A Crescent Moon Rising OOC Thread
21-11-2007, 20:11
This is the OOC thread for A Crescent Moon rising. The plan is for an Islamic State in the East to be created, and it'll be a violent revolution, similar to the Iranian one, in the fact that the revolutionaries will storm an embassy and take hostages.
I think I may be involved, in a covert infiltration and destruction campaign of the jihadists: Operation Half Moon.
I shall be using a 4-man team from the Gaea Project to acheive this, and wonder if Calzoristan would allow such operatives to operate in your nation.
Lord Sumguy
21-11-2007, 20:31
OOC: would this split perhaps be prevented through outside intervention? You can have some AL recruitment centers or missionary outposts be stormed if you wish, as they would definitely be against any theocratic government.
21-11-2007, 20:43
I think I may be involved, in a covert infiltration and destruction campaign of the jihadists: Operation Half Moon.
I shall be using a 4-man team from the Gaea Project to acheive this, and wonder if Calzoristan would allow such operatives to operate in your nation.
Alfegos, you are allowed to use your 4 man team, and Operation Half Moon sounds like a good idea.
OOC: would this split perhaps be prevented through outside intervention? You can have some AL recruitment centers or missionary outposts be stormed if you wish, as they would definitely be against any theocratic government.
It could be prevented with outside intervention, yes.. I am thinking that the first battle will be the storming of an AL recruitment center in downtown Balboa City, where there is little policing around..
Lord Sumguy
21-11-2007, 21:03
good with me.
The Royal-Union
21-11-2007, 21:08
I would like to join. If I could, I would support the Revolution and the creation of this new Islamic State.
the way you made the IC post made it impossible to intervien, but you can storm my embassy, then I can make a government position and join. So yea, let the, storm my embassy, if you want they can hold hostages in my airport.
Stole my thread much? (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=536969&highlight=Naasha)
Lord Sumguy
24-11-2007, 23:03
A most righteous bump indeed! Waiting for you to start the attack Cali.
25-11-2007, 21:36
OOC: I will post in the IC thread the storming of the Greston Embassy, in a little bit. Meanwhile, someone can IC post bystanders, have them hear noises or something like that.. Sorry for the delay, I was on Thanksgiving break..