The Odyssey of Erurū
The Lupine People
23-12-2007, 22:03
Deep within the darkened country of Lupine it was the middle of the winter. It was a particularly hard winter, freezing cold, blizzards blew in harsh arctic winds and the populous was half starved with the lack of good crops. Those that were okay were with warm homes, roaring fires and enough for at least two meals a day. Erurū and her younger sister Arurū were sitting by the fire with cups of hot tea in their hands, their mother knitting, but their poor father had to brave the snow to find more food for the family.
"Whens papa going to be home mama?" Arurū asked.
"Soon I hope." their mother Harukko said
And he came empty handed but still embraced by his family.
"It's getting colder by the minute." He said. He started coughing.
"I'll get you some tea." Erurū ran to the stove and poured her father a cup of tea.
"Thanks babe." He coughed more to the point he coughed up blood.
"Papa?" Arurū said.
"You're burning up!" Harukko said leading him to bed. She struggled to remove his boots revealing frostbitten toes. "I'll fetch the doctor." Erurū volunteered. "No honey, no. It's blowing to hard and to cold, we need to get him into some hot water." They placed his feet into water then dressed him. As the days passed the snow storms came and went but pretty soon Erurū was overwhelmed as her family all fell ill. Mother and father. Her sister was fine for now but she had to keep it that way. With out proper medicine they would all die. "I have to travel." She wrote in her diary. "To countries with proper medicine and food. We're all on the brink of starvation." Thunder crashed. "Truly the god are angry, as we experience white thunder."
(Sometimes lightning in snow is called white lighting)
She left a note telling her leaving. Kissing everyone good bye as they slept and braving the snow and wind. When she finally reached the capital she needed to buy a boat with the little money she had. She needed to save some for any doctor or medicine that would serve her. Would anyone serve a lone wolf girl, it was anyone's guess.
The Lupine People
24-12-2007, 18:46
"How much for the boat?"
"100 Lupc."
"100? For this wreck?"
"I had to drag that over ice and snow, I should charge 1000."
"Fine, 100 Lupine coins it is." She handed him a bag, that was more than she hopped to spend on this boat. "It better have sails."
"Sails are 50 extra."
"Take it or leave it."
"Fine I'll take it."
Erurū paid the 50 extra to receive the sails. Raising the sails she shoved off from port across more ice and snow. "No come on, please don't freeze over."
The ice was quickly forming at the base of her boat, if it froze she was stuck and likely doomed. Her journey was getting increasingly difficult. With a stroke of luck she made it through the ice and into open water. "I must be heading southwest. If the weather stays good I should be okay."
Famous last words as the weather quickly turned stormy. Fighting the waves wind and rain Erurū kept the ship steady. The storm finally passed but she found the ship awash on an alien shore. "Where am I?"
(Someone may step in here)
The Lupine People
25-12-2007, 05:06
She stepped away and examined her boat. What a mess, there was no way she could set sail again. Not with out supplies, medicine and a patched up ship. She was truly going to go broke after this. But she knew so little of the outside world. She heard of scorning "Furries" and she was a metahuman wolf girl. And the paranoia surrounding mythical werewolves she may be shunned for the much needed help she needed for her family. She began wondering in search of a city or a town. What would she encounter?
((So I am guessing she landed in a different country than hers? So would it be a possibility that she landed in a Deurem colony?))
Terran Tribes
25-12-2007, 09:09
OOC: I'm kinda of tempted to step in here, but I was wondering a few things, mainly, what time period were you hoping this RP to be in? Modern Tech (MT), Post Modern Tech (PMT), Future Tech (FT), Pre modern tech?
25-12-2007, 13:30
OOC: I too am tempted to join in, however, the questions raised above are all valid for why I haven't yet.
The Lupine People
25-12-2007, 18:58
(That's right she's in an entirely diffrent land from her own. Well as for tech, hmm...Sis says I should Play MT, because my country is technologically deprived)
((How technology deprived?))
Unknown land
"You see that?" whispered Marcus to his buddy Solomon as he gave the man the binoculars to look at the weird being a few hundred feet from them. High up in the tree line in an sentry post used by a former military both boys were to high up and far to be noticed.
"Seems like an ordinary girl to... wait is that a tail?" Solomon whispered to Marcus as he looked at Erurū. "Haven't seen that in a while. Didn't we have some nekos once ago but they all left due the bias held against them?" he asked his friend.
"I think so, the more conservative people wanted a 'pure and blue world for humans'. But they all hit the bucket due to old age so I guess we are more friendlier now I hope." Marcos said.
Terran Tribes
26-12-2007, 06:50
((OOC: if there are no objections from The Lupine People or Deurem I'm going to inject my own character into this RP too. ))
"Go see the motherland they say. Its your heritage they say. My Foot! THEIR grand parents were born in the Foundation for lords sake!" Corporal Louis Cho Rowen of the Foundation of Terran Tribes Expeditionary forces was far from a happy man. After nearly two years in the service he'd finally been eligible for extended leave, only to have it blown on this. It's not that he had any particular hatred for his ancestral homeland, its just that he'd prefer to spend his first 3 month leave pass doing more enjoyable things. Not meeting relatives who had no idea who he was. Not helping above named relatives fix their barn because of a friggin storm. Not having to walk 20 miles just to reach a bus hub. He'd made the decision early on that family was nice, but he'd rather see the rest of the country instead of help kin build a chicken coop.
So in his only clean cloths left, his sage and maroon undress uniform, he marched to the nearest bus station and hopefully laundry mat. As far as walks went this was a piece of cake compared to what he went through when on duty, with only a few kilos of luggage on his back and an only partially washed out and muddy road to walk on. He just hoped he had enough money to tour the land.
"Oh my lord, a real person..." Looking up from the dull road he spied a figure coming round the bend. Female, kinda young looking, but not really that young, and a.... Tail? He'd grown up in a very diverse nation and personally had not problems with those not exactly of his species, but so far this was the first non-human he'd seen in this land."
Raising his hand in a wave he bellowed a strong, "Hails!", as he drew nearer. He hoped she didn't speak the funny dialect that the natives took too, but a deeper concern burned in the back of his mind. He couldn't place it, but he knew he was being watched from afar, and as his training had pounded into him, that was usually a bad thing.
The Lupine People
26-12-2007, 18:06
"Oh my lord, a real person..." Looking up from the dull road he spied a figure coming round the bend. Female, kinda young looking, but not really that young, and a.... Tail? He'd grown up in a very diverse nation and personally had not problems with those not exactly of his species, but so far this was the first non-human he'd seen in this land."
Raising his hand in a wave he bellowed a strong, "Hails!", as he drew nearer. He hoped she didn't speak the funny dialect that the natives took too, but a deeper concern burned in the back of his mind. He couldn't place it, but he knew he was being watched from afar, and as his training had pounded into him, that was usually a bad thing.
Erurū saw a man, clearly military obviously strong. She hopped he was friendly. "Gozen!" (morning) "Gozen!"
"Hey get off the road!!" yelled Solomon and Marcos in unison from their treehouse post. Both teenagers stood up and pointed to their side. A large truck convoy was coming towards the two on the ground and the drivers around here were known for being reckless and uncaring. "I suggest you get off the road unless you want to be squished!" yelled Marcos.
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 00:21
The large truck barreled down honking her horn, she froze like a deer in headlights
Terran Tribes
27-12-2007, 00:52
Louis heard the teens shout, trying to understand their words. He'd almost flunked out of the academy do to his agonizingly poor language skills, a very hard thing to do due to the heavily multi-cultural nature of the Foundation. As the back of his mind wondered why the teens were watching him and the girl the rest of his attention focused on the bend of the road the teens had pointed to. The bend that had the very large trucks zooming around it very fast.
He looked at the girl, nearly 15 meters away, and watched as she froze when the truck honked.
"MOVE!", he yelled, already shrugging off his pack as his legs pumped furiously. "Too far, too damned far. Never make it", his mind screamed as he desperately tried to close the distance. As he bounded down the road he felt that time seemed to slow down, and in anger he marveled at the way the lead truck wasn't even trying to slow down. At the last second the girl turned and looked him in the eye, her face a mask of terror, before trying to get off the road in agonizingly slow motion. Louis' legs gave one final burst and launched him through the air, tackling the tailed girl off the road and into a ditch as the trucks roared by...
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 00:57
"Domo, domo!" She kissed him on his cheek thankfully.
"Not from around here huh?" Marcus said to the girl and man as Solomon climbed down from their position.
"People here aren't the friendlest bunch but you wouldn't know that would you?" Solomon said as he walked over to the ditch and put his hand out so they could pull themselves up.
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 01:13
She shook her head no, she didn't understand his language.
Terran Tribes
27-12-2007, 01:13
Louis felt his cheeks burn and he was sure he was turning beet red as the girl kissed him. Shakily getting to his feet he threw an obscene gesture to the trucks as they sped by, wincing as the last one ran over his backpack.
"Great, just what I friggin needed" he said under his breath as turned his attention from his smashed luggage and checked himself over. He was wet, muddy, and possibly had a twisted ankle if the pain was any indication. On the other hand he was alive.
"Thanks for the warning guys. We'd have been smashed if it weren't for you two", he said to the approaching teens before turning to the girl.
"how bout you little miss, are you alright?", he said as he reached out to help her up. His eyes went wide as he finally got a good look at her, realizing that she'd probably been having a harder time then he had the past few days.
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 01:16
If there was one thing Erurū knew it was body laguage. By his eyes and his motion he seemed concerned about her. She gave a smile and nodded. "Hai."
Terran Tribes
27-12-2007, 01:32
"Thats good to hear, ma'am." As bad as he was of foreign languages he'd watched enough japanimes as a kid to know what that word meant. Pulling the girl to her feet he gave her another look over to make sure she wasn't hurt. By the look of her clothes, the manner of her speech, and the tail and ears, he was reasonably sure she wasn't from around the area.
"You need to be more careful on the road ma'am, you can't freeze up like that." Giving her a nod he hoped she understood. Turning from her he slow began to half walk, half hobble, towards his muddy pack.
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 01:40
She nodded in understanding. She had never seen a car a day in her life. "Help me." she fractured out. "Help. sensei. sensei. No no. Uhhh dokutoru." Hopefully he would get she was seeking a doctor.
Terran Tribes
27-12-2007, 02:01
He'd just picked up his now pathetic looking pack when he heard her, "Help me."
Turning around he listened to her plea.
"Dokutoru? What the devil is that?" He walked towards her, mulling over the word in his mind. " mean Doctor? You hurt ma'am? Um.. oh hell whats the word... Kega?"
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 02:06
"Dokutoru, famiri." She picked up a stick and began drawing four figures in the dirt writing famiri over the top. She linked the hands. "Dokutoru for famiri"
She pointed to her self and to the group in the ground. "Dokutoru" she nodded urgently.
Terran Tribes
27-12-2007, 02:23
"Famiri?" He watched as she began to draw in the dirt. "Dokutoru, Doctor for... famiri?" He peered at the stick figures in the dirt, each holding the others hands. Each with ears and a tail.
"You need a doctor for your family?". He said out load, before turning to the two teens. "You boys know where there's a doctor around here?"
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 02:26
"Hai, Hai!"
"Where is your family?" Marcus asked wondering where she came from.
"We haven't seen anything like you here since that family of nekos came and then left." Solomon added as he took out as his radio. "There is a doctor who lives with us at the orphanage who would gladly help you." he told the wolf-girl. "Marcus I think she is speaking in Japanese go get the laptop and try to translate."
"Aye captain." Marcus said as he then jokingly saluted his buddy and ran far away from sight to get the laptop.
"Now this isn't the most safe place to chat so lets head somewhere else. Vamos ahora." Solomon said to the two strangers as he then headed to the town.
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 05:03
She spoke in Japanese as they translated it back to English. {The Winter is tough back in my country. Many are starving. My family is all falling sick. I need help."}
She spoke in Japanese as they translated it back to English. {The Winter is tough back in my country. Many are starving. My family is all falling sick. I need help."}
"Snow though back in food and family is sick help me." Marcus said as he read the translation. "Well this online translator isn't accurate but I guess her family needs help and she might be here to get help." With that he translated his words into her language and tried as best as possible to speak. "We will help you get food and doctor. Were you from?"
The Lupine People
27-12-2007, 20:35
"watashi ha Lupine hitobito no koronii kara kuru." {I Come from the Colony of the Lupine People.}
"shima. watashi ha booto niyotte koko ni koukai shi ta." {An Island. I sailed here by a boat.}
"watashi ha arashi de tsukamatta" {I got caught in a storm} She imitated the sound of wind and thunder and rocked her self and spun around.
The Lupine People
04-01-2008, 23:44
The Lupine People
08-01-2008, 23:46
Boy it's really sad when your first RP dies. I know people are busy and I understand but still :(
Terran Tribes
09-01-2008, 04:33
Boy it's really sad when your first RP dies. I know people are busy and I understand but still :(
OOC: Well hell kid, I know how you feel. I was waiting for you and Deurem to actually take some sort of action. Up till now my character has just been standing there listening, which is about to change. I suggest you contact Deurem and see what he/she is planning on doing too.
While the girl and the two teens had been communicating Louis had been listening while going over the flattened contents of his pack. Other then a pulverized disposable camera all his other possessions had made it through alright for the most part. Finished re-packing he slung his luggage over his back and peered over the teens' shoulders, reading the laptop screen.
"An Island? You sailed through the storm that happened a few nights ago? jeeze..." The idea of some one as delicate looking as her sailing through that typhoon sent shivers down his spine. He thought about how sea sick he got and could only imagine how she must have felt.
"We need to get you to civilization. There's a town a few mile down the road, you know TOWN... oh damnit what's the word? Um, Tsuite ikimasu machi , er, bangohan? Isha?", he said hoping she understood what little he could remember from his language classes. Gently he reached out with one hand, palm up, and pointed down the road with the other, hoping she would understand.
The Lupine People
10-01-2008, 02:18
OOC: Well hell kid, I know how you feel. I was waiting for you and Deurem to actually take some sort of action. Up till now my character has just been standing there listening, which is about to change. I suggest you contact Deurem and see what he/she is planning on doing too.
While the girl and the two teens had been communicating Louis had been listening while going over the flattened contents of his pack. Other then a pulverized disposable camera all his other possessions had made it through alright for the most part. Finished re-packing he slung his luggage over his back and peered over the teens' shoulders, reading the laptop screen.
"An Island? You sailed through the storm that happened a few nights ago? jeeze..." The idea of some one as delicate looking as her sailing through that typhoon sent shivers down his spine. He thought about how sea sick he got and could only imagine how she must have felt.
"We need to get you to civilization. There's a town a few mile down the road, you know TOWN... oh damnit what's the word? Um, Tsuite ikimasu machi , er, bangohan? Isha?", he said hoping she understood what little he could remember from his language classes. Gently he reached out with one hand, palm up, and pointed down the road with the other, hoping she would understand.
She nodded "Hai."
((I totally forgot about this RP and apologize for not replying faster.))
"I can borrow a truck for transport if needed." Marcus said as he took out a large and heavy satillite phone. "Just say the word and I'll go and get it fatser than you can blink."
The Lupine People
12-01-2008, 23:41
She nodded and stood up again.