NationStates Jolt Archive

Diplomatic and trade meeting (IC, Sign up thread)

24-11-2007, 03:36
Strator wishes to invite nation leaders or diplomats to attend a meeting to help re-establish diplomatic relations and to discuss the future of trade between other nations. The meeting will take place on an artificial island built for this purpose. Strator will be attending personally.

The meeting will also have allotted times for:

- National product displays (Remember to bring some trade goods to show off)

- Strator Q & A (For if you want to ask him a question to do with our nation)

- Your national Q & A (If you want to help explain your nation)

- International food banquet (Bring some of your national food too)

We hope you can attend!

People attending:

- Diplomats from Greater Dunedin
- Vice president cox of Vetaka
- Delegates from Wagdog
- Princess Ludmilla IV of Bergelland
- Vice commissar Renault of Evoinia
- President Jamison of Opatia
- Chancellor Chong of Schnitzelfest

OOC: Meeting thread is HERE (
Greater Dunedin
24-11-2007, 04:05
"Speaker -"

"The Honourable Doug Walls."

"You do realise sir, that any accepted invitation on our part has tremendous potential alienate allied nations concerning future negotiation, to "be seen" with a nation like this would be an international embarrassment, I hope you take that into consideration before you fly over to the UN this month."

"Speaker -"

"The Honourable Richard Thomas."

"If our leader sees any desire to encourage or enforce changes on any level, then this is our chance. Opportunities like this come round only so often and this cannot be passed down."

"Speaker! -"

"The Honourable Doug Walls, might I ask you to calm down sir?"

"My apologies speaker, but if it's anyone to ask the hard questions, it's us, how are we meant to ensure the safety of our diplomats in a nation we firstly, haven't had any relations on any level and, until now, would have no chance, and secondly, have a level of corruption to a state where we are asking to get our diplomats killed."

"Speaker -"

"Mister Andrew Ellis."

"I understand your concern for the diplomats, but, why not we "hit back" if things turn sour, I mean if we really want to make changes, why not enforce them?"

Applause spread through the hall...

We would love to attend the meeting. We will send a diplomatic party.
24-11-2007, 04:06
Official Free Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:

To: Strator
From: Leanne Simpson, Foreign Secretary of the Free Dominion of Vetaka

Subject: Vetakan Attendance of Strator Conference


The Vetakan Dominion and the nation of Strator have hardly seen eye to eye over the years on domestic and foreign policy on multiple occasions both our nations have been on the road to war with each other. The Vetakan Defence Forces along with our Wagdogian Allies in the years pre-dating the United Federation of Allied Nations and the Theeb Accords occupied Stratoran Land and infused money into the Stratoran nation.

Our nations again just recently renewed these old hostilities with the re-launch of the Stratoran Slave Trade and the formation of the Slave Trade Union. However the Vetakan Dominion is by its nature and founding a Peaceful and Understanding nation as a result in order to perhaps end our lifelong hostilities the Vetakan Vice President Perry Cox on behalf of the Vetakan President and People formally wishes to attend this Conference to better and increase relations between our nations.

Vice President Cox could perhaps attend jointly with a Wagdogian Delegation and the three nations could perhaps finally sit down together and make personal peace. As a show of good will the Vetakan Government will lift its Travel, Trade and General Embargo upon Strator and will push its Allies to do the same. We will of course bring a demonstration of Vetakan Culture and Skills to demonstrate to you so you may learn about us and so we may learn about you.

I hope you will give us all this opportunity to better our relations with each other.


Leanne Simpson

Secretary of Foreign Affairs, The Free Dominion of Vetaka
24-11-2007, 04:30
To Greater Dunedin:

I look forward to seeing your people, as we have not had any diplomatic relations in the past, I hope we can make some for the future. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, there is a landing strip capable of housing aircraft of any sort and a port to dock any ships. Feel free to bring whatever products you wish, we have facilities for demonstrations of vehicles, weaponry, computing, medicine and many more.

Yours sincerely,
Xazaiov Strator

To Leanne Simpson, Vetaka:

I look forward to meeting with your vice president, as well as the Wagdogian delegation. I know our previous relations have been tenuous at best, and I hope the future of our nations shall be a prosperous one. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, there is a landing strip capable of housing aircraft of any sort and a port to dock any ships. Strator has never been very cultural so I hope I can learn from your demonstration

Yours sincerely,
Xazaiov Strator
24-11-2007, 04:59
To: Strator
From: Her Majesty, Ludmilla IV, Princess of Bergelland

I would love to attend your conference, accompanied by my diplomatic staff and a few representatives of our country's largest companies. We would like to take a sample of our newest fighter, the Ascent/Hawkins Tornado, with us to demonstrate to the other nations attending, is that possible?

Gratefully and Respectfully
Her Majesty, Ludmilla, the Fourth of Bergelland, One Hundreth Twentieth Fifth Incarnation of the Blessed Mother, Princess of Heaven, Sister of the Gods, Lady Of Green Crops, Great Lady of Magic, Mistress of The House of Life, She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart, Lady of the Words of Power.
24-11-2007, 09:43
To Princess Ludmilla IV, Bergelland:

I look forward to seeing you, and hope that we can make for better relations between our nations for the future. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, we have the facilities necessary to house your fighter, feel free to bring any other trade goods as well.
24-11-2007, 10:08
To: Strator
From: Med. Inc.
Subject: Trade Conference

We may be there, depends if we see anything we like...
24-11-2007, 10:13
OOC: Considering you are about to RP an attack on one of my Battleships, It would OOCly be advisable that you don't send anyone to attend...
24-11-2007, 10:17
OOC: Doesn't stop me sending people in under-cover! Anyone say "industrial espionage"? Have 'em go as a private industry or something...but, if you think it's best, i'll let it alone
25-11-2007, 06:32
bumpity bumpity bump

OOC: To Meadonia: You have to specify the nation your from, and I would check up on your cover story. Strator is very careful about these things
25-11-2007, 07:04
Offical Communication from the Office of the High Commisar

Hello Potential Comrade! I am the High Commisar of the United Socialist States of Evoinia. You may refer to me as High Commisar. We of Evoinia are at this time wishing to establish relations with nations which abide outside of our general region.

We have had little to no contact with many of those current attending your gathering so we feel it would be a good chance for all of us to get better knowing each other and closer the tying of allyedness.

So we would, as aforementioned, wish to attend your gathering.
In my stead shall be attending our most well traveled diplomat Maximillian Renault, Vice-Commisar and de facto Ambassdor for our Region, The Progressive Allied Union.

- The High Commisar, Leader of Evoinian Council of Commisars.

OOC: Meadonia, if you can sneek in as a part of our delegation... it would be fine with us, XD.
25-11-2007, 07:16
OOC: Looks like I have an in! Evoinia, can I have a double agent or two within your delegation? And Srator, if we get caught it adds a new layer to the other ongoing RP...think about it
25-11-2007, 07:20
To the High Commissar of Evoinia:

I look forward to meeting with Mr. Renault, and hope your attendance of this gathering proves to be most prosperous. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, feel free to bring whatever products you wish to demonstrate.
25-11-2007, 09:48
To: Strator
From: Matthew Jamison, President, Federation of Opatia

Subject: Opatian Attendance of Strator Conference


We intend to be in attendance for this conference. Due to internal security issues, our executive policy requires at least two armed guards to be present with me, and any other officials that may be travelling with me. I apologize for this, but you must understand.

Matthew Jamison
President of the Opatian Federation
25-11-2007, 10:26
To President Jamison of Opatia:

I look forward to seeing you and your officials, I fully understand your policy. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, feel free to bring whatever products you wish to demonstrate.

OOC: Should I make the new thread or wait for more people?
25-11-2007, 13:43
To: Strator

The Imperial Grand Duchy of Schnitzelfest would like to take part in this Trade and Dimplomatic Relations Summit. We cannot send our national leader at this point in time due to a regional crisis that needs urgent attention. Instead we send Chancellor of Diplomacy and Trade, Svenja Chong, to represent us on our behalf.

Signed, The Imperial Grand Duchy of Schnitzelfest
26-11-2007, 02:19
OOC: Looks like I have an in! Evoinia, can I have a double agent or two within your delegation? And Srator, if we get caught it adds a new layer to the other ongoing RP...think about it

OOC: Why do you need double agents if we're knowingly letting you come along, XD.
26-11-2007, 04:54
To Schnitzelfest:

I look forward to meeting with chancellor Chong. The date is to be decided upon after enough nations have accepted the invitation for this to be an active gathering. I am now sending the co-ordinates of the island, feel free to bring whatever products you wish to demonstrate.

Yours sincerely,
Xazaiov Strator

OOC: The new thread is HERE (
26-11-2007, 10:16
Im bumping this thread as I don't want OOC in the other one
26-11-2007, 11:28
OOC: Touche Evoinia! and thanks for the in....
26-11-2007, 12:41
OOC: No prob.