ViZion Announces New 1g|\|0re |\/||SS||_E
09-12-2007, 09:24
New 1g|\|0re |\/||SS||_E Announced!
ViZion Sighs With Relief Being Safeguarded From Godmodism
With the recent rise of Godmodism, ViZion feels it is only fit to replace its old 1G|\|0RE ( /\ |\| |\| 0 |\| with its new 1G|\|0RE |\/||SS||_E.
This new-age missile and silo deliver the most powerful and rapid ignore strike upon hostile nations whom have no hope in turning from the dangerous philosophy of Godmodism.
We look forward to a much more comfortable future knowing we are protected from the nations of Godmodism thanks to our new 1G|\|0RE |\/||SS||_E!
Dyelli Beybi
09-12-2007, 12:32
We have an 1G|\|0R3 pYR4/\/\||)
Silver Star HQ
09-12-2007, 14:38
OOC: I have noticed a ton of godmodding recently - Gens Romea, yes, but also the people who launched like 7,000 nuclear missiles at hm - 7000 missiles is far more than enough to get the job done and if htey all hit it would be enough to turn more than half the earth into slag.
There is a reason nuclear weapons are not used irl - they ruin vast tracks of landscape, they create cancer among civilians, the fallout can spread, the majority of casualties are civilian, and they provoke nuclear response as well as have a huge negative effect on foreign relations.
Not to mention the cost of maintaining these enourmous missile programs - the Grendels frequently roleplay on the Wysterian regional forum and despite having being extremely high on the defense UN report he also is #1 in arms manufacturing and he roleplays nowhere near as many missiles.
have a huge negative effect on foreign relations.
That's something that needs to be RPed. Nations in NS react differently then RL ones do, not because the players are stupid [they are not], but because NS NATIONS ARE DIFFERENT.
Also I don't remember America losing cred in the world because of Hiroshima.
Silver Star HQ
09-12-2007, 15:30
Well, yes, that statement was rather broad,but the rest still applies.
Oh, and the amount of ABM technology is godmodded too - if someone shoots ten missiles at you at least one will go through unless you've rped spending like, 3/4 of your budget on ABMs. The US has yet to find a good ABM technology and I don't think the ones roleplayed here are fit for MT.
I'll bump a thread you might find interesting: The Responsible User's Guide to WMDs...
I need to update it with two more sections sometime: Cyber WMDs and WMEDs.
09-12-2007, 16:22
OOC: I have noticed a ton of godmodding recently - Gens Romea, yes, but also the people who launched like 7,000 nuclear missiles at hm - 7000 missiles is far more than enough to get the job done and if htey all hit it would be enough to turn more than half the earth into slag.
There is a reason nuclear weapons are not used irl - they ruin vast tracks of landscape, they create cancer among civilians, the fallout can spread, the majority of casualties are civilian, and they provoke nuclear response as well as have a huge negative effect on foreign relations.
Not to mention the cost of maintaining these enourmous missile programs - the Grendels frequently roleplay on the Wysterian regional forum and despite having being extremely high on the defense UN report he also is #1 in arms manufacturing and he roleplays nowhere near as many missiles.
It's not unreasonable they'd have that many missiles or that Gens Romae is far enough away for fallout not to affect them. It is pretty ludicrous that all those large, powerful countries would waste so much money in trying to destroy him though.
OOC:This means that God should do an upgrade on His attack systems?