NationStates Jolt Archive

The Interstellar Empire of Tanara Crowns a new Empress - Page 2

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Imperial isa
19-02-2008, 06:39
"He is correct Mistress Black, and while we are about you are safe." Shiva said softly as he found a cotton handkerchief and unfolding it, handed it to her. His emerald green eyes sought his brothers and they shared a look.

"Yes you are safe" Dar, as most called him, moved so that she was blocked from the sight of most to give her a moments privace to compose herself.

The twins ( let their wings unfurl slightly, adding to their not inconsiderable width. They were heavily muscled but moved with a gymnasts grace.

"we only find out the difference between the two when we were freed, so to me they all ways be the same in my book as that all i ever knew and matter what you say about bowing it well all ways bring back the memories of my friends, who i grow up with and were there for me when my mother and father was killed end up getting killed in front of my eyes"said Black as she takes the cotton handkerchie an wipes away her tears

"i'am sorry" Black just say out loud still holding the handkerchie to her eyes
19-02-2008, 10:51
She looked Adam over discretely,trying to discerne if he was better or if he was just covering well. "I'm sorry Adam that I brought back the horror, I never intended to. Would something to drink or eat help?"

Smith waved away her apology,
"It's fine, really. I would have had to face it at some point so it might as well have been now. I've always wanted to find the name of that Major who directed the defense but, for the moment, no such luck. One day I will find out but not for the moment."
He smiled,
"Although I am quite hungry, I haven't eaten since I was on the Dreameater. Shall we?" He indicated they should return inside.
19-02-2008, 13:29
"Marisol is correct, here in the Empire, such people would be hunted ruthlessly, and every hand would be against them. We have very strong feelings against that sort of thinking."
"We are bringing all our forces to bear in the hunt to locate the Rebel Base. However, it's a big galaxy out there, with a trillion places to hide. We seem close, we've uncovered more information about the Rebellion with the capture of Kash Wilson. Either the Rebellion will be located or they will engage us on the battlefield, either way they will be crushed. On Xiscapia, the wages for treason is death." Vanadict said darkly. It was proving impossible to find the Rebels, but with the increased attacks it wouldn't be long before they could trace back to the source.
20-02-2008, 06:26
Mistress Black, Shiva, Darharuman,

"There is no need to apologise" Shiva said softly "But the past is dust and only the future means anything. Please come, let us introduce you about. Our sisters are here some where" He scanned the throng of Ambassadors and Dignataries as Dar gallantly offered Mistress Black his arm,.

Adam, Meredeth

"Although I am quite hungry, I haven't eaten since I was on the Dreameater. Shall we?"

"Yes! I have to admit to being starved myself. My augumented metabolism pretty much demands I eat frequently." Merideth walked next to him, her cloak just brushing him. She would have liked to hold his hand but she wasn't sure if he wanted such contact.

Shortly she was waving one of the circulating waitstaff over. Merideth make a soft voiced request for a tray of the more substancial finger foods be brought over to the comfortable chairs she'd noticed were open. She was glad to see them, so that they didn't have to stand and eat at the same time.

Discretely she checked her chrono again. The Empresss would be making their appearances very soon.

Vanadict, Marisol, Vorn, Lord Celedon, Mm'rr'll

"Perhaps a new player in the game would shake things loose Madame Vanadict. " Mm'rr'll commented. "Some one wealthy, mysterious, and offering weapons the like they've never seen."

Lord Celedon nodded slowly. "Some one who can not be traced back to your people" He looked at the Xiscapians. "And can not be manipulated by the "Force' asw I believe you call it."
20-02-2008, 11:52
Discretely she checked her chrono again. The Empresss would be making their appearances very soon.

Smith noticed her looking at the device and gave a small smile
"Awaiting our new Empress to make her appearance?" He asked quietly, in truth, he was waiting as well.

His nerves were increasing with every moment and he knew soon, he would be facing the leader of an entire people. He'd said no more than four words to his own leader so what was he to say to another? One he'd never even met,
"Tell me," he said to Merideth through mouthfuls of food, "What is the Empress like? As a person, I mean"
20-02-2008, 14:35
"Perhaps a new player in the game would shake things loose Madame Vanadict. Some one wealthy, mysterious, and offering weapons the like they've never seen."

"Some one who can not be traced back to your people" He looked at the Xiscapians. "And can not be manipulated by the "Force' asw I believe you call it."
Vanadict was interested, but concerning the war there was one thing the Emperor was most firm about: No one else was to be dragged into the war, wether they wanted to or not. Too many people were involved already, too many lives lost. The Emperor felt that the Empire could handle this on it's own, and not have to call on friends for once.
"I beleive I know what you are getting at but I am afraid I must decline. The Empire does not want this Rebellion the spread any, or get anyone else involved. You understand, we cannot accept help. We already owe too much." said Vanadict sadly.
Imperial isa
20-02-2008, 14:52
"There is no need to apologise" Shiva said softly "But the past is dust and only the future means anything. Please come, let us introduce you about. Our sisters are here some where" He scanned the throng of Ambassadors and Dignataries as Dar gallantly offered Mistress Black his arm,.

"but we must all so not forget it so we don't make the same mistakes we did in the past" Black said as she takes the arm,she looks at him with her eyes red from crying,but the tears were gone
"you have a sister here"she asked as she thinks to herself

i wonder what he is doing now
21-02-2008, 06:40
Adam, Meredith

What is the Empress like? As a person, I mean"

"She causes scandals just by being herself. She can be very blunt spoken, and undiplomatic but thats because she cares so very passionately about 'truth, justice, and the Tanaran Way'." Meredith laughed then paused, thinking for a second, and spoke more slowly.

"She's a very quiet person once you really get to know her. She prefers to sit back and listen rather than being the one doing the talking. But she is an excellent listner, and has an almost editic memory. Very observant, little escapes her. I think she'll be somewhat less autocratic than Kaylinde has a tendency to be, she'd coming into this older, and with broader expereince under her belt. Dominique is the one who insisted that we open the Empire up for Embassies and possible alliances out of the Ring."

She took a sip of her tea and thought for another second. "She's a people person in the way Michiko is, but she's not an Empath though. The big worry is that she's unmarried, no support structure, no one close for when the stran starts tearing you down. Thats what hurt Michiko so badly. A lot of folks were upset when she abdicated after only forty years on the throne, and now with Kaylinde leaving after less than forty herself, they're predicting that Dominique won't last even that long"

Meredith shrugged lightly "I don't know. I'm thinking of retiring myself. It wears, this much responisbility, and ...sometimes it just wears one down." She said softly, studying her hands for a moment.

Vanadict, Vorn, Marisol, Grandfather, Mm'rr'll

The Empire does not want this Rebellion the spread any, or get anyone else involved. You understand, we cannot accept help. We already owe too much.

"Then your Empire will condemn loyal subjects to death because of foolish pride." Mm'rr'll tail lashed once then seemed to forciblly still itself. "How can you owe when no payment as asked. When help is freely offered with no expedctation of replayment."

The tall Xas gave Vanadict a stern look "I mean no insult, but you speak of a foolishness that will cost lives. Tell your Emperor that freely offered is freely offered, without hidden entanglements, debts, or obligations. " A bow so brief as to be no more than a dip of her head the Xa'Cz'inni strode away.

Lord Celedon looked after the departing Xas and merely commented "She is correct. The Xa do not bargain or barter, or indulge in trade. If they offer something it is freely given."

Mistress Black, Shiva and Darharuman

"Actually there are ten of us, five sisters, three brothers besides Shiva and I. Most of them have official duties that are keeping thembusy at the moment...but ah there is Lilith now" Dar replied at he began escorting her over to where a young woman was just leaving a group.

"Lilith" Shiva called to catch her attention and the young woman looked about, her eyes lighting in a smile.

Lilith ( was just over six foot tall and the heels she wore made her taller. Her hair was a bright auburn and her inquiisitive eyes a rich amber gold. "Good evening brothers mine. Who is this lovely lady you have the honor of escorting? I'm Lilith, and as a big sister I have to keep watch over younger brothers" Introducing herself, she spoke with a tease in her voice.
21-02-2008, 11:52
"I don't know. I'm thinking of retiring myself. It wears, this much responisbility, and ...sometimes it just wears one down." She said softly, studying her hands for a moment.

Adam smiled at the description of the Empress. She sounded a lot like old Aiden Mallon, the Alversian Prime Minister. He was old, but wise and calm. He inspired confidence just by being in the same room.

"Retiring?" Smith looked surprised, "I understand the strain a lot. You should come to Illesia," he thought about his home city, "You'd really like it. It's virtually a utopian society. A dream of Civil Rights and Equality. Everyone is equal"
21-02-2008, 12:44
"She is correct. The Xa do not bargain or barter, or indulge in trade. If they offer something it is freely given."
Vanadict looked out after Mm'rr'll as she strode away. I have offended her. Great, just what I need.
"No free help was to be expected. I am taken aback. When anyone offers help for anything, something is expected in return, in our experience. We did not want anyone's debt riding on our shoulders," said Vanadict softly. "Does she speak for all her people? Can she influence significant assistance?" With the Xas's words Vanadict began to reconsider. The Emperor only stated that no one was to be involved least the Empire owe a debt to someone else. He never said anything about assistance by someone who did not expect anything in return. After speaking again with Mm'rr'll, she would need to contact the Empire and tell them the good news. That is, if the Xas still felt that help should be given.
Imperial isa
21-02-2008, 20:31
"Actually there are ten of us, five sisters, three brothers besides Shiva and I. Most of them have official duties that are keeping thembusy at the moment...but ah there is Lilith now" Dar replied at he began escorting her over to where a young woman was just leaving a group.

"Lilith" Shiva called to catch her attention and the young woman looked about, her eyes lighting in a smile.
Lilith was just over six foot tall and the heels she wore made her taller. Her hair was a bright auburn and her inquiisitive eyes a rich amber gold. "Good evening brothers mine. Who is this lovely lady you have the honor of escorting? I'm Lilith, and as a big sister I have to keep watch over younger brothers" Introducing herself, she spoke with a tease in her voice..
'i'am a only child and my mother and father did the best they can to rise me'said Black as she was lead over to Lilith

"you can call me Mistress Black ,Black or.... yur that about it"said Black who change her mind about saying the last thing she was going to say

mean while the one who Black loved and was thinking about before what he was doing was in fact sitting in a foxhole eating out of can of peaches that was from his combat rations as he listens to the night sound of the woodland on the planet he was on
22-02-2008, 04:04
Adam & Merideth

You'd really like it. It's virtually a utopian society. A dream of Civil Rights and Equality. Everyone is equal"

"Every one is equal? That is a very great fallicy. Every one can not be equal. Every one should have equal chances, but equal can not be legislated. There are people who are supreme artists with a holocamera. I take but average holograms, but I can do things in even a non psi mech that no one else can do.And trying to make every one equal just marginalizes the talents of each individual." Merideth shook her head.

"Now if you are saying that every one has equal rights and priviledges thats different. And another thing we do not have here. No every one chooses to earn Citizanship, thts their rigth, but if they choose not to then they do not have any say in how the Empire is run. And while I am in the military I have only a limited say, I can only vote on certain subjects."

She smiled though at the thought of a travelling vacation "I'd love to see Illesia, to see how your society works."

Vanadict, Marisol, Vorn, Grandfather

The Emperor only stated that no one was to be involved least the Empire owe a debt to someone else. He never said anything about assistance by someone who did not expect anything in return

Lord Celedon chuckled softly "Oh Mm'rr'll will be back, she is nothing if not stubborn when she believes she is right. And yes, she can speak for the whole of the Xa, she is their Face to the Greater Universe."

"They are an old, old race, a race created by a civilization that had the power of gods, if you will. The Celestial Ring," Marisol waved a hand encompassing the whole of the galaxy that held the Empire. "called Hoag's Object by astronomers of Earth... The Xa created it at the behest of their creators, moved stars about as if they were but a child's nightlight. It was their last great undertaking before they took their revenge on their creators." Marisol said.

Mistress Black, Lilith, Shiva, and Darharuman

"Let it be Mistress Black then, formality keeps misunderstanding at a minimum." Lilith replied, the bonespurs laying along her forearms flared slightly then relaxed. They were inlaid with sparkling gems and bound about with precious metals - or so it appeared, for what it actually was roughly a thousand terrabites of computer, linked in with Porthos and the Palaces security system.

"Are you finding the Empire convivial? Is there anything lacking?" Lilith broke off to look over in the direction of Porthos, as he announced the last arrivals.
22-02-2008, 05:09
It was their last great undertaking before they took their revenge on their creators."
Vanadict nodded. "Ambassador Vorn told me their story when we were preparing for the reception. Facinating, really. Now,' she said, looking interested, "this "Earth" you've mentioned. I have heard of it before, but we have no data or records on it. What is this "Earth, exactly?"
22-02-2008, 05:13
Aeris and Rob had been mingling amongst the guests, sharing a few jokes, and listening intently at other times. She did however occasionally look to the entrance, wondering what was holding up Ambassador Claudius Scott from arriving. While they hadn't been out here for long, it was just starting to become noticeable to her of his absence, and she was sure Rob was duly noting it mentally as well.

Turning to Rob, she smiled at him just as the notes for a new song began. Her delicate hand held out to his in appropriate fashion. "Come dear...sweep me off my feet as you do." Silently, she spoke to his mind, I intend to make you work to show you truly deserve to be my husband. She was teasing of course, but that only made the dance more enticing, or so she thought. Are you man enough?

The mischievous and secretive smile appeared upon her face.


The ambassador, quite well aware that he was being missed at the ceremony, hurried down yet another hallway, cursing silently as he came to another dead end. It seemed this place was full of hallways, and no proper destination. Already, he had been forced to backtrack and try at least a half dozen or so different routes.

It was then finally, that his luck in finding the appropriate room, changed for the better. He appeared at the entrance, straightening his well tailored and expensive suit, clearing his throat quietly and taking a deep breath as he glanced around the room at the throngs of people. He saw Aeris and Rob off to the side, Aeris offering her hand to Rob, clearly and invitation to dance.

He strode toward them, greeting other dignitaries as he passed them, introducing himself and sharing a few quick words with them before moving closer to the couple.
22-02-2008, 11:12
"Now if you are saying that every one has equal rights and priviledges thats different. And another thing we do not have here. No every one chooses to earn Citizanship, thts their rigth, but if they choose not to then they do not have any say in how the Empire is run. And while I am in the military I have only a limited say, I can only vote on certain subjects."

She smiled though at the thought of a travelling vacation "I'd love to see Illesia, to see how your society works."

"That's it exactly" Smith nodded at his mistake, "On Alversia, all are born equal. There is nothing to stop a member from any race from becoming the Prime Minister if he wishes. All have a vote on Alversia and the Government takes care of those who can't help themselves." He stated warmly, "Alversians forgive easily and welcome races with open arms. We even have a few formerly-Xenophobic Calaverans who live on Alversia, even Androids have a full bill of rights and can run for public office. There's an Android serving as Minister of the Interior at the moment if I'm not mistaken"
Imperial isa
22-02-2008, 13:18
"Let it be Mistress Black then, formality keeps misunderstanding at a minimum." Lilith replied, the bonespurs laying along her forearms flared slightly then relaxed. They were inlaid with sparkling gems and bound about with precious metals - or so it appeared, for what it actually was roughly a thousand terrabites of computer, linked in with Porthos and the Palaces security system.

"Are you finding the Empire convivial? Is there anything lacking?" Lilith broke off to look over in the direction of Porthos, as he announced the last arrivals.

"i find it way too much to get one's head around,as much as learning about those who make up ISA"said Black as she looks at Lilith
"are you some kond of System Lord" Black asked her wondering if she was for the way she was dressed

Phoenix was awake looking up at the roof watching the dacne of the light from the lamp wiggling his little legs as he dose as he was happy
The Ctan
22-02-2008, 19:18
Herenecco waited in silence, yet not seeming to be bored, indeed, people-watching was an interest of his, quite closely related to his profession. His own personal past was not as interesting as some of those being discussed around him; he’d only once been in a serious gunfight, for instance (which was still somewhat interesting in and of itself, and precisely one more than most people) when he’d been in the diplomatic section assigned to an annexed colony called Delta Zeta Four, a very dangerous and hostile place.

He listened, to talk about System Lords (the phrase rang a small bell in his mind) and android rights, and much else besides, his hearing was acute anyway, but he was trained and augmented to be able to listen with full attention to thousands upon thousands of conversations at once, and indeed ,to be able to do more besides.

In the same moment, he was talking with the starship that had brought him to Tanara, and the researchers on board the vessel that had escorted it, as well as that vessel’s own mind, and the sub-sapient (and thus a rather poor conversationalist) governing computer of the shuttle craft he’d landed in. He was also able to communicate in real time with his home world, distant though it was.

There was a number of things that he did, firing off an instantly answered request for an information dump on ‘System Lords’ and reading up the short resultant history of interaction of allies with one such hostile entity and a lively policy-discussion thread regarding the costs and risks of eradicating them. Ouch he said, noting that the parasitic creatures were noted for their extraordinarily poor taste in clothing.

At the same time, he was examining the data gathered so far by the ships regarding traffic in the Tanaran Empire’s home system. That was a matter of significant interest, and passive sensors had been aimed at every ship jumping into the system, as well as the environment itself, and a number of alternate ‘dimensions’ or planes.

It was surprising how busy one could be, even when ostensibly silent.
24-02-2008, 03:12
Are you man enough?

You apparently think so, dearest oneRob replied as he took her hand and lead her to where others that were dancing swirled to the music. He had caught the would be Ambassador Scott's precipitous arrival - the man hadn't even paused long enough for Porthos to announce him. More negatives to his estimation of the man.

Ignoring the Tarlachian's approach he drew his wife in to his arms and set about the steps of a classical but still unique waltz, as fit the music (, losing himself in the music and his beloved. Their hearts beating as one.
24-02-2008, 03:51
Vanadict, Marisol, Vorn and Grandfather

Marisol had moved closer to vorn, discretely offering him her hand to hold should he chose to, as she listed to the conversation.

"What is this "Earth, exactly"

Grandfather chuckled in soft amusement "Earth, also known as Terra by some, is believed by many to be the home planet of man, homo sapien sapiens. That is the source of much controversy though out the Universe, it goes almost without saying. Though races have arrisen on many places that are close enough genetically enough to interbreed and are appearance- wise as identical racial twins... Which gives much creedence to Fore-Runner Seeding theories. Those around long enough ago to tell us the actual facts of the matter aren't talking either. The Xa, and the Muri, a race we know of of old, but have not encountered in many millions of years, thought to be extinct by many. Though the Celestial Imperia apparently rediscovered them." He looked over to where the Ambassadress from the Celestial Imperia stood with her two husbands and a Amdassadress he had not been introduced to yet. "As I understand it was through Xiscapia's good graces that they met."

Adam and Merideth

There's an Android serving as Minister of the Interior at the moment if I'm not mistaken"

"All our Cybernetic Intelligences, and the Empire's population is roughly ten percent of C.I.'s, have equal rights. They are an integral part of our society. Though we have standards that must be met for C.I.'s to be considered sentient. When we arriced in the hall we were introduced by Porthos, the Palace's Major Dono. He prefers not to have an Avatar, but present himself via holograms. I think it's because of his love of dramatics, znhd flare, this way he can change his look at the drop of a photon." She grinned remembering some of the outfits she had seen the C.I. in.

"Ah here comes Michiko now. That meawnt the Empresses will be in just a minute or two, and I can present you and your credentials can be accepted.

Mistress Black, Lilith, Shiva, and Darharuman

"are you some kond of System Lord"

"What?" Lilith seemed confused for a second, then affronted as she internally querried the databases, and took in the information there in about Gouauld. Her voice was cold and sharp as she elucidated for Mistress Black's edification.

"No, we are not some kind of inferior parasites. I am Lilith out of Perigrine Omega by Abaddon, of Pride Kerasu. We are Nietzscheans, Homo Sapiens Invictus, created by Dr. Paul Museveni at Ayn Rand Station over thirteen thousand years ago." She glanced down at the trio bone blades ( that ran up each fore arms from just above her wrist.
24-02-2008, 04:14
The Xa, and the Muri, a race we know of of old, but have not encountered in many millions of years, thought to be extinct by many.
"As I understand it was through Xiscapia's good graces that they met."
Now it was Vanadict's turn to chuckle, and Vorn pulled Marisol's hand into his. "Grandfather, I am sure the Muri would be irritated to know that they have been presumed extinct for millions of years! Yes, I myself went on a diplomatic mission to the Muri homeworld of Pamalta, accompinied by delegates from the Void, the Isa and of course the Imperia. The Isans, as I recall, left almost instantly, and those from the Void not long after. I met a great many interesting people there, and not all of them were trolls." She smiled, remembering. There was Humbaba, their guide, and Merridew the Duck Merchant, and Kyroto, an Xiscapian long stranded, although not seemingly unhappily, on Pamalta. Greblor, the art merchant, the strange aldryami in the marketplace, Kai and Indigo of the Imperia, fellow travelers, and, of course, Pamalta himself. And many, many others. "I gained not a small amount of cultural learnings there."
Imperial isa
24-02-2008, 12:58
"What?" Lilith seemed confused for a second, then affronted as she internally querried the databases, and took in the information there in about Gouauld. Her voice was cold and sharp as she elucidated for Mistress Black's edification.

"No, we are not some kind of inferior parasites. I am Lilith out of Perigrine Omega by Abaddon, of Pride Kerasu. We are Nietzscheans, Homo Sapiens Invictus, created by Dr. Paul Museveni at Ayn Rand Station over thirteen thousand years ago." She glanced down at the trio bone blades ( that ran up each fore arms from just above her wrist.

"how dare you talk to me like that, i only asked as you are wearing something they would wear and you answer me in that kind of voice,who the hell you think you are, a Jaffa talking to me like i'am still a slave,well i'am not and i don't need to take that shu from no one now"said Black then turns and head back toward her room

"an for your information my poeple been told what they are think you very much" Black added over her shoulder
24-02-2008, 14:09
"Ah here comes Michiko now. That meawnt the Empresses will be in just a minute or two, and I can present you and your credentials can be accepted.

Smith just nodded anxiously, his nerves were starting to build up all over again. It was true the atmosphere of the area was relaxed and that he had been enjoying himself. The food was good, there was plenty of interesting specimens and the company was far from boring.

Now he had to meet with the leader of a people and speak as the voice of his own world. All of his people. All 11 billion of them would be represented in every syllable he uttered. The thought terrified him. but he was able to settle himself by employing an old trick used by more experienced Diplomats who found their nerves rising.

They would pretend to be an Alumina, one of Alversia's oldest Allies. Their complete lack of passion or interaction was other species was legendary. As was their sour wit and sarcastic observations. Having said that, he had spoken to one once and, through all the rather insulting and aloof statements, he found that the Alumina had never had any reason to feel nervous while meeting a species for the first time. It just wasn't something he was brought up to feel nervous about.

Smith took a deep breath and his mind fixed on being an Alumina for a few seconds. When he had their frame of mind he turned back to Merideth,

"That's good to know, I'm looking forward to meeting your new Empress"
24-02-2008, 19:46
"an for your information my poeple been told what they are think you very much"

A few people close by turned and l;ooked at Mistres Black, but hte vast majority were unaware of what had occured between Mistress Black and Lilith Omega. The level of conversational 'noise' ws just great enough to swamp their interchange. Shiva, Dar and Lilith watched the Jadeite go, then shrugged alsmost as one in response to the last comment that had made absolutely no sense to them. But when one offered insult, a cold voice in return was the least one might expect.

Darharuman, named for Perigrine’s grandfather and also for a god of destruction in the pantheon of one of the civilizations in his mothers home universe, smiled down at his smaller sister, his teeth startlingly white against the obsidian of his skin. "Touchy woman isn't she? Poor people skills obviouslybut then again the extreme differences in skin hue may have put her off. Many people still think black skin makes one inferior....that any hue other than their own mean inferority" He ammended as Shiva nodded.

"Thoth and Amasaratu would have throw her them. Those of the siblings had disctincly metalic gold skins, looking as if the had just stepped from a pot of molten gold, and buffed ever so slightly.
24-02-2008, 23:07
Are you man enough?

You apparently think so, dearest one Rob replied as he took her hand and lead her to where others that were dancing swirled to the music. He had caught the would be Ambassador Scott's precipitous arrival - the man hadn't even paused long enough for Porthos to announce him. More negatives to his estimation of the man.

Ignoring the Tarlachian's approach he drew his wife in to his arms and set about the steps of a classical but still unique waltz, as fit the music (, losing himself in the music and his beloved. Their hearts beating as one.

As the dance ended, she turned looked up at her husband with a little flush in her cheeks. "You honor me with your dancing." She gave him a smile, giving a small curtsy to him to finalize the end of that dance. Then, she at last turned and set her eyes upon the Ambassador. While the smile was still present, her eyes clearly indicated otherwise to the man. " nice to see you've decided to join us, albeit late." She cast a glance to a nearby elaborate clock on the wall.

Ambassador Scott immediately launched into his apology, "Forgive me, my lady. I was lost on the way here." He was sweating slightly, knowing that although the Empress was a good hearted woman, her anger was not something he wanted to invoke. He received another stern look from her.

"Ambassador, your excuses do not excuse your errors. You not only look bad on your own part, but also on the whole of Tarlachia. What would people say if its representative were consistently late? What would they think about our alliances, our treaties and cooperation? What if they needed our help in critical times, but thought they couldn't rely on us to arrive in time?" She had approached him, getting close enough to keep their conversation only between the two of them. It was, after all, a personal matter. She continued.

"You've done nothing other than make me look bad up to this point. You're weak. You're insecure. You're woefully apologetic. Now, if you can't take this job and perform it as well as any ambassador should, then I strongly suggest you hand in your resignation and leave the limelight with whatever honor you have left."

The ambassador trembled now against the onslaught of her seething words, and even held considerable fear that she might lash out physically. When she turned away, she left him with parting words, "You have twenty-four hours to straighten your act, or go home and choose another career because you'll not have one in politics." A glare from her, and she was back in Rob's arm, pulling him away.

She'd leave the ambassador to his thoughts, and watch him from afar in this room. She still had hope for him, but she knew that if necessary, she'd have to cut him off and replace him with someone more capable.
25-02-2008, 00:19

"The Tanaaran Minister of State, Dowager Empress Michiko Sierra Jones" Portho's rich dramatic tenor rolled across the Crystal Hall, catching, indeed commanding everyones full attention. He bowed deeply to the Dowager Empress who was resplentent in a figure flattering gown and cape composed of millions of ruby and onyx gems and silky ebony fur ( as she stood at the top of the three steps, stately on Razys's arm. Her face was alight with joy and it was easy to discern that she and the towering, silver haired Hobbeebian Ambassador were indeed a couple. She wore only the tiniest tiara, a rose gold diadem in the shape of tiny flames that matched the broad gold frettwork colar that adorned her throat, one that she always appeared in.

"His Excellency Lord Rzyn Drautica of the Imperium of Hobbeebia" Porthos continued as the vast majority of the people in the Crystal Hall bowed or curtseyed deeply. Michiko may have ruled as Empress for only forty years, but before that she had been the last C.E.O. of Tanara, and had poured the vast majority of her personal wealth into the reconstruction after the attempted coup, now almost a hundred years ago. But the Nova Bombing of the Cpaitol, vanished Helevorn, had thoroughly woven itself into Tanaran's psyche and culture. She had been the subject of over three hundred documentaried something she would never be comfortable with, but had come to accept with gentle good grace. "I was one of that "second class", the ones that had history thrust upon them, never seeking or desiring it. I've just had to live up to it, doing the best I can. And that is what I am proudest of, doing "that best" and relieved that "that best" was apparently good enough."

She gave them a tiny curtsey in return as Razyn escorted her down the steps and intot he Crystal Hall propper.
25-02-2008, 03:22
"Ah, the Empress." Vanadict and Vorn bowed deeply upon her enterence. Vorn noted the Hobbeebian Ambassador, of whose nation Xiscapia was on good terms with due to a certain Dark Biomech, while Vanadict noted the fur with some distaste. As before mentioned, kitsune of Xiscapia had been hunted, and so felt an empathy for anything which had come under a hunter's blade or gun barrel. Still, Vanadict would be foolish to hold such a small thing against her, and was anxious to meet with the Empress once again.
25-02-2008, 07:09
OOC: Actually the fur is grown in a vat - not harvested from an animal. This way they can carefully controll the color,texture, density and length of the furs hairs. Much more effecient thatn trying to hunt the beasties or farm them. The only animal hunted for fur is the Matthison's Dire cat and it's mainly hunted to keep the population in check. Matthisons Dire cats breed faster than rabbits, and are by far and away more dangerous than any sabertooth ever dreamed of being, and even then hunting them is strictly controlled. Also have to note that the pic is reversed - Dominique is on the left and Kaylinde is on the right, oh well...

At the far end of the Crystal Hall midnight hued drapes, embroidered with the flaf of the Empire had been pulled aside, revealing a pair of thrones upon a small dias. They were not especially regal or imposing in appearance, being little more than very elegant armchairs, the seats and backs upholstered in gold silk, and the legs and arms finely polished ebony wood. The dias that held the thrones, just one step up from the polished crystal clear floor of the Hall, was carpeted with a red edged with black rug. Few had noticed the curtains that blocked the view of that far end, but now some close by turned to look very briefly then turned back and began moving discretely from the center of the hall, clearing an aisle for those about to arrive.

The flourish of trumpets ( stilled the whole of the Hall, and the lighting died to solely that which came from the night skies as the stars wavered cold and bright, the three moons of Midgard high in those star strewn heavens, all three as bright and full as they could be.

As the trumpet voluntary faded Porthos's voice - deeper now, far more resonant - filled the vastness of the Hall, as two misty spotlight came up.

"Unto All assembled. Give honor to Her Inperial Majesty Empress Kaylinde Althena Regina Moore- Apollon, and Empress-to-Be Dominique Evangaline Alexandra Ryder." He pronounced the ladies as they stood for a moment accepting the now very deep bows and curtseys from the Tanaran's in the room, and any others who chose to.

They both wore elegant identical gowns of silver and black ( to signify that the Empire, for this momemnt, was still in transition. Both wore small crowns, similar but not identical.
25-02-2008, 12:43
Smith was one of those who chose to bow with the Tanarans. He was here as a guest and would respect all local customs. Apart from the fact that it was rude not to bow to the leader of a people.
Once they had bowed, Smith muttered to Merideth out of one side of his mouth,
"I assume the younger one is the Empress-to-be?" he asked
25-02-2008, 21:54
Adam & Merideth

"I assume the younger one is the Empress-to-be?"

"Which one looks younger to you?" Merideth whispered interestedly as she watched the pair seat themselves on the thrones. Kaylinde the retiring Empress was actually over a decade younger than Dominique. But both had been born after full Prolong therapy became available and their appearance in no way really spoke of either’s true age.

"Kaylinde had to have a full body regrowth after her rescue" Merideth said, making sure that her voice didn't travel beyond them. It was never really publicized, but it wasn't secret knowledge either. Most had forgotten about it.

" The reason we are so sympathetic to your trials with SASM is because we've had our brush with a somewhat similar organization. UNSSC was created to be an opposition to the intrusion of a race known as the Devilish; they invaded an unaligned region of space some three million light years from the Celestial Ring. We weren't allied with the governments there, but supplied them with material. And any who wanted to volunteer their services were allowed. The UNSSC never invited us in to an alliance, and that turned out to be a very good thing."

She shuddered slightly at the very ugly memories just talking about it brought up, but continued. "Kaylinde volunteered. In their attempts to defeat the Devilish, they became worse than the Devilish whom were very bad indeed. Kaylinde was one of those who protested the atrocities, and when she contacted us to advise us of what was happening they abducted her and shipped her off to a hell-hole of a prison planet. It took us some time to find her, as it was a planet that supposedly did not exist. We got her out of there, then made sure that the UNSSC no longer existed." Her look was very cold as she remembered the savage fighting at the end when they'd manage to bring the rogue organization to bay and destroy it.

She looked about the Hall for a moment, and her look lightened a bit as she saw a quiet, craggy faced man standing off to one side. She pointed him out with a tilt of her head. "That’s her husband, Hans Balran. He was a volunteer, from Tarlachia." She didn't mention that he had been captured by the Devilish and as a prisoner of war been experimented on by the Devilish. "For a monogamous marriage they have had a very good one, though it was stormy at first." She had to chuckle "Though the storm wasn't of their making. And ended up with us gaining two very good allies." But that whole mix up was a long tale, for later telling over a good nightcap.

Then as Porthos announced the first of the guests to the Empress, she fell silent. "Oh we're up next, if you will allow me the honor of introducing you to them."

Adam would notice that each person or group being introduced had high-ranking Tanarans with them.

The Anubians, Xa’ Cz’inni, Grendels, and several other races were receiving shorter visits with the Empresses, as they were old allies, neighbors so to speak as they all shared the vast space of the Celestial Ring, and for them it was mere formalities.

Others were granted longer session, to present their government's official documents and accreditations. And for each side to gain a few minutes of first impression of one another. But savvy diplomats would well realize that the time they had spent chatting with the Tanaran's already with them would end up making a very great impression on the Empresses. For Dominique would certainly ask for their impressions later.
25-02-2008, 22:35
"I see the Alversians are going up next," murmured Vanadict. Vorn shifted slightly, still keeping his relaxed grip on Marisol's hand. Both diplomats were waiting for their turn, and unconciously tensing and relaxing in preperation in meeting with the Empress and Empress-to-be.
25-02-2008, 23:38
"Oh we're up next, if you will allow me the honor of introducing you to them."

"Certainly," Smith adjusted his collar and straightened his tie. He had listened to Meridith's tale with sympathy and the understanding that one could only understand if they had faced it themselves. The Alversians had been unprepared, their technology had been inferior, they had been butchered.

"You were lucky to get her back," he whispered back, "If she had been abducted by the SASM, the next time you would have seen her would be on the battlefield behind a set of glowing red eyes"

As always, he shuddered at the thought then forced it from his mind. He was about to meet the currant leader of a people and the next leader of a people. Alone,
"Damn it Charlotte," he stated quietly to himself, "Just had to miss the party"

He sighed and waited with Meridith for his turn to meet the two Empresses, the only Alversian within ten miles and the only diplomat within several lightyears.
26-02-2008, 15:43
Rob and Aeris stood together while they watched the arrival of the honored hosts of this event. Aeris smiled as she saw them, and she could clearly see their upbringing in something as simple as the way they walked and greeted others before them.

Aeris leaned closer to Rob. "They're beautiful." she whispered, turning her head as she did so to get a sneak look back to where they had left the Ambassador. He had moved though, so she closed her eyes a moment and sought him telepathically. She found him back in the room. Her mind's eye did catch him turning around suddenly, as if someone had been behind him but now disappeared.

Opening her eyes, she looked up at Rob and let out a 'hmm' in a manner that indicated that she had known this would've happened. Turning back to the two women, she tacked on yet another duty she'd have to see through to completion when she returned home.


Ambassador Scott's gaze searched the room, the hairs on his neck having stood up from the feeling that someone was watching. It had disappeared quickly, and yet, he didn't know who it had been. It took him a few moments to realize that it had been a telepathic scan. The only one he suspected to have that ability was Aeris, but then again, it could've been anyone here. Aeris had never openly discussed that ability, but he had heard enough rumors to suspect that it might have been a possibility. Then again, he had also heard that she had, in a single instant, moved rivers and mountains to more aesthetically pleasing locations.

Who knew where the truth lie?


The pair of grey eyes scanned the room, hiding behind the beverage that was being sipped. He had rested his eyes upon various persons of interest, including the Tarlachian empress. However, he chose to remain isolated, even moving away from people at times. Politics were not his thing, but he at the least knew and employed the basic required manners and whatnot. It didn't mean he had to be forever friendly. No, he was, and always had been the type to speak his mind.

Snatches of a distant conversation met his ears, almost missed in the noise of the room. Kaylinde ....Devlish...stormy......allies...

Immediately, yet discreetly enough, he pierced his eyes through the congregation, searching carefully for whom had spoken such ancient history. He felt an ancient anger toward the Devlish build inside, an anger of hurt and distrust. He had hated the Devlish, had hated everything they had done. Beneath his clothing, he felt the metal sheath that lined his back slide open slightly as his neural conduits indicated a potential situation for their need. Even after all these years, the memories were still strong enough that occassionally, he awaken from his wife's side, panting heavily, his exoskeletal armor fully engaged.

His eyes rested upon Merideth and he knew, he just knew it had been her. He let his gaze linger a few moments, before finishing off the last of his drink and turning his gaze to where his wife had entered. He slipped through the crowds with ease until he stood not too far from her. He'd wait until the formalities were finished before he made himself known to her and demand what few others; if any; would have the right to do so without fear of punishment, a dance. She was beautiful tonight, perhaps more so than any other time in the past. Inwardly, while he had faithfully remained her husband and confidant, supporter and defender, he would be pleased when she had stepped down and allow more time to be shared between the two of them.

An ever so small smile, hardly noticeable, broke the stone cold look upon his face.
27-02-2008, 05:25
Adam Smith Ambassador for Alversia, Merideth, The General of the Tanaran Empire

Called before the two Empresses, Merideth brought Adam with her and stopped just before the dias. Curtseying deeply in a formal fashion, but startlingly enough, her introduction was very informal. Both Kaylinde and Dominique seemd to be happiest with this..

"Kay, Dear, this is Adam, and he's good people. I like the Alversians."

Welcoming smiles, far warmer than one might expect, lit both faces.

Kay did not bother to use anything resembing a Royal, much less Imperial 'We'..."Adam I hope you find your time as Alversia's Ambassador to Tanara enjoyable, fruitful, and that we can come to some solid alliances between our peoples. Ones that aid and benefit both Alversia and Tanara."

"I'm looking forward to spending time discuissing Alversia's current situation with you, Adam. And in all formality, I welcome you to the Phoenix court of the Empire of Tanara and accept you as the rightfull and accredited Ambassador for the Democratic Republic of Alversia." Dominique added as her eyes searched his face and figure carefully. She obviously knew of his break downs, and the cause of them and she was concerned for his well being.
27-02-2008, 11:40
Smith was stunned with the complete lack of formality between Merideth and the two Empresses. It seemed almost like they were just meeting on the street rather than being introduced at a high-class gala, but Smith nodded at the Empress's words,
"It is an honour to meet with you and I look forward to many long and happy years as Ambassador of the People's Republic to your court. As for our current situation, that I would be happy to discuss. But maybe now now, Ma'am" he knew she was looking over him with concern. If his breakdowns hadn't reached her by this stage he would have been very surprised,
"And the People's Senate would like nothing more than to sign an Alliance with the Empire of Tanara and so strengthen both our races"
29-02-2008, 02:45
"And the People's Senate would like nothing more than to sign an Alliance with the Empire of Tanara and so strengthen both our races"

Both Dominique and Kaylinde nodded sympathetically at his desire to forego discussion of Alversia's situation and needs for the time present.

"Should I assign Merideth to show you around Midgard, while you decide where you want Alversia's embassy to be constructed?" Dominique noted, with a small cats smile, that the pair were more confortble together than even Merideth's introduction gave off. The more informally you were treated, the more you were included in the gentle teasing the more 'in' you were.

"Or if you don't feel you need a seperate building, we have entire wings here in the Palace that are empty." Though Dominique well knew the reasoning why most nations prefered to have independantly housed embassies, still she made the offer.
Imperial isa
29-02-2008, 02:58
Black had put her son back to sleep and had walk back by herself to the hall an was happy to stand by herself at the side of the room watching
29-02-2008, 12:12
"Or if you don't feel you need a seperate building, we have entire wings here in the Palace that are empty."

"Ma'am," Smith echoed the feeling of all Alversians and their thinking, "This city is yours alone to govern as you see fit. We have no right to push in and demand an Embassy in a certain spot. If there is a spare building about, we shall use it. If not then a wing of the palace will cater for our needs as well as any Embassy we could build" he gave a small smile, "Although your generous offer is appreciated, we don't like to make ourselves a hassle, well...any more of a hassle"
29-02-2008, 19:53
"Although your generous offer is appreciated, we don't like to make ourselves a hassle, well...any more of a hassle"

Dominique's face went very serious as she said softly, but with utter firmness "Adam, neither you, or your people are a 'hassle' or imposition in any way, shape, or form. You are our friends, and friends are never such, can not be such, for if they are they aren't really friends just convenient associates" Her voice didn't get any louder, but carried effortlessly through out the hall.

"We, the descendants of our founders, know and honor in our past, present and into the future the "why" of their leaving their homeworld, the world they evolved on ...the WHY they left everything they knew behind to step out and reach for a dream...They refused to be a part any longer of those who had nothing but convenient associates. They spent their fortunes, they risked their lives, held fast to their sacred honor."

"Our way has never been the easy one, the painless, risk free one, and it never will be. The Divine knows we are not perfect, or ever will be, but we have always given it our best efforts - even when we failed miserably." Her lip quirked, for she had to be the first to admit to their failings, or she herself was failing.

"We step forth and seek friends, companions on the Journey. And I see them here. Some old and comfortably fitted in and other's new and " She nodded letting all know that she honored and was not disturbed by any reservations they may hold "still perhaps unsure of the depths of our sincerity and the honesty of our feelings, actions, intentions and words." She smiled "We've never minded having to prove ourselves. And as always actions speak louder than words."

"We won't get to know one another in an instant, but we aren't in this for the short haul, as my great grandmater would say, but here to stay. And our friends are ever welcome. My house is your house."

Dominique stopped projecting, so that the conversation was just between those close to the thrones again, and gave Adam a grin "Get Merideth out of the office for a few hours later on and let her get some fresh air by showing you around the place. It will do her good, put a bloom in her cheeks." She said conspiratorially, as Merideth blushed and gave Dominique a speaking look. One that the Empress-to-be just laughed off.

"Adam, we mean it we really are very happy to meet a friend we didn't know we had, and though him his people, more friends we didn't yet know of." Her voice dropped even softer "And be good to yourself, and enjoy tonight"
29-02-2008, 20:48
"Adam, we mean it we really are very happy to meet a friends we didn't know we had, and though him his people, more friends we didn't yet know of." Her voice dropped even softer "And be good to yourself, and enjoy tonight"

Smith listened to the speech in revered silence. It was passionate and from the heart, something he could understand. You would not a better speech within the walls of the Alversian Senate itself. His respect for the Tanarans had just increased substantially over what it had already been.

"I am delighted to hear that you feel that way, Ma'am" Smith uttered quietly, "Alversia and Tanara appear to have a lot in common and many at home will be overjoyed at the news I will send back to Illesia We have not had much to celebrate during the past few months" He sighed sadly but perked up again almost immediately,
"And, as the People's Ambassador to Tanara, I will do my utmost to fulfill her wishes and enjoy myself" He smiled, "And I think a fresh morning walk will do me good. Plus, I can have a look around, see what my escort has been getting up to."
01-03-2008, 02:44
"Thank you for coming Adam, and please feel free to visit me any time."

Smith gave a bow as he moved away from the two Empresses and made room for the next set of Emissaries,
"Incredible," He stated to Merideth, "So humble, serene, understanding. Incredible traits in a leader" He seemed rather dumbstruck by the meeting. His first diplomatic conversation had gone like a dream.
01-03-2008, 02:48
And I think a fresh morning walk will do me good. Plus, I can have a look around, see what my escort has been getting up to."

"Since it seems as if someone's professional planner decreed that coronational festivities must endure for ten days, and this is only the fifth day, I am sure there will be plenty of intrest for you to see." Dominique ogbviously would like to have continued talking longer, but she had others to greet. and so said with heartfelt sincereity "Thank you for coming Adam, and please feel free to visit me any time."

She watched Merideth and Adam move away before signallying Porthos to present the honored Ambassadors from Xiscapia..

"Madame Vanadict, I know an expereinced Ambassador, and most skilled Lady" He gave a tiny nod to the katana she bore. "Most certainly does not need my escort save in the most ceremonial of manners, but I would be honored to There was no sense of pressure behind his offer, Vanadict could tell that if she refused he would not be offended. His smile was warm as broad silver wings flared slightly. He was dressed in a classical toga of deepest auburgine with a palm's wide silver border that was done in a fretwork design. He had foregone his sword this night though.

Mzrisol smiled encouragingly at Vorn and whispered in his lower ear "You got to meet them earlier, and you know they won't eat you alive." She teased gently "You're too handsome." Her near wing curved inward to brush him ever so lightly. "I wouldn't let them any way. You haven't redeemed my feather yet." She whispered coyly.
01-03-2008, 02:59
Vanadict nodded, smiling back. "Grandfather, I am honored to be requested such an estimed escort. Please," she slipped her right arm around his, locking them together, "escort me up." Her pale face was just slightly red with blush, natural due to her skin hue rather than exertion or embarrassment. Her fine deep purple and black feathered cloak concealed her frame, draping her in darkness, highlighting her white face framed by dark red hair. Her large red tail swooshed back and forth ever so slightly.
Vorn chuckled and he smiled softly. "Ah, they may not eat me, but I know someone who might," His ebony tail stroked her leg lightly, and he squeezed her hand. "It is time to go up now, but I will yet repay that offer of the feather." He murmured, nodding to Vanadict and Grandfather, who were starting to proceed.
01-03-2008, 20:28
Kaylinde looked to where her husband had positioned himself and her whole being alit with a smile that was stunning in its intensity. She had been a very autocratic, reserved ruler, though those who knew her well knew that not only was she a very private person, but she was also painfully shy. Her eyes told Hans that soon the whole weary time would be over and they could be something they had never actually had a chance to be, just them together with no burdens and expectations. "Love you Hans" she mouthed to him, for once uncaring who saw. And to make sure he caught it she repeated it in the family handsign they'd created though the years of communicating privately in public.

Vanadict, Grandfather, Vorn, & Marisol

Lord Celedon gave the Empresses upon their dias a deep and formal bow, and Marsol did an equally deep curtsey, the sword at her hip grcefully maneuvered out of the way. Her had rested light upon Vorns forarm, but she was careful to stay half a step back.

"I am immensely honoured this night. I find myself surrounded by four of the loveliest ladies from across the Universe tonight, and I can barely see, mine eyes are so dazzled. Kay," He inclinded his head to Kaykinde, and then to Dominique "Dear, this is Vanadict and Vorn, and I think Marisol is ready to trade her wings in for a plumy tail."

Marisol blushed and murmured something incomprehensible, but didn't actually deny his assertion. She'd like to have both...

Dominique's eyes sparkled with laughter "That is quite a recommendation. And thank you Vorn for meeting with us earlier. I'm glad we managed it." She met Vanadict's eyes, welcome easily read in her lucent blue eyes. "I'm sorry you weren't there, were otherwise engaged, but the Novans requested a chance to meet with you.
03-03-2008, 13:17
After both diplomats gave a very deep, respectful bow Vorn inclined his head to Dominique. "Of course, your, ah..." he hesitated, unsure of how to address the future Empress. He finally decided on ma'am. "It was no trouble at all. This is all quite new to me I must confess, and excuse me if I am somewhat..." he glanced at Marisol, "stunned."
Vanadict gave a quiet laugh. "Ambassador Vorn seems to have done well enough on his own, and what with the Novans it seemed my presence was not required there. As it were we discussed matters of some importance, so it is not as though it was wasted. Hardly."
04-03-2008, 23:39
"It was no trouble at all. This is all quite new to me I must confess, and excuse me if I am somewhat...stunned."

Marisol blushed ever so slightly, but didn't refuse when Vorn took her hand in his again. Both Empresses smiled gently

"Please just call me Dominique, and hopefully you'll get comfortable with calling me Dear, like all my friends do." She looked over to Vanadict as she spoke to make sure she knew she as included in that 'comfortableness'.

"Yes most people find Marisol stunning, and we value her highly. Her happiness means much to me. She's my 'go to' person on anything to to with our antiquities, and many other cultures as well. I think she will be acknowledged as one of our foremost scholars in time." Dominique added as the young Celestial blushed further.

"Ambassador Vorn seems to have done well enough on his own, and what with the Novans it seemed my presence was not required there. As it were we discussed matters of some importance, so it is not as though it was wasted. Hardly

"I'm glad you had a chance to meet with them, as I know what they wished to discuss. They've been allies of ours for a long time, despite what history says was a rather rocky start. I too, on behalf of my people, want to meet with you and Ambassador Smith of Alversia, later, after the festivites and every one has recoveredf rom them. I know that Mm'rrr'lll has made offer on behalf of her people, and I wish to make ours. Like the Xa' Cz' inni I want you to know up front that we put no strings, no reprocicity on our aid."

Howevfer tonight was not the time to go deeper into the discussion and so once she was sure that Vanadict understood she turned to other subjects.
04-03-2008, 23:47
Vorn smiled. "There is a kitsune who is our resident scholar and top scientist whom I think you might find interesting. You see, there are a number of ancient ruins scattered across Xiscapia from a people we have yet to indentify. He is a key force in uncovering these ruins and searching for the past to them. I know he would welcome any help and fresh minds on the subject."
Vanadict just nodded solemnly. "I understand. There are certain matters that you must know of if you want to help us, but these can wait, like you said, until later. For now..." Vanadict made a show of looking around. "I must know, what architect desgined this Palace? Even our own is probably not even half this size, or a tenth as luxerious."
05-03-2008, 00:03
"Thank you for coming Adam, and please feel free to visit me any time."

Smith gave a bow as he moved away from the two Empresses and made room for the next set of Emissaries,
"Incredible," He stated to Merideth, "So humble, serene, understanding. Incredible traits in a leader" He seemed rather dumbstruck by the meeting. His first diplomatic conversation had gone like a dream.
05-03-2008, 02:00
"I must know, what architect desgined this Palace? Even our own is probably not even half this size, or a tenth as luxerious."

Kaylinde and Dominique both smiled at that, pleased at the compliment, but their smiles held a sadness.

Kaylinde started off first. "After the destruction of Helevor, our original capitol by nova bomb, this once lifeless rock outcropping - a remainder along the edge of the devestation- was chosen to be the site of the new CEO's mansion and executive offices, but the squabbling about who should design it went on so long that the refernedum to become an Empire passed before even the first stone was laid. Michiko, as Empress put her foot down and asked the children of Tanara to design the 'perfect palace'. One youngster, for he was only fifteen, and dieing of a disease that not even the best of our skills could cure, secretely took all the children's designs he could perusade his ceeeye to obtain, and melded them into this incredibly perfect whole. The Palace just isn't a residence, we house a museum, a fair number of governmental offices, and the finest childrens trauma unit and hospice within the the grounds."

Dominique spoke up seemingly addressing the ceiling. "Porthos could you be here a moment?"

With that the hologram ( that had announced the Xiscapian's entrance appeared "You rang?" he asked in his warm and welcoming voice.

"Yes. You know I haven't had a chance to thank you for all the help you've been. Do you mind if ...?'

"Oh no. You see Madame Vanadict, Ambassador Vorn, I'm not your normal Ceeeye. When my human body couldn't sustain me amy longer the Xa were kind enough put me into a Valthusian Entechly Matrix. The me that I am, my soul, I'd guess if you are religious, gets to stay here and watch over what I somehow worked into a pleasing whole. And yet though any cybernetic interface I can be anywhere, seeing though any camera, scanner, or other sensor should I chose. I get to look like what ever I choose, and I don't have to walk to get there."

His smile was genuine and charming "And thank you for thinking the Palace wonderful. I just had dreams, and when you live trapped in a all but completely paralysed body, those dreams become very important" There was not a trace of self pity about him. "and somehow, by the grace of the Divine I was able to put them in to the physical, but thats not a time period I remember very clearly. I was pretty ill."

Adam and Merideth

So humble, serene, understanding. Incredible traits in a leader

Merideth chuckled gently. "Yes she is remarkable, but not perfect. She can have an absolutely terrifying temper, but it's so hard to rouse that you forget it's there until it's absolutely needed. And while I love my people dearly we do have complete and utter dunder heads just like every other group."
05-03-2008, 02:05
Mistress Black, Porthos

"I'd half thought you'd leave. You were packing" Porthos commented as he appeared next to Mistress Black where she stood watching the various emmissaries and Ambassadors being presented to the Emperesses.
She'd gone to her suite and come back of fast, not answering Valeria's questions that she'd contacted Porthos to keep an eye out for her and let Valeria know where the Jadeite had gone.

"Why did you stay if I may ask" He querried.
05-03-2008, 02:25
Both Ambassadors were caught up in mixed feelings. Both felt curious at to the destruction of the previous capitol city, sadness at the death of Porthos's human form, and a strange meld of horror and facination at his situation. The Xiscapians didn't have anything even close to what it seemed the Xa possessed.
"You are a strong one, to have endured and created while Death himself stood at your door, immortilizing yourself not in merely this process that calls itself "I", but in this magnificant Palace." said Vanadict to Porthos. Vorn bowed in agreement. "I am in utmost respect of you, Porthos. And you are quite comfortable, as you are?" He inquired, hoping he had not overstepped his boundries.
05-03-2008, 04:20
"You are a strong one, to have endured and created while Death himself stood at your door, immortilizing yourself not in merely this process that calls itself "I", but in this magnificant Palace."

Porthos had no qualms about discussing himself, both past, present, and future.

He blushed furiously at Vanadict's praise. "I know that most of us Tanaaran's reincarnate, but I was afraid." He admitted candidly "Oh not of death, but of coming back into a body afflicted as mine was. So maybe I chose the coward's way out. And it was the children's dreams that gave the Palace substance, I just gave it a unity" But he was pleased and honored by her compliments.

"I am in utmost respect of you, Porthos. And you are quite comfortable, as you are?"

The Tanarans as a whole did not find death somethning fearful or an ending, to them it was just a doorway to another stage of existance, and most believe that another round - or many awaited after a time of rest and renewal.
"Thank you Vorn. Yes, I am quite comfortable. I know that some day I'll ask for the Matrix to be released, but not any time soon. I have so much to experience, to learn and explore. And I don't have to worry about a body getting creaky." His enthusiasm was genuine, it was easy to see, and if he had any regrets, one felt that he had never expressed them to anyone.
Imperial isa
05-03-2008, 11:13
Mistress Black, Porthos

"I'd half thought you'd leave. You were packing" Porthos commented as he appeared next to Mistress Black where she stood watching the various emmissaries and Ambassadors being presented to the Emperesses.
She'd gone to her suite and come back of fast, not answering Valeria's questions that she'd contacted Porthos to keep an eye out for her and let Valeria know where the Jadeite had gone.

"Why did you stay if I may ask" He querried.

"what it to you what my breeding mate said to me when i got hold of him"said Black as she eats something from her bag back in the room
05-03-2008, 11:47
"Yes she is remarkable, but not perfect. She can have an absolutely terrifying temper, but it's so hard to rouse that you forget it's there until it's absolutely needed. And while I love my people dearly we do have complete and utter dunder heads just like every other group."

"I know the feeling," Smith stated, thinking of a few clueless people back at his time in the University of Illesia, he smiled at the memory, "As for tempers, there are few that can match one of our Admirals. People say that when John Reynolds blows his top, you can hear him on the other side of planet." he had never met the famous Admiral, just heard the rumours,
"So I was told that your architecture would make fine viewing?" he stated.
05-03-2008, 14:55
So maybe I chose the coward's way out. And it was the children's dreams that gave the Palace substance, I just gave it a unity"
Vanadict smiled and shook her head. "You are no coward, merely too modest by half. I am glad to have met you." She wondered if her line of questioning had taken her here, or if this was a planned event. She felt it was most probably the former. The Tanarans didn't seem like the types to overly flaunt themselves in any way. Porthos was a living example of that.
I have so much to experience, to learn and explore. And I don't have to worry about a body getting creaky."
Vorn nodded. "It sounds as though you've perfected a way of far extended life to make up for your short one. The scientists and scholars back home will be most envious," he laughed.
06-03-2008, 03:34
Mistress Black, Porthos

"what it to you what my breeding mate said to me when i got hold of him"

Porthos didn't blink, but he took half a step back and his voice was cool. "Mistress Black, you obviously misunderstood what I asked. I did not inquire as to what you and your 'breeding mate' spoke about. That is private between the two of you. What I did ask was if you would be willing to speak of your reasons for staying. However excuse me, I am apparently intruding upon you. Good evening" And with that he disappeared.

But the Jadeite was not unwatched.

Merideth and Adam

"So I was told that your architecture would make fine viewing?"

Merideth's grin was wide. "Yes we have our fair share of notable architecture and structures. How about tomorrow afternoon I take you on a tour of the city and let you not only enjoy what should be lovely weather, our eyesights, and more of the ongoing festivites. I am told that the street theaters that are putting on impromptu, improvisational plays are excellent. Or if you prefer art work instead there is the 'No we're Not starving thank you' exhibit in Paragon Park, one of our loveliest formally designed gardens." She offered.
Imperial isa
06-03-2008, 04:18
Mistress Black, Porthos

"what it to you what my breeding mate said to me when i got hold of him"

Porthos didn't blink, but he took half a step back and his voice was cool. "Mistress Black, you obviously misunderstood what I asked. I did not inquire as to what you and your 'breeding mate' spoke about. That is private between the two of you. What I did ask was if you would be willing to speak of your reasons for staying. However excuse me, I am apparently intruding upon you. Good evening" And with that he disappeared.

But the Jadeite was not unwatched.

"one would guess my reasons would do with waht what was said to me,but clearly that don't fit the image of being my reasons"said Black as she shakes her head before finishing what she was eating

"now who is this Z he sending"she thinks out lourd to herself
06-03-2008, 07:27
Porthos reappeared where he had been next to Mistress Black.

"Pardon me madam, but Planetary Security has requested that you come with me please." He spoke softly so that his voice carried only to the Jadeite.

However across the room, Merideth Hexx, stiffened slightly and turned form her conversation with Ambassador Smith of Alversia. Through her communications implant she had been advised of a potential disturbance. She looked toward where one of Portho's holograms stood speaking with a woman identified as Mistress Black, a representative from the planet Jade. She had not been introduced to the woman, but as complete a dossier as Security possessed was provided for her. "Adam, you may have to excuse me for a moment" She siad softly.

Elsewhere in the Crystal Hall, Lilith, Shiva, and Darharuman began discretely making their way, over to where the pair stood. THey were part of security and had been placed on alert.
06-03-2008, 12:52
"Yes we have our fair share of notable architecture and structures. How about tomorrow afternoon I take you on a tour of the city and let you not only enjoy what should be lovely weather, our eyesights, and more of the ongoing festivites. I am told that the street theaters that are putting on impromptu, improvisational plays are excellent. Or if you prefer art work instead there is the 'No we're Not starving thank you' exhibit in Paragon Park, one of our loveliest formally designed gardens."

"I would like that very much" he smiled at her, "Illesia has her own shaore of beauty but I wouldn't be much of an Ambassador if I didn't sample the sights. Tomorrow afternoon would be perfect," he looked at the other groups, "Quite a crowd. Maybe the Alversians will invite a few people over sometime to see our city"
08-03-2008, 03:22
"You are no coward, merely too modest by half. I am glad to have met you."

"And I you. I am absolutely in awe of your tails. They are marevelously elegant and the perfect accompaniment for your robes" He grinned mischieviously for he well knew that the robes had been designed to suit the Kitune's form not the other way around. However he'd developed a passion for designing clothes. He loved learning about the cultures that had created appaarel that had over time become 'traditional'. "I am simply going to have to sit down with you some time and ask you all sorts of probably intrusive questions about your people. I've looked into your Empire and want to know ever so much more"

The scientists and scholars back home will be most envious,"

Porthos's looked over at Vorn with a smile that went serious, but not grave.

"Oh the Xa don't give us everything, or even most. They are very determined to make sure we learn it on our own, making sure simply that we don't make the most disasterous of previously learned mistakes. I am sure they will be happy to help you as they've helped us. It's part of their repaymjent, their Karmic Debt as they see it."

No the Xa'Cz'inni' believed very firmly in teching a man to fish rather than the faster, but much more toxic to a people, action of merely feeding them. Not as easy, far slower, but much healthier.
08-03-2008, 04:36
"I am simply going to have to sit down with you some time and ask you all sorts of probably intrusive questions about your people. I've looked into your Empire and want to know ever so much more"
"Ah, and you are welcome to do so whenever you feel the need. I will be happy to tell you all I can," Vanadict replied, her tail swishing. A human, upon meeting her, and thus a kitsune, for the first time had once remarked that their tails seemed "disproportionately large in comparison to their bodies." He had gone on further to wonder what possible function the tail could serve. Vanadict's reply had been simple and short. "If it is a cold day and one is short on coats, it makes for an excellent warmer." In truth, the tail was all about balance. Much of their grace and speed came from the fact that they had a tail to center their gravity easier.
"Oh the Xa don't give us everything, or even most. They are very determined to make sure we learn it on our own, making sure simply that we don't make the most disasterous of previously learned mistakes. I am sure they will be happy to help you as they've helped us. It's part of their repayment, their Karmic Debt as they see it."
"Then they are wise beings, to be sure. We will happily receive any help they see fit to give us, and I look forward to dealing with them if I am indeed granted an Embassy here on this planet." Vorn nodded. Once again, like the Alversian Ambassador, he was reminded of the Alumina. Physically yes, and possessing advanced technology, but obvious differences. These Xa seemed far more helpful and accepting then the aloof, spiteful Alumina. The Xa, Vorn decided, were the Alumina if they ever decided to grow up.
08-03-2008, 07:05
Meredith and Adam

Quite a crowd. Maybe the Alversians will invite a few people over sometime to see our city"

"I cerrtainly hope they do. I am sure that the Alversian Republic, and your city of Illesia have many wonderful things to show others. And I'll gladly show you the sights tomorrow." She was pleased that he had agreed and it showed.

"But I', going to have to leawve you shortly. First to change then to take my official part in the Coronation Procession. MIght I sit with you at the Banquet after the Coronation?"

She hoped he would, and would be willing to dance at the Ball afterwards. She wasn't the best dancer around, but mentally promised to step on his toes as little as possible.

"You are welcome as are all here to walk in the Procession, though it's not required,. many will also be riding on the floats provided. The Procession is about five miles from the Palace, the bridge, and ending at the Hall of the Houses.
08-03-2008, 07:43
Ah, and you are welcome to do so whenever you feel the need. I will be happy to tell you all I can,"

"Thank You" Porthos said simply but his sincereity was evident.

"Then they are wise beings, to be sure. We will happily receive any help they see fit to give us, and I look forward to dealing with them if I am indeed granted an Embassy here on this planet

Dominique spoke up, her voice formal but still warmly welcoming "I welcome you, Vorn, to the Phoenix court of the Empire of Tanara and accept you as the rightfull and accredited Ambassador for the Kitsune Empire of Xiscapia. I hope you will find your stay with us rewarding both personally and for your Empire."

She looked agains at Marisol's hand in Vorns and her eyes twinkled "But I think thats already coming to pass"

Marisol's smile deepened and her dimples showed but this time she didn't blush.

"I will make you the same offer as I made Adam. We have any number of sites that mught be suitable for you to build an embassy, or many buildings that one could lease or buy, or we have plenty of empty wings here in the Palace, you can certainly claim one for Xiscapia if you so choose."
08-03-2008, 17:18
We have any number of sites that mught be suitable for you to build an embassy, or many buildings that one could lease or buy, or we have plenty of empty wings here in the Palace, you can certainly claim one for Xiscapia if you so choose."
Vorn bowed deeply as the Empress-to-be pronounced accredited Ambassador for the Empire. "A thousand thanks. Naturally I will need to look around some, but I am certain a suitable spot will be found." Vanadict bowed as well, but said nothing. She sensed their time was nearly over, but dared not leave until they were dismissed. There were many things to discuss, of course, but like she had said, they could wait until later.
08-03-2008, 21:49
Meredith and Adam

Quite a crowd. Maybe the Alversians will invite a few people over sometime to see our city"

"I cerrtainly hope they do. I am sure that the Alversian Republic, and your city of Illesia have many wonderful things to show others. And I'll gladly show you the sights tomorrow." She was pleased that he had agreed and it showed.

"But I', going to have to leawve you shortly. First to change then to take my official part in the Coronation Procession. MIght I sit with you at the Banquet after the Coronation?"

She hoped he would, and would be willing to dance at the Ball afterwards. She wasn't the best dancer around, but mentally promised to step on his toes as little as possible.

"You are welcome as are all here to walk in the Procession, though it's not required,. many will also be riding on the floats provided. The Procession is about five miles from the Palace, the bridge, and ending at the Hall of the Houses.

"I would be honoured," He laughed, "To sit beside such a high-ranked Commander at the banquet, I think it will reflect better on me than it will on you" He gave another laughed, "As for the procession, I think I will join in. It'll be fun and I can see some of the City during the walk"
Imperial isa
09-03-2008, 03:55
Porthos reappeared where he had been next to Mistress Black.

"Pardon me madam, but Planetary Security has requested that you come with me please." He spoke softly so that his voice carried only to the Jadeite.

However across the room, Merideth Hexx, stiffened slightly and turned form her conversation with Ambassador Smith of Alversia. Through her communications implant she had been advised of a potential disturbance. She looked toward where one of Portho's holograms stood speaking with a woman identified as Mistress Black, a representative from the planet Jade. She had not been introduced to the woman, but as complete a dossier as Security possessed was provided for her. "Adam, you may have to excuse me for a moment" She siad softly.

Elsewhere in the Crystal Hall, Lilith, Shiva, and Darharuman began discretely making their way, over to where the pair stood. THey were part of security and had been placed on alert.

"why ,what something at foot "asked Black as she walks towards the group
09-03-2008, 04:47
Mistress Black, Porthos and others...

why ,what something at foot "

"I'm not certain Mistress Black, though I can assure you that your son is safe and sleeping soundly." Porthos said reassuringly as he led her to the corridor the Crystal Hall connected with. A very small woman in uniform waited there.

"Excuse me for interupting the Recception for you, Mistress Black. Would you know if the ship that brought you, the Dawn, I believe is the ship's name, was expecting as rendevous with another vessel? I'm sorry to bother you, but as the Representative, I wanted to verify through you." She explained further "We've picked up a very faint signals and it sounds like part of it is identification codes similar to those of your ship, Dawn." Lieutenant Joan Kessel said apologetically.

Adam and Meredith

As for the procession, I think I will join in. It'll be fun and I can see some of the City during the walk"

Meredith chuckled "Well it will be only a small part, but some of our more interesing architecture does grace that particular stretch. And to be on the arm of an Ambasador...Why I have stolen a march on any number of society mavens!" She looked over to where the Empresses and the Xiscapian delegation were just finishing up

"Ah, and here comes Madam Vanadict and the Xiscapian Ambassador. I'm sure you already know them, but I'd like you to meet Lord Celedon, he is our new Minister of State, what with Dowager Empress Michiko retireing from that post." She smiled noting that Vorn and Marisol were holding hands " It seems his grand daughter and Ambassador Vorn have hit it off quite happily."

Vanadict, Vorn, The Empresses, Marisol and Lord Celedon

A thousand thanks. Naturally I will need to look around some, but I am certain a suitable spot will be found."

"Please take all the time you wish, and I am certain that Marisol would enjoy showing you around Midgard. Thank you both for coming, we love meeting friends we didn't know we had. And I very much hope that you will call me any time, I really wish to vist more." Her regret that they did not have more time now ws obvious and genuine.

Lord Celedon had caught a small gesture form Meredith and began guiding the Xiscapians towards Ambassador Smith and the War Mistress.
09-03-2008, 13:37
I'd like you to meet Lord Celedon, he is our new Minister of State, what with Dowager Empress Michiko retireing from that post."

"In that case," He offered his hand, "let's go meet them"

Smith had to admit that he was truly enjoying this event, good company good food and a pleasurable leader to boot. He had to admit, of all the places he could have been sent for a first posting, this had to be the best. He really had struck gold. He knew he would have to prepare a transmission to send back to Alversia and inform them of his progress, he didn't know where to start.
Imperial isa
09-03-2008, 14:50
Mistress Black, Porthos and others...

why ,what something at foot "

"I'm not certain Mistress Black, though I can assure you that your son is safe and sleeping soundly." Porthos said reassuringly as he led her to the corridor the Crystal Hall connected with. A very small woman in uniform waited there.

"Excuse me for interupting the Recception for you, Mistress Black. Would you know if the ship that brought you, the Dawn, I believe is the ship's name, was expecting as rendevous with another vessel? I'm sorry to bother you, but as the Representative, I wanted to verify through you." She explained further "We've picked up a very faint signals and it sounds like part of it is identification codes similar to those of your ship, Dawn." Lieutenant Joan Kessel said apologetically.

"yes it's bring someone called Z and other things,that all i know,one who know's more then me be the one flying the shuttle "said Black as she pulls out her PDA from hr small hand bag

"i hope i gets this right'"she say as she push some keys

" Imperial shuttle who is this "

"this is Black"said Black

"Mistress Black ma-am is there something wrong with you or the Imperial Princes "

"no we ok ,but mm err"said Black before holding out the PDA to the Lieutenant

"here i don't know what to say"Black said to the Lieutenant
09-03-2008, 17:45
Vorn and Vanadict once again bowed deeply as they were escorted off the dias by Grandfather and Marisol. Vanadict noted they were being steered towards the Alversian Ambassador Smith and the War Mistress. Upon reaching them the two kitsune bowed once more. "Ambassador, War Mistress." said Vanadict. Vorn had quickly resumed his clasp on Marisol's hand after the bow, his tail once more curling gently upward.
10-03-2008, 03:59
Mistress Black, Lt Kessel, Porthos and others

"here i don't know what to say"

The lieutenant took the PDA and addressed the shuttle pilot "This is Lieutenant Joan Kessel, TEN. I am here with Mistress Black beacaue we have intercepted some very weak and garbled transmissions that seemd to code similarly with yuors. Mistress Black says that the Dawn was expecting a rendevous, but that you have more data on the event?"

The small lieutenant, she stood barely five foot tall, smiled up reassureingly at Mistress Black. The Tanaran Empire Navy was very good at finding lost ships, her fellow officers in charge of such would have the origin point of the signals in no time.

Vanadict, Ambassador Smith, Merideth, Vorn, Lord Celedon and Marisol...

"Ambassador, War Mistress."

"Madame Vanadict, Viorn," Merideth greet them as they appraoched and bowed - which she returned with one of her own.

"Adam, I wanted to introduce Lord Celedoan, as he is the incoming Minister of State, and much of your contact will be with him, I've always found him to be a very direct and approachable person, so you should have not worries on that " Merideth said to Adam hoping it would reassure him.

"I am happy to meet you Mister Smith. I am so very pleased that Alversia chose to send us an Ambasador. I am sure that you will do your Peoples Republic great and good service." The older Celestial beamed at the Alversian with a broad smile.

"And the lovely young lady, Lord Celedon's granddaughter, is Scholar Lady Marisol, the head of the Museum here at the Palace. She is definitely a 'go to person' for any sort of cultural knoweldge." Merideth gave Marisol a light hug as she introduced her.
Imperial isa
10-03-2008, 17:04
Mistress Black, Lt Kessel, Porthos and others

"here i don't know what to say"

The lieutenant took the PDA and addressed the shuttle pilot "This is Lieutenant Joan Kessel, TEN. I am here with Mistress Black beacaue we have intercepted some very weak and garbled transmissions that seemd to code similarly with yuors. Mistress Black says that the Dawn was expecting a rendevous, but that you have more data on the event?"

The small lieutenant, she stood barely five foot tall, smiled up reassureingly at Mistress Black. The Tanaran Empire Navy was very good at finding lost ships, her fellow officers in charge of such would have the origin point of the signals in no time.

"armed drone cargo ship carrying cargo which could not be loaded in given time of Dawn leaving for known space,as well as Mistress Black and her Son's Male Guardian Tiger Called Z,who was to be waiting for her and her son on their return to Dawn" said the Clone before going quiet for a hour

"Dawn has not picked up these transmissions and not sighted the ship,there for we most say something happen and it must be in you space by mistake

Black who had been thinking on that Z was her and her son's Guardian Tiger specks at last

"whats a Tiger"asked Black who never heard or seen one

i'll send you what you need to know about Ra's Tigers and about Z ma-am to your PDA

"thank you"said Black
10-03-2008, 19:58
"I am happy to meet you Mister Smith. I am so very pleased that Alversia chose to send us an Ambasador. I am sure that you will do your Peoples Republic great and good service."

Smith gave his own nervous bow,
I am delighted to be here, My Lord and, from what I've seen, I know our two peoples will get on perfectly. I hope I can do the Republic justice" he gave a weak smile then turned to Scholar Lady Marisol,
"And it is an honour to meet you ma'am" He bowed politely.
12-03-2008, 12:24
Vanadict, Ambassador Smith, Vorn, Merideth, Grandfather, Marisol

The Empresses were currently meeting with the esteemed ambassador from Hobbeebia, Lord Razyn being escorted up by the Dowager Empress Michiko. Awaiting introduction was Imperial Ambassador Terminia Marcellus of Angenteria and one or two others. Time for the Processional was drawing close…

I am delighted to be here, My Lord and, from what I've seen, I know our two peoples will get on perfectly. I hope I can do the Republic justice"

"I am sure you will. While we believe 'our way' is a very good way we also don't believe in trying to encroach 'our way' on others. So we should have a most cordial relationship. And please no 'my Lord' is necessary. Just call me Grandfather as Vanadict and Vorn have. We prefer as little formality as possible."

They had all seen that in their time with the Empresses, so it certainly was a cultural trait.

"However Marisol and I must excuse ourselves, as we have honored parts to play in the upcoming coronation procession. We must see that the final stages of preparations are complete." Lord Celedon said.

Merideth echoed him "As do I, but we will return the minute our parts are done."

"The procession states at this end of the bridge that crosses the gap between the island and the short, and the walk proceeds down the five mile stretch to the Hall of Houses where the coronation will take place. Every mile those who represent various facets of our Empire will step forth escorted by one of the five living holders of the Lion and challenge the Empress to be. It is ritual, but deadly serious ritual. Grandfather, as part of her entourage, symbolizes by his presence her willingness to seek and accept advice from others." Marisol explained a bit of what they world be apart of shortly.

"The first challenger is from among our youngest, demanding from the Empress the pledge that she will protect the future. Others include, protecting knowledge and wisdom, overseeing the hand of justice, ...Vorn the Honored Mother of Memory you met earlier on the ride down from the landing platform, she is the oldest living being in the Empire and she will be a part of the challenge tonight." Grandfather said adding to what Marisol had explained.

Merideth smiled at Adam “Your walking in the Procession will show that other’s, our newly met friends feel that your relations with us will be beneficial to all our nations.” She looked over at Vanadict, and Vorn “I don’t know if they invited you to walk in the Procession, it’s a good five miles, as Marisol noted, but you are welcome too. There are also floats if you chose to ride. Both are part of the Procession.
12-03-2008, 20:32
Adam nodded at the information,
"Impressive," he smiled thinking of the oath he had had to take upon becoming a soldier, "I shall look forward to it" he turned to the Xiscapians, "Would you like to join me in the procession? There floats are a nice alternative but I think it's time I stretched my legs a little"
13-03-2008, 03:09
Vanadict and Vorn nodded in unison. "I, too, would rather walk," said Vorn, and Vanadict laughed. "I recently braved the world of the Muri. A five mile walk is nothing." She was not being boastful, just stating a fact. "We will accompany you, Ambassador, to the coronation."
13-03-2008, 20:38
"In that case, Madame Vanadict," Adam turned to look at the procession, "We had better get started if we don't want to be left behind" He smiled as he slid into the procession and waited for it to begin.
14-03-2008, 00:19
"Please, just Vanadict," said Vanadict as she got behind Adam. "'Madame' makes me feel so old." she said with a slight smile. Vorn fell into step behind them, wishing that Marisol could accompany them, but understood she had her own role to play in the crowning.
15-03-2008, 03:00
"Very well then, Vanadict," Adam smiled, "I will follow you or do you want to lead the procession of Ambassadors?" He asked her politely, indicating to the procession.
15-03-2008, 03:18
Vanadict actually blushed. "Just follow me, please. If I lead them then I'm likely to do something stupid, like trip." Anyone who knew Vanadict knew that this was extremely unlikely, but anyone who knew Vanadict also knew that she disliked placing herself in any kind of apparently grand or aristocratic position. Strange, for a Cheif Ambassador, but true. Being an Ambassador simply meant conveying what your people wanted. Despite the grandeur, or perhaps because of it, Vanadict did her best to mantain a humble attitude.
15-03-2008, 22:06
OOC: Music to mood by (

All the Ambassadors and dignatries had been introduced, time speeding past as the moons fose full in the starstrewn heavens above the planet Midgard..

The Tanarans who had formal parts to play in the Coronation almost upon them had quietly slipped away, as had the Empresses, for they had to change and take their assigned places.

Then shortly as the Ambassadors and guests assembled to process a sonorous tolling began, a deep basso profundo chorus of bells which then fell silent, the many conversations having stilled as beneathe the weight of expectations.

And in that pregnant silence came three sharp cracks, iron shod wooden staff rapped firmly against oak timbering, reverberating about the Hall. And broadcast across the Empire. The staff was nearly seven foot tall and topped with a gold statue, a minature of the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

Lord Celedon, resplendent in robes of state held the ancient staff, brought with the founders of what this day was the Interstellar Empire of Tanara from their lost Home Universe.

His voice echoed that of the bells, profoundly regal and yet ebullent.

"Harken Thee to mine words, Attend Thee to this Herald. We ask you this night to join with us, to show before the eyes of the Universe our fiendship. A people are known by whom they call friend, and are called friend by in return."

With that he led them, those that chose to join in the procession, out to the vast main courtyard with its statues and fountains. There they found the other ministers of the goverment assembeld, some walking, others chooseing to ride on silent antigrav floats that hovered a few inches off of the ground..

Fully night now, it was just a hint cool and many of the Palaces staff went about offering beautifully embroidered silk cloaks to those assembling. Others offered bouquets of flowers - or decorative baskets filled with tiny stuffed animals, with the explaination of "There will be many viewing the Procession from the sidelines, especially childrens groups. You are welcome to toss them flowers or stuffies."

Indeed the wide promenade that led from the broad square of the courtyard was thickly packed with people, many of them parents with their children up on their shoulders to give them better views. Others held fey globes on strings, creating the effect of glowing ballons in a spectrum of hues. The media was discretely present, as well as the official crews that were broadcasting holovide through out the Empire and beyond.

Most of the children at this end were patients of the Hopsice and lay in partial or full life support, but their faces were no less filled with anticipation than all the rest. Michiko, with Razyn at her side, could be seen moving among that therm stopping here and the to talk with ones she knew well, but with a word of each of them. Then the couple moved to stand beside Leord Celedon.

Less than a minute later the Empresses, with stately strides, flanked by their ceremonially clad honor guards appeared and moved to the head of the Profession, a single torch bearer before them. They again wore all but identical gowns (, save that Kaylindes was mostly gold and Dominiques silver. Though that would change along the way, as each Challenge was met, the phoenix feathers ( of the gown's detailing changing hue from silver to fully gold at the end

The Processional Way was wide enough that over twenty people could walk abreast in comfort, and Vanadict, Vorn and Adam found themselves in the center of the front row, next to the Novans on one side and Lady Scholar Mm'rr'll on the other.
16-03-2008, 01:14
Adam, overawed with the presence and the spectacle of the whole evening as well as the procession's beauty, walked at a pace just slow enough to remain behind the floats. He was completely overcome with the astounding elegance of the whole event and now he simply allowed the sights around him to soak in.
16-03-2008, 01:35
Vanadict and Vorn walked just ahead of Adam, taking in the sights and sounds. Vanadict gave a respectful half bow to the Novans, while Vorn did the same to Lady Scholar Mm'rr'll, the Xa. The two kitsune were careful to walk at a measured pace, but their visages betrayed their sheer wonder and deep traquility of the solemn event.
16-03-2008, 21:33
"Come dear." Aeris had urged her husband, pulling him gently at first, maintaining no actual visual indication of such. "We must join the procession." He followed then, and the two took their places in the procession, walking side by side; she in her beautiful dress, and he in his suit. While this parade was for the host's honor and thusly received the attention deserved, people would see that she and Rob were a well disciplined couple who held enviable positions of power in allied nations with the Empire of Tanara.

Leaning slightly toward Rob, Aeris whispered quietly to him, "When do you think the first challenge will be? It's supposed to be random, isn't it?"
17-03-2008, 06:59
"When do you think the first challenge will be? It's supposed to be random, isn't it?"

Rob brought the hand he held to his lips and kissed her palm with a grin. "Any minute dear. And now I have to leave you as I am part of the second Challenge. But I told them I'd be walking with you up until the last moment."

Once he'd taken another look about, and reassured Aeris he'd be back as soon as he could he activated the 'port key he'd slid from his uniform's discrete inner pocket.
18-03-2008, 23:19
"I am the Keeper of the Past, and I have come across time and space to hear you vows."

The ancient Xa' Cz’inni’s voice, amplified solely by the force of her will, crashed across the group without preamble. Freezing all there, even those in mid step.

The procession halted, they had just crossed the vast mile long bridge that connected the Palace to Nova Terranis. Forming a rough semicircle behind the Empresses the Procession was silent as they observed the oathing

She was twisted, crippled with age, and gaunt. Her fur had long ago lapsed back into baby fineness and was almost without hue. Her eyes were wide and sightless, but missing nothing.

The Keeper of the Past, the oldest living being in the Empire, had placed herself before them. A barrier formed solely but immutably of the weight of years. Then thousand years looked upon those assembled and weighed them, but did not judge. Her heart was greater than that.

And behind the frail being’s figure was another, a massive power and weight in it’s own right - full Cadre armor, integral weapons enabled, it’s shields active- providing the scene a faint, eldritch light. Her protector was none other than the youngest bearer of the Lion, Robert Ryan Fortier Hexx; he was on one knee behind her, a formidable weapon of war.

Few of the Ambassadors know exactly how formidable a Cadre alone was; fewer knew just how lethal the armor was. And fewer still had any knowledge that, together, very little could withstand an assault by such.

But that martial might meant nothing

For he was made humble and insignificant by the tiny figure before him. He too bowed before that incalculable force. Though she did not deign to notice him. All of her attention was centered upon the Empress To Be.

Dominique Evangeline Alexandra Ryder

“No people can sustain without history, without a past to learn from. You, as their chosen head, cannot go forward without acknowledging the past. I demand your oath to honor and learn from you past. Both as a person, as a species, as ruler of a union that holds many species.”

“I give you my oath. I will endeavor with all my heart, strength of will, and soul hold to the past. Learning from it, cherishing it, and reminding all others of it as necessary.” Dominique’s voice rang clear and carrying.

“I accept” The elder nodded her head slowly. Her unseeing eyes moved those processing and her voice spilled forth again. This time addressing the Ambassadors.

“For the sake of the past, I welcome those new friends of our people. I ask in the name of the past that you, by your friendship, help our people become and be the best that they can be. Can you do this for me? Will you do this for the sakes of all our peoples?”
18-03-2008, 23:22
Adam wasn't sure what to say but eventually puffed out his chest and nodded,
"The People of the Alversian Republic are ready to do this"
It even sounded stupid as it came out of his mouth but he had said it and so had to be satisfied that it would suffice in this time. It was such a precise and glorious procession, he felt guilty just to open his mouth and ruin the grandiose language.
18-03-2008, 23:38
"We may not always have, but we do, and from here we always will." said Vanadict simply. Vorn nodded almost invisibly, recalling his previous conversation with the ancient being before him.
Imperial isa
19-03-2008, 00:02
Black blinks her eyes first a missing ship and now this,she really do not know what she can about the ship or what to say to what was asked ,she need to think for a min before answering

"Ma-am i'am only a guest here on behalf of Imperial and the other ISA races and can not give my word for all of them that they would help your people become and be the best that they can be,but i think i can say on behalf of Mate that Imperial would try the best they can"
19-03-2008, 04:38
OOC: Imperial Isa, please check out the OOC thread here ( Thanks.


Aeris was watching everything with as keen interest as she could muster, studying the woman, studying how Rob looked magnificent in his cadre ensemble, and most of all, the humbled position he took before this frail, old woman of an ancient age. The challenge was met by the empress to be, and a moment later, another challenge, this one now to the ambassadors.

She raised a hand as if swearing an oath. "The Empire of Tarlachia shall do all that is required of her to keep the Empire of Tanara grounded in truth and history."
20-03-2008, 20:36
And one by one, though a few spoke in unintentional chorus, the Ambassadors gave their gifts to the Empire. The incredibly ancient Xas nodded slowly, a profound quite falling over the night, a pregnant hush as if all knew there was more to come.

Then she spoke again, her voice lighter now, like a bell in the night. She spoke in the language of her race, but all could understand it for they heard it, in their minds ear, in their own tongues.

"I have come, I have been, and now I go. I pass along my gifts and my title to she who comes after me but before those yet to come. Mm'rrr'll use them well"

Where she had stood there hovered a sphere of light which darted over to settle briefly about Mm'rrr'll then sped heavenward amid spill of celestial notes. The Xa' Cz'inni in the crowd - and every where in the Universe - roared in unison, a thunder of approval and unbridled joy.

Robert had been forewarned, but it took a moment for the joy to submerge the sadness then he came to his feet in a single graceful bound dispite the heavy armor he wore. After making a deep bow to the Empresses and her assembled witnesses he moved to the side, no longer blocking her path to the throne.

As the Procession passed him he fell in behind, a formidible rear guard.
26-03-2008, 01:49
The Second, and Third Challenges required the Empress to be use all her ability to safeguard, and promote, Honour, Truth, Compassion, Justice, and Fairness, while recognising that Justice and Fairness were not always one the same.

The Fourth Challenge...Marisol, her silver white wings glorious in the shifting multihued lights of the Processional played her part by representing Knowledge, with the white haired, but still lively elder who had been chosen from among the Empire's many peoples to represent Wisdom stood by her side. The General of the Armies M Merideth Hexx was their protector and like the other Lions fell in at the rear of the processional, giving Adam a special smile as she passed him. Marisol came to walk by Vorn, offering him her hand should he wish to take it.

At each challenge those taking the Empress to Be's oaths asked those Processing to lend their aid, as a gift to the Empire to be all that it could be.

The Fifth Challenge, the last before the Procession reached the place of Coronation, lay ahead.
26-03-2008, 01:56
Adam watched as Merideth passed and gave her a grin back before he followed the procession back to the Palace. He was still stunned, it was completely different to the Ceremony that inducted the Alversian Prime Minister. He was enjoying every moment of it.
28-03-2008, 02:06
If Vorn's mouth had opened when he saw Marisol before, that was nothing compared to know. The resounding smack of his jaw hitting the floor would have been heard all over the Palace if such a feat had been physically possible. Vanadict smiled serenely and pretended she didn't notice, for Vorn's sake. He took Marisol's hand into his, gazing at her, unable to tear away his eyes for all the treasure in the galaxy. Vanadict looked ahead, however, taking note as the Empress passed though each of her trials, wondering what the fifth would consist of.
"Very formal, but somehow still exciting, isn't it?" she murmured to Adam.
31-03-2008, 21:09
The great circular Plaza lay between the thee arc shaped buildings that were home to the Upper and Lower Houses and the Judiciary lay shimmering in the moonlight. The Empress's Throne, a simple but elegant creation had been placed before the central Lithis - the physical representation of the Guiding Principles. The many trees that were normally part of the plaza's character had been joined by hundred of potted plants, both foliage and flowering, their scents permeating the night breeze .Water falling from one of the liths to plash in the cache bowl gave an undersound that was peaceful and serene, despite the ever- growing sense of excitement from those already there. Floating fae globes gave off gentle shadowless light in a variety of hues and eternal flames leapt into the night from atop the tallest of the plinths.

The sounds of the procession could be heard, as the last Challenge presented it ‘self -where the broad road those Processing had traveled met the gardens that surrounded the Three. These three buildings, had from the time of the Founding, had been the Houses of government. Though their names had changed, they had been added on to, remodeled extensively, some times even been under consideration for complete demolishment in the over the seventeen hundred years and more of the existence of Tanara - but their core structures had remained, and had survived even the Nova Bombing of Helevorn - two of less than a hand full that had remained.

The Lords and Ladies of the Peerage, the Representatives and the Judges waited, their low conversations a surrussant sound, and their Mantles of State were heavy – as they should be so as to remind them of the weighty responsibilities they carried.

But now the Procession halted once again as a hover chair floated out to block their path, the oldest bearer of the Lion along side in formal uniform. The child within that full life support was tiny and her skin paler -or so it seemed - than the pillow that she was propped up by, barely visible. But her voice carried clearly, a musical chime. “Hey Aunti Nikki”

And Dominique went to her knees before the child, reaching out to hug her close, sudden tears sparking her eyes. She had not known who all of her Challengers were to be, but this one was one she clearly did not expect. “What are you doing here Amanda?” She whispered to the frail child.

“I’m the Future” The girl, maybe all of eight years old, piped - her clear soprano voice head by even those in the back of the crescent that had formed behind the Empresses. Her parents watched from the sidelines, tears streaking their cheeks.

Dominique sucked in a ragged breath, pain clearly showing on her face for just a second until she fought for and won a more serene countenance. And she knew why Amanda had been chosen. There was no hope, even with all their medical skills, and they had decided to try for a miracle.

If the Phoenix came, if it chose, if it would, if it could... heal her.

She had to have faith. And as she lifted her voice she prayed silently as she had never before…and she vowed aloud…

“I vow, I give you my undying oath. I will endeavor with all my heart, strength of will, and soul to seek the future, the best possible future for our peoples”

Amanda nodded, then looked past Dominique to those who had made the Walk with her, and heard her vows. “Please could you help?. I…” Her voice trembled just a little, more felt than heard “may not be here to remind her, so I’m going to need your help. Can you help us find the future, can we all work together to make what is to come the best it can be?”
02-04-2008, 14:22
Vanadict was unsure wether it would be against customs to approach the child, so had to be content with standing where she was, hoping dearly that she didn't look intimidating, although with the caliber of people around her, she figured that one would look to her to be frightened last.
"I, and the Empire, will strive to do everything we can to help. If an ally asks, we will not leave them, even in the face of destruction. But much harder is that of the friends who stick by when the enemy cannot be clearly seen or defined. By our honor we will assist anywhere we can." she intoned solemnly.
Even as she spoke, an old saying came back to her:
Any fool can die for a cause, but it takes a true hero, like this child, to live for one.
02-04-2008, 19:01
Adam wasn't sure for a moment and watched anxiously as the Vanadict approached the child and gave her response and he felt a pang of jealousy. The Vanadict's words had been dignified and elegant while his mind had blanked out. He watched as the Vanadict stepped back and left the way empty for him. He gulped and walked forward, still formulating his answer in his mind. Then he remembered a statement made a long time ago to a race not far from him now. He smiled as the cherished words returned to his mind and his mouth,
"Let all Allies know that Alversia stands beside them in the darkness, that is the way of friendship, that is the way of honour, that is the way of freedom"
04-04-2008, 02:06
The future is a destination that can never be reached, for no matter how far or how fast you travel, it will never be any further than the present...

The child watched with wide eyed solemnity as the other Ambassadors and dignitaries came forward to pledge their nation’s willingness to help the Empire look to the future.

“Thank You” Amanda said when all were done. She had gifted each with a child’s uninhibited smile – one of pure joy - as they had come up, listening intently to their words.

How does one describe a miracle? I think that it may be, like a moment of Satori, an event mandatorily unique to each individual, perceived, in-toto, different by each being present.

I can say that Fire came from the star strewn moon lit heavens – all three of Midgard’s moons lighting the night.. Or maybe it rose first from the planet, simply flying unseen from the vantage point of those assembled in the great Plaza, until it appeared to have come from the skies. That the Fire took the form of a giant avian, a bird of Flame and Splendor soaring high to silhouette momentarily against the largest of the moons, brightly shining Frey, it’s wings stretched wide to span across - horizon to horizon.

Then, whith joyous cry the Fire wheeled and shattered into hundreds of tiny flames, birdshapes of shimmering crimson hue. A hue that came from within, one could discern as the cloud of twisting, turning, living Firelight descended – fell as lightly as a feather, as fast as a drop of rain or a gasp of surprise, upon those below. The tongues of Flame danced and whirled though those Processing, some seeming to alight on brow, or shoulder, or hand, or head - a presence felt but not seen, known but indefinable…

And once their dance was complete they arrowed, as of one gestalt, a wholeness, straight into Amanda.
07-04-2008, 22:59
Many of the Tanarans had cried out when the Phoneix appeared, some even sinking to their knees, many others holding deep bows, their faces filled with awe mingled with profound respect. Though many, many had not been alive the hundred some years ago when the manifestation had last appeared none disbelieved or thought upon it with save but the profoundest respect...

When it settled within Amanda, her parents, all five of them had burst forth with soul deep cries of relief.

"Life and Death, Light and Dark, Love and Indifference, Positive and Negative, Whole and Broken, Comeplete and Not Yet Begun, Motion and Stillness... And Ever and Always That Which Is All In Between. All have their place in the Wheel, in the Balance, but at times a Gift may be given...This Child Lives as the visible Avatar of the Future. Guard her well."

The voice came from nowwhere yet everywhere heard by one and all in their native tongue.
07-04-2008, 23:41
Vanadict spread her robed arms wide and lifted her face upward, eyes closed, breathing deeply. Vorn, like many of the Tanarans, fell to his knees, gazing fixedly at the point where the Phoenix had vanished into hundreds of tiny shapes. No words did either say: None were needed.
07-04-2008, 23:43
Adam also watched the Phoenix unfold, breathless at it's beauty, he continued to stare up long after it had gone, as though he could still see it in his mind. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
08-04-2008, 22:58
Dominique scooped Amanda up "I think I need to carry the Future with me for a bit"

Amanda smiled and put her arms around the Empresses neck, laying her head on her shoulder. She was tiny barely as big as an average five year old though she was nearly nine. Dominique carried her easily as she finished the bare quarter mile to the Great Plaza where the actual coronation would take place.

Those who had Processed with her, the Ambassadors and Delegates, were ushered to tiered seats, that had been placed so they could see everything that was about to happen. Kaylinde moved ahead of Dominique, reaching the simple cushion that had been placed there to recieve it.

Turning her back on the throne Kaylinde spoke, her voice carrying clearly. "I have served long, and I hope well. I give, as my legacy a united Empire, one strong and healthy. I wish for my people all the good things in life. Liberty, Health, Contentment, Prosperity and Wisdom. I thank you for the incredible privilege you gave me, but now it is time for another to rise to this solemn duty."

"I call forth Dominique Evangaline Alexandra Ryder to step forth and to ascent to the position you have proved most capable of handling. You have the will of the people, our people, now your people. Come forth and accept the crown and all that it entails."

Dominique, before she could climb the three steps to the throne was intercepted by the Lions. HRH Robert Ryan Fortier - Hexx of Tanaara spoke for all of them "We who have served the Empire with heart, soul and represent all of those who gave their all ask the boon of guarding the Future."

Without speaking Dominique nodded and gently handed Amanda over to his waiting arms. Then she was moving past them, swept inextolerably along by the massed will of her subjects, climbing the steps and standing next to the throne.

“I have made my vows” Dominique addressed them all “You ask me, require me, to be your Empress. “ She took a deep breath, lifted the crown and slowly set it atop her head. “I accept.” With that she seated herself upon the throne.

Looking at the assembled members of her Court and Government; then at the seated Ambassadors and Representatives, Dominique addressed them further “ You have graciously, freely, given my people and I the greatest of gifts, that of friendship and aid”

“I vow to you, that so as you have promised to aid the Empire’s past, present, future, as well as Knowledge, Wisdom, Honour, Truth, Compassion, Justice, and Fairness…We in turn will aid your nations in such endeavors. The Gifts will not only be repaid but paid forward as well, this I vow. Thank you for being here this night, and being solemn witness to this joyous event.”

With that fireworks began bursting across the skies of Midgard and throughout the Interstellar Empire
11-04-2008, 02:07
Once the celebrations ended ...

In thise coming days the Empress and her ministers would meet many times with the Phoenix Empires new ambasssadors, hammering out treaties and alliances with them.

Thank you alkl for attending the Coronation of the Phownix Empires new Empress. Your participation was greatly appreciated and enriched the event beyond measure.