Dynamic Revolution Factbook
Dynamic Revolution
31-12-2007, 00:37
Nation: The Armed Republic of Dynamic Revolution
Size: Roughly 7,000,000 square miles
Population: 1,686,000,000 (as of 10-02-2008)((dd-mm-yyyy))
Capitol: Parthedon City
Major Metro-Areas:
St. Augustine: 30,000,000
Leniniagrad: 25,000,000
Port Force: 20,000,000
Maldova: 15,000,000
Parthedon City: 10,000,000
Military: Currently Hovering around 1.3% of total population or roughly 22,250,000
GDP per Capita: $35,991.39
Exchange Rate: Q1=$1.5539
Dynamic Revolution
31-12-2007, 00:38
History: The Armed Republic of Dynamic Revolution has a long and intricate history that is filled with many civil wars and revolutions. The Armed Republic of Dynamic Revolution (or DR for short) began its life as a principality of the SAC SIOP conglomerate. The territory had no name when the rebellion began so the people came up with the current title. Needless to say the name stuck. For well over a hundred years the Senate was able to keep public dissension to a minimum through the use of force. However with increasing inflation and with increased taxation the people of DR could take no more. Rising up they started a bloody civil war that lasted almost 20 years, with neither the Rebels nor the Loyalists being able to gain the upper-hand. In a stunning move the entire 1st Armored Corp swept through both the Rebel and Loyalist lines to capture the Capitol of Parthedon City. The Corp unanimously voted their General as leader of The Armed Republic of Dynamic Revolution. Laura Steiner Cromwall had a massive problem before her. She had to motivate a broken people in a torn nation to take up their shovels and begin restoring their great nation. Through the effective use of propaganda and state controlled media she was able to kick start the nations economy. The momentum created by this overwhelming victory over poverty is still evident today.
Military tradition runs deep in Dynamic Revolution because of this fact many social problems don't exist. Women and minorities are treated equally in all facets of life. It is easy to become a citizen. All one must do is serve in the military for the required 2 years. Upon signing the agreement people are given their citizens I.D. and so are treated like all other citizens. Women have served with distinction in all of the branches in the Military and even surpassed their male counter parts in many respects (sniping seems to be the most common). They often hold political office, and Military leadership positions. The downside to this setup is the population of Dynamic Revolution grows slowly due to the low birth rates. The DR military is fairly specialized, soldiers are given 3 options upon entering the Military. They must pick one of these three options to be their MOS (they are given various psych, personality, intelligence, physical fitness, etc evaluations to determine where they would most likely do well). After this they are shipped off to a 6 month basic training, and after that they are trained in their specialties. After specialties have been perfected they are then Nano-enhanced. This procedure has been common military practice for as long as any one can remember. With recent social reforms at the hands of the military it is hard to tell where the Military ends, and the rest of society begins. Every person under the age of 40 has been or still is in the military.
Greetings include the standard hand shake, although people that are considered "close" friends will usually give each other hugs. When meeting with someone of higher Military, Political, or social power it is common practice to salute (with your right hand). The salute should be crisp, and quick. The less powerful man instigates the salute, which he holds until the receiver either salutes back, or leaves the general area. If meeting somebody at your house it is common to ask if they have eaten recently. It is considered "Impolite" to lie. However whether you lie or not you will usually find your self eating at the family table surrounded by the family of the host.
Meals are not ordeals in Dynamic Revolution they are events (think similar to Italian customs). The food is often simple if it is just the family eating together, however this rarely happens. Usually there will be anywhere from 20-30 people sitting at one table laughing and generally enjoying life. In such occasions there will be several small portions of various foods, including breads, cheeses, pasta, meats, and vegetables. Wine is often served with meals. Soft drinks are not used at meals (although they do exist), usually people drink water, milk, lemonade, and as stated above wine. The "Dinner" meal usually last around three hours. After the meal games, sports, stories and various other methods of entertainment are enjoyed. After these are through everybody at the meal helps clean and do dishes (politeness insists).
Families in Dynamic Revolution are generally small. The parents and two kids is the norm. However living under one roof will generally be the extended family. The oldest son (upon reaching 18) will be given the house and the land surrounding it, if there is no son the land is given to the eldest daughter. Tradition states that they allow all family (extended to the 3rd cousin) to live in their house if family members don't have one of their own. Often times Comrades from the military are considered family and live in the house as well. Families usually eat dinner together(with dinner guests and their families). This tradition has been in practice sense the Grand Revolution when DR got its independence from the SAC SIOP congolmerate.
In DR there is no one religion although Christianity is by far the most common. The way people interpret God is just as diverse as the population its self. The most common interpretation is a strong "Warrior", though He is kind and merciful. In this interpretation God is quick to defend his people, and on rare occasions has allowed the expansion of the territories of His people. Prayer is a common practice and is always done right before any patrol or battle. The dead are revered, and to die in combat is an honor. The dead must be returned to the family before buried. If they died in combat they are buried at one of the Military cemeteries. If not the family has the option of where they want them buried.
Type: Military Dictatorship
Leadership: Grand Commodora Laura Cromwall Steiner
Age: 113
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3
History: Daughter of Anne Steiner and Andrew Cromwall she grew up living and breathing military tactics. She scored so high on her Academy Entrance Exam that she was given special permission to skip the first year of Military Academy training. Upon graduation she was given command of a Battalion of Steel Angles. Rising quickly through the ranks she eventually gained the XO position of the entire 1st Armored Corp. She then shot and killed her CO in a duel, and was given the Command of the 1st Armored Corp. During the last civil war Laura refused to take side, and instead watched the Rebels and the Loyalists batter each other into defeat. She then swept onto the scene smashing both sides in a stunning victory.
Dynamic Revolution
31-12-2007, 00:39
Conscription: Mandatory
Age: Max-50 Min-16 (with parental consent)
Duration: 2 years before Citizen is up for re-enlistment
Budget: Q$5,853,422,311,430.58 or roughly $9.1 Trillion
BPS (Budget per soldier): Q$ 2,000,000/Soldier
Army: 7,500,000
Fireteam: 4 men
Squad: 20 men
Platoon: 100 Men
Company: 500 Men
Battalion: 2,500 Men
Regiment: 12,500 Men
Corp: 625,000
A Dynamic Revolutionary Army Soldier on Patrol (http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6927/wallpaperkillzone061024al8.jpg)
Navy: 4,000,000
Ship's Compliment: 3-2,000
Excursion Force: 2-5 ships
Flotilla: 5-10 ships
Fleet: 10-Entire Navy
Composite Fleet: Multi-National Force
Female Naval Officer (http://www.tencate.com/TenCate/Armour_composites/images/Armor_USA_Images/shutterstock_1701470.jpg)
Airforce: 9,000,000
Flight: 2-4 Aircraft
Squadron: 10-16 Aircraft
Airmada: 20-100 Aircraft
Death From Above: 100-9,000 Aircraft
Aircraft Pilot (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars-exodus/images/thumb/6/60/SI-Pilot.jpg/300px-SI-Pilot.jpg)
Marines: 1,500,000
Fireteam: 4 men
Squad: 20 men
Platoon: 100 Men
Company: 500 Men
Battalion: 2,000 Men
Regiment: 10,000 Men
Corp: 500,000
Dynamic Revolutionary Marine (http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t88/sanedisruption/killzonehelghastshocktrooperpic1.jpg)
Dynamic Revolution
20-10-2008, 04:50
Current Economic Activity:
The People of Dynamic Revolution are quickly establishing themselves as rabid consumers. Laura Cromwall Steiner and her regime have encouraged this behavior up to this point. However the demand of the people is beginning to outstrip the nations ability to produce, as such they have begun looking overseas for products to meat this demand. The government is beginning to fear the effect this will have on the masses.
Labor: Laura Cromwall Steiner in her wisdom began exporting unskilled labor in an effort to bring foreign capitol into Dynamic Revolution. The program was succesful and extended to include Skilled labor. Engineering, Nuclear Physicists, and unskilled laborers are currently in the highest demand
Grains: The central region of Dynamic Revolution in prehistoric times was a place of shallow seas and dense rain forests. As such the soil is perfect for agriculture.
Mercenaries: Current reaction to pillaging the lands conquered by ones military is negative, as such Laura Cromwall Steiner found a way to make war profitable again.
Copper: Vast copper deposits exist in the desert northern regions of the country.
Electricity: Being isolationist for so long with a population well in excess of one billion forced the nation to become energy independent. Using Nuclear, Wind, and solar in conjecture with Hydrogen power Dynamic Revolution is able to produce electricity far in excess of what is actually needed by its people.
Imports: Coming soon