NationStates Jolt Archive

The Eclessia Empire 500BC

07-12-2007, 05:11
The Eclessia Empire

Full Name: The Eclessia Empire

History: The Ecclesian Empire was formed when a peasant named Couronne led a series of revolt in the Kingdom of Brionne. His first revolt was unsucessful and was jailed for ten years and sent to the Colony of Artois where he served all of his time. He was tortured and beated in jail after escaping one night. he travelled to the countryside where he begin to amass a large peasant army which took three years. He soon begin to become popular among the poor and acquired a enough to buy several ships to use to travel back to kingdom with his Army. he soon landed his army on the outskirts of the merchant city of Lorn.

Couronne Army which numbered six thousand at the time was met by a force of ten thousand at Mount lyon. Couronne who was at a numbers disadvantage took 1,500 who manuevered around a mountain pass the battle last for about 5 hours with Couronne Army winning. With the support of the merchants couronne established the Eclessia Empire and with the help of the merchants begin to raise his army with more than 20,000 troops. they continued to fight the Brionne army for three more years with small skimishes they Brionne declared war on Eclessia begin the start of the Eclessian-Brionne war

The War last for 15 years with the Eclessian Army winning several strategic battles and capturing of several important city of Pavona and Tobaro. After fighting for 8 more years the Eclessian Army arrived at the capital city of Oured where they lay seige for 5 more years. Soon the Brionnes opened the gate and the Eclessian Army marched in unopposed. After that Couronne proclaimed himself the King of Brionne.

He conituned to take over neighboring countries and his expansonist policy followed for 300 more years. Soon The Emperor being to proclaim themselves as a direct speaker to the gods and being to have a number of followers. The current emperor Sigmar and he is a direct descdant of Couronne has expand the border over 2 million sq miles

Trade: 3
The current emperor who is doesnt welcome foreginors as much as the past emperors. Has only allowed three ports to trade which is Lorn, Oured, and Pavona. The Emperor does promote internal trade which keeps most roads in fair conditions.

Government: 9
The Emperor has the absolute power over all matters, big or small. He seen as a Divne ruler to the people with a direct connection to the gods. The taxes in the nation are fairly moderate the central govenment keeps strict control and watch over the different provinces.

Production: 7
The Eclessian Empire has a Industrial/Farming mixed economies with countryside being used for farming and mining. The Arts and Porelain industries is strong along with wine and Eclessian weaponsmaking. The Eclessians able to produce enough for themselves with out having to relie on trade.

Military: 10
The Eclessian Army which is a very well organized hierarchically organization.The Eclessians generally followed the same basic methods in battle, although adjustments were made depending on the enemy size/type, Eclessian manpower, terrain/topography, etc. The main prerequisite for a member of the Eclessian Army was fitness, given the long distances they were expected to march.They also had to be fit to be able to fight well and cope with any injuries. The Eclessian military is among the most diverse in old world they have frought numerous battles with barbarians and nations. All soldiers go throught a three step training progam which include Fitness, Group, Weapons and drill training

Navy: 5
The Imperial Eclessian Navy includes a fleet of 160 ships to protect the small number of merchant ships used in the trade cities and transport the imperial army. The Imperial Navy crews are moderately trained and most important duties is to transport the Imperial Army.
Most of the ships are unmanned at this time but can be equipped with a crew in a moments notices