Antartican Claims (MT Open to first 7 people closed after)
(OOC: Since I don't see an antartican claims thread which is fairly recent (last 6 months) I decided to make my own. Open only to the first 7 people, after that's settled we'll devise claims)
Only first 7 people
No more than that
Claims will be settled after the first 7 people sign up
Try and limit OOC chatter
There may be war
There may be peace talks
There may be Nukes
There may be hostile penguins
Try and stay active
Must have atleast a population of 250 million
In a search for more territory, several Uir explorer ships went south to search for more land. What they discovered was antartica. At the same time, other states have been interested in colonizing the south too. Who will get what?
1. The Nod Parliametari Republik of Uiri
2. The Kiravian Empire
3. The Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi
4. The Democratic Empire of Great Vantania
5. The Allied States of Gun Manufacturers
7. The United States of Cookesland
Map (
Uiri - 150º W to 150º E
Cookesland - 53º W to 90º W
Kirav - 30º to 90º E
Vontanas - 85º W to 120º W
Stoklomolvi - 30º W to 30º E
ASoGM (Allied States of Gun Manufacturers) - 90º E to 150º E
The Kiravian Empire would like to make a claim.
24-11-2007, 00:20
3. Stoklomolvi would like to make a claim.
24-11-2007, 01:14
This will be perfect justification for my Antarctic Colony, Frost. So, yeah, the Democratic Empire of Great Vantania is in.
Gun Manufacturers
24-11-2007, 01:17
The Allied States of Gun Manufacturers is located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Antarctican continent. We are asserting our claim to a share as well.
After Jaqius Amerstal had went missing searching for land, Julius Geravok went to the south to find more Greston home. And to his surprise on the twentieth day of searching he had found gold. The gold was really the suns glimmer upon the frozen icecaps which would soon become home to part of the Greston race.
Bump for two more people before we start making claims and warring where they overlap. (Try not to over lap too much.)
24-11-2007, 16:21
Cookesland wishes to stake a claim
Yeah, sure, Varsola is in for the drill.
OK then we have all our countries. Claims begin now and are by Longitude. Each claim is from the antartic circle to 90º S north-south and the longitudes specified east-west.
Uiri claims 150º W to 150º E (180º is the middle)
No, try Ross dependancy stretched further ten degrees.
24-11-2007, 16:47
Im confused, So this is your claim? (in brown) i'm looking for a better map
Link (
The United States Claims 53°W to 90°W as it's Antarctic Claim
The Kiravian Empire claims 30°E to 90°E as its Antarctic Claim.
24-11-2007, 17:35
Claims map updated
Link (
Cookeslandic Antarctica Territory
U.S. Weather Station #04
4:15 PM
The group of soldiers to protect Cookesland's new claim had arrived. Previously only weather stations had been in that part of Antactica. Cookesland was planning to build up a larger scientific base in the South Pole
U.S.S. Orion
"Why, the hell would we want a place as barren as this?"
"I dunno, why did Foxswift annex Herema?"
"As a base, but that has gems and can be mined, Antarctica has nothing!"
"Well there are penguins, Hal."
"Great, now we're the overlords of Penguin-Land!"
My map:
Map (
100 nm N of the Bay in the Uir Antarctic Colony (hereby refered to as the Bay of Gumibo)
13:00 PIST (Pacific Islands Standard Time)
The Jugalo and her sister ship the Faruniko were making there way towards the Bay of Gumibo. Aboard the Jugalo was explorer Oliver Gumibo. Two weeks earlier he had discovered the Bay and some of the outlying area. Using his GPS unit he had marked 150º W and 150º E on the shore with Uir flags. He had been accompanied by a crew of 11 others among whom was his friend, Rik Furivason who was the one who had helped him navigate.
This week's mission was simple, to establish an outpost and station sceintists and military personnel there. They could scout and hire locals to give information on any other countries on the continent. Uiri might expand if they had room to grow but they could only claim a portion to be safe against hostile states such as Communists.
The scientists would try to map the area by sending military scouts who would relay back what they saw. Any other outposts would be treated as enemies untilconfirmed to be friendly or neutral towards Uiri. Any bullet fired would be met with a bullet fired and every man on both ships had a Beretta 92F. The land troops each had an M16 rifle in addition. Temperatures were freezing so everybody had many many layers on. 5 hours until they landed in the Bay of Gumibo.
OOC: Thanks for the update, Cookesland.
I'm going to assume that it's summer, so that ships can get in.
Kiravian Antarctic Posession
The INS Ross and 2 other Kiravian vessels navigated cautiously between the blue-white icebergs of the Amery Ice Shelf.
The convoy's mission was to land in Kiravian Antarctica, and establish an outpost, so that scientists could collect data on climate, native wildlife, resources, and topography to determine wheather the Antarctic could become a suitable colony. And, if so, the outpost would serve as the first city of that new colony. It all depended on the data.
OOC: From now on please indicate OOC and IC. Say your Claims OOC and then show your claims IC.
Because I was bored and because I mentioned it in the rules, Penguins will be a part of this colonization 'competition'. So, I present:
There may be hostile penguins
As many nations who practise colonialism know, one of the parts about colonization is co-operating or fighting with the indigneous population. They are usually primitive people who speak a language not known in other parts of the world, isolated from civilization for centuries. In antarctica, it is too cold for any such type of civilization to exist so in their stead I put Penguins.
Everyone knows penguins are in Antarctica, but, as the colonists are about to find out, Penguins aren't like dogs, cats or other wild animals. They have an IQ when compared to humans of 160, but their lifespan is only half of that of humans so they are like a borderline retard twice their age. The penguins don't 'speak' how we do, they have their penguin calls. Body language is the key to communicating with them.
You may co-operate with them and they will help you navigate. They can be taught how to fire a rifle, but their accuracy isprobably going to be off and it is probably not a wise idea to give a weapon to them in case you offend them. Their normal weapon of choice are snow balls, packed real hard and more ice than snow. They won't kill you but they will bruise when they hit. If a spot is hit more than once, it may break the bone but not much more than that. Iceballs can jam guns and such if they hit in the right places.
Any unclaimed area will be theirs so go for small overlaps over no overlaps with everything claimed and if you have no overlaps in your claim, the penguin territory will probably overlap it instead. Fighting against other humans with guns is much more difficult than fighting penguins with iceballs and much more fun to RP too.
That is all for my little bit on penguins and I will be RPing penguins unless other people want to and then we'll see. If there are seperated pockets of unclaimed land then we can have a tribe in one pocket and a different tribe in a nother pocket. For now, establish outposts and claims and then we'll deal with the birds. Also, should the rest of you dislike this idea of penguins substituting an indigneous population of people then we can always drop the whole thing.
OOC: It has been implicit that you can't claim more than 60º and there is 83º between Cookesland and Kirav. You need to shave off 23º. Also, penguins aren't going to be in this until all claims are made.
24-11-2007, 20:56
[OOC: I'll take the wedge between Kirav and Cookesland.]
"Land in sight!"
The five hundred explorers on the container ship ran about, searching for supplies and, most importantly, telescopic sights. They ran over to the edge, where they looked out. To their horror, the penguins seemed ready to attack, with their menacing beaks and their horrid feet. Their wings were ready to slap all invaders. The explorers got their bolt-action rifles ready.
"This is going to be a bloody fight!"
24-11-2007, 21:09
OOC: Vantanian Claim (
It was mediocre. A dozen ships. Filled with a few thousand people, and much more supplies. They were all from the northernmost colony of the Democratic Empire, Wintermore, a handful of islands in Hudson's Bay. The government thought that they were most qualified to make the transition, and indeed the islands were overpopulated.
The ships neared the continent now, the people seeing what looked like their homeland during Winter, on a much grander scale. News had just arrived of the Cookeslandic overlap in Vantepolis. An undersecretary swore under her breath, before taking it to the Minister of Imperial Affairs. This had to be resolved before conflict could arise.
OOC: Cookesland, I'm thinking the first to make it to the South Pole with a 8 men and 12 dogs, and back, should get the territory.
OOC: Vontanas, how many degrees West exactly is the eastern border of your claim (The one in Cookesland territory)? After I know that, your claim is confirmed. Still need Stoklomolvi, Gun Manufacturers, Varsola and Greston's claims and then the penguins will be getting underway.
24-11-2007, 21:34
[OOC: I posted that I wanted a bit of the wedge between Cookesland and Kirav, no overlaps.]
24-11-2007, 21:34
OOC: ~85 Degrees
Stok, is this ( okay?
Stoklomolvi: I put you 30 degrees west to 30 degrees east. Penguins won't be 10 degrees west to 20 degrees west anymore.
Vontanas: I put 85 for the claims measurement in the OP.
Gun Manufacturers, Greston, Varsola: I still need your claims before the penguins jump in.
Does anyone want to RP Penguins or have anything against Penguins acting as a primitive indigneous tribe?
EDIT: Sorry but it's too much work to fix it for a small little error like that. I guess it's like the demonym Uirian when the correct form is Uir. I'll make a note to myself to use Stoklmolvi in the future.
I'd use Vontanas' map but then I need to completely change the link after the next claim(s) are made while currently I only have to change 1 character for the next map.
24-11-2007, 21:50
[OOC: I really need to put a note in my signature saying that my demonym is Stoklomolvi, not Stoklomolvian.]
Gun Manufacturers
24-11-2007, 23:40
Stoklomolvi: I put you 30 degrees west to 30 degrees east. Penguins won't be 10 degrees west to 20 degrees west anymore.
Vontanas: I put 85 for the claims measurement in the OP.
Gun Manufacturers, Greston, Varsola: I still need your claims before the penguins jump in.
Does anyone want to RP Penguins or have anything against Penguins acting as a primitive indigneous tribe?
EDIT: Sorry but it's too much work to fix it for a small little error like that. I guess it's like the demonym Uirian when the correct form is Uir. I'll make a note to myself to use Stoklmolvi in the future.
I'd use Vontanas' map but then I need to completely change the link after the next claim(s) are made while currently I only have to change 1 character for the next map.
OOC: I've been at work, and all the good spots are taken. :(
IC: The ASoGM claims from 90 degrees to 150 degrees (OOC: between Kirav and Uir). We will use this land for our sub-freezing experiments, extracting natural resources, and facility for our military's cold weather training.
Stoklomolvi: I put you 30 degrees west to 30 degrees east. Penguins won't be 10 degrees west to 20 degrees west anymore.
Vontanas: I put 85 for the claims measurement in the OP.
Gun Manufacturers, Greston, Varsola: I still need your claims before the penguins jump in.
Does anyone want to RP Penguins or have anything against Penguins acting as a primitive indigneous tribe?
EDIT: Sorry but it's too much work to fix it for a small little error like that. I guess it's like the demonym Uirian when the correct form is Uir. I'll make a note to myself to use Stoklmolvi in the future.
I'd use Vontanas' map but then I need to completely change the link after the next claim(s) are made while currently I only have to change 1 character for the next map.
If no one else steps up, I could rp the Penguins. That'd be an NS first....
Kiravian Antarctic Posession
The small convoy made landfall in Prydz Bay(Real name), upon the grey shore of sand and pebbles.
Work began immediately. After a short ceremony, the Kiravians moved 70 metres inland, and began constructing their new outpost, Saar-Antarctica. The name meant "Antarctic City" in Coscivian.
The prefabricated buildings, painted in polar camoflauge to blend in with the rock and ice, should the penguins turn out to be hostile, were surrounded by a small defencive wall. The initial population of 57 moved in, took on their supplies, and waved as 2 of the ships departed for the Southern Ocean Colony.
OOC: I'll take everything that is left over, meaning inbetween Stok and Cookes, inbetween Vantian and Cookes, and the Uir and Vantanian claim.
"Right over there, inbetween those colonies." said Julius as he pointed at three different land parts, "Raise the flag on each plot so the troops know where to land, and the once the troops land call the government and have them send a mining crew, and a drilling." "Yes sir." said the hand and he walked out from under the tent and helped raise the flag. Julius walked from under the tent with two fellow expolorers behind him. He walked upon the frozen land and nearly stepped upon a grayish small furball. Julius picked up the furball and examined it. "What is that?" said Jack Ferel, Robert Berg answered him by saying "That is pengiun, it is an avain but cannot fly, it must not have parent, or home, or else we would have seen them." "Well Robert, now it does, my parent wouldn't let me have a dog as a pet, so I am having a pengiun as a pet." and he started petting the pengiuns head.
OOC: Yeah, I know, having a pengiun for a pet could be fun though
OOC: But we need more overlap. Also, the colonies aren't set up yet, the claims are just vaguely marked so it's easy to mistake claimed for unclaimed and Varsola has yet to claim. There is no inbetween Vontania and Cookesland. No penguins-as-pets.
If no one wants to, I'll be RPing the penguins in contact with everyone else while Kirav can if he wants to RP penguins in contact with Uir.
OOC: But we need more overlap. Also, the colonies aren't set up yet, the claims are just vaguely marked so it's easy to mistake claimed for unclaimed and Varsola has yet to claim. There is no inbetween Vontania and Cookesland. No penguins-as-pets.
If no one wants to, I'll be RPing the penguins in contact with everyone else while Kirav can if he wants to RP penguins in contact with Uir.
Sounds great.
Now, if we're going to be über-realist about this, there are different species of Penguins occupying different parts of the continent. Should I make a penguin map?
25-11-2007, 00:52
Cookeslandic Antarctic
near Western Border
10:02 AM
Unidentified ships had been reported heading towards the territory, several ships and troops had been sent to investigate.
A shot was fired across the bow of one of the first ships
"Halt," the soldier radioed "you are entering Cookeslandic Territory. Please state you purpose and country of origin. We do not wish any harm."
Kiravian Antarctica
The homonid inhabitants of the Antarctic Posession had awoken to their first day on this frigid continent. But, being summer at the Poles, the sun was shining as bright as always.
But beyond the walls, a small group of Penguins lurked. Contact was imminent.
Sounds great.
Now, if we're going to be über-realist about this, there are different species of Penguins occupying different parts of the continent. Should I make a penguin map?
OOC: Penguin species will live in different parts and I'll label them on the claims map. This is going to be fun.
Greston will have to redefine his claim or Varsola will have only overlapped territory and it's not fair for some to be overlapped and none at all.
Varsola, some unoverlapped or doesn't matter?
Hypothetical for Greston, if you want expansion, must be attached to the already orange bit.
Map (
Gumibo Bay, Uir Antartica
The two ships had landed in the bay and no sign of other colonization seemed eminent. The outpost was built in a hurry and it would be re-fortified in the morning. The explorers and scientists slept while 25 men rotated shifts with five men guarding the outpost at a time. They had their M16 rifles out in front of them and were prepared to shoot anything that moved. When a shift was done first two men would go in the outpost as two came out and then the remaining three would go in as the three more got out.
The shifts started at 20:00 PIST and lasted 2 hours each. One group did 20 to 22, another 22 to 0, a third 0 to 2, a fourth 2 to 4 and a fifth 4 to 6 before it was time for the explorers and scientists to wake up and start breakfast so the day's activities could begin. The Uir flag flew high and proud outside the outpost, alerting other countries who came near of their presence. The outpost was fairly into the bay so any incoming ship would be treated as enemy.
[OOC: I don't really care what I get, as long as I do get some territory of my own. IC post tomorrow.]
OOC: Penguin species will live in different parts and I'll label them on the claims map. This is going to be fun.
Excellent! I'll make a penguin map for you to transclude onto the main map.
Kartika, Kirav
The Senate and the Emperor had finally decided how the Kiravian Antarctic would be incorporated, at least temporarily. The Kiravian Antarctic Posession would be transferred to the Arvice Dependancy as the Subdivision of Antarctica.
Antarctica Subdivision, Dependancy of Arvice
Upon noticing the visiting penguins, one of the colonists laid a fresh fish in front of them, as a peace offering. Not an Antarctic fish, but a salmon steak from Kirav's rivers. Something tasty, something new, something that would make them trust their humanoid neighbours.
The Northern Baltic
25-11-2007, 01:42
OOC: Sorry to do this, but I just want to point out that my region is in Antarctica, so its kinda crappy having overlapping claims and all.
OOC: >.> There are seperate Earths, right? So why not have this exist on a seperate Earth than your region? If we don't bother you you don't bother us. I hope that is OK because this is really kewl.
Kiravian Penguin Territory
The penguins watched as the figure took out something which had the shaped of food but which was a different colour. The object seemed to be foreign food and when the man stepped forward, the penguins stepped back. The Kiravian laid down the fish as what seemed to be a token towards the penguins. Whether it was peace or war would all depend on the taste and whether any penguin was sick from eating the foreign object.
The penguins rushed like mad towards the fish, each one trying to get its share of the fish, its share of the offering. The penguins filled their beaks and stood back. Pointing their heads upwards they swallowed as much salmon as they could fit in their mouth. None of the bones was a hazard to any of the avians and the object had had a pleasant taste. The flightless birds would take this as an offering of peace for now and retreated to see if any of them would fall ill.
Gun Manufacturers
25-11-2007, 01:49
IC: The President of the ASoGM, Richard Weatherly, called a meeting with the Minister of Defense, Jacob Smithfield, to discuss the Antarctic claim.
RW: "What's the status of our claim of part of the Antarctic continent"
JS: "Well, we've got the claim in, and we are in the process of assembling a team of researchers to go down there. We'll be ready to go in 2-3 weeks"
RW: "That's unacceptable. Our claim is in between to other nation's claims. We need to have a presence down there NOW, in order to secure it so our scientists will be safe. I want a carrier Battlegroup and a battleship Battlegroup dispatched immediately"
JS: "All our Battlegroups are on maneuvers except for two, and those Battlegroups are on 2 weeks leave. Deploying them now will mean canceling their leave prematurely"
RW: "Then so be it. We can offer them some compensatory leave after we have a secure, permanent base down there"
JS: "Understood, sir"
Hours later, carrier Battlegroup Grumman and battleship Battlegroup Steyr, called up from their leave, steamed towards the ASoGM claim to the Antarctic continent. At present speed, they should reach the claim in 3 days (OOC: over 12 hours real time).
25-11-2007, 02:46
The penguins on the shore ran about, making odd noises as they did so. The ship ploughed through a section of the ice and halted. The ship tipped a bit towards the port side, and the explorers were forced to jump out the side, where the penguins awaited menacingly. The explorers aimed their rifles at the penguins, and the penguins, threateningly awaiting them with their ice balls, held their ground.
25-11-2007, 03:29
As the ships landed at the Continent, the Cookes made their presence known. Conveniently, the Ministry of Imperial Affairs had sent a telegram which arrive mere moments before the Cookes message. Governor Sars replied, angered, "We are Vantanian colonists, and this is our land! And you just killed one of our men with that shell! Our government has a message for you!"
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Antarctic Cookesland
From: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
We have noticed a small discrepancy between our two nations claims. So, we suggest a competition to decide who gets the land. Starting at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, there will be a race to the South Pole and back, with eight men and a twelve dog sleigh team. The winner of the race gets the disputed territory. Do you agree?
25-11-2007, 05:01
[OoC: i fail to see how a blank warning shot could kill a man...]
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
From: U.S. Department of State, Cookesland
I most sincerely apologize if indeed a man's life was lost over this incident and I assure you it will not happen again. We do not see the point of having a competition over land that is already ours. If you feel at a shortage of land there is a section of unclaimed land that the Vantanias are more than welcome to settle.Now I please ask you to kindly remove yourselves from Cookeslandic territorial waters.
Best Wishes,
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
25-11-2007, 05:08
[OOC: Awaiting penguin response, and maybe it was propaganda, who knows.]
OOC: No penguins when you set up base. Setup your outpost and then the penguins will come. You can't control where the penguins are and they wouldn't want to fight at first.
I also realized now that Gumibo Bay is filled with an ice shelf. For the RP, let's just say it melts in summer.
Gumibo Bay, Uir Antarctica
The soldiers decided to explore the area while the scientists ran tests to see if the area would be suitable for colonization or just for military operations. Should it be suitable for colonization, Uir citizens from the mountains which divide Uiri into the north rainforest and south desert would be invited to move to Uir Antarctica along with a few more military personnel. Towns would be built all throughout the territory and it would not be taken by anyone other than natives. Should it be only suitable for military operations, a navy base would be built along with an air base and it would be a convienent point from which to launch forces into a conflict in the Atlantic.
Military personnel explored the rest of the territory to see if Uiri's claim could be extended. Not able to go to far, the soldiers mapped out the bay and some of the coast to the West (in the direction of Vontanas' claim) and came back to compare maps made by different soldiers. They all seemed to be about the same and the scientists drew their own map using the soldiers' data. This would give Uir a good idea of the coast. The next step was to determine whether towns were to be built or bases.
Gun Manufacturers
25-11-2007, 17:19
IC: The Battlegroups Grumman and Steyr arrive at the Antarctic claim, and helicopters start to bring out supplies and personnel, to set up a facility. An E-2c Hawkeye is launched from the Carrier in order to keep an eye on things, and alert fighters are prepared in case the natives or their neighbors get any ideas. ASoGM Marines guard Navy personnel while they set up a variety of different sized concrete canvas shelters (OOC: shown here in a configuration suitable for a base of operations and research station. More concrete canvas shelters are erected for the purpose of military quarters. Once all the shelters are hardened, they are further protected by berming them with a thick layer of earth,snow, and ice to protect them from any small arms fire as well as thermally insulate them.
25-11-2007, 19:56
As it turned out, the explorers were getting worked up over nothing. The penguins were only snow that had blown into the shape of penguins by the wind. The explorers, relieved, ran back into the ship and brought out supplies. In a matter of hours, Quonset huts were constructed for all of the explorers while three men stood guard on tall steel turrets.
25-11-2007, 20:14
OOC: Man is slang for pie, blood is slang for paint.
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: U.S. Department of State, Cookesland
From: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
You have Vantanian blood lost because of your attack, and that man will be at the bottom of a freezing sea by now! You either participate in the competition, or we will destroy the land!
25-11-2007, 21:20
[OoC: Ah]
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
From: U.S. Department of State, Cookesland
Your settlers are in no position to be making such threats. Please have them wait patiently to be escorted by a dispatch of Naval vessels to the actual Vantanian Claim. Thank you and have a nice day!
25-11-2007, 23:56
OOC: Not that they'd know that ;)
The ships turned and sailed away to undisputed territory, not waiting for Cookeslandic escorts. They soon arrived in indisputed territory, and proceeded to set up basecamp, to be called Port Frost.
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: U.S. Department of State, Cookesland
From: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
So, we lose a man to you and you get the benifits. This shall not be forgotten, we shall return.
Gumibo Bay Station, Uir Antarctica
"I've figured it out! We will be able to colonize this frozen wasteland afterall. The conditions seem favourable but we will need military bases as well as towns in order to protect our claim. Call the President," the lead scientist burst out.
Oliver did just that, "President?"
"Yes, what is it Gumibo?"
"The colony is suitable for civillians."
"Really? Excellent. What about a Trading Company?"
"We haven't found any natives to trade with sir, but if we do I'll alert you. We'll need some military too, President, there are other nations making claims."
"Do any intrude on our claim?"
"No, not yet," Oliver answered when a call came from outside.
"What was that?" President Aposon inquired.
"I don't know but an soldier is going to check it out...It's a penguin!"
"A penguin?"
"Flightless avian. I think we may have grounds for a trading company."
"What could penguins trade to us?"
"What could we trade them?"
"You want to give guns to wild birds?!"
"We have enough padding that there would be few deaths and we can punish them like Uir citizens. They could use guns against other explorers."
"I don't know..let's try a pilot program and see how it goes from there."
"OK sir, should I come back to home?"
"No, I'll send an ambassador representing the Government of Uiri. He'll bring the charter."
"OK sir."
"Bye Gumibo."
"Goodbye Sir."
The others asked about the conversation, only hearing one end. Gumibo explained to the soldiers and the scientists and the explorers what is going to be happening. In the meantime, they should try to create peace between them and the birds. One of the soldiers left an elephant tuna outside the door of the station and waited to see what the penguin would do and test if they travelled in groups or alone. If they were alone it would take a lot of elephant tuna to statisfy them all.
OOC: First Bump of the thread. I hope the RPing continues...
27-11-2007, 01:30
The explorers just milled about, repairing their Quonset huts if need be, hunting seals and whatnot for food. Meanwhile, a vertical farm was being constructed, and a fusion reactor was carefully being assembled using materials from the ship. The farm was to be powered by fusion, and the farm was to be regulated via internal temperature adjustment systems. The explorers began travelling about the Stoklomolvi claim in armoured cars.
27-11-2007, 02:50
In Polar Colony, prefabricated cities dotted the landscape, domes everywhere. The towns were small, but they all served a purpose, tending to a single farm, or serving as a harbor on the Southern Sea. Given the harsh Antarctic landscape, farms were large, towering high up into the sky, and going into large subterranean caverns. For now, most of the foodstuffs was produced from a booming fishing industry, anything that moved was attacked and eaten. A whale and a few dolphins had wandered down, making a delightful addition to the platters of the aristocrats, along with the additional seals, squids, and cod that were more typical.
27-11-2007, 02:59
[OoC: lol]
Official Diplomatic Telegrams
To: Ministry of Imperial Affairs, Great Vantania
From: U.S. Department of State, Cookesland
You are free to return to Cookeslandic Antarctica any time you wish, as long it is for scientific purposes only, you give us due time to receive you, and have our permission to cross the 90º W line of longitude by land, sea, underground, by air, et alia to the Antarctic circle.
Amicably Yours,
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
Cookeslandic Antarctica
Research Station #4 "Paradise City"
10:44 AM Cookesland Time
More people had arrived to the Stations, armed groups were now patroling larger parts of the territory.
Even though it was summer the lands were still very cold and could not remain out in the cold too long. Even so, an expeditious group of special ops had been send to reach the south pole from in side the territory. It would be a long way by dog sled but this would be the best time.
Cookeslandic Antarctica
Western Border
10:45 CKSLT
Since the incident with the Vantanian the 90º had been watched much more heavily. They had even gone far enough as placing small masts affixed with bright red weather balloons, small flags, and warning signs in 5 languages along a great deal of it. An influx of troops would soon be coming to assit those already there.
Gun Manufacturers
27-11-2007, 05:35
ASoGM military personnel were busy patrolling the ASoGM claim in HMMWVs (with snow chains on the tires), and reports started to come in noting large groups of penguins in the area around the claim. At the edges of the claim, the soldiers also spotted personnel from other nations, working on their claims. Patrolling and making sure the science post/base camp were set up were the only things the military had to do until the scientists came. There were some scientists due to arrive within a week, with the rest of the scientists due to arrive a week or two after that with the Army Corps of Engineers. During one patrol, an HMMWV skidded out of control on the ice, nearly flipped over, and struck a penguin. While one of the soldiers called in the incident over the radio, one of the others said, "Sarge, why the hell are we freezing our butts off protecting a barren, frozen rock?". The sergeant replied with, "Private, someone of your pay grade isn't allowed to ask questions. Just keep an eye out for any trouble".
Gun Manufacturers
27-11-2007, 05:45
To: the leader of Kirav
From: The office of the President, ASoGM
Re: Antarctic scientific research
Whereas our two nations claims are adjacent to each other, would you be interested in a joint scientific exploration of an area at the border of our claims?
27-11-2007, 23:39
On the Western Border
There were defenses everywhere, and flags waved proudly on the border. Machine gun nests were hidden in the ice, and the long barrels of artillery pointed out across the border, donned with flags. A simple wall, at the moment just packed snow, marked the border, and troops patrolled the perimeter faithfully.
Official State Telegram:
To: Cookesland
From: Vantanas
We propose the disputed territory be transferred to serve the purpose of being a DMZ zone.
Pacific Ocean, nowhere imparticular
There were several simple, unnamed ships which contained about 74.4 million Uir citizens. Of those 74.4 million, 1.2 million were employed by the Law&Order Department of Uiri. Moving them required the permission of the Prime Minister of Uiri, Jerog Monikison which David Aposon had gotten. On seperate ships were about 400 250 logistics troops for the 66 000 soldiers, 66 750 pilots and 67 000 seamen which reflected what would normally be found in 5% of the Uir population in terms of military, Law& Order and other.
Citizens would be able to find corporations like any other Uir citizen only it would have to have Uir Antarctica(n) in it's name. For example, the Boots 'R' Us of Uir Antarctica or the Uir Antarctican Oil Hunters. Uir Antarctica would function just like normal Uiri only it would be too cold to stay outside for longer than an hour. The capitol of Uir Antarctica was to be the Gumibo Research Station, to be re-named Gumibori.
Other towns were going to be built as well as various military installments on the farther portions of Continental Uir Antarctica. There were a few islands in Uiri's claim to be named. One was going to be named Edward Forgul Island and that was for certain in memory of the great leader. An airport would also have to be constructed in order to allow easier access to the claim. Foreign airlines would be allowed to fly to that airport and then an Uir pilot would be able to fly a visitor to Uiri International Airport in Gogari.
The colony would have a degree of autonomy in its affairs. The people living there would elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to pass laws effecting only Uir Antarctica. The head of state of Uir Antarctica was to be called Governor and represent the Uir Government in Uir Antarctica and write reports about Uir Antarctica to the President of Uiri. The head of government of Uir Antarctica was to be called Chancellor and to run Uir Antarctica like the Prime Minister of Uiri runs Uiri. Governor of Uir Antarctica was allowed to veto any law passed. Chacellor can appoint
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 20:25
Three scientists arrived at the ASoGM Antarctic claim, and proceeded to get their equipment unpacked. The scientists brought with them thousands of seismic sensors, tools for taking core samples, a 2 meter vertical tunnel boring machine, a portable ground scanning radar, and computers. After they were unpacked and had the computers set up, they set out in an HMMWV with a group of marines each, to plant the seismic sensors and take core ice samples. They happened to notice a large concentration of penguins in the area, and took some pictures for their colleagues back on the mainland.
Back in the ASoGM capital of Garand, President Richard Weatherly decided that the ASoGM antarctic base camp would be renamed Fort Abrams, and the ASoGM antarctic claim would be renamed Aptenodytes (OOC: Aptenodytes is the Genus of the Emperor Penguin).
OOC: Assuming your scientists went near my border, I'll delete this post if they didn't
There was routine patrol of the claim when an MiG-27 noticed a HMMWV approaching the Uir Antarctican Border. He radioed the nearest group of troops in VBLs and asked them to come check it out. Said group of soldiers sped towards the aforementioned location, quickly seeing the foriegn vehicle. They decided to warn at first and attack if the warning wasn't heeded. As long as they didn't cross the border they had done nothing wrong.
"Aten-ton Forener-s, P-lease move away f-rom te bor-der of te colony," the lead soldier said over the speakers.
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 21:40
OOC: Assuming your scientists went near my border, I'll delete this post if they didn't
There was routine patrol of the claim when an MiG-27 noticed a HMMWV approaching the Uir Antarctican Border. He radioed the nearest group of troops in VBLs and asked them to come check it out. Said group of soldiers sped towards the aforementioned location, quickly seeing the foriegn vehicle. They decided to warn at first and attack if the warning wasn't heeded. As long as they didn't cross the border they had done nothing wrong.
"Aten-ton Forener-s, P-lease move away f-rom te bor-der of te colony," the lead soldier said over the speakers.
OOC: Just one group. The other two scientists and their escorts are in other areas of Aptenodytes.
IC: The sergeant radioed the contact into Fort Abrams while the First Lieutenant got on the bullhorn and said, "This is Lieutenant Macpherson. We are on our side of the border, and will make sure not to cross onto your side. We don't want an international incident, we're just planting seismic sensors for scientific purposes".
Meanwhile, on the Grumman, a squadron of fighters were prepped in case they had to launch. Navy Seals were also in a state of readiness, in case the Uirians opened fire on the marines and scientist.
OOC: OK then. What is your country's official language?
"Jus-t so jou know, te bor-der is one hun-d-red fif-ty deg-rees wes-t. Is tat jour bor-der?" Radioed back the Uir Sergeant.
The MiG-27 radioed others so that a fleet of the planes would be ready to bomb the territory should the Manufacturese make a flase move.
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 22:13
OOC: OK then. What is your country's official language?
"Jus-t so jou know, te bor-der is one hun-d-red fif-ty deg-rees wes-t. Is tat jour bor-der?" Radioed back the Uir Sergeant.
The MiG-27 radioed others so that a fleet of the planes would be ready to bomb the territory should the Manufacturese make a flase move.
OOC: English, mostly.
IC: "Yes, 150 degrees is the border. We're 200 meters short of it, so we're fine", responded Lieutenant Macpherson. Then he turned to sergeant and in a low voice asked, "What does Command advise us to do now? Things are tense here, and it could hit the fan real easily". The sergeant responded with, "Command told us to stay cool, and don't do anything that can provoke them. They said that if it does hit the fan, we're to put the pedal to the medal in trying to get out of here, and they'll take care of the rest".
"Jes, we can see tat. We are jus-t p-rotec-tin te bor-der. As lon as jou don-t c-ross it jou are not do-in anytin wron," the Sergeant replied. It was good that the Manufacturese colony didn't overlap the Uir colony but it was kind of hard to know how to handle this whole border thing - Uiri had never had them before so it was a learning experience. One of the privates asked the Sergeant what they were going to do next. The Sergeant's answer was to wait until the Manufacturese left the vicinity. Meanwhile the single MiG-27 flew around in circles about 25 metres short of Manufacturese air space.
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 22:34
"Jes, we can see tat. We are jus-t p-rotec-tin te bor-der. As lon as jou don-t c-ross it jou are not do-in anytin wron," the Sergeant replied. It was good that the Manufacturese colony didn't overlap the Uir colony but it was kind of hard to know how to handle this whole border thing - Uiri had never had them before so it was a learning experience. One of the privates asked the Sergeant what they were going to do next. The Sergeant's answer was to wait until the Manufacturese left the vicinity. Meanwhile the single MiG-27 flew around in circles about 25 metres short of Manufacturese air space.
"That's totally understandable", said Lieutenant Macpherson. To his troops he said, "Sergeant, let's pack things up and get out of here, before something happens. We're done planting the seismic sensors, and we don't want to have an international incident, especially when there's only 4 of us and a scientist in an under-armored HMMWV". When the ASoGM marines were departing, he poked his head out of the turret of the HMMWV and waved to the Uirians. Soon, the border and the Uirians were out of sight.
OOC: It's Uir, not Uirians but whatever.
The HMMWV drove off and one of the soldiers poked out his head to wave at the Uir. A private poked his head out the window and waved back and soon the foreigners were out of sight. It was good to meet foreigners on borders. The Sergeant would go to report this to the Chancellor and Governor. They would know what to do and perhaps a trade of embassies was also in order. Manufacturese seemed nice.
In the air, the pilot watched the foreign vehicle drive off and radioed to call of preparations as they had left the area. This seemed to be the side which the Uir would have to watch as there appeared to be no other colony beyond the other 150º mark. It seemed kind of wierd for a military vehicle to be planting sensors even if there was a scientist or someone similiar in the vehicle.
When the Chancellor and Governor learned of this, they decided to contact the Allied States of Gun Manufacturers to exchange embassies in order to prevent any other kind of incident. The worst case scenario had been eliminated though, as the Manufacturese repected the 150º borders and it would only be a matter of making sure no one crossed the border by mistake. A painted red line to mark the border would normally be suggested but when new snow fell, the line would have to be re-painted and that would be very tedious for soldiers.
TO: The Office of the President, ASoGM
FROM: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
SUBJECT: Embassies & Borders
As you must are soon to be aware of,
One of your HMMWVs and one of my VBLs and a MiG-27 of mine
Met on the border and established the (assumedly) mutually recognized border
The border is at 150º E from 60º S to 90º S
We request that you do not cross this line and we will do the same.
We would also like to open an embassy in your nation
And invite you to do the same in our nation.
Jon Nigeson,
Governor of Uir Antarctica
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 23:09
OOC: It's Uir, not Uirians but whatever.
The HMMWV drove off and one of the soldiers poked out his head to wave at the Uir. A private poked his head out the window and waved back and soon the foreigners were out of sight. It was good to meet foreigners on borders. The Sergeant would go to report this to the Chancellor and Governor. They would know what to do and perhaps a trade of embassies was also in order. Manufacturese seemed nice.
In the air, the pilot watched the foreign vehicle drive off and radioed to call of preparations as they had left the area. This seemed to be the side which the Uir would have to watch as there appeared to be no other colony beyond the other 150º mark. It seemed kind of wierd for a military vehicle to be planting sensors even if there was a scientist or someone similiar in the vehicle.
When the Chancellor and Governor learned of this, they decided to contact the Allied States of Gun Manufacturers to exchange embassies in order to prevent any other kind of incident. The worst case scenario had been eliminated though, as the Manufacturese repected the 150º borders and it would only be a matter of making sure no one crossed the border by mistake. A painted red line to mark the border would normally be suggested but when new snow fell, the line would have to be re-painted and that would be very tedious for soldiers.
TO: The Office of the President, ASoGM
FROM: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
SUBJECT: Embassies & Borders
As you must are soon to be aware of,
One of your HMMWVs and one of my VBLs and a MiG-27 of mine
Met on the border and established the (assumedly) mutually recognized border
The border is at 150º E from 60º S to 90º S
We request that you do not cross this line and we will do the same.
We would also like to open an embassy in your nation
And invite you to do the same in our nation.
Jon Nigeson,
Governor of Uir Antarctica
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
We do respect the border we share in Antarctica, and will not cross it without prior permission from your government. As to your proposal, we would be happy to exchange embassies with your country, seeing as we are now neighbors. Once we have made our selection for the position of Ambassador to your nation, we will notify you and send along his/her dossier.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
We do respect the border we share in Antarctica, and will not cross it without prior permission from your government. As to your proposal, we would be happy to exchange embassies with your country, seeing as we are now neighbors. Once we have made our selection for the position of Ambassador to your nation, we will notify you and send along his/her dossier.
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Re: Embassies & Borders
Duly noted. Will you be wanting an embassy in the colony or the main land? We would prefer an embassy in your colony however if you would prefer it on your main land, we will respect that. We too shall ask permission before crossing the border.
Gun Manufacturers
28-11-2007, 23:25
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Re: Embassies & Borders
Duly noted. Will you be wanting an embassy in the colony or the main land? We would prefer an embassy in your colony however if you would prefer it on your main land, we will respect that. We too shall ask permission before crossing the border.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
In the colonies would be best, I think. It would help to speed up communication between ambassadors and the colonial governments.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
In the colonies would be best, I think. It would help to speed up communication between ambassadors and the colonial governments.
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Re: Embassies & Borders
OK, we shall commence building an embassy for you in Gumibori, the capitol of the colony, immediately. You have our permission to cross the border with military escorts sent by me.
The Chancellor ordered three VBLs to be sent to the border to await the arrival of the ambassador.
To: the leader of Kirav
From: The office of the President, ASoGM
Re: Antarctic scientific research
Whereas our two nations claims are adjacent to each other, would you be interested in a joint scientific exploration of an area at the border of our claims?
We would certainly welcome this joint exploration. The neccessary personnel will arrive in Saar-Antarctica in two weeks.
Saar-Antarctica, Arvice Dependancy
"Reckon they'll like it?", asked Irjean Mountforest, a Kiravian settler.
"Sure they will. And we had it sterilised as well, so if any of them die, we know that someone else is here, besides us.", replied James Vistan, a polar biologist.
As they slowly turned away from the snowdrift that hid the penguins, a dark shape gew in the waters of the bay, a resupply ship.
The Kiro-Antarcticans rushed out of the tiny settlement towards the docks, where they helped unload a payload of food, weapons, scientific equipment, and new colonists.
Saar-Antarctica's population was now 180.
Across the Prince Charles Mountains, a new settlement had begun, Iceblue.
Iceblue was different from Saar-Antarctica. It was smaller, only 4 houses and a few other habitable buildings, and with a different purpose. Iceblue was a commercial port, a repair stop for cruise ships and research vessels visiting Antarctica. With the newly-sprung colonization of the icy(in most parts) continent, the port would also be perfect to cater to the new shipping market.
OOC: Kirav, how's the penguin map coming along?
OOC EDIT: OK, Make sure every claim as atleast one spcies though so that we can all benefit from interaction with penguins.
To Be Edited with RP post.
Very slowly. My access to an (internet connected)computer is becoming quite scarce. However, I can say that Cookesland's claim will have the most diverse population in terms of Penguin species.
Gun Manufacturers
29-11-2007, 15:59
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Re: Embassies & Borders
OK, we shall commence building an embassy for you in Gumibori, the capitol of the colony, immediately. You have our permission to cross the border with military escorts sent by me.
The Chancellor ordered three VBLs to be sent to the border to await the arrival of the ambassador.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
Enclosed: Personnel dossier
Construction will begin on an embassy for your ambassador as well, as soon as our heavy construction equipment arrives sometime this week. We have chosen an Ambassador to your nation, and we are sending the dossier now.
The dossier contained a picture, biography, and personal history of a man named Jeffery Macnamara. He was 38 years old, 5'11", close cut brown hair with streaks of gray in it, had a PhD in Political Science, and was a member of the Presidents Foreign Relations advisory board. He played baseball in college, was a strategy board game player, and loved to play Sudoku.
Gun Manufacturers
29-11-2007, 16:01
We would certainly welcome this joint exploration. The neccessary personnel will arrive in Saar-Antarctica in two weeks.
Saar-Antarctica, Arvice Dependancy
"Reckon they'll like it?", asked Irjean Mountforest, a Kiravian settler.
"Sure they will. And we had it sterilised as well, so if any of them die, we know that someone else is here, besides us.", replied James Vistan, a polar biologist.
As they slowly turned away from the snowdrift that hid the penguins, a dark shape gew in the waters of the bay, a resupply ship.
The Kiro-Antarcticans rushed out of the tiny settlement towards the docks, where they helped unload a payload of food, weapons, scientific equipment, and new colonists.
Saar-Antarctica's population was now 180.
Across the Prince Charles Mountains, a new settlement had begun, Iceblue.
Iceblue was different from Saar-Antarctica. It was smaller, only 4 houses and a few other habitable buildings, and with a different purpose. Iceblue was a commercial port, a repair stop for cruise ships and research vessels visiting Antarctica. With the newly-sprung colonization of the icy(in most parts) continent, the port would also be perfect to cater to the new shipping market.
To: the leader of Kirav
From: The office of the President, ASoGM
Re: Antarctic scientific research
Our scientists will arrive within the week, and will wait for your personnel before exploring our border.
OOC: I'd really like to have at least some Emperor Penguins in my area, if that's possible. :)
Gun Manufacturers
29-11-2007, 16:09
While the ASoGM scientists waited for their colleagues from the mainland, they kept busy for the next few days by using the vertical boring machine to bore 10 holes around central Aptenodytes, to depths of up to 300 meters. Then they were lowered into the holes, and took core ice samples at various depths. Once they had the samples, they brought them back to Fort Abrams, where they stored them for the time being. The 2 meter tunnels that were bored vertically through the ice would fill in with snow and ice eventually.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Embassies & Borders
Enclosed: Personnel dossier
Construction will begin on an embassy for your ambassador as well, as soon as our heavy construction equipment arrives sometime this week. We have chosen an Ambassador to your nation, and we are sending the dossier now.
The dossier contained a picture, biography, and personal history of a man named Jeffery Macnamara. He was 38 years old, 5'11", close cut brown hair with streaks of gray in it, had a PhD in Political Science, and was a member of the Presidents Foreign Relations advisory board. He played baseball in college, was a strategy board game player, and loved to play Sudoku.
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Embassies & Borders
Attached: Uir Personnel Dossier
Your embassy should be complete soon. We have already sent the military escorts and they should be near the border at approximately 70º S, 10 m before the border. Please inform us when we are to send Mr. Huvoti, our chosen ambassador. He speaks fluent English and French and Uir.
The Attached file contained the biography of Ambassador Jäk( long a sound = ä) Huvoti. He studied at University of Uiri and has the equivalent of a Masters' degree in Diplomatic Relations. He is 1.84 m (almost 6'2") and likes paperwork for some unfathomable reason.
The military escorts waited at the border for the ambassador in their VBLs. The cars were idling but the soldiers voted to turn off the engine if the ambassador takes longer than 10 minutes.
To: the leader of Kirav
From: The office of the President, ASoGM
Re: Antarctic scientific research
Our scientists will arrive within the week, and will wait for your personnel before exploring our border.
OOC: I'd really like to have at least some Emperor Penguins in my area, if that's possible. :)
Our scientists have arrived in the outpost of Iceblue,on a bay near the border. Where can we organise a rendevouz?
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2007, 00:06
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Embassies & Borders
Attached: Uir Personnel Dossier
Your embassy should be complete soon. We have already sent the military escorts and they should be near the border at approximately 70º S, 10 m before the border. Please inform us when we are to send Mr. Huvoti, our chosen ambassador. He speaks fluent English and French and Uir.
The Attached file contained the biography of Ambassador Jäk( long a sound = ä) Huvoti. He studied at University of Uiri and has the equivalent of a Masters' degree in Diplomatic Relations. He is 1.84 m (almost 6'2") and likes paperwork for some unfathomable reason.
The military escorts waited at the border for the ambassador in their VBLs. The cars were idling but the soldiers voted to turn off the engine if the ambassador takes longer than 10 minutes.
Doctor Macnamara arrived in Aptenodytes, and was quickly escorted to the rendezvous point. While that was happening, the rest of the scientists, their equipment, the Army Corps of Engineers, the heavy construction equipment, heavy transport vehicles, and supplies arrived from the ASoGM. Construction of an Embassy for the Uiri Ambassador was quickly started at Fort Abrams. Construction of the facility would be quick, due to its design and the use of pre-fabricated modules in the construction.
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2007, 00:09
Our scientists have arrived in the outpost of Iceblue,on a bay near the border. Where can we organise a rendevouz?
Our scientists have arrived from the ASoGM. If you would like, we can send our scientists to the border near your outpost, where they can rendezvous with your scientists.
The military escorts led Ambassador Macnamera to the bay. The vehicles followed the coast of the bay to the other border of Uiri. The distance was atleast 400 kilometres and the trip took four and a half hours. When they had reached the embassy the military personnel got out of their VBLs and informed Dr. Macnamera of his right to carry on his person a concealed handgun and that he has been granted a Diplomatic Visa. An identity card was handed out to the ambassador and Chancellor Jon was informed of Macnamera's safe arrival.
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Ambassador Arrival
I have just been informed that your embassador, Jeffery Macnamera, has arrived safely at the Uir embassy and he is safe. Do you wish for me to send my ambassador and if so, do I have permission to have my ambassador cross the border?
Gun Manufacturers
04-12-2007, 16:24
The military escorts led Ambassador Macnamera to the bay. The vehicles followed the coast of the bay to the other border of Uiri. The distance was atleast 400 kilometres and the trip took four and a half hours. When they had reached the embassy the military personnel got out of their VBLs and informed Dr. Macnamera of his right to carry on his person a concealed handgun and that he has been granted a Diplomatic Visa. An identity card was handed out to the ambassador and Chancellor Jon was informed of Macnamera's safe arrival.
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Ambassador Arrival
I have just been informed that your embassador, Jeffery Macnamera, has arrived safely at the Uir embassy and he is safe. Do you wish for me to send my ambassador and if so, do I have permission to have my ambassador cross the border?
OOC: Sorry about the delays. I've not been feeling great, and due to that, it's been difficult to be creative enough for role-playing the past few days.
To: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
From: The Office of the President, ASoGM
Subject: Ambassador
Your embassy is being completed as I write this. You have permission to send your ambassador and embassy staff across the border, where we will meet them and escort them to the embassy.
A military HMMWV escort was arranged for Ambassador Jäk Huvoti and his staff, and assembled near to the Uiri border.
OOC: 'tis ok
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Ambassador Arrival
I will send Ambassador Jäk right away. Him and his staff which include military guards, will be on the border in VBLs at the same spot as the military escorts used to be. Best of relations to both of us.
The VBLs headed to the border, the military guards were driving. Jäk was doing some more paperwork and this was the perfect oppurtunity for him. Not to mention that embassies would ease any possible international incidents.
Our scientists have arrived from the ASoGM. If you would like, we can send our scientists to the border near your outpost, where they can rendezvous with your scientists.
Excellent. You may ignore the warnings from the transmission stations near the border. We look forward to this operation. Thank you.
Gun Manufacturers
06-12-2007, 17:46
OOC: 'tis ok
To: The Office of the President, ASoGM
From: Chancellor of Uir Antarctica
Subject: Ambassador Arrival
I will send Ambassador Jäk right away. Him and his staff which include military guards, will be on the border in VBLs at the same spot as the military escorts used to be. Best of relations to both of us.
The VBLs headed to the border, the military guards were driving. Jäk was doing some more paperwork and this was the perfect oppurtunity for him. Not to mention that embassies would ease any possible international incidents.
The HMMWVs met the Uiri VBLs at the appointed coordinates, and Ambassador Jäk and his staff were transferred to the ASoGM vehicles. When the HMMWVs arrived back at the new Uiri embassy, the vehicles stopped and the captain in charge of the escort asked, "Sir, I've been told to inform you that there is to be a banquet in your honor tomorrow night, and that the President of ASoGM is flying in to attend. If you need anything between now and then, please feel free to contact me".
Gun Manufacturers
06-12-2007, 18:05
Excellent. You may ignore the warnings from the transmission stations near the border. We look forward to this operation. Thank you.
After some close encounters with large groups of penguins, 12 ASoGM scientists and a 4 soldier security force arrived at the rendezvous site in both HMMWV and Unimog U2450L 6x6 vehicles. With them, they had laptops, digital SLR cameras, ground tremor sensors, ground penetrating radar units, the 2 meter vertical boring machine, and corers (for taking ice core samples). They also carried a variety of GPS units, automated weather station sensors, and binoculars.
The HMMWVs met the Uiri VBLs at the appointed coordinates, and Ambassador Jäk and his staff were transferred to the ASoGM vehicles. When the HMMWVs arrived back at the new Uiri embassy, the vehicles stopped and the captain in charge of the escort asked, "Sir, I've been told to inform you that there is to be a banquet in your honor tomorrow night, and that the President of ASoGM is flying in to attend. If you need anything between now and then, please feel free to contact me".
"Why I would be delighted to attend the banquet. I need to fill out some paper work, who is here, who isn't. Any imported items to be requested. Do you allow imported beer?" Jäk explained to the captain.
07-12-2007, 00:48
For some very odd reason, the explorers encountered absolutely nothing for quite a while. They continued to stay in their Quonset huts, and they continued to feed off of fish, seal, and bread from the vertical farm. An armoured car, loaded with Stoklomolvi explorers, drove off into the centre of the Stoklomolvi claim, only to explode when a massive rock fell from the sky and landed squarely on the roof of the car. Three men were killed.
Gun Manufacturers
09-12-2007, 01:10
"Why I would be delighted to attend the banquet. I need to fill out some paper work, who is here, who isn't. Any imported items to be requested. Do you allow imported beer?" Jäk explained to the captain.
"We don't have a problem with you or your staff importing alcohol here. You may also import any drug you want. If you do though, we would like to ask that you not distribute it outside of your embassy", the Captain replied. "Well Sir, I must be off. Before the banquet, I have to check up on my men that are out in the field, and finish up some important paperwork of my own". With that, he threw a sharp salute, and after holding it for a count of 3, he crisply turned and walked out of the room.
After some close encounters with large groups of penguins, 12 ASoGM scientists and a 4 soldier security force arrived at the rendezvous site in both HMMWV and Unimog U2450L 6x6 vehicles. With them, they had laptops, digital SLR cameras, ground tremor sensors, ground penetrating radar units, the 2 meter vertical boring machine, and corers (for taking ice core samples). They also carried a variety of GPS units, automated weather station sensors, and binoculars.
The 15 Kiravians stood outside of Iceblue's pub, tying their equipment onto dogsleds[I think that's one word.]. THey noticed the appoaching ASoGM scientists, and waved.
Gun Manufacturers
11-12-2007, 03:56
The 15 Kiravians stood outside of Iceblue's pub, tying their equipment onto dogsleds[I think that's one word.]. THey noticed the appoaching ASoGM scientists, and waved.
One of the scientists in the lead HMMWV stuck his arm out through the window, and waved back. Once they stopped at Iceblue's pub, the scientists got out of the vehicles, and the one that had waved said, "Hello there. My name is Dr Phillip Asion. I'm the lead for the ASoGM scientists". He then extended his hand in greeting.
One of the scientists in the lead HMMWV stuck his arm out through the window, and waved back. Once they stopped at Iceblue's pub, the scientists got out of the vehicles, and the one that had waved said, "Hello there. My name is Dr Phillip Asion. I'm the lead for the ASoGM scientists". He then extended his hand in greeting.
The Kiravian took Asion's hand and shook it. "An honour to meet you, sir. I'm Dr. Selkirk Redstream, a geochemist from the Imperial Academy."
12-12-2007, 02:43
Cookeslandic Antarctica Territory
C.A.T. City 4 - "Paradise City"
10:27 AM SST
The Cookeslandic Antarctica Territory was a much livelier place than it had been originally. Where once was icy desert, now were towns and research stations. A thriving Fishing industry located around the territory had also sprung up, as well as larger domes contructed for growing and harvesting grain and other crops.
Now that there was a more sizeable population, the Government thought that lands should have a more proper name for the territory. They set a contest with who could come up with the best name for their home, and why it should be that. With an unknown prize added in...
12-12-2007, 03:01
On the Western Border
There were defenses everywhere, and flags waved proudly on the border. Machine gun nests were hidden in the ice, and the long barrels of artillery pointed out across the border, donned with flags. A simple wall, at the moment just packed snow, marked the border, and troops patrolled the perimeter faithfully.
Official State Telegram:
To: Cookesland
From: Great Vantania
We propose the disputed territory be transferred to serve the purpose of being a DMZ zone.
OOC: Cough, cough.
12-12-2007, 03:17
For some very odd reason, the explorers encountered absolutely nothing for quite a while. They continued to stay in their Quonset huts, and they continued to feed off of fish, seal, and bread from the vertical farm. An armoured car, loaded with Stoklomolvi explorers, drove off into the centre of the Stoklomolvi claim, only to explode when a massive rock fell from the sky and landed squarely on the roof of the car. Three men were killed.
[OOC: Cough cough too.]
Gun Manufacturers
12-12-2007, 20:56
The Kiravian took Asion's hand and shook it. "An honour to meet you, sir. I'm Dr. Selkirk Redstream, a geochemist from the Imperial Academy."
"It's an honor to meet you too, Dr Redstream", said Asion. Asion introduced the rest of the scientists, and then described what equipment the ASoGM scientists brought.
"It's an honor to meet you too, Dr Redstream", said Asion. Asion introduced the rest of the scientists, and then described what equipment the ASoGM scientists brought.
"An inscurdrail," he said in Coscivian, "A core-sampler. Excellent! This will be of much help. Dr. Burntpine over there, our climatologist, will be overjoyed."
Kiravian Antarctica
With Saar-Antarctica's success, the colony had begun to grow. 2 new settlements, Snowstone and Særonia, had been built on te coast. McIntyre Research Station had been built in the interior. The Age of Expansion was coming to a new height. Kiravic civilization was growing, and becoming greater than ever before.
THe total population of Kiravian Antarctica is now 1,475 humans, 700 cetacheans, and an unknown number of penguins.
Gun Manufacturers
15-12-2007, 01:51
"An inscurdrail," he said in Coscivian, "A core-sampler. Excellent! This will be of much help. Dr. Burntpine over there, our climatologist, will be overjoyed."
Kiravian Antarctica
With Saar-Antarctica's success, the colony had begun to grow. 2 new settlements, Snowstone and Særonia, had been built on te coast. McIntyre Research Station had been built in the interior. The Age of Expansion was coming to a new height. Kiravic civilization was growing, and becoming greater than ever before.
THe total population of Kiravian Antarctica is now 1,475 humans, 700 cetacheans, and an unknown number of penguins.
As the ASoGM scientists prepared to leave with the Kiravian scientists, Dr Asion asked Dr Redstream, "Where did you want to explore first? And what equipment were you bringing?"
"Well," he said, unfurling a topographic map, "The border between both of our nations' claims crosses a large basin that stretches deep into the interior. The minerologists thought that that basin, or the ridges around it, might hold deposits of minerals swept into it by erosion before the ice sheet formed. We're talking some pretty old, likely ore-rich rocks here."
[Equipment listing to come]
OOC: The penguin map is almost done, guys! I just need to make the claim boundaries on it.
Gun Manufacturers
15-12-2007, 03:03
"Well," he said, unfurling a topographic map, "The border between both of our nations' claims crosses a large basin that stretches deep into the interior. The minerologists thought that that basin, or the ridges around it, might hold deposits of minerals swept into it by erosion before the ice sheet formed. We're talking some pretty old, likely ore-rich rocks here."
[Equipment listing to come]
OOC: The penguin map is almost done, guys! I just need to make the claim boundaries on it.
"Sounds like a good a place to start as any, in my opinion", replied Asion.
OOC: Do I have emperor penguins in my claim?
OOC: You do have large populations in the Easternmost portion of your claim, but mixed with a minority of Adelies.
"Splendid. Once Burntpine is finished packing the gas chamber...Oh! No, not that kind of gas chamber. He uses it ( to anaylyze the composition of gas bubbles in the ice. It can give us information about the climate at the time of the ice freezing. We can also check for the amounts of mineral vapours in the bubbles to tell us about what kind of sediment and elements are present in the area."
Here's the map:
Note: It'd be quite confsing to make hatcheurs, overlapping chloropleths, and icons for smaller species. Cookesland's and Stoklomolvi's claims will have a greater diversity of species which I shall list for them shortly.
As for, Uiri, ASoGM, and myself, the species on the map are likely to be your sole dominant species for most of the year. However, there are a few smaller species, as well as seasonal migrants from the Subantarctic islands and Southern Africa.
15-12-2007, 03:56
The Vantanians were doing something. Massive amounts of supplies were hauled to and fro from the only real port in Polar Colony, Port Coca-Cola. Infrastructure had been built, a monorail system that connected Port Coca-Cola to the South Pole, were Fort Australis had been built on the borders with all other Antarctican colonies.
The shadows of other cities were starting to develop, but mostly all work was focused on a single site, Solar Station Alpha.
Solar Station Alpha
The worksites surrounded the construction site, where a titanic satellite was being built, with one purpose: To melt the ice of Antarctica to get to the coal and oil below. As of now, only the bare skeletal structure was built, and breaks in the work were frequent due to poor weather, but progress was being made. Within a year or so, the construction would be completed.Once construction was complete, the satellite would then be launched into space, where the massive laser it would be equipped with would do it's deadly work on Antarctica. The idea had even popped into the heads of the Vantanians to use it to move for total conquest of the continent.
As for where the excess water would go, the Vantanians had been working on that too. On the coldest day of the year, the machine would be activated, making sweeping arcs across the continent, leaving the Vantanians to harvest the precious coal and oil. With the Antarctic weather being what it was, the water would soon freeze and a new arc could be made. In other words, there would be no Biblical Floods. No melting of Antarctica or Canada, despite the idea being entertained by various comics as a way to flood the Australians.
Lord Ëvyrsen pointed out Kiravian Antarctica on a map of the icy landmass.
"Ladies and Gentlmen, the area inside this angle," he said, pointing out the borderlines between the Stoklomolvi and ASoGM claims, "Is our piece of the bottom of the world. As of now, a little over a thousand people live there, in four settlements, as a department of the Arvice Dependancy. It seems like a worthless lump of rock and ice, but 'tis not."
The digital map rotated and zoomed in on the coasts. "Besides Ísdethuv Sinuv[Ice-Shelf Bay, the large indent in my coastline], where our first city of Saar-Antarctica was built, we have five major nautral harbours, and numerous small coastal indentations that are perfect for shipping. A co-operative expedition with the Associated States of Gun Manufacturers and a solely Imperial expedition in the Western half of the territory are searching for the deposits of iron, ferroalloys, manganese, and oil found by a Soviet expedition in the 1970's of the conventional calendar. Our scientific think-tank in the Antarctic Ocean Colony has deemed that the coastal sands have industrial value. Also, there are thousands of Adélie penguins, and seasonal migrants from the Southern Ocean Islands that could be allied with, to help populate the interior. This land has potential. And that, my dear colleagues, is why I ask you to charter it as a Colony. With a true colonial government, Antarctica can become a new part of our civilization"
The Senators and Imperial officers that he was addressing eventually agreed to try to include the Chartering of Antarctica into the draft of the Antarctica Act.
15-12-2007, 21:25
[OOC: Very nice map, Kirav!]
The colony, which uneventfully continued to develop, had now completed two apartment structures and had built up another vertical farming complex. Several species of penguin were spotted by the observers, and the penguins, appearing to be sentient, were approached by four men in an armoured car.
OOC: Thanks.
The penguins were somewhat alarmed by the armoured car, but, out of curiosity, backed off only a little, perplexed by this strange creature.
15-12-2007, 21:51
OOC: So, what penguins are represented by the colors on the map?
OOC: So, what penguins are represented by the colors on the map?
Shoot. Sorry about that! I noticed that I hadn't put a key, so I edited one in, and saved it just as my internet disconnected. It does it every night at around 9:50.
Red = Adélie dominant
Yellow= Emperor dominant
Orange= Mixed Emperor-Adélie
Teal= Chinstrap plurality, diverse population.
Olive= Completely mixed.
28-12-2007, 18:39
Official State Telegram:
To: Cookesland
From: Vantanas
We propose the disputed territory be transferred to serve the purpose of being a DMZ zone.
Official State Telegram
To: Great Vantania
From: Cookesland
We shall consider easing tensions on the our border, if you are willing to do the same
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
J. John Deison
Governor of Cookeslandic Antarctica
The Kiro-Antarctic population was now 3,420. But, pending the Antarctic Act to charter Antarctica as a colony, Kiravian citizens would have no political freedoms in the Antarctic Dependancy.
28-12-2007, 18:50
[OoC: Nice Penguin map, Kirav. What do the types of penguins do anyways?
more IC coming soon
[OoC: Nice Penguin map, Kirav. What do the types of penguins do anyways?
more IC coming soon
Thanks. Mostly different ways that you'll interact with them, and different times of year that they'll actually be there. Also, if you choose to integrate them into your colony, you wouldn't want pygmy penguins as mine labourers, and such.
Red = Adélie dominant
Yellow= Emperor dominant
Orange= Mixed Emperor-Adélie
Teal= Chinstrap plurality, diverse population.
Olive= Completely mixed.
OOC: Do I have Emperor-Adelie mixed or Adelie dominant?
28-12-2007, 20:36
[OoC: Second question, are the Penguins sapient?]
[OoC: Second question, are the Penguins sapient?]
OOC: Yes, that has been established by me and was the whole point of introducing the penguins as natives.
OOC: Do I have Emperor-Adelie mixed or Adelie dominant?
Mostly the former with a slight sliver of the latter.
Mostly the former with a slight sliver of the latter.
Thank you. What time of year do they come out etc.? Is it the same basically as RL? Any special species I should know about?
Thank you. What time of year do they come out etc.? Is it the same basically as RL? Any special species I should know about?
Adélies will be on Antarctica year round, but spend their winters on the ice packs, and their summers on the rocky coastline.
It should be roughly like RL, except [besides being sophant]for the fact that, for the purposes of using the penguins as aids in colonisation, there should be some form of penguin habitation in the interior.
I'll get back to you with a list of any special species.
Adélies will be on Antarctica year round, but spend their winters on the ice packs, and their summers on the rocky coastline.
It should be roughly like RL, except [besides being sophant]for the fact that, for the purposes of using the penguins as aids in colonisation, there should be some form of penguin habitation in the interior.
I'll get back to you with a list of any special species.
OK, thank you. I appreciate your time and effort. I will be very active around next week and so we might be able to get this active again. I agree that they would be habitat in the interior in order to avoid prior discovery of their sentience.
I take it Emperor have the schedule as shown in "March of the Penguins*"?
*Really excellent movie
OK, thank you. I appreciate your time and effort. I will be very active around next week and so we might be able to get this active again. I agree that they would be habitat in the interior in order to avoid prior discovery of their sentience.
I take it Emperor have the schedule as shown in "March of the Penguins*"?
*Really excellent movie
1. You're quite welcome, and that shall be quite enjoyable.
2. Yes, they do.
3. VERY GOOD movie. I liked it much. It was quite well done.
29-12-2007, 02:57
Due to wartime pressures, Solar Station Alpha was scrapped and the metals were sent to Vantanas to be converted for the war effort. However, that was not to say that the Vantanians were giving up on oil. No, not ever. Instead, drills were brought to Antarctica, and oil was sucked up the conventional way. Repeated scans had found that the oil was largely in a sort of sea of oil below the ice, and it was here that the drills penetrated and started sucking up the oil liky a straw.
Meanwhile, biodomes were being set up all across Lower Polar Colony to settle the inhospitable. Other then oil, the Vantanians were now also finding and harvesting minerals. The most prominent find was a deposit of coal near the coast, although supplies of iron, nickel, and copper were also found.
Penguins soon ventured to the Lower Polar Colony, and it was found that they were sentient. Optimistic, the Vantanians began establishing relations with them, and granted them partial citizenship. Lower Polar Colony now had an effective spy department to use on the rest of the Continent.
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Cookesland
From: Great Vantania
We agree to our lower military presence on the border. War on such a continent as Antarctica, which has never had the misfortune of hosting a war, would be most undesirable. We propose a meeting at Biodome Jones to resolve the partioning of the disputed territory once and for all. We hope you accept.
29-12-2007, 07:11
OOC: Yes, that has been established by me and was the whole point of introducing the penguins as natives.
[OoC: just asking...]
Official State Telegram[/B]
[I]To: Great Vantania
From: Cookesland
We thank you or this offer, but we must decline. While we agree to disarm the border of our two respective territorys, we will not alter it. The 90° W line will remain the border and we will not partition it. Now, with that being said we wish no harm or malice towards Great Vantania or it's peoples. The last thing we want to bring to Antarctica is troubles. Thank you and best wishes to you and your territory
U.S. State Department
Gun Manufacturers
06-01-2008, 18:52
OOC: Sorry, I thought this RP died.
IC: Aptenodytes started seeing more activity, as cargo ships arrived with materials and equipment. A permanent harbor was created, and more construction vehicles were offloaded. A mineral and oil processing plant would be built soon, so that any natural resources found could be processed. A town that would hold the plant's workers was constructed, and communal greenhouse farms were built.
A third settlement, Icebay, was built at the western headlands of Kiro-Antarctica's largest bay. Though still small, numbers of ships making por at the three coastal settlements was increasing.
Gun Manufacturers
09-01-2008, 04:25
Many of the people in coastal Aptenodytes had run-ins with the local penguin population while moving supplies and equipment from the harbor. Incidents from penguins blocking the road to penguins swarming and encircling individuals. Nothing serious had happened yet, but the administrator of Aptenodytes would soon have to consider culling some of the penguin population in order to avoid becoming infested with them.
In the ASoGM Ministry building, the subject was brought up of Aptenodytes becoming a colony of the ASoGM, instead of just a research station. There was nothing resolved from the discussion, as the subject was tabled until more information could be gathered.
Many of the people in coastal Aptenodytes had run-ins with the local penguin population while moving supplies and equipment from the harbor. Incidents from penguins blocking the road to penguins swarming and encircling individuals. Nothing serious had happened yet, but the administrator of Aptenodytes would soon have to consider culling some of the penguin population in order to avoid becoming infested with them.
In the ASoGM Ministry building, the subject was brought up of Aptenodytes becoming a colony of the ASoGM, instead of just a research station. There was nothing resolved from the discussion, as the subject was tabled until more information could be gathered.
Humans again?
The strange tall things had come before, but never stayed. Why did they stay now? Strange.
The penguins wne into the place with the strange rectangular objects that the Humans lived in. They walked in front of the strange, rumbling creatures that the Humans stayed inside sometimes. They even went up close to investigate the Humans. The Humans weren't happy.
What were they here for? Had they come to lay their eggs?
These newcomers left the penguin population quite perplexed.
Gun Manufacturers
13-01-2008, 04:44
Humans again?
The strange tall things had come before, but never stayed. Why did they stay now? Strange.
The penguins wne into the place with the strange rectangular objects that the Humans lived in. They walked in front of the strange, rumbling creatures that the Humans stayed inside sometimes. They even went up close to investigate the Humans. The Humans weren't happy.
What were they here for? Had they come to lay their eggs?
These newcomers left the penguin population quite perplexed.
The people in Aptenodytes were having constant run-ins with the penguins now. They seemed to be everywhere, and the military commander in Aptenodytes made the decision to scare off the penguins. He took an M-870 marine magnum shotgun loaded with 3 1/2 inch magnum shot, and fired it into the ground. Cycling the weapon, he fired again.
13-01-2008, 06:20
[OOC: Nothing happens to me...ever...]
Two armoured cars loaded with four exploration teams drove towards the east...
(OOC: Looks like everyone who actually made a claim is sticking to the RP. Anyone you want to invite to the RP, go ahead.)
The colony was bustling, relations with the ASoGM were great. The embassy exchange had gone well and it was no surprise that the settlements had been growing. If/When penguins visited, they would be fed some fish; free of charge. There was no way to tell if they were intelligent or not although some studied their behaviour. They seemed intelligent enough but there was no way to communicate with them.
13-01-2008, 15:37
Cookeslandic Antarctica Territory
The chilly territory was now a fairly well off place, instead of the barren land it had been only a short time before. It had soon been discovered that the territory was inhabited by native previously unknown to the Cookeslanders...Penguins
These Penguinoids lifeforms were fairly friendly to the people of the colony, these were sapient creatures...and spoke their own language. There still was no way to communicate between the Cookeslanders and the natives. Like Cookesland itself, C.A.T had a very diverse population of these penguins.
Back in Cookesland the "Penguin Question" became one of major concern in the national politics
Gun Manufacturers
15-01-2008, 07:03
Construction in Aptenodytes continued, while debate about whether Aptenodytes would become a full fledged colony of the ASoGM raged on in the Ministry building. The matter would come up to a vote soon, and if Aptenodytes did become a colony, the pace of construction would really pick up.
The major thing halting the Antarctica Act in the Senate was the lack of development, and questions over what to do with the penguins. The Kiravian science teams had already established their sentience, but the problem remained upon how they would be incorporated into the Empire. Would they be citizens? If so, on what level? Or would they just be Metics or Nationals? Could they have their own militias?
Meanwhile, the 3,000 or so homonid Antarcticans were making progress. While their settlements still remained mere outposts, their use as a stop for trading ships.
Gun Manufacturers
24-01-2008, 06:37
The ASoGM national Ministry has ruled that Aptenodytes, which previously had the status of a research station, would be provisionally granted the status of a territory of the ASoGM, with rights and responsibilities due its newfound status. The people in Aptenodytes were ordered to hold general elections for a governmental body as soon as possible. On the construction front, a large area in the northern area of the city was to excavated, in order to create a water desalinization plant and freshwater storage facility. Cladding that was to be used for the water storage tanks was made by using explosion welding to bond high carbon steel between layers of stainless steel. A school was created that could serve both children and adults, and a permanent airport was slated to begin construction soon. The airport, when complete, would service both civilian air traffic and a Defense Reserve air wing. On the penguin front, people had begun killing penguins with some frequency, as the penguins were constantly encroaching on the city and research areas. Many of the inhabitants of Aptenodytes found the taste of penguin wonderful, so at least the penguins that were killed weren't going to waste.