NationStates Jolt Archive

Beginning To Move [ATTN CSS, ViZion]

21-12-2007, 00:52
Allanean Texas, near the border

The prairie dog stood on it's hind legs, sniffing the air. It appeared almost motionless, aware that nothing within a nine hundred yards could ever threaten it.

The cute, fuzzy mammal had no idea that at nine hundred and fifty yards precisely lay Marshal William Kirilenko, and Marshal William Kirilenko was armed with an Allanean Arms XM500 rifle. A light pull on the trigger – and the prairie dog disintegrated in a cloud of red splatter.

“Thirty-five.” - the Marshal's aide wrote down yet another kill. - “Wesley, give the orders. We must move now.”

Which of course did not mean that the Marshal himself would move an inch from his shooting bench. All it meant was that it was time for Allanean and Confederate forces to move into ViZion.

Minutes later the bases all across the Allanean-ViZion borders came alive, spouting forth an array of trucks, tank transporters, and other equipment. Trains, loaded with CJAF leg infantry, moved rapidly towards the border.

Allanean-ViZion Border, two hours later

“What the hell?” - apparently, someone forgot to alert the border guards of the operation. Even as the Allanean tank transporters were on the last five-hundred meter dash towards the border, the Allanean Border Patrol men were still struggling to unlock the giant gates in the concrete-and-steel border fence.

The driver of the first truck horn once, twice, thrice, and yet the guards were still searching for the key. And the truck was approaching – until in the end, they ran off the road just as the front truck simple tore through the gate.

“What the fuck?” - said the driver to his companion - “Does nobody ever come through here? How the hell can you just never open the border gate?”

“It's ViZion, mate, who goes there? I mean, we didn't even have trade with them until recently.”

Within the next several hours, six tank divisions – including the First Ayn Rand Armored Division – and ten mechanized infantry divisions moved across the border and towards the ViZion capital.In addtion, 300,000 CJAF troops were moved and flown in.

The Allanean government made no public announcements, but the government of ViZion already knew of this action and in fact had agreed to it.

The Allaneans and the Confederates had a detailed mission, and they would carry it out.
21-12-2007, 01:36
As the new capital of ViZion, ViZion City, was begining to be laid out by designers and civil engineers alike, the Allanean convoy was making its way through ViZion.

Soon, Allanean and CSS forces would be setting up in key allied positions across the country. Plans were in the works to soon open up nearly 20 allied multipurpose military bases and six allied naval bases across ViZion's American claim.
21-12-2007, 05:49
Official Allanean Press Release

The Allanean movement in ViZion is not in any way a movement to invade ViZion, but to reinforce the borders of an allied state. The following military bases will be established in ViZion America:

ViZion City Alpha Base

This will be the location of 10 Mechanized Infantry Divisions of the Allanean Army: The 29th Kalandia Mechanized Infantry, the 31st Rudyard Kipling Rifles, the 50th Bodymodder Mechanized Infantry, the 123rd Kurufinwe Feanor Memorial Infantry, the 144th 'Book of Joshua' Rifles, the 268th Alvin Toffler Infantry, the 307 Freespire Users' Mechanized Infantry, the 317th Dan Abnett and 318th Ian Watson Mechanized Infantry

ViZion City Beta Base

This will be the location of ten Armored Divisions.

ViZion City Gamma Base

This will be the location of ten Armored Divisions.

ViZion City Delta Base

Not as much a single base as a collection of ten bases, it will be the location of the Confederat AA Corps units, with 1,000 SPAA-1 vehicles, for the air defense of ViZion government targets. Between the Confederates and the Allaneans, this will cover ViZion City airspace with the fire of 2500 AA vehicles.

Bolivia Alpha and Venezuela Alpha

These bases are the locations of 100,000 Confederate leg infantry each.

The Confederate Budget will sponsor a 200 billion dollar bill this year for Kazansky Heavy Industries, LLC to build the military bases at a mere 30% profit. Furthermore, the Confederate Emergency Fund has been tapped into, to allow the production – at both Kriegzimmer and Allanean Arms factories at Roanoke Island – of the following items:

2,000,000 TIR.11.155 HE rounds
2,000,000 TIR.76.155 ER DPICM rounds.

The companies have been paid 20 billion dollars each from the Emergency Budget, and transfer of the ammunition to ViZion stocks will begin ASAP.

Construction of naval bases will also be imminent upon discussion with ViZion authorities in general and President Tanner in particular.
21-12-2007, 08:45
OOC: All those in VC?
22-12-2007, 03:19
President Kilo has send out a message to allied forces, alerting them to the preparation of 19 allied multipurpose air-land bases and six naval bases in ViZion America.

In addition, he has announced plans to open up one naval and one multipurpose base on ViZion Island, while six multipurpose and two naval bases are to be opened up to allies in ViZion Africa over the next six months.
22-12-2007, 03:52
[OOC: -

Nevermind. Apparently this annexation is nothing to do with that]
22-12-2007, 13:35
Sethanis was out on the balcony of his private apartment in Ravennii, capitol of Xeraph. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, the air already filled with the scent of jasmine from the many gardens in the area.

He was deep in thought when a knock came on his door. It opened and his secretary, Ludi, came through it still dressed in her nightclothes, a note in her hand.

"M'lord, this just came through. I wouldn't have bothered you with it this early, but it's from ViZion."

Seth abruptly turned around at the name of ViZion. He hesitated for a second before taking the note from Ludi, for a message from ViZion usually meant something bad was about to happen.

He read it quickly, his face darkening. A military build-up. In ViZion and it's new holdings in South America. He briefly thought of their losses in Europe which was a huge blow to them. Kilo still held parts of Africa, and he wondered what this move into South America was all about.

Seth looked up from the message, glanced out across the now-brightening sky, and wished that this situation would just go away. God only knew what the cause of the build-up in ViZion was. It wasn't just wargames. Nobody's fooled by that anymore. No, something was cooking.

"Ludi, do Vlad and John know about this?"

She answered. "No, m'lord. Prince Vlad is off in the mountains on a hunting trip and Prince John is in Tarlag helping Duke Ozgood put down a rebellion."

"Ah, yes. Forgot about that. Get hold of Vlad. Tell him he needs to get back here. Leave John alone for now. He doesn't need to be distracted."

He glanced down at the note once more. "Call the commanders of the 3rd, 88th, 47th, 51st, and 52nd Legions to my office. Have the Royal Air Force High Commanders there along with Admirals Cole and Holt and the commanders of the armored divisions. I've got a funny feeling about this."

"Yes, m'lord. Would you care for some breakfast?"

"Not right now, Ludi. Have the kitchen prepare a hot meal for the meeting in two hours. We may be there a while."

"Yes m'lord."

Seth turned back to the balcony, already calculating the first phase of the move into ViZion.....................
23-12-2007, 23:08
24-12-2007, 06:47
We thank Xeraph and Allanea on assisting the new allied bases setup for the future. This will greatly improve all allied parties involved. We also welcome all CSS members to assist Allanea and Xeraph on this endeavour.
24-12-2007, 09:06
It was done. Over four million men were going into ViZion-held Africa to bolster it's defenses. Xeraph was building twelve bases for the land units and two massive naval bases in Angola and Tanzania. Phase One of the Imperial deployment called for approximately sixty-five warships in each base. Phases Two and Three would see more.

Over in Tarlag, Prince John Strickland had been informed of the ViZion situation, and he had the same feeling.....there was more to this than met the eye. But there was nothing he could do right now. He had his hands full with a shitload of rebels who were trying to kill the Duchess.

In the 'plus column', the Regents had a bt of a surprise. Two direct descendants of their late Emperor, Alaric Tan'it, were known to be commanders in two separate units. Lt. Col. Amra Tan'it was the head of an elite squad of stealth assassins known as "Squid". Squid was an anagram in the old language of Atlantis whose full wording meant "They who kill swiftly, silently, gracefully". Augus Tan'it had been a Major in the army of the Kaizer of Foxton-Sunbury, Sukoku de Moyne'. He'd led an assault that contributed to the defeat of the enemy troops surrounding a hospital in Tarlag's capitol.

The two cousins had been called to Imperial duty by the Regents. Their commanders graciously released them from their duties as a personal favor to the Regents. The were now battalion commanders, third in line for the command of one of the Imperial Legions, which numbered 250,000 men. They were on their way to ViZion Africa.

Phase Two of the deployment was to start sixty days after the start of the first phase. By that time, ninety percent of the first phase would be on ViZion ground. Phase Three would commence sixty days after that.

Sethanis had contacted King Ricala of Auralinia and had him order the placement of three Orbiting Battle Platforms, one over each of the African nations. They were there to track any unusual movements in, around, or towards ViZion's territories.

'So, there it is', he thought. 'We've done all that we can. Now we just have to wait.....'
24-12-2007, 16:09
Hendrix Regency Hotel Dungal, Grand Duchy of Tarlag

General Gayland Cox and Minister Sweetwater watched TNS news as they waited for the third member to join their meeting.

"My God Gayland, I have never seen such destruction. Look what they have done to the capital."
"Thanks to the Duke and Slayn's tunnel vision when it came to New Port that the fighting was only in the city. Most of Tarlag was spared and so was most of the military. If the Duke had not brought GAPTS in we would of lost a lot more then the few thousand we have."
"Gayland, why are we even having this meeting on giving support to ViZion rebuilding? last I knew Ozgood was going to keep quite on that subject. After the Mess in the Med. as TNS put it I thought we would not give them the time of day."
"That answer is walking in now." General Cox stood up and walked over to shake the hand of the man who was entering the room. The middle aged man of Japanese decent Prime-Minister Hero Santo who overnight went from a district representative to the second most powerful man in all of Tarlag.
"Gentlemen, please be seated I have to fly to the Keep for an appointment with the Press and I hope the Duke and Duchess." Said Santo as he grabbed the closest chair and sat down. Opening his lap top he began.
"I wish to present our plan to support ViZion and Xeraph in Africa and South America."
Sweetwater leaned back and said "You have got to be kidding, Duke Ozgood let alone the public would never support giving ViZion a stick of gum let alone troops."
"Ozgood gave his approval just before he left for the capital and because of Stricklands aid in defeating Slayn's butchers the public right now would support Xeraph in attacking AMF if they wanted."
General Cox interrupted "So what is your plan and how do you supposed to support another large force on foreign soil after what we have just been though?"
"Simple Gentlemen, we redeploy 130,000 troops we have had cooling their heels in the Generic Empire along with Admiral Dayron's Fleet. That would leave 2 RCTs still supporting the Emperor and say leave a small naval task force to provide support and air cover."
"Well Santo that makes sense we would not weaken the home front and we would be shorting our supply lines to troops we are all ready supporting." answered Cox.
"Now from Tarlag we deploy the 20,000 Fidelis who did not follow Slayn."
Sweetwater stood up and gave the other two men a look of disbelief. "You can't be serous, I was under the impression those things were going to be destroyed not used."
"Those things as you put it Minister, are humans little different then you or me. They did not take part in the revolt as their brothers did. Besides if we send them out of the country and they prove they are loyal we can start up the breeding centers again and with a change in their teaching create the troops they were meant to be in the first place. Hardened fearless fighter loyal to his Duke's Government."
"Very well gentlemen I will begin issuing the orders at once. Percival I suggest you inform ViZion of our support and how we are their new best friends."
25-12-2007, 05:56
This Thread Is Closed ICly.

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