Global Knowledge Repository
The Federation of Opatia hereby calls upon all nations, governments, educators, authors, and writers to submit content to the Global Knowledge Repository, which is currently being built in Opatia City, Opatia.
The Global Knowledge Repository will be a large library, coupled with a music section, and a live section, which allows visitors to converse with library patrons across the world, once they have been accepted into the Knowledge Globalization Program. There will be no entry fees, and no fees for use of any of the information located in the library. Some books may also be made available for sale.
For information about donating material to the Global Knowledge Repository, all nations are encouraged to contact the Global Knowledge Repository Board of Curators at 45-38-1-897-3718, or by replying to this message. Thank you for your interest.
Strator wishes to offer 1000 copies of each book on the top five best seller non-fiction books of this year:
1) The great leader
2) The greatest nation on earth - Strator
3) Everything you need to know about the great leader
4) The military exploits of Strator
5) The man behind the Nation - Strator
We hope they catch on, everybody in Strator has a copy of each.
Official Communication - Global Knowledge Repository
Many thanks for your donation, however we need only a single copy of the books, unless you want the remaining 999 copies of the book be on sale internationally, with the proceeds beniffiting the Repository?
~John G.~
Director, Board of Curators, GKR
The Scandinvans
25-11-2007, 10:11
The Scandinvan Empire wishes to supply a signal copy of each of the following books:
The Honor of True Blood
An Empire of Virtue
Five Thousand Years and Going
A Brief History of Scandinvan Culture
The Days Before the Empire Came: Colonial Edition
The Hands of the Emperor: Legions of the South Account
Notes of the Ten Greatest Scandinvan Researchers
Official Communication - Global Knowledge Repository
Many thanks for your donation! We would also like to invite leaders of all nations to attend our opening vermeony in one month at the Global Knowledge Repository.
~John G.~
Director, Board of Curators, GKR
To Opatia:
Feel free to distribute the books, Its a reasonably good cause, and very very good books.
The Holy Empire of Zaheran would like to supply a copy of each of the following books:
Souls of Ice-A Brief Guide to Zaheran
Tax Laws of Zaheran
The History of Zaheran
Grey Soldiers-A War Correspondents Journey
Alexandrian Ptolemais
25-11-2007, 11:50
The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais wishes to donate the following in the Global Knowledge Repository:
The Laws and Statutes of the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais, 2007 Edition
The Imperial Intelligence Agency Factbook, 2007 Edition
The microfilms of every newspaper published within the Empire since 1703
The microfiche of every magazine published within the Empire since 1703
We also wish to permanently lend the following to the Global Knowledge Repository:
An original copy of the article A Cry for Independence; the article which instigated the independence movement
An original copy of the 1875 Atlas of the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais; the first comprehensive atlas of the Empire, and the foundation of geographical knowledge within the Empire
Further items of knowledge will either be donated or lent to the repository when the opportunity arises.
25-11-2007, 13:47
Republic of Urmania wish to send copies of following books:
The full guide to Urmania
Urmanian Military 1420-1812
Urmanian Military 1812-2007
Kings, Dukes and Presidents of Urmania
25-11-2007, 17:14
The Wanderjarian Government will be glad to donate copies of historical literary works on our nations history, as well as perhaps, in the future, other genres. The following shall be donated immediately:
The Long Grey Line: The Imperial Prussian Military Academy
The Red Emperor: Kaiser Christoph Baker
The Wanderjarian Socialist Manifesto
The Cross of Iron: A Wanderjarian Soldier in Chitzeland
Vengence Ignited: The Wanderjarian Military Coup its Aftermath
Black Operations: GSG-9 Operations Around the World
The Nationale Volksarmee: The Organisation, Strategies, and History of one of the Greatest Militaries on Earth
The Life of Grand Admiral Reinhardt: A National Hero
The Waffen SS
I Should Have Joined the Navy: Thirty years as a Naval Infantryman in the Wanderjarian Marine Corps
25-11-2007, 19:52
Official Government Telegram:
To: The Global Knowledge Repository
From: The Democratic Empire of Great Vantania
We have noted your applaudible effort to create a Global Knowledge Repository, and as such we will donate the following tomes to your collection:
The Four Vantanian Houses: The Lives of the Imperial Families
The Encyclopedia Vantanas: From Greece to Haven
The Buy & Sell Corporation: Friend or Foe?
The Questo-Gholgothic War: When Titans Clash
Once Great Vantania: The Rise and Fall of Vantanian Empire
It happened in Ashen: The Great Eastern Rebellion
Red Vantania: A Review of Socialist Vantania
The Works of President Martini: From Communist Cesspit to International Power
Krizsan, Golddale, and Vantepolis: The National Capitals
Encyclopedia Havenica
What's more, as a sign of good will, we will donate five million USD's to the GKR. Once again, we applaud your effort.
25-11-2007, 20:10
The Terracratic Union of Faxanavia wishes to supply a copy of the following books:
A Complete and Unabridged History of Faxanavia.
A More Complete and Unabridged History of Faxanavia
The Completely and Utterly Complete and Unabridged History of Faxanavia
The Completely, Totally, and Utterly Complete and Totally and Fully Unabridged History of Faxanavia, For Real this Time
The Unabridged Tax Code of Faxanavia (All you Ever Need to Know About Corporate Murder)
Chicken Soup for the Faxanavian Soul
We also wish to donate $5,000,000 USD to the GKR for as a sign of good will towards the ideal it strives for.
Alfegos Ministry of Statistics
Department of Preservation
For the saving of all information, Alfegos uses computers: a set of 240 servers buried 200 metres underground in an EMP-shielded environment in which the air (at low pressure and low temperature) contains no oxygen or water: it is a pure nitrogen atmosphere. These systems are powered by an underground geothermic energy source with a 10 year backup battery. The entire complex is surrounded from all sides by 50 metres of re-enforced concrete, and can only be accessed by one person (the Librarian) via a small shaft. Information can only be viewed, edited, added to or taken away while inside the vault, so viruses can not enter the system.
The entire vault is also kept in hard format on holo-discs, which can each store 800GB. The discs are updated every 2 months.
The entire system has a capacity of 12 000 terabytes (2000 terabytes is currently in use), which is used to store every peice of information in the world.
A copy of this information is availabe (in a much limited size) on Here, new articles can be suggested, written and edited (much in the same way as wikipedia) and any information that is not found when the system is searched (a process that takes only minutes due to the special connection of ultra-high speed fibre optics across the entire system) is added, with the article's greatest contributor receiving "points". 200 points wins the writer Æ50.
We are willing to give you, in holo-disc form (obviuosly in very large amounts), the entirity of the information in the vault (save that marked as "classified", such as the files on UFOs.)