NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebellions in Java-Minang!!

25-12-2007, 02:43
The Malayu population of Java-Minang is rebelling!!The government has rallied it's police forces to caught these rebels.Also the military reinforce the police as the rebels are organized and very strong."We suspect an organization help these people, but we haven't get any clues about who." says President Irfan
The JM NewsFlash will brought to you newest news about this event!!
[End of Media transmission]

[OOC: any help is welcome.]
[OOC: OPEN for all that is will do no god-modding and agreed to invade/ battle with less than 1 million armies... ]
Melayu Supremacy
25-12-2007, 02:48
Very Encripted Message!!
To: President Irfan of Java-Minang
Subject: Rebellions
From: Leader of Community of Melayu, Marah Gajah

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatu!

We will help you clear out your country of the rebels!
I can give 546 infantrymen with notes that you will supply them!
Will you agree?

"Very hard to do these things. Deceiving a man who has very high powers...
Hey Laim, is the squad to reinforce the rebels ready?" Marah Gajah say

"They are sir. We have readied their equipment and logistic for 6 days. Enough until they get to the shore of Java-Minang" Says Laim, the right hand of Marah Gajah.

"Good. Let's see those 'noble' Javanese and Minangkabaus can done to win the guirella war in their own soil!"
25-12-2007, 03:00
We of the Kiravian Colonial Empire would gladly lend help to the Malayu seperatists in seceeding from their opressive current government. We also invite the Malayu seperatists to join the Kiravian Commonwealth.
25-12-2007, 03:08
(In reply to Kirav)
-Thank you for your help, Kiravian. However we want an Islamic nation. Capitalist must gone. Malayu get same job and money and etc with the Javanese and Minangkabau . And we want to do it ourself. Still if you can lend us some help, we may secede some territories to you.
The leader of Malayu Rebels

(In reply to The Community of Melayu Supremacy)
We agree! We have many unused logistic chains here. We need it quickly, be fast OK?"
(Heavily Encripted)
25-12-2007, 03:14
Certainly. What sort of help will you require in setting up this Islamic Socialist state?
25-12-2007, 03:17
(in reply to Kirav)
-Some more weapons, stealth armor. We all are battling with fear here. Because every second the government can attack us with their great technology when they discover our hideout bases.
25-12-2007, 03:24
OOC: Can you give me and others a brief rundown on your government and the rebels? As far as politicals go that is... and, while not much of a concern of ViZion, others I know would also be interested in the religious and racial backgrounds of the two sides for IC purposes...
25-12-2007, 03:31
(in reply to Kirav)
-Some more weapons, stealth armor. We all are battling with fear here. Because every second the government can attack us with their great technology when they discover our hideout bases.

We will gladly supply you with 2,100 rifles. Also, we are prepared to send engineers and consultants, as well as stealth armour, to aid in the construction of your bases, as to avoid detection.
Melayu Supremacy
25-12-2007, 03:37
Heavily Encripted...
To the rebels,
We have send our most diciplined squad to your bases to train your men.
expect them to arrive tomorrow.
25-12-2007, 03:48
Thank you for the rifles. With that we can capture at least some war factories from the government. And send the engineer to the coast of Riau. We will take them from there.

OOC: My country is based on alternate Indonesia where the Padri movement and Prince Diponegoro allied and won againts the Dutch. The Minangkabau then conquer lands from nowadays Riau in the east to Bengkulu in the east. The Javanese conquer the Central and East Java. The rest are their own kingdom and nations. The Irian still in control of the Dutch however...

The one that get high power and position is only Javanese and Minangkabau (BTW the Javanese the only 1 to get high position is true on General Soeharto regime) and of course they grasp the economy on their own hands. I was wanted to RP that the Rebels won the Riau and make their own nation...
But with you guys enter, this will be more fun.

The Javanese and Minangkabau and the Melayus are all muslim. The rebels said that thing is because the current government are capitalistic. And the leader has been trained by a transnational 'return Islam to glory' organization. And the president isn't like Capitalistic too BTW. Maybe this war is his plan? To unseat the investor? Only time will tell:D
25-12-2007, 03:53
OOC: Alright, so the current government is capitalist... a democracy, dictatorship, or what? And the rebels - beyond being apparently an Islamic extremist it sounds like it'll be RP'd out as - is what political belief? Just so me and anyone else entering it is informed on it... :) Also, you ever RP here on NS before? If not, welcome!
25-12-2007, 04:00
((A democracy.
The DPR's and MPR's member is mainly capitalist. And they can object to government orders at any time. Like I said, maybe there is a secret link between the government and the rebels. Maybe 4 days more he can order them to charge into the parliament and kill the legislative. Then the president -who now is the most high position- can change the nation's type to Islamic socialist and welcoming Melayu to be the high tribe too. Beside Minangkabau and Javanese. Thats why the rebels aren't attacked yet. (BTW this makes me like Soekarno. Hope the military are with me...) ))
The Grand World Order
25-12-2007, 04:19
OOC: Hey, why my long line post isn't posted? I have waited 5 minutes now...

The first ten posts do that. After that, you don't have to wait anymore.
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 04:23
To the Rebels in Java-Minang,

We are glad to help you. We feel that your suffering is more important than anything else, therefore we will offer you 10,000 free M14 rifles, 100 special advisers, and $100,000,000 USD cash. We await your reply on the location for use to drop these supplies.

Rebellion Funding Department,
Jimmy James Industries
The Grand World Order
25-12-2007, 04:32
OK I have waited a long times. Until when?

((OOC: The Moderators have to filter in your first ten posts. There is no pre-determined time you must wait.))
25-12-2007, 04:32
Thank you for your help, With the money, we can rallied more people to our cause. Land it in Riau, in our territory

OOC: Map
Sorry if it's weird. The one that is in used is between the 2 black lines. Others are not important
25-12-2007, 06:34
The Government has rallied it troops compromised of 3210 men and half of them are support troops. However the new tactics incorporated the support troops so they can also useful in battle. They have move to the West Sumatera-Riau border, ready to attack the rebel. Meanwhile, The rebels get renewed morale as they get many help from outside organization...
25-12-2007, 07:04
OOC: Hey, if the one that wanted to give help isn't RPing about he giving help, is it allowed to RP that they already gave the help?
25-12-2007, 07:06
OOC: Hey, if the one that wanted to give help isn't RPing about he giving help, is it allowed to RP that they already gave the help?
OOC: While you can't RP someone elses forces or people - without their approval that is - you can RP any forces that are 'donated' or put under your command. For example, if I donated 500 F-22's to you, or put 1,000 troops under your command, you could RP them. But if I posted I will be sending 1,000 troops or 500 F-22's to your aid, you can't RP them, nor can you RP their help already...
25-12-2007, 07:08
OOC: OK. hey, what do you think about my RP (1st time make 1:D)
25-12-2007, 07:16
OOC: OK. hey, what do you think about my RP (1st time make 1:D)
OOC: For a first time, quite good. :) Which is why I asked if you've RP'd here before. Could use work on the professional look of it, and needs alot more detail, but for the first one, it's not as bad as many. :)

Although I will say these rebellions/civil wars are all the rage right now... lol
25-12-2007, 07:26
OOC: LOL. Well, I have know the basics of RP. And I know how to NOT Godmodding because, well. It is a basic of RP rules
25-12-2007, 07:31
OOC: LOL. Well, I have know the basics of RP. And I know how to NOT Godmodding because, well. It is a basic of RP rules
OOC: lol well that's a great basis to build from, as many here, it's their first RPing game - it was my first back in July of 2003 when I started here.

Anyway, your big thing right now is to improve on the professional look (basically, making it look fancier...) as well as the detail.
25-12-2007, 07:41
OOC: But, I have no player...
If this happened this wouldn't be a RP but an AAR (After Action Report):rolleyes:
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 07:44
To the Govermentfrom Docter Sigmund Detwiler head of Bio-Chem Clean up.

Sirs for a small price we can offer you a uick and easy way out of your small problem. With out the knowlage of our goverment we have managed to set aside a large vat or two of some simple bio-tec weapons. Along ofcourse with the antidotes. here is a small list of what we have.
شهر ماي إلهة منحة أنت سلام.


Background: A government study estimated that about 200 pounds of anthrax released upwind of Washington, D.C., could kill up to 3 million people. The disease is not contagious. Effects: Early symptoms include fever, malaise, cough, respiratory distress. Shock and death can follow within 36 hours. Treatment: If given early enough, antibiotics can prevent exposed people from falling sick. The vaccine is reserved for military use.

Botulinum toxins

Background: The single most poisonous variety is typically food borne, but it also could be developed as an aerosol weapon. Effects: Initial symptoms, such as blurred vision and difficulty swallowing and speaking, take effect in 24 to 36 hours. The nerve toxin paralyzes muscles, leading to respiratory failure and death. Treatment: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintain the botulism anti-toxin supply.

Plague (pneumonic and bubonic)

Background: Nearly 19,000 cases of history's most feared contagious disease were reported worldwide between 1980 and 1994. Lethal cases in the U.S. are extremely rare. Effects: Symptoms occur within one to six days after inhaling the pneumonic form. High fever, cough and labored breathing lead to respiratory failure and death. Treatment: Rapid use of antibiotics can be effective. A vaccine is not currently being produced in the United States.


Background: This highly contagious disease killed more than 500 million people in the 20th century before vaccinations eradicated it in 1977. Vaccinations stopped in 1980. Effects: Early symptoms like fever, headache and nausea occur for about 12 days. A Chickenpox-like rash spreads across the body, hardening into blisters. One-third of victims die. Treatment: None, though it can be prevented. Only 12 million doses of vaccine remain to protect the uninfected, enough for one of every 23 Americans.


Background: The U.S. military studied this infectious organism as a weapon in the 1950s and 1960s. Effects: Fever, chills, headache and weakness occur in three to five days. Resulting inflammation and hemorrhaging of the airways can lead to death. Treatment: Without antibiotics, one-third of those infected die. The Food and Drug Administration is currently reviewing a vaccine.

Viral hemorrhagic fevers

Background: The origin of Ebola, for example, is unknown, but it is probably transmitted to humans by animals. Effects: Fever, muscle aches and diarrhea occur in three to five days. Fluids hemorrhage out of tissues and orifices. Depending on the strain, 30 percent to 90 percent of victims die. Treatment: Some of these diseases respond to antiviral drugs, but those are in short supply.
25-12-2007, 07:50
OOC: But, I have no player...
If this happened this wouldn't be a RP but an AAR (After Action Report):rolleyes:
OOC: You have no player as in...? I'm a little tired right now so not comprehending everything atm.
25-12-2007, 08:03
To the Dr. Sigmund Detwiler
My government has agreed to buy a bio-weapon. We agree to buy Ebola bacteries. Tell me, how much are them?
From Dr. Adit of Kraton Jogjakarta hospital

OOC: As in this RP hasn't got many active member. Well maybe because of Christmas... I need the Beatus's aid quickly in order to make the rebels attack me from the underground.
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 08:14
Dr. Sigmund Detwiler grinned as he read the resopnse. He quickly typed up his message as his three men loaded the cargo bay of the Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar.

..Sirs please tell me where my plane may land. We have a crate of our Ebola and a brife case with samples of Anthrax ,pneumonic and bubonic plagues. Please be aware that when you recive this message we are already in the air.
25-12-2007, 08:31
To the Dr. Sigmund Detwiler
Send them to 102 Eastern Greenwich astronomy line, at the 3 southern astronomy lines (OOC: Forget the english name) Our special forces will take them. Estimated Time Arrival? Wait, you haven't tell us the price.
From Dr. Adit of Kraton Jogjakarta hospital
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 08:40
Dr. Sigmund thought for a second then looked at the large cry champers that were in the cargo hold. He quikly fired off a response.

...Dr. Adit our price is simple. We want films of the effects of the bio-weapons, bodies both live and dead for we are working on many many fun projects our goverment shut down. We also want any research you do with said bio-toxins. Our eta is five hours give or take.
25-12-2007, 08:41
To the Dr. Sigmund Detwiler
Hmm, OK. Can we use the bio-weapon in a war beside this one? Because my nation president and his cabinet are eager to expand their land.
From Dr. Adit of Kraton Jogjakarta hospital
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 08:50
*five hours later give or take*
*the good docter woke with a start, keying the mike he spoke"Dr. Adit we request landiing permits, also I have been told by my boss Docter Devin McHesey to tell you yes you may use our humanitairen aid any way yall like"
25-12-2007, 08:59
Good. Your pilot see a huge airfield near there right? Tell him to land near the
'Islam for ALL!' banner. My subordinate has wait there.
-Dr. Adit
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 09:09
*the plane landed her tires screeching, burning rubber as the piolet pulled to a stop. The back cargo hatch opened and out steped two men. The first was dressed in a balck suit, on arm hanging useless at his side, his face scared. This was the good *sic* docter. He companion was dressed in city cammo, holding a brife case in one hand and a AVB-762 assault rifle in his cybernetic left hand. Behind them came two sub-humens lugging a large vat.*
Dr. Sigmund Detwiler and his guard walked down the ramp Detwiler called out to the one waiting for them"إلهة عظيمة" *God is good*
25-12-2007, 09:20
OOC: Sometimes, limiting the maximum number of participating members helps too with RPs, specially when it involves something polemic like Jihads, Genocides or use of NBC weaponry.

The Reverend and President Boris Mikanovich looked and pointed at an updated Geopolitical map as he gave a speech to the Crusaders, elite fireteam forces of Prazinian Army, using his native Russian language, at the city of First Seal (, from which Java-Minang was only a few miles away through sea.

"Satan again operates near our borders! Near to our west, a recent beacon of civilization is harmed by the poisons of tyranny and Mammon! A government seats on the throne of Devil's, ready to embrace the Antichrist "Global Community" once it comes. But few, even if misguided on faith, struggle against the forces of Evil. We must strike fast and decisively because those corrupted by the taint of the Devil will use whatever means necessary to remain and expand their Earthly throne! We must help those who share our struggle through different beliefs! This is our duty as the Defenders of Christianity and true Freedom!"

A chorus replied "For the Holy War!"

He then, looked at the skies and said "Not a single drop of blood shall be spilled in vain. Not a single unnecessary moment of violence shall happen. Do not kill surrendering troops, they are only blind tools of war conditioned to obey orders!"

And the chorus replied "We shall not kill or die in vain!"

Then he pointed to the plan as he explained the composition of forces.

"No overkill, we shall send beside yourselves only 100 infantry small squads which shall focus on assymetric warfare tactics, if necessary, and mobility, each having 20 GIs, 2 Missile infantry, 5 Heavy infantry, 2 snipers, and 2 medics for support, besides a logistics crew of 2820 man"

He then paused before continuing:

"Those shall be supported by 100 small armored divisions, each having 5 Merkava MKIV-ETC tanks with their electrothermal-chemical 120mm guns and spearheaded by 1 T-95 tank with its powerful 152mm gun, both with full NBC protection for the MBT function. 5 BMPT IFVs and 2 Merkava IFV Namers shall accompany, support them and carry infantry forces in safety from both bullets and potential use of satanic weapons and those will have their skies protected and fire support by 3 ADATS and 2 2K22M with 57E6 Tunguska M1 anti-air systems. The fire of judgement shall rain against the spawns of evil through the fire of 1 G6 Howitzer and 3 Valkiri and finally, much behind the battlefield, for each of those divisions shall come 40 Actros trucks for ammunitions and supplies storage and additional transport, 5 Merkava Tankbulances with ICUs to reduce casualities, 2 Caterpillar D9 and 5 M88A2 Hercules to recover all damaged vehicles. 30,020 men shall support those vehicles as well besides their crews"

Then he looked straight at the Crusaders:

"Remember the importance of mobility: Only a hundred of you shall be sent into the battlefield, divided into 25 fireteams which shall sneak and break through the flanks and rear of enemies forces while the rest of our forces keep them distracted. Remember this: God will not stop a bullet from hitting your heads, but faith and determination shall keep you focused on the objective and much more capable, thus having higher chances of survival thanks to your own faith. Now prepare for the battle, righteous troopers. Today we shall begin the preparations for the first Holy War of our history! Today we shall start our long struggle against the coming of the Antichrist!"

Euphorically many shouted "Aleluia!" and then they started to recite Psalm 91 before preparing themselves to depart to the 5 EH-101 ( helicopters which would be escorted by 15 Sukhoi Su-50 Fighters (, and more fighters would be deployed if things started to get nasty over the skies. The nearby location of the nation in question would remove the need of using carrier aircrafts for such mission.

While that, soldiers boarded on armored cargo ships, escorted by a small fleet of Prazinian's navy focused on anti-air combat, based on 20 missile cruisers, 15 stealthy frigates ( and 12 effective anti-submarine destroyers.

At the same time, an encrypted transmission reaches the rebels:

"This is Prazinia's Command. We share a common enemy here. We know it as Satan while you might know it as Great Satan. But he is the one behind the Mammon greed of capitalism and of tyranny. He is the one behind all oppressive Earthly governments, pulling their strings for his larger plan. We shall stop them, starting little first, as arrogance and pride are dangerous mistakes, by liberating your small nation from its oppressive and ruthless government of Mammon disciples.". We shall be arriving at your landing zone and controlled coast with a small taskforce of *the same details mentioned above are given* coming from the east. Our Crusaders shall go forth behind enemy lines while we shall push them towards the capital, whatever its costs. We request you all supplies you can spare for our forces, as though they will come well equipped and supported by logistics, anything additional should help. We wish you good luck in your fight against the oppressors."

OOC: I'm still designing my Navy, if it isn't ready once a Naval battle happens, just assume those designed ships as equivalents in performance to US Navy. Also this'll be my last post for the night, so I'll be back after half-dozen of hours only.
25-12-2007, 09:21
"Ah, at least you're here, doctor." Say a man which supposedly the doctor Adit subordinate. "Welcome to Sumatera! My name is Amir. I am the head of the Padang Biological Research. I am the one that will take you to the meeting room. Doctor Adit,The General Hafiz and Health Minister Izza has waited for you there." he say to doctor Sigmund in a polite way. He wary of a modificated man who must be doctor's personal bodyguard and holding rifle. 'Their technology is really advanced, I must say' Amir thought. Amir himself is followed by 2 man who helped to take the cargo outside to the truck with cannon and a machinegun on it's top.

OOC: My nation don't know what are you planning, Prazinia. So expect low resistance at start. Be wary though, I *may* accidentaly hit the launch nuclear button LOL. Anyway the biological weapon *should* be enough to weaken your troops morale and make them wants to go home. Please, at that time, really make your formation broken, the morale broken, and the logistic broken.

PS: Please Silver Wolf reply fast as I must faster in equip my infantry and artillery with the new ammunition.
Silver Wolf Republic
25-12-2007, 09:27
*The docter motioned to tthe two sub-humens to move on turing his head a bit so Amir could see the socket where his left eye once set he said" So my dear friend have you had all your shots? He then laughs and motions for his guard to hurry up*" You must forgive Zevin here he has been my gurad most of his adult life. He wont speak for I had his vocal cords pulled for questioning my judgement,"*the docter cackles madely*
ooc*night yall, feel free to play my people just do me a favor and dont get them killed yet. Yes the docter is insane.
25-12-2007, 10:29
" I see doctor." Amir say. " Let's put the infested cargo into the truck, My men will drive us to the meeting point." he say as he watch the ,uh... weird men put the thing to the truck. "Come on" he tell the doctor. " Well let's go." Dr.Sigmund Detwiler say. They both with the bodyguards of the doctor enter the APV near the truck . The driver drive the APV in the front of the truck. The local and normal plane passenger look surprised to see the truck "Well, our government really arm everything right now" a tour guide said to a western tourist.

They arrived at a building which is looks like a factory. "Doctor Sigmund Detwiler, welcome to the joint factory of the military. We researched anything that can be used as weapon here. We have produce many things. Come here." A man yelled at a distance while he running to the doctor's place. "Very good building, do you research human here?" Doctor Sigmund ask to the man after they get down from the car. It looks like the security has moved out the box of Ebola immediately. The suitcase, however, is still on Doctor hands
25-12-2007, 10:49
The man introduce himself as Mamat, he is the head of weapon design of the factory. "Mat, cek ruang *itu*. Sterilkan dan jangan biarkan orang masuk ke situ dulu sampai kami ke sana. (Mat, check *the* room. Sterilize it and don't let anybody enter that room until we gets there.)" Amir said to Mamat. "Boleh-boleh saja. Eh, senjata-senjata itu sudah siap. (OK. Eh, the weapons is ready now.)" Mamat replied. "Sudah berapa yang diproduksi? (How many weapons you produced?)" Amir ask once more. " Cuma tinggal ganti barrel-nya saja kok. Sudah 10345 Senapan Serbu, 1643 senapan bidik, 2578 Senapan Mesin, 5790 pistol. Dan sudah 678 meriam. Lagipula desain pelurunya sudah ada. Tinggal isinya saja. (We only had to change the barrel. There are 10345 Assault Rifle, 1643 Sniper Rifle, 2578 Machine Gun, and 5790 pistol. And there are 678 cannon. We too had the design of the bullet. We just need the core of it.) " Mamat answered.

Amir , happy because the weapon which is now in stage of mass production has been produced many replied "Jangan takut, ini sudah ada isinya tersebut. Tunggu sampai setelah rapat dan segera injeksikan material biologi itu. (Don't be scared. I have got the cores. Wait until we finish the meeting and after that inject those biological material into the bullet and bomb.)

OOC: The army has created weapons that can hold bio-weapon as it's bullet. OK this maybe overkill but it really can work! Hope Prazinia invade 5 hour after the meeting so I can fill all bullet and scare Prazinia's unit until death!LOL...
If they get too early I can use nukes. Or Ballistic missile empowered by Ebola . And have I tell you I have many strong friends too...
Well this is overkill, maybe. And I haven't tell you guys and gals the rebel's situation.
25-12-2007, 12:33
"To all Prazinian troopers, return to Prazinia immediately and cancel the operation!" the message from the radio was clear, and then all the helicopters and ships went back to First Seal and its nearby harbors, where a new anti-divination shielding was erected against the recently discovered and killed ESP spies. Many soldiers were angered at the order:

"Why did you ask us to return? What is going on!", one of the tactical officers asked.

"Change of plans, we are dealing with a special type of enemy here"

"Special, how?"

"I cannot explain brother. Suffice to say we'll have to deploy our Inquisition Global to National Orbital Re-fusion Exterminatus, or more commonly known as IGNORE."

"And what in the Heavens is that?"

"The Inquisition Global to National Orbital Re-fusion Exterminatus was part of our space program which sought to develop an invincible orbital weapons platform capable of wiping an entire nation from the map through experimental Intercontinental Fusion Orbital-to-surface missiles, or the whole world to avoid the Antichrist the pleasure of ruling it"

"But what about the muslims there?"

"Those rebels declared war on us, we discovered it after interrogating the Psych spy of them which uncovered our plans through mind-reading. They are a bunch of traitorous scum which rewarded our support with ignorant betrayal. And they are definitevly possessed by demons. Exterminatus is the only answer for this"

"I... understand, it's a necessary measure, when will it start"

"In 5 seconds, officer"

High above Earth's surface a cluster of sattelites known as the IGNORE opened several compartments, revealing hundreds of fusion missiles, and then all those were launched at full force against Java-Minang, wiping the nation from the face of Earth. All that could be seen from orbit was the following image:
25-12-2007, 13:16
OOC: So you cancel the invasion? Is it? Then I'm saved:D
Cancel the latest Rebel action!

Question: So, you decide to Ignore me. Because me tech-wanking isn't it? OK, then can I continue things without your intervention?
(I can just delete the Rebel's action RP turn)
Imperial isa
25-12-2007, 14:39
OOC that whole post was god-modding as you went from
My nation don't know what are you planning, Prazinia. So expect low resistance at start.
to know it all

FYI no you don't have Nukes your nation too young to have and to maintain them,all so nuking some one bigger then usely get you nuked off the face of the planet by them
25-12-2007, 15:13
OOC: The government know nothing! But I never said the rebels never planted spies near there! OK I don't have nukes so I will edit all the post threatering with nuclear. At any rate I still can Ignore the I.G.N.O.R.E. Missile right?:D
Imperial isa
25-12-2007, 15:21
OOC: The government know nothing! But I never said the rebels never planted spies near there! OK I don't have nukes so I will edit all the post threatering with nuclear. At any rate I still can Ignore the I.G.N.O.R.E. Missile right?:D

ooc you said My Nation that cover both government and rebels going on
25-12-2007, 15:32
Mamat and Amir finish chatting. Amir then talk to the doctor which is looks like unpatient anymore. "Is it finish yet?" The doctor ask to Amir. His bodyguard wave his rifle. It looks like he is unpatient too. "It is. Follow me to the meeting room, doctor." Amir said while he begun walking. Doctor Sigmund and his bodyguard follow Amir to a white, long hall. "At the end of this long hall, the meeting rooms waited." Amir said. The walls are grey, standard for factory. At the end of the hall, a grand door a wait. Amir opened it by putting a card to a machine. As the door open, it reveal another big room. A long and wide table is on the center, with at least 14 chairs at vertical side and 8 chairs at the horizontal side. 3 man has sit at the farthest end, Doctor Adit,The General Hafiz and Health Minister Izza.
(OOC: I don't excel at controlling other people's roleplay figures. I shall postponed the meeting until you post back, silver wolf. When you are, please RP that Dr. Segmund is sit then we open the meeting. My character has many question, it seemed)
25-12-2007, 15:33
OOC: oops. I try to tell him/her that my gov. don't know. Sorry for the mistake.
25-12-2007, 15:53
(OOC: I don't excel at controlling other people's roleplay figures. I shall postpone the meeting until you post back, Silver Wolf. When you do, please RP that Dr. Segmund is sitting, then we open the meeting. My character has many questions, it seems.)
[OOC: Controlling others' characters is a form of godmoding, though one not specifically discussed in the stickies - it technically falls under "saying what happens to other people's stuff."]
25-12-2007, 15:57
OOC: He tell me that I can control his character but they must not be die.
So is it still violating the rules?
25-12-2007, 16:26
OOC: He tell me that I can control his character but they must not be die.
So is it still violating the rules?

OOC: No. Then again, godmoding is not against the rules... but it isn't godmoding in this case.

That is to say, godmoding will not get you banned, the moderators will not intervene in it. However, godmoding will make people not want to RP with you.
Imperial isa
25-12-2007, 16:26
OOC: For those who has vowed that they will give aid to rebels do it within the next 8 hours! After 8 hours I want to make the Rebels strike my gov.

OOC hello it Christmas on one side of the world and Boxing day on the other that mean people are going to be busy

and Kahanistan you still in the school thread
The Beatus
26-12-2007, 07:22
The advisers from Jimmy James Industries arrived via transport plane, and parachuted to the drop site, Riau, with the money, and weapons, were they attempted to locate the leader of the rebels.

To the Government of Java-Minang

After learning that Mr. James' company is supporting your rebels, I have decided to support your government. I offer 20,000 M16's, $50,000,000 USD, and 200 men to train your troops. I hope you accept.

Johnny Johnson,
Johnny Johnson Industries
Silver Wolf Republic
26-12-2007, 07:41
ooc:sorry the only time I have to post is late at night...wel late for me.
ic; Dr. Segmund sits down looking at the men. He grins and says"Здесь к убивать все и зарабатывать деньг."
<Here is to killing all and making money.>
31-12-2007, 14:19
OOC: Sorry for the long, very long reply... Just recovered from an operation
IC: General Hafiz say these words to doctor Sigmund "Doctor, my president is really interested in these, eh, plague... I don't know what happening in his head, still, I want to ask one thing, do you have counter measures if some accident happened?"