the hunting of the sith(ooc)
05-12-2007, 21:57
the out of charicter thread for my newest thread, the hunting of the sith.
This is an FT thread based after the recognision of the dragona empier ( so aprox 1000ADR( after dragon rise)) and is baised upon a huge exodus caried out by the sith sabers, who are recruting new warriers for the great hunt.
2 have you charicter entered into the thread (and hopefully acepted) just Rp him going 2 the gates of valas hour and that he is asked what he wants, he should then simply say that he seeks 2 join the hunt and hed be escorted 2 the highlords for a greating( this will all be on the IC thread)
Alternativly you can post a detailed description of him here using what ever feilds you think necesery, but youd frankly repeting yourself as youll have 2 put it all in the IC thread at some point.
If you wish, your charicter may be an existing member of the sabers but you must ask me first and i shall give you a description of the genral boundries of a sith saber, his life and normal abilitys. I will requier your email adress 2 send you this information as i will type up a template in word and send it over the internet( in the name of consistancy and time saving)
Ruthless Slaughter
05-12-2007, 22:44
Because I always believe in clarifying and gaining permission before IC posting Everyone can feel free to use the profile template:
Name: Darius Kast
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 210 pounds
Eyes: very dark green
Hair: black
Profession:Bounty Hunting
Physical Appearance: As previously stated in stats tall, dark haired, muscularly built; has what appears to be a knife scar running down the left side if his face
Personality: Calm, collected, nonconfrontational; when in combat a stark contrast of aggression and almost total lack of mercy
Salvaged and restored Mandalorian armor which cost him mouch of small fortune
DM-144 pulse rifle w/enhanced optics (like a blaster, but it fires a rather large plasma charge with a bit more punch)
P-76 Blaster pistol
Extra ammunition cells for coth
Detpacks (2)
Monomolecular stiletto
Lock picks/slicer panel
First aid kit
Vessel: Heavily modified Nubian J-Type 327 series; boasts two forward mounted turbolaser batteries, secondary shield grid, forward torpedo tube, top mounted Phalanx torpedo array, cloaking device (crappy and seldom works well, if at all)
It's basically the royal starship from Episode I, but the 'throne room' has been gutted and turned into the chamber for the Phalanx array. The forward 'royal quarters were also converted to house the machinery for the turbolasers and torpedo chamber. Pretty much all the of the luxuries that would have been reserved for the queen were gutted and replaced with weaponry.
05-12-2007, 22:50
lol, welcome 2 the thread, feel free 2 post and thank you for your exemplery etequet (btw my spelling suks so you will have 2 cope with that), if you choos my later option use the (very good) template hes used, thank you thats the IC link.
Ranks of the sith sabers (s.s. for short):
HIGH LORD: consists of the 4 most powerfull and respected people in the order
MASTER: secondery leaders, deal with most issues in the order that are not integral, useualy 10 members of this rank.
RUTAUN: similer to jedi knights but higher ranking, hundreds are usualy present in the order
GUARDAUN: defenders numbering in the thousands, less skilled and generaly used like infantry
PADAWN: new initiates who are well respected. Given to a Guardaun or Rutaun as aprentices.
INITIA: new initiates, lowest posable rank, yet to prove themselves in a fight.
Ancient Penance
05-12-2007, 22:51
Sadly, this is probably going to fail but eh, I love Jedi.
Name: Jolo Chekva
Height: 1.6 Meters
Weight: 76 kgs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
Profession: Jedi Knight
Physical Appearance: A strongly built Mon Calamari
Personality: Moody, very moody.
Green Lightsaber
Jedi Robes
Engineering Kit
Vessel: Stripped down Z-97 HeadHunter
05-12-2007, 23:11
ah, the sith sabers are not jedi, but they are force users
acepted thoe
05-12-2007, 23:20
Ih8uwannakillu, for both your sake and ours I have a request to ask you:
Would you please use proper grammar and writing? We are not on an instant messenger conversation box. This is not texting between friends. This is a role playing forum where communication is key. So please, again, write properly or no one, and I mean no one, will take you seriously as a fellow role player. Believe me, you don't want to end up like some other NS users who had horrible writing on purpose (Sephiroth comes to mind...).
05-12-2007, 23:25
well with me its simply im crap at spelling and grammer, as a result i cant really do anything about it, infact it seems to be geting worse, i wont use textual speech if you want but im afraid the bad spelling and gramer has to stay as i can't really help that.
05-12-2007, 23:27
I find that hard to believe since you just have to press 'shift' to capitalize and that grammar is pounded into kids heads all throughout their school career (16+ years if you count college)...but ok.
05-12-2007, 23:35
well ya know, we cant all be good at every school subject, hence why i even get extra time for exams. I hapen to be crap at writing but weirdly good at reading.
Ancient Penance
06-12-2007, 00:12
I'm guna pull out, need to use my character elsewhere.
06-12-2007, 11:06
ok thanks for aplying anyway