebellion that had decided to rear it’s ugly head in Ilvesia.
The Holy Imperium of Deatharon formally condemns the terrorist state that has overthrown the rightful rule of Dowager Queen Hiroko. His Imperial Highness, Grand Holy Emperor Antonio Von Antheron VIII has thus decreed that the Holy Imperium and her colonies shall not recognize the new government of Ilvesia.
The Holy Imperium shall also begin a formal naval blockade of Ilvesian ports to halt all foreign trade to this illegal government that has seen fit to overthrow their rightful liege lady. The blockade shall only be lifted once Queen Hiroko is returned to her ancestral throne and given all her sovereign powers and General Nolan formally resigns from his illegitimate position of head of state for the nation of Ilvesia.
Antonio Von Antheron VIII
Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
The 5th Imperial Fleet……….
The Imperial 5th Fleet upon receiving his Imperial Highnesses decree, immediately set sail from their home port in Helthtar to the coast of Ilvesia. The fleet was tasked with the job of keeping out foreign interlopers that would try and support General Nolan’s illegitimate regime.
The flagship was the Imperial Aircraft Carrier Bismarck which was in the center of this vast display of warships that set at top speed toward their target. The fleet was also carrying a little surprise onboard a few tactical teams of Imperial Stosstruppen. (shock troops) The Imperial Stosstruppen were tasked with infiltrating into the now defunct nation of Ilvesia and supporting any resistance movements against General Nolan, with the ultimate goal of his assassination as authorized by the Imperial Central Command and the Imperial Arch Ducal Council. It was a dangerous undertaking, but it was considered a cheaper maneuver than smashing the country under the jackboots of the Imperial Legions.
The approaching fleet continued on it’s heading slowing only to group all it’s elements together for the united force that would descend upon Ilvesia’s coast like a hammer against a nail. It was estimated that the fleet’s arrival time would be in a week’s time…
OOC: Fleet Size:
10 Imperial Aircraft Carriers
45 Imperial Destroyers
20 Imperial Cruisers
16 Imperial Nuclear Attack Submarines
35 Imperial Frigates
20 Imperial Aegis Cruisers
In a Village in Ilvesia:
It was cold that morning, and a thick fog hung low above the soggy ground, thus reducing immensely how well the two local militia soldiers standing watch could see.
“Did you hear anything?” one asked the other, shifting around in the cold to stay warm.
“What are you talking about, man?” asked the other, while shifting his AK-47 around and looking out uselessly in to the mist.
“I’m telling you, I heard something,” the first insisted. “It sounded like an engine.”
His companion snorted. Few people visited places like this. Just to humor him, he walked in to the fog a little and leaned forward, pretending to listen.
“Nope, man, I don’t…” He suddenly let his words just trail off, and this time he appeared like he was actually straining his ears. For a moment, he could have sworn he had heard a low, rumbling growl, like a big Diesel in the distance.
“It’s getting closer, man” said the first guard.
“Is your weapon loaded?” inquired the first, checking his Kalashnikov as he spoke.
“Yeah, man, sure,” was the reply, spoken as the first man swung his own rifle down from his shoulder, checking it quickly to make sure it was ready. Both men stood in quiet, with loaded weapons cradled lightly in tense hands, peering intently through the thick fog, and having no luck at all seeing through it, as the noise increased in volume. Eventually, there looked to be a shape forming through the mist, and soon, the shape of a large Army green heavy transport truck rolled in to view. It had a covered back, and, as well as the two men in the cab, there were two men up on the running boards, each carrying a rifle slung up on his shoulder, eyes constantly scanning the surrounding country.
“Army patrol,” said the first militiaman.
“No,” said the second. “Not a patrol. They’re too tense to be just a patrol. Besides, there’s likely enough room in that truck for a platoon.”
“How do you know that?” his companion asked.
“I did my two years of National Service in the Royal Army,” he said. While he spoke, the military vehicle rumbled to a halt before their ad hoc checkpoint and waited.
“Hello there, friend,” said the second militiaman as he walked up to the cab. “What’re the men of the People’s Liberation Army doing here?”
“Manhunt force,” replied the man in the passenger’s seat, a sergeant.
“Is that so?” asked the man. “Well, orders are to check every vehicle moving through and make sure they’re clear, but I’d say this time we don’t-” He stopped suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” asked the sergeant in the truck.
“I thought I heard something odd from the back. It sounded like a woman’s voice…”
“Don’t be stupid, man,” said his comrade. “One thing the Royal Army and the PLA don’t have any problem disagreeing on is no women in combat forces.”
“Yeah,” the militiaman conceded. “But I could’ve sworn that I heard it.”
“We’re just a search force, soldier,” said the sergeant. “Mind letting us get to work?”
“…Sure, go ahead.” That was said only following a moment’s hesitation, and with that he let the truck pass through.
“I could have sworn I heard a woman’s voice,” the militiaman swore as he watched as the military truck went on its way.
“Dude,” said his fellow. “You’ve been out in the fog too long.”
“Yeah, you’re right about that.”
“Well, Your Majesty, we managed to get through unnoticed.” The Royal Guardsman said in a now unnecessarily low voice as the truck trundled along. From where she sat covered in blankets with her children and concealed by the soldiers, Queen Hiroko nodded quietly in response.
For: Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs Tiberius Reginus of the Holy Imperium of Angenteria
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Support
I am very pleased to learn you intend to support the rightful government of my realm, and if there is anything you can do to be of assistance, we will let you know at once.
HRM Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
RE: Blockade
Your Imperial Majesty,
It has come to my government’s attention that you have now ordered your military forces in to a full-scale blockade of Ilvesia. General Nolan has instructed me to request that such illegal activities be ceased immediately, and I personally with to state, as I have often that it is no government’s right to rule a state. We deposed the Lattimore regime with intent to help the Ilvesian people and nothing else.
Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Support
My fellow Monarch,
I am very grateful to learn that you have chosen to assist me and my people, and once this horrible period in my nation’s history is through this support will not be forgotten.
HRM Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
For: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Gavin Astley of the United Kingdom of Azazia
From: General Kieran Nolan, Head of the IPLA and PGA
RE: Settlement Proposal
If such as you have proposed can be proved to be reasonably possible, then I would try to implement it so as to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, but as it is, the people here have not in themselves the ability to tolerate bringing back the Lattimores, and nobody could agree how best to replace them. It is as simple as that, really.
I would nonetheless be willing to discuss this issue with you, and possibly solve the issue in my nation as bloodlessly as possible.
General Kieran Nolan, Head of the IPLA and PGA
Red Tide2
21-01-2008, 01:24
Secret IC: State Dacha, Ariga, TSRT Mainland
In the entirety of the Totalitarian State of Red Tide, no four men were more powerful then the four sitting inside this room. The least powerful was Nikolai Suvov Adrukrei, head of the Intelligence Commissarat. Second least was Defense Minister Federov Dresdinski Murmansk, the second most powerful was Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Nerovich Gromkyo. And finally, the undisputed master of the country, General Secretary Basvorich Kerchotuvich Narmonov.
The four were sitted in a meeting. Their powers came from different sources, Adrukrei from the secret police and intelligence apparatus known as the Intelligence Commissarat, Murmansk from his control of the State Guard, Airforce, Navy, Current Guard, and the BlackWatch Special Forces. Gromkyo's influence came from his experience and the fact that he was the likeliest of the successors to Narmonov. And Narmonov... he was in control through sheer force of personality and unimaginable ruthlessness.
Together, the four men made decisions that altered the fate of both their countries... and, sometimes, others. Today, the topic was about the small nation of Ilvesia.
"So..." Narmonov said, "A monarchy and a democracy? BAH! Neither of those is conducive to what that nation really needs! A truely powerful State is the only way forward for any decent NationState!"
"Quite so, Basvorich Kerchotuvich..." Gromkyo said, finding it sensible to agree with the tyrant. "But there are no third sides that fit what we want..."
"There arent? Then we create one..." Narmonov said, "As a matter of fact, we already have... us. Comrade Murmansk!"
The word 'comrade' was a leftover term, an old habit from the days of Communism, but it had come to mean 'fellow countryman', and was usually employed only by the political elite and the propaganda machines.
Murmansk, a former Field Marshal, lifted his head, "Da?"
Narmonov said, "How soon can you muster an invasion force to get to Ilvesia."
"If we are talking about a full scale invasion of the country, only a single Army Group would be nessecary." Murmansk said, "They are a relatively knew nation. The problem, however, is the other forces involved. The supporters and denouncers wont appreciate us barging in and-"
Just then, Adukrei said, "Perhaps we should pretend to help the Monarchy? And then, when the Queen and her children come back to the capitol amidst the occupying State Guardsmen, ostensibly to restore their rule, we liquidate her."
Narmonov smiled maliciously, "Very good, Nikolai Suvov! That is a grand plan... but we shouldnt invade right off the bat. Some espionage deception and diplomatic manuevering is needed first. And, most of all, we need a Casus Belli."
Nods went around the room.
"Very well, comrades." Narmonov said, "Comrade Foreign Minister... I have a message for you to draft!"
"The Totalitarian State hereby throws its full support behind the true leader of Ilvesia, Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia! All options are on the table to restore her rightfully to power!"
End Message
In the meantime, inside the shadowy headquarters of the Intelligence Commissarat, orders were loosed to the Commissars who worked for it. And in State Guard* Bases around the country, silent mobilisation orders were loosed to various divisions. And, at the State Naval Base 44, a Carrier Battlegroup began to warmup their engines.
OOC: State Guard=Regular Red Tidean Army.
21-01-2008, 02:32
The messages from both Hiroko I Lattimore and from Mr. Kevin Fuhrman were promptly received by the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs and were promptly given to the Grand Holy Emperor himself.
His Imperial Majesty, Antonio Von Antheron VIII read the messages from both parties and after a minute of contemplation decided to issue his own response back. The Deatharoni Emperor left his throne and walked over to his private work desk while being escorted by two elite Imperial Stosstruppen guards.
The guards did not leave his side as the Grand Holy Emperor began to write down his formal and Informal reply….
Secret IC:
To: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
From: His August Imperial Highness, Grand Holy Emperor Antonio Von Antheron VIII
Subject: Support
Your Royal Majesty,
The Holy Imperium of Deatharon and myself fully sympathize the blight of you and your children. I have already sent an entire Imperial Fleet to blockade the Ilvesian coast to stop any foreign nations from supporting the illegitimate regime of General Nolan. We have also deployed a number of elite Imperial Stosstruppen tactical teams.
The Imperial Stosstruppen have been given orders to begin infiltration onto the coast of Ilvesia and support the local loyalist movement based in the countryside. We also have given them the orders to assassinate General Nolan and any of his top officials of his damnable PLA and PGA.
I hope this information brings hope to you and your family. We shall do all in our power to return you and your children to your ancestral throne. May Minax, protect you and keep you safe till the day…
Antonio Von Antheron VIII
Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax
To: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
From: His August Imperial Highness, Grand Holy Emperor Antonio Von Antheron VIII
Mr. Fuhrman,
The Holy Imperium of Deatharon does not see your current government as a sovereign entity of the Kingdom of Ilvesia. You have overthrown your lawful ruler and executed him for doing his job! I am totally applaud that you claim to be serving the will of your people when obviously you are merely killing off anyone that speaks out against General Nolan and his newly created protectorate.
The Holy Imperium will thus not cease and desist from our legitimate naval operations, to halt the cancer that is General Nolan’s regime from spreading out to international waters. We shall do everything in our power to restore the Lattimore throne and expunge the traitors and dissidents that have committed treason against their sovereign ruler.
Antonio Von Antheron VIII
Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax
The Imperial 5th Fleet…….
A week’s time had passed and the Imperial 5th Fleet entered into Ilvesian territorial waters. The Imperial warships moved together in a tight wedge like formation expecting the Protectorate navy to try and stop their blockade from taking place. The Imperial Flagship Bismarck sent out a general hail to the Ilvesian naval forces……
Incoming Transmission…………
To: Ilvesian Protectorate Navy
From: The Imperial 5th Fleet
We have come to police this coast in the name of his August Imperial Highness, Grand Holy Emperor Antonio Von Antheron VIII. If you resist and attempt to break our operations we shall respond with lethal force and your actions will prompt a naval bombardment of your positions along the coast…..
Ending Transmission………
Onboard the deck of Bismarck……….
Just a few minutes before dusk....
The CO of the Bismarck, Lord Admiral Victor Vladacard looked upon the first tactical teams of the Imperial Stosstruppen. They were already dressed and ready to go with their aqua gear and their standard MP5SD submachine guns. They saluted the Lord Admiral as he approached them on the deck and replied, “At ease.”
The Imperial Stosstuppen immediately stood at ease and waited for their instructions. The Lord Admiral looked as his men and finally said, “Stosstruppen, Today we have been authorized by the Grand Holy Emperor himself to infiltrate into Ilvesia and help put down these unruly peasants that have besmirched the good name of the Kingdom of Ilvesia.”
The Imperial Stosstruppen immediately replied, “Yes Sir!”
The Lord Admiral smiled and added, “It is good to see you are eager because, the Emperor also wants you to kill General Nolan and his closets advisors and officals. You have been authorized to do this by whatever means necessary. We shall return the Kingdom to the Lattimore family, is this understood?”
“Yes Sir!” was the general reply…..
The Lord Adrimal waved them off and the five man teams immediately headed towards the nearest H-60 Seahawks. These sea based helicopters were to get the Stossturppen within swimming range of the coast and allow them to get up to the coast around night time. The goal was to get as many teams as possible onshore before sunrise morning…..
Commodore Larry A. Churchwell, CO of the IPN sat in the office of his recently resigned Royalist predecessor and wondered at his circumstances. As though his pathetic fleet, and its woefully inadequate supporters in the Coast Guard, could threaten the blockading fleet in any way! Based purely on numbers, the IPN and the IPCG had thirty-eight ships, based in locations all along the Ilvesian coastline.
If one looked beyond the numbers, however, the situation looked bleak. Of all those ships he commanded, thirty were Cyclone-class patrol cutters, not fit for standup combat with a large blue-ocean fleet.
His remaining eight ships were more capable in that respect, but one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, heavily armed though it was, and supported by three destroyers and four frigates, was not in a position to fight a fleet such as the one coming against them now, much as the ratings in the crew of the aging INS Peoria might disagree. With this in mind he had issued strict instructions to his ships: No vessel should venture outside Ilvesian waters and none could launch unprovoked strikes against the blockade force.
He only hoped that his captains would be able to obey him.
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Support
Your August Imperial Highness,
I fully support the actions you have taken. I have left word with my loyal forces still alive in Ilvesia to cooperate with the Imperial Stosstruppen in any reasonable way possible and keep them hidden from General Nolan’s forces until they can kill Nolan.
HRM Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
RE: Blockade
Your Imperial Majesty,
Firstly, perhaps you should not jump to a conclusion about this situation. King Richmond is without a doubt the worst, most tyrannical monarch in Ilvesian history. King David, his hideously corrupt and inept father, was not even as bad, which is really saying something.
I reiterate once more that no government has a right to rule, and should they be corrupt, it is the people’s right and sacred responsibility to remove them.
Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
21-01-2008, 06:14
OOC: Just thought I'd give an update of the situation from my point of view.
Secret IC:
Within the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, trouble was stirring. It was still undecided whether to openly participate in what was being called "The Ilvesian Incident", or simply sit and wait for a result. 3 Divisions of Imperial Guards had already been covertly mobilized, and ordered to be ready for immediate departure. A Imperial Naval battle group was also told to be ready.
Within the Imperial Palace, advisors pleaded their case with the Emperor. Many of the conservative officials argued to continue the long-time tradition of isolationism, stating that establishing embassies in foreign nations is far enough. More liberal advisors argued to take action against the false ruler, General Nelson. The Emperor considered each case carefully:
"My Lord, if we become involved with this incident, it could prove damaging to our reputation. it would give us the reputation of war-mongerers, which would prove disastrous for us."
"Many different powers have already pledged their support for the Ilvesian Queen! The Holy Imperium of Deatharon has already sent an entire fleet!"
"Which is exactly why we should stay out! We don't have to get involved here, My Lord! The other nations are fully capable of handling the situation!"
"We can't hesitate here! If we do, Angenteria will be known as weak cowards who will give in to anyone! Please, My Lord, you must act!"
Emperor Anticus Riecktial I held up his hands, silencing the bickering advisors almost instantly. He considered what he was going to say next very carefully. After a period of silence, he spoke:
"While I understand becoming involved can potentially damage the Imperium, not becoming involved harbors the same consequences. Considering this fact, I have decided that we will send a small group of special forces to infiltrate Ilvesia, to assist and coordinate the Royalist Forces still remaining. The results of that will lead me to decide our next move. "
He ordered a message to be sent to Queen Lattimore:
Secret Communique,
To: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
From: The Holy Imperium of Angenteria
Subject: Imperial Support
After debating the issue within my council, we have decided to take action by sending a small unit of elite troops to coordinate and assist Royalist troops throughout Ilvesia. Our objective will be to return control of the nation to royalist control, making your rightful return to power much easier. At times like this, it's good for fellow monarchs to stick together, and help each other out
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Anticus Riecktial I
Sovereign Ruler of the Holy Imperium of Angenteria.
Black Imperium
21-01-2008, 06:41
The Black Imperium is saddened to see such negative reactions towards General Nolan's actions in overthrowing the monarchy of Ilvesia. We are upset other nations are attempting to put the monarchy back into power when if it were wanted at all the people of Ilvesia would not be supporting General Nolan's changes.
The fact that Ilvesia has not devolved into anarchy is a sign that General Nolan's party has stabilized the country and supports the pre-stated fact that if the people were not for his movement it would not have succeeded to this point. The Black Imperium requests the nations that are for support of the monarchy prove General Nolan has committed some crime by perusing the interests of the people.
We ask that any nations attempting to invade the country and re institute the monarchy halt their actions while we attempt to find evidence proving that Mr. Kevin Fuhrman's rule is not in the better interests of the people of Ilvesia.
To: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
From: President Vladimir Petrovitch (The Second)
Good day to you, brother revolutionary. While I condemn the use of needless violence, I praise you for removing a threat to the well-being of the people, and for spearing the boil of the upper class ruthlessly. I would like to inquire as to your new government's standing on the following topics:
-Civil Rights
-Political Rights
-The Environment
Should you agree with our own standing on these matters satisfactorily, the Democratic Socialist Island States of Dashkov will deploy a convoy of diplomats and advisers to assist you. We are not a militant nation, and so cannot promise any help in that way, I'm afraid, but we will try and help as best we can.
Peace, Love and Freedom
For: President Vladimir Petrovitch of the Democratic Socialist Island States of Dashkov
From: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman of the Protectorate of Ilvesia
RE: Issues
Mr. President,
I have been asked to reply to the questions you have sent us recently. I will begin with the issue of Civil Rights, and go from there.
It is the view of General Nolan and his faction that all government stems and is ruled from the Third Estate, which is to say the general populace, and that it is therefore only right that a government should mintain a balance of rights mixed with regulations within the state at all times.
Regarding the second issue, Political Rights, all Ilvesian Citizens who are sound in mind can expect the Franchise when the new government takes office, the lone exception at this point being criminals.
Regarding the third issue, The Environment, it is the sentiment of the General it is every government's responsibility to make all reasonable steps to protect local environmental standards, while taking care not to harm the state and its local people.
Regarding the fourth isue, Demilitarisation, that is a touchy issue. While there is a need to be realistic about military force sizes, a capable military force, as large and advanced as is reasonably possible, is among the people's rights and the government's responsibilities.
I hope that clears up things well enough for you.
Mr. Kevin Fuhrman of the PoI
Incidentally, Black Impeium, Fuhrman is not in charge. General Nolan is personally.
"Is this a joke?"
"No Minister, unfortunately I am being quite serious."
Basil Spencer-Darling shook his head. As Minister of State for International Development, the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary had asked him to fly to Ilvesia and head an advisory team that would seek to negotiate a compromise settlement. Unfortunately, the Royal Intelligence Service had neglected to create a brief on the meteorological conditions to be expected in Ilvesia for at least the following seven days. His chief of staff simply shrugged at his boss and gestured for him to climb the stairs leading to the open door of the Oceanian Airways long-distance passenger jet set to fly to Ilvesia.
Eventually finding his seat, Spencer-Darling opened the locked combination on his briefcase and withdrew a few select documents regarding the nature of the conflict in the country. Unfortunately, the RIS knew very little about the situation–perhaps the reason for the inclusion of two members amongst his team. One was to remain with him and provide observation and analysis of General Nolan, the other to provide a similar capacity for a team that would seek to meet with the surviving monarch–presuming she was not found and executed while his flight was en route.
Within twenty minutes, the wheels were up and the aircraft painted in a livery reminiscent of the Oceanian flag was climbing towards its cruising altitude on its long flight to Ilvesia.
Office of the Prime Minister
Georgetown, United Kingdom
In the bright and naturally lit office of the Prime Minister sat his principal private secretary/chief of staff, the First Sea Lord, and the Foreign Secretary.
"Mr. Prime Minister," Gavin Astley continued, "we cannot rush to conclusions about the outcome of any potential meeting between Basil and this General Nolan, nor about the remainder of his team and this Queen Hiroko," the Foreign Secretary looked down to confirm his sketchy notes about the current status of the Ilvesian government. "Thus far," he continued, looking back up at the Prime Minister, "we have heard positive responses from a man who, quite frankly, sir, need not give one."
"And that's the problem, Gavin," the First Sea Lord, Radovan Noskovic, interjected. A Novikovian whose home had been annexed by the United Kingdom in recent years, he had become the highest ranking Novikovian in the Government. Unlike Astley and the others in the room he had not trained to be a politician but rather a submariner. It just so happened that he was an electable submariner. "How do we know that Nolan here isn't just saying what he needs to say to get us all off his back? Just because he's a general doesn't mean that he has no mind for politics. Look at me," he added with a smirk.
"If I may, Mr. Prime Minister," Laird spoke, receiving a nod from the Prime Minister, "as my staff and I discussed earlier we run into the political problem of supporting a man who has committed regicide. Ultimately, as a constitutional monarchy we should back this queen of theirs pushing not for a radical revolution but a gradual evolution to a more liberal society with rights enshrined by constitution or other such means. If we go about siding with Nolan we risk losing seats in the House of Commons come the next election."
"But how do we assist in suppressing a democracy, Reginald?" Astley responded. "We cannot simply stand aside while Nolan, and presumably in several days' time foreign powers, intervene to crush the forces supporting liberal democracy. Yes, we are a constitutional monarchy. But the constitutional part supports a liberal democracy. I think it simply premature to begin planning for military operations."
"I did not say massive military operations, Gavin," Noskovic quickly followed. "I simply said a small show of force." He then turned to face the Prime Minister. "Sir, as it stands we have a single commercial flight and a delegation of civil service persons and one MP representing the might of the United Kingdom. What is the harm in sending a few ships? I'm not saying a fleet or even a task force, but something small. Anybody with any brains will know about our naval power and will know that what we send is but the very tip of a well sharpened blade. They'll also know that it signals we mean business. Perhaps it'll even put a little fire under the general and the queen to hammer out a compromise."
"Or a signal that we are acting, in some way, duplicitous," Astley fired back. "At best it sends a mixed signal. Talk diplomacy and stall while we build up a major fleet with Royal Marines off your coast."
"But they know that we know that they know they really stand not a chance against us. Seriously, we could land thousands of marines and level their nation with bombs and missiles and they can't touch us."
Laird looked at the two cabinet secretaries and then over at the Prime Minister, whose grey eyes betrayed nothing. "If we do this, Radovan, what are we talking about?"
"Reginald, Mr. Prime Minister, I would propose a surface action group centered around a dreadnought and some light carriers. It provides us with an immediate response capability and showing any other first responders that we mean business and will defend ourselves."
"I still think we ought not to send anything, Reg," Astley added. "It will likely be taken in a negative light."
"As much as we talk about compromise amongst the royalists and the democrats, how about a compromise amongst ourselves?" The room's attention suddenly turned to the Prime Minister, whose voice now commanded their attention without warning. "Are there any reasons why we cannot send a smaller force, Radovan?"
"I'd like whatever we send to be able to defend itself, sir."
"Defend itself against what? Are we anticipating any problems? I should imagine that so long as the Ilvesians and any other foreign actors know our ultimate objective of seeking a compromise solution that our forces should remain unmolested. And given your previous assertion about the tip of the blade, a frigate or two ought to be enough of a signal to all foreign actors that while we intend to find a diplomatic solution, we are prepared to use force if ultimately necessary. Now, if we were to dispatch a frigate to show the flag, what options do we have?"
Noskovic opened a folder that had been laying closed upon the table before the men. "Well, sir," he began, leafing through the various documents, "a single frigate would require general purpose characteristics for defence against all environments. I would recommend one of our Type 22s, twenty-thousand tonnes and well-armed for anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine operations. Given the satellite intelligence, more than a match for the combined strength of the Ilvesian Navy. If dispatched, though, sir, it would require a Royal Fleet Auxiliary, mostly for refueling operations–especially if she uses her helicopter extensively, and I would given your proposed dispatch of a single vessel."
"How soon can we have one dispatched?"
"A single frigate, sir, can set sail within two hours. The RFA component will push us back probably to near six hours from now."
"Get on it, Radovan."
"Yes, sir," the First Sea Lord responded, quickly gathering his materials before exiting the office to return to the Admiralty.
"And Gavin, I want the Foreign Office to keep a close read on the international perception of our force deployment."
"Yes, sir." And with that, Astley left the office immediately behind Noskovic leaving Laird alone with the Prime Minister.
"If they even notice the deployment, sir," the chief of staff said once the door clicked shut. "Within two weeks we will probably have massive fleets gathering off the Ilvesian coast rattling their sabres as loud as possible. And while I respect the might of the Royal Navy, sir, a single frigate shall be very pale in comparison."
"Indeed, Reginald, but firstly I really intend to settle this diplomatically. Secondly, where this frigate sets sail from, there are at least a thousand ships behind her ready to fight. Any satellite can show anyone that small fact."
HMNB Devonport
With typical efficiency, the estimates of the First Sea Lord were quietly exceeded. From one of the largest UK naval bases, two ships set sail under calm blue skies into the great expanse of the Pacific. It would take several days to reach Ilvesia, and by the time of their departure Spencer-Darling's flight had nearly arrived, but a press announcement by the Admiralty made sure that the news reached all parties in a low-key fashion that the United Kingdom was regarding the situation seriously.
President Vladimir frowned, were these revolutionaries trustworthy? Perhaps, but they were not left-wing, that much was obvious, and certainly not peaceful.
"Ernesto," Vladimir called, "Mr Marayuma? Do I have the Revolutionary Council's clearance?"
"Yes, send forth your legions of the revolution as you see fit!" the Councillor replied, he had the real power to shape the nation.
The President walked forwards and picked up his phone from the desk, "Airport-Vladimsk, is it? Prepare a luxury jet, ASAP, I need my best diplomats flying out" he dialled another number, "Daskin-Base? Please deploy 50 soldiers immediately by Transport Jet-"
"You mean the Kawasaki C-Xs?"
"Are those the transport planes?"
"Then those ones, as I said! Deploy the Sukhoi Su-34s as well-"
"Both of them?"
"Yes, both of them, are you trying to hinder the revolution?"
"No sah, of course not sah!"
"Then prepare them to protect our men until they reach friendly airspace. There is a war-zone out there and we need to bring about some peace!"
The President put down the phone and prepared to tell that kevin fellow what he had done.
Black Imperium
22-01-2008, 22:14
Incidentally, Black Impeium, Fuhrman is not in charge. General Nolan is personally.
OOC: Ah. My bad
23-01-2008, 05:33
OOC: Ilvesia: If you want, your coast guard to catch one of these teams in infiltration, feel free to post a scenario. I would not mind Rping my Special Forces response to being found….
Azazia: I am a little confused, Did your ships arrive before my fleet? If they did are they inside the blockade area, or are they outside of it?
Commodore Larry A. Churchwell, CO of the IPN sat in the office of his recently resigned Royalist predecessor and wondered at his circumstances. As though his pathetic fleet, and its woefully inadequate supporters in the Coast Guard, could threaten the blockading fleet in any way! Based purely on numbers, the IPN and the IPCG had thirty-eight ships, based in locations all along the Ilvesian coastline.
If one looked beyond the numbers, however, the situation looked bleak. Of all those ships he commanded, thirty were Cyclone-class patrol cutters, not fit for standup combat with a large blue-ocean fleet.
His remaining eight ships were more capable in that respect, but one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, heavily armed though it was, and supported by three destroyers and four frigates, was not in a position to fight a fleet such as the one coming against them now, much as the ratings in the crew of the aging INS Peoria might disagree. With this in mind he had issued strict instructions to his ships: No vessel should venture outside Ilvesian waters and none could launch unprovoked strikes against the blockade force.
He only hoped that his captains would be able to obey him.
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Her Royal Majesty Queen Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
RE: Support
Your August Imperial Highness,
I fully support the actions you have taken. I have left word with my loyal forces still alive in Ilvesia to cooperate with the Imperial Stosstruppen in any reasonable way possible and keep them hidden from General Nolan’s forces until they can kill Nolan.
HRM Dowager Hiroko I Lattimore of the Kingdom of Ilvesia
For: Antonio Von Antheron VIII, Grand Holy Emperor of Deatharon, Arch Duke of Death Hold, Defender of the Faith of Minax.
From: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
RE: Blockade
Your Imperial Majesty,
Firstly, perhaps you should not jump to a conclusion about this situation. King Richmond is without a doubt the worst, most tyrannical monarch in Ilvesian history. King David, his hideously corrupt and inept father, was not even as bad, which is really saying something.
I reiterate once more that no government has a right to rule, and should they be corrupt, it is the people’s right and sacred responsibility to remove them.
Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
Secret IC:
The H-60 Seahawks were moving under the cover of darkness, The pilots had been given drop coordinates from the Imperial Central Command via the intelligence department to the areas that seemed the least patrolled by the Ilvesian navy. The information was gathered by spy satellite in orbit and so far the information seemed to be reliable.
The H-60’s came in low just barely a few feet above the water, to try and avoid radar detection for as long as possible. They proceeded to approach deeper into Ilvesian waters. Once they were about a mile offshore they dropped their “cargo” into the freezing water..
The Imperial Stosstruppen were harden special forces teams that had to go through extensive training in both infiltration and covert warfare tactics. These seasoned veterans promptly went under water with their aqua-gear and swam towards shore. They did their best to stay under the water to avoid being seen. The air tanks on their backs continued to give them life giving oxygen as they headed toward the shore…
The goal for each team was simple, to hit the beach and establish a ground perimeter with their team. The teams would then use their night vision goggles to proceed in the dark, away from the beaches. The next objective, was to hide in the countryside and avoid major towns and roads until establishing contact with Royalist forces out in the country….
Lance Corporal Stefan Nolovokisty was in charge of Specter team, His unit was one of several Imperial Stosstruppen tactical teams given the assignment for covert operations inside of Ilvesia. The Lance Corporal promptly hit the beach with his unit after a mile long swim underneath the freezing Ilvesian water. His team quickly took off their aqua-gear and began to get on their dark cameo gear as they put their aqua-gear in their bags. This took them about ten minutes, They hurried up, to set up a perimeter and open communications with their Intelligence Officer onboard the Bismarck.
“This is Specter Team, We have established beachhead position, We are requesting a green-light to begin operation Silent Dagger.”
The Intelligence Officer replied via the radio, “Roger That Specter, You have green light to begin operations against the enemy.”
Stefan sighed and commanded, “Bruno, You take point position, Karl, you take rear guard position. Dietrich, you got right flank and, Dimetri, you take left flank." The Lance Corporal Stefan took the center and they proceeded away from the beach and into the dark country. They were trained to move during the night and stay hidden during the day. It was part of their training and this would make their progress slow but stealthy as they continued to advance while trying to avoid detection from enemy sea patrols or more likely PLA hunting patrols that would most likely be on the local roads.
The team leader was equipped with a Special Forces P.D.A. that gave him direct satellite Intel and this made it easy for the team to avoid the main roads as they headed out into the wilderness and the backcountry trying to avoid the patrols of the PLA.
The Team was armed with their standard issue MP5SD submachine guns equipped with suppressors to keep the noise levels low when firing at enemy positions. The team also had an miniature arsenal of weapons ranging from a dissembled M-40 Sniper rifle, a few packs of C-4, fragmentation grenades, a portable rocket launcher, with four rockets along with their standard issue Commando Knives, and MK-23 pistols, with suppressors, and laser aiming modules.
The team switched on their night vision devices that was attached to their black helmets. This gave them the ability to see in infra-red to help locate enemy positions as they advanced forward moving together as a group weapons hot and ready for action….
Specter Team, was an example, of one of several teams that had made this attempted landing along the coast of Ilvesia. It goes without saying that even the most well planned infiltration plan does not always pay off, and when making several mass attempts. It is bound to have at least a few mishaps…
The fleet of planes had nearly made it to Ilvesian airspace, but the pilots were getting nervous.
"Yellow Macaw? This is Red Macaw, status?"
"Fine and dandy, Red Macaw... yours?"
"Glorious, Suki 1?"
"The air is clear from what I can see, Suki 2?"
"Looks fine, but stay wary, Base Command sends warning of a blockade."
"Blood hell!" said an unknown pilot, "I thought this was a peace flight..."
"You thought wrong," Suki 2's pilot said, "Just stay alert!"
"Ok guys, this is Red Macaw, my guys are getting restless, any word of when we can touch down?"
"This is Yellow Macaw, seeking permission to land now..."
"Good-" there was a crackle on the radio as the pilot swore, "Sky Whale, come in Sky Whale?"
There was no response from the passenger plane's pilot.
"Sky Whale?" The words were shouted down the line
"Yes?" said a small voice, "Sky Whale here"
"For the love of Marx, what happened?"
"Sorry, minor disturbance, I'm preparing to land now!"
A sigh of relief was transmitted loudly across the radio waves
"Ilvesia? This is the Dashkovian fleet, Red Macaw reporting on the behalf of Red Fleet, permission to land?"
"You've called for me, my Lord." a single cloaked figure asked, his face concealed beneath a dark hood, falling into a deep bow before a young man seated on a throne. The figure he addressed was, despite his relatively young age, a figure that displayed an aura of great power and authority; a man who had singlehandedly taken power in two nations without the firing of a single bullet; a man one could either fully love, fear or hate.
"Yes, you may rise." he spoke, waving the man to his feet. "Minister Suzuki was, I admit, wary about letting you live; with your former employ to Kim Jong-il, my former enemy. Yet, I am neither above forgiveness ... nor forsight. I had thought your skills, your units would be useful for ... tighter times during the rule. As you no doubt know, a potential ally of ours has been attacked by her own people in a chaotic, violent revolution. Such chaos is in itself evil; if left unchecked it will spread across the world and eventually come to threaten the peace I have worked so hard to obtain for our people. I need your men to ensure her safe passage to the coast of her nation, where a transport is standing by to bring her to Tokyoni. Remember, I have both your name and face, Seung. Do not even think of crossing me."
"Understood my Lord," the figure said with another bow, fluttering his robes behind him. "I shall send the Elite Red Guard in; she shall be returned safely. I pledge my life on it."
Raito smiled; "As with everything Seung, as with everything." Waving the man off, he continued quickly, "I'd better not keep you; I'm sure you have much to do."
As the other hurried out of the throne room, Raito closed his eyes for a moment, sincerely grateful to himself for having had the forsight to keep such a man alive. In the past, the Korean people had not fared well in the northern peninsula - by anyone's standards; forced under the rule of a brutal ... and most inefficient ... dictator. Yet for all the North Korean dictator's many faults, there was one program; one bit of infastructure that Raito liked the idea of -very- much; so much so that he left it entirely intact.
There had existed a secret program in the former nation of North Korea, taking in secret the most skilled and capable of the nation's youth in all fields from an extremely young age away from their familes; training them in a secret facility to know only loyalty to their nation and to excell in combat, strategy, intelligence, and espionage. The most elite of the elite they were bred warriors like the rest of the world had never seen.
Raito had viewed most of the former dictator's work in the nation with disgust, but on this one particular matter, he found something of an inspiration; deciding to leave the program intact, it now continued, still essentially in secret, under his direct command - the program's leader under a constant, very real threat of death.
Breaking News!
In a truly controversial decision, General Nolan has released a statement that he will be willing to accept the monarchy's reinstatement, but only with terms he has listed out, which are, he says, intended to prevent the Lattimores and Monarchs from any future ruling families from attaining too much power, which is what spawned his revolution in the first place.
His terms are as follows:
1. Queen Hiroko will abdicate her claim to the Crown of Ilvesia. She will then be permitted to return to Ilvesia where she will be treated in accordance with her social status.
2. One of Queen Hiroko's three children, Prince James, Princess Aubrie, and Princess Florentina, shall be crowned the new King or Queen of Ilvesia. As it is known none of the Lattimore children are of age to ascend, a dispensation made by the Provisional Government Authority shall waive the law preventing immediate ascension, and the selected child shall be crowned.
3. Regardless who is chosen to ascend the throne, the selected person shall have a Council of Regency led by General Nolan or a person of his choosing until they come of age, whereupon they shall be required to keep General Nolan or a person of his choosing as a personal advisor.
General Nolan has also stated the selection of which child would ascend will be left to the Lattimore family.
His Exellency the General awaits a reply from the concerned nations regarding his proposed terms.
Spencer-Darling sat at a small conference section of the Oceanian aircraft that had transported him to Ilvesia. Across from his sat his chief of staff and to his aide's right a member of the Royal Intelligence Service. To the minister's right sat the two people tasked with meeting Queen Hiroko, every one of them carefully reviewing the general's proposals.
"I am inclined to recommend the Prime Minister accept the proposal," Spencer-Darling offered to the group, placing his copy of the document upon the small table, crowded with a plate of cookies, a pitcher of ice water (with appropriate glasses) and the minister's tea. He took careful note to place the paper away from where the condensation from the glasses was pooling.
The group murmured in general assent before a slight cough from the head of the delegation assigned to meet Queen Hiroko. "Has there been any response from the Ilvesian Crown?"
"Not that we have received," one of the intelligence analysts replied. Fittingly, he was a man of average height, brown hair, brown eyes and failed to stand out amongst even the small group of five individuals. "And until we do, sir," he continued, now addressing Spencer-Darling, "I cannot in good faith provide my assent."
"The terms, however, are rather good. This Nolan chap has made an abrupt about-face," Spencer-Darling said. "Moving from regicide to regency is a rather sudden shift that we ought not take for granted."
"Certainly not," the woman tasked with meeting the queen added. "However, I feel it important that we keep in mind this proposed," she looked down at her copy of Nolan's proposals, "Council of Regency. It provides the general every opportunity to subvert the monarchy and perhaps only strengthen the divide between the crown and the country." She paused for a moment, not for emphasis but rather to form another thought, continuing when it had finally coalesced.
"That all said, sir, Nolan has begun to move in the direction sought by the Government. Perhaps the time has come for a small carrot."
"As if we even have a stick in this whole arrangement," the heretofore quiet RIS analyst quipped. He quickly found a disapproving glare from Spencer-Darling. "My apologies, sir."
"Indeed," the minister continued, keeping his eyes on the man from the RIS for a moment longer than what was needed to make the man feel uncomfortable. "We could place a trade agreement before the Provisional Government–something small, say a free trade deal specific to a particular industry, say manufacturing, for example."
"That is still a rather large carrot, Mr. Minister," the woman responded. "I should think an even smaller gesture, say, official diplomatic recognition and the announcement that we will be considering signing a free trade agreement with the Ilvesians. That all of course contingent upon Nolan not reneging on his part of the proposal."
Secure Communication
To: Mr. Kevin Fuhrman
His Majesty's Government welcomes the initial steps taken by the Provisional Government Authority towards the implementation of a constitutional monarchy and with it the compromises necessary to a lasting Ilvesian stability.
Recognising the strides taken by the PGA in recent days, His Majesty's Government does now officially recognise the PGA as the sovereign government of Ilvesia, with the Crown of Ilvesia performing an executive role in the process of governing.
Additionally, the United Kingdom is prepared to conduct negotiations on drafting a treaty promoting free trade between our two nations. The final agreement, however, remains predicated on the exact delineation of powers between the branches of the Ilvesian government and the response of the Ilvesian Crown to General Nolan's proposals.
None of this, however, should be so misconstrued so as to denigrate the progress made by the PGA in restoring constitutional rule to Ilvesia. And it is that fact that His Majesty's Government wishes to focus upon and celebrate in the forthcoming hours and days.
Gavin Astley,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs