NationStates Jolt Archive

Fishy Matters: Swimming thru the Gate (Stargate)

25-12-2007, 00:34
information on Naharua :

It was mid-morning, and a year since it was decided that the Ring of Oy'narai, the Kihikihi'Hine sun god, would be placed upon an island near the planets northern-equator region, just south of the north-eastern continent.

Most of the tribes were going about their usual businesses, when all of a sudden, the Ring came to life, spinning this way and that, and clanking ominously in conjunction with the lighting up of the DHD.

When all seven chevrons had been locked, a column of water spewed forth and then dissolved to become a verticle pond. Everyone who was witness to it was firmly planted with awe and wonder.


It was foretold by the Shamans for some time that a day like this would occur, but there were 2 prophecies; one stated that it was to be The Final War, in which Goa'Uut and Jaffa slew Oy'narai and all that s/he had created, or the other, that Oy'narai would allow them to Ascend into demi-gods and venture into the palace of the Gods.

But which day was today? what would come through the Watery Hallway of the Gods?
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 02:09
oh im interested. mind if i send a Goauld?
25-12-2007, 03:17
ok sure, but expect bloodshed, bodies, and lots of bullets XP
25-12-2007, 03:22
OOC: Mind if I notice a slipstream energy spike at the edge of my territory and send a civil exploration vessel to poke around?
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 03:31
(OOC: mind if a few humans stop by on they're first trip through?)
25-12-2007, 03:39
yes to all, altho whoever posts first will likely set the stage for the rest of you afterwards
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 03:53
Four people stepped through the ring. The first was Navy Commander, Lucas Jones. Following him was wealth Beatusian adventure Jimmy James. Third was Marine Captain, William Gimbel. Finally was Doctor Kevin Fredrickson. The two military officers were holding M14's. They looked around after they got through the gate. The doctor pulled out a Geiger Counter, and began taking readings, while Mr. James was astounded by the surroundings. The two military men were busy assessing they're defensive situation.
25-12-2007, 04:01
Attention meatbags! I've got a hundred thirty four light years galactic north/northeast of Outpost "Watchtower 27671-C-8". It's at my max range, I can't get better telemetry on it. This is in the area of a system I have tagged as..ahem..'Future Subjugation: Probable'. I'd suggest getting a surveyor out there? But what would I know? I'm AI.


Three thousand something kilometers above the planet tagged as "TR-EO-31" a small slipgate opens, and ejects a completely unarmed ship shaped not unlike a drop of water, albeit larger, metal, painted white and moving via powerful engines on it's aft. The reverse-foil atmospheric wings that were unfolding from her hull didn't help either. She didn't appear to have a cockpit, and was considerably larger than a one man craft. The Chereistis Archi (Prime Operator) angled her to a gradual angle of descent, and then applied the afterburners.

Blue fire roared from the two epsiloid exhaust gates, and the craft bucked foreward accelerating at a rate that would kill an unaugmented creature. Within minutes, the craft had hit the atmosphere, and fire of a different color licked at her wings and underbelly. Inside, the ride was quiet, shock dampeners taking the brunt of the turbulence. The sixteen employees of the Traileric mineral and ore extraction "Artego & Estheinas Inc." corporation quietly watched as the craft approached the location that had emitted the slipstream signature, which was tagged in the ship's cauldron as a blue square. It wouldn't be long now..
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 04:06
Mr. James spotted the ship first. "Everyone, hit the tree line! Now!" shouted Commander Jones. They all ran for the tree line and took cover. The two soldiers readied they're rifles, and they gave they're side arms to the two unarmed members of they're party.
25-12-2007, 04:13
At the combination of seeing what they thought to be a divine thing streaking across the sky, the equipping of weapons, and commander Jones' screaming, most of the Kihikihi'Hine present had decided that running and regrouping would be better, and would probably have to interact with the stargate team later on.

By the dozens, they all bolted into a dead run and dove into the water, swimming away at impressive paces of roughly 20/30 knots.
25-12-2007, 04:28
The sonic boom of the civil sloop's re-entry echoed through the valley, marking the ship's location. As she began to decelerate from friction, the ship split open end to end and opened like a flower, reconfiguring itself to sub-atmospheric flight. The engines at it's rear fell dormant as powerful turbines took over. She was clearly unarmed, but any culture that had never before encountered the Trailarii would not know this. Powerful retro-engines mounted along the ship's spine fired at this moment, bringing the ship to what would appear to be a bone cracking halt. The ship then re-angled itself and came in to land, turbines cycling down, and smaller engine ports ejecting exhaust occasionally to stabilize the craft.

As she touched down, a plank spilled forth from her underbelly plunking unceremoniously into the ground, as a horizontal door slid to the side. The first to exit the craft, was as per custom and safety, the ship's Hoplite, leased to the company by Legica XXI of the Traileric military. The soldier in powered armor had to duck to get out of the craft, as the thick plates of Trailian alloy that covered him added a good foot and a half to his height. Held before him was a large round shield attached to his left arm, and easily capable of defending him from helm to thigh. Where his right arm should be there was mounted a threatening looking arm cannon of some sort. What his features were could not be told, as the Traileric combat helm only left a few thin strips of plexiron to see through. After leaving the strange ship, the creture glanced around abit, then looked over his shoulder. Audibly, the mic in his mouthpiece clicked on and he rasped something in what sounded like an alien take on Greek at those who waited within.

A moment later, a few others followed him out. They were not armed however, wearing rather than armor, life support suites that fit them like a second skin, and rather than a helm, nearly insectoid masks that appeared to make the atmosphere breathable. They were moving equipment out of the craft, strange, folded, spiderlike things. It was all very odd..
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 04:37
Commander Jones did not know what to make of the landing, or the strange creatures that had come from the spacecraft. They were alone, for now, and these people seemed hostile. They appeared to be unloading some kind of weaponry. He singled to the others to fall back. They slowly crawled away from the landing. He hoped to locate some of the natives he had seen when they first came through, maybe they would know more about what was going on.
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 04:45
The gate became active again, the chevrons locked and it activated, the blue wormhole shot out and returned to normal. Out stepped the once great system lord Kash, along with 6 Jaffa Guards(2 of which were Horus guards), he was on the run, so he dialed this world.
The Beatus
25-12-2007, 04:47
They all heard the gate activate. Commander Jones attempted to radio, to see if it was the General checking up on them, it wasn't.
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 04:50
Kash's gold jaffa armor glistned as his Horus mask-helmet receded into the suit, his eyes glowed as he eyed the area. With a motion of his hand his Jaffa secured the gate.
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 05:20
Interstellar Planets
25-12-2007, 06:12
One week. One damned week they'd been here. If the theories were true, and there were devices like this one on many other planets just waiting to be discovered, Commander Shraa didn't quite understand why they couldn't find one to study on a nice icy world, instead of this tropical 'paradise'. Supposedly, nobody could be pleased all of the time - the human officers seemed to be enjoying it, while the Vulcan woman regularly complained that it was too cold. How they all managed to co-exist aboard a ship without either freezing or boiling to death was a miracle. Thank goodness for climate controls in quarters.

The USS Devoras, named in honour of a mythological Romulan starship from the Before Time, was in geosynchronous orbit above them. Shraa was certain that if he squinted hard enough at night he could see the white glint of the ship's hull, but it was probably just wishful thinking. Instead of being in the comfort of his first officer's quarters aboard the Devoras, he was stuck down here with the expedition team in this Gods-forsaken camp. Sleeping in a tent had been an interesting novelty for a couple of days, with several of the humans in particular commenting that it reminded them of camping trips from their youths. A week of it was just unbearable, however. A shuttle was parked at the edge of the camp, but it was even more uncomfortable than the tent. Still, it was tempting sometimes. After all, the days were hot and humid. The nights were hot and humid. While the mosquito-like insects that buzzed around didn't appear to have a taste for Andorian blood, a semi-venomous snake that bit him two days ago didn't seem to mind, and Doctor Connors seemed to find it strangely amusing when he beamed down to find Shraa's arm had swollen to almost twice its usual thickness.

Shraa always knew that doctors were sadists.

Regardless he stood a few metres away from the object of their affections - a large, brown-grey ring of alien origins. Scans indicated that the artefact was very old, perhaps millions of years in age, and appeared to be a large superconductor of some kind. Lieutenant Commander T'vol, in her surprisingly illogical enthusiasm, seemed to believe it to be some kind of transportation device similar in purpose to the ancient Iconian gateways. Shraa couldn't think of anything else it could be for, so he had accepted her theory until a better one came along. This odd device had numerous hieroglyphic-like markings on some manner of inner track wheel, and nine chevron shaped objects, apparently moveable, were positioned at equidistant positions around the wheel. The whole device was mounted on an ancient rocky staircase, which appeared to support the hypothesis that it was a transportation device of some kind.

Lieutenant Commander T'vol had promised them a revelation of some kind that would supposedly prove all of their efforts worthwhile. She tinkered with a small pedestal object that was positioned some distance from the ring. Initial visual assessments found an angled surface covered with buttons on top of a column, with the buttons laid out around a central red orb and with hieroglyphs just like the ones on the ring carved onto them. She had dug a little deeper and quickly found that the object was home to a power source, and some manner of data crystals which had thus far proved incompatible with their isolinear optical computer systems. What she was doing with the object now was unclear to him, as the other specialists on the away team had redoubled their efforts on the ring itself, but the Vulcan woman was ever-persistent.

Without warning, the ring whirred to life, the inner wheel beginning to rotate and the chevron objects occasionally clunking down and snapping back again.

"Lieutenant Commander T'vol..." Shraa called out, his tone bemused. "What have you done, exactly?"

His question was answered by the ring - the last of a sequence of seven chevrons lit up, and the ring emitted a different whirring sound. All of a sudden, some kind of watery vortex burst to life, forcing the Andorian to drop to the floor and retract his antennae. The vortex made a 'whooshing' sound as it retracted as fast as it had appeared. With that initial flurry of activity over, Shraa looked up again to see what looked like a pool of water, suspended vertically within the ring, rippling calmly.

"T'vol!" he called out again, standing upright and dusting his burgundy uniform down abruptly.

The Vulcan jogged over with several other officers and whipped out a sleek black tricorder from her belt. Opening the flap she began to scan the ring device, her expression unchanging as the black box made all manners of whirring and bleeping noises, its probing scans digging in to the active ring to learn all that it could.

"Lieutenant Commander," Shraa said impatiently.

"Sir," she looked up. "It is as I suspected. This ring device uses large amounts of energy to create a two-way artificial singularity. Presumably another event horizon has formed on another device like this one, on another planet. My tricorder cannot get any readings from the other side, however."

Shraa's antennae flicked curiously as he looked back at the ring. After a couple of moments of pondering, the blue rippling water making a soothing bubbling sound all the while, he pulled out his communicator and flipped it open. "Away team to Devoras," he said.

"Go ahead, Commander," a disembodied voice came back through the tinny speaker of the device. Captain Heri Miska, the ship's temperamental Bajoran commanding officer, no doubt as bored as Shraa had been a week of sitting in geosynchronous orbit, doing nothing but requesting status reports.

"Captain, we have activated the device," Shraa said. "T'vol believes it to be a 'wormhole'" - he paused briefly to frown at T'vol and her unnecessarily long description of such - "and she is forwarding her findings to the science station now." With that he nodded to her. She tapped some buttons on the tricorder, and it bleeped in confirmation.

"Data received Commander," Heri announced.

"Captain, I would appreciate it if you could scan the device from up there," Shraa said. "The Devoras' sensors might be able to pick something up that the tricorder couldn't."

"Acknowledged, stand by Commander," Heri told him. Shraa stood by, unsure of where that peculiar term came from, and a few moments later the Captain got back to him. "Our sensors read the same as T'vol's tricorder. They can't penetrate the event horizon. All sensor signals pass through it alright, but none return."

"Understood sir," Shraa sighed. "What do you propose that we do?"

"Have your party stand well clear of the device, Commander," Heri said in a cautionary voice. "We are going to try and launch a probe through the wormhole. It might have better luck."

"Acknowledged sir," Shraa said. He flipped his communicator closed and gestured to his team to move far back from the ring. "You heard the Captain, people, let's clear the area!"

Promptly the away team jogged across to the other side of the camp and took cover behind a knoll. Shraa pulled out some electronic binoculars and zoomed in on the camp. Sure enough a few minutes later, a class VIII probe thundered down through the atmosphere from high above, leaving behind a trail of fire and smoke as it descended through the upper layers and down towards the ground. While a warp probe such as the class VIII might be seen as overkill for such a mission, primarily as it probably wouldn't actually travel at warp (or survive for more than a few moments), its extremely powerful telemetry systems were presumably the reason for Heri selecting it - if anything could transmit back through the wormhole, the class VIII could.

Arcing through the sky, the probe whistled above them at an alarmingly low angle, changing direction with computer efficiency. It plunged into the event horizon of the wormhole perfectly, sending ripples across the water-like surface.


On the other side of the wormhole, the probe burst through the active stargate at full impulse, its glossy black casing reflecting the sunlight down, immediately gaining altitude as it scanned everything it could find and began to send its telemetry back through.


Shraa's communicator chirruped excitedly as it received a message. The Andorian pulled it from his belt and flipped it open again, holding it up to his face. "Shraa here."

"Commander, the probe is sending back some telemetry now," Heri announced. "We're detecting an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, with tolerable temperatures. We believe that matter can only pass through one-way, and a return connection may need to be established from the other side. Probe confirms that there are two devices on the other side like the ones down there, but just to be certain we are computing the exact location of the other planet as best we can. Unfortunately, all other telemetry is a little unclear - there could be lifeforms on the other side."

"Interesting," Shraa said. "So what are our orders, Captain?"

A short pause followed. Shraa was afraid of what the Captain was going to say, but he was fairly confident that he was about to take a swim. Sure enough, the grey-haired Bajoran didn't disappoint. "You're to take a team through the wormhole and see what you can find out. Admittedly there is a risk, but I think it's an invaluable opportunity. Even so, we'll keep the team small. Lieutenant Commander T'vol, and Ensigns Vorak and Gomez will accompany you through. Once you've reached the other side, inform us of your status and attempt to reverse the wormhole connection for a return journey. Is all of this understood?"

"Aye sir," Shraa said, his lack of enthusiasm apparent. They had walked back to the camp by now, and he gestured to two armoured security guards - Vorak and Gomez - to join them. They wore flexible protective suits over their red turtlenecks that looked a little like plastic, though it was obviously a much more advanced and durable material designed to withstand phaser blasts, and red helmets on their heads with the Starfleet arrowhead emblazoned on them in gold. Sleek black phaser pistols hung dormant in holsters from their belts, which was something they had in common with the other officers. In this heat all that protective garb was probably uncomfortable, but it was better than being shot in the chest. "We'll contact you on the other side. Shraa out."

He flipped his communicator shut - hopefully not for the last time - and looked at his officers with a sigh. If the tone of his voice wasn't enough of a clue, then his dropped antennae might have given away his mood.

"Ensign Vorak, Ensign Gomez, I'm afraid luck isn't on your side today," Shraa said to them. "You're to provide security for myself and Lieutenant Commander T'vol while we attempt to traverse that wormhole."

Both of the armoured Starfleet security guards glanced over at the wall of water and gulped, before glancing back at their superior officer and nodding silently.

"T'vol, you're going to be responsible for getting us back here again afterwards," Shraa said. "I hope you can duplicate whatever it is that you did to open that thing."

"Aye sir," the Vulcan said in her flat, monotone voice. She didn't even nod. Shraa didn't know whether to be encouraged by her confidence, or concerned at her neutrality. He could never tell whether Vulcans actually cared about anything, even their own lives.

Without another word, the four Starfleet officers walked towards the ring device. As each individual stepped through it, they hesitated and took a deep breath apparently instinctively, with the exception of Shraa who simply walked into the wall of water as quickly as he could. He wasn't going to give himself a chance to change his mind.

With that, they were de-materialised and hurled across the galaxy, with no idea that they might arrive on such a busy planet...

OOC EDIT: Just made some continuity changes. Heading to bed shortly, happy holidays @ all.

P.S. North Calaveras - as noted in the post, a photon torpedo-sized probe has already burst through the stargate; personnel followed shortly afterwards.
North Calaveras
25-12-2007, 06:21
Kash jumped out of the way as the incoming wormhole almost engulfed him, he returned a yell " Jaffa!!" with his hands and his Jaffa turned with there staff weopons trained on what might be coming through.
25-12-2007, 07:13
The consecutive activations of the gate seemed to get the attention of the creatures emerging from their ship, as they all looked in the general direction of the thing as it continued it's noisy functions. One of the unarmed creatures knelt before the folded contraptions, and appeared to fiddle with one. After a moment, the contraption stirred, and unfolded twelve long spindly stalks upon which it could walk. With that, it promptly scurried off into the brush, heading towards the stargate.

As this happened, other creatures were filing out of the ship, towing various weird little tools and boxes.

OOC: I honestly cannot think of anything else to say. .-. Lame.
25-12-2007, 15:36
By now, afew of the Kihikihi'Hine had wandered back, and were poking their heads out of the water enough to see what was going on around the gate. That the were actually crouching and/or kneeling in the water went unseen, along with their quite decorative rifles.


Not far from Commander Jones' stargate team (in the span of feet) was a small campsite with a young-teen Kihikihi'Hine (about 5 feet tall, as opposed to the 7 foot tall adults); apparently s/he'd had a long night, as s/he was still asleep. It was likely that the late sleeper was on a camping trip as some sort of religious rite of passage.

Directly next to the campsite was a small series of mini-waterfalls (in the span of inches to afew feet), and the bed-mat was positioned so that the sleeping youth would be kept mostly wet in small streamlets (like curbside streams after a good rain in the city) that ran off the main few waterfalls.
Lord Atum
26-12-2007, 00:29
Joining the steady stream of traffic through the suddenly over-worked stargate, a hovering drone emerged from the stargate. Kash as was said, was a wanted man – err, snake – and not just by those who’d deposed him. Languidly hovering, armed and shielded, the disk-shaped drone had a number of ‘legs’ that dangled from it, for moving and manipulating devices. For now, seeing something rather curious going on, it did as its programming suggested, and immediately zoomed off as fast as its gravitic motor allowed, to watch and notify its masters.

OOC: The probe is of the shielded ‘Empire Strikes Back Tribute’ type seen in Stargate SG1: Heroes, Part 1. It’s looking for Kash, simply because another nation finding the planet at random seems a bit unlikely. This post is a glorified notification of further interest. You can shoot the probe if you want, but it will likely survive anything but a concerted attack; and even if you do destroy it (feel free) it’ll info-dump what it’s seen so far using its FTL communications system as it dies. Also, to Interstellar Planets: Cool. A Star Trek TOS (Movie) nation…I can think of at least three nations of mine that I’d be interested in interacting with you with.
North Calaveras
26-12-2007, 00:36
Kash and his jaffa ran to the forest tree line, there they turned around and began firing staff shots at the probe.
The Beatus
26-12-2007, 07:15
Mr. James nearly tripped over the sleeping Kihikihi'Hine. He quietly alerted the others to this find. Dr. Fredrickson attempted to wake the creature, while Commander Jones, and Captain Gimbel looked back toward the Stargate, where, from the sound of it, a fight was erupting.
Interstellar Planets
27-12-2007, 21:43
Shraa was the last to step through the other side of the ring device. It was a similar sensation to using the transporter in many ways, while in other ways... not so much. For example, he had never felt the sensation of rushing through a tunnel at millions of times the speed of light when using a transporter. On the other hand, the remarkable difference in climate was just as much of a shock to his body as it was when he was beamed somewhere. T'vol must have been right about its function, because not only were they alive, but they also stood on what was clearly a completely different world - or at the very least, a different continent on the same world.

It seemed they weren't alone, however. As soon as he had stepped out of the liquid pool, he dropped down to a crouch and pulled out his phaser. From behind the treeline in the distance, unknown assailants were firing pulse weapons of some kind into the sky, and when he followed the trajectory of the yellow bolts with his eyes he saw that they were firing in the direction of a robot or probe of some kind. He noticed that his officers had done the same as he, with T'vol taking cover behind the pedastal control device, which they had determined to be constructed from a fairly sturdy metal, and the two armoured security officers had taken up the front. Roughly pulling down the flap on his burgundy jacket he shuffled forwards towards T'vol's position, briefly glancing behind him as the ring shut down and went dormant.

"Lieutenant Commander, report!" Shraa asked her. Those pulse weapons were quite loud, even from that distance, and forced him to speak up a little. The Vulcan woman had her tricorder out, as per usual, and looked back over her shoulder at him after she'd finished fiddling around with it.

"Seven humanoid lifeforms," T'vol called back. "Armed with particle weapons. They are aiming for an automaton of some manner, rather poorly I might add. I am also detecting lifeforms elsewhere in this area, and a ship of some kind is landed nearby."

"Let's try and re-activate that ring device while they're busy," Shraa said, patting her on the back (a gesture which earned him an irritated frown) and looking towards the two alert security officers. "Vorak, Gomez! Cover T'vol! Lieutenant, get this thing active again."

A series of aye sir's followed, as Vorak placed his body in front of the pedestal to allow the Vulcan science officer to work her magic on it without being shot at. Gomez hoisted himself down off the side of the rock staircase to get a better vantage point. T'vol manoeuvred herself around to the front of the pedestal awkwardly and peered her head up at the controls. One of her eyebrows raised in curiosity and she dropped down again, pulling off the panel that revealed the inner workings of the object. She stuck her tricorder inside it and began taking long, hard looks at some of the crystals.

"Lieutenant Commander, what's taking so long!" Shraa demanded, leaning around the side of the pedestal to look at her.

"The glyphs on the control panel are different to the ones on Beta Omaris VI," T'vol said flatly. "I am unable to repeat the pattern which originally activated the ring device."

"What?!" Shraa exclaimed. "You mean we're stuck here?!"

"I am certain if I have a few hours to study the device I will be able to..."

"We might not have a few hours," Shraa insisted. "We'll cover you for as long as we're able. You've got five minutes to get that ring back online before we have to find a safer spot. Understood?"

"Aye sir," T'vol said, giving the Vulcan equivalent of a sigh as she shook her head disapprovingly.

In a somewhat futile attempt to satisfy his own curiosity, Shraa flipped open his communicator and held it to his face. "Away team to Devoras," he announced. "Away team to Devoras, if you can read us please respond, over."

"I would not waste your energy, Commander," T'vol announced, her head poking somewhere inside the pedestal. "I have already taken the liberty of trying to re-establish contact with the ship, however my tricorder is unable to rectify the star constellations around this planet with anything on record. It is doubtful that we are still in charted space."

"Great," Shraa said, snapping the communicator shut with a frustrated slap. "Just get that ring activated again!"

"Aye, sir," T'vol said.
Lord Atum
31-12-2007, 00:08
Tayet frowned, leaning forwards over the computer terminal. Above it, a holographic display showed the latest image transmission from the probe. “That appears to be him. Jaffa! Dial the stargate to that location! Kree!”

The stargate of Menwer was, out of the hundred or so controlled by Lord Atum, the best defended. It had a large continent of guards watching it at all times, force shields to protect its event horizon, and more to confine anyone let past that horizon. Above, on the second floor, more guards waited, and with them, a set of doors that led back into a launch-bay for death gliders, of a specialist variant designed to pass through the stargate.

The inner ring span, and the chevron-shaped locks snapping forwards and back, glowing with a dull red light when they were ‘locked.’

In the chapel, off to one side of the stargate base, a quartet of armoured men grovelled before a statue of a young man, Atum, as he’d appeared, long ago. With a rush, a younger man, barely more than a boy, stumbled into the shrine. “Company-leader! Company-leader!” he said, stopping by the silvered doors.

“Yes, boy?” said the leader of the guards, rising, “Why do you dare to profane our worship?”

“My Lord! Nomarch Tayet orders you to prepare for a mission immediately.”

“What?” he asked, “But there is no warning… Why?”

“She did not say.”

“Of course,” he said, as the others rose. Company-Leader Jerbin reached forward and ruffled the runner’s hair. “Right men. Let’s go. I’m sure they’ll give us orders when we’re in our cockpits.”

The warriors filed into the room, heavy with the scent of holy ungents, containing four of the ‘threader’ type gliders, sitting still on special charging mounts. “Gentlemen. Check your weapons,” Jerbin said, and his group took rearing-snake shaped pistols from a mount at the back of the room, climbing short ladders to get into the cockpits of two of the four vehicles; one man in each was the pilot, the other the gunner.

The mounts moved the fighters into the central aisle, and along, as doors swung open, Jerbin touched a button, releasing the glider onto its inertia-drive, and slowly drifting down to the floor beneath, in the shielded chamber before the stargate. He bit his lower lip fiercely, mentally drawing lines on the stargate before them, checking, as best he could, that the glider was aimed right, then, he kicked the engines on to full power, the backwash creating a loud bang as the ship disappeared into the watery event horizon at great speed, dropping the air pressure in the shielded chamber precipitously for a moment.

The second ship took half a minute to align itself in the same way, and shot through the stargate on Jerbin’s tail.
North Calaveras
31-12-2007, 00:13
Kash rallied his guards as they made it deeper into the forest, they turned and layed on the ground, waiting for what may come through the gate.
18-02-2008, 11:29
=Mr. James nearly tripped over the sleeping Kihikihi'Hine. He quietly alerted the others to this find. Dr. Fredrickson attempted to wake the creature, while Commander Jones, and Captain Gimbel looked back toward the Stargate, where, from the sound of it, a fight was erupting.=

Awaking with a start, Kae'lyy'ish was confused by their appearances, and concluded that s/he was still dreaming. "Goa'Uut?.... N'lii Oy'narai?"

It was likely that Kae'lyy'ish's short phrase of 'good or evil?' would reveal right off that the local dialect was a rather even mix of Japanese, Hawaiian, and Goa'uld languages, with 'Oy'narai' being a fairly clear reference to the Japanese god O'inari.

Kae'lyy'ish (Kelly or 'Kay-leesh' for short) was on the rite of adulthood, and had dark slash patterns on her skin. In her tribe, the rite consisted of being able to survive on your own from the time that the dark patterns developed, to the time until they glow (as well as taking a trophy from a hunted/killed Uuka shark, alone), which was generally about a year (380 days), at which point the new adult takes a second name of divine choosing, usually as a result of smoking copious amounts of not-so-mild hallucinogens.

Of course, most beings start to get nervous when awoken by strangers who aren't of the same species, and within very easy reach of Kae'lyy'ish, was a tastefully simple bone-rifle with a narrow but suitable stock, and a 10-inch (on top of the already 60 inches of the rifle itself) Gladius-style dagger as a bayonet on the end.

Fredrickson's answer would have to be a quick and careful one if he didn't care to be the first one of the team to be blasted, skewered, sliced, thumped, or generate otherwise negative responses with physical consequences.