NationStates Jolt Archive

The Mice are Coming, The mice are coming (FT-Fantasy - Intro - Semi-Open[TG])

The Mice of Miceland
31-12-2007, 15:08
There are many weird oddities, strange races, powers beyond that of mere technology that occupy space. From that of the Force, the Sith and Jedi. From living machines to things that just should have never existed.

The planet, one that wasn't really catalogued or shown any interest in by any other races, it was too out of the way and just not that interesting, or at least that's how it seemed.

How things seem can be very often not what they are, the planet was home to a race of mice. Strange mice that due to a magical accident long ago had been infused with natural talent for manipulating the core fundamental energies contained in items.

These creatures were as mice naturally are quite skittish and were scared of interaction and so hid away on their planet until one day. Something changed...

He was expelled from his planet, flying in a ship no larger than that of a cucumber, hurtling through space his name was Jackson HeroMouse. He had no idea where he was going nor could he control it. Time passed, how much was anyone's guess without a local source of time his concept of time passing went out the window a long time ago, or he thoughht it was a long time ago.

Soon the space cucumber slowed down... it was in a system, it seemed to lock on a planetary object... heading straight for the inhabited system. It emitted no dicernable energy output but to anyone magically aware it put out a distinct aura, like nothing they would have seen before.

The space cucumber transport was destined, unless somehow intercepted to crash down in some barely inhabited section of the planet, low population density.
Newbish Delight
01-01-2008, 17:13
It is well known that intelligent, spacefaring races create vast networks of satellites, defence systems and sophisticated military craft to sense and detect approaching objects from further away than most information-age nations would believe possible. The mind conjures up images of satellite arrays, artificial intelligences and well-disciplined naval personnel always on the lookout for arriving craft such as the one currently being piloted by Jackson HeroMouse.

The system he was approaching had all of these…almost. There was a large network of satellites, only it was not in very good repair and had probably never been. It had a defence system, but the crew had wandered off down the pub. And “sophisticated” is not quite the word one would choose in describing the bailing wire and tin can constructions that ambled through the system’s space, an insult to honest shipbuilders anywhere. Satellite arrays existed, but mostly only to send messages about who had drunk more the night before. Intelligence was generally lacking, artificial or not, in this area of space. And discipline? Most of the naval personnel couldn’t spell it to save their lives.

This particular area of space is home to a single class “MegaShinee” star, which is orbited by seven worlds, two major asteroid belts (excluding a small kupier belt on the outskirts of the system), and the debris typical of Combine-inhabited space. The innermost world is uninhabitable, with temperatures in the hundreds of degrees (or “Toobluddidammhot”), the same goes for the second world and the third resembles Venus, except that it is a mess of bright oranges, reds and yellows rather the whites, blues and green of Sol’s equivalent. Next comes the first belt, followed by the three worlds populated by the greenskins of the Combine, far from their home nebula. First of these is the imaginatively named “Inna Wurld”, followed by “Owa Wurld”, then “Da Larst Wurld”. The final world in the system is considerably further out, and beyond the second of the asteroid belts and takes the form of a massive gas giant.

The middle of these two worlds is slightly larger than Sol, rotating upon a twenty-nine hour day and, possessing essentially the same size, composition and rotation of Goblin Sitay is aptly suited to greenskin inhabitation. The population is considerably larger on this world than either of the others and is presumably where the Makin’ It Rite (read: terraforming) Shyps first began their work. The planet is approximately fifty percent water, fifty percent landmass and has a high proportion of the tectonic activity Goblins tend to produce when making their newly discovered worlds habitable.

Welcome to the demesne of the Prince Silverclaw Farseeker, by the Grace of Green supreme lord of the Farsilver system, Grand “Admirerereral” of the three inhabited worlds, a Honcho of the Green Powa movement, current owner of the Stick of Shiny Kapow, and one of only six creatures of human-like (or superior) intellect within the entire system.
The Mice of Miceland
02-01-2008, 00:24
Perhaps a cucumber was not quite the best way to describe the craft that Hero entered, oh, it was surely shaped like one but the materials, there was nothing vegetable about them. The ship entered the atmosphere of "Da Larst Wurld" and lit up like a shooting star.

As it started to fall down to earth instead of gaining speed due to gravity it slowed down, to the point where it finally impacted on the ground it was almost a perfectly smooth landing.

The ship cracked in two, like a capsule opening the two pieces of the ship lay on the ground as quite a normal looking mouse exited one of the tube like pieces. The first order of the day was finding somewhere to hide his ship, though he'd need to do some reconnaissance first.

So there he was setting out, wondering if anyone at all had taken any interest in his landing at all?
Newbish Delight
02-01-2008, 20:35
The Miceland ship was indeed noted, by about two hundred individuals. Of these two hundred, one hundred and ninety-nine pointed fingers at the bright scar across the sky, making comments along the lines of “oi wish I win da lottery!”, “oooh….shineee….” and “oi want wunna dose!”. One, however, frowned as he felt the vehicle enter the atmosphere, stood up, and walked to the window of his chambers in the tall and narrow building that imitated the Bladetower back on Goblin Sitay.

He blinked his golden eyes and watched the trail of light hurtle through the sky to land outside Dat Playz Neera Rivva, one of the outlying settlements of this (relatively) sparsely populated world.

One hour later…

The off road vehicles bumped and shook across the patchy landscape, making no attempt at being subtle. They took various forms, most with either four or six wheels, heavy armour plating and fairly large guns. Most were crewed by goblins ranging in height from three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half feet short, although in one of the larger constructions sat a towering Rocktroll, nine feet of menace crammed in the flatbed. In another was the individual who had detected the incoming craft, the six foot tall Duke Wassat Longsee, lord of this world by order of the Prince governing this system.

The magickal aura of the Duke and his crew was bright and strong around the four larger vehicles and the two outriding two-wheelers, in both the goblins themselves and the wheeled contraptions themselves.

The things skewed to a halt near the downed ship, the Duke standing up with his segmented armour gleaming (quite unlike the rest of the metal in sight), eyes watching for the glow of ungoblin magicks. His voice is loud, clear and used to command.

“Who goes on moi wurld? Name yoar selves!”
The Gupta Dynasty
02-01-2008, 21:18
[OOC: Just paused to come in with a notice that I'm watching this excellent RP between two of my favorite NS'ers/people!]
The Mice of Miceland
03-01-2008, 04:00
There was just silence, as the words of the Duke escaped into the night air. A light magickal aura could be seen about 100m off into the distance, almost directly infront of them, Weird how things like that just seemed to occur.

Whatever was emitting the Aura didn't make a sound in response to the Duke's demand, and no matter how long the duke waited there wouldn't be one. This was certainly at least linked to what the Duke was looking for he could identify it. But still there was something different about it, as if it was missing something...
Newbish Delight
03-01-2008, 13:03
The tall, slender Goblin frowned, and then pointed. There was a small red button painted onto the dash board and his driver slapped it…a ROAR burst from the engine as the jeep-cum-tank jolted forward again, soon followed by its fellows.

His golden eyes narrowed as he came closer.

“Stop uz at dat shrub.”

The goblin driver nodded, and gestured to his co-driver whose hand was clutching the Big Red Lever, and whose eyes were covered by massive driving goggles. His spiky hair was a rather horrific bright orange. The driver opened his mouth and yelled.


His compatriot yanked back on the lever, pulling out a plug from an electrical socket underneath the dash, pulling the vehicle to an immediate halt only a few metres from the edge of the aura as the driver used a crowbar to pull the accelerator pedal back off the metal floor of the vehicle. After a moment he nodded and the level was pushed forward again. Duke Wassat jumped off the truck, accompanied by perhaps ten curious greenskins (the drivers and gunners staying in their respective rustbuckets/vehicular transports and the towering form of the troll.

“Come owat, wherreva you are! You’z polite an’ propa an’ you’ll be treated well, moi wurd on it.”

The green creatures spread out in a line as they walked toward the magickal glow, a shimmering green magickal aura spreading from the Duke to surround himself and his retinue.
The Mice of Miceland
03-01-2008, 15:06
In essense there was nothing for the Goblins to find except for the two segments of the spaceship that Jackson HeroMouse arrived in. As one of the goblins got closer, however something did happen, something that perhaps none of the goblins (nor the troll) were expecting.

A holographic image of Jackson HeroMouse appeared, to the eye he looked exactlt like a normal mouse except for the fact he seemed to speak.

"Hello, I am Jackson HeroMouse, I am sorry that I had to do my meeting you this way but I have no choice. Some time ago my home was overwhelmed by an evil prescence which turned my Aniki brothers and sisters into slaves, I managed to escape in time and from then I have been working to free them. I am sad to say that my arrival bring bad news, they are coming, the mice they are coming. I am hoping to lay a trap for them spring a surprise on them so that they'd meet unexpected opposition which would splinter the assault and allow me to free my brothers and sisters from the insidious power once for all. I hope you will head the call, be ready, be prepared for they are coming."

And with that the message of doom ended. The remaining magickal energy contained in the ship arose from it coalescening in a ball of green light that looked like it could have been an atom with electrons floating around. The ball shot up into the sky the energy of the magic disappating in the space around it.

Somewhere far away, Jackson HeroMouse, looked back, he saw the sign. The message had been given. He had done what he could he hoped that there was at least someone there that would be smart and prepare the planets defenses. There was magic here but it was different, his magic would stand out, but he had a cloak that would hide his unique magic aura. The problem now is that now he's got a cloak on he's going to draw attention of those around. If he could just keep away from the settlements he should be fine, he is a mouse after all. But he had to get his plan underway now, who knows how long he had till they came, he could only hope that he was prepared for when they came.
09-01-2008, 11:39
The Mice of Miceland
13-01-2008, 01:32
The Mice of Miceland
06-02-2008, 02:23