Sharp Icon
18-01-2008, 09:07
Greeting to the world we are the republic of the sharp icon. we have grown our nation from ahses and rebuilt it from scratch. we with to become friendly with other poeple in the world.
18-01-2008, 09:26
In a warm and welcoming tan-coloured suit (or at least as welcoming as a suit can be), a man appeared in a video transmission sent to Sharp Icon's government:
Good day, friend. I am the Executive Vice-President of Marketing and Sales at the General Technology Corp. You may call me Ed. Our business specializes in producing technological products for international clients. Because of Eiflegards non-existant direct taxation or regulations, we are able to produce the most sophisticated technologies in the world and provide them at the lowest costs. Included with the transmission is an electronic catalogue of all our products/services. If you are interested in setting up the right solution for your nation or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can accomodate you. Transmission end.
18-01-2008, 17:59
From: I.S.D. (PM Tom Hebert)
To: The govt. of Sharp Icon
Re: Economic opportunity for a newly developing nation.
Message Reads:
We welcome you to the forums of the world floor. It is great to see more and more nations claiming independence and staking a position on the world's vast, open economic market.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to have a federally-owned I.S.D port constructed in one of your coastal cities. We will provide more specific information and detail should you manifest an amount of interest.
We look forward to engaging in economic endeavors with your country and hope that we, as all nations should, can prosper together and lead our lands to greatness.
-Prime Minister Tom Hebert
The Red Blazing Star
18-01-2008, 18:14
the People's republic of the blazing star is also a relatively new country, seeking for allies. PM me if yer interested
18-01-2008, 18:20
From: I.S.D. (Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Christopher Rock)
To: The People's Republic of the Blazing Star
Re: Alliance in economics.
Message Reads:
We would like to offer you the same opportunity as the nation in the communique ahead of you. Please send us a telegram and we will provide that appropriate information.
-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, C. Rock