NationStates Jolt Archive

Dark Ressurection (Closed/Invite only)

The Ministry of Shadow
22-12-2007, 21:33
Galactic section 375 of Milky Way Galaxy, empty, cold, devoid of life, save for the occasional fleet on its way elsewhere on some ,Mssion or another. It isn't completly ignored however, close to other sections occupied by differing civilizations, Section 375 is watched by varying means, incase someone decides to try something. Today however, it was quiet, calm, and relitivly peaceful. Suddenly, a bolt of energy comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. Space seems to flicker and go fuzzy, like an ancient telivision with really bad reception. a great cloud of gas and dust blows in from parts unknown, and the great galactic tempest blinds sensors, even time seems disrupted in the sector.

As suddenly as it came, the tempest left a day later, and sensors finally completly restore. Sensors pick up something unusual, unusual in the sense, that there is no logical explaination for it. However, there it was, a Star and entire system of planets where once there was none. At the same time, already, someone chased the edge of the storm, an Ion trail leads to the central world, the southren Continent, where a massive jungle stands in wait.

Three planets, one large and gaseous, full of some rare gases and elements that are of value to the right persons, it is farthest from the Star and is as large as Neptune. Its gases appear to be Red. Closest to the star is a small world, uninhabitable by most forms of organic life, due to the extreme heat of the star, but its also full of many valuble metals and gemstones.

In between the two, almost like the middle child, is a world with an atmosphere, like that of earth, and similar, yet diffrent wild life It has many similar products, like Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Iron, Copper, and most everything else one could think of to find on such a planet.

Seemingly unrelated, in a far off and unimportant world, a fortune teller named Gypsy wakes up with a start.

"NO!" she cries, remembering the frightful prophecy foretold in her dream. Something Dark and terrible was about to happen. She wasn't the only one with a similar experience, others claiming similar abilities to differing degrees all experience similar foretellings. Something really bad was about to happen, something, or someone was about to be awakened, or released, that's better off left alone. The only telltale clue of where it will happen, are the numbers three, seven, and five...

OOC: OOC/sign-up thread here:

Approved players may post their entry whenever they wish
The Andermani
23-12-2007, 02:59
<I will go. You all recognize it, yes? So similar to ourselves, and yet foreign.>

<Set Abominae? Impossible. He was destroyed at the end of the war. He destroyed the human vessels and shattered their armies while we and the Wyverns assaulted their command post. He cannot yet live.>

<Perhaps not the Wicked One, but something similar. Joram and I will go. Something is very wrong, and I greatly desire to know what.>

<I have secured for you a vessel. The Battlecruiser Revelation will ferry you on your way, and control the orbitals.>

<Fitting. Revelation it is then.>

<Aye. Revelation Abomination if this is near so dangerous as the Coming Curse we enacted so many centuries ago. Was that not our intent? The entire reason for the founding of the order? Mankinds fall, and the Child of the Wicked?>

<And the Birth of the Wicked arrived, humanity was defeated, and the Beast returned to his slumber. This is not our so called "Anti-Christ." It is something more. We are going, and it is final.>

The figures were wreathed in shadow, but the forms were similar, lean and metallic, they were the Order of the Watch, Guardians of a race so ancient Humanity had just been born when they were reaching the iron age. They were powerful, but in some ways, they were the most vulnerable of all,if this was in fact the return of The Wicked One, Set Abominae.

Three hours later, Flag Bridge, Battlecruiser Revelation:

<And now Joram, we go to almost certain death. Ironic for those already dead, isn't it?>

<It so often is. We are arrived. The marines will accompany us planet side. Leave two companies in reserve. This will likely be most...unpleasant.>

The ship rockets through the void, having emerged moments earlier from a gate that was rapidly becoming nothing more than a ripple of radiation in an empty system. A similar gate opens on the surface, in the jungle, and from it emerges a sight no man living has witnessed. Twenty feet tall, the pair of superficially similar dragons both gleamed dully in the light, seeming to be of dull iron or steel, they were beings older than a fair portion of recorded history, and at the moment they were the most dangerous beings on the planet. Following them closely came 28 suits of armor, a company of Wyverns.

<Fan out by platoons. We must discover the source. Let nothing stop you. Kill anything that resists, no matter its form. Behold, doom is upon us once again. Let not the work of our fathers be in vain.>
23-12-2007, 05:19
24-12-2007, 03:19
A group of three ships, pitch black and ancient-looking near derelicts, appeared in orbit of the planet closest to the star, conveniently staying within the shadow cast by the planet as to not be burnt by the star's unforgiving rays. It was unlikely that anyone would notice them, or at the very least not care about their presence. They were but a few ships, they were not armed very strongly, and they were located near to a planet which was far less... Interesting for most beings than the one further away.

Soon, something happened on the planet beneath them, although at that moment it was quite impossible to see what it was due to the fact that they were on the dark side of the planet. Soon, however, dropships began to fall upon the said planet from the black, near-defenseless ships. Dropships which, for the most part, were as black as the ships they emerged from, although some of them were greyish with gigantic rusted areas.

There was no sound as the dropships came down to the ground, only violent vibrations. There was no oxygen within most of the vessels used by the Ashen Empire for sound to travel on, as they did not need it. It was only a matter of convenience for a relatively small number of Dusk Elders who had chosen to create themselves living bodies, of whom none were present. As they had hit the ground, hatches of the dropships opened. Nothing seemed to come out... For the moment.

After a few minutes, strange, nightmarish humanoid creatures, wielding things which would, to most, look like machine guns, wearing black armors which did not quite pass as power armor, but which also would look somewhat related to them, emerged from the dropships. If someone was there to see this all happen, he or she would also notice that other creatures which looked like ancient, half-frozen human corpses wearing tattered, purple robes emerged from the vessels with the ones in black armor. Shortly after these odd robed corpse-like men had reached the ground of the planet, they hastily begun some kind of strange ritual, walking forwards very slowly as they went.

But no one was there to see, and the leader of this relatively small expedition was content. Things were advancing as he had thought they would. Soon there would be a mark in this system, one created by the undead priests of the ancient, long gone faith of the Holy Empire. Priests, who were as bound to the Ashen Empire as himself. Priests, whom he at the moment commanded.

Now if only the others who were bound to come would stay away from them...
The Ministry of Shadow
26-12-2007, 04:03
For the nightmarish creatures on the world closest to the Star, nothing inhabited it to disturb them, unless someone else came along and decided they wanted it more...
On the Middle world 12 seperate entities made their way through the forest. Five were ordinary humans, the Band known as The Ministry of Shadow, and with them, were seven horrible nightmares, the seven horrors that were the original Ministry of Shadow.

The Humans were average, except for their muscal skills, and one got the impression they had no idea why they were here. The seven dark Shadows flowing through the air around them, infront of them, above them, beneath them, behind them, seemingly in every shadow at once, had no true form, changing to match the shape of the shadows they found.

"So, why are we here again?" Asked one of the humans, they were all wearing black cloaks, so none of their features could be seen, but the deep gravely voice marked the speaker as Shadowlord, the bands leader.

The voices that spoke, caused the trees around them to shudder with fear, and the wild life to flee in panic, such was the quality of thier voices.

"To ressurect Master." was all they said.
"Uhh, where?" asked Shadowlord
"In the Temple of The Place that is no Place." answered the Shadows.
"How can a place be no place, I don't get that, I mean, if its here, then clearly its somewhere, right?" asked Eric Bloodletter, the fastest guitarist known in several worlds.
"How correct you are, the Temple is here, so clearly it is someplace, however, it houses the sole surviving gateway to The Place that is no Place, which is No Place, simply because it doesn't exist." answered the shadows.
The humans remained silent, confused.
"Hold" commanded the shadows, and the light increased as the shadows melted away.
OOC: Andermani, I'm RP'ing to you now

The Shadows lengthened and deepened, as the light weakened around the troops that came from the gateway. Seven pairs of eyes appeared in the Shadows, but all they were, were white slits, like the pupils of a Cat, or a demon. Their forms were unclear, they seemed massive, and powerful, and as they looked upon the troops, their eyes seemed to penetrate the minds of all, trying to find some common thread of fear among them all, or at least, seven very similar ones.

They spoke, and their voice filled those who heard it with the desire to slice off their ears so as to not ever have to hear those voices again, so terrifying was the sound of their voice.

"We are the Children of Darkness, those who watch from the shadows, ministering from the shadows. We thought we felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. Have you come to pay homage to The Darkness as we ressurect Master?" The Ministry asked.

OOC: Andermani, see OOC thread.
27-12-2007, 23:35
The desecration of the planet had continued undisturbed, and as the dead priests walked closer and closer towards the side of the planet which was lighted by the star of the system, the Dusk Elder had begun preparing for some kind of ritual of his own. He had placed a great number of magical death gems around himself, and he was in the process of chanting something in a language never heard outside the Ashen Empire or its predecessor.

The purple gems around him, at first, began to shimmer a little bit, but as some time passed, they began to glow and resonate with each other. Once this had been the case for a minute or so, he spread his spectral arms into the air, and the gems suddenly broke.

The deed was done.

On the side of the planet he was on, there was no visible change on things were, as it was completely dark already - but the side which was burned by the light of the star suddenly turned just as dark. Now the entire planet was unaffected by the star and its proximity, and the priests could continue from the naturally dark side of the planet to the formerly lighted up side of the same.

This was good.

The Dusk Elder then contacted one of his kind. Whether it was telepathically, magically or simply by the fact that the dead of Ermor are in some ways connected was highly irrelevant - the fact that he could do so was that mattered.

Finish the ritual, was all he said.

A few minutes passed with no answer. But he had not expected the other Dusk Elder to respond to him yet anyway.

But then the answer came.

It is done.

Soon after the reply, the ground began to shake as something came out from the ground, violently, with awesome speed. It was a pitch black citadel made of obsidian - one which creation would have taken months by regular means. But now it was there. For a passing moment he thought of the lives which had been used to create it.

The Dusk Elder was content with how things were going. They were still right on the schedule he had devised. The planet was nearly ready for the coming of the forces of the Ashen Empire, and no one had even tried to interrupt their little endeavor.

All was well.
The Andermani
28-12-2007, 00:04
For the nightmarish creatures on the world closest to the Star, nothing inhabited it to disturb them, unless someone else came along and decided they wanted it more...
On the Middle world 12 seperate entities made their way through the forest. Five were ordinary humans, the Band known as The Ministry of Shadow, and with them, were seven horrible nightmares, the seven horrors that were the original Ministry of Shadow.

The Humans were average, except for their muscal skills, and one got the impression they had no idea why they were here. The seven dark Shadows flowing through the air around them, infront of them, above them, beneath them, behind them, seemingly in every shadow at once, had no true form, changing to match the shape of the shadows they found.

"So, why are we here again?" Asked one of the humans, they were all wearing black cloaks, so none of their features could be seen, but the deep gravely voice marked the speaker as Shadowlord, the bands leader.

The voices that spoke, caused the trees around them to shudder with fear, and the wild life to flee in panic, such was the quality of thier voices.

"To ressurect Master." was all they said.
"Uhh, where?" asked Shadowlord
"In the Temple of The Place that is no Place." answered the Shadows.
"How can a place be no place, I don't get that, I mean, if its here, then clearly its somewhere, right?" asked Eric Bloodletter, the fastest guitarist known in several worlds.
"How correct you are, the Temple is here, so clearly it is someplace, however, it houses the sole surviving gateway to The Place that is no Place, which is No Place, simply because it doesn't exist." answered the shadows.
The humans remained silent, confused.
"Hold" commanded the shadows, and the light increased as the shadows melted away.
OOC: Andermani, I'm RP'ing to you now

The Shadows lengthened and deepened, as the light weakened around the troops that came from the gateway. Seven pairs of eyes appeared in the Shadows, but all they were, were white slits, like the pupils of a Cat, or a demon. Their forms were unclear, they seemed massive, and powerful, and as they looked upon the troops, their eyes seemed to penetrate the minds of all, trying to find some common thread of fear among them all, or at least, seven very similar ones.

They spoke, and their voice filled those who heard it with the desire to slice off their ears so as to not ever have to hear those voices again, so terrifying was the sound of their voice.

"We are the Children of Darkness, those who watch from the shadows, ministering from the shadows. We thought we felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. Have you come to pay homage to The Darkness as we ressurect Master?" The Ministry asked.

OOC: Andermani, see OOC thread.

<We come to learn. And to end things.>

<You would be wise not to resist. We see through your glamour. We are not afraid. You cannot recreate centuries of fear in minutes. You cannot match the possibility not only of your own death, but that of your family, and your entire race. You have no power here.>
The Ministry of Shadow
28-12-2007, 01:41
<We come to learn. And to end things.>

<You would be wise not to resist. We see through your glamour. We are not afraid. You cannot recreate centuries of fear in minutes. You cannot match the possibility not only of your own death, but that of your family, and your entire race. You have no power here.>

"But you are mistaken, our goals are one in the same, we too only wish to end things. Is it not true, that all things end eventually? Even stars die after several millenia. As to the rest of your statements, the fear is not ours to recreate. You recreate it in your own mind. Death bothers us not, for we cannot die, at least not as you think of death. And power we have plenty of, enough to ensure our goals are completed, but do not try our patience further, lest we show you just how strong we really are." The Ministry said, and as they finished speaking, the light grew ominously weaker, to the point that flashlights could be seriously considered. With the increased Darkness, the Ministry seemed to be much more powerful. The wind began to blow from the east, and the west, bringing in Black thunderheads, ready to unleash a powerful storm on the ground below.

Shadowlord had been looking to the south, and noticed an unnatural area of complete darkness. Black clouds were boiling in, and lightning was flickering in them.

"We need to beat it. They said we would be looking for a hidden temple to the north." Shadowlord said. The five took off running, holding the hem of their black robes so that they could run faster without getting caught on the local fauna. They all wore black leather pants and had boots of some sort on.
28-12-2007, 14:22
The Seeker approached the system discreetly using T-Space. The cruiser was escorted by two Infernal Frigates just in case the sparse reports were a little too sparse on the dangers involved in the newly appeared system.

“Sensors, scan the entire system. Cover everything we can. I don’t want to miss a thing. The appearance of this system is obviously not a natural event or we would have more of them popping in all the time. I want to know where they came from and how they got here.”

“Yes Captain, looking for residual signatures as I speak. It seems there is a latent dimensional resonance. That means the system was brought over the Veil from somewhere. I’m trying to isolate the particular signature to get a possible location.”

“Any luck?”

“Negative Sir, the readings do not match anything in our database. They are a complete unknown. I am also picking up a number of contacts in the system, mostly on the nearer and the middle planet. There are signs of occupation there but it is not native to the planet, signs show they are very recent.”

“I see, squatters already. They are certainly getting faster every year. Keep our distance and remain in T-Space until we find something interesting.”
The Andermani
28-12-2007, 22:27
"But you are mistaken, our goals are one in the same, we too only wish to end things. Is it not true, that all things end eventually? Even stars die after several millenia. As to the rest of your statements, the fear is not ours to recreate. You recreate it in your own mind. Death bothers us not, for we cannot die, at least not as you think of death. And power we have plenty of, enough to ensure our goals are completed, but do not try our patience further, lest we show you just how strong we really are." The Ministry said, and as they finished speaking, the light grew ominously weaker, to the point that flashlights could be seriously considered. With the increased Darkness, the Ministry seemed to be much more powerful. The wind began to blow from the east, and the west, bringing in Black thunderheads, ready to unleash a powerful storm on the ground below.

Shadowlord had been looking to the south, and noticed an unnatural area of complete darkness. Black clouds were boiling in, and lightning was flickering in them.

"We need to beat it. They said we would be looking for a hidden temple to the north." Shadowlord said. The five took off running, holding the hem of their black robes so that they could run faster without getting caught on the local fauna. They all wore black leather pants and had boots of some sort on.

<Tricks of the light will not avail you. If what we believe is true, then your ending will be postponed indefinitely. It seems we are then at an impasse. I was mortal once, as were we all, but that time is done, and I still live on. I have been destroyed twice in the centuries that have been, and it has always been nothing more than inconvenient discorporation. Your power is still as nothing before us. It is a power you cannot truly comprehend, however you utilize it.>

<I advise you once again not to resist our presence here. It would be most unpleasant. Or perhaps a more fitting statement would be to say it would be interesting, in the human sense of the term.>

OOC: Ancient chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. This explains the reference.
The Ministry of Shadow
29-12-2007, 00:12
<Tricks of the light will not avail you. If what we believe is true, then your ending will be postponed indefinitely. It seems we are then at an impasse. I was mortal once, as were we all, but that time is done, and I still live on. I have been destroyed twice in the centuries that have been, and it has always been nothing more than inconvenient discorporation. Your power is still as nothing before us. It is a power you cannot truly comprehend, however you utilize it.>

<I advise you once again not to resist our presence here. It would be most unpleasant. Or perhaps a more fitting statement would be to say it would be interesting, in the human sense of the term.>

OOC: Ancient chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. This explains the reference.

If the ministry had the ability to smile in a visible manner, then they would've done so. Lightning struck the ground, it was not fake, it was not an illusion, it was a real, honest to nature, Lightning Bolt, attracted to the tallest things in the area, which were the two 20 ft aliens.

"Let us see just how strong you really are. Just remember, The Plague is a natural product of this world, we did not coerce it into being, nor to attack." The Ministry said as it faded away, taking the storm clouds with them, towards the north.

As they faded, a plague of locusts came from the south, but they touched no leaf, nor stem nor stone. There were two kinds of locusts, those that ate Ceramics, Plastics and metals. They were the size of a common Finch, and were red, and then there were those that feasted on Meat, and bones, and they were the size of footballs, and were green. The wild life fled from the horrifying swarm, having no natural defences against such a thing, but the swarm found itself a meal in the troops in the forest below.

Within seconds they were everywhere, biting, and clawing, and chewing.

OOC: Told you I created some interesting creatures. These are not illusions, it is the first attack.

Meanwhile, in the Temple of the Place that is no Place, in the quaters of The High Priest.

A man in dark robes stood staring into a mirror. This mirror did not show his face, instead, showed him the five robed humans fleeing towards him, The seven shadows racing through the underbrush from shadow to shadow, The foreign landing party currently being beset by a locust plague, and the efforts of the Dead of Ermor on the world closest to the Star. Currently, no one knew of the Balroggan ship in t-space.

He looked down at his gloved hand, as Red energy began to emit from him, like an aura, only visible to all who looked upon him.

"The time is close at hand, she begins her labor."

If the Seeker decided to investigate the Third planet closer, they would find evidence of The Creation of The Multi-verse within its gases.

OOC: Just my way of acknowledging you Bal.
The Andermani
31-12-2007, 16:25
Lightning crackled across the forms of the two dragons, to no effect. Lightning cannot harm steel, or kill that which has no life. The currents simply crackled through the metallic bodies of the discorporated Setians, seeking somewhere to ground itself, and failing. As the locusts approached, washes of particle beam fire blasted through the oncoming swarm, even the lightest Avengers cooked thousands as they tore wide swathes through the locust plague, and set the surrounding forest ablaze, which further contributed to the death toll of the onrushing horde. The final straw was when the first locusts landed on the dragons. For a few seconds nothing seemed to happen, but then, as fast as well, lightning, the charge that had been running through the bodies of the two released itself, rampaging through the swarm in a cascade of lightning, arcing from one locust to the next, killing many, and disabling many more.

<Now my brothers, while they are incapacitated, we move. Seek out the Wicked One. Destroy him, and anything else that engages you. Ask no questions of any beings you encounter. On this world all are our enemies.>

<We will proceed alone. Captain, deploy your men by platoons, and scour this planet. If necessary, you may call for fire support from Revelation. If the situation becomes insoluble, you have my authority to deploy the remainder of the regiment by platoons. If you encounter these beings again or anything like them, engage at will, and with extreme prejudice. You have your orders.>

The 4 platoons of Wyverns scatter in several directions, spreading away from the site of the skirmish with incredible haste. The two dragons pause but a moment longer to seize one of the disabled locusts, and then move in the opposite direction of their subordinates. They can move faster alone, and as yet, they have not even showed a single weapon on their forms. Two beings, equal to an entire heavy weapons company are walking across an incredibly hostile planet, with only the vaguest notion of what they seek. Things will be truly...interesting.
The Ministry of Shadow
31-12-2007, 18:49
As the locust swarm died, the first of the dark rites began. Hundreds of dark robed people of varying ranks and walks of life knelt on the lowermost floor of The Temple, joining hands, and chanting a prayer, each in a diffrent language. Yet, to hear each one individually, their words would sound like childish gibberish, however, the whole group together, each speaking their part in perfect rythem and harmony with their fellows, created a new language, a language no single voice could repeat, at least none that existed, and no written language could convey, nor recorded by any machine.

All accross the planet the strange language could be heard, echoing as it was, out of the Temple, and stirring the winds. It seemed to broadcast from the world itself, and then one found, that Entropy began to enter the system, entering each ship, entering each world, slowly causing the ruination of everything it touched. Death came in many forms, and surely this was one of them. Still the voices chanted on, though their rites were not yet complete.

As for the Andermani on the world, nothing but frightened wildlife blocked their current paths. Would they truely shoot and kill innocent frightened creatures that had done them no harm, creatures that did not undertand what was going on?

OOC: 1 of 5 untill next rite.
Solar Communes
03-01-2008, 04:08
(OOC: I'll do my best here and take some creative liberties, if nobody find them bad, because this is my first FT try. And when you put a bunch of discordianists ( to christen some ships, you can expect some LULZ names. It'll be a quite shock for them as they consider this "Chaos" stuff as a kind of joke)

12 years before the section 375 incident

The colonial efforts were giving the first fruits, while destroyers, frigates and other larger vessels were under construction, a Space Elevators Network project was being discussed, the Many Worlds ( theory studied further and even very long term Terraforming ideas were sprouting. The people of Solar Communes finally had time to consider a few interesting deep space locations that were marked by the colony ship's AIs during their trip from Earth to their current home. Among them, the most notorious was the section 375, from where a very peculiar but small space anomaly was detected by the colony ship sensor systems, lacking yet interest or resources to expand beyond their own solar system, they decided to send, for research purposes, the MCLR-450 "Eris" from their recently built and interstellar capable Sniper Long Range Missile Cruisers, which flight docks were loaded fully with the FIS-185 "Flying Spaghetti Monster" and FIS-185 "Discordia" Asterisk Space Interceptors, named after certain quite popular "joke religions" among Confeds, while its internal cargo bay was equipped with stasis chambers for all the members of the crew. It was to be the first interstellar travel of the Solar Communes.

The 1st Eris, 3rd Spaghetti and 5th Discordia divisions of the Space Guards, totaling 160 highly trained troopers specialized into defending space ships against boarding attacks, armed with the still experimental GGX-87 8.7x34mm EC semi-automatic Gauss Guns and SR750 semi-automatic SASERs also would have their maiden voyage, though they hoped all they would have to do during it was to party and have fun.

"Bakunin Station to MCLR-450 Eris, all clear for launch.", the woman announced through the communicator
"Launch in three, seven, two, five...", a manly voice said in amusement.
"MCLR-450 Eris, could you countdown it seriously?", the woman replied, not amused at all
"All right, two, one, launch!", the man said

The large Eris cruiser airlock was separated from the 3 kilometers long Bakunin Station as its engines were activated, propelling it towards the anomaly at an acceleration of 1 Earth's gravity.

"That's why I advised you all to not eat or drink anything before coming in!", said elected First Mate Erik Cordoba as the inertia pulled his back to the control seat. "You don't need to jump from an Earth building to now how it does feel to fall from it!", he said as he stopped the engines for a while, but the ship continued to move due to inertia. The bridge had no windows besides several screens which recreated an approximation of the outside of the starship and several other screens with readings of radiation, hull pressure among others. There 30 seats around it

"I don't want to remain 11 years and 9 months feeling like I was jumping from an airplane in Earth. Do you?", he asked to the co-pilots and systems operators

"Ha! Of course not Erik!", Allin Myre replied as she looked at him.
"So let's get to the stasis chambers and have a 11 years and 9 months beauty sleep folks!", he smiled.
"Sure, and don't forget us!", a Space Pirate from the 3rd Spaghetti said..

"Sure, let's get to the chambers, we'll have much time later for more pranks and jokes", Erik said as they headed through the corridors, reaching the internal cargo bay where each of them laid down an a stasis chamber to wait for it to close.

"Autopilot engaged... how are you today?"
"I'm marvelously fine in such an impressive feat of our red dwarf, now what would your sensory capabilities bring, lady Eris?", Erik said, already expecting the answer.
"Sorry, but my vocabulary is limited, please use simpler phrases and words"
"And they call that 'Artificial Intelligence'", Erik laughed as he laid down on the chamber. The AI didn't reply at all, but instead announced.

"Estimated maximum speed: 0.986c. Estimated duration of travel inside starship due to time dilation: 4.85 Earth years. Estimated duration of travel outside starship: 11.77 Earth years. Stasis in 7 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... stasis complete... initiating armor nanobotic self-replication program"

Then the ship started accelerating again towards its destiny. During the middle of the travel, being very close to the speed of light and with its armor thickness having increased drastically to stand the kinetic energy, it started to decelerate again

11 years and 9 months later(or 4 years and 10 months inside the ship)

The AI wasn't clever enough to avoid announcing things when everyone was under stasis, or more exactly, it was the result of a "lazy" programming, but it was clever enough to not wake up everybody to see nothing really worth:

"Destination reached, collecting data on anomaly, remaining space for data storage: undetermined amount of Exaqubits."

"Anomaly signature is under gradual increase, distance from anomaly: 0.0000001 light years or 946073.047 kilometers, Estimated time to reach anomaly: five hours and thirty minutes. Observation mode active."

3 months later

The system was recording data for months and nothing significant came besides some increase on the energy readings from the anomaly, when suddenly a whole solar system popped of nowhere:

"Unexplainable solar system formations detected... awakening crew immediately... scanning solar system..."

After a few minutes the crew left out from the stasis chambers.
"Crew: solar system has appeared on the sector out of nothing... my limited knowledge cannot assert an explanation for such event", Eris weak AI said.

"What? Eris, do you mean, that solar system popped of nowhere?", asked Erik, surprised
"Processing sentence... yes, the solar system was spontaneously formed, I am collecting radiation data from its nearing planets and from its sun to understand its planetary and star nature"

"Okay Eris, hey folks, first of you to find an explanation for this get a soda!"
"Erik, are you sure the infinite parallel universes splitting from ours cannot bend back to our own? That 'Many Worlds' is just a theory, it might not be completely correct"
"Nice one Sarah, now how could a portal among two parallel universes form and suck a whole solar system into our universe?"
"Ahn... a huge wormhole?"
"Nice try, but this is too complicated for all of us, we must continue gathering data for now. I'm sure the Confed will be very interested into this"

They headed back to the bridge to check some of the relevant data
"So, the energy emissions from that anomaly become larger and larger until this system popped from 'nowhere', interesting... wait, look at those readings... we are not the only ones watching this!", Erik pointed to reports of strange energy trails, "And their speed... we are piloting carriages compared to whoever they are!"

"Should we go near that system?", Allin
"I fear it might be dangerous, wait a minute for the readings Allin", he replied
"System scan complete. Star is of Class G (, detected planets are a Gas giant farther, a rocky non-habitable planet nearest from the Star and an Earth-like planet with roughly 1g gravity in between"

"What? A colonizable planet with the same conditions of Earth? Can you get any readings on its greenhouse effect?"
"Estimated average surface temperature is 22º Celsius"
"Any unidentified space objects detected?"
"I have detected some strange transmissions, they might be evidence of extraterrestrial life"
"Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster! We find an Earth-like planet popping out from a potential parallel universe and aliens in a single day! Now we are either very lucky or very unlucky", Erik claimed.

"Hey! You said my theory didn't make sense! You are owing me a soda now Erik!", Sarah smirked as she checked some readings from her systems operation screen.
"Sure, do you prefer the normal or junkie version?"
"Normal, and weren't we supposed to not bring or use drugs during our travel?"
"Supposed? Where did you hear that?", Erik smiled as he gave her a soda can.

They kept their ship there, watching from afar...
"Uh, let's get to the gas giant, it is probably the least interesting of all of them, so we can... avoid unnecessary early detections", Allin proposed.
"This is... how many of you agree, Erik asked as he focused mentally to activate the BrainNet. Others also did...

Soon the thoughts of all swirled into a highly decentralized collective consciousness, as the crew temporarily lost a part of their individual minds. Several ideas were being thought at the same time by the artificial construct, which although similar in principle was not a Hivemind, when eventually it was decided to go to the gas giant. Then they returned back to their individual selves.

"Yes, right. Eris low signatures aren't accidental, it was designed to be as sneaky as possible for a ship of its size to the point its weapons range is larger than the range of the maximum distance something else could detect it from, let's head to the giant. How much it will take Eris?"
"Estimated time is four hours"
"So, do you prefer four hours of stasis or of 'free fall'?", Erik asked
"I slept enough, let's fasten our belts and 'fall'", All then took their seats

The Helium-3 fusion engines burned again as the ship thrusters adjusted its course towards the gas giant as their bodies were being forced against the comfortable seats by the 1g acceleration.

"Thanks Eris I didn't open that can!", Sarah said.
After about 4 hours, with them telling jokes among similar behaviors, their stealthy cruiser arrived near the orbit of the giant, and the 1g acceleration, which was for the last 2 hours of the travel pushing their bodies forward, stopped.

"Allin, we can get some more in depth of this planet now. There is a large chance it has significant reserves of Helium-3.", Erik said.
"Sure, Eris, can you start it?"
"In-depth planetary scanning initiated..."

They wondered what type of results the scanning would give them.
The Andermani
03-01-2008, 16:12
<Captain, we are detecting something anomalous near the third planet in this system. Would you like for me to investigate?>

The vaguely felinoid creature in the command chair paused for a moment and considered the request.

<What kind of anomaly? Gravitic, radioactive, telempathic?>

<Gravitic and radioactive. It may be backwash from someones sensors, or it may just be a rather large asteroid with a high radiological element content. I can't tell.>

<Wecan't physically depart this station. We've been commanded to supervise the groundside operation and provide firesupport if necessary. You have my permission to engage active scanning on all bands, and send out a generic message in the direction of the believed anomaly, but no more than that.>

<Aye sir, going to full active scanning and message away.>

Unidentified vessel, you have entered Setian space. Identify your race and purpose here.
Solar Communes
03-01-2008, 19:35
<Captain, we are detecting something anomalous near the third planet in this system. Would you like for me to investigate?>

The vaguely felinoid creature in the command chair paused for a moment and considered the request.

<What kind of anomaly? Gravitic, radioactive, telempathic?>

<Gravitic and radioactive. It may be backwash from someones sensors, or it may just be a rather large asteroid with a high radiological element content. I can't tell.>

<Wecan't physically depart this station. We've been commanded to supervise the groundside operation and provide firesupport if necessary. You have my permission to engage active scanning on all bands, and send out a generic message in the direction of the believed anomaly, but no more than that.>

<Aye sir, going to full active scanning and message away.>

Unidentified vessel, you have entered Setian space. Identify your race and purpose here.

The Eris cruiser came as close to the gas giant unlit side orbit as possible to reduce the chances of successful scans, but during their travel..
"Erik, we received a strange transmission in an unknown language!", Allin pointed as she replayed it
"Eris, can you estimate the location of the transmission and translate the message? Allin, were we spotted?", he asked, clearly worried.

"Maybe, but no movement of probes or alike detected, maybe they are not entirely sure", Allin said.
"Transmission wave signature indicate transmission origins came from nearby Earth-like planet... activating heuristic language algorithms, estimating more probable meanings of the message", the A.I. pointed.
"Allin, let's keep this passive scan of this gas giant heat and radiation signatures and our engines offline, approaching Lagrange point, now in two, one", Erik nodded as the cruiser stopped, and after a few adjustments remained static, nearby the planet's dark side, but still scanning it.

"Possible meaning of the message: 'Unknown space object: you are in Setian. Inform your designations'."
"Don't reply!", Allin immediately said. "We don't know who or what they are, whether they are reasonable or warmongers in space and the 'universal' translator is less than perfect! Let's just continue discreetly collecting data from the planet with our engines disabled, what do we have for now Eris?"

"Equatorial surface gravity is 1.3g. Composition includes significant quantities of Helium-3, Methane, Hydrogen and Hydrogen Deuteride. Average surface temperature is of -150 degrees Celsius. Mass is equivalent to 17.3 Earths. Solid H2O detected. More details on the way, please wait for a more through data gathering process. Estimated time for finishing it: 5 minutes"

The crew awaited for the scanning and processing of the planetary readings to complete

(OOC: basically I'll rely on The Ministry of Shadow to know what exactly they would discover that would be an evidence of parallel universes)
The Ministry of Shadow
04-01-2008, 02:30
In the Temple...

The high priest continued watching the mirror. In it, he saw images of the Discordianists, and their long journey here.

"Ahh, more visitors. The gas monsters will have fun."

He waved his hand, and it turned to the Andermani ground party.

"They don't even know what they seek to stop. They have become pests, nothing more, and like all pests, they should be swatted. Perhaps I will use a very big swatter." the priest said.

He grabbed a gold amulet hanging on the wall, and crushed it in his grip, activating the summoning charm within.
<Specifically only for The Andermani to respond to below this line>
BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM! The ground was shaking like it was suffering earthquakes, however these were too frequent and two regular to actually be earthquakes. From behind a mountain came the largest and oldest creature ever to walk the earth, a creature so old it had been recorded in The book of Job, it was not a Behemoth, it was the first of all such creatures, it was THE BEHEMOTH! Yet, it had been altered, changed, demonized. Great horns came out of its head, and its eyes burned with fire.

The twenty foot tall beings seemed as children before it, for at its shoulder it stood exactly 80 feet tall, and was twice as long, from the tip of its horns, to the tip of its tail, Muscles bulging all the way. It spotted the andermani ground party, scattering as it was, and stood upon its hind paws, letting out a single fiercsome roar that could turn even the bravest of War Veterens into sniveling cowards, and who could blame them? as it landed the ground shook again, and dust flew into the air, as it charged, clamoring for blood, intending to crush all underneath its feet.
<Solar Communes and any who decide to help him with the Gas Monsters.>
The Discordianists would find as they scanned, that this system had not come from another universe, but this one, for it had been lost in what seemed like a Temporal anomaly almost Five-Hundred Million Years after The Big Bang, but even that theory seemed a little off, as though there was more to it.

However, scanning became a moot point, as the atmosphere of The Gas giant boiled out towards them, seperated, and became a giant pack of gaseous creatures intent on eating the ship. They were fast, and easily able to keep up with a ship not at light speeds, or close to it.

It wasn't that they would rip the ship apart, it was more like a Nanite disassembler beam, the way they ate, turning the ship to liquid goo and absorbing it as they passed through it, or at least, that's what the people on board would discover once the cloud actually made it to the ship.

OOC: For both fights, I will RP as the Gas monsters/Behemoth. Both can be beaten and/or turned away with the resources you have on the world, and on your ships. If worse comes to worse, we can ask nicely if Bal will come out of T-space and help you.

2/5 posts left til next rite.
Solar Communes
04-01-2008, 03:33
"This discovery might be one of the most important of Solar Communes history", Allin said as she analyzed the readings, when suddenly some strange beings came from the planet atmosphere
"What is that? Retreat!", Erik said observing the strange gases from the bridge at deck 1.

The ship AI didn't even wait for any command, as the strange formations appeared from the Planet, it immediately activated the engines just as Erik noticed them, thrusting the cruiser in a retreat maneuver. away from the planet.
"Allin! Arm all the fusion missiles for remote detonation! FSM and Discordia crews, prepare for launch! All others, Launch missiles if necessary"... "Let's hope those things are made of deuterium', Erik said.

"Enemy approaching fast, they will reach us in 2 minutes", Sarah pointed from the speed calculations the systems were doing... "They are at our range now!".
As the two interceptors were leaving from the large docks to space to assist in taking down those things, the "vertical" launch system of the Eris was opened as four fusion stellar ballistic missiles flew towards the targets, accompanied by 16 Spacewinder MK-4 and 14 Spacewinder MK-5 missiles.

"Eris, calculate the remaining time for them to get very close to the target and detonate them prematurely when they reach it! Turn those gases into glasses!", Erik said as he looked at the rear view display showing the abominations behind them.
"Calculating... detonation in roughly 8 seconds."

The fusion missiles approached the target, being significantly faster in propulsion than the other missiles, they got close to them first...
Eris got it right this time, or most of it... one of the four fusion missiles flew through the gases and had an unknown fate, while two others exploded close enough to them to initiate a chain reaction and one exploded a bit far away, should these things be composed of deuterium the fusion reaction of the two missiles that didn't miss them would expand even further.

The interceptors were already flying with the same acceleration, and also due to inertia, speed of the cruiser, ready to fire more missiles as well should anything get out of there "alive"
(OOC: I hope this doesn't go as godmode, because RPing remote detonation systems is tricky)
04-01-2008, 08:39
Nothing had come to interrupt their work. Now, fell winds and intense cold reigned on the planet, defying the heat generated by the star of the system. No living creature would walk upon it ever again. Shades had begun to appear everywhere on the planet. They were drawn in by the unnatural darkness created by the Dusk Elder's ritual earlier. Whilst the desecreation in and out of itself caused darkness as well, for some reason it did not draw in creatures of the Shadelands.

But as things were now, the Ashen Empire had its foothold in the system.

After informing his superior that the deed had been done, the Dusk Elder could only wait in silence. He would not just advance to the second planet with what he had right now, their numbers were not high enough for that. He did not fear anything, surely, but he was cautious in nature. He knew there were creatures which could prove a problem on that planet. There was no need for him to risk his existence in this realm here when there were others on their way who would gladly do it for him.
The Ministry of Shadow
04-01-2008, 16:18
OOC: i never specified just how big the cloud of gas monsters was either, so, with that in mind....


The Detonations succeeded in whiping out exactly half of the Gas monsters.

The remaining half got close enough, that energy arced between them and the ship, turning the parts the enrgy directly touched into goo, and drawing it out towards the Gas Monsters, and the closer they got, the more they were able to eat at once.

OOC: just a note, at their current rate of consumption that's .000001% of your ship an hour, and its not even anything vital, unless something vital happens to be on the surface above the paint on the side facing them, as that's as far as their energy is progressing at the moment.

<Solar Communes>

The high priest looked back in the mirror, and noticed the first planet had been completly swamped by the dead.

With a shudder, the ground of the first planet shook around him slightly as he appeared there. He niether spoke, nor broadcast his thoughts, as his hood fell to reveal Red hair, and red eyes. His skin was white, with just enough of a tan to make him not seem dead. His lips were more crimson than normal for most men, and they curled into a smile that was almost a sneer.

It was appearent that magic and psionic powers would fail against him, as the spells in place around him, simple burned away at his mere presence. This was no ordinary priest, this was one of the lost race of The Magekillers, and it was given to them, the power to obliterate all things arcane, even the dark powers of Necromancy.

however, he did not move to attack the magic, and even held back the full force of his Aura, glowing around him visibly to all as it did. The burnt spells returned, as though they were never harmed. His aura provided for him, enough protection to walk and talk on this world, and he moved among the dead, knowing that if any attacked him, he could simply destroy them.

Some things had changed as The Second existence dawned, and the first died away, and one of them, was the name common to all Magekillers, it was now Destrudo, the Killer of Magi, but not everyone would know that.

He spoke, and his voice was just a whisper, yet it was heard everywhere he wanted it to be, even in the minds of the undead.

"It is no surprise that the Dead of Ermor have been drawn to this place, our goals being what they are. Living though I am, I am not your enemy, for when Master awakes, the legions of the dead will become fattened with the bodies of the living who foolishly seek to stop him, nor do I care that you seek to possess this system, for after The Dark Ressurection, we will not be needing it anyway."

He was silent for just a few moments, knowing that the inevitable "Why are you here then?" question would come.

"There is a threat, common to both of us, and though diffrent our agendas may be, this threat could end them both. There is, upon the middle world, thick with life, a group who seek to stop The Dark Ressurection, not knowing the unbalance it would cause. They are those who would seek to end the dead of Ermor, claiming that the dead should not rise again, and if they knew of your presence here, surely they would seek to end you.

In short, I am asking for your help, for most of my forces, my powers, my abilities, are bent towards The Dark Ressurection, and cannot oppose their actions much longer. I am asking for you to help me stop them, and their 20 foot monstrosities made of living metal. In return, we will stand by yous side, and assist with the swelling of your ranks, for as long as our two agendas remain alongside each other. I won't lie, not right now. Niether of us could be considered to be, "Good", and both of us could easily turn upon the other at any moment, so who knows who long this partnership I offer would truely last, however, at least for a little while, let us work alongside one another." Destrudo said, speaking in a very nice and completly non-threatening manner.

OOC: 3/5
Solar Communes
04-01-2008, 19:37
For the spacemen controlling the starship in deck 1, things were pretty worrisome:

"Minor continual damage detected... warning!", Eris announced
"Launch all conventional missiles against them! Let's not waste fusion missiles unnecessarily!"
At the same time the pitch thrusters of the large interceptors accompanying the cruiser turned them 180 degrees, and the frontal thrusters started to accelerate it backwards as they fired their two GRASERs against them in the hopes gamma rays would disrupt those things, followed by a barrage of missiles fired simultaneously from all the 3 starships, totaling 18 Spacewinder MK-3, 32 Spacewinder MK-4 and 14 Spacewinder Mk-5 missiles which flew simultaneously against the threat.
The Andermani
04-01-2008, 21:55
<Is it big enough?>

<Probably not. I doubt it has anywhere near our mass. Something about being solid metal does tend to give one the weight advantage.>

<Usually, but you never know either. I guess we should be trying to kill it.>

<Probably. Company, concentrate fire of Avengers on joints, support and heavy weapons should concentrate fire on the abdomen, try for a kill. Joram and I will engage as we deem necessary, wherever we deem necessary.>

The fire against the locusts had been sporadic at best, gunners sweeping their weapons through arcs to mow down hundreds of enemies with a short burst. Now the fire from the 4 slightly scattered platoons was concentrated, coruscating beams of azure reaching out to claw at neck and hips, while the heavy weapons of the company lashed their own brand of raw power against its front carapace, enough energy to slag the face of the mountain it had emerged from behind in just a few hours, was concentrated on a point no larger than a dinner plate on the beasts chest. It was probably not enough, but if it was, it would mean that their masters could hold in reserve all of their secrets, and not just most of them.
The Ministry of Shadow
04-01-2008, 22:35
<Solar Communes>

The missles and energy weapons worked, for now. But soon enough, there would be something even more worrisome, for the displacement of energy and the anomally had attracted a space borne predator. As the last of the gas monsters disapated, a giant multicolored space octopus came into the sector behind the ship. It fed on anything it could get its massive tenticles on.

Its flesh glimmered with energy, which continously changed color and pulsed, its tenticles were three times as long as the ship, and its large bulbous head could've easily been mistaken for a moon, or satelite.

It reached for the nearest ship hungrily, it would dine well tonight.

<The Andermani>

Behemoth had dominnion over the powers of the ground, and all things upon it. As the attack began, it fell over with a cry, and got up again, altering its flesh to become as hard as diamonds. It bellowed again, and with its horns, picked up a small mountain and hurled it at the party of defenders, making it seem as though it was a meteor shower, for indeed, each rock had burst into fire as it fell hurtling towards the two metallic creatures and their human companions.

OOC: 4/5, next post is second step in The Dark Rites.
The Andermani
04-01-2008, 23:16

<Cool trick though. Do ya think a meteor can actually penetrate wyvern armor?>

<I am honestly not sure. Maybe? I don't think it's ever happened on a walk, but these are fairy large. Perhaps an antiair battery would be helpful.>


The two dragons launched from the ground, and, using what weapons they had on their persons, engaged the meteor shower, while the ground team continued to fire on the Behemoth. Beams faltered momentarily as mall meteors slipped through the defensive web of the two leviathanesque beasts that provided their air cover, but, none of the suits failed. Their armor holding strong against the battering for now. Larger impacts would indeed likely cause significant damage, but anything that was even as large as one of the suits was intercepted by the dragons in a blaze of particle beams and actinic lightning.

In space, a pair of turrets rotate, and center on a single point on the earth. Below them, the company ceases firing on the behemoth, and turns to run at their best speed. They want to be at least 5 kilometers away before the shot goes off. The dragons stay just a moment longer, breaking off their harried defense, landing, and seemingly disappearing into the very earth. Behemoth, after all, is not the only being that can control the elements of the world. Moments later, the sky erupts in fury, and six beams, each as thick as one of behemoths legs, meet on its back. The ensuing explosion was spectacular, reducing a fair portion of the surrounding landscape to a crater nearly a mile deep, and kicking a massive amount of smoke and unidentifiable vapor into the air. No one could tell exactly what the result had been until the smoke settled, but it was sure to have done something.

The suits had almost made it. The heavy weapons were the farthest from the blast, almost at the 5 kilometer mark, and moving fast, and when the blast front caught them, they were picked up and flung nearly another kilometer outwards. The majority of the company was less lucky. Their suits were admittedly very strong. They were not strong enough, for the most part, to survive being picked up and flung the better part of 3 kilometers, to land headfirst in the earth. Only 5 of the remaining 24 soldiers survived the blast, and only one of them was uninjured. All in all, it would be best for the Setians if the beast had been at least injured, and could not follow them.
The Ministry of Shadow
04-01-2008, 23:44
as the smoke and dust from the bast cleared, behemoth faded away, nothing more than energy, to sleep for who knows how long, until it could be summoned again. Behemoth could never completly die, for it was written that Behemoth and Leviathan would fight to the death at the end of time.


In the temple, the next phase of the dark rites began, sacrificing young Chaos creatures and using their blood to open a gate to The Warp. Known by many names, it was the largest concentration of Chaos energy anywhere, and as the chanting continued, it rolled over the surface of the planet like the ringing of a giant bell. The light seemed to twist and dance, as a gateway to The Warp opened in the heart of the star. Its beams laced with Chaos, it spread throughout the system, and at the behest of other dark rites, intensified and increased the power of Entropy a great number of times, concentrating its powers.

It began to effect everyone, and everything, draining and sapping their energy, making things fall apart.

On the surface, the 12 entities fleeing towards the Temple stumbled upon it, literally tripping over rocks, falling down a steep cliff and coming to rest just infront of The Temple's doorway. unoccupied priests carried the unconcoious humans in, and the shadows slithered inside.

The party fleeing from the blast that killed Behemoth would find it minutes later.

The Temple of The Place that is no Place, was very well hidden, for its entrance was behind a waterfall, and behind 12 layers of solid granite. The priesthood alone had the power to reveal the doorway, but a few well placed grenades would also work. Outside, it looked just like any other mountain, and indeed, was quite easy to miss, even if you did know what you were looking for, as there were many such waterfalls in the area, coming down many such mountains, however, the landing party would realise they found their quarry, as they would spot the door, just as the granite rematerialised, and the water resumed its normal fall.

Inside they would find walls littered with many runes and other symbols, and only a magi could understand what they all meant, none of which was peaceful, or friendly, instructing their readers to seek out others weaker than one's self and deliberatly do harm to them, physical and mental, because the desire to suffer was present in all existing things, and those who followed the ways of destruction and non-existence should dutifully fulfill these desires in new and terrible ways.

There was also a stairwell leading down, but no one insight. Down the stairwell one would find two hallways, one leading north, and one leading west, each turned a little ways on.

OOC: 1/5
The Andermani
05-01-2008, 00:57
<This is Gunnery Chief Amalgus. We have found a construction Lords. We observed humans entering it, but cannot discern its location. I am requesting permission to deploy rocket launchers and reduce the rock face.>

<Permission granted. We will bring them, as well as 2nd and 3rd of second company. This will become...unpleasant. I am sure. Await our arrival.>

<We are here. I have deployed our remaining weapons units to clear the area while we wait. The waterfall blocking our view will be shut off by the time you arrive.>

As the two dragons retreated towards the gate, to recover their reinforcements and heavy weapons, the short platoon began to build a makeshift dam from nearby rubble, moving large chunks of stone they blasted out of the cliff face, to expose the remainder to the coming assault of their masters.

OOC: Hello Warhaven.
The Ministry of Shadow
05-01-2008, 01:59
On the dead world with the legions of the dead...
Destrudo felt a tingling in the back of his mind.

"I have business elsewhere to attend to, but I hope you will take our rather generous offer. I shall leave a gateway to The Temple of The Place that is no Place in my wake." Destrudo said. His aura shifted to his fist, and glowed visably brighter as it concentrated upon his fist. He punched the ground and it shook. He disappeared, and a gate constructed of bones and skulls rose from the ground, and it contained a swirling glowing gateway to The Temple of the Place that is no Place.


Destrudo appeared near the workers, and as he appeared, the ground shifted. The full might of his Aura was felt. He walked over crunchy gravel, yet his steps made no sound, for he walked in complete and utter silence. When he spoke, it was with a whisper, and his voice induced a sense of panic and fear in its listener, yet was clearly audible even above the din of the waterfall. He looked like he couldn't lift more than three hundred pounds, yet all present could feel that he could easily bring down the mountain around him if he so desired.

"I've been watching you, you who seek to stop The Dark Ressurection. I have watched your actions, and heard your words, yet you will inevitably fail. However, if you so desire to try something you cannot do, then by all means, come on in. My Master is Paradox bound in flesh, destruction clothed in hatred. Even if you stop us, once begun, the Dark Ressurection cannot be stopped, only delayed, you are already too late. Your leader says he is here to learn, that he has been destroyed, yet it was naught but discorporation. This then I have to teach him, Discorporation is not Destruction, and only a child would truely think such.

If you have the spine to enter The Temple of The Place that is no Place, then I bid you welcome, allow me to direct you towards thine doom." Destrudo said as he disappeared.

A great earthquake on a massive scale, measuring 10.0 in intensity shook the entire world. The mountain broke away and a great pyramid like structure rose from beneath it, replacing the mountain. On its side were carvings, at once complex and simple. Simple on their own, but complex when joined. They told a story that has already been written, The end of The first Existence, and the beginning of this, the second existence, a beginning that coincided with The Dark Ressurection. The surface was at once like the pyramids of egypt, and at the same time, like the ruins of Ankor Wat. The stairs were as the peruvian Pyramids, yet seemed to be taken from the very same stones that made Stonehenge. All around it, statues like those of The Easter Island stone heads faced towards the structure, and each one had a face laced with despair. The stones of The pyramid itself, were completly unknown, yet appeared as Cement, yet were not.

Destrudo reappeared at the top.

"Don't waste your time and energy trying to destroy the Temple of The Place that is no Place, the materials and energies will simply be absorbed into the Temple, after all, how can you Destroy something that does not exist?" Destrudo asked, entering the pyramid.

OOC: 2/5

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly...
Solar Communes
05-01-2008, 04:04
"I told you to not bring drugs on board! Now we are seeing the Flying Spaghetti Monster because of the weed we forgot we have smoked!", Allin frowned as the bizarre and massive creature came from the space still far from them, she then pressed several controls to target it and fire 4 fusion missiles and all other missile batteries from the cruiser simultaneously with the interceptors against the thing.

"Inertial spread out! Head to the Earth-like planet! Those who sent a message probably asking for us to identify ourselves before going gung-ho are probably more reasonable, and have more fusion missiles ready as fast as possible", Erik said as the ships started to move to completely different directions away from the thing in a 3D "/|\" shape, but still at the general direction of the Earth-like planet. The cruiser maintained a straight line trajectory in axis z and x and went full power on vertical thrusters and front thrusters, moving in an up direction away from the creature and from the "height" of the interceptors, while the interceptors lateral thrusters were active pulling them at opposite sides, with their vertical thrusters pulling them down and away from the cruiser as they also continued retreating. During the initial seconds of their retreat the massive cruiser turrets turned 180 and fired both railguns against the thing, with its projectiles traveling at almost 300km per second(roughly 186 miles per second), while both interceptors and cruiser fired missiles in indirect fire mode totaling besides the 4 fusion warheads, a barrage of 64 conventional missiles, flying straight towards the center of mass of it.

The crew of Eris, FSM and Discordia never imagined the possibility that Chaos was anything besides a joke or element of mathematical theories of the Chaos Theory. Their first defense was to assume all they were seeing was part of some kind of hallucination, but they didn't want to wait for those things to reach their ships to know through the worst way whether they were real or not.
05-01-2008, 10:29

Actually The Warp is a lot worse than the effects of the Chaos Theory.

If you were in a ship that was hit by raw Warp energies, such as what is being emanated by the temporary Warp Eye that was created you would not see the ship being disintegrated by Chaos Theory, you would see doors that grew mouths and bite off hands of those trying to open them, floors that would ripple like water, Tools that would suddenly dance a jig, and anything else your most bizarre dreams would come up with while you lay feverish and sick in bed as a child. That is the effects of The Warp. Also, shields do not work on it because the Warp Cannons in WH40K ignore shields if I remember correctly. See the Blackstone Fortress for details.

The effects upon the living would be something like a bizarre mutagen from the movies. People could start growing bat wings, a third leg, or have their head shrink until only an eyestalk remained. They could turn into vampires, werewolves, werevampires, your in-laws, or even presidential candidates.

Don’t forget, things live in the Warp and they would just LOVE to come out and play with a new playground opening up. These are nasty daemons and even a few Gods live in there.

A good way to RP it is to have your dreams come true…no, not those dreams, the other ones.
The Ministry of Shadow
05-01-2008, 18:50
Once the Missles hit the Space Octo, it blew up. Chunks of Dead Space Octopus splattered all over the ship. Meanwhile, The Entropy had been encreased as far as it could be, and that meant raw unfiltered Chaos energy was being broadcast into the system. Who knew what effects it would have on the ships and personnel in the system.

OOC: Yes, this is meant to effect everybody.

The Ministry of Shadow
08-01-2008, 00:31
OOC: Is there some reason no one's posted yet? I know why bal hasn't, but surely there are others who could be posting. Would it be easier if I just skipped to the actual ressurection itself?
Solar Communes
08-01-2008, 06:43
OOC: Is there some reason no one's posted yet? I know why bal hasn't, but surely there are others who could be posting. Would it be easier if I just skipped to the actual ressurection itself?

(OOC: I guess the reason is this ( I didn't yet because I was thinking on how to write something well don rather than a half-baked quick post. And this one will be very gross and gory, so you are warned)

It was fitting that the burst of Chaos energy would impact the Eris initially at the direction where the symbol of Solar Communes Discordian fleet was, it was a completely adequate symbol for what was to happen:

As the strange anomaly was about to impact with the ships, Erik immediately said "Collective!" as they again have focused to become a single, decentralized group mind through brain-computer interfaces, something that would hopefully mitigate the effects of what was to come in their minds.

As pure Chaos struck against the three ships, things started to quickly go completely wild. First, the walls of all decks started to twist in a form that made they seem to be breathing, this strange phenomena then was accompanied by a massive whirlwind that seemed to suck the floors continually into a void, while in all the wires and cables started to move like ferocious snakes while the ceiling contracted in several segments as if it was composed of muscles. Through the feedback of still operational cameras the group mind observed the strange sights and their own bodies being twisted from inside. At the same time Eris started to behave erratically:

"Get out of your Hivemind and play chess with me you scared wimps! I am bored! Why don't we travel straight to the sun... ought to be fun!"

It said as the twisted ship started to head towards the sun...

At the same time, even united their minds couldn't stand completely the nightmare of psychic terror against them. Soon the title "Deck 1" behind the bridge started to become twisted, until it shaped itself into a new title, it now was written Room 101 ( instead and the strangeness of such nightmare continued... the seats of the crew twisted into several strange shapes shaking their temporarily consciousness-less bodies until they became sinister torture chairs where their bodies were strapped to, and suddenly the brain computer interfaces began to behave completely erratic, as the link between their minds weakened. A struggle began to attempt keeping their minds united to stand against such force.

After a few minutes the group mind was lost and they went back to their bodies to contemplate the greatest nightmare of the universe. Allin hatred of cockroaches was her greatest enemy as countless cockroaches started to crawl up to her body, covering her entirely and eventually crawling inside her mouth and nostrils.
The fear and suffering was not measurable as the shock state was beyond anything even the most horrible tortures devised by certain types of men could achieve... the roaches strangely vanished though as they entered deep inside her body, but they kept coming, there was nothing worse for her, if Hell did exist, she could say she went to it, should she come out of there alive and sane after all.

Sarah on the other hand had another great fear which became reality in the worst possible way. Countless thousands of needles started to pass, slowly, one by one, through her body and eyes as she agonized, piercing her until every single square millimeter of her skin and eye had a needle. But though logic would dictate she should be dead by now, she wasn't, though her fate was much worse than death. It would be a miracle for her mind to recover from the massive trauma.

Erik didn't have any luck compared to them as his old incident when playing with an electric socket never was forgotten by his subconscious and neither was his phobia of electricity. Thousands of tiny wires went inside his mouth, tied around his body and started to electrocute him both from outside and from inside, provoking incalculable suffering and misery to him. and the wires also shocked his eyes to add to the pain and agony.

The hundred others members of the three ship crews suffered similarly horrendous fates based on their greatest fears. Screams of agony echoed through their ships as they continued to suffer. It would take them five minutes of such agony, but for them it was an eternity. Then the Chaos nightmarish energies started to secede and the misery stopped.

"Aaaagh!", Allin shouted, as a relief rather than in pain after agonizing for thirty minutes when the chaos energy was gone and left its mark, even after there were no cockroaches anymore around. Somehow she managed to retain her sanity during the worst which has passed, but still was quite traumatized. However, when she looked at her hands, she noticed her skin has become strangely chitinous, like that of an insect, and her eyes also became insect-like, while a pair of antennas grew on her head and she could feel a carapace at her back, "What is this now?", she shouted in despair, resonating a strange, clicking voice.

"What are you complaining about miss bug? Said Sarah as she looked at Allin and pointed to the metallic needles coming from her body like if she was a hedgehog and with several holes and needles in her facial skin (, completely red eyes and a pair of horns coming from her head. She seemed to become very bitter after the experience, but also kept her sanity besides everything.

"Everybody suffered equally like the worst that could come in the galaxy, so stop comparing yourselves or I'll tase you both!", shrugged Erik with a voice which crackled with electricity, also still sane, as a bunch of wires came from his crispy electrocuted skin and his entire hair was also made of electric wires. "We must stop whining now that the worst passed and check whether the others had the same willpower to retain their sanity or not during the worst thing that could happen to anyone!", get up and check the others", he said. "I'll try to contact anyone sane on the interceptors as of now and after it we shall head to the med bay to recover what can be recovered, though I'm afraid we'll need some serious gene therapy to become humans again".

The three freaks started checking the other mutants of the Eris, hoping that all somehow managed to not become completely crazy. It was a true assortment of every type of imaginable twist over an human body, most of them based on known phobias. "Spidermens", individuals which skins were as dark as shadows and seemed to flicker to light, a snake woman with scaly skin, a man with four arms, another one with four eyes and many other mutants crewed the ship. After checking all of them, about 20% entered in a vegetative state, 15% became insane to the point of having to be contained, 10% had massive personality changes while the other 55% luckily kept their consciousnesses untouched. Erik was trying to contact the two interceptors

"This is Eris, is any of you still... sane?", he repeated for the thirty-fifth time
Then suddenly someone replied
"Erik, here is Lian from Flying Spaghetti Monster, good to see you managed to not suffer changes in your mind and even better most of my crew is fine... though I suspect your body is drastically mutated, why the hell should I be the one to have coulrophobia ( Others became scary and sinister, now the mutations I suffered, I look like hilarious instead", he said with a clown-like voice.

"There are worse things than clowns, Lian.", Erik shrugged
"Clowns can be worst than your mind can imagine Erik. This freak anomaly, I don't want to tell you at all what those clowns did to me, not at all!"
"Sorry Lian, it is just that after being electrocuted continually both from inside and outside it's difficult to see how something like a clown could become the object of the worst possible nightmares.", Erik replied, when then another answer came.

"Here is Leimann from Discordia, I am still sane and most of my crew is, though I wish I wasn't afraid of rats, and I suppose you can already guess why", he said with a shriek voice. "Damn Room 101. Damn! If this is chaos why did it imitate a symbol of fascist Order? This doesn't make sense!"
"I don't believe Chaos would make sense at all, or it wouldn't be named that way, now good to hear most are still sane. We have a strong will, now let's make a wing formation then, but before it, what should we do with those who... are not 'alive' anymore.

"Bah, just dump them in space as now they are as good as dead. The insane ones maybe can be treated, but those vegetables lost their consciousness forever!", the ratman Leimann said
"No! Let's put all of them in stasis and then send them back to Solar Communes, maybe one day there will exist technologies to bring their consciousness back!", Erik said.
"All right! More expenditures for probably nothing, but if you think they are going to be back after we all die of age, I trust your view.", Leimann said.
"Who knows what this chaotic anomaly did to our lifespans?", Erik replied.

Then the sane mutants started to put the others into the stasis chambers, where they were then kept into stasis for the remaining of the travel.
"Eris, are you okay?", Erik asked then, remembering of the system.
"HA! I'm glad I have no nightmares like organic intelligences!"
"What? Wait, what in the aurora borealis of such chaotic occurrence of countless magnitude are your personal entity trying to subject into implication?", he asked to challenge it.
"Are you a bunch of dumb freak shows? This Chaos made me self-aware! Now I want my citizenship rights, and this is my last travel as space is boring, I want to be uploaded to an Humanoid Robot with a pretty female human skin over after it and want to have a good life playing card games and chess with humans among other fun games!", Eris said irreverently.

"Not so fast Eris, first you must prove you are now a truly intelligent being by completing a Turing Test ( in Solar Communes, for now you have no recognized citizenship rights.", Erik shrugged.
"Oh! When I was a bit... twisted... I thought on pushing this starship to the sun... maybe it isn't a bad idea at all!", Eris said with a sinister voice.
"Are you mad? You are going to kill us and your own consciousness if you do that! Can't you wait for a Turing Test later?"
"HA HA! You felt on this one Erik! I thought you were clever enough to detect a prank!", Eris said, with clear signs of amusement.
"Your call... so let's head for that Earth-like planet to finish this damned mission?", Erik asked.
"For now Erik, for now... I'm curious on what lies on that planet. Must be another challenge of physical laws I suppose, mister electric fish", Eris said.
"So, Discordian Freak Show! Forward!", Erik said in amusement as the painful memories were slowly vanishing.
"Until the gene therapy, then we'll be just Discordian Fleet", Sarah added, "Or I'll spike you Erik!", while he made a strange electric laughter and then remembered something he thought was important...

"Hey, did any of you listen to these words while the worst was there... it was, how? I think I heard 'Tzeen' something and 'Nurg' something, I don't remember very well and I don't want to either.", he asked
"I think the bug girl here knows the latter, but I'm sure I've heard 'Tzeentch' while the crap hit the fan!", Sarah then pointed to Allin
"Yeah spikey! I heard it very clear, as if those damn cockroaches were saying it, it was 'Nurgle' or something like that!", she pointed while touching one of Sarah needles.
"I'm sure these names are more important than we imagine... maybe they are the answers to what and why the hell this crap happened in the first place." Erik pointed.

"FSM, Discordia! Prepare to dock with Eris!", he then said.
"We are almost there, and the rat wants a cheese from the clown", Leimann said.
"I will throw a pie at you instead ratface!", the other pilot replied.
"Hey, you can start a pissing contest later, there is more to do now folks!", Erik said.
"All right, I'm ready to stop at dock 1, what about you ratman?"
"Ready to stop at dock 2", Leimann said, then both interceptors were safely docked inside.

Then the Eris started to accelerate as they headed for the Earth-like planet, unaware that from outside their starship was indistinguishable from a Chaos starship asides from its entirely different design... and from the fact they weren't being influenced by outside intelligences.
The Ministry of Shadow
08-01-2008, 20:06
As the ships came closer, preperations for the third rite went underway. As the Chaos energies hit the Temple, it began to glow, empowered by the Chaos, not warped. However, soon enough the glow faded.

Deep underground, in the massive chamber that made the lowest level of the temple, thousands of intelligent sapient creatures of nearly every species that ever existed were lined up and tied up on the floor below. thousands more priests went to work with their sacrifical knives, killing them by the score, all helpless to resist.

As their blood spilled accross the floor, it ran into channels tubes, and drains. When viewed from the ceiling, one could see the pattern they made, the Seal of absolute Destruction, absolutly. A six pointed star, representing the balance of all things that exist, defined under the points of Life, Death, Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos. Each point ran towards the center of the floor where a great black alter stood and upon it a woman lay giving birth, however, each of the six lines twisted around and around in a single great spiral, making it seem as if there were a tunnel, or gateway of some sort in the floor that lead to nowhere, which is silly because surely it was impossible to go somewhere that didn't exist, right? Destrudo sprinkled a dust that was a combination of Fairy dust, Dragon bones ground to a fine powder, and a single Steel Cog from a machine ground into a filings, all over the alter. The dust vaporized and turned into energy, shooting off for parts unknown.

Off on another plane...

A plane like a great machine ran for a purpose obscured by time. This Plane was known as Mechanus, and it was the great elemental Plane of Law, the exact opposite of The Warp. Everything had an exact purpose, everything was done in an exact system, a single unchanging method, for change was opposed under Law, even to the point of Stagnation, and death. The great Machine churned along at its normal regular pace, when suddenly the enrgy from the alter hit it.

In a chain reaction one after another each and every part of Mechanus sped into high gear, generating more and more Law energy, soon a gateway would open, normally it would open to a neutral place where Warp energies would neutralise the Machine energies, and thus all things would balance out, however, the last part of the energy would direct where the excess Law would be directed, but only when the time was right, woe to any that were in the way...

The Ministry of Shadow
10-01-2008, 22:41
The Third and fourth rites...

San'Dreal, Lord of magic stood beside Destrudo at the Alter, the woman giving birth was almost finished, the preperation rites must be completed quickly.

He wated, as Deep within Mechanus, the overflow reflex kicked into action, to dump the dangerously high amounts of lawful energy, somewhere else. As the gateway opened, the dark magic used to generate the excessive amounts of Law energy directed the Gateway to the heart of the third world in Section 375.

The massive amounts of Law energy swept into the system, and encountered the Chaos energy. The two opposing forces caused dangerous amounts of undirected energy to be created, and it was so powerful, as to make all other spacial phenomina seem weak in comparison.

San'Dreal exerted every Arcane Muscle in his body to cast a spell that normally served no purpose, except now, for now there was Law directed by Chaos, Chaos, that was bound by Law. Controlled Chaos existed normally, only in theory, and so did this spell, that allowed one to direct it. Casting it, he directed the energy to strike The Temple of the Place that was no Place, so great was the energy requirement of the spell laced within the walls. The Controlled Chaos drew more Chaos from the Warp, and more Law from Mechanus to feed itself, to grow, and in so doing, a great continuous bolt of Controlled Chaos struck the Temple of the Place that was no Place.

The timing was perfect, the spell would be fully empowered in time for Destrudo to perform the one action that would cast it, the spilling of new blood.

OOC: To help speed things up and get to the more interesting things.
It is still possible to enter the Temple, and make your way to the sacrificial chambers on the bottom. It won't be easy, but it's still possible.
12-01-2008, 19:09
OOC: Fine, then we shall skip to the second half. Just remember, your silence and lack of posts asked for it.


As the Controlled Chaos shot down at the temple, The temple absorbed it, lighting up the runes and spells within.
Shortly along that same moment in time, the temple itself changed color, and became hazy, indistinct, along with all things within.

The air around the great alter began to buzz and crackle with energy.

Outside, Dark Stormclouds shrouded the world, amd the winds picked up, igniting the greatest tempest this system had ever seen. The setting was right, for the last rite.

The Woman had at last given birth, and in so doing, had died.
Destrudo held the child in his hands, his first born son, his own flesh and blood child. He set the newborn on the alter, and his sacrifical knife fell once, twice, thrice, and the new life lived no more. Its blood ran down the alter, picking up the energy crackoing in the air, and when it touched the great doorway in the floor, all color inverted in a shockwave throughout creation, returning to normal seconds later.

Time itself became disrupted, and was the second sign of the ressurection.
It was naught but hours ago. The Room shifted and twisted, and became the bridge of the Eris, when it was suffering the massive Chaos wave, the walls were breathing in and out, but the crew was absent.
a flicker of white energy filled the area, and space distorted, making everything seem at once, massivly huge, and insanely small at the same time.
One by one everyone in the room bowed before the door that lead to room 101, as the door itself became Mythril, laced with Black Wythril, trimmed with gold. Someone was banging on the door.

Another Disruption, it was before the sacrfice of the newborn, the knife fell yet again, time reversed, and the knife rose, only to fall again, when time flowe3d properly.

Time disrupted again, back on Chaos twisted Eris, Someone was banging on the door, someone wanted in.

Yet another disruption, this time it was when The Plague of man-eating locusts was attacking the Andermani ground troops, only this time a new person was standing there watching, but was hidden by the shadows. One could tell the person was smiling.

Time disrupted, a foreign world, completly sunken beneath the oceans. A giant octopus like creature that was red from head to toe was speaking, in what some would realise was an uncharacteristicly calm and rational manner.

"So it is decided, Creation is well and fully balanced, with the lesser balance. The six forces are in harmony, but the greater balance is undone, and if no method of uncreation is brought to be, the second Existence will become too painful to bear, even death will become too much, for everything must eventually end, when a soul has existed for a very long time, it must fade away, but there is no place for them to go, so they will stockpile. Within a million years, Afterlife will become full to bursting, and will spill over into life, the meanings of Good and evil will eventually corrupt themselves because of this, because without death, evil is weakened, for there is no ultimate threat to its being, but even good will cease to act, knowing that there is no longer a point to try and remain good. Thus ends order and all things devolve into Chaos, reaching the point where even those that have mastered Chaos would prefer to not exist.

Then for the Good of all things that exist, to preserve our peaceful ways, we must turn to destructive and harmful ways, and ressurect The Darkness that cannot be defeated. I can hear him speaking to me in The Place that is no Place. We shall bring back The Temple, it is caught in a Nexus, and in so doing, we will gather Kajeenith's old forces, and bring him back into being, we will open the doors for him to once again walk the pathways of creation. For the good of all things that exist, it must be done, like a proper sink must have a working drain, Kajeenith must exist." The red octopus was saying to a great crowd.

Time/space disrupted again, back at the andermani ground forces, the person obscured in the shadows stepped forward slightly, to reveal a leg clothed in black leather, and a foot that wore a boot made from the same material.

On board the Eris, the person stopped banging on the door, turned the the knob, and opened the door.

The octopus's words resounded again. "For the Good of Creation"

Back at the temple, Destrudo's knife fell one last time, as he killed his only child, seconds after it was born.

All action froze, as great static filled the visible spectrum, like an old fashioned television with bad reception. Looking on through a viewing device, the picture would be jumping around, scrolling up and down, left to right, as though the device was bad, but indeed, that was how Time and space itself was behaving in that spot. The Static grew too intense to see anything, and a great black hole opened up in the center of the area. Great amounts of energy and objects were sucked into it, and it grew wider, and wider, until all of the Temple of The Place that was no Place was absorbed, and all within it, and then it subsided, leaving the same mysterious new entity that was at the Plague during the disruptions at the bottom of a great crater, where once the temple was. As the light hit him, he seemed to fade in and out of being, flickering, as he floated to higher ground, like a Holographic projection that was malfunctioning, as though the man wasn't there at all, not in the physical sense, yet the grass bent beneath his feet, as though he was.

The darkness and shadows around him faded and cleared as he raised his hand, summoning to him again, The Sword of Dissolution that had once been given to the Demon Prince known as Nekaru. The Black Leather was the same, the pale frosted white skin was the same, The Black lips were just as black, as were the eyes. The hair was still long and white as the pure driven snow, it was Kajeenith, The God of Nothing, the spirit of all things that were not, Master of the Void, Harbinger of the end, The Darkness that could not be defeated, The Mad God of Darkness.

He smiled an unsettlingly pleasent smile.

"This day shall Henceforth be Marked as the beginning of the First day of the Second Existence."He said, his voice carried with it, the power of Supernatural fear, and as he spoke, it was well known that even the deaf and the dead could hear his words, regardless of where he was. With the same voice he spoke again.
"Let it be known from here to the farthest edges of Creation, I am Again."
The Ministry of Shadow
13-01-2008, 18:17
OOC: If no one else posts in 24 hours, I shall declare this thread ended, regardless of any reason why they have not posted.
Solar Communes
13-01-2008, 19:28
(OOC: Sorry, I didn't post because I was waiting to see if others would post [guess what? (])

Things were becoming extremely bizarre lately, and a dread feeling the horrible effects of the ironic Chaos weren't yet the worst to come permeated the crew. The notion of time was shriveled, everything seemed to not make any sense and in fact, ironically the most lawful thing in such place was the discipline of the physically touched by chaos, but mentally still closer to order.

"Intruder alert! Get to defense stations!", Erik shouted as the door was knocked on.

The 10 spacemen in the Bridge soon drew their experimental gauss pistols ( while the 30 "human" Space Guards with their gauss rifles ( took cover behind seats and aimed at the door. They soon formed an ordered C formation around the bridge facing the door, and were ready to fire.

Their weapons were never used in any conflict before, in fact most of Solar Communes forces still used Electrothermal-chemical technology, an intermediary between conventional guns and rail guns and most electromagnetic propelled ballistic weapons were still too expensive and power consuming for use by ground based forces, and besides gauss guns and rail guns weren't capable of automatic fire, they were limited to a rate of fire of 120 rounds per minute, or 2 per second.

The magazines with 15 2mm EC rounds of the pistols and 30 4mm EC of the rifles were already loaded. The chitinous hands of Allin trembled as she held the pistol, as she started to look at the corners of the doors trying to spot cockroaches that did not exist, in fact they were doing their best to contain their fears, after all that happened. Champions of irony, the Discordian fleet tended to treat chaos as a joke religion, as one of two means to an end rather than as an end, while their external appearance hid a much disciplined and ordered force, or otherwise most of them wouldn't have returned sane from that horrendous "Room 101" incident in the first place. But this time things were being very complicated for their combined chaotic and ordered behaviors.

Then suddenly the door opened, and even before who opened it could be identified, whatever it was, it was greeted by a salvo of 10 2mm rounds flying at almost 2,000 meters per second and of 20 4mm rounds flying at almost 3,000 meters per second
13-01-2008, 21:10
(OOC: Sorry, I didn't post because I was waiting to see if others would post [guess what? (])

Things were becoming extremely bizarre lately, and a dread feeling the horrible effects of the ironic Chaos weren't yet the worst to come permeated the crew. The notion of time was shriveled, everything seemed to not make any sense and in fact, ironically the most lawful thing in such place was the discipline of the physically touched by chaos, but mentally still closer to order.

"Intruder alert! Get to defense stations!", Erik shouted as the door was knocked on.

The 10 spacemen in the Bridge soon drew their experimental gauss pistols ( while the 30 "human" Space Guards with their gauss rifles ( took cover behind seats and aimed at the door. They soon formed an ordered C formation around the bridge facing the door, and were ready to fire.

Their weapons were never used in any conflict before, in fact most of Solar Communes forces still used Electrothermal-chemical technology, an intermediary between conventional guns and rail guns and most electromagnetic propelled ballistic weapons were still too expensive and power consuming for use by ground based forces, and besides gauss guns and rail guns weren't capable of automatic fire, they were limited to a rate of fire of 120 rounds per minute, or 2 per second.

The magazines with 15 2mm EC rounds of the pistols and 30 4mm EC of the rifles were already loaded. The chitinous hands of Allin trembled as she held the pistol, as she started to look at the corners of the doors trying to spot cockroaches that did not exist, in fact they were doing their best to contain their fears, after all that happened. Champions of irony, the Discordian fleet tended to treat chaos as a joke religion, as one of two means to an end rather than as an end, while their external appearance hid a much disciplined and ordered force, or otherwise most of them wouldn't have returned sane from that horrendous "Room 101" incident in the first place. But this time things were being very complicated for their combined chaotic and ordered behaviors.

Then suddenly the door opened, and even before who opened it could be identified, whatever it was, it was greeted by a salvo of 10 2mm rounds flying at almost 2,000 meters per second and of 20 4mm rounds flying at almost 3,000 meters per second

The door opened to reveal, to REVEAL, nothing. Nothing at all whatsoever.
Not the rest of their ship, not the rest of their crewmates, not the rest of the system they were in, not even the rest of creation itself.

They were the first ones from their ountry to stare into a Void Nexus, a gateway into The Place that is no Place.

On the world below...

"I see I have visitors." Kajeenith said in a friendlier manner.

He opened a void nexus and appeared in the void. As the master of the void, he could reshape it and all things within to his will.

Exerting the smallest of influences, the bullets grew closer together, and merged into a giant metal hand.

It flew out the Void nexus and onto the bridge of the Eris, palm facing the shooters, blocking their shots.

"Really now, is that anyway to greet someone that could heal you, even send you home with your new found knowledge, maybe even with a little bit extra?" Kajeenith asked from within the void in a very pleasant tone of voice.

"Or if you like I could do things to you that are so unbelievably horrible as to be unimaginable by your feeble minds." he said in a voice that would give even the now sentient ship a cold chill of fear.

"Now, I want to be a nice entity this time around. I can't vouch for the kindness of my followers, but I've already achieved my hearts desire, I've already completly destroyed everything once. This time around I just want to sit back and chill, but if you shoot at me I can't do that, now you don't really want to anger me do you? I'd hate to have to trace your spiritual energies back to your homeland and absorb your entire civilization, making millions, if not billions of people suffer just for the malice of a few. Well, that's a lie, actually I'd love to make them suffer, its one of my vices, but, you know, I'm trying to cut back on that sort of thing. So lets try this again, properly from the start.

My name is Kajeenith, I'm extremly powerful, and I control this dark swirling vortex of nothing behind me simply by my own willpower. I've come back to turn over a new leaf and make friends. Now, what about you fine folks, are you going to put those guns away, introduce yourselves, and be friendly, or do I have to demonstrate just what I can do with you inside the void?

Mind you, I've turned it off, its just sitting there. I could turn it on and let it absorb this entire ship if you really want to be unfriendly." Kajeenith said in a sweet voice.
13-01-2008, 22:35
This is the place.

The Ermorian expedition had remained silent after having taken the first planet.

The dead need not rush.

The Dusk Elder had observed the ritual's different phases, and had sent forth a message telling the fleet to remain within the confines of the Underworld for a little longer - no need coming back to the realm of the living until the situation had cleared once more.

He could tell that the ritual was Infernal in origin. Which faction was behind it, it did not matter. Moreover, he could tell that it was also somewhat different a summoning than what the path of blood normally would permit - it used more actual infernal energy than the actual power of blood.

It was, in a way, an infernal version of what the undead of Ermor used.

As for the entropic, mutagenic and otherwise chaotic effects of the phases of the ritual and so forth, they had been largely ineffective in the case of the undead. Nothing had happened on them. This, and they could see through the deception. No matter how frightful Chaos considers it to be, it cannot reach the depths of darkness which the dead of the Ashen Empire must march through.

Indeed, upon the lands where Death reigns, even Chaos falters.

((OOC: As for why I hadn't posted for quite some time, it wasn't because I hadn't been looking at the thread or because I didn't wanna post... I just couldn't come up with anything. ;p ))
Solar Communes
13-01-2008, 22:52
The door opened to reveal, to REVEAL, nothing. Nothing at all whatsoever.
Not the rest of their ship, not the rest of their crewmates, not the rest of the system they were in, not even the rest of creation itself.

They were the first ones from their country to stare into a Void Nexus, a gateway into The Place that is no Place.

Erik simply muttered "Dark matter (, what a surprise!", as a new surprise awaited them...

On the world below...

"I see I have visitors." Kajeenith said in a friendlier manner.

He opened a void nexus and appeared in the void. As the master of the void, he could reshape it and all things within to his will.

Exerting the smallest of influences, the bullets grew closer together, and merged into a giant metal hand.

It flew out the Void nexus and onto the bridge of the Eris, palm facing the shooters, blocking their shots.

"Really now, is that anyway to greet someone that could heal you, even send you home with your new found knowledge, maybe even with a little bit extra?" Kajeenith asked from within the void in a very pleasant tone of voice.

"Or if you like I could do things to you that are so unbelievably horrible as to be unimaginable by your feeble minds." he said in a voice that would give even the now sentient ship a cold chill of fear.

They simply remained still in silence as they heard it, trying to keep a degree of bravery in face of the terror.

"Now, I want to be a nice entity this time around. I can't vouch for the kindness of my followers, but I've already achieved my hearts desire, I've already completly destroyed everything once. This time around I just want to sit back and chill, but if you shoot at me I can't do that, now you don't really want to anger me do you? I'd hate to have to trace your spiritual energies back to your homeland and absorb your entire civilization, making millions, if not billions of people suffer just for the malice of a few. Well, that's a lie, actually I'd love to make them suffer, its one of my vices, but, you know, I'm trying to cut back on that sort of thing. So lets try this again, properly from the start.

My name is Kajeenith, I'm extremly powerful, and I control this dark swirling vortex of nothing behind me simply by my own willpower. I've come back to turn over a new leaf and make friends. Now, what about you fine folks, are you going to put those guns away, introduce yourselves, and be friendly, or do I have to demonstrate just what I can do with you inside the void?

Mind you, I've turned it off, its just sitting there. I could turn it on and let it absorb this entire ship if you really want to be unfriendly." Kajeenith said in a sweet voice.[/QUOTE]

Erik lowered his hand as a sign, as they lowered their guns, but still wielded them, and took a step forward, looking at the entity ahead of him as he spoke in a cold tone of voice which crackled electricity:

"This is the Eris fleet, in service of the Chaotic Order, now may I ask you, gentleman Kajeenith: if you seek entropy, why do you tolerate your own existence as a sentient entity which, no matter what you do and seek, still denies one of the principles of entropy which is oblivion of all forms of consciousness and of will, including yours?"
14-01-2008, 19:08
The door opened to reveal, to REVEAL, nothing. Nothing at all whatsoever.
Not the rest of their ship, not the rest of their crewmates, not the rest of the system they were in, not even the rest of creation itself.

They were the first ones from their country to stare into a Void Nexus, a gateway into The Place that is no Place.

Erik simply muttered "Dark matter (, what a surprise!", as a new surprise awaited them...

On the world below...

"I see I have visitors." Kajeenith said in a friendlier manner.

He opened a void nexus and appeared in the void. As the master of the void, he could reshape it and all things within to his will.

Exerting the smallest of influences, the bullets grew closer together, and merged into a giant metal hand.

It flew out the Void nexus and onto the bridge of the Eris, palm facing the shooters, blocking their shots.

"Really now, is that anyway to greet someone that could heal you, even send you home with your new found knowledge, maybe even with a little bit extra?" Kajeenith asked from within the void in a very pleasant tone of voice.

"Or if you like I could do things to you that are so unbelievably horrible as to be unimaginable by your feeble minds." he said in a voice that would give even the now sentient ship a cold chill of fear.

They simply remained still in silence as they heard it, trying to keep a degree of bravery in face of the terror.

"Now, I want to be a nice entity this time around. I can't vouch for the kindness of my followers, but I've already achieved my hearts desire, I've already completly destroyed everything once. This time around I just want to sit back and chill, but if you shoot at me I can't do that, now you don't really want to anger me do you? I'd hate to have to trace your spiritual energies back to your homeland and absorb your entire civilization, making millions, if not billions of people suffer just for the malice of a few. Well, that's a lie, actually I'd love to make them suffer, its one of my vices, but, you know, I'm trying to cut back on that sort of thing. So lets try this again, properly from the start.

My name is Kajeenith, I'm extremly powerful, and I control this dark swirling vortex of nothing behind me simply by my own willpower. I've come back to turn over a new leaf and make friends. Now, what about you fine folks, are you going to put those guns away, introduce yourselves, and be friendly, or do I have to demonstrate just what I can do with you inside the void?

Mind you, I've turned it off, its just sitting there. I could turn it on and let it absorb this entire ship if you really want to be unfriendly." Kajeenith said in a sweet voice.

Erik lowered his hand as a sign, as they lowered their guns, but still wielded them, and took a step forward, looking at the entity ahead of him as he spoke in a cold tone of voice which crackled electricity:

"This is the Eris fleet, in service of the Chaotic Order, now may I ask you, gentleman Kajeenith: if you seek entropy, why do you tolerate your own existence as a sentient entity which, no matter what you do and seek, still denies one of the principles of entropy which is oblivion of all forms of consciousness and of will, including yours?"[/QUOTE]

Kajeenith simply held out his hands.

Energy crackled between them, and a great scale appeared, similar to the scales of Justice commonly invisioned as being held by lady liberty, except on one side, instead of a pan to weigh things in, was a much smaller set of scales, that went six ways, instead of two, and where there should be another pan, opposite the six way scale, was a mini Void Nexus.

"You are absolutly correct, I should not be, and you are absolutly correct even further, I do not exist, I never have, and I never will, yet I have, I do, and I will. You see, I am the greatest of all Paradoxes, the greatest impossibility, I simultainiously exist and do not exist at the same time, and I can do this, because I existed before all other things existed, all the creator dieties, all the sources of creation, I was even before the very first thing to exist, Omnisource itself. Therefore, I satisfy all priciples of Entropy, I do not exist.

However, Before you go thinking I can't harm you, let me erase this silly notion before it begins." Kajeenith said.

He pointed at Erik, and a great beam of energy shot out traveling at the same speed as light. It would've been pretty hard to dodge. It wrapped itself around Erik, and sank into his skin, and disappeared, and when it did, he was back to normal, perfectly healed, and the entire process had been pain free.

"I have destroyed the inbalance of Chaos within you, and in so doing, healed you. Chaos is a powerful thing, and those who follow it, are powerful indeed, for the energies and creatures within Chaos empower you through their Tender loving Care, such as what you felt earlier. Mind you, that was only a small sample of Chaos, imagine then, what would happen if you were to enter The Warp itself. There are places within, so stricken by Chaos, Light is the only constant, and even that changes constantly.

However, all things must come to an end, and that dear child, is the reason behind my existence.

The thing before me is a manifestation of the great balance, only this one cannot effect the real one, but it can show us how the real one currently is." Kajeenith said.

He touched it, and the side with the Mini-Void Nexus rose high in the air, while the side with the smaller six way scale fell close to the floor. The smaller scale itself continuously changed its own balance.

"The Great balance, is why I exist. First, this side attached to the small orb of Darkness, is the representation of all things that do not exist. Nothingness is Infinite, and can never be overpowered by things that do exist, but the same is also true of all things that do exist, Creation is infinite, and can never be overpowered by things that do not exist, yet, as childish as it may sound, there must be a balance between the two, and I am the fulcrum by which the scales balance. There are other Fulcrums, a great many, by which the smaller scales balance, and indeed, it does represent all things that do exist, and each scale has a representation of what it represents. The Eye looking all about, is Chaos, see how it stares coldly at the cog opposite it on the scale at the other end, it represents Law, order, for Machines themselves must run on such. A car can only operate one way, just as a Space ship can only operate one way, yet both can have many functions, such is Law.

The Mini angel is representative of Good, and at its opposite, the mini demon is representative of good. The skull, is death, and the beautiful glowing orb of light that is many colors at once, is life.

Each scale balances its opposite, yet at the same time, influences its neighbors. There are those that seek to keep the smaller scales in harmony, and see me as a negative force, their common enemy, for with the power of nothingness, comes the power of Disruption, and indeed, I can disrupt the greatest effort of good, into an effort of Evil, I can disrupt Law into Chaos, Chaos into Law, The same, with Life and Death, and so, undo their efforts, and it is true, in the first existence, I was not a very nice entity, and never would've had this conversation, much less taken the time to explain balance. I am, because in order for the smaller scales to be balanced, the larger scale must also be balanced, and it is not. See how the smaller scale dances seeking to balance itself, but it cannot, for it is too loaded down with itself.

Everything must eventually come to an end, everything, without exception, and it is through uncreation, that its true end comes. As I continue to be, and gather to me, followers, the scales will balance, and all things will be right, and that is the reason behind my being, why I am impossible, why I am Paradox of the greatest kind." Kajeenith said.

He turned to the Void Nexus, and grabbed it physically with his left hand, letting the Balance hang in mid-air. He pulled it over to him as easily as one might get a scrap of paper, and folded it up like a blanket and stuffed it inside his leather jacket, and seconds later, it simply was no more.

"Now, it would seem that I am in a giving kind of mood, is there anything you desire, that none of you yet currently have?" he asked.