29-12-2007, 01:46
From the General President of Enpolintoc to all Nations:
From 5:00 yesterday morning a small convoy of Enpolintoc Army troops and vehicles left Auldenborg base to a top secret research site. The convoy in question was protecting an armoured truck carrying sensitive materials. The cargo's details are largely unknown to our military science division. However the cargo is a deadly biological agent, seized from an unknown group in the abandoned Retamore mines in the Southern Region. The convoy consisted of a Jeep in front, followed by an APC, an Challenger 2 tank, the armoured truck, another tank, APC and Jeep. along with soldier escorts on each side, totalling 30 soldiers. The estimated time the convoy would take to reach the Grentolinia Mountain checkpoint was 15 hours, to the research site from the checkpoint, another 15 hours. The convoy's progress was excellent, with no problems detected. However 14 hours into the journey, and 20 miles from the checkpoint, the convoy reported a possible fuel leak. The full radio transmission follows:
Convoy: Convoy to HQ, Convoy to HQ, do you copy over?
HQ: This is HQ, affirmative, what's your status over?
Convoy: We've stopped approximately 20 miles from checkpoint Alpha and we are experiancing some kind of fuel leak from one of the vehicles. We believed the cargo truck itself is leaking. Over.
HQ: Are you sure? All vehicles were fully checked for everything. All of them were in top condition over.
Convoy: Affirmative, there is a leak of some kind, but we'll have it fixed ASAP over.
HQ: Any other problems Captain? Over.
Convoy: Well we had to halt 3 hours ago because we thought we heard a gunshot, however no problems were detected. Over.
HQ: All right. Resolve the problem ASAP and continue on course. Over and out.
The convoy did not arrive at the checkpoint and has not been seen or heard from since. It is imperitive that the cargo truck is retrieved at all costs with full cargo. Cargo is dangerous and biochem units are to handle the truck. The biological agent is believed to be Level 4, it is presumed highly contagious and airbourne. We still do not know alot about this agent, though we believe if realeased, it could wipe out millions, and we do not want that to happen to any nation. Finding all the soldiers and escort vehicles is also high priority. We have reason to believe that the convoy was attacked by the unknown group so they could get their biological agent back. However, this doesn't explains no trace of the convoy. We desperately need full cooperation from all nations who can help. If anyone finds the truck, the cargo needs to be researched, as our Intelligence believes more of this agent may exist.
Message End
From 5:00 yesterday morning a small convoy of Enpolintoc Army troops and vehicles left Auldenborg base to a top secret research site. The convoy in question was protecting an armoured truck carrying sensitive materials. The cargo's details are largely unknown to our military science division. However the cargo is a deadly biological agent, seized from an unknown group in the abandoned Retamore mines in the Southern Region. The convoy consisted of a Jeep in front, followed by an APC, an Challenger 2 tank, the armoured truck, another tank, APC and Jeep. along with soldier escorts on each side, totalling 30 soldiers. The estimated time the convoy would take to reach the Grentolinia Mountain checkpoint was 15 hours, to the research site from the checkpoint, another 15 hours. The convoy's progress was excellent, with no problems detected. However 14 hours into the journey, and 20 miles from the checkpoint, the convoy reported a possible fuel leak. The full radio transmission follows:
Convoy: Convoy to HQ, Convoy to HQ, do you copy over?
HQ: This is HQ, affirmative, what's your status over?
Convoy: We've stopped approximately 20 miles from checkpoint Alpha and we are experiancing some kind of fuel leak from one of the vehicles. We believed the cargo truck itself is leaking. Over.
HQ: Are you sure? All vehicles were fully checked for everything. All of them were in top condition over.
Convoy: Affirmative, there is a leak of some kind, but we'll have it fixed ASAP over.
HQ: Any other problems Captain? Over.
Convoy: Well we had to halt 3 hours ago because we thought we heard a gunshot, however no problems were detected. Over.
HQ: All right. Resolve the problem ASAP and continue on course. Over and out.
The convoy did not arrive at the checkpoint and has not been seen or heard from since. It is imperitive that the cargo truck is retrieved at all costs with full cargo. Cargo is dangerous and biochem units are to handle the truck. The biological agent is believed to be Level 4, it is presumed highly contagious and airbourne. We still do not know alot about this agent, though we believe if realeased, it could wipe out millions, and we do not want that to happen to any nation. Finding all the soldiers and escort vehicles is also high priority. We have reason to believe that the convoy was attacked by the unknown group so they could get their biological agent back. However, this doesn't explains no trace of the convoy. We desperately need full cooperation from all nations who can help. If anyone finds the truck, the cargo needs to be researched, as our Intelligence believes more of this agent may exist.
Message End